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Index: branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/image_helper.php
--- branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/image_helper.php (revision 11934)
+++ branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/image_helper.php (revision 11935)
@@ -1,544 +1,544 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
class ImageHelper extends kHelper {
* Parses format string into array
* @param string $format sample format: "resize:300x500;wm:inc/wm.png|c|-20"
* @return Array sample result: Array('max_width' => 300, 'max_height' => 500, 'wm_filename' => 'inc/wm.png', 'h_margin' => 'c', 'v_margin' => -20)
function parseFormat($format)
$res = Array ();
$format_parts = explode(';', $format);
foreach ($format_parts as $format_part) {
if (preg_match('/resize:(\d*)x(\d*)/', $format_part, $regs)) {
$res['max_width'] = $regs[1];
$res['max_height'] = $regs[2];
elseif (preg_match('/wm:([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)/', $format_part, $regs)) {
$res['wm_filename'] = FULL_PATH.THEMES_PATH.'/'.$regs[1];
$res['h_margin'] = strtolower($regs[2]);
$res['v_margin'] = strtolower($regs[3]);
elseif (preg_match('/crop:([^\|]*)\|([^\|]*)/', $format_part, $regs)) {
$res['crop_x'] = strtolower($regs[1]);
$res['crop_y'] = strtolower($regs[2]);
elseif ($format_part == 'img_size' || $format_part == 'img_sizes') {
$res['image_size'] = true;
return $res;
* Resized given image to required dimensions & saves resized image to "resized" subfolder in source image folder
* @param string $src_image full path to image (on server)
* @param mixed $max_width maximal allowed resized image width or false if no limit
* @param mixed $max_height maximal allowed resized image height or false if no limit
* @return string direct url to resized image
function ResizeImage($src_image, $max_width, $max_height = null)
$image_size = false;
if(isset($max_height)) {
$params['max_height'] = $max_height;
$params['max_width'] = $max_width;
else {
$params = $this->parseFormat($max_width);
if (array_key_exists('image_size', $params)) {
// image_size param shouldn't affect resized file name (crc part)
$image_size = $params['image_size'];
if ($params['max_width'] > 0 || $params['max_height'] > 0) {
list ($params['target_width'], $params['target_height'], $needs_resize) = $this->GetImageDimensions($src_image, $params['max_width'], $params['max_height'], $params);
$src_path = dirname($src_image);
if ($needs_resize || array_key_exists('wm_filename', $params) && $params['wm_filename']) {
// resize required OR watermarking required -> change resulting image name !
$dst_image = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($src_path, '/').'(.*)\.(.*)$/', $src_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'resized\\1_' . crc32(serialize($params)) . '.\\2', $src_image);
if (!file_exists($dst_image) || filemtime($src_image) > filemtime($dst_image)) {
// resized image not available OR should be recreated due source image change
$params['dst_image'] = $dst_image;
$image_resized = $this->ScaleImage($src_image, $params);
if (!$image_resized) {
// resize failed, because of server error
$dst_image = $src_image;
// resize/watermarking ok
$src_image = $dst_image;
if ($image_size) {
// return only image size (resized or not)
$image_info = $this->getImageInfo($src_image);
return $image_info ? $image_info[3] : '';
$base_url = rtrim($this->Application->BaseURL(), '/');
return str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/').'(.*)/', $base_url.'\\1', $src_image));
* Proportionally resizes given image to destination dimensions
* @param string $src_image full path to source image (already existing)
* @param string $dst_image full path to destination image (will be created)
* @param int $dst_width destination image width (in pixels)
* @param int $dst_height destination image height (in pixels)
function ScaleImage($src_image, $params)
$image_info = $this->getImageInfo($src_image);
if (!$image_info) {
return false;
/*list ($params['max_width'], $params['max_height'], $resized) = $this->GetImageDimensions($src_image, $params['max_width'], $params['max_height'], $params);
if (!$resized) {
// image dimensions are smaller or equals to required dimensions
return false;
