Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/application.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/application.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/application.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,3064 +1,3076 @@ * The class encapsulates the main run-cycle of the script, provide access to all other objects in the framework.
* The class is a singleton, which means that there could be only one instance of kApplication in the script.
* This could be guaranteed by NOT calling the class constructor directly, but rather calling kApplication::Instance() method, * which returns an instance of the application. The method guarantees that it will return exactly the same instance for any call.
* See singleton pattern by GOF. */ class kApplication implements kiCacheable { /** * Location of module helper class (used in installator too) */ const MODULE_HELPER_PATH = '/../units/helpers/modules_helper.php'; /** * Is true, when Init method was called already, prevents double initialization * * @var bool */ public $InitDone = false; /** * Holds internal NParser object * * @var NParser * @access public */ public $Parser; /** * Holds parser output buffer * * @var string * @access protected */ protected $HTML = ''; /** * The main Factory used to create * almost any class of kernel and * modules * * @var kFactory * @access protected */ protected $Factory; /** * Template names, that will be used instead of regular templates * * @var Array * @access public */ public $ReplacementTemplates = Array (); /** * Registered routers, that are used during url building and parsing. * * @var array */ public $routers = array(); /** * Reference to debugger * * @var Debugger * @access public */ public $Debugger = null; /** * Holds all phrases used * in code and template * * @var kPhraseCache * @access public */ public $Phrases; /** * Modules table content, key - module name * * @var Array * @access public */ public $ModuleInfo = Array (); /** * Holds DBConnection * * @var IDBConnection * @access public */ public $Conn = null; /** * Reference to event log * * @var Array|kLogger * @access public */ protected $_logger = Array (); // performance needs: /** * Holds a reference to httpquery * * @var kHttpQuery * @access public */ public $HttpQuery = null; /** * Holds a reference to UnitConfigReader * * @var kUnitConfigReader * @access public */ public $UnitConfigReader = null; /** * Holds a reference to Session * * @var Session * @access public */ public $Session = null; /** * Holds a ref to kEventManager * * @var kEventManager * @access public */ public $EventManager = null; /** * Holds a ref to kUrlManager * * @var kUrlManager * @access public */ public $UrlManager = null; /** * Ref for TemplatesCache * * @var TemplatesCache * @access public */ public $TemplatesCache = null; /** * Holds current NParser tag while parsing, can be used in error messages to display template file and line * * @var _BlockTag * @access public */ public $CurrentNTag = null; /** * Object of unit caching class * * @var kCacheManager * @access public */ public $cacheManager = null; /** * Tells, that administrator has authenticated in administrative console * Should be used to manipulate data change OR data restrictions! * * @var bool * @access public */ public $isAdminUser = false; /** * Tells, that admin version of "index.php" was used, nothing more! * Should be used to manipulate data display! * * @var bool * @access public */ public $isAdmin = false; /** * Instance of site domain object * * @var kDBItem * @access public * @todo move away into separate module */ public $siteDomain = null; /** * Prevent kApplication class to be created directly, only via Instance method * * @access private */ private function __construct() { } final private function __clone() {} /** * Returns kApplication instance anywhere in the script. * * This method should be used to get single kApplication object instance anywhere in the * Kernel-based application. The method is guaranteed to return the SAME instance of kApplication. * Anywhere in the script you could write: * * $application =& kApplication::Instance(); * * or in an object: * * $this->Application =& kApplication::Instance(); * * to get the instance of kApplication. Note that we call the Instance method as STATIC - directly from the class. * To use descendant of standard kApplication class in your project you would need to define APPLICATION_CLASS constant * BEFORE calling kApplication::Instance() for the first time. If APPLICATION_CLASS is not defined the method would * create and return default KernelApplication instance. * * Pattern: Singleton * * @static * @return kApplication * @access public */ public static function &Instance() { static $instance = false; if ( !$instance ) { $class = defined('APPLICATION_CLASS') ? APPLICATION_CLASS : 'kApplication'; $instance = new $class(); } return $instance; } /** * Initializes the Application * * @param string $factory_class * @return bool Was Init actually made now or before * @access public * @see kHTTPQuery * @see Session * @see TemplatesCache */ public function Init($factory_class = 'kFactory') { if ( $this->InitDone ) { return false; } if ( preg_match('/utf-8/i', CHARSET) ) { setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8'); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); } $this->isAdmin = kUtil::constOn('ADMIN'); if ( !kUtil::constOn('SKIP_OUT_COMPRESSION') ) { ob_start(); // collect any output from method (other then tags) into buffer } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() && kUtil::constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY') ) { $this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Init:'); } $this->_logger = new kLogger($this->_logger); $this->Factory = new $factory_class(); $this->registerDefaultClasses(); $system_config = new kSystemConfig(true); $vars = $system_config->getData(); $db_class = isset($vars['Databases']) ? 'kDBLoadBalancer' : ($this->isDebugMode() ? 'kDBConnectionDebug' : 'kDBConnection'); $this->Conn = $this->Factory->makeClass($db_class, Array (SQL_TYPE, Array ($this->_logger, 'handleSQLError'))); $this->Conn->setup($vars); $this->cacheManager = $this->makeClass('kCacheManager'); $this->cacheManager->InitCache(); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Before UnitConfigReader'); } // init config reader and all managers $this->UnitConfigReader = $this->makeClass('kUnitConfigReader'); $this->UnitConfigReader->scanModules(MODULES_PATH); // Will also set routers. $this->registerModuleConstants(); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('After UnitConfigReader'); } define('MOD_REWRITE', $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewrite') && !$this->isAdmin ? 1 : 0); // start processing request $this->HttpQuery = $this->recallObject('kHTTPQuery'); $this->HttpQuery->process(); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed HTTPQuery initial'); } $this->Session = $this->recallObject('Session'); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed Session'); } $this->Session->ValidateExpired(); // needs mod_rewrite url already parsed to keep user at proper template after session expiration if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed HTTPQuery AfterInit'); } $this->cacheManager->LoadApplicationCache(); $site_timezone = $this->ConfigValue('Config_Site_Time'); if ( $site_timezone ) { date_default_timezone_set($site_timezone); } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Loaded cache and phrases'); } $this->ValidateLogin(); // must be called before AfterConfigRead, because current user should be available there $this->UnitConfigReader->AfterConfigRead(); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed AfterConfigRead'); } if ( $this->GetVar('m_cat_id') === false ) { $this->SetVar('m_cat_id', 0); } if ( !$this->RecallVar('curr_iso') ) { $this->StoreVar('curr_iso', $this->GetPrimaryCurrency(), true); // true for optional } $visit_id = $this->RecallVar('visit_id'); if ( $visit_id !== false ) { $this->SetVar('visits_id', $visit_id); } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->profileFinish('kernel4_startup'); } $this->InitDone = true; $this->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnStartup')); return true; } /** * Performs initialization of manager classes, that can be overridden from unit configs * * @return void * @access public * @throws Exception */ public function InitManagers() { if ( $this->InitDone ) { throw new Exception('Duplicate call of ' . __METHOD__, E_USER_ERROR); } $this->UrlManager = $this->makeClass('kUrlManager'); $this->EventManager = $this->makeClass('kEventManager'); $this->Phrases = $this->makeClass('kPhraseCache'); $this->RegisterDefaultBuildEvents(); } /** * Returns module information. Searches module by requested field * * @param string $field * @param mixed $value * @param string $return_field field value to returns, if not specified, then return all fields * @return Array */ public function findModule($field, $value, $return_field = null) { $found = $module_info = false; foreach ($this->ModuleInfo as $module_info) { if ( strtolower($module_info[$field]) == strtolower($value) ) { $found = true; break; } } if ( $found ) { return isset($return_field) ? $module_info[$return_field] : $module_info; } return false; } /** * Refreshes information about loaded modules * * @return void * @access public */ public function refreshModuleInfo() { if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL && !$this->TableFound('Modules', true) ) { $this->registerModuleConstants(); $this->Factory->configureAutoloader(); return; } // use makeClass over recallObject, since used before kApplication initialization during installation $modules_helper = $this->makeClass('kModulesHelper'); /* @var $modules_helper kModulesHelper */ $this->Conn->nextQueryCachable = true; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Modules WHERE ' . $modules_helper->getWhereClause() . ' ORDER BY LoadOrder'; $this->ModuleInfo = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'Name'); $this->registerModuleConstants(); $this->Factory->configureAutoloader(); } /** * Checks if passed language id if valid and sets it to primary otherwise * * @return void * @access public */ public function VerifyLanguageId() { /** @var LanguagesItem $lang */ $lang = $this->recallObject('lang.current'); if ( !$lang->isLoaded() || (!$this->isAdmin && !$lang->GetDBField('Enabled')) ) { if ( !defined('IS_INSTALL') ) { $this->ApplicationDie('Unknown or disabled language'); } } } /** * Checks if passed theme id if valid and sets it to primary otherwise * * @return void * @access public */ public function VerifyThemeId() { if ( $this->isAdmin ) { kUtil::safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', '/core/admin_templates'); return; } $path = $this->GetFrontThemePath(); if ( $path === false ) { $this->ApplicationDie('No Primary Theme Selected or Current Theme is Unknown or Disabled'); } kUtil::safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', $path); } /** * Returns relative path to current front-end theme * * @param bool $force * @return string * @access public */ public function GetFrontThemePath($force = false) { static $path = null; if ( !$force && isset($path) ) { return $path; } /** @var ThemeItem $theme */ $theme = $this->recallObject('theme.current'); if ( !$theme->isLoaded() || !$theme->GetDBField('Enabled') ) { return false; } // assign & then return, since it's static variable $path = '/themes/' . $theme->GetDBField('Name'); return $path; } /** * Returns primary front/admin language id * * @param bool $init * @return int * @access public */ public function GetDefaultLanguageId($init = false) { $cache_key = 'primary_language_info[%LangSerial%]'; $language_info = $this->getCache($cache_key); if ( $language_info === false ) { // cache primary language info first $language_config = $this->getUnitConfig('lang'); $table = $language_config->getTableName(); $id_field = $language_config->getIDField(); $this->Conn->nextQueryCachable = true; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $id_field . ', IF(AdminInterfaceLang, "Admin", "Front") AS LanguageKey FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE (AdminInterfaceLang = 1 OR PrimaryLang = 1) AND (Enabled = 1)'; $language_info = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'LanguageKey'); if ( $language_info !== false ) { $this->setCache($cache_key, $language_info); } } $language_key = ($this->isAdmin && $init) || count($language_info) == 1 ? 'Admin' : 'Front'; if ( array_key_exists($language_key, $language_info) && $language_info[$language_key] > 0 ) { // get from cache return $language_info[$language_key]; } $language_id = $language_info && array_key_exists($language_key, $language_info) ? $language_info[$language_key] : false; if ( !$language_id && defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL ) { $language_id = 1; } return $language_id; } /** * Returns front-end primary theme id (even, when called from admin console) * * @param bool $force_front * @return int * @access public */ public function GetDefaultThemeId($force_front = false) { static $theme_id = 0; if ( $theme_id > 0 ) { return $theme_id; } if ( kUtil::constOn('DBG_FORCE_THEME') ) { $theme_id = DBG_FORCE_THEME; } elseif ( !$force_front && $this->isAdmin ) { $theme_id = 999; } else { $cache_key = 'primary_theme[%ThemeSerial%]'; $theme_id = $this->getCache($cache_key); if ( $theme_id === false ) { $this->Conn->nextQueryCachable = true; $theme_config = $this->getUnitConfig('theme'); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $theme_config->getIDField() . ' FROM ' . $theme_config->getTableName() . ' WHERE (PrimaryTheme = 1) AND (Enabled = 1)'; $theme_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); if ( $theme_id !== false ) { $this->setCache($cache_key, $theme_id); } } } return $theme_id; } /** * Returns site primary currency ISO code * * @return string * @access public * @todo Move into In-Commerce */ public function GetPrimaryCurrency() { $cache_key = 'primary_currency[%CurrSerial%][%SiteDomainSerial%]:' . $this->siteDomainField('DomainId'); $currency_iso = $this->getCache($cache_key); if ( $currency_iso === false ) { if ( $this->prefixRegistred('curr') ) { $this->Conn->nextQueryCachable = true; $currency_id = $this->siteDomainField('PrimaryCurrencyId'); $sql = 'SELECT ISO FROM ' . $this->getUnitConfig('curr')->getTableName() . ' WHERE ' . ($currency_id > 0 ? 'CurrencyId = ' . $currency_id : 'IsPrimary = 1'); $currency_iso = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); } else { $currency_iso = 'USD'; } $this->setCache($cache_key, $currency_iso); } return $currency_iso; } /** * Returns site domain field. When none of site domains are found false is returned. * * @param string $field * @param bool $formatted * @param string $format * @return mixed * @todo Move into separate module */ public function siteDomainField($field, $formatted = false, $format = null) { if ( $this->isAdmin ) { // don't apply any filtering in administrative console return false; } if ( !$this->siteDomain ) { $this->siteDomain = $this->recallObject('site-domain.current', null, Array ('live_table' => true)); /* @var $site_domain kDBItem */ } if ( $this->siteDomain->isLoaded() ) { return $formatted ? $this->siteDomain->GetField($field, $format) : $this->siteDomain->GetDBField($field); } return false; } /** * Registers classes, that are used before unit configs (where class registration usually is done) are read. * * Called automatically while initializing kApplication. * * @return void * @access public */ public function RegisterDefaultClasses() { // Database. $this->registerClass('IDBConnection', KERNEL_PATH . '/db/i_db_connection.php'); $this->registerClass('kDBConnection', KERNEL_PATH . '/db/db_connection.php'); $this->registerClass('kDBConnectionDebug', KERNEL_PATH . '/db/db_connection.php'); $this->registerClass('kDBLoadBalancer', KERNEL_PATH . '/db/db_load_balancer.php'); // Cache. $this->registerClass('kCacheManager', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/cache_manager.php'); $this->registerClass('kCache', KERNEL_PATH . '/utility/cache.php'); // Unit configs. $this->registerClass('kUnitConfigReader', KERNEL_PATH . '/utility/unit_config_reader.php'); $this->registerClass('kUnitConfigCloner', KERNEL_PATH . '/utility/unit_config_cloner.php'); // Urls. $this->registerClass('kUrlManager', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/url_manager.php'); $this->registerClass('kUrlProcessor', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/url_processor.php'); $this->registerClass('kPlainUrlProcessor', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/plain_url_processor.php'); // $this->registerClass('kRewriteUrlProcessor', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/rewrite_url_processor.php'); // Events. $this->registerClass('kEventManager', KERNEL_PATH . '/event_manager.php'); $this->registerClass('kHookManager', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/hook_manager.php'); $this->registerClass('kScheduledTaskManager', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/scheduled_task_manager.php'); $this->registerClass('kRequestManager', KERNEL_PATH . '/managers/request_manager.php'); // Misc. $this->registerClass('kPhraseCache', KERNEL_PATH . '/languages/phrases_cache.php'); $this->registerClass('kModulesHelper', KERNEL_PATH . self::MODULE_HELPER_PATH); // Aliased. $this->registerClass('Params', KERNEL_PATH . '/utility/params.php', 'kActions'); $this->registerClass('kMainTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH . '/processors/main_processor.php', 'm_TagProcessor'); $this->registerClass('kEmailSendingHelper', KERNEL_PATH . '/utility/email_send.php', 'EmailSender'); } /** * Registers default build events * * @return void * @access protected */ protected function RegisterDefaultBuildEvents() { $this->EventManager->registerBuildEvent('kTempTablesHandler', 'OnTempHandlerBuild'); } /** * Returns cached category information by given cache name. All given category * information is recached, when at least one of 4 caches is missing. * * @param int $category_id * @param string $name cache name = {filenames, category_designs, category_tree} * @return string * @access public */ public function getCategoryCache($category_id, $name) { return $this->cacheManager->getCategoryCache($category_id, $name); } /** * Returns caching type (none, memory, temporary) * * @param int $caching_type * @return bool * @access public */ public function isCachingType($caching_type) { return $this->cacheManager->isCachingType($caching_type); } /** * Increments serial based on prefix and it's ID (optional) * * @param string $prefix * @param int $id ID (value of IDField) or ForeignKeyField:ID * @param bool $increment * @return string * @access public */ public function incrementCacheSerial($prefix, $id = null, $increment = true) { return $this->cacheManager->incrementCacheSerial($prefix, $id, $increment); } /** * Returns cached $key value from cache named $cache_name * * @param int $key key name from cache * @param bool $store_locally store data locally after retrieved * @param int $max_rebuild_seconds * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getCache($key, $store_locally = true, $max_rebuild_seconds = 0) { return $this->cacheManager->getCache($key, $store_locally, $max_rebuild_seconds); } /** * Stores new $value in cache with $key name * * @param int $key key name to add to cache * @param mixed $value value of cached record * @param int $expiration when value expires (0 - doesn't expire) * @return bool * @access public */ public function setCache($key, $value, $expiration = 0) { return $this->cacheManager->setCache($key, $value, $expiration); } /** * Stores new $value in cache with $key name (only if it's not there) * * @param int $key key name to add to cache * @param mixed $value value of cached record * @param int $expiration when value expires (0 - doesn't expire) * @return bool * @access public */ public function addCache($key, $value, $expiration = 0) { return $this->cacheManager->addCache($key, $value, $expiration); } /** * Sets rebuilding mode for given cache * * @param string $name * @param int $mode * @param int $max_rebuilding_time * @return bool * @access public */ public function rebuildCache($name, $mode = null, $max_rebuilding_time = 0) { return $this->cacheManager->rebuildCache($name, $mode, $max_rebuilding_time); } /** * Deletes key from cache * * @param string $key * @return void * @access public */ public function deleteCache($key) { $this->cacheManager->deleteCache($key); } /** * Reset's all memory cache at once * * @return void * @access public */ public function resetCache() { $this->cacheManager->resetCache(); } /** * Returns value from database cache * * @param string $name key name * @param int $max_rebuild_seconds * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getDBCache($name, $max_rebuild_seconds = 0) { return $this->cacheManager->getDBCache($name, $max_rebuild_seconds); } /** * Sets value to database cache * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @param int|bool $expiration * @return void * @access public */ public function setDBCache($name, $value, $expiration = false) { $this->cacheManager->setDBCache($name, $value, $expiration); } /** * Sets rebuilding mode for given cache * * @param string $name * @param int $mode * @param int $max_rebuilding_time * @return bool * @access public */ public function rebuildDBCache($name, $mode = null, $max_rebuilding_time = 0) { return $this->cacheManager->rebuildDBCache($name, $mode, $max_rebuilding_time); } /** * Deletes key from database cache * * @param string $name * @return void * @access public */ public function deleteDBCache($name) { $this->cacheManager->deleteDBCache($name); } /** * Registers each module specific constants if any found * * @return bool * @access protected */ protected function registerModuleConstants() { if ( file_exists(KERNEL_PATH . '/constants.php') ) { kUtil::includeOnce(KERNEL_PATH . '/constants.php'); } if ( !$this->ModuleInfo ) { return false; } foreach ($this->ModuleInfo as $module_info) { $constants_file = FULL_PATH . '/' . $module_info['Path'] . 'constants.php'; if ( file_exists($constants_file) ) { kUtil::includeOnce($constants_file); } } return true; } /** * Performs redirect to hard maintenance template * * @return void * @access public */ public function redirectToMaintenance() { $maintenance_page = WRITEBALE_BASE . '/maintenance.html'; $query_string = ''; // $this->isAdmin ? '' : '?next_template=' . kUtil::escape($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], kUtil::ESCAPE_URL); if ( file_exists(FULL_PATH . $maintenance_page) ) { header('Location: ' . BASE_PATH . $maintenance_page . $query_string); exit; } } /** * Actually runs the parser against current template and stores parsing result * * This method gets 't' variable passed to the script, loads the template given in 't' variable and * parses it. The result is store in {@link $this->HTML} property. * * @return void * @access public */ public function Run() { // process maintenance mode redirect: begin $maintenance_mode = $this->getMaintenanceMode(); if ( $maintenance_mode == MaintenanceMode::HARD ) { $this->redirectToMaintenance(); } elseif ( $maintenance_mode == MaintenanceMode::SOFT ) { $maintenance_template = $this->isAdmin ? 