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Dec 29 2024
Dec 29 2024
alex committed rMINC11422: 1. NEW: Template Manager in default2009 theme (editing and saving blocks, error….
1. NEW: Template Manager in default2009 theme (editing and saving blocks, error…
alex committed rMINC11429: Don't set global manufacturer id when using ManufacturerLink tag, because it….
Don't set global manufacturer id when using ManufacturerLink tag, because it…
dmitrya committed rMINC11444: Removed from Repository - DEPRECATED templates.
Removed from Repository - DEPRECATED templates
dmitrya committed rMINC11475: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rMINC11438: TPL Name Changes (dsg.tpl = Design templates).
TPL Name Changes (dsg.tpl = Design templates)
dmitrya committed rMINC11445: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rMINC11451: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rMINC11457: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rMINC11469: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rMINC11463: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
Merging "st" and "c" prefixes. Theme selector.
alex committed rMINC11549: 1. Fixed problem width textarea automatic height detection during form resize..
1. Fixed problem width textarea automatic height detection during form resize.
1. #26327 - Admin: Modal Windows
dmitrya committed rMINC11485: TPL Name Changes + Added Movable-Element.
TPL Name Changes + Added Movable-Element
dmitrya committed rMINC11513: TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme).
TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme)
dmitrya committed rMINC11542: META DATA for Templates (.TPL).
META DATA for Templates (.TPL)
1. export in new catalog fixed
alex committed rMINC11526: 1. "Home" toolbar button in Catalog & in Catalog Item Selector now goes to Proj….
1. "Home" toolbar button in Catalog & in Catalog Item Selector now goes to Proj…
alex committed rMINC11522: 1. More upgrade scripts (move all categories from Home to Content, rename /in….
1. More upgrade scripts (move all categories from Home to Content, rename /in…
dmitrya committed rMINC11507: TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme).
TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme)
dmitrya committed rMINC11556: META DATA for Templates (.TPL).
META DATA for Templates (.TPL)
alex committed rMINC11559: 1. export button added to visits list template copy, when in-commerce is….
1. export button added to visits list template copy, when in-commerce is…
#27082 - Admin: Catalog Item Selector
1. Show All/Show Structure links remembered last visited category.
alex committed rMINC11584: #27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles.
#27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles
dmitrya committed rMINC11589: SMSIGNORE + META DATA for Templates (.TPL).
SMSIGNORE + META DATA for Templates (.TPL)
1. Proj-base module discontinued. Some stuff moved to Core.
1. check for non-existing tab (when prefix is given) added in catalog
dmitrya committed rMINC11602: Added Required option for Custom Fields.
Added Required option for Custom Fields
dmitrya committed rMINC11618: Added PayPal Pro Integration with Direct Payment.
Added PayPal Pro Integration with Direct Payment
dmitrya committed rMINC11628: Changes to FIT Default2009 templates for NEW installations. Changes in UPGRADE….
Changes to FIT Default2009 templates for NEW installations. Changes in UPGRADE…
alex committed rMINC11639: 1. New js hook "m:OnUploadersReady" added. Hook event is called, when all flash….
1. New js hook "m:OnUploadersReady" added. Hook event is called, when all flash…
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'release_5_0_0'.
Fixed error when street2 in store addres is not defined
#27327 - In-Commerce: Admin - Add Comment / Review - Ajax Error
#27329 - Admin: Adding Relations to Category Item (ie. Product)
valex committed rMINC11679: 1. Parameter title_render_as removed from combined_header block, because it….
1. Parameter title_render_as removed from combined_header block, because it…
valex committed rMINC11688: 1. Final ajustments to categories_edit template to work with site config field….
1. Final ajustments to categories_edit template to work with site config field…
valex committed rMINC11681: 1. Fixed bug, when "extra_toolbar" (in head frame) stays from "catalog" section….
1. Fixed bug, when "extra_toolbar" (in head frame) stays from "catalog" section…
valex committed rMINC11691: #27460 - Admin: Hide Fields & Sections marked in Site Configs (virtual hidden….
#27460 - Admin: Hide Fields & Sections marked in Site Configs (virtual hidden…
valex committed rMINC11701: FieldVisible tag added to all local copies of blocks (copied from form_blocks….
FieldVisible tag added to all local copies of blocks (copied from form_blocks…
valex committed rMINC11716: 1. Added submenu item in "Catalog -> Tools" menu for rebuilding priorities….
1. Added submenu item in "Catalog -> Tools" menu for rebuilding priorities…
valex committed rMINC11696: 1. Fixed category edit template layout in IE -> hidden fields moved outside….