if (!$this->Application->ConfigValue('ForceImageMagickResize') && function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
// try to resize using GD
$resize_map = Array (
'image/jpeg' => 'imagecreatefromjpeg:imagejpeg:jpg',
'image/gif' => 'imagecreatefromgif:imagegif:gif',
'image/png' => 'imagecreatefrompng:imagepng:png',
$mime_type = $image_info['mime'];
if (!isset($resize_map[$mime_type])) {
return false;
list ($read_function, $write_function, $file_extension) = explode(':', $resize_map[$mime_type]);
$src_image_rs = @$read_function($src_image);
if ($src_image_rs) {
// when source image has large dimensions (over 1MB filesize), then 16M is not enough
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
$dst_image_rs = imagecreatetruecolor($params['target_width'], $params['target_height']); // resize target size
if ($file_extension == 'png') {
// preserve transparency of PNG images
$transparent_color = imagecolorallocate($dst_image_rs, 0, 0, 0);
imagecolortransparent($dst_image_rs, $transparent_color);
// 1. resize
imagecopyresampled($dst_image_rs, $src_image_rs, 0, 0, 0, 0, $params['target_width'], $params['target_height'], $image_info[0], $image_info[1]);
// 2. crop
if (array_key_exists('crop_x', $params) || array_key_exists('crop_y', $params)) {
$dst_image_rs =& $this->_cropImage($dst_image_rs, $params);
// 3. apply watermark
$dst_image_rs =& $this->_applyWatermark($dst_image_rs, $params['max_width'], $params['max_height'], $params);
else {
// 3. apply watermark
$dst_image_rs =& $this->_applyWatermark($dst_image_rs, $params['target_width'], $params['target_height'], $params);
return @$write_function($dst_image_rs, $params['dst_image'], 100);
else {
// try to resize using ImageMagick
// TODO: implement crop and watermarking using imagemagick
exec('/usr/bin/convert '.$src_image.' -resize '.$params['target_width'].'x'.$params['target_height'].' '.$params['dst_image'], $shell_output, $exec_status);
return $exec_status == 0;
return false;
* Crop given image resource using given params and return resulting image resource
* @param resource $src_image_rs resized image resource
* @param Array $params crop parameters
* @return resource
function &_cropImage(&$src_image_rs, $params)
if ($params['crop_x'] == 'c') {
$x_position = round($params['target_width'] / 2 - $params['max_width'] / 2); // center
elseif ($params['crop_x'] >= 0) {
$x_position = $params['crop_x']; // margin from left
else {
$x_position = $params['target_width'] - ($params['max_width'] - $params['crop_x']); // margin from right
if ($params['crop_y'] == 'c') {
$y_position = round($params['target_height'] / 2 - $params['max_height'] / 2); // center
elseif ($params['crop_y'] >= 0) {
$y_position = $params['crop_y']; // margin from top
else {
$y_position = $params['target_height'] - ($params['max_height'] - $params['crop_y']); // margin from bottom
// crop resized image
$crop_image_rs = imagecreatetruecolor($params['max_width'], $params['max_height']);
imagecopyresampled($crop_image_rs, $src_image_rs, 0, 0, $x_position, $y_position, $params['target_width'], $params['target_height'], $params['target_width'], $params['target_height']);
return $crop_image_rs;
* Apply watermark (transparent PNG image) to given resized image resource
* @param resource $src_image_rs
* @param int $max_width
* @param int $max_height
* @param Array $params
* @return resource
function &_applyWatermark(&$src_image_rs, $max_width, $max_height, $params)
$watermark_file = array_key_exists('wm_filename', $params) ? $params['wm_filename'] : false;
if (!$watermark_file || !file_exists($watermark_file)) {
// no watermark required, or provided watermark image is missing
return $src_image_rs;
$watermark_img_rs = imagecreatefrompng($watermark_file);
list ($watermark_width, $watermark_height) = $this->getImageInfo($watermark_file);
imagealphablending($src_image_rs, true);
if ($params['h_margin'] == 'c') {
$x_position = round($max_width / 2 - $watermark_width / 2); // center
elseif ($params['h_margin'] >= 0) {
$x_position = $params['h_margin']; // margin from left
else {
$x_position = $max_width - ($watermark_width - $params['h_margin']); // margin from right
if ($params['v_margin'] == 'c') {
$y_position = round($max_height / 2 - $watermark_height / 2); // center
elseif ($params['v_margin'] >= 0) {