'login' : $this->ConfigValue('SoftMaintenanceTemplate'); if ( $this->GetVar('t') != $maintenance_template ) { $redirect_params = Array (); if ( !$this->isAdmin ) { $redirect_params['next_template'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $this->Redirect($maintenance_template, $redirect_params); } } // process maintenance mode redirect: end if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() && kUtil::constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY') ) { $this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Run:'); } if ( $this->isAdminUser ) { // for permission checking in events & templates $this->LinkVar('module'); // for common configuration templates $this->LinkVar('module_key'); // for common search templates $this->LinkVar('section'); // for common configuration templates if ( $this->GetVar('m_opener') == 'p' ) { $this->LinkVar('main_prefix'); // window prefix, that opened selector $this->LinkVar('dst_field'); // field to set value choosed in selector } if ( $this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && !$this->GetVar('debug_ajax') ) { // hide debug output from ajax requests automatically kUtil::safeDefine('DBG_SKIP_REPORTING', 1); // safeDefine, because debugger also defines it } } elseif ( $this->GetVar('admin') ) { $admin_session = $this->recallObject('Session.admin'); /* @var $admin_session Session */ // store Admin Console User's ID to Front-End's session for cross-session permission checks $this->StoreVar('admin_user_id', (int)$admin_session->RecallVar('user_id')); if ( $this->CheckAdminPermission('CATEGORY.MODIFY', 0, $this->getBaseCategory()) ) { // user can edit cms blocks (when viewing front-end through admin's frame) $editing_mode = $this->GetVar('editing_mode'); define('EDITING_MODE', $editing_mode ? $editing_mode : EDITING_MODE_BROWSE); } } kUtil::safeDefine('EDITING_MODE', ''); // user can't edit anything $this->Phrases->setPhraseEditing(); $this->EventManager->ProcessRequest(); $this->InitParser(); $t = $this->GetVar('render_template', $this->GetVar('t')); if ( !$this->TemplatesCache->TemplateExists($t) && !$this->isAdmin ) { $cms_handler = $this->recallObject('st_EventHandler'); /* @var $cms_handler CategoriesEventHandler */ $t = ltrim($cms_handler->GetDesignTemplate(), '/'); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Debugger->appendHTML('Design Template: ' . $t . '; CategoryID: ' . $this->GetVar('m_cat_id')); } } /*else { $cms_handler->SetCatByTemplate(); }*/ if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() && kUtil::constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY') ) { $this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Parsing:'); } $this->HTML = $this->Parser->Run($t); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() && kUtil::constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY') ) { $this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application after Parsing:'); } } /** + * Returns console application. + * + * @return ConsoleApplication + */ + public function getConsoleApplication() + { + return $this->makeClass('Intechnic\InPortal\Core\kernel\Console\ConsoleApplication'); + } + + /** * Only renders template * * @see kDBEventHandler::_errorNotFound() */ public function QuickRun() { // discard any half-parsed content ob_clean(); // replace current page content with 404 $this->InitParser(); $this->HTML = $this->Parser->Run($this->GetVar('t')); } /** * Performs template parser/cache initialization * * @param bool|string $theme_name * @return void * @access public */ public function InitParser($theme_name = false) { if ( !is_object($this->Parser) ) { $this->Parser = $this->recallObject('NParser'); $this->TemplatesCache = $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache'); } $this->TemplatesCache->forceThemeName = $theme_name; } /** * Send the parser results to browser * * Actually send everything stored in {@link $this->HTML}, to the browser by echoing it. * * @return void * @access public */ public function Done() { $this->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnBeforeShutdown')); $debug_mode = defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode(); if ( $debug_mode ) { if ( kUtil::constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY') ) { $this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Done:'); } $this->Session->SaveData(); // adds session data to debugger report $this->HTML = ob_get_clean() . $this->HTML . $this->Debugger->printReport(true); } else { // send "Set-Cookie" header before any output is made $this->Session->SetSession(); $this->HTML = ob_get_clean() . $this->HTML; } $this->_outputPage(); $this->cacheManager->UpdateApplicationCache(); if ( !$debug_mode ) { $this->Session->SaveData(); } $this->EventManager->runScheduledTasks(); if ( defined('DBG_CAPTURE_STATISTICS') && DBG_CAPTURE_STATISTICS && !$this->isAdmin ) { $this->_storeStatistics(); } } /** * Outputs generated page content to end-user * * @return void * @access protected */ protected function _outputPage() { $this->setContentType(); ob_start(); if ( $this->UseOutputCompression() ) { $compression_level = $this->ConfigValue('OutputCompressionLevel'); if ( !$compression_level || $compression_level < 0 || $compression_level > 9 ) { $compression_level = 7; } header('Content-Encoding: gzip'); echo gzencode($this->HTML, $compression_level); } else { // when gzip compression not used connection won't be closed early! echo $this->HTML; } // send headers to tell the browser to close the connection header('Content-Length: ' . ob_get_length()); header('Connection: close'); // flush all output ob_end_flush(); if ( ob_get_level() ) { ob_flush(); } flush(); // close current session if ( session_id() ) { session_write_close(); } } /** * Stores script execution statistics to database * * @return void * @access protected */ protected function _storeStatistics() { global $start; $script_time = microtime(true) - $start; $query_statistics = $this->Conn->getQueryStatistics(); // time & count $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'StatisticsCapture WHERE TemplateName = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($this->GetVar('t')); $data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql); if ( $data ) { $this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'ScriptTime', $script_time); $this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'SqlTime', $query_statistics['time']); $this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'SqlCount', $query_statistics['count']); $data['Hits']++; $data['LastHit'] = time(); $this->Conn->doUpdate($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'StatisticsCapture', 'StatisticsId = ' . $data['StatisticsId']); } else { $data['ScriptTimeMin'] = $data['ScriptTimeAvg'] = $data['ScriptTimeMax'] = $script_time; $data['SqlTimeMin'] = $data['SqlTimeAvg'] = $data['SqlTimeMax'] = $query_statistics['time']; $data['SqlCountMin'] = $data['SqlCountAvg'] = $data['SqlCountMax'] = $query_statistics['count']; $data['TemplateName'] = $this->GetVar('t'); $data['Hits'] = 1; $data['LastHit'] = time(); $this->Conn->doInsert($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'StatisticsCapture'); } } /** * Calculates average time for statistics * * @param Array $data * @param string $field_prefix * @param float $current_value * @return void * @access protected */ protected function _updateAverageStatistics(&$data, $field_prefix, $current_value) { $data[$field_prefix . 'Avg'] = (($data['Hits'] * $data[$field_prefix . 'Avg']) + $current_value) / ($data['Hits'] + 1); if ( $current_value < $data[$field_prefix . 'Min'] ) { $data[$field_prefix . 'Min'] = $current_value; } if ( $current_value > $data[$field_prefix . 'Max'] ) { $data[$field_prefix . 'Max'] = $current_value; } } /** * Remembers slow query SQL and execution time into log * * @param string $slow_sql * @param int $time * @return void * @access public */ public function logSlowQuery($slow_sql, $time) { $query_crc = kUtil::crc32($slow_sql); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'SlowSqlCapture WHERE QueryCrc = ' . $query_crc; $data = $this->Conn->Query($sql, null, true); if ( $data ) { $this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'Time', $time); $template_names = explode(',', $data['TemplateNames']); array_push($template_names, $this->GetVar('t')); $data['TemplateNames'] = implode(',', array_unique($template_names)); $data['Hits']++; $data['LastHit'] = time(); $this->Conn->doUpdate($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'SlowSqlCapture', 'CaptureId = ' . $data['CaptureId']); } else { $data['TimeMin'] = $data['TimeAvg'] = $data['TimeMax'] = $time; $data['SqlQuery'] = $slow_sql; $data['QueryCrc'] = $query_crc; $data['TemplateNames'] = $this->GetVar('t'); $data['Hits'] = 1; $data['LastHit'] = time(); $this->Conn->doInsert($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'SlowSqlCapture'); } } /** * Checks if output compression options is available * * @return bool * @access protected */ protected function UseOutputCompression() { if ( kUtil::constOn('IS_INSTALL') || kUtil::constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT') || kUtil::constOn('SKIP_OUT_COMPRESSION') ) { return false; } $accept_encoding = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] : ''; return $this->ConfigValue('UseOutputCompression') && function_exists('gzencode') && strstr($accept_encoding, 'gzip'); } // Facade /** * Returns current session id (SID) * * @return int * @access public */ public function GetSID() { $session = $this->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ return $session->GetID(); } /** * Destroys current session * * @return void * @access public * @see UserHelper::logoutUser() */ public function DestroySession() { $session = $this->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ $session->Destroy(); } /** * Returns variable passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE * * @param string $name Name of variable to retrieve * @param mixed $default default value returned in case if variable not present * @return mixed * @access public */ public function GetVar($name, $default = false) { return isset($this->HttpQuery->_Params[$name]) ? $this->HttpQuery->_Params[$name] : $default; } /** * Removes forceful escaping done to the variable upon Front-End submission. * * @param string|array $value Value. * * @return string|array * @see kHttpQuery::StripSlashes * @todo Temporary method for marking problematic places to take care of, when forceful escaping will be removed. */ public function unescapeRequestVariable($value) { return $this->HttpQuery->unescapeRequestVariable($value); } /** * Returns variable passed to the script as $type * * @param string $name Name of variable to retrieve * @param string $type Get/Post/Cookie * @param mixed $default default value returned in case if variable not present * @return mixed * @access public */ public function GetVarDirect($name, $type, $default = false) { // $type = ucfirst($type); $array = $this->HttpQuery->$type; return isset($array[$name]) ? $array[$name] : $default; } /** * Returns ALL variables passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE * * @return Array * @access public * @deprecated */ public function GetVars() { return $this->HttpQuery->GetParams(); } /** * Set the variable 'as it was passed to the script through GET/POST/COOKIE' * * This could be useful to set the variable when you know that * other objects would relay on variable passed from GET/POST/COOKIE * or you could use SetVar() / GetVar() pairs to pass the values between different objects.
* * @param string $var Variable name to set * @param mixed $val Variable value * @return void * @access public */ public function SetVar($var,$val) { $this->HttpQuery->Set($var, $val); } /** * Deletes kHTTPQuery variable * * @param string $var * @return void * @todo Think about method name */ public function DeleteVar($var) { $this->HttpQuery->Remove($var); } /** * Deletes Session variable * * @param string $var * @return void * @access public */ public function RemoveVar($var) { $this->Session->RemoveVar($var); } /** * Removes variable from persistent session * * @param string $var * @return void * @access public */ public function RemovePersistentVar($var) { $this->Session->RemovePersistentVar($var); } /** * Restores Session variable to it's db version * * @param string $var * @return void * @access public */ public function RestoreVar($var) { $this->Session->RestoreVar($var); } /** * Returns session variable value * * Return value of $var variable stored in Session. An optional default value could be passed as second parameter. * * @param string $var Variable name * @param mixed $default Default value to return if no $var variable found in session * @return mixed * @access public * @see Session::RecallVar() */ public function RecallVar($var,$default=false) { return $this->Session->RecallVar($var,$default); } /** * Returns variable value from persistent session * * @param string $var * @param mixed $default * @return mixed * @access public * @see Session::RecallPersistentVar() */ public function RecallPersistentVar($var, $default = false) { return $this->Session->RecallPersistentVar($var, $default); } /** * Stores variable $val in session under name $var * * Use this method to store variable in session. Later this variable could be recalled. * * @param string $var Variable name * @param mixed $val Variable value * @param bool $optional * @return void * @access public * @see kApplication::RecallVar() */ public function StoreVar($var, $val, $optional = false) { $session = $this->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ $this->Session->StoreVar($var, $val, $optional); } /** * Stores variable to persistent session * * @param string $var * @param mixed $val * @param bool $optional * @return void * @access public */ public function StorePersistentVar($var, $val, $optional = false) { $this->Session->StorePersistentVar($var, $val, $optional); } /** * Stores default value for session variable * * @param string $var * @param string $val * @param bool $optional * @return void * @access public * @see Session::RecallVar() * @see Session::StoreVar() */ public function StoreVarDefault($var, $val, $optional = false) { $session = $this->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ $this->Session->StoreVarDefault($var, $val, $optional); } /** * Links HTTP Query variable with session variable * * If variable $var is passed in HTTP Query it is stored in session for later use. If it's not passed it's recalled from session. * This method could be used for making sure that GetVar will return query or session value for given * variable, when query variable should overwrite session (and be stored there for later use).
* This could be used for passing item's ID into popup with multiple tab - * in popup script you just need to call LinkVar('id', 'current_id') before first use of GetVar('id'). * After that you can be sure that GetVar('id') will return passed id or id passed earlier and stored in session * * @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name * @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name * @param mixed $default Default variable value * @param bool $optional * @return void * @access public */ public function LinkVar($var, $ses_var = null, $default = '', $optional = false) { if ( !isset($ses_var) ) { $ses_var = $var; } if ( $this->GetVar($var) !== false ) { $this->StoreVar($ses_var, $this->GetVar($var), $optional); } else { $this->SetVar($var, $this->RecallVar($ses_var, $default)); } } /** * Returns variable from HTTP Query, or from session if not passed in HTTP Query * * The same as LinkVar, but also returns the variable value taken from HTTP Query if passed, or from session if not passed. * Returns the default value if variable does not exist in session and was not passed in HTTP Query * * @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name * @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name * @param mixed $default Default variable value * @return mixed * @access public * @see LinkVar */ public function GetLinkedVar($var, $ses_var = null, $default = '') { $this->LinkVar($var, $ses_var, $default); return $this->GetVar($var); } /** * Renders given tag and returns it's output * * @param string $prefix * @param string $tag * @param Array $params * @return mixed * @access public * @see kApplication::InitParser() */ public function ProcessParsedTag($prefix, $tag, $params) { $processor = $this->Parser->GetProcessor($prefix); /* @var $processor kDBTagProcessor */ return $processor->ProcessParsedTag($tag, $params, $prefix); } /** * Return object of IDBConnection interface * * Return object of IDBConnection interface already connected to the project database, configurable in config.php * * @return IDBConnection * @access public */ public function &GetADODBConnection() { return $this->Conn; } /** * Allows to parse given block name or include template * * @param Array $params Parameters to pass to block. Reserved parameter "name" used to specify block name. * @param bool $pass_params Forces to pass current parser params to this block/template. Use with caution, because you can accidentally pass "block_no_data" parameter. * @param bool $as_template * @return string * @access public */ public function ParseBlock($params, $pass_params = false, $as_template = false) { if ( substr($params['name'], 0, 5) == 'html:' ) { return substr($params['name'], 5); } return $this->Parser->ParseBlock($params, $pass_params, $as_template); } /** * Checks, that we have given block defined * * @param string $name * @return bool * @access public */ public function ParserBlockFound($name) { return $this->Parser->blockFound($name); } /** * Allows to include template with a given name and given parameters * * @param Array $params Parameters to pass to template. Reserved parameter "name" used to specify template name. * @return string * @access public */ public function IncludeTemplate($params) { return $this->Parser->IncludeTemplate($params, isset($params['is_silent']) ? 1 : 0); } /** * Return href for template * * @param string $t Template path * @param string $prefix index.php prefix - could be blank, 'admin' * @param Array $params * @param string $index_file * @return string */ public function HREF($t, $prefix = '', $params = Array (), $index_file = null) { return $this->UrlManager->HREF($t, $prefix, $params, $index_file); } /** * Returns theme template filename and it's corresponding page_id based on given seo template * * @param string $seo_template * @return string * @access public */ public function getPhysicalTemplate($seo_template) { return $this->UrlManager->getPhysicalTemplate($seo_template); } /** * Returns seo template by physical template * * @param string $physical_template * @return string * @access public */ public function getSeoTemplate($physical_template) { return $this->UrlManager->getSeoTemplate($physical_template); } /** * Returns template name, that corresponds with given virtual (not physical) page id * * @param int $page_id * @return string|bool * @access public */ public function getVirtualPageTemplate($page_id) { return $this->UrlManager->getVirtualPageTemplate($page_id); } /** * Returns section template for given physical/virtual template * * @param string $template * @param int $theme_id * @return string * @access public */ public function getSectionTemplate($template, $theme_id = null) { return $this->UrlManager->getSectionTemplate($template, $theme_id); } /** * Returns variables with values that should be passed through with this link + variable list * * @param Array $params * @return Array * @access public */ public function getPassThroughVariables(&$params) { return $this->UrlManager->getPassThroughVariables($params); } /** * Builds url * * @param string $t * @param Array $params * @param string $pass * @param bool $pass_events * @param bool $env_var * @return string * @access public */ public function BuildEnv($t, $params, $pass = 'all', $pass_events = false, $env_var = true) { return $this->UrlManager->plain->build($t, $params, $pass, $pass_events, $env_var); } /** * Process QueryString only, create * events, ids, based on config * set template name and sid in * desired application variables. * * @param string $env_var environment string value * @param string $pass_name * @return Array * @access public */ public function processQueryString($env_var, $pass_name = 'passed') { return $this->UrlManager->plain->parse($env_var, $pass_name); } /** * Parses rewrite url and returns parsed variables * * @param string $url * @param string $pass_name * @return Array * @access public */ public function parseRewriteUrl($url, $pass_name = 'passed') { return $this->UrlManager->rewrite->parse($url, $pass_name); } /** * Returns base part of all urls, build on website * * @param string $domain Domain override. * @param boolean $ssl_redirect Redirect to/from SSL. * * @return string */ public function BaseURL($domain = '', $ssl_redirect = null) { if ( $ssl_redirect === null ) { // stay on same encryption level return PROTOCOL . ($domain ? $domain : SERVER_NAME) . (defined('PORT') ? ':' . PORT : '') . BASE_PATH . '/'; } if ( $ssl_redirect ) { // going from http:// to https:// $protocol = 'https://'; $domain = $this->getSecureDomain(); } else { // going from https:// to http:// $protocol = 'http://'; $domain = $this->siteDomainField('DomainName'); if ( $domain === false ) { $domain = DOMAIN; // not on site domain } } return $protocol . $domain . (defined('PORT') ? ':' . PORT : '') . BASE_PATH . '/'; } /** * Returns secure domain. * * @return string */ public function getSecureDomain() { $ret = $this->isAdmin ? $this->ConfigValue('AdminSSLDomain') : false; if ( !$ret ) { $ssl_domain = $this->siteDomainField('SSLDomainName'); return strlen($ssl_domain) ? $ssl_domain : $this->ConfigValue('SSLDomain'); } return $ret; } /** * Redirects user to url, that's build based on given parameters * * @param string $t * @param Array $params * @param string $prefix * @param string $index_file * @return void * @access public */ public function Redirect($t = '', $params = Array(), $prefix = '', $index_file = null) { $js_redirect = getArrayValue($params, 'js_redirect'); if ( $t == '' || $t === true ) { $t = $this->GetVar('t'); } // pass prefixes and special from previous url if ( array_key_exists('js_redirect', $params) ) { unset($params['js_redirect']); } // allows to send custom responce code along with redirect header if ( array_key_exists('response_code', $params) ) { $response_code = (int)$params['response_code']; unset($params['response_code']); } else { $response_code = 302; // Found } if ( !array_key_exists('pass', $params) ) { $params['pass'] = 'all'; } if ( $this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && $t == $this->GetVar('t') ) { // redirects to the same template as current $params['ajax'] = 'yes'; } $location = $this->HREF($t, $prefix, $params, $index_file); if ( $this->isDebugMode() && (kUtil::constOn('DBG_REDIRECT') || (kUtil::constOn('DBG_RAISE_ON_WARNINGS') && $this->Debugger->WarningCount)) ) { $this->Debugger->appendTrace(); echo 'Debug output above !!!
