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Sun, Dec 29
Sun, Dec 29
dmitrya committed rTADV11462: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
alex committed rTADV11427: 1. NEW: Template Manager in default2009 theme (editing and saving blocks, error….
1. NEW: Template Manager in default2009 theme (editing and saving blocks, error…
dmitrya committed rTADV11443: TPL Name Changes (dsg.tpl = Design templates).
TPL Name Changes (dsg.tpl = Design templates)
dmitrya committed rTADV11456: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rTADV11433: New functionality to Edit eisting Language Labels.
New functionality to Edit eisting Language Labels
dmitrya committed rTADV11432: Added Header 404 Not Found for this template.
Added Header 404 Not Found for this template
dmitrya committed rTADV11448: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
hang-up problem in getFrame on Front-End in default2009 theme
dmitrya committed rTADV11474: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rTADV11490: TPL Name Changes + Added Movable-Element.
TPL Name Changes + Added Movable-Element
dmitrya committed rTADV11477: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rTADV11468: TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks).
TPL Name Changes (elm.tpl = Templates with Elements and Blocks)
dmitrya committed rTADV11491: TPL Name Changes + Added Movable-Element.
TPL Name Changes + Added Movable-Element
Merging "st" and "c" prefixes. Theme selector.
dmitrya committed rTADV11494: META DATA for Templates (.TPL).
META DATA for Templates (.TPL)
dmitrya committed rTADV11511: TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme).
TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme)
alex committed rTADV11523: 1. More upgrade scripts (move all categories from Home to Content, rename /in….
1. More upgrade scripts (move all categories from Home to Content, rename /in…
dmitrya committed rTADV11530: Removed In-Edit templates, necessary ones moved to Platform..
Removed In-Edit templates, necessary ones moved to Platform.
dmitrya committed rTADV11518: TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme).
TPL Changes (templates migration in Default2009 theme)
1. export in new catalog fixed
#26605 - Admin: Permissions in In-Edit
dmitrya committed rTADV11531: Removed In-Edit templates.
Removed In-Edit templates
dmitrya committed rTADV11555: META DATA for Templates (.TPL).
META DATA for Templates (.TPL)
dmitrya committed rTADV11539: Fixed Sub-menu for Sections / Categories.
Fixed Sub-menu for Sections / Categories
dmitrya committed rTADV11573: Moving "inbulletin" to "in-bulletin".
Moving "inbulletin" to "in-bulletin"
dmitrya committed rTADV11540: Fixed Sub-menu for Sections / Categories.
Fixed Sub-menu for Sections / Categories
alex committed rTADV11661: 1. Tag adm_TemplateMatches removed, because equals_to parameter does the same….
1. Tag adm_TemplateMatches removed, because equals_to parameter does the same…
alex committed rTADV11586: #27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles.
#27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles
1. check for non-existing tab (when prefix is given) added in catalog
1. some "Edit" buttons removed from "Navigation bar"
1. #27328 - Admin: FCK Editor doesn't Load for Textarea in FF3
dmitrya committed rTADV11591: SMSIGNORE + META DATA for Templates (.TPL).
SMSIGNORE + META DATA for Templates (.TPL)
valex committed rTADV11670: 1. Simplified version of duplicate links grid. At least it looks like grid :).
1. Simplified version of duplicate links grid. At least it looks like grid :)
alex added "INP-49" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV11834: inportalBase variable should not be defined locally, because this overrides….
valex committed rTADV11690: #27081 - Admin: Editor in Site Views.
#27081 - Admin: Editor in Site Views
valex committed rTADV11678: 1. Parameter title_render_as removed from combined_header block, because it….
1. Parameter title_render_as removed from combined_header block, because it…
alex committed rTADV11834: inportalBase variable should not be defined locally, because this overrides….
inportalBase variable should not be defined locally, because this overrides…
dmitrya committed rTADV11832: Fixes #0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken.
Fixes #0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken
dmitrya committed rTADV11833: Minor fix (debug removed).
Minor fix (debug removed)
alex added "INP-68" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV11872: Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms.
alex added "INP-78" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV11868: Fixes #0000092: Missing top menu when JavaScript is disabled..
alex added "INP-68" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV11875: Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms….
alex added "INP-67" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV11858: Bug #0000079: Improvements to Image uploads on Add / Edit Item.