$y_position = $params['v_margin']; // margin from top
else {
$y_position = $max_height - ($watermark_height - $params['v_margin']); // margin from bottom
imagecopy($src_image_rs, $watermark_img_rs, $x_position, $y_position, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height);
return $src_image_rs;
* Returns destination image size without actual resizing (useful for <img .../> HTML tag)
* @param string $src_image full path to source image (already existing)
* @param int $dst_width destination image width (in pixels)
* @param int $dst_height destination image height (in pixels)
* @param Array $params
* @return Array resized image dimensions (0 - width, 1 - height)
function GetImageDimensions($src_image, $dst_width, $dst_height, $params)
$image_info = $this->getImageInfo($src_image);
if (!$image_info) {
return false;
$orig_width = $image_info[0];
$orig_height = $image_info[1];
$too_large = is_numeric($dst_width) ? ($orig_width > $dst_width) : false;
$too_large = $too_large || (is_numeric($dst_height) ? ($orig_height > $dst_height) : false);
if ($too_large) {
$width_ratio = $dst_width ? $dst_width / $orig_width : 1;
$height_ratio = $dst_height ? $dst_height / $orig_height : 1;
if (array_key_exists('crop_x', $params) || array_key_exists('crop_y', $params)) {
// resize by smallest inverted radio
$resize_by = $this->_getCropImageMinRatio($image_info, $dst_width, $dst_height);
$ratio = $resize_by == 'width' ? $width_ratio : $height_ratio;
else {
$ratio = min($width_ratio, $height_ratio);
$width = ceil($orig_width * $ratio);
$height = ceil($orig_height * $ratio);
else {
$width = $orig_width;
$height = $orig_height;
return Array ($width, $height, $too_large);
* Returns ratio type with smaller relation of original size to target size
* @param Array $image_info image information from "ImageHelper::getImageInfo"
* @param int $dst_width destination image width (in pixels)
* @param int $dst_height destination image height (in pixels)
* @return Array
function _getCropImageMinRatio($image_info, $dst_width, $dst_height)
$width_ratio = $dst_width ? $image_info[0] / $dst_width : 1;
$height_ratio = $dst_height ? $image_info[1] / $dst_height : 1;
return $width_ratio < $height_ratio ? 'width' : 'height';
* Returns image dimensions + checks if given file is existing image
* @param string $src_image full path to source image (already existing)
* @return mixed
function getImageInfo($src_image)
if (!file_exists($src_image)) {
return false;
$image_info = @getimagesize($src_image);
if (!$image_info) {
trigger_error('Image <b>'.$src_image.'</b> <span class="debug_error">missing or invalid</span>', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
return $image_info;
* Returns maximal image size (width & height) among fields specified
* @param kDBItem $object
* @param string $fields
* @param string $format any format, that returns full url (e.g. files_resized:WxH, resize:WxH, full_url, full_urls)
* @return string
function MaxImageSize(&$object, $fields, $format = null)
static $cached_sizes = Array ();
$cache_key = $object->getPrefixSpecial().'_'.$object->GetID();
if (!isset($cached_sizes[$cache_key])) {
$images = Array ();
$fields = explode(',', $fields);
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$image_data = $object->GetField($field, $format);
if (!$image_data) {
$images = array_merge($images, explode('|', $image_data));
$max_width = 0;
$max_height = 0;
$base_url = rtrim($this->Application->BaseURL(), '/');
foreach ($images as $image_url) {
$image_path = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($base_url, '/').'(.*)/', FULL_PATH.'\\1', $image_url);
$image_info = $this->getImageInfo($image_path);
$max_width = max($max_width, $image_info[0]);
$max_height = max($max_height, $image_info[1]);
$cached_sizes[$cache_key] = Array ($max_width, $max_height);
return $cached_sizes[$cache_key];
* Puts existing item images (from subitem) to virtual fields (in main item)
* @param kCatDBItem $object
function LoadItemImages(&$object)
if (!$this->Application->prefixRegistred($object->Prefix.'-img')) {
return ;
$max_image_count = $this->Application->ConfigValue($object->Prefix.'_MaxImageCount');
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE ResourceId = '.$object->GetDBField('ResourceId').'