' . "\n"; if ( array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $_SERVER) ) { echo 'Referer: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '
' . "\n"; } echo "Proceed to redirect: {$location}
\n"; } else { if ( $js_redirect ) { // show "redirect" template instead of redirecting, // because "Set-Cookie" header won't work, when "Location" // header is used later $this->SetVar('t', 'redirect'); $this->SetVar('redirect_to', $location); // make all additional parameters available on "redirect" template too foreach ($params as $name => $value) { $this->SetVar($name, $value); } return; } else { if ( $this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && ($t != $this->GetVar('t') || !$this->isSOPSafe($location, $t)) ) { // redirection to other then current template during ajax request OR SOP violation kUtil::safeDefine('DBG_SKIP_REPORTING', 1); echo '#redirect#' . $location; } elseif ( headers_sent() != '' ) { // some output occurred -> redirect using javascript echo ''; } else { // no output before -> redirect using HTTP header // header('HTTP/1.1 302 Found'); header('Location: ' . $location, true, $response_code); } } } // session expiration is called from session initialization, // that's why $this->Session may be not defined here $session = $this->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ if ( $this->InitDone ) { // if redirect happened in the middle of application initialization don't call event, // that presumes that application was successfully initialized $this->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnBeforeShutdown')); } $session->SaveData(); ob_end_flush(); exit; } /** * Determines if real redirect should be made within AJAX request. * * @param string $url Location. * @param string $template Template. * * @return boolean * @link */ protected function isSOPSafe($url, $template) { $parsed_url = parse_url($url); if ( $parsed_url['scheme'] . '://' != PROTOCOL ) { return false; } if ( $parsed_url['host'] != SERVER_NAME ) { return false; } if ( defined('PORT') && isset($parsed_url['port']) && $parsed_url['port'] != PORT ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns translation of given label * * @param string $label * @param bool $allow_editing return translation link, when translation is missing on current language * @param bool $use_admin use current Admin Console language to translate phrase * @return string * @access public */ public function Phrase($label, $allow_editing = true, $use_admin = false) { return $this->Phrases->GetPhrase($label, $allow_editing, $use_admin); } /** * Replace language tags in exclamation marks found in text * * @param string $text * @param bool $force_escape force escaping, not escaping of resulting string * @return string * @access public */ public function ReplaceLanguageTags($text, $force_escape = null) { return $this->Phrases->ReplaceLanguageTags($text, $force_escape); } /** * Checks if user is logged in, and creates * user object if so. User object can be recalled * later using "u.current" prefix_special. Also you may * get user id by getting "u.current_id" variable. * * @return void * @access protected */ protected function ValidateLogin() { $session = $this->recallObject('Session'); /* @var $session Session */ $user_id = $session->GetField('PortalUserId'); if ( !$user_id && $user_id != USER_ROOT ) { $user_id = USER_GUEST; } $this->SetVar('u.current_id', $user_id); if ( !$this->isAdmin ) { // needed for "profile edit", "registration" forms ON FRONT ONLY $this->SetVar('u_id', $user_id); } $this->StoreVar('user_id', $user_id, $user_id == USER_GUEST); // storing Guest user_id (-2) is optional $this->isAdminUser = $this->isAdmin && $this->LoggedIn(); if ( $this->GetVar('expired') == 1 ) { // this parameter is set only from admin $user = $this->recallObject('u.login-admin', null, Array ('form_name' => 'login')); /* @var $user UsersItem */ $user->SetError('UserLogin', 'session_expired', 'la_text_sess_expired'); } $this->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnLogHttpRequest')); if ( $user_id != USER_GUEST ) { // normal users + root $this->LoadPersistentVars(); } $user_timezone = $this->Session->GetField('TimeZone'); if ( $user_timezone ) { date_default_timezone_set($user_timezone); } } /** * Loads current user persistent session data * * @return void * @access public */ public function LoadPersistentVars() { $this->Session->LoadPersistentVars(); } /** * Returns configuration option value by name * * @param string $name * @return string * @access public */ public function ConfigValue($name) { return $this->cacheManager->ConfigValue($name); } /** * Changes value of individual configuration variable (+resets cache, when needed) * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param bool $local_cache_only * @return string * @access public */ public function SetConfigValue($name, $value, $local_cache_only = false) { return $this->cacheManager->SetConfigValue($name, $value, $local_cache_only); } /** * Allows to process any type of event * * @param kEvent $event * @param Array $params * @param Array $specific_params * @return void * @access public */ public function HandleEvent($event, $params = null, $specific_params = null) { if ( isset($params) ) { $event = new kEvent($params, $specific_params); } $this->EventManager->HandleEvent($event); } /** * Notifies event subscribers, that event has occured * * @param kEvent $event * @return void */ public function notifyEventSubscribers(kEvent $event) { $this->EventManager->notifySubscribers($event); } /** * Allows to process any type of event * * @param kEvent $event * @return bool * @access public */ public function eventImplemented(kEvent $event) { return $this->EventManager->eventImplemented($event); } /** * Registers new class in the factory * * @param string $real_class Real name of class as in class declaration * @param string $file Filename in what $real_class is declared * @param string $pseudo_class Name under this class object will be accessed using getObject method * @return void * @access public */ public function registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class = null) { $this->Factory->registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class); } /** * Unregisters existing class from factory * * @param string $real_class Real name of class as in class declaration * @param string $pseudo_class Name under this class object is accessed using getObject method * @return void * @access public */ public function unregisterClass($real_class, $pseudo_class = null) { $this->Factory->unregisterClass($real_class, $pseudo_class); } /** * Add new scheduled task * * @param string $short_name name to be used to store last maintenance run info * @param string $event_string * @param int $run_schedule run schedule like for Cron * @param string $module * @param int $status * @access public */ public function registerScheduledTask($short_name, $event_string, $run_schedule, $module, $status = STATUS_ACTIVE) { $this->EventManager->registerScheduledTask($short_name, $event_string, $run_schedule, $module, $status); } /** * Registers Hook from subprefix event to master prefix event * * Pattern: Observer * * @param string $hook_event * @param string $do_event * @param int $mode * @param bool $conditional * @access public */ public function registerHook($hook_event, $do_event, $mode = hAFTER, $conditional = false) { $this->EventManager->registerHook($hook_event, $do_event, $mode, $conditional); } /** * Registers build event for given pseudo class * * @param string $pseudo_class * @param string $event_name * @access public */ public function registerBuildEvent($pseudo_class, $event_name) { $this->EventManager->registerBuildEvent($pseudo_class, $event_name); } /** * Allows one TagProcessor tag act as other TagProcessor tag * * @param Array $tag_info * @return void * @access public */ public function registerAggregateTag($tag_info) { $aggregator = $this->recallObject('TagsAggregator', 'kArray'); /* @var $aggregator kArray */ $tag_data = Array ( $tag_info['LocalPrefix'], $tag_info['LocalTagName'], getArrayValue($tag_info, 'LocalSpecial') ); $aggregator->SetArrayValue($tag_info['AggregateTo'], $tag_info['AggregatedTagName'], $tag_data); } /** * Returns object using params specified, creates it if is required * * @param string $name * @param string $pseudo_class * @param Array $event_params * @param Array $arguments * @return kBase */ public function recallObject($name, $pseudo_class = null, $event_params = Array(), $arguments = Array ()) { /*if ( !$this->hasObject($name) && $this->isDebugMode() && ($name == '_prefix_here_') ) { // first time, when object with "_prefix_here_" prefix is accessed $this->Debugger->appendTrace(); }*/ return $this->Factory->getObject($name, $pseudo_class, $event_params, $arguments); } /** * Returns tag processor for prefix specified * * @param string $prefix * @return kDBTagProcessor * @access public */ public function recallTagProcessor($prefix) { $this->InitParser(); // because kDBTagProcesor is in NParser dependencies return $this->recallObject($prefix . '_TagProcessor'); } /** * Checks if object with prefix passes was already created in factory * * @param string $name object pseudo_class, prefix * @return bool * @access public */ public function hasObject($name) { return $this->Factory->hasObject($name); } /** * Removes object from storage by given name * * @param string $name Object's name in the Storage * @return void * @access public */ public function removeObject($name) { $this->Factory->DestroyObject($name); } /** * Get's real class name for pseudo class, includes class file and creates class instance * * Pattern: Factory Method * * @param string $pseudo_class * @param Array $arguments * @return kBase * @access public */ public function makeClass($pseudo_class, $arguments = Array ()) { return $this->Factory->makeClass($pseudo_class, $arguments); } /** * Returns sub-classes of given ancestor class. * * @param string $ancestor_class Ancestor class. * @param boolean $concrete_only Return only non-abstract classes. * * @return array */ public function getSubClasses($ancestor_class, $concrete_only = true) { return $this->Factory->getSubClasses($ancestor_class, $concrete_only); } /** * Checks if application is in debug mode * * @param bool $check_debugger check if kApplication debugger is initialized too, not only for defined DEBUG_MODE constant * @return bool * @author Alex * @access public */ public function isDebugMode($check_debugger = true) { $debug_mode = defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE; if ($check_debugger) { $debug_mode = $debug_mode && is_object($this->Debugger); } return $debug_mode; } /** * Apply url rewriting used by mod_rewrite or not * * @param bool|null $ssl Force ssl link to be build * @return bool * @access public */ public function RewriteURLs($ssl = false) { // case #1,#4: // we want to create https link from http mode // we want to create https link from https mode // conditions: ($ssl || PROTOCOL == 'https://') && $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewriteWithSSL') // case #2,#3: // we want to create http link from https mode // we want to create http link from http mode // conditions: !$ssl && (PROTOCOL == 'https://' || PROTOCOL == 'http://') $allow_rewriting = (!$ssl && (PROTOCOL == 'https://' || PROTOCOL == 'http://')) // always allow mod_rewrite for http || // or allow rewriting for redirect TO httpS or when already in httpS (($ssl || PROTOCOL == 'https://') && $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewriteWithSSL')); // but only if it's allowed in config! return kUtil::constOn('MOD_REWRITE') && $allow_rewriting; } /** * Returns unit config for given prefix * * @param string $prefix * @return kUnitConfig * @access public */ public function getUnitConfig($prefix) { return $this->UnitConfigReader->getUnitConfig($prefix); } /** * Returns true if config exists and is allowed for reading * * @param string $prefix * @return bool */ public function prefixRegistred($prefix) { return $this->UnitConfigReader->prefixRegistered($prefix); } /** * Splits any mixing of prefix and * special into correct ones * * @param string $prefix_special * @return Array * @access public */ public function processPrefix($prefix_special) { return $this->Factory->processPrefix($prefix_special); } /** * Set's new event for $prefix_special * passed * * @param string $prefix_special * @param string $event_name * @return void * @access public */ public function setEvent($prefix_special, $event_name) { $this->EventManager->setEvent($prefix_special, $event_name); } /** * SQL Error Handler * * @param int $code * @param string $msg * @param string $sql * @return bool * @access public * @throws Exception * @deprecated */ public function handleSQLError($code, $msg, $sql) { return $this->_logger->handleSQLError($code, $msg, $sql); } /** * Returns & blocks next ResourceId available in system * * @return int * @access public */ public function NextResourceId() { $table_name = TABLE_PREFIX . 'IdGenerator'; $this->Conn->Query('LOCK TABLES ' . $table_name . ' WRITE'); $this->Conn->Query('UPDATE ' . $table_name . ' SET lastid = lastid + 1'); $id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT lastid FROM ' . $table_name); if ( $id === false ) { $this->Conn->Query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (lastid) VALUES (2)'); $id = 2; } $this->Conn->Query('UNLOCK TABLES'); return $id - 1; } /** * Returns genealogical main prefix for sub-table prefix passes * OR prefix, that has been found in REQUEST and some how is parent of passed sub-table prefix * * @param string $current_prefix * @param bool $real_top if set to true will return real topmost prefix, regardless of its id is passed or not * @return string * @access public */ public function GetTopmostPrefix($current_prefix, $real_top = false) { // 1. get genealogical tree of $current_prefix $prefixes = Array ($current_prefix); while ($parent_prefix = $this->getUnitConfig($current_prefix)->getParentPrefix()) { if ( !$this->prefixRegistred($parent_prefix) ) { // stop searching, when parent prefix is not registered break; } $current_prefix = $parent_prefix; array_unshift($prefixes, $current_prefix); } if ( $real_top ) { return $current_prefix; } // 2. find what if parent is passed $passed = explode(',', $this->GetVar('all_passed')); foreach ($prefixes as $a_prefix) { if ( in_array($a_prefix, $passed) ) { return $a_prefix; } } return $current_prefix; } /** * Triggers email event of type Admin * * @param string $email_template_name * @param int $to_user_id * @param array $send_params associative array of direct send params, possible keys: to_email, to_name, from_email, from_name, message, message_text * @return kEvent * @access public */ public function emailAdmin($email_template_name, $to_user_id = null, $send_params = Array ()) { return $this->_email($email_template_name, EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ADMIN, $to_user_id, $send_params); } /** * Triggers email event of type User * * @param string $email_template_name * @param int $to_user_id * @param array $send_params associative array of direct send params, possible keys: to_email, to_name, from_email, from_name, message, message_text * @return kEvent * @access public */ public function emailUser($email_template_name, $to_user_id = null, $send_params = Array ()) { return $this->_email($email_template_name, EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_FRONTEND, $to_user_id, $send_params); } /** * Triggers general email event * * @param string $email_template_name * @param int $email_template_type (0 for User, 1 for Admin) * @param int $to_user_id * @param array $send_params associative array of direct send params, * possible keys: to_email, to_name, from_email, from_name, message, message_text * @return kEvent * @access protected */ protected function _email($email_template_name, $email_template_type, $to_user_id = null, $send_params = Array ()) { $email = $this->makeClass('kEmail'); /* @var $email kEmail */ if ( !$email->findTemplate($email_template_name, $email_template_type) ) { return false; } $email->setParams($send_params); return $email->send($to_user_id); } /** * Allows to check if user in this session is logged in or not * * @return bool * @access public */ public function LoggedIn() { // no session during expiration process return is_null($this->Session) ? false : $this->Session->LoggedIn(); } /** * Check current user permissions based on it's group permissions in specified category * * @param string $name permission name * @param int $cat_id category id, current used if not specified * @param int $type permission type {1 - system, 0 - per category} * @return int * @access public */ public function CheckPermission($name, $type = 1, $cat_id = null) { $perm_helper = $this->recallObject('PermissionsHelper'); /* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */ return $perm_helper->CheckPermission($name, $type, $cat_id); } /** * Check current admin permissions based on it's group permissions in specified category * * @param string $name permission name * @param int $cat_id category id, current used if not specified * @param int $type permission type {1 - system, 0 - per category} * @return int * @access public */ public function CheckAdminPermission($name, $type = 1, $cat_id = null) { $perm_helper = $this->recallObject('PermissionsHelper'); /* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */ return $perm_helper->CheckAdminPermission($name, $type, $cat_id); } /** * Set's any field of current visit * * @param string $field * @param mixed $value * @return void * @access public * @todo move to separate module */ public function setVisitField($field, $value) { if ( $this->isAdmin || !$this->ConfigValue('UseVisitorTracking') ) { // admin logins are not registered in visits list return; } $visit = $this->recallObject('visits', null, Array ('raise_warnings' => 0)); /* @var $visit kDBItem */ if ( $visit->isLoaded() ) { $visit->SetDBField($field, $value); $visit->Update(); } } /** * Allows to check if in-portal is installed * * @return bool * @access public */ public function isInstalled() { return $this->InitDone && (count($this->ModuleInfo) > 0); } /** * Allows to determine if module is installed & enabled * * @param string $module_name * @return bool * @access public */ public function isModuleEnabled($module_name) { return $this->findModule('Name', $module_name) !== false; } /** * Returns Window ID of passed prefix main prefix (in edit mode) * * @param string $prefix * @return int * @access public */ public function GetTopmostWid($prefix) { $top_prefix = $this->GetTopmostPrefix($prefix); $mode = $this->GetVar($top_prefix . '_mode'); return $mode != '' ? substr($mode, 1) : ''; } /** * Get temp table name * * @param string $table * @param mixed $wid * @return string * @access public */ public function GetTempName($table, $wid = '') { return $this->GetTempTablePrefix($wid) . $table; } /** * Builds temporary table prefix based on given window id * * @param string $wid * @return string * @access public */ public function GetTempTablePrefix($wid = '') { if ( preg_match('/prefix:(.*)/', $wid, $regs) ) { $wid = $this->GetTopmostWid($regs[1]); } return TABLE_PREFIX . 'ses_' . $this->GetSID() . ($wid ? '_' . $wid : '') . '_edit_'; } /** * Checks if given table is a temporary table * * @param string $table * @return bool * @access public */ public function IsTempTable($table) { static $cache = Array (); if ( !array_key_exists($table, $cache) ) { $cache[$table] = preg_match('/' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ses_' . $this->GetSID() . '(_[\d]+){0,1}_edit_(.*)/', $table); } return (bool)$cache[$table]; } /** * Checks, that given prefix is in temp mode * * @param string $prefix * @param string $special * @return bool * @access public */ public function IsTempMode($prefix, $special = '') { $top_prefix = $this->GetTopmostPrefix($prefix); $var_names = Array ( $top_prefix, rtrim($top_prefix . '_' . $special, '_'), // from post rtrim($top_prefix . '.' . $special, '.'), // assembled locally ); $var_names = array_unique($var_names); $temp_mode = false; foreach ($var_names as $var_name) { $value = $this->GetVar($var_name . '_mode'); if ( $value && (substr($value, 0, 1) == 't') ) { $temp_mode = true; break; } } return $temp_mode; } /** * Return live table name based on temp table name * * @param string $temp_table * @return string */ public function GetLiveName($temp_table) { if ( preg_match('/' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ses_' . $this->GetSID() . '(_[\d]+){0,1}_edit_(.*)/', $temp_table, $rets) ) { // cut wid from table end if any return $rets[2]; } else { return $temp_table; } } /** * Stops processing of user request and displays given message * * @param string $message * @access public */ public function ApplicationDie($message = '') { while ( ob_get_level() ) { ob_end_clean(); } if ( $this->isDebugMode() ) { $message .