Restores the ability to specify SID in the URL, which was lost after D479 was implemented.
- Reviewers
How to enable/disable cookies on a page in the Firefox
- open the page
- click on the Tools → Page info menu of the Firefox
- click on the Permissions tab
- scroll to the Set cookies entry
- to enable cookie support:
- uncheck the Use Default checkbox
- select the Allow radio button in the same row
- to disable cookie support:
- uncheck the Use Default checkbox
- select the Block radio button in the same row
- close the Page info window to save changes
P.S. Checking the Use Default checkbox is always blocking cookies for me.
Test Plan
- make sure that cookies are enabled in the Web Browser (see above)
- login to the Admin Console
- go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- set the Session Management Method to the Auto-Detect
- set the Session Cookie Domains (single domain per line) to the used domain (e.g. if the current page URL is, then cookie domain would be
- save changes
- delete all cookies that are set on smaller depth levels of the used cookie domain (e.g. for the domain cookies must be deleted on the and domains)
- logout
- go to the Front-End (the advanced theme)
- login
- open any login-protected page
- confirm that session id is present in the URL
- confirm that you can browse the website while being logged in with cookies disabled
- press the Logout link in the left sidebar
- confirm that you're logged out
Diff Detail
Diff Detail
- Repository
- rINP In-Portal
- Branch
- /in-portal/branches/5.2.x
- Lint
Lint Errors Excuse: Unrelated. Severity Location Code Message Error core/kernel/session/session.php:88 PHPCS.E.CodingStandard.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.ScopeMissing CodingStandard.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.ScopeMissing Error core/kernel/session/session.php:88 PHPCS.E.CodingStandard.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.VarUsed CodingStandard.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.VarUsed Error core/kernel/session/session.php:88 PHPCS.E.CodingStandard.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps CodingStandard.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps Error core/kernel/session/session.php:88 PHPCS.E.Squiz.Commenting.VariableComment.Missing Squiz.Commenting.VariableComment.Missing - Unit
No Unit Test Coverage - Build Status
Buildable 11064 Build 3764: arc lint + arc unit