LIMIT 0, ' . (int)$max_image_count;
$item_images = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
$image_counter = 1;
foreach ($item_images as $item_image) {
$image_path = $item_image['ThumbPath'];
if ($item_image['DefaultImg'] == 1 || $item_image['Name'] == 'main') {
// process primary image separately
if (array_key_exists('PrimaryImage', $object->Fields)) {
$object->SetDBField('PrimaryImage', $image_path);
$object->SetOriginalField('PrimaryImage', $image_path);
$object->Fields['PrimaryImage']['original_field'] = $item_image['Name'];
$this->_loadCustomFields($object, $item_image, 0);
if (abs($item_image['Priority'])) {
// use Priority as image counter, when specified
$image_counter = abs($item_image['Priority']);
if (array_key_exists('Image'.$image_counter, $object->Fields)) {
$object->SetDBField('Image'.$image_counter, $image_path);
$object->SetOriginalField('Image'.$image_counter, $image_path);
$object->Fields['Image'.$image_counter]['original_field'] = $item_image['Name'];
$this->_loadCustomFields($object, $item_image, $image_counter);
* Saves newly uploaded images to external image table
* @param kCatDBItem $object
function SaveItemImages(&$object)
if (!$this->Application->prefixRegistred($object->Prefix.'-img')) {
return ;
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('img', 'TableName');
$max_image_count = $this->Application->getUnitOption($object->Prefix, 'ImageCount'); // $this->Application->ConfigValue($object->Prefix.'_MaxImageCount');
$i = 0;
while ($i < $max_image_count) {
$field = $i ? 'Image'.$i : 'PrimaryImage';
$field_options = $object->GetFieldOptions($field);
$image_src = $object->GetDBField($field);
if ($image_src) {
if (isset($field_options['original_field'])) {
$key_clause = 'Name = '.$this->Conn->qstr($field_options['original_field']).' AND ResourceId = '.$object->GetDBField('ResourceId');
if ($object->GetDBField('Delete'.$field)) {
// if item was cloned, then new filename is in db (not in $image_src)
$sql = 'SELECT ThumbPath
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$key_clause;
$image_src = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (@unlink(FULL_PATH.$image_src)) {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$key_clause;
else {
// image record found -> update
$fields_hash = Array (
'ThumbPath' => $image_src,
$this->_saveCustomFields($object, $fields_hash, $i);
$this->Conn->doUpdate($fields_hash, $table_name, $key_clause);
else {
// image record not found -> create
$fields_hash = Array (
'ResourceId' => $object->GetDBField('ResourceId'),
'Name' => $field,
'AltName' => $field,
'Enabled' => STATUS_ACTIVE,
'DefaultImg' => $i ? 0 : 1, // first image is primary, others not primary
'ThumbPath' => $image_src,
$this->_saveCustomFields($object, $fields_hash, $i);
$this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $table_name);
$field_options['original_field'] = $field;
$object->SetFieldOptions($field, $field_options);
* Adds ability to load custom fields along with main image field
* @param kCatDBItem $object
* @param Array $fields_hash
* @param int $counter 0 - primary image, other number - additional image number
function _loadCustomFields(&$object, $fields_hash, $counter)
$field_name = $counter ? 'Image' . $counter . 'Alt' : 'PrimaryImageAlt';
- $object->SetDBField($field_name, $fields_hash['AltName']);
+ $object->SetDBField($field_name, (string)$fields_hash['AltName']);
* Adds ability to save custom field along with main image save
* @param kCatDBItem $object
* @param Array $fields_hash
* @param int $counter 0 - primary image, other number - additional image number
function _saveCustomFields(&$object, &$fields_hash, $counter)
$field_name = $counter ? 'Image' . $counter . 'Alt' : 'PrimaryImageAlt';
- $fields_hash['AltName'] = $object->GetDBField($field_name);
+ $fields_hash['AltName'] = (string)$object->GetDBField($field_name);
\ No newline at end of file

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