= $this->Debugger->printReport(true); } $this->HTML = $message; $this->_outputPage(); } /** * Returns comma-separated list of groups from given user * * @param int $user_id * @return string */ public function getUserGroups($user_id) { switch ($user_id) { case USER_ROOT: $user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup'); break; case USER_GUEST: $user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup') . ',' . $this->ConfigValue('User_GuestGroup'); break; default: $sql = 'SELECT GroupId FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserGroupRelations WHERE PortalUserId = ' . (int)$user_id; $res = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql); $user_groups = Array ($this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup')); if ( $res ) { $user_groups = array_merge($user_groups, $res); } $user_groups = implode(',', $user_groups); } return $user_groups; } /** * Allows to detect if page is browsed by spider (293 scheduled_tasks supported) * * @return bool * @access public */ /*public function IsSpider() { static $is_spider = null; if ( !isset($is_spider) ) { $user_agent = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $robots = file(FULL_PATH . '/core/robots_list.txt'); foreach ($robots as $robot_info) { $robot_info = explode("\t", $robot_info, 3); if ( $user_agent == trim($robot_info[2]) ) { $is_spider = true; break; } } } return $is_spider; }*/ /** * Allows to detect table's presence in database * * @param string $table_name * @param bool $force * @return bool * @access public */ public function TableFound($table_name, $force = false) { return $this->Conn->TableFound($table_name, $force); } /** * Returns counter value * * @param string $name counter name * @param Array $params counter parameters * @param string $query_name specify query name directly (don't generate from parameters) * @param bool $multiple_results * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getCounter($name, $params = Array (), $query_name = null, $multiple_results = false) { $count_helper = $this->recallObject('CountHelper'); /* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */ return $count_helper->getCounter($name, $params, $query_name, $multiple_results); } /** * Resets counter, which are affected by one of specified tables * * @param string $tables comma separated tables list used in counting sqls * @return void * @access public */ public function resetCounters($tables) { if ( kUtil::constOn('IS_INSTALL') ) { return; } $count_helper = $this->recallObject('CountHelper'); /* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */ $count_helper->resetCounters($tables); } /** * Sends XML header + optionally displays xml heading * * @param string|bool $xml_version * @return string * @access public * @author Alex */ public function XMLHeader($xml_version = false) { $this->setContentType('text/xml'); return $xml_version ? '' : ''; } /** * Returns category tree * * @param int $category_id * @return Array * @access public */ public function getTreeIndex($category_id) { $tree_index = $this->getCategoryCache($category_id, 'category_tree'); if ( $tree_index ) { $ret = Array (); list ($ret['TreeLeft'], $ret['TreeRight']) = explode(';', $tree_index); return $ret; } return false; } /** * Base category of all categories * Usually replaced category, with ID = 0 in category-related operations. * * @return int * @access public */ public function getBaseCategory() { // same, what $this->findModule('Name', 'Core', 'RootCat') does // don't cache while IS_INSTALL, because of kInstallToolkit::createModuleCategory and upgrade return $this->ModuleInfo['Core']['RootCat']; } /** * Deletes all data, that was cached during unit config parsing (excluding unit config locations) * * @param Array $config_variables * @access public */ public function DeleteUnitCache($config_variables = null) { $this->cacheManager->DeleteUnitCache($config_variables); } /** * Deletes cached section tree, used during permission checking and admin console tree display * * @return void * @access public */ public function DeleteSectionCache() { $this->cacheManager->DeleteSectionCache(); } /** * Sets data from cache to object * * @param Array $data * @access public */ public function setFromCache(&$data) { $this->Factory->setFromCache($data); $this->UnitConfigReader->setFromCache($data); $this->EventManager->setFromCache($data); $this->ReplacementTemplates = $data['Application.ReplacementTemplates']; $this->routers = $data['Application.Routers']; $this->ModuleInfo = $data['Application.ModuleInfo']; } /** * Gets object data for caching * The following caches should be reset based on admin interaction (adjusting config, enabling modules etc) * * @access public * @return Array */ public function getToCache() { return array_merge( $this->Factory->getToCache(), $this->UnitConfigReader->getToCache(), $this->EventManager->getToCache(), Array ( 'Application.ReplacementTemplates' => $this->ReplacementTemplates, 'Application.Routers' => $this->routers, 'Application.ModuleInfo' => $this->ModuleInfo, ) ); } public function delayUnitProcessing($method, $params) { $this->cacheManager->delayUnitProcessing($method, $params); } /** * Returns current maintenance mode state * * @param bool $check_ips * @return int * @access public */ public function getMaintenanceMode($check_ips = true) { $exception_ips = defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE_IPS') ? MAINTENANCE_MODE_IPS : ''; $setting_name = $this->isAdmin ? 'MAINTENANCE_MODE_ADMIN' : 'MAINTENANCE_MODE_FRONT'; if ( defined($setting_name) && constant($setting_name) > MaintenanceMode::NONE ) { $exception_ip = $check_ips ? kUtil::ipMatch($exception_ips) : false; if ( !$exception_ip ) { return constant($setting_name); } } return MaintenanceMode::NONE; } /** * Sets content type of the page * * @param string $content_type * @param bool $include_charset * @return void * @access public */ public function setContentType($content_type = 'text/html', $include_charset = null) { static $already_set = false; if ( $already_set ) { return; } $header = 'Content-type: ' . $content_type; if ( !isset($include_charset) ) { $include_charset = $content_type = 'text/html' || $content_type == 'text/plain' || $content_type = 'text/xml'; } if ( $include_charset ) { $header .= '; charset=' . CHARSET; } $already_set = true; header($header); } /** * Posts message to event log * * @param string $message * @param int $code * @param bool $write_now Allows further customization of log record by returning kLog object * @return bool|int|kLogger * @access public */ public function log($message, $code = null, $write_now = false) { $log = $this->_logger->prepare($message, $code)->addSource($this->_logger->createTrace(null, 1)); if ( $write_now ) { return $log->write(); } return $log; } /** * Deletes log with given id from database or disk, when database isn't available * * @param int $unique_id * @param int $storage_medium * @return void * @access public * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function deleteLog($unique_id, $storage_medium = kLogger::LS_AUTOMATIC) { $this->_logger->delete($unique_id, $storage_medium); } /** * Returns the client IP address. * * @return string The client IP address * @access public */ public function getClientIp() { return $this->HttpQuery->getClientIp(); } } Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleCommandProvider.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleCommandProvider.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleCommandProvider.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +Application->getSubClasses( + 'Intechnic\InPortal\Core\kernel\Console\Command\IConsoleCommand' + ); + + foreach ( $command_classes as $command_class ) { + $commands[] = new $command_class(); + } + + return $commands; + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleCommandProvider.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/IConsoleCommandProvider.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/IConsoleCommandProvider.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/IConsoleCommandProvider.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +Application =& \kApplication::Instance(); + $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); + + parent::__construct( + 'In-Portal CLI', + $this->Application->ModuleInfo['Core']['Version'] . ' (PHP v' . phpversion() . ')' + ); + } + + /** + * Returns Kernel Application instance. + * + * @return \kApplication + */ + public function getKernelApplication() + { + return $this->Application; + } + + /** + * Gets the default commands that should always be available. + * + * @return Command[] An array of default Command instances + */ + protected function getDefaultCommands() + { + $default_commands = parent::getDefaultCommands(); + + $command_provider_classes = $this->Application->getSubClasses( + 'Intechnic\InPortal\Core\kernel\Console\IConsoleCommandProvider' + ); + + foreach ( $command_provider_classes as $command_provider_class ) { + /** @var IConsoleCommandProvider $command_provider */ + $command_provider = new $command_provider_class(); + $default_commands = array_merge($default_commands, $command_provider->getConsoleCommands()); + } + + return $default_commands; + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleApplication.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/IConsoleCommand.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/IConsoleCommand.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/IConsoleCommand.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Application = $application->getKernelApplication(); + $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); + } + } + + /** + * Perform additional validation of the input. + * + * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance. + * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance. + * + * @return void + * @throws \RuntimeException When not all required arguments were passed. + */ + protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) + { + $arguments = array_filter($input->getArguments()); + + // Consider required arguments passed with empty values as an error. + if ( count($arguments) < $this->getDefinition()->getArgumentRequiredCount() ) { + throw new \RuntimeException('Not enough arguments.'); + } + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/AbstractCommand.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/BuildClassMapCommand.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/BuildClassMapCommand.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/BuildClassMapCommand.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +setName('classmap:rebuild') + ->setDescription('Rebuilds the class map') + ->addOption( + 'module', + null, + InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, + 'Module name to build class map for' + ); + } + + /** + * Executes the current command. + * + * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance. + * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance. + * + * @return null|integer + */ + protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) + { + $user_modules = $input->getOption('module'); + + if ( $user_modules ) { + $modules_filter = array(); + $valid_modules = $this->getModules(); + + foreach ( $user_modules as $module_name ) { + if ( !in_array($module_name, $valid_modules) ) { + throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Module "' . $module_name . '" not found or installed'); + } + + $modules_filter[$module_name] = $this->Application->ModuleInfo[$module_name]; + } + } + else { + $modules_filter = null; + } + + $table_rows = array(); + + foreach ( ClassMapBuilder::createBuilders($modules_filter) as $class_map_builder ) { + $table_rows[] = $class_map_builder->build(); + } + + // Needed because we aggregate class map from installed modules in unit config cache. + $this->Application->HandleEvent(new \kEvent('adm:OnResetParsedData')); + + $table = $this->getHelper('table'); + $table + ->setHeaders(array('Path', 'Scanned in', 'Parsed in')) + ->setRows($table_rows); + $table->render($output); + + return 0; + } + + /** + * Return possible values for the named option + * + * @param string $optionName Option name. + * @param CompletionContext $context Completion context. + * + * @return array + */ + public function completeOptionValues($optionName, CompletionContext $context) + { + if ( $optionName === 'module' ) { + return $this->getModules(); + } + + return array(); + } + + /** + * Returns possible module names. + * + * @return array + */ + protected function getModules() + { + $modules = array_keys($this->Application->ModuleInfo); + + return array_diff($modules, array('In-Portal')); + } + + /** + * Return possible values for the named argument. + * + * @param string $argumentName Argument name. + * @param CompletionContext $context Completion context. + * + * @return array + */ + public function completeArgumentValues($argumentName, CompletionContext $context) + { + return array(); + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/BuildClassMapCommand.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/ResetCacheCommand.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/ResetCacheCommand.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/ResetCacheCommand.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + array( + 'short' => 'd', + 'description' => 'Reset Parsed and Cached System Data', + 'event' => 'adm:OnResetParsedData', + ), + 'unit-files' => array( + 'short' => 'f', + 'description' => 'Reset Configs Files Cache and Parsed System Data', + 'event' => 'adm:OnResetConfigsCache', + ), + 'admin-sections' => array( + 'short' => 's', + 'description' => 'Reset Admin Console Sections', + 'event' => 'adm:OnResetSections', + ), + 'mod-rewrite' => array( + 'short' => 'r', + 'description' => 'Reset ModRewrite Cache', + 'event' => 'adm:OnResetModRwCache', + ), + 'sms-menu' => array( + 'short' => 'm', + 'description' => 'Reset SMS Menu Cache', + 'event' => 'c:OnResetCMSMenuCache', + ), + 'templates' => array( + 'short' => 't', + 'description' => 'Clear Templates Cache', + 'event' => 'adm:OnDeleteCompiledTemplates', + ), + 'all-keys' => array( + 'short' => 'k', + 'description' => 'Reset All Keys', + 'event' => 'adm:OnResetMemcache', + ), + ); + + /** + * Configures the current command. + * + * @return void + */ + protected function configure() + { + $this + ->setName('cache:reset') + ->setDescription('Resets the cache'); + + foreach ( $this->optionMap as $option_name => $option_data ) { + $this->addOption( + $option_name, + $option_data['short'], + InputOption::VALUE_NONE, + $option_data['description'] + ); + } + } + + /** + * Executes the current command. + * + * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance. + * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance. + * + * @return null|integer + */ + protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) + { + $success_count = 0; + $error_count = 0; + + foreach ( $this->optionMap as $option_name => $option_data ) { + if ( !$input->getOption($option_name) ) { + continue; + } + + $success_count++; + $output->write('- ' . $option_data['description'] . ' ... '); + + $event = new \kEvent($option_data['event']); + $this->Application->HandleEvent($event); + + if ( $event->getRedirectParam('action_completed') ) { + $output->writeln('OK'); + } + else { + $error_count++; + $output->writeln('FAILED'); + } + } + + if ( $success_count === 0 ) { + throw new \RuntimeException('Please specify at least one reset option'); + } + + return $error_count == 0 ? 0 : 64; + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/ResetCacheCommand.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/RunEventCommand.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/RunEventCommand.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/RunEventCommand.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +setName('event:run') + ->setDescription('Executes an event') + ->addArgument( + 'event_name', + InputArgument::REQUIRED, + 'Event name (e.g. "adm:OnDoSomething")' + ); + } + + /** + * Executes the current command. + * + * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance. + * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance. + * + * @return null|integer + */ + protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) + { + $event_name = $input->getArgument('event_name'); + + $run_event = new \kEvent($event_name); + $this->Application->HandleEvent($run_event); + + return $run_event->status == \kEvent::erSUCCESS ? 0 : 64; + } + + /** + * Return possible values for the named option + * + * @param string $optionName Option name. + * @param CompletionContext $context Completion context. + * + * @return array + */ + public function completeOptionValues($optionName, CompletionContext $context) + { + return array(); + } + + /** + * Return possible values for the named argument. + * + * @param string $argumentName Argument name. + * @param CompletionContext $context Completion context. + * + * @return array + */ + public function completeArgumentValues($argumentName, CompletionContext $context) + { + if ( $argumentName === 'event_name' ) { + $event_name = $context->getCurrentWord(); + + // Suggest unit config prefixes. + if ( strpos($event_name, ':') === false ) { + return $this->Application->UnitConfigReader->getPrefixes(false); + } + + try { + $event = new \kEvent($event_name); + } + catch ( \InvalidArgumentException $e ) { + // Invalid event name. + return array(); + } + + // Unknown unit. + if ( !$this->Application->prefixRegistred($event->Prefix) ) { + return array(); + } + + // Suggest event names. + $suggestions = array(); + $reflection = new \ReflectionClass( + $this->Application->makeClass($event->Prefix . '_EventHandler') + ); + + foreach ( $reflection->getMethods() as $method ) { + if ( substr($method->getName(), 0, 2) === 'On' ) { + $suggestions[] = $event->Prefix . ':' . $method->getName(); + } + } + + return $suggestions; + } + + return array(); + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/RunEventCommand.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/CompletionCommand.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/CompletionCommand.php (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/CompletionCommand.php (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +Application = $application->getKernelApplication(); + $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection(); + } + } + + /** + * Configure the CompletionHandler instance before it is run + * + * @param CompletionHandler $handler Completion handler. + * + * @return void + */ + protected function configureCompletion(CompletionHandler $handler) + { + // This can be removed once v0.5.2 will be released. + $handler->addHandler( + new Completion( + 'help', + 'command_name', + Completion::TYPE_ARGUMENT, + array_keys($this->getApplication()->all()) + ) + ); + + $handler->addHandler( + new Completion( + 'list', + 'namespace', + Completion::TYPE_ARGUMENT, + $this->getApplication()->getNamespaces() + ) + ); + } + +} Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/Console/Command/CompletionCommand.php ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/ClassDiscovery/ClassMapBuilder.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/ClassDiscovery/ClassMapBuilder.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/ClassDiscovery/ClassMapBuilder.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,448 +1,437 @@ class > class_info). * * @var array */ protected $buildingCache = array(); /** * Class information (type, extends, implements, etc.). * * @var array */ protected $classInfo = array(); /** * Stores hash of each file on given path. * * @var array */ protected $fileHashes = array(); /** * Parser. * * @var Parser */ protected $parser; /** * Node traverser. * * @var NodeTraverser */ protected $traverser; /** * Name of file, that is currently processed. * * @var string */ protected $currentFile; /** * Returns builder array for all eligible folders. * * @param array $module_info Module info. * * @return static[] */ public static function createBuilders(array $module_info = null) { $ret = array(); if ( !isset($module_info) ) { // No module information given > scan everything. $ret[] = new static(FULL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core'); foreach ( glob(MODULES_PATH . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $module_folder ) { if ( \kModulesHelper::isInPortalModule($module_folder) ) { $ret[] = new static($module_folder); } } } else { // Module information given > scan only these modules. foreach ( $module_info as $module_name => $module_data ) { if ( $module_name == 'In-Portal' ) { continue; } $ret[] = new static(FULL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . rtrim($module_data['Path'], '/')); } } return $ret; } /** * Creates ClassMapBuilder instance. * * @param string $scan_path Path to scan. */ public function __construct($scan_path) { $this->scanPath = $scan_path; $this->assertPath($this->scanPath); $this->cachePath = $this->scanPath . '/install/cache'; $this->assertPath($this->cachePath); } /** * Validates that path exists and is directory. * * @param string $path Path. * * @return void * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When invalid path is given. */ protected function assertPath($path) { if ( !file_exists($path) || !is_dir($path) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Path "' . $path . '" is not a folder or doesn\'t exist'); } } /** * Returns class map and class information, that was built previously. * * @return array */ public function get() { $this->load(self::CACHE_FILE_STRUCTURE, false); return array($this->classToFileMap, $this->classInfo); } /** * Builds class map. * - * @return void + * @return array * @throws \RuntimeException When PHP parser not found. */ public function build() { if ( !class_exists('PhpParser\Parser') ) { $error_msg = 'PHP Parser not found. Make sure, that Composer dependencies were '; $error_msg .= 'installed using "php composer.phar install --dev" command.'; throw new \RuntimeException($error_msg); } + $table_output = array(); $scan_path = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '...', $this->scanPath, 1); - echo $this->strPad('path "' . $scan_path . '"', 40); + $table_output[] = $scan_path; // The "Path" column. $this->load(self::CACHE_FILE_STRUCTURE, true); $this->load(self::CACHE_FILE_HASHES, true); $start = microtime(true); $files = $this->scan(); - echo $this->strPad('scanned in ' . sprintf('%.4f', microtime(true) - $start) . 's', 25); + $table_output[] = sprintf('%.4f', microtime(true) - $start) . 's'; // The "Scanned in" column. $start = microtime(true); $this->createParser(); foreach ( $files as $file ) { $this->parseFile($file); } - echo $this->strPad('parsed in ' . sprintf('%.4f', microtime(true) - $start) . 's', 25); - echo PHP_EOL; + $table_output[] = sprintf('%.4f', microtime(true) - $start) . 