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Index: branches/5.0.x/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php
--- branches/5.0.x/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php (revision 13205)
+++ branches/5.0.x/core/kernel/nparser/ntags.php (revision 13206)
@@ -1,616 +1,616 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class _BlockTag extends kBase {
* Enter description here...
* @var NParser
var $Parser = null;
var $Tag = null;
* Contains parameter names, that should be given to tag in any case
* @var Array
var $_requiredParams = Array ();
function _BlockTag($tag)
$this->Tag = $tag;
function Open($tag)
if (!$this->_checkRequiredParams($tag)) {
return false;
return '';
* Checks, that all required attributes for tag are passed
* @param Array $tag
* @return bool
function _checkRequiredParams($tag)
$missing_params = array_diff($this->_requiredParams, array_keys($tag['NP']));
if (!$missing_params) {
return true;
$error_msg = 'Tag ' . $this->Parser->TagInfo($tag, true) . ' called <b> without required ' . implode(', ', $missing_params) . ' </b> attribute';
if (count($missing_params) > 1) {
$error_msg .= '(-s)';
$this->Application->handleError(E_USER_ERROR, $error_msg, $tag['file'], $tag['line']);
return false;
* All tags inside block tag are passed through to this method
* Any returned result is appened to current level's buffer
* This can be used to implement special handling of such tags as <inp2:m_else/>
* @param unknown_type $tag
* @return unknown
function PassThrough(&$tag)
return '';
function Close($tag)
return $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
function AppendCode(&$o, $code, $php_tags=true)
if ($php_tags) {
$o .= '<?'."php\n" . ( is_array($code) ? "\t".implode("\n\t", $code)."\n" : $code) .'?>';
else {
$o .= ( is_array($code) ? "\t".implode("\n\t", $code)."\n" : $code);
class _Tag_Comment extends _BlockTag {
function Open($tag)
$this->Parser->SkipComments = false;
return '';
function Close($tag)
$this->Parser->SkipComments = true;
return $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
class _Tag_DefineElement extends _BlockTag {
/*var $ElemName;
function Open($tag)
$o = '';
$pointer = abs(crc32($tag['file'])).'_'.$tag['line'];
$f_name = $tag['NP']['name'].'_'.$pointer;
$this->ElemName = $tag['NP']['name'];
$code[] = "\$_parser->Elements['{$tag['NP']['name']}'] = '$f_name';";
// function_exists is required here, because a template may be included more than once
// leading to Cannot redeclare error
$code[] = "if (!function_exists('{$f_name}')) {";
$code[] = "function $f_name(&\$_parser, \$params) {";
$code[] = "global \$application;";
$code[] = "if (!\$_output = \$_parser->CacheStart('{$pointer}')) {";
$defaults = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
$code[] = "\$params = array_merge($defaults, \$params);";
$code[] = "if (!isset(\$params['PrefixSpecial']) && isset(\$params['prefix'])) {\$params['PrefixSpecial'] = \$params['prefix'];};";
$code[] = "extract(\$params);";
$code[] = "\$_parser->SetParams(\$params);";
$code[] = 'ob_start();';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code, false);
return $o . '?'.'>';
function Close($tag)
$o = $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
$code[] = "\$_parser->CacheEnd();\n";
$code[] = '$_output = ob_get_contents();';
$code[] = 'ob_end_clean();';
$code[] = '}';
$code[] = "return \$_output === true ? '' : \$_output;";
$code[] = '}}';
$code[] = "\$_parser->CachableElements['".$this->ElemName."'] = ".($this->Parser->Cachable[$this->Parser->Level] ? 'true':'false').';';
$o .= '<?'.'php';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code, false);
return $o;
// $this->Parser->Definitions .= $o."\n";
// return '';
} */
function _Tag_DefineElement($tag)
$this->_requiredParams = Array ('name');
function Open($tag)
$o = parent::Open($tag);
if ($o === false) {
// some required params not passed
return $o;
$f_name = $tag['NP']['name'].'_'.abs(crc32($tag['file'])).'_'.$tag['line'];
