-This section allows the administrator to import the data from other applications into your existing In-portal system.<br><br>
-<b>Step 1</b> of the import begins with a disclaimer that the data in your current system will be affected. Please ensure you understand the import process and the particular kind of import you are doing before proceeding.
-<b>In-link 2 Import</b><br>
-In the current version, only the import from In-link2 is available. The import is designed for In-link version 2.3.4, however it will work, or partially work, for most of the older In-link2 versions up to 2.0.10. If you have one of the older In-link2 versions and are experiencing problems, please upgrade your In-link2 to the version 2.3.4, and then run this import. It is not possible to use In-link2 import if you do not have In-link3 installed on your In-portal platform. Some In-link2 license holders are entitled to a complimentary In-link3 license, please go to your account at <a href="http://www.intechnic.com/myaccount">http://www.intechnic.com/myaccount</a> for more information, or submit a support ticket.
-<b>Step 3</b><br>
-In this step, the administrator will be asked to enter all database information for the In-link2 data. The current version of In-portal only supports import from the MySQL databases of In-link2.<br><br>
-<b>Step 4</b><br>
-In this step, the administrator will need to designate the options of the import how the In-link2 data is supposed to be integrated into In-portal and In-link3.
-<li> Administrative Group this field designates the In-portal administrative group (by default, Admin'), into which the old In-link2 administrators should be imported. You can choose a different group for the import, and then designate the administrative users later. Clicking on the group button will pop up a list of In-portal groups.
-<li> Regular User Group - this field designates the In-portal group (by default, Members'), into which the old In-link2 users (link owners) should be imported. It is recommended to import then into a group that will give them access to the front-end, and to modify their links. However, you can choose a different group for the import, and then manage the users later. Clicking on the group button will pop up a list of In-portal groups.
-<li> Initial Import Category this field designates the In-portal category, which will serve as a root for the In-link2 import. This category will be the equivalent of the Home category in In-link2, and all of the sub-categories will be created underneath. Clicking on the category button (folder icon) will pop up a catalog navigator, where you can select the category.
-<li> Link Image Name this field designates the link image field in the In-link2 database, which was used to store the link image name. By default, it is link_image' , however many users have used a custom field for this purpose, in which case you should enter the custom field name here.
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Property changes on: trunk/kernel/admin/include/help/inlink_inport.txt
+This section allows the administrator to import the data from other applications into your existing In-portal system.<br><br>
+<b>Step 1</b> of the import begins with a disclaimer that the data in your current system will be affected. Please ensure you understand the import process and the particular kind of import you are doing before proceeding.
+<b>In-link 2 Import</b><br>
+In the current version, only the import from In-link2 is available. The import is designed for In-link version 2.3.4, however it will work, or partially work, for most of the older In-link2 versions up to 2.0.10. If you have one of the older In-link2 versions and are experiencing problems, please upgrade your In-link2 to the version 2.3.4, and then run this import. It is not possible to use In-link2 import if you do not have In-link3 installed on your In-portal platform. Some In-link2 license holders are entitled to a complimentary In-link3 license, please go to your account at <a href="http://www.intechnic.com/myaccount">http://www.intechnic.com/myaccount</a> for more information, or submit a support ticket.
+<b>Step 3</b><br>
+In this step, the administrator will be asked to enter all database information for the In-link2 data. The current version of In-portal only supports import from the MySQL databases of In-link2.<br><br>
+<b>Step 4</b><br>
+In this step, the administrator will need to designate the options of the import how the In-link2 data is supposed to be integrated into In-portal and In-link3.
+<li> Administrative Group this field designates the In-portal administrative group (by default, Admin'), into which the old In-link2 administrators should be imported. You can choose a different group for the import, and then designate the administrative users later. Clicking on the group button will pop up a list of In-portal groups.
+<li> Regular User Group - this field designates the In-portal group (by default, Members'), into which the old In-link2 users (link owners) should be imported. It is recommended to import then into a group that will give them access to the front-end, and to modify their links. However, you can choose a different group for the import, and then manage the users later. Clicking on the group button will pop up a list of In-portal groups.
+<li> Initial Import Category this field designates the In-portal category, which will serve as a root for the In-link2 import. This category will be the equivalent of the Home category in In-link2, and all of the sub-categories will be created underneath. Clicking on the category button (folder icon) will pop up a catalog navigator, where you can select the category.
+<li> Link Image Name this field designates the link image field in the In-link2 database, which was used to store the link image name. By default, it is link_image' , however many users have used a custom field for this purpose, in which case you should enter the custom field name here.
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Property changes on: trunk/kernel/admin/include/help/main_import.txt
+ <TD COLSPAN="2"><span class=\"text\">This utility allows you to import data from other databases and applications, including third party products and earlier versions of this software.
function TableCount($TableName, $where="",$JoinCats=1)
$db = GetADODBConnection();
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as TableCount FROM $TableName";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as TableCount FROM $TableName INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems ON ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems.ItemResourceId=$TableName.ResourceId";
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where;
$rs = $db->Execute($sql);
// echo "SQL TABLE COUNT: ".$sql."<br>\n";
$res = $rs->fields["TableCount"];
return $res;
Function QueryCount($sql)
$countsql = "SELECT count(*) as TableCount ".substr($sql,strpos($sql," FROM "));