Ensured non-enpty value for "SessionCookieDomains" system setting on installation
- Reviewers
Part 1
- start clean install
- confirm, that on "Select Domain" step current domain is pre-selected
- finish installation
- login to the adm.console, go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- confirm, that "Session Cookie Domains..." variable has hint "The Front-End Login form will be broken unless this setting is populated."
- confirm, that label for "CookieSessions" variable is "Session Management Method (for Front-End only)"
Part 2
- start upgrade
- ensure, that in the old database version, in the SystemSettings table, SessionCookieDomains variable has empty value
- ensure, that in the system/config.php “$_CONFIG['Misc']['Domain']” setting has non-empty value
- finish upgrade
- login to the adm.console, go to the Configuration → Website → Advanced section
- confirm, that "Session Cookie Domains..." variable has value from “$_CONFIG['Misc']['Domain']” setting
- confirm, that "Session Cookie Domains..." variable has hint "The Front-End Login form will be broken unless this setting is populated."
- confirm, that label for "CookieSessions" variable is "Session Management Method (for Front-End only)"
Diff Detail
Diff Detail
- Repository
- rINP In-Portal
- Branch
- /in-portal/branches/5.2.x
- Lint
Lint OK - Unit
No Unit Test Coverage - Build Status
Buildable 11066 Build 3766: arc lint + arc unit