's'; // The "Parsed in" column. ksort($this->classToFileMap); ksort($this->fileHashes); ksort($this->classInfo); $this->store(self::CACHE_FILE_STRUCTURE); $this->store(self::CACHE_FILE_HASHES); - } - /** - * Pads text with spaces from right side. - * - * @param string $text Text. - * @param integer $length Pad length. - * - * @return string - */ - protected function strPad($text, $length) - { - return str_pad($text, $length, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT); + return $table_output; } /** * Loads cache from disk. * * @param string $filename Filename. * @param boolean $for_writing Load cache for writing or reading. * * @return void */ protected function load($filename, $for_writing) { $file_path = $this->getCacheFilename($filename); if ( !file_exists($file_path) ) { return; } $cache = include $file_path; if ( $cache['cache_format'] != self::CACHE_FORMAT ) { return; } if ( $filename === self::CACHE_FILE_STRUCTURE ) { $class_info = $cache['class_info']; if ( $for_writing ) { foreach ( $cache['classes'] as $class => $file ) { if ( !isset($this->buildingCache[$file]) ) { $this->buildingCache[$file] = array(); } $this->buildingCache[$file][$class] = $class_info[$class]; } } else { $this->classToFileMap = $cache['classes']; $this->classInfo = $class_info; } } elseif ( $filename === self::CACHE_FILE_HASHES ) { $this->fileHashes = $cache['file_hashes']; } } /** * Scans path for files. * * @return array */ protected function scan() { $files = array(); $directory_iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->scanPath); $filter_iterator = new CodeFolderFilterIterator($directory_iterator); foreach ( new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($filter_iterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $file ) { /* @var \SplFileInfo $file */ if ( $file->isFile() && $file->getExtension() === 'php' ) { $relative_path = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '', $file->getPathname(), 1); $files[$relative_path] = true; } } // Don't include cache file itself in cache. $exclude_file = preg_replace( '/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '', $this->getCacheFilename(self::CACHE_FILE_STRUCTURE), 1 ); unset($files[$exclude_file]); $exclude_file = preg_replace( '/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '', $this->getCacheFilename(self::CACHE_FILE_HASHES), 1 ); unset($files[$exclude_file]); return array_keys($files); } /** * Create parser. * * @return void */ protected function createParser() { \kUtil::setResourceLimit(); ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 3000); $this->parser = new Parser(new Lexer()); $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser(); $this->traverser->addVisitor(new NameResolver()); $this->traverser->addVisitor(new ClassDetector($this)); } /** * Parses a file. * * @param string $file Path to file. * * @return void */ protected function parseFile($file) { $this->currentFile = $file; $code = file_get_contents(FULL_PATH . $file); $current_hash = filesize(FULL_PATH . $file); $previous_hash = isset($this->fileHashes[$file]) ? $this->fileHashes[$file] : 0; if ( $current_hash === $previous_hash ) { // File wasn't change since time, when cache was built. if ( isset($this->buildingCache[$file]) ) { foreach ( $this->buildingCache[$file] as $class => $class_info ) { $this->addClass($class, $class_info); } } } else { // Parse file, because it's content doesn't match the cache. $this->fileHashes[$file] = $current_hash; $statements = $this->parser->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($statements); } } /** * Stores cache to disk. * * @param string $filename Cache filename. * * @return void * @throws \RuntimeException When cache could not be written. */ protected function store($filename) { $cache = array('cache_format' => self::CACHE_FORMAT); if ( $filename === self::CACHE_FILE_STRUCTURE ) { $cache['classes'] = $this->classToFileMap; $cache['class_info'] = $this->classInfo; } elseif ( $filename === self::CACHE_FILE_HASHES ) { $cache['file_hashes'] = $this->fileHashes; } $cache = $this->prettyVarExport($cache); $at = '@'; $file_content = <<getCacheFilename($filename); // Don't bother saving, because file wasn't even changed. if ( file_exists($file_path) && file_get_contents($file_path) === $file_content ) { return; } if ( file_put_contents($file_path, $file_content) === false ) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to save cache to "' . $file_path . '" file'); } } /** * Prettified var_export. * * @param mixed $data Data. * * @return string */ protected function prettyVarExport($data) { $result = var_export($data, true); $result = preg_replace("/=> \n[ ]+array \\(/s", '=> array (', $result); $result = str_replace(array('array (', ' '), array('array(', "\t"), $result); return $result; } /** * Returns cache filename. * * @param string $filename Filename. * * @return string */ protected function getCacheFilename($filename) { return $this->cachePath . '/' . $filename; } /** * Adds class to the map. * * @param string $class Class. * @param array $class_info Class info. * * @return void */ public function addClass($class, array $class_info) { $this->classInfo[$class] = $class_info; $this->classToFileMap[$class] = $this->currentFile; } } Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/factory.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/factory.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/factory.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,492 +1,492 @@ Application->ModuleInfo ) { $error_msg = 'Autoloader configuration can be only performed after module information is available'; throw new LogicException($error_msg); } $this->namespaceMap = array(); foreach ( $this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_info ) { if ( $module_name == 'In-Portal' ) { continue; } $this->namespaceMap[$module_info['ClassNamespace']] = rtrim($module_info['Path'], '/'); } if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL ) { // During installation process all modules, because unit configs from all modules are scanned too. $class_map_builders = ClassMapBuilder::createBuilders(); } else { $class_map_builders = ClassMapBuilder::createBuilders($this->Application->ModuleInfo); } foreach ( $class_map_builders as $class_map_builder ) { list($class_map, $class_info) = $class_map_builder->get(); $class_names = array_keys($class_map); $this->classMap = array_merge($this->classMap, $class_map); $this->classInfo = array_merge($this->classInfo, $class_info); $this->realClasses = array_merge($this->realClasses, array_combine($class_names, $class_names)); foreach ( $class_info as $class => $class_data ) { if ( isset($class_data['extends']) ) { foreach ( $class_data['extends'] as $extends_class ) { if ( !isset($this->classTree[$extends_class]) ) { $this->classTree[$extends_class] = array(); } $this->classTree[$extends_class][] = $class; } } } } } /** * Sets data from cache to object * * @param Array $data * @return void * @access public */ public function setFromCache(&$data) { $this->classMap = $data['Factory.Files']; $this->classInfo = $data['Factory.ClassInfo']; $this->classTree = $data['Factory.ClassTree']; $this->namespaceMap = $data['Factory.Namespaces']; $this->realClasses = $data['Factory.realClasses']; } /** * Performs automatic loading of classes registered with the factory * * @param string $class * @return bool|null * @access public */ public function autoload($class) { $file = $this->findFile($class); if ( $file ) { kUtil::includeOnce(FULL_PATH . $file); return true; } return null; } /** * Finds the path to the file where the class is defined. * * @param string $class The name of the class * @return string|bool The path if found, false otherwise * @access protected */ protected function findFile($class) { if ( $class[0] == '\\' ) { $class = substr($class, 1); } if ( isset($this->classMap[$class]) ) { return $this->classMap[$class]; } $pos = strrpos($class, '\\'); if ( $pos !== false ) { // namespaced class name $class_path = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($class, 0, $pos)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $class_name = substr($class, $pos + 1); } else { // PEAR-like class name $class_path = null; $class_name = $class; } $class_path .= str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class_name) . '.php'; foreach ( $this->namespaceMap as $namespace_prefix => $namespace_path ) { if ( strpos($class, $namespace_prefix) === 0 ) { $test_class_path = str_replace( str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace_prefix), $namespace_path, $class_path ); if ( file_exists(FULL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $test_class_path) ) { return DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $test_class_path; } } } return $this->classMap[$class] = false; } /** * Gets object data for caching * * @return Array * @access public */ public function getToCache() { ksort($this->classMap); ksort($this->classInfo); ksort($this->classTree); ksort($this->namespaceMap); ksort($this->realClasses); return Array ( 'Factory.Files' => $this->classMap, 'Factory.ClassInfo' => $this->classInfo, 'Factory.ClassTree' => $this->classTree, 'Factory.Namespaces' => $this->namespaceMap, 'Factory.realClasses' => $this->realClasses, ); } /** * Splits any mixing of prefix and * special into correct ones * * @param string $prefix_special * @return Array * @access public */ public function processPrefix($prefix_special) { // l.pick, l, m.test_TagProcessor //preg_match("/(.*)\.*(.*)(_*)(.*)/", $prefix_special, $regs); //return Array('prefix'=>$regs[1].$regs[3].$regs[4], 'special'=>$regs[2]); $tmp = explode('_', $prefix_special, 2); $tmp[0] = explode('.', $tmp[0]); $prefix = $tmp[0][0]; $prefix_special = $prefix; // new1 if ( isset($tmp[1]) ) { $prefix .= '_' . $tmp[1]; } $special = isset($tmp[0][1]) ? $tmp[0][1] : ''; $prefix_special .= '.' . $special; // new2 return Array ('prefix' => $prefix, 'special' => $special, 'prefix_special' => $prefix_special); } /** * Returns object using params specified, creates it if is required. * * @param string $name Object name in factory. * @param string $pseudo_class Pseudo class. * @param Array $event_params Event params. * @param Array $arguments Constructor arguments. * * @return kBase */ public function getObject($name, $pseudo_class = '', $event_params = Array (), $arguments = Array ()) { $name = rtrim($name, '.'); if ( isset($this->Storage[$name]) ) { return $this->Storage[$name]; } $ret = $this->processPrefix($name); if ( !$pseudo_class ) { $pseudo_class = $ret['prefix']; } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && defined('DBG_FACTORY') && DBG_FACTORY && $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Creating object: Pseudo class: ' . $pseudo_class . ' Prefix: ' . $name); $this->Application->Debugger->appendTrace(); } $this->Storage[$name] = $this->makeClass($pseudo_class, $arguments); $this->Storage[$name]->Init($ret['prefix'], $ret['special']); $this->Application->EventManager->runBuildEvent($ret['prefix_special'], $pseudo_class, $event_params); return $this->Storage[$name]; } /** * Removes object from storage, so next time it could be created from scratch * * @param string $name Object's name in the Storage * @return void * @access public */ public function DestroyObject($name) { unset($this->Storage[$name]); } /** * Checks if object with prefix passes was already created in factory * * @param string $name object pseudo_class, prefix * @return bool * @access public */ public function hasObject($name) { return isset($this->Storage[$name]); } /** * Get's real class name for pseudo class, includes class file and creates class instance. * * Pattern: Factory Method * * @param string $pseudo_class Pseudo class. * @param array $arguments Constructor arguments. * * @return kBase * @throws kFactoryException When class not found. */ public function makeClass($pseudo_class, $arguments = Array ()) { if ( !isset($this->realClasses[$pseudo_class]) ) { $error_msg = 'RealClass not defined for "' . $pseudo_class . '" pseudo_class.'; - $error_msg .= ' Please use "php tools/build_class_map.php" to discover new classes.'; + $error_msg .= ' Please use "in-portal classmap:rebuild" command to discover new classes.'; if ( $this->Application->isInstalled() ) { throw new kFactoryException($error_msg); } else { if ( $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendTrace(); } trigger_error($error_msg, E_USER_WARNING); } return false; } $real_class = $this->realClasses[$pseudo_class]; $mem_before = memory_get_usage(); $time_before = microtime(true); $arguments = (array)$arguments; if ( !$arguments ) { $class = new $real_class(); } else { $reflection = new ReflectionClass($real_class); $class = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($arguments); } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY') && DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY && $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $mem_after = memory_get_usage(); $time_after = microtime(true); $mem_used = $mem_after - $mem_before; $time_used = $time_after - $time_before; $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Factroy created ' . $real_class . ' - used ' . round($mem_used / 1024, 3) . 'Kb time: ' . round($time_used, 5)); $this->Application->Debugger->profilerAddTotal('objects', null, $mem_used); } return $class; } /** * Returns sub-classes of given ancestor class. * * @param string $ancestor_class Ancestor class. * @param boolean $concrete_only Return only non-abstract classes. * * @return array * @throws kFactoryException When ancestor class not found. */ public function getSubClasses($ancestor_class, $concrete_only = true) { if ( !isset($this->classMap[$ancestor_class]) ) { throw new kFactoryException( 'Class "' . $ancestor_class . '" is not registered in the Factory' ); } if ( !isset($this->classTree[$ancestor_class]) ) { return array(); } $all_sub_classes = array(); foreach ( $this->classTree[$ancestor_class] as $sub_class ) { $real_sub_class = $this->realClasses[$sub_class]; $all_sub_classes[$real_sub_class] = $sub_class; $all_sub_classes = array_merge($all_sub_classes, $this->getSubClasses($sub_class, false)); } if ( $concrete_only ) { $concrete_sub_classes = array(); foreach ( $all_sub_classes as $real_sub_class => $sub_class ) { if ( $this->classInfo[$sub_class]['type'] == self::TYPE_CLASS && !$this->classHasModifier($sub_class, self::MODIFIER_ABSTRACT) ) { $concrete_sub_classes[$real_sub_class] = $sub_class; } } return $concrete_sub_classes; } return $all_sub_classes; } /** * Determines of class has modifier. * * @param string $class Class. * @param integer $modifier Modifier. * * @return boolean */ protected function classHasModifier($class, $modifier) { return ($this->classInfo[$class]['modifiers'] & $modifier) == $modifier; } /** * Registers new class in the factory * * @param string $real_class Real name of class as in class declaration * @param string $file Filename in what $real_class is declared * @param string $pseudo_class Name under this class object will be accessed using getObject method * @return void * @access public */ public function registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class = null) { if ( !isset($pseudo_class) ) { $pseudo_class = $real_class; } if ( !isset($this->classMap[$real_class]) ) { $this->classMap[$real_class] = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '', $file, 1); } $this->realClasses[$pseudo_class] = $real_class; } /** * Unregisters existing class from factory * * @param string $real_class Real name of class as in class declaration * @param string $pseudo_class Name under this class object is accessed using getObject method * @return void * @access public */ public function unregisterClass($real_class, $pseudo_class = null) { unset($this->classMap[$real_class]); } } class kFactoryException extends Exception { } Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/event.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/event.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/event.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,448 +1,450 @@ Init($prefix, $special); } $this->Name = isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : ''; } elseif ( is_string($params) ) { - if (preg_match('/([^.:]*)[.]{0,1}([^:]*):(.*)/', $params, $regs)) { + if ( preg_match('/([^.:]*)[.]{0,1}([^:]*):(.*)/', $params, $regs) ) { $prefix = $regs[1]; $special = $regs[2]; - if ($prefix) { + if ( $prefix ) { $this->Init($prefix, $special); } $this->Name = $regs[3]; } else { - throw new Exception('Invalid event string: "' . $params . '". Should be in "prefix[.special]:OnEvent" format'); + $error_msg = 'Invalid event string: "' . $params . '". '; + $error_msg .= 'Should be in "prefix[.special]:OnEvent" format'; + throw new InvalidArgumentException($error_msg); } } } if ( isset($specific_params) ) { $this->specificParams = $specific_params; } } /** * Returns joined prefix and special if any * * @param bool $from_submit if true, then joins prefix & special by "_", uses "." otherwise * @return string * @access public */ public function getPrefixSpecial($from_submit = false) { if (!$from_submit) { return parent::getPrefixSpecial(); } return rtrim($this->Prefix . '_' . $this->Special, '_'); } /** * Sets event parameter * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @access public */ public function setEventParam($name,$value) { $this->specificParams[$name] = $value; } /** * Returns event parameter by name (supports digging) * * @param string $name * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getEventParam($name) { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) > 1) { kUtil::array_unshift_ref($args, $this->specificParams); return call_user_func_array('getArrayValue', $args); // getArrayValue($this->specificParams, $name); } return array_key_exists($name, $this->specificParams) ? $this->specificParams[$name] : false; } /** * Returns all event parameters * * @return Array * @access public */ public function getEventParams() { return $this->specificParams; } /** * Set's pseudo class that differs from * the one specified in $Prefix * * @param string $appendix * @access public */ public function setPseudoClass($appendix) { $this->pseudoClass = $this->Prefix . $appendix; } /** * Performs event initialization * Also sets pseudo class same $prefix * * @param string $prefix * @param string $special * @access public */ public function Init($prefix, $special) { $this->pseudoClass = $prefix; parent::Init($prefix, $special); } /** * Returns object used in event * * @param Array $params * @return kDBBase * @access public */ public function getObject(array $params = Array()) { if ( !$this->Application->hasObject($this->prefixSpecial) ) { $top_event = $this; // when OnSave calls OnPreSave in first line, then this would make sure OnSave is used while ( is_object($top_event->MasterEvent) ) { $top_event = $top_event->MasterEvent; } $params['parent_event'] = $top_event; } return $this->Application->recallObject($this->prefixSpecial, $this->pseudoClass, $params); } /** * Executes given event in context of current event * Sub-event gets this event in "kEvent::MasterEvent" attribute. * Sub-event execution results (status and redirect* properties) are copied back to current event. * * @param string $name name of callable event (optionally could contain prefix_special as well) * @see kEvent::MasterEvent * @todo Will overwrite master event data with called event data, which makes 'parent_event' useless in most cases */ public function CallSubEvent($name) { if ( strpos($name, ':') === false ) { // PrefixSpecial not specified -> use from current event $name = $this->getPrefixSpecial() . ':' . $name; } $child_event = new kEvent($name); $child_event->copyFrom($this, true); $this->Application->HandleEvent($child_event); $this->copyFrom($child_event); $this->specificParams = $child_event->specificParams; } /** * Allows to copy data between events * * @param kEvent $source_event * @param bool $inherit * @access public */ public function copyFrom($source_event, $inherit = false) { if ( $inherit ) { $this->MasterEvent = $source_event; } else { $this->status = $source_event->status; } $this->redirect = $source_event->redirect; $this->redirectParams = $source_event->redirectParams; $this->redirectScript = $source_event->redirectScript; $this->specificParams = $source_event->specificParams; } /** * Returns all redirect parameters * * @return Array * @access public */ public function getRedirectParams() { return $this->redirectParams; } /** * Returns redirect parameter * * @param string $name * @return mixed * @access public */ public function getRedirectParam($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->redirectParams) ? $this->redirectParams[$name] : false; } /** * Set's redirect param for event * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @access public */ public function SetRedirectParam($name, $value) { $this->redirectParams[$name] = $value; } /** * Allows to merge passed redirect params hash with existing ones * * @param Array $params * @param bool $append * @access public */ public function setRedirectParams($params, $append = true) { if ( $append ) { // append new parameters to parameters set before $params = kUtil::array_merge_recursive($this->redirectParams, $params); } $this->redirectParams = $params; } /** * Allows to tell if this event was called some how (e.g. subevent, hook) from event requested * * @param string $event_key event key in format [prefix[.special]:]event_name * @return bool * @access public */ public function hasAncestor($event_key) { if ( strpos($event_key, ':') === false ) { $event_key = $this->getPrefixSpecial() . ':' . $event_key; } return $this->Application->EventManager->eventRunning($event_key); } /** * Returns permission section associated with event * * @return string * @access public */ public function getSection() { $perm_section = $this->getEventParam('PermSection'); if ( $perm_section ) { return $perm_section; } // 1. get section by current top_prefix $top_prefix = $this->getEventParam('top_prefix'); if ( $top_prefix == false ) { $top_prefix = $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($this->Prefix, true); $this->setEventParam('top_prefix', $top_prefix); } $section = $this->Application->getUnitConfig($top_prefix)->getPermSectionByName('main'); // 2. check if this section has perm_prefix mapping to other prefix $sections_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('SectionsHelper'); /* @var $sections_helper kSectionsHelper */ $section_data =& $sections_helper->getSectionData($section); if ( $section_data && isset($section_data['perm_prefix']) && $section_data['perm_prefix'] != $top_prefix ) { $this->setEventParam('top_prefix', $section_data['perm_prefix']); $section = $this->Application->getUnitConfig($section_data['perm_prefix'])->getPermSectionByName('main'); } if ( !$section ) { throw new Exception('Permission section not specified for prefix ' . $top_prefix . ''); } return $section; } public function __toString() { return $this->getPrefixSpecial() . ':' . $this->Name; } - } \ No newline at end of file + } Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/unit_config_reader.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/unit_config_reader.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/unit_config_reader.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,735 +1,743 @@ directorySeparator = preg_quote(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $editor_path = explode('/', trim(EDITOR_PATH, '/')); $this->skipFolders[] = array_pop($editor_path); // last of cmseditor folders $this->moduleFolderRegExp = '#' . $this->directorySeparator . '(core|modules' . $this->directorySeparator . '.*?)' . $this->directorySeparator . '#'; $this->cloner = $this->Application->makeClass('kUnitConfigCloner', array($this)); } /** * Sets data from cache to object * * @param Array $data */ public function setFromCache(&$data) { $this->cloner->setFromCache($data); $this->prefixFiles = $data['ConfigReader.prefixFiles']; } /** * Gets object data for caching * * @return Array */ public function getToCache() { return array_merge( $this->cloner->getToCache(), array( 'ConfigReader.prefixFiles' => $this->prefixFiles, ) ); } public function scanModules($folder_path, $cache = true) { if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL && !defined('FORCE_CONFIG_CACHE') ) { // disable config caching during installation $cache = false; } if ( $cache ) { $restored = $this->Application->cacheManager->LoadUnitCache(); if ( $restored ) { if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('UnitConfigReader: Restoring Cache'); } return; } } if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) { $this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('UnitConfigReader: Generating Cache'); } // === lines below would only executed on cold start (no unit config cache) === // no cache found -> include all unit configs to create it ! $this->includeConfigFiles($folder_path, $cache); $this->parseConfigs(); $this->sortRouters(); // tell AfterConfigRead to store cache if needed // can't store it here because AfterConfigRead needs ability to change config data $this->storeCache = $cache; if ( !