$this->Tag['function_name'] = $f_name; // for later use in closing tag
$code[] = "\$_parser->Elements['{$tag['NP']['name']}'] = '$f_name';";
// function_exists is required here, because a template may be included more than once
// leading to Cannot redeclare error
$code[] = "if (!function_exists('{$f_name}')) {";
$code[] = "function $f_name(&\$_parser, \$params) {";
$code[] = "global \$application;";
$tag['NP'] = $this->_extractParams($tag['NP']);
$defaults = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
$code[] = "\$params = array_merge($defaults, \$params);";
$code[] = "if (!isset(\$params['PrefixSpecial']) && isset(\$params['prefix'])) {\$params['PrefixSpecial'] = \$params['prefix'];};";
$code[] = "extract(\$params);";
$code[] = "\$_parser->SetParams(\$params);";
$code[] = 'ob_start();';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
* Converts $param_name to $params['param_name']
* @param Array $params
* @return Array
function _extractParams($params)
foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_value) {
$params[$param_name] = preg_replace('/[\{]{0,1}([\$])(.*?[^\$\s\{\}]*)[\}]{0,1}/', '{$params[\'\\2\']}', $param_value);
return $params;
function Close($tag)
$o = $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
$code[] = '$_output = ob_get_contents();';
$code[] = 'ob_end_clean();';
$code[] = 'return $_output;';
$code[] = '}}';
$end_pos = $tag['pos'] + strlen($tag['opening']) + strlen($tag['tag']) + strlen($tag['closing']) + TAG_NAMESPACE_LENGTH;
$code[] = "\$_parser->ElementLocations['{$this->Tag['function_name']}'] = Array('template' => '{$this->Tag['template']}', 'start_pos' => {$this->Tag['pos']}, 'end_pos' => {$end_pos});";
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
class _Tag_Capture extends _Tag_DefineElement {
function _Tag_Capture($tag)
$this->_requiredParams = Array ('to_var');
function Open($tag)
if (!$this->_checkRequiredParams($tag)) {
return false;
$tag['NP']['name'] = '__capture_'.$tag['NP']['to_var'];
$o = '';
// $this->AppendCode($o, "\$_parser->Captures['{$tag['NP']['to_var']}'] = 1;", false);
$this->AppendCode($o, "\$_parser->Captures['{$tag['NP']['to_var']}'] = 1;");
$o .= parent::Open($tag);
return $o;
class _Tag_RenderElement extends _Tag_DefineElement {
var $Single = true;
var $OriginalTag;
var $_lambdaName = '';
function _Tag_RenderElement($tag)
if (!$tag['is_closing']) {
$this->_requiredParams = Array ('design');
function Open($tag)
if (!$this->_checkRequiredParams($tag)) {
return false;
$o = '';
if ($tag['is_closing']) {
if (isset($tag['NP']['design'])) {
$this->RenderDesignCode($o, $tag['NP']);
return $o;
$to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
/* $pointer = abs(crc32($tag['file'])).'_'.$tag['line'];
// $code[] = "}";
// $code[] = "if (!\$_parser->CachableElements['".$tag['NP']['name']."']) {";
// $code[] = "\$_parser->CacheEndInside();";
// $code[] = "}";
$o .= '<?'.'php ';
$this->AppendCode($o, $this->Parser->BreakCache('', $pointer.'a', "\$_parser->CachableElements['".$tag['NP']['name']."']"), false);
$this->AppendCode($o, "echo (\$_parser->ParseBlock($to_pass));\n", false);
$this->AppendCode($o, $this->Parser->BreakCache('', $pointer.'b') . " ?".">\n", false);
// $this->AppendCode($o, "if (!\$_parser->CacheStartOrContinue(\$_parser->CachableElements['".$tag['NP']['name']."'], '{$pointer}')) {".' ?'.'>', false);
$this->AppendCode($o, "echo (\$_parser->ParseBlock($to_pass));");
return $o;
$this->Single = false;
$this->OriginalTag = $tag;
$tag['NP']['name'] = $tag['NP']['design'] . '_' . abs(crc32($tag['file'])) . '_' . $tag['line']; //'__lambda';
return parent::Open($tag);
function RenderDesignCode(&$o, $params)
$to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($params);
$code[] = "echo (\$_parser->ParseBlock(array_merge($to_pass, array('name'=>\"{$params['design']}\",'content'=>\$_parser->ParseBlock($to_pass), 'keep_data_exists'=>1))));";
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
function Close($tag)
if ($this->Single) {