1. Fixed category edit template layout in IE -> hidden fields moved outside…
vnikita committed rMINC11709: *** empty log message ***.
*** empty log message ***
1. Bug #0000006: Left Tree with Sections Fails to Update
alex added "INP-21" JIRA issue(s) to rMINC11764: 1. Bug #0000031: Convert FCK "Internal Link Pointers" to Real URLs..
1. Bug #0000031: Convert FCK "Internal Link Pointers" to Real URLs.
valex committed rMINC11729: 1. #27493 - Admin: Add Item on Advanced View.
1. #27493 - Admin: Add Item on Advanced View
alex added "INP-3" JIRA issue(s) to rMINC11753: 1. Bug #0000006: Left Tree with Sections Fails to Update .
Releasing version 'tags/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Releasing version 'tags/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Deleting version 'tags/5.0.0'
Releasing version 'tags/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
alex committed rMINC11769: Removing "default" theme, because it is not compatible with 4.2.x and future….
Removing "default" theme, because it is not compatible with 4.2.x and future…
Deleting version 'tags/5.0.0'
Fixes #0000103: Applying License to In-Portal and Modules
Bug #0000062: Remove depricated mod-rewrite parts.
alex added "INP-10" JIRA issue(s) to rMINC11862: 1. Bug #0000017: Session Expiration check for Ajax requests.
alex added "INS-1" JIRA issue(s) to rMINC11899: Fixes #0000103: Applying License to In-Portal and Modules.
alex added "INP-51" JIRA issue(s) to rMINC11842: Bug #0000062: Remove depricated mod-rewrite parts..
alex committed rMINC11824: Pass through variables were passed (but they should not be passed), when item….
Pass through variables were passed (but they should not be passed), when item…
Preparations before In-Portal 5.0.0 release.
1. Fixes #0000088: Bracket list header style is lost in all sections
1. Bug #0000017: Session Expiration check for Ajax requests
Bug #0000102: Upgrades in English Language Pack.
dmitrya committed rMINC11907: Corrected "Section Template".
Corrected "Section Template"
Fixes #000115: Missing Products icon in Left-navigation Tree
dmitrya committed rMINC11967: 1. Bug #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode..
1. Bug #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.
Category index template should contain leading "/"!
dmitrya committed rMINC11909: Moved section with "Affiliate Transactions" after Affiliates in Left-nav. tree.
Moved section with "Affiliate Transactions" after Affiliates in Left-nav. tree
dmitrya committed rMINC11943: Bug #000091: All top module categories have same icon in menu.
Bug #000091: All top module categories have same icon in menu
Deleting version 'releases/5.0.0'
dmitrya committed rMINC12002: Bug #0000145: Remove Deprecated "module_help/" folders from all Modules.
Bug #0000145: Remove Deprecated "module_help/" folders from all Modules
alex committed rMINC12007: 1. Fixes #0000142: Order Temporarily table Dropped when doing Print Order in….
1. Fixes #0000142: Order Temporarily table Dropped when doing Print Order in…
dmitrya committed rMINC11974: Fixes #0000105: Language pack cleanup - get rid of "la_fld_*Id" phrases.
Fixes #0000105: Language pack cleanup - get rid of "la_fld_*Id" phrases
dmitrya committed rMINC11994: 1. Bug #0000034: Update English lang. Pack for v5.0.0.
1. Bug #0000034: Update English lang. Pack for v5.0.0
dmitrya committed rMINC11979: Bug #0000034: Update English lang. Pack for v5.0.0.
Bug #0000034: Update English lang. Pack for v5.0.0
dmitrya committed rMINC12020: 1. Bug #0000135: Create LICENSE, README, CREDITS files for all modules.
1. Bug #0000135: Create LICENSE, README, CREDITS files for all modules
alex committed rMINC12052: Bug #0000148: Remove "default2007" theme, because it's not compatible with this….
Bug #0000148: Remove "default2007" theme, because it's not compatible with this…
alex added "INP-123" JIRA issue(s) to rMINC12052: Bug #0000148: Remove "default2007" theme, because it's not compatible with this….
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.0' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Deleting version 'releases/5.0.0'
Deleting version 'releases/5.0.0'
Deleting version 'releases/5.0.0'
Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')
Releasing version 'branches/5.1.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')
1. Fixes #0000173: Save button won't work on Add Product Options
dmitry committed rMINC12165: Fixes #0000172: Hide "Points" field on Pricing tab until it's not used.
Fixes #0000172: Hide "Points" field on Pricing tab until it's not used
alex committed rMINC12146: Fixes #0000154: All fields on user registration form after placing order are….
Fixes #0000154: All fields on user registration form after placing order are…