1. Fixes #0000090: Sitemap Template is Broken.
Bug #0000079: Improvements to Image uploads on Add / Edit Item
alex committed rTADV11872: Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms.
Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms
alex committed rTADV11875: Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms….
Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms…
dmitrya committed rTADV11877: 1. Fixes #0000086: Added IsMenu = 0 during Category Suggestion.
1. Fixes #0000086: Added IsMenu = 0 during Category Suggestion
Fixes #0000092: Missing top menu when JavaScript is disabled.
dmitrya committed rTADV11880: Bug #0000090: Moved default2009/platform/site_map.tpl to….
Bug #0000090: Moved default2009/platform/site_map.tpl to…
dmitrya committed rTADV11879: Fixes #0000090: Sitemap fix, now lists "menu" sections using <ul>, <li> elements.
Fixes #0000090: Sitemap fix, now lists "menu" sections using <ul>, <li> elements
1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.
alex added "INP-8" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV11963: 1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode..
alex added "INP-8" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12009: 1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode..
1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.
alex added "INP-19" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12159: Fixes #0000027: Email validation during user registration.
Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')
dmitrya committed rTADV11964: 1. Bug #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode..
1. Bug #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.
Fixes #0000027: Email validation during user registration
dmitrya committed rTADV12154: Fixes #0000162: Broken template layout on "Subscription Confirmation" page in….
Fixes #0000162: Broken template layout on "Subscription Confirmation" page in…
dmitrya committed rTADV11969: 1. Bug #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode..
1. Bug #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.
Bug #0000073: In-Portal CMS No Color in Header (adding CSS fixes)
1. Bug #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes"
Fixes #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes"
dmitrya committed rTADV12203: Bug #0000179: Move "designs/detail" templates into Item folders.
Bug #0000179: Move "designs/detail" templates into Item folders
dmitrya committed rTADV12318: 1. Bug #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes".
1. Bug #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes"
dmitrya committed rTADV12223: Fixes #0000203: Minor changes in Names for Section templates in Default2009….
Fixes #0000203: Minor changes in Names for Section templates in Default2009…
alex added "INP-214" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12407: Fixes #0000256: Rename Themes in SVN to more meaningful.
Fixes #0000256: Rename Themes in SVN to more meaningful
alex added "INP-196" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12368: 1. Fixes #0000237: Make session creation optional on Front-End.
1. Fixes #0000238: Cosmetic + Minor Changes.
1. Fixes #0000237: Make session creation optional on Front-End
alex added "INP-260" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12577: 1. Fixes #0000311: Template "redirect" is missing in "advanced" theme..
1. Fixes #0000311: Template "redirect" is missing in "advanced" theme.
dmitrya committed rTADV12371: 1. Bug #0000238: Cosmetic + Minor Changes.
1. Bug #0000238: Cosmetic + Minor Changes
dmitrya committed rTADV12666: Fixes #0000354: Missing "Section Search" functionality.
Fixes #0000354: Missing "Section Search" functionality
dmitrya committed rTADV12337: 1. Bug #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes".
1. Bug #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes"
dmitrya committed rTADV12574: 1. Bug #0000034: Update English lang. Pack.
1. Bug #0000034: Update English lang. Pack
alex added "INP-297" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12877: Fixes #0000359: Two different urls will lead to same physical template on Front….
alex added "INP-210" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12873: Fixes #0000251: Minor crop/fill problems in image processing.
alex added "INP-318" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12808: Fixes #0000382: Theme Depended Files and Demo Installation.
alex added "INP-346" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12876: 1. Fixes #0000419: Can't list Form fields on the Front End..
alex added "INP-209" JIRA issue(s) to rTADV12716: Fixes #0000250: Check what "source" parameter of "m_Phrase" tag does.
Fixes #0000382: Theme Depended Files and Demo Installation
Fixes #0000251: Minor crop/fill problems in image processing
alex committed rTADV12877: Fixes #0000359: Two different urls will lead to same physical template on Front….
Fixes #0000359: Two different urls will lead to same physical template on Front…
Fixes #0000250: Check what "source" parameter of "m_Phrase" tag does
Fixes #0000421: Sitemap is broken
1. Fixes #0000419: Can't list Form fields on the Front End.
dmitrya committed rTADV12865: 1. Bug #382: Theme Depended Files and Demo Installation.
1. Bug #382: Theme Depended Files and Demo Installation