Part 1
- in IDE:
- open core/units/users/users_event_handler.php file for editing
- in the \UsersEventHandler::OnAfterConfigRead after parent::OnAfterConfigRead($event); line add throw new RuntimeException('Sample exception'); code
- save changes
- in CLI:
- run the phing -f tools/build/build_all.xml db-dump command (replace phing with php74 ~which phing~ (replace ~ with backticks), when using non-default PHP version
- run the phing -f tools/build/build_all.xml build command (replace phing with php74 ~which phing~ (replace ~ with backticks), when using non-default PHP version
- confirm, that In-Portal (full) > inportal-deploy build target will fail and display thrown exception details
Part 2
- in IDE:
- open core/units/users/users_event_handler.php file for editing
- in the \UsersEventHandler::OnAfterConfigRead after parent::OnAfterConfigRead($event); line replace the throw new RuntimeException('Sample exception'); code with trigger_error('Sample fatal error', E_USER_ERROR); code
- save changes
- in CLI:
- run the phing -f tools/build/build_all.xml db-dump command (replace phing with php74 ~which phing~ (replace ~ with backticks), when using non-default PHP version
- run the phing -f tools/build/build_all.xml build command (replace phing with php74 ~which phing~ (replace ~ with backticks), when using non-default PHP version
- confirm, that In-Portal (full) > inportal-deploy build target will fail and display triggered error details