$this->Application->InitDone ) { // scanModules is called multiple times during installation process $this->Application->InitManagers(); } $this->Application->cacheManager->applyDelayedUnitProcessing(); } /** * Locates (recursively) and reads all unit configs at given path. * * @param string $folder_path Folder path. * @param boolean $cache Store information to cache. * * @throws Exception When unit config file is missing a prefix defined inside it. */ protected function includeConfigFiles($folder_path, $cache = true) { $this->Application->refreshModuleInfo(); if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $data = $this->Application->getCache('master:config_files', false, $cache ? CacheSettings::$unitCacheRebuildTime : 0); } else { $data = $this->Application->getDBCache('config_files', $cache ? CacheSettings::$unitCacheRebuildTime : 0); } if ( $data ) { $this->configFiles = unserialize($data); if ( !(defined('DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS') && DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS) ) { shuffle($this->configFiles); } } else { $this->findConfigFiles(FULL_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core'); // search from "core" directory $this->findConfigFiles($folder_path); // search from "modules" directory if ( $cache ) { if ( $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY) ) { $this->Application->setCache('master:config_files', serialize($this->configFiles)); } else { $this->Application->setDBCache('config_files', serialize($this->configFiles)); } } } foreach ( $this->configFiles as $filename ) { $prefix = $this->PreloadConfigFile($filename); if ( !$prefix ) { throw new Exception('Prefix not defined in config file ' . $filename . ''); } } // TODO: needed? if ( $cache ) { unset($this->configFiles); } } /** * Recursively searches for unit configs in given folder. * * @param string $folder_path Path to the folder. * @param int $level Deep level of the folder. * * @return void */ protected function findConfigFiles($folder_path, $level = 0) { // if FULL_PATH = "/" ensure, that all "/" in $folderPath are not deleted $reg_exp = '/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/'; $folder_path = preg_replace($reg_exp, '', $folder_path, 1); // this make sense, since $folderPath may NOT contain FULL_PATH $base_folder = FULL_PATH . $folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $sub_folders = glob($base_folder . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if ( !$sub_folders ) { return; } if ( $level == 0 ) { // don't scan Front-End themes because of extensive directory structure $sub_folders = array_diff($sub_folders, array($base_folder . 'themes', $base_folder . 'tools')); } foreach ( $sub_folders as $full_path ) { $sub_folder = substr($full_path, strlen($base_folder)); if ( in_array($sub_folder, $this->skipFolders) || preg_match('/^\./', $sub_folder) ) { // don't scan skipped or hidden folders continue; } $config_name = $this->getConfigName($folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sub_folder); if ( file_exists(FULL_PATH . $config_name) ) { $this->configFiles[] = $config_name; } $this->findConfigFiles($full_path, $level + 1); } } /** * Process all read config files - called ONLY when there is no cache! * * @return void */ protected function parseConfigs() { $this->parseUnitConfigs($this->getUnitConfigsWithoutPriority()); $this->parseUnitConfigs($this->getUnitConfigsWithPriority()); } /** * Parses unit config sub-set. * * @param array $prefixes Unit config prefixes. * * @return array */ protected function parseUnitConfigs(array $prefixes) { foreach ( $prefixes as $prefix ) { $this->configData[$prefix]->parse(); } $this->cloner->extrudeAndParse($prefixes); } /** * Returns unit configs prefixes without priority defined. * * @return array */ public function getUnitConfigsWithoutPriority() { $ret = array(); foreach ( $this->configData as $prefix => $config ) { if ( $config->getConfigPriority() === false ) { $ret[] = $prefix; } } return $ret; } /** * Returns unit configs prefixes with priority defined. * * @return array */ public function getUnitConfigsWithPriority() { $ret = array(); foreach ( $this->configData as $prefix => $config ) { $priority = $config->getConfigPriority(); if ( $priority !== false ) { $ret[$prefix] = $priority; } } asort($ret); return array_keys($ret); } public function AfterConfigRead($store_cache = null) { $this->finalStage = true; foreach ($this->configData as $prefix => $config) { $this->runAfterConfigRead($prefix); } if ( !isset($store_cache) ) { // $store_cache not overridden -> use global setting $store_cache = $this->storeCache; } if ( $store_cache || (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) ) { // cache is not stored during install, but dynamic clones should be processed in any case $this->cloner->processDynamicallyAdded(); $this->retrieveCollections(); } if ( $store_cache ) { $this->Application->HandleEvent(new kEvent('adm:OnAfterCacheRebuild')); $this->Application->cacheManager->UpdateUnitCache(); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS') && DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS ) { // validate configs here to have changes from OnAfterConfigRead hooks to prefixes foreach ( $this->configData as $config ) { if ( !$config->getTableName() ) { continue; } $config->validate(); } } } } /** * Sort routers according to their weight (non-prioritized routers goes first). * * @return void */ protected function sortRouters() { $sorted_routers = array(); $prioritized_routers = array(); $routers = $this->collectRouters(); // Process non-prioritized routers. foreach ( $routers as $prefix => $router_data ) { if ( $router_data['priority'] === false ) { $sorted_routers[$prefix] = $router_data; } else { $prioritized_routers[$prefix] = $router_data['priority']; } } // Process prioritized routers. asort($prioritized_routers, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ( $prioritized_routers as $prefix => $priority ) { $sorted_routers[$prefix] = $routers[$prefix]; } $this->Application->routers = $sorted_routers; } /** * Collects routers. * * @return array */ protected function collectRouters() { $routers = array(); $router_classes = $this->Application->getSubClasses('AbstractRouter'); foreach ( $router_classes as $router_class ) { if ( !class_exists($router_class) ) { // This can happen, when: // - router class (coming from cache) was renamed; // - new cache is built based on outdated class map. continue; } /** @var AbstractRouter $router */ $router = new $router_class(); $routers[$router->getPrefix()] = array( 'class' => $router_class, 'priority' => $router->getWeight(), ); } return $routers; } /** * Re-reads all configs. * * @return void */ public function ReReadConfigs() { if ( $this->storeCache && $this->finalStage ) { // Building cache right now, so all unit configs are read anyway. return; } // don't reset prefix file, since file scanning could slow down the process $prefix_files_backup = $this->prefixFiles; $this->Application->cacheManager->EmptyUnitCache(); $this->prefixFiles = $prefix_files_backup; // parse all configs $this->afterConfigProcessed = array(); $this->includeConfigFiles(MODULES_PATH, false); $this->parseConfigs(); $this->sortRouters(); $this->AfterConfigRead(false); $this->cloner->processDynamicallyAdded(); $this->retrieveCollections(); } /** * Process all collectible unit config options here to also catch ones, defined from OnAfterConfigRead events * */ protected function retrieveCollections() { foreach ( $this->configData as $prefix => $config ) { // collect replacement templates if ( $config->getReplacementTemplates() ) { $this->Application->ReplacementTemplates = array_merge($this->Application->ReplacementTemplates, $config->getReplacementTemplates()); } } } public function loadConfig($prefix) { $preloaded_prefix = $this->PreloadConfigFile($this->getPrefixFile($prefix)); if ( $this->finalStage ) { // run prefix OnAfterConfigRead so all hooks to it can define their clones $this->runAfterConfigRead($preloaded_prefix); } // Only use cached clones for calls in the middle of initialization (e.g. url parsing). $clones = $this->cloner->extrude($preloaded_prefix, !$this->finalStage); if ( $this->finalStage ) { foreach ( $clones as $a_prefix ) { $this->runAfterConfigRead($a_prefix); } } } /** * Runs OnAfterConfigRead event for given prefix once. * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return void */ public function runAfterConfigRead($prefix) { if ( in_array($prefix, $this->afterConfigProcessed) ) { return; } $this->Application->HandleEvent(new kEvent($prefix . ':OnAfterConfigRead')); if ( !(defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) ) { // allow to call OnAfterConfigRead multiple times during install array_push($this->afterConfigProcessed, $prefix); } } /** * Loads unit config file contents from disk. * * @param string $filename Unit config filename. * * @return string */ protected function PreloadConfigFile($filename) { $config_found = file_exists(FULL_PATH . $filename) && $this->configAllowed($filename); if ( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_PROFILE_INCLUDES') && DBG_PROFILE_INCLUDES ) { if ( in_array($filename, get_included_files()) ) { return ''; } global $debugger; if ( $config_found ) { $file = FULL_PATH . $filename; $file_crc = crc32($file); $debugger->ProfileStart('inc_' . $file_crc, $file); include_once($file); $debugger->ProfileFinish('inc_' . $file_crc); $debugger->profilerAddTotal('includes', 'inc_' . $file_crc); } } elseif ( $config_found ) { include_once(FULL_PATH . $filename); } if ( $config_found ) { /* @var $config kUnitConfig|Array */ if ( isset($config) && $config ) { // config file is included for 1st time -> save it's content for future processing if ( !is_object($config) ) { $prefix = array_key_exists('Prefix', $config) ? $config['Prefix'] : ''; $config = new kUnitConfig($prefix, $config); } else { $prefix = $config->getPrefix(); } preg_match($this->moduleFolderRegExp, $filename, $regs); $config->setModuleFolder(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $regs[1])); $config->setBasePath(dirname(FULL_PATH . $filename)); if ( $config->getAdminTemplatePath() !== false ) { // append template base folder for admin templates path of this prefix $module_templates = $regs[1] == 'core' ? '' : substr($regs[1], 8) . '/'; $config->setAdminTemplatePath($module_templates . $config->getAdminTemplatePath()); } if ( array_key_exists($prefix, $this->prefixFiles) && ($this->prefixFiles[$prefix] != $filename) ) { trigger_error( 'Single unit config prefix "' . $prefix . '" ' . 'is used in multiple unit config files: ' . '"' . $this->prefixFiles[$prefix] . '", "' . $filename . '"', E_USER_WARNING ); } $this->add($config, $filename); return $prefix; } else { $prefix = array_search($filename, $this->prefixFiles); if ( $prefix ) { // attempt is made to include config file twice or more, but include_once prevents that, // but file exists on hdd, then it is already saved to all required arrays, just return it's prefix return $prefix; } } } return 'dummy'; } /** * Sets a file, for a given prefix. * * @param kUnitConfig $config Unit config. * @param string $filename File. * * @return void */ public function add(kUnitConfig $config, $filename) { $config->setFilename($filename); $prefix = $config->getPrefix(); $this->configData[$prefix] = $config; $this->prefixFiles[$prefix] = $filename; } /** * Removes unit config. * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return void */ public function remove($prefix) { unset($this->configData[$prefix], $this->prefixFiles[$prefix]); } /** * Returns unit config for given prefix * * @param string $prefix * @return kUnitConfig */ public function getUnitConfig($prefix = null) { if ( !isset($this->configData[$prefix]) ) { $this->loadConfig($prefix); } return $this->configData[$prefix]; } /** - * Returns prefixes of unit configs, that were registered + * Returns prefixes of unit configs, that were registered. * - * @return Array + * @param boolean $loaded_only Only return prefixes, that were loaded till now. + * + * @return array */ - public function getPrefixes() + public function getPrefixes($loaded_only = true) { - return array_keys($this->configData); + if ( $loaded_only ) { + return array_keys($this->configData); + } + + return array_keys($this->prefixFiles); } /** * Get's config file name based * on folder name supplied * * @param string $folder_path * @return string */ protected function getConfigName($folder_path) { return $folder_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($folder_path) . '_config.php'; } /** * Checks if config file is allowed for inclusion (if module of config is installed). * * @param string $config_path Relative path from In-Portal directory. * * @return boolean */ protected function configAllowed($config_path) { static $module_paths = null; if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL ) { // at installation start no modules in db and kernel configs could not be read return true; } if ( preg_match('#^' . $this->directorySeparator . 'core#', $config_path) ) { // always allow to include configs from "core" module's folder return true; } if ( !$this->Application->ModuleInfo ) { return false; } if ( !isset($module_paths) ) { $module_paths = array(); foreach ( $this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_info ) { $module_paths[] = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, rtrim($module_info['Path'], '/')); } $module_paths = array_unique($module_paths); } preg_match($this->moduleFolderRegExp, $config_path, $regs); // config file path starts with module folder path return in_array($regs[1], $module_paths); } /** * Returns true if config exists and is allowed for reading * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return boolean */ public function prefixRegistered($prefix) { return isset($this->prefixFiles[$prefix]); } /** * Returns unit config file location by it's prefix. * * @param string $prefix Unit config prefix. * * @return string - * @throws Exception When unit config is not found. + * @throws InvalidArgumentException When unit config is not found. */ public function getPrefixFile($prefix) { if ( !isset($this->prefixFiles[$prefix]) ) { - throw new Exception('Configuration file for prefix "' . $prefix . '" is unknown'); + throw new InvalidArgumentException( + 'Configuration file for prefix "' . $prefix . '" is unknown' + ); } return $this->prefixFiles[$prefix]; } } Index: branches/5.3.x/core/install/cache/class_structure.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/core/install/cache/class_structure.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/core/install/cache/class_structure.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,2561 +1,2630 @@ 2, 'classes' => array( 'AbstractCategoryItemRouter' => '/core/kernel/utility/Router/AbstractCategoryItemRouter.php', 'AbstractReviewRouter' => '/core/kernel/utility/Router/AbstractReviewRouter.php', 'AbstractRouter' => '/core/kernel/utility/Router/AbstractRouter.php', 'AdminEventsHandler' => '/core/units/admin/admin_events_handler.php', 'AdminTagProcessor' => '/core/units/admin/admin_tag_processor.php', 'AjaxFormHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/ajax_form_helper.php', 'ApcCacheHandler' => '/core/kernel/utility/cache.php', 'BackupHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/backup_helper.php', 'BaseSession' => '/core/kernel/session/session.php', 'BaseSessionStorage' => '/core/kernel/session/session_storage.php', 'CacheSettings' => '/core/kernel/startup.php', 'CaptchaEventHandler' => '/core/units/captcha/captcha_eh.php', 'CategoriesEventHandler' => '/core/units/categories/categories_event_handler.php', 'CategoriesItem' => '/core/units/categories/categories_item.php', 'CategoriesTagProcessor' => '/core/units/categories/categories_tag_processor.php', 'CategoryHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/category_helper.php', 'CategoryItemsEventHandler' => '/core/units/category_items/category_items_event_handler.php', 'CategoryItemsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/category_items/category_items_tag_processor.php', 'CategoryPermissionRebuild' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'ChangeLog' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'ChangeLogEventHandler' => '/core/units/logs/change_logs/change_log_eh.php', 'ChangeLogTagProcessor' => '/core/units/logs/change_logs/change_log_tp.php', 'ColumnSet' => '/core/units/helpers/col_picker_helper.php', 'ConfigSearchEventHandler' => '/core/units/config_search/config_search_event_handler.php', 'ConfigSearchTagProcessor' => '/core/units/config_search/config_search_tag_processor.php', 'ConfigurationEventHandler' => '/core/units/configuration/configuration_event_handler.php', 'ConfigurationItem' => '/core/units/configuration/configuration.php', 'ConfigurationTagProcessor' => '/core/units/configuration/configuration_tag_processor.php', 'ConfigurationValidator' => '/core/units/configuration/configuration_validator.php', 'ContentEventHandler' => '/core/units/content/content_eh.php', 'ContentTagProcessor' => '/core/units/content/content_tp.php', 'CoreUpgrades' => '/core/install/upgrades.php', 'CountryStateEventHandler' => '/core/units/country_states/country_state_eh.php', 'CssMinifyHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/minifiers/css_minify_helper.php', 'CustomDataEventHandler' => '/core/units/custom_data/custom_data_event_handler.php', 'CustomFieldsEventHandler' => '/core/units/custom_fields/custom_fields_event_handler.php', 'CustomFieldsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/custom_fields/custom_fields_tag_processor.php', 'Debugger' => '/core/kernel/utility/debugger.php', 'DebuggerUtil' => '/core/kernel/utility/debugger.php', 'DeploymentHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/deployment_helper.php', 'DraftEventHandler' => '/core/units/forms/drafts/draft_eh.php', 'EditPickerHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/controls/edit_picker_helper.php', 'EmailDelivery' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'EmailLogEventHandler' => '/core/units/logs/email_logs/email_log_eh.php', 'EmailLogStatus' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'EmailLogTagProcessor' => '/core/units/logs/email_logs/email_log_tp.php', 'EmailQueueEventHandler' => '/core/units/email_queue/email_queue_eh.php', 'EmailQueueTagProcessor' => '/core/units/email_queue/email_queue_tp.php', 'EmailTemplate' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'EmailTemplateEventHandler' => '/core/units/email_templates/email_template_eh.php', 'EmailTemplateTagProcessor' => '/core/units/email_templates/email_template_tp.php', 'FakeCacheHandler' => '/core/kernel/utility/cache.php', 'FavoritesEventHandler' => '/core/units/favorites/favorites_eh.php', 'FckEventHandler' => '/core/units/fck/fck_eh.php', 'FckTagProcessor' => '/core/units/fck/fck_tp.php', 'FileEventHandler' => '/core/units/files/file_eh.php', 'FileHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/file_helper.php', 'FileTagProcessor' => '/core/units/files/file_tp.php', 'FormFieldEventHandler' => '/core/units/forms/form_fields/form_field_eh.php', 'FormFieldsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/forms/form_fields/form_fields_tp.php', 'FormSubmissionHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/form_submission_helper.php', 'FormSubmissionTagProcessor' => '/core/units/forms/form_submissions/form_submission_tp.php', 'FormSubmissionsEventHandler' => '/core/units/forms/form_submissions/form_submissions_eh.php', 'FormsEventHandler' => '/core/units/forms/forms/forms_eh.php', 'FormsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/forms/forms/forms_tp.php', 'GeoCodeHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/geocode_helper.php', 'GroupTagProcessor' => '/core/units/groups/group_tp.php', 'GroupsEventHandler' => '/core/units/groups/groups_event_handler.php', 'IDBConnection' => '/core/kernel/db/i_db_connection.php', 'ImageEventHandler' => '/core/units/images/image_event_handler.php', 'ImageHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/image_helper.php', 'ImageTagProcessor' => '/core/units/images/image_tag_processor.php', 'ImagesItem' => '/core/units/images/images.php', 'InPortalPrerequisites' => '/core/install/prerequisites.php', 'InpCustomFieldsHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/custom_fields_helper.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\AbstractCommand' => '/core/kernel/Console/Command/AbstractCommand.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\BuildClassMapCommand' => '/core/kernel/Console/Command/BuildClassMapCommand.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\CompletionCommand' => '/core/kernel/Console/Command/CompletionCommand.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\IConsoleCommand' => '/core/kernel/Console/Command/IConsoleCommand.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\ResetCacheCommand' => '/core/kernel/Console/Command/ResetCacheCommand.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\RunEventCommand' => '/core/kernel/Console/Command/RunEventCommand.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\ConsoleApplication' => '/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleApplication.