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Index: branches/5.0.x/in-commerce/install/upgrades.php
--- branches/5.0.x/in-commerce/install/upgrades.php (revision 12327)
+++ branches/5.0.x/in-commerce/install/upgrades.php (revision 12328)
@@ -1,104 +1,123 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
$upgrade_class = 'InCommerceUpgrades';
* Class, that holds all upgrade scripts for "Core" module
class InCommerceUpgrades extends kHelper {
* Install toolkit instance
* @var kInstallToolkit
var $_toolkit = null;
* Sets common instance of installator toolkit
* @param kInstallToolkit $instance
function setToolkit(&$instance)
$this->_toolkit =& $instance;
* Changes table structure, where multilingual fields of TEXT type are present
* @param string $mode when called mode {before, after)
function Upgrade_5_0_0($mode)
if ($mode == 'after') {
// update icon
$root_category = $this->Application->findModule('Name', 'In-Commerce', 'RootCat');
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TableName') . '
SET UseMenuIconUrl = 1, MenuIconUrl = "in-commerce/img/menu_products.gif"
WHERE ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'IDField') . ' = ' . $root_category;
$this->_updateDetailTemplate('p', 'in-commerce/product/details', 'in-commerce/designs/detail');
// copy store name to company name
$store_name = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_StoreName');
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ConfigurationValues
SET VariableValue = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($store_name) . '
WHERE VariableName = "Comm_CompanyName"';
* Replaces deprecated detail template design with new one
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $from_template
* @param string $to_template
function _updateDetailTemplate($prefix, $from_template, $to_template)
$sql = 'SELECT CustomFieldId
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'CustomField
WHERE FieldName = "' . $prefix . '_ItemTemplate"';
$custom_field_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$ml_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
/* @var $ml_formatter kMultiLanguage */
$field = $ml_formatter->LangFieldName('cust_' . $custom_field_id, true);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'CategoryCustomData
SET ' . $field . ' = "' . $to_template . '"
WHERE ' . $field . ' = "' . $from_template . '"';
* Update to 5.0.1, update details template
* @param string $mode when called mode {before, after)
function Upgrade_5_0_1($mode)
if ($mode == 'after') {
$this->_updateDetailTemplate('p', 'in-commerce/designs/detail', 'in-commerce/products/product_detail');
+ // clean incomplete orders 5+ hours old
+ $delete_timestamp = mktime() - (3600 * 5);
+ $sql = 'SELECT OrderId FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Orders
+ AND OrderDate < ' . $delete_timestamp;
+ $orders_to_delete = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
+ if ( $orders_to_delete && is_array($orders_to_delete) ) {
+ $this->Conn->Query( 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'OrderItems
+ WHERE OrderId IN ( ' . implode(',', $orders_to_delete) . ' )' );
+ $this->Conn->Query( 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Orders
+ AND OrderDate < ' . $delete_timestamp );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file

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