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\ConsoleCommandProvider' => '/core/kernel/Console/ConsoleCommandProvider.php', + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\IConsoleCommandProvider' => '/core/kernel/Console/IConsoleCommandProvider.php', 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\utility\\ClassDiscovery\\ClassDetector' => '/core/kernel/utility/ClassDiscovery/ClassDetector.php', 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\utility\\ClassDiscovery\\ClassMapBuilder' => '/core/kernel/utility/ClassDiscovery/ClassMapBuilder.php', 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\utility\\ClassDiscovery\\CodeFolderFilterIterator' => '/core/kernel/utility/ClassDiscovery/CodeFolderFilterIterator.php', 'ItemFilterEventHandler' => '/core/units/filters/item_filter_eh.php', 'ItemFilterTagProcessor' => '/core/units/filters/item_filter_tp.php', 'JSONHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/json_helper.php', 'JsMinifyHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/minifiers/js_minify_helper.php', 'Language' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'LanguageImportHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/language_import_helper.php', 'LanguagesEventHandler' => '/core/units/languages/languages_event_handler.php', 'LanguagesItem' => '/core/units/languages/languages_item.php', 'LanguagesTagProcessor' => '/core/units/languages/languages_tag_processor.php', 'LeftJoinOptimizer' => '/core/kernel/db/dblist.php', 'ListHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/list_helper.php', 'LoginResult' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'MInputHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/controls/minput_helper.php', 'MailboxHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/mailbox_helper.php', 'MailingList' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'MailingListEventHandler' => '/core/units/mailing_lists/mailing_list_eh.php', 'MailingListHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/mailing_list_helper.php', 'MailingListTagProcessor' => '/core/units/mailing_lists/mailing_list_tp.php', 'MainRouter' => '/core/units/general/MainRouter.php', 'MaintenanceMode' => '/core/kernel/startup.php', 'MassImageResizer' => '/core/units/admin/admin_events_handler.php', 'MemcacheCacheHandler' => '/core/kernel/utility/cache.php', 'MenuHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/menu_helper.php', 'MimeDecodeHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/mime_decode_helper.php', 'MinifyHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/minifiers/minify_helper.php', 'ModuleDeploymentLog' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'ModuleDeploymentLogEventHandler' => '/core/units/logs/module_deployment_logs/module_deployment_log_eh.php', 'ModulesEventHandler' => '/core/units/modules/modules_event_handler.php', 'ModulesTagProcessor' => '/core/units/modules/modules_tag_processor.php', 'NParser' => '/core/kernel/nparser/nparser.php', 'NParserCompiler' => '/core/kernel/nparser/compiler.php', 'POP3Helper' => '/core/units/helpers/pop3_helper.php', 'PageHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/page_helper.php', 'PageRevisionEventHandler' => '/core/units/page_revisions/page_revision_eh.php', 'PageRevisionTagProcessor' => '/core/units/page_revisions/page_revision_tp.php', 'Params' => '/core/kernel/utility/params.php', 'ParserException' => '/core/kernel/nparser/nparser.php', 'PasswordHash' => '/core/kernel/utility/php_pass.php', 'PasswordHashingMethod' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'PermissionTypeEventHandler' => '/core/units/permission_types/permission_type_eh.php', 'PermissionsEventHandler' => '/core/units/permissions/permissions_event_handler.php', 'PermissionsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/permissions/permissions_tag_processor.php', 'PhraseTagProcessor' => '/core/units/phrases/phrase_tp.php', 'PhrasesEventHandler' => '/core/units/phrases/phrases_event_handler.php', 'PriorityEventHandler' => '/core/units/priorites/priority_eh.php', 'PromoBlockEventHandler' => '/core/units/promo_blocks/promo_block_eh.php', 'PromoBlockGroupEventHandler' => '/core/units/promo_block_groups/promo_block_group_eh.php', 'PromoBlockGroupTagProcessor' => '/core/units/promo_block_groups/promo_block_group_tp.php', 'PromoBlockTagProcessor' => '/core/units/promo_blocks/promo_block_tp.php', 'PromoBlockType' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'RatingHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/rating_helper.php', 'RelatedSearchEventHandler' => '/core/units/related_searches/related_searches_event_handler.php', 'RelatedSearchTagProcessor' => '/core/units/related_searches/related_searches_tag_processor.php', 'RelationshipEventHandler' => '/core/units/relationship/relationship_event_handler.php', 'RelationshipTagProcessor' => '/core/units/relationship/relationship_tp.php', 'ReviewsEventHandler' => '/core/units/reviews/reviews_event_handler.php', 'ReviewsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/reviews/reviews_tag_processor.php', 'ScheduledTask' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'ScheduledTaskEventHandler' => '/core/units/scheduled_tasks/scheduled_task_eh.php', 'SelectorsEventHandler' => '/core/units/selectors/selectors_event_handler.php', 'SelectorsItem' => '/core/units/selectors/selectors_item.php', 'SelectorsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/selectors/selectors_tag_processor.php', 'Session' => '/core/kernel/session/inp_session.php', 'SessionLogEventHandler' => '/core/units/logs/session_logs/session_log_eh.php', 'SessionStorage' => '/core/kernel/session/inp_session_storage.php', 'SiteConfigEventHandler' => '/core/units/sections/site_config_eh.php', 'SiteConfigHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/site_config_helper.php', 'SiteConfigTagProcessor' => '/core/units/sections/site_config_tp.php', 'SiteDomainEventHandler' => '/core/units/site_domains/site_domain_eh.php', 'SiteHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/site_helper.php', 'SkinEventHandler' => '/core/units/skins/skin_eh.php', 'SkinHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/skin_helper.php', 'SpamHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/spam_helper.php', 'SpamReportEventHandler' => '/core/units/spam_reports/spam_report_eh.php', 'SpamReportTagProcessor' => '/core/units/spam_reports/spam_report_tp.php', 'StatisticsEventHandler' => '/core/units/statistics/statistics_event_handler.php', 'StatisticsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/statistics/statistics_tag_processor.php', 'StorageEngine' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'StylesheetsEventHandler' => '/core/units/stylesheets/stylesheets_event_handler.php', 'StylesheetsItem' => '/core/units/stylesheets/stylesheets_item.php', 'SubmissionFormField' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'SubmissionLogEventHandler' => '/core/units/forms/submission_log/submission_log_eh.php', 'SubmissionLogTagProcessor' => '/core/units/forms/submission_log/submission_log_tp.php', 'SystemEventSubscriptionEventHandler' => '/core/units/system_event_subscriptions/system_event_subscription_eh.php', 'SystemEventSubscriptionTagProcessor' => '/core/units/system_event_subscriptions/system_event_subscription_tp.php', 'SystemLogEventHandler' => '/core/units/logs/system_logs/system_log_eh.php', 'SystemLogTagProcessor' => '/core/units/logs/system_logs/system_log_tp.php', 'TemplateHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/template_helper.php', 'TemplatesCache' => '/core/kernel/nparser/template_cache.php', 'ThemeFileEventHandler' => '/core/units/theme_files/theme_file_eh.php', 'ThemeItem' => '/core/units/themes/theme_item.php', 'ThemesEventHandler' => '/core/units/themes/themes_eh.php', 'ThemesTagProcessor' => '/core/units/themes/themes_tag_processor.php', 'ThesaurusEventHandler' => '/core/units/thesaurus/thesaurus_eh.php', 'ThesaurusTagProcessor' => '/core/units/thesaurus/thesaurus_tp.php', 'TranslationSaveMode' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'TranslatorEventHandler' => '/core/units/translator/translator_event_handler.php', 'TranslatorTagProcessor' => '/core/units/translator/translator_tp.php', 'UnitConfigDecorator' => '/core/units/admin/admin_events_handler.php', 'UserGroupsEventHandler' => '/core/units/user_groups/user_groups_eh.php', 'UserHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/user_helper.php', 'UserProfileEventHandler' => '/core/units/user_profile/user_profile_eh.php', 'UserProfileTagProcessor' => '/core/units/user_profile/user_profile_tp.php', 'UserType' => '/core/kernel/constants.php', 'UsersEventHandler' => '/core/units/users/users_event_handler.php', 'UsersItem' => '/core/units/users/users_item.php', 'UsersSyncronize' => '/core/units/users/users_syncronize.php', 'UsersSyncronizeManager' => '/core/units/users/users_syncronize.php', 'UsersTagProcessor' => '/core/units/users/users_tag_processor.php', 'VisitsEventHandler' => '/core/units/visits/visits_event_handler.php', 'VisitsList' => '/core/units/visits/visits_list.php', 'VisitsTagProcessor' => '/core/units/visits/visits_tag_processor.php', 'XCacheCacheHandler' => '/core/kernel/utility/cache.php', 'XMLIterator' => '/core/units/helpers/xml_helper5.php', '_BlockTag' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_Cache' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_Capture' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_Comment' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_Compress' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_DefaultParam' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_DefineElement' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_If' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_IfDataExists' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_IfNot' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_Include' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_Param' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_RenderElement' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_RenderElements' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', '_Tag_SetParam' => '/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php', 'clsCachedPermissions' => '/core/units/categories/cache_updater.php', 'clsRecursionStack' => '/core/units/categories/cache_updater.php', 'fckFCKHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/fck_helper.php', 'kApplication' => '/core/kernel/application.php', 'kArray' => '/core/kernel/utility/params.php', 'kBase' => '/core/kernel/kbase.php', 'kBracketsHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/brackets_helper.php', 'kCCDateFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/ccdate_formatter.php', 'kCSSDefaults' => '/core/units/pdf/css_defaults.php', 'kCSVHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/csv_helper.php', 'kCache' => '/core/kernel/utility/cache.php', 'kCacheHandler' => '/core/kernel/utility/cache.php', 'kCacheManager' => '/core/kernel/managers/cache_manager.php', 'kCaptchaHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/captcha_helper.php', 'kCatDBEventHandler' => '/core/kernel/db/cat_event_handler.php', 'kCatDBItem' => '/core/kernel/db/cat_dbitem.php', 'kCatDBItemExportHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/cat_dbitem_export_helper.php', 'kCatDBList' => '/core/kernel/db/cat_dblist.php', 'kCatDBTagProcessor' => '/core/kernel/db/cat_tag_processor.php', 'kChangesFormatter' => '/core/units/logs/change_logs/changes_formatter.php', 'kChartHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/chart_helper.php', 'kClipboardHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/clipboard_helper.php', 'kColumnPickerHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/col_picker_helper.php', 'kCookieHasher' => '/core/kernel/utility/cookie_hasher.php', 'kCountHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/count_helper.php', 'kCountryStatesHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/country_states_helper.php', 'kCronField' => '/core/units/helpers/cron_helper.php', 'kCronHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/cron_helper.php', 'kCurlHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/curl_helper.php', 'kCustomFieldFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/customfield_formatter.php', 'kDBBase' => '/core/kernel/kbase.php', 'kDBConnection' => '/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php', 'kDBConnectionDebug' => '/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php', 'kDBEventHandler' => '/core/kernel/db/db_event_handler.php', 'kDBItem' => '/core/kernel/db/dbitem.php', 'kDBList' => '/core/kernel/db/dblist.php', 'kDBLoadBalancer' => '/core/kernel/db/db_load_balancer.php', 'kDBTagProcessor' => '/core/kernel/db/db_tag_processor.php', 'kDateFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/date_formatter.php', 'kEmail' => '/core/kernel/utility/email.php', 'kEmailSendingHelper' => '/core/kernel/utility/email_send.php', 'kEmailTemplateHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/email_template_helper.php', 'kErrorHandlerStack' => '/core/kernel/utility/logger.php', 'kEvent' => '/core/kernel/utility/event.php', 'kEventHandler' => '/core/kernel/event_handler.php', 'kEventManager' => '/core/kernel/event_manager.php', 'kExceptionHandlerStack' => '/core/kernel/utility/logger.php', 'kFactory' => '/core/kernel/utility/factory.php', 'kFactoryException' => '/core/kernel/utility/factory.php', 'kFilenamesHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/filenames_helper.php', 'kFilesizeFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/filesize_formatter.php', 'kFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/formatter.php', 'kHTTPQuery' => '/core/kernel/utility/http_query.php', 'kHandlerStack' => '/core/kernel/utility/logger.php', 'kHelper' => '/core/kernel/kbase.php', 'kHookManager' => '/core/kernel/managers/hook_manager.php', 'kInstallToolkit' => '/core/install/install_toolkit.php', 'kInstallator' => '/core/install.php', 'kLEFTFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/left_formatter.php', 'kLogger' => '/core/kernel/utility/logger.php', 'kMainTagProcessor' => '/core/kernel/processors/main_processor.php', 'kModulesHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/modules_helper.php', 'kMultiLanguage' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/multilang_formatter.php', 'kMultiLanguageHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/multilanguage_helper.php', 'kMultipleFilter' => '/core/kernel/utility/filters.php', 'kMySQLQuery' => '/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php', 'kMySQLQueryCol' => '/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php', 'kNavigationBar' => '/core/units/helpers/navigation_bar.php', 'kNoPermissionException' => '/core/kernel/kbase.php', 'kOpenerStack' => '/core/kernel/utility/opener_stack.php', 'kOptionsFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/options_formatter.php', 'kPDFElemFactory' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_helper.php', 'kPDFElement' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_helper.php', 'kPDFHelper' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_helper.php', 'kPDFImage' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_image.php', 'kPDFLine' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_helper.php', 'kPDFRenderer' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_renderer.php', 'kPDFStylesheet' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_styles.php', 'kPDFTable' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_table.php', 'kPDFTableRow' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_table.php', 'kPDFTextElement' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_text.php', 'kPasswordFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/password_formatter.php', 'kPermCacheUpdater' => '/core/units/categories/cache_updater.php', 'kPermissionsHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/permissions_helper.php', 'kPhraseCache' => '/core/kernel/languages/phrases_cache.php', 'kPictureFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/upload_formatter.php', 'kPlainUrlProcessor' => '/core/kernel/managers/plain_url_processor.php', 'kPriorityHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/priority_helper.php', 'kRecursiveHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/recursive_helper.php', 'kRedirectException' => '/core/kernel/kbase.php', 'kRequestManager' => '/core/kernel/managers/request_manager.php', 'kRewriteUrlProcessor' => '/core/kernel/managers/rewrite_url_processor.php', 'kScheduledTaskManager' => '/core/kernel/managers/scheduled_task_manager.php', 'kSearchHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/search_helper.php', 'kSectionsHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/sections_helper.php', 'kSerializedFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/serialized_formatter.php', 'kSocket' => '/core/kernel/utility/socket.php', 'kSubscriptionAnalyzer' => '/core/units/system_event_subscriptions/system_event_subscription_tp.php', 'kSubscriptionItem' => '/core/kernel/managers/subscription_manager.php', 'kSubscriptionManager' => '/core/kernel/managers/subscription_manager.php', 'kSystemConfig' => '/core/kernel/utility/system_config.php', 'kSystemConfigException' => '/core/kernel/utility/system_config.php', 'kTCPDFRenderer' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_renderer_tcpdf.php', 'kTagProcessor' => '/core/kernel/processors/tag_processor.php', 'kTempHandlerSubTable' => '/core/kernel/utility/temp_handler.php', 'kTempHandlerTable' => '/core/kernel/utility/temp_handler.php', 'kTempHandlerTopTable' => '/core/kernel/utility/temp_handler.php', 'kTempTablesHandler' => '/core/kernel/utility/temp_handler.php', 'kThemesHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/themes_helper.php', 'kUnitConfig' => '/core/kernel/utility/unit_config.php', 'kUnitConfigCloner' => '/core/kernel/utility/unit_config_cloner.php', 'kUnitConfigReader' => '/core/kernel/utility/unit_config_reader.php', 'kUnitFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/unit_formatter.php', 'kUpgradeHelper' => '/core/install/upgrade_helper.php', 'kUploadFormatter' => '/core/kernel/utility/formatters/upload_formatter.php', 'kUploadHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/upload_helper.php', 'kUploaderException' => '/core/units/helpers/upload_helper.php', 'kUrlManager' => '/core/kernel/managers/url_manager.php', 'kUrlProcessor' => '/core/kernel/managers/url_processor.php', 'kUtil' => '/core/kernel/globals.php', 'kValidator' => '/core/kernel/utility/validator.php', 'kXMLHelper' => '/core/units/helpers/xml_helper.php', 'kXMLNode' => '/core/units/helpers/xml_helper.php', 'kXMLNode5' => '/core/units/helpers/xml_helper5.php', 'kZendPDFRenderer' => '/core/units/pdf/pdf_renderer_zend.php', 'kiCacheable' => '/core/kernel/interfaces/cacheable.php', ), 'class_info' => array( 'AbstractCategoryItemRouter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'AbstractRouter', ), ), 'AbstractReviewRouter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'AbstractRouter', ), ), 'AbstractRouter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'AdminEventsHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'AdminTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'AjaxFormHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'ApcCacheHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kCacheHandler', ), ), 'BackupHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'BaseSession' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'BaseSessionStorage' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBBase', ), ), 'CacheSettings' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'CaptchaEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kEventHandler', ), ), 'CategoriesEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'CategoriesItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'CategoriesTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'CategoryHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'CategoryItemsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'CategoryItemsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'CategoryPermissionRebuild' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'ChangeLog' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'ChangeLogEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ChangeLogTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ColumnSet' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'ConfigSearchEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ConfigSearchTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ConfigurationEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ConfigurationItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'ConfigurationTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ConfigurationValidator' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kValidator', ), ), 'ContentEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ContentTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'CoreUpgrades' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kUpgradeHelper', ), ), 'CountryStateEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'CssMinifyHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'CustomDataEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'CustomFieldsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'CustomFieldsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'Debugger' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'DebuggerUtil' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'DeploymentHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'DraftEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'EditPickerHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'EmailDelivery' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'EmailLogEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'EmailLogStatus' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'EmailLogTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'EmailQueueEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'EmailQueueTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'EmailTemplate' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'EmailTemplateEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'EmailTemplateTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'FakeCacheHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kCacheHandler', ), ), 'FavoritesEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'FckEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'FckTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'FileEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'FileHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'FileTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'FormFieldEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'FormFieldsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'FormSubmissionHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'FormSubmissionTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'FormSubmissionsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'FormsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'FormsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'GeoCodeHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'GroupTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'GroupsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'IDBConnection' => array( 'type' => 2, ), 'ImageEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ImageHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'ImageTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ImagesItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'InPortalPrerequisites' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'InpCustomFieldsHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\AbstractCommand' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 1, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command', + 1 => 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\IConsoleCommand', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\BuildClassMapCommand' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 0, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\AbstractCommand', + 1 => 'Stecman\\Component\\Symfony\\Console\\BashCompletion\\Completion\\CompletionAwareInterface', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\CompletionCommand' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 0, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'Stecman\\Component\\Symfony\\Console\\BashCompletion\\CompletionCommand', + 1 => 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\IConsoleCommand', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\IConsoleCommand' => array( + 'type' => 2, + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\ResetCacheCommand' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 0, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\AbstractCommand', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\RunEventCommand' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 0, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\Command\\AbstractCommand', + 1 => 'Stecman\\Component\\Symfony\\Console\\BashCompletion\\Completion\\CompletionAwareInterface', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\ConsoleApplication' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 0, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\ConsoleCommandProvider' => array( + 'type' => 1, + 'modifiers' => 0, + 'extends' => array( + 0 => 'kBase', + 1 => 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\IConsoleCommandProvider', + ), + ), + 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\Console\\IConsoleCommandProvider' => array( + 'type' => 2, + ), 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\utility\\ClassDiscovery\\ClassDetector' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'PhpParser\\NodeVisitorAbstract', ), ), 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\utility\\ClassDiscovery\\ClassMapBuilder' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'Intechnic\\InPortal\\Core\\kernel\\utility\\ClassDiscovery\\CodeFolderFilterIterator' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'RecursiveFilterIterator', ), ), 'ItemFilterEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ItemFilterTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'JSONHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'JsMinifyHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'Language' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'LanguageImportHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'LanguagesEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'LanguagesItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'LanguagesTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'LeftJoinOptimizer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'ListHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'LoginResult' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'MInputHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'MailboxHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'MailingList' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'MailingListEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'MailingListHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'MailingListTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'MainRouter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'AbstractRouter', ), ), 'MaintenanceMode' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'MassImageResizer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'MemcacheCacheHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kCacheHandler', ), ), 'MenuHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'MimeDecodeHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'MinifyHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'ModuleDeploymentLog' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'ModuleDeploymentLogEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ModulesEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ModulesTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'NParser' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'NParserCompiler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'POP3Helper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'PageHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'PageRevisionEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PageRevisionTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'Params' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'ParserException' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Exception', ), ), 'PasswordHash' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'PasswordHashingMethod' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'PermissionTypeEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PermissionsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PermissionsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'PhraseTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'PhrasesEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PriorityEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PromoBlockEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PromoBlockGroupEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'PromoBlockGroupTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'PromoBlockTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'PromoBlockType' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'RatingHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'RelatedSearchEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'RelatedSearchTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'RelationshipEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'RelationshipTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ReviewsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ReviewsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ScheduledTask' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'ScheduledTaskEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SelectorsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SelectorsItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'SelectorsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'Session' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'BaseSession', ), ), 'SessionLogEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SessionStorage' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'BaseSessionStorage', ), ), 'SiteConfigEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kEventHandler', ), ), 'SiteConfigHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'SiteConfigTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kTagProcessor', ), ), 'SiteDomainEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SiteHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'SkinEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SkinHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'SpamHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'SpamReportEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SpamReportTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'StatisticsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'StatisticsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'StorageEngine' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'StylesheetsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'StylesheetsItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'SubmissionFormField' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'SubmissionLogEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SubmissionLogTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'SystemEventSubscriptionEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SystemEventSubscriptionTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'SystemLogEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'SystemLogTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'TemplateHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'TemplatesCache' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'ThemeFileEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ThemeItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'ThemesEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ThemesTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'ThesaurusEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'ThesaurusTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'TranslationSaveMode' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'TranslatorEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'TranslatorTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'UnitConfigDecorator' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'UserGroupsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'UserHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'UserProfileEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'UserProfileTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'UserType' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'UsersEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'UsersItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'UsersSyncronize' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'UsersSyncronizeManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'UsersTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'VisitsEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'VisitsList' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBList', ), ), 'VisitsTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'XCacheCacheHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kCacheHandler', ), ), 'XMLIterator' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Iterator', ), ), '_BlockTag' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), '_Tag_Cache' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_Capture' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_Tag_DefineElement', ), ), '_Tag_Comment' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_Compress' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_DefaultParam' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_DefineElement' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_If' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_IfDataExists' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_IfNot' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_Tag_If', ), ), '_Tag_Include' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_Param' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_RenderElement' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_Tag_DefineElement', ), ), '_Tag_RenderElements' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), '_Tag_SetParam' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => '_BlockTag', ), ), 'clsCachedPermissions' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'clsRecursionStack' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'fckFCKHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kApplication' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kArray' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kBase' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kBracketsHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCCDateFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kCSSDefaults' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kCSVHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCache' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kCacheHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, ), 'kCacheManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kCaptchaHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCatDBEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBEventHandler', ), ), 'kCatDBItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBItem', ), ), 'kCatDBItemExportHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCatDBList' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBList', ), ), 'kCatDBTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBTagProcessor', ), ), 'kChangesFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kChartHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kClipboardHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kColumnPickerHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCookieHasher' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kCountHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCountryStatesHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCronField' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kCronHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCurlHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kCustomFieldFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kDBBase' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kDBConnection' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'IDBConnection', ), ), 'kDBConnectionDebug' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBConnection', ), ), 'kDBEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kEventHandler', ), ), 'kDBItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBBase', ), ), 'kDBList' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kDBBase', 1 => 'Iterator', 2 => 'Countable', ), ), 'kDBLoadBalancer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'IDBConnection', ), ), 'kDBTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kTagProcessor', ), ), 'kDateFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kEmail' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kEmailSendingHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kEmailTemplateHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kErrorHandlerStack' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHandlerStack', ), ), 'kEvent' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 2, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kEventHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kEventManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kExceptionHandlerStack' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHandlerStack', ), ), 'kFactory' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kFactoryException' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Exception', ), ), 'kFilenamesHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kFilesizeFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kHTTPQuery' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Params', ), ), 'kHandlerStack' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kHookManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kInstallToolkit' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kInstallator' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kLEFTFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kLogger' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kMainTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kTagProcessor', ), ), 'kModulesHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kMultiLanguage' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kMultiLanguageHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kMultipleFilter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kMySQLQuery' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Iterator', 1 => 'Countable', 2 => 'SeekableIterator', ), ), 'kMySQLQueryCol' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kMySQLQuery', ), ), 'kNavigationBar' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kNoPermissionException' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kRedirectException', ), ), 'kOpenerStack' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kOptionsFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kPDFElemFactory' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kPDFElement' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kPDFHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kPDFImage' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFElement', ), ), 'kPDFLine' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFElement', ), ), 'kPDFRenderer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kPDFStylesheet' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kPDFTable' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFElement', ), ), 'kPDFTableRow' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFElement', ), ), 'kPDFTextElement' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFElement', ), ), 'kPasswordFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kPermCacheUpdater' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kPermissionsHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kPhraseCache' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kPictureFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kUploadFormatter', ), ), 'kPlainUrlProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kUrlProcessor', ), ), 'kPriorityHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kRecursiveHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kRedirectException' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Exception', ), ), 'kRequestManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kRewriteUrlProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kUrlProcessor', ), ), 'kScheduledTaskManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kSearchHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kSectionsHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kSerializedFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kSocket' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kSubscriptionAnalyzer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kSubscriptionItem' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kSubscriptionManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kSystemConfig' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kSystemConfigException' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Exception', ), ), 'kTCPDFRenderer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFRenderer', ), ), 'kTagProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kTempHandlerSubTable' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kTempHandlerTable', ), ), 'kTempHandlerTable' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kTempHandlerTopTable' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kTempHandlerTable', ), ), 'kTempTablesHandler' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kThemesHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kUnitConfig' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kUnitConfigCloner' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kUnitConfigReader' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', 1 => 'kiCacheable', ), ), 'kUnitFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kUpgradeHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kUploadFormatter' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kFormatter', ), ), 'kUploadHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kUploaderException' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'Exception', ), ), 'kUrlManager' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kUrlProcessor' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 1, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kUtil' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kValidator' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kBase', ), ), 'kXMLHelper' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kHelper', ), ), 'kXMLNode' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, ), 'kXMLNode5' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kXMLNode', 1 => 'IteratorAggregate', ), ), 'kZendPDFRenderer' => array( 'type' => 1, 'modifiers' => 0, 'extends' => array( 0 => 'kPDFRenderer', ), ), 'kiCacheable' => array( 'type' => 2, ), ), ); Index: branches/5.3.x/composer.json =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/composer.json (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/composer.json (revision 16181) @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ { "name": "In-Portal", + "require": { + "symfony/console": "~2.6", + "stecman/symfony-console-completion": "~0.5" + }, "require-dev": { "aik099/coding-standard": "dev-in-portal", "nikic/php-parser": "~1.2" } } Index: branches/5.3.x/tools/build_class_map.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/tools/build_class_map.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/tools/build_class_map.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -Init(); - -foreach ( ClassMapBuilder::createBuilders() as $class_map_builder ) { - $class_map_builder->build(); -} Index: branches/5.3.x/tools/ =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/tools/ (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/tools/ (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + +function _in-portal_d41351fc9a70c756_complete { + + + local CMDLINE_CONTENTS="$COMP_LINE" + local CMDLINE_CURSOR_INDEX="$COMP_POINT" + local CMDLINE_WORDBREAKS="$COMP_WORDBREAKS"; + + export CMDLINE_CONTENTS CMDLINE_CURSOR_INDEX CMDLINE_WORDBREAKS + + local RESULT STATUS; + + # this is custom line + RESULT=$(${1} _completion); # complete + STATUS=$?; + + local cur; + _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur; + + + if [ $STATUS -eq 200 ]; then + _filedir; + return 0; + + elif [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]; then + echo -e "$RESULT"; + return $?; + fi; + + COMPREPLY=(`compgen -W "$RESULT" -- $cur`); + + __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"; +}; + +complete -F _in-portal_d41351fc9a70c756_complete in-portal; Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/tools/ ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable + * Added: svn:eol-style + LF Index: branches/5.3.x/tools/run_event.php =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/tools/run_event.php (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/tools/run_event.php (revision 16181) @@ -1,61 +1,33 @@ Init(); - -$application->StoreVar('user_id', USER_ROOT, true); - -$run_event = new kEvent($argv[1]); // event name in form "prefix[.special]:event_name" -$application->HandleEvent($run_event); - -$application->Done(); +/* + * Arguments: + * 1 - event name + * 2 - password + * 3 - ip address for deployment (not handled) + */ + +$exit_code = 0; +$event_name = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : ''; +passthru(FULL_PATH . '/in-portal event:run ' . escapeshellarg($event_name), $exit_code); +exit($exit_code); $end = microtime(true); - -exit_code($run_event->status == kEvent::erSUCCESS ? 0 : 4); - -function exit_code($code, $msg = '') -{ - if ( $msg ) { - echo $msg . PHP_EOL; - } - - exit($code); -} -$end = microtime(true); \ No newline at end of file Index: branches/5.3.x/in-portal =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/in-portal (revision 0) +++ branches/5.3.x/in-portal (revision 16181) @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env php +Init(); + +// Assume user with all privileges, because nobody is doing authentication from CLI. +$application->StoreVar('user_id', USER_ROOT, true); + +$application->getConsoleApplication()->run(); +$application->Done(); + +$end = microtime(true); Property changes on: branches/5.3.x/in-portal ___________________________________________________________________ Added: svn:executable + * Index: branches/5.3.x/composer.lock =================================================================== --- branches/5.3.x/composer.lock (revision 16180) +++ branches/5.3.x/composer.lock (revision 16181) @@ -1,105 +1,209 @@ { "_readme": [ "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state", "Read more about it at", "This file is @generated automatically" ], - 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