return $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
$o = parent::Close($tag);
$this->OriginalTag['NP']['name'] = $this->OriginalTag['NP']['design'] . '_' . abs(crc32($this->OriginalTag['file'])) . '_' . $this->OriginalTag['line']; //'__lambda';
$this->RenderDesignCode($o, $this->OriginalTag['NP']);
return $o;
class _Tag_RenderElements extends _BlockTag {
function _Tag_RenderElements($tag)
$this->_requiredParams = Array ('elements');
function Open($tag)
$o = parent::Open($tag);
if ($o === false) {
// some required params not passed
return $o;
$element_names = array_map('trim', explode(',', $tag['NP']['elements']));
$class = '_Tag_RenderElement';
$instance = new $class($tag);
/* @var $instance _Tag_RenderElement */
$instance->Parser =& $this->Parser;
$skip_elements = array_key_exists('skip', $tag['NP']) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $tag['NP']['skip'])) : Array ();
foreach ($element_names as $element_name) {
if (in_array($element_name, $skip_elements) || !$element_name) {
// empty element name OR element should be excluded
$tag['NP']['name'] = $element_name;
$o .= $instance->Open($tag);
return $o;
class _Tag_Param extends _BlockTag {
function _Tag_Param($tag)
$this->_requiredParams = Array ('name');
function Open($tag)
$o = parent::Open($tag);
if ($o === false) {
// some required params not passed
return $o;
$capture_params = $tag['NP'];
$capture_params['name'] = '__capture_' . $tag['NP']['name'];
$capture_to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($capture_params);
$code[] = "if (isset(\$_parser->Captures['{$tag['NP']['name']}'])) {";
$code[] = "\${$tag['NP']['name']} = \$_parser->ParseBlock($capture_to_pass);";
$code[] = "}";
$code[] = "else {";
$to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
$code[] = '$_p_ =& $_parser->GetProcessor(\'m\');';
$code[] = '$_tag_params = ' . $to_pass . ';';
$code[] = "\${$tag['NP']['name']} = \$_p_->PostProcess(\${$tag['NP']['name']}, \$_p_->PreparePostProcess(\$_tag_params));";
$code[] = "}";
if (array_key_exists('result_to_var', $tag['NP']) && $tag['NP']['result_to_var']) {
$code[] = "\$params['{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}'] = \$_parser->GetParam('{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}');";
if (array_key_exists('plus', $tag['NP'])) {
$code[] = "\$params['{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}'] += {$tag['NP']['plus']};";
$code[] = "\${$tag['NP']['result_to_var']} = \$params['{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}'];";
elseif (array_key_exists('plus', $tag['NP'])) {
$code[] = "\${$tag['NP']['name']} += {$tag['NP']['plus']};";
$code[] = "\$params['{$tag['NP']['name']}'] = \${$tag['NP']['name']};";
$code[] = "echo (\${$tag['NP']['name']});";
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
class _Tag_Include extends _BlockTag {
function Open($tag)
$o = '';
$to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
$this->AppendCode($o, "echo (\$_parser->IncludeTemplate($to_pass))");
return $o;
class _Tag_If extends _BlockTag {
* Permanently inverses if tag (used in ifnot tag)
* @var bool
var $_Inversed = false;
* Count of "elseif" tags inside
* @var int
var $_elseIfCount = 0;
function _Tag_If($tag)
$this->_requiredParams = Array ('check');
function Open($tag)
$o = parent::Open($tag);
if ($o === false) {
// some required params not passed
return $o;
$to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
$code[] = "\$_splited = \$_parser->SplitTag(array('tag'=>\"{$tag['NP']['check']}\", 'file'=>'{$tag['file']}', 'line'=>{$tag['line']}));";
$code[] = 'if ($_splited[\'prefix\'] == \'__auto__\') {$_splited[\'prefix\'] = $PrefixSpecial;}';
$code[] = '$_p_ =& $_parser->GetProcessor($_splited[\'prefix\']);';
if (isset($tag['NP']['inverse']) || $this->_Inversed) {
$code[] = "if (!\$_p_->ProcessParsedTag(\$_splited['name'], $to_pass, \$_splited['prefix'], '{$tag['file']}', {$tag['line']})) {";
else {
$code[] = "if (\$_p_->ProcessParsedTag(\$_splited['name'], $to_pass, \$_splited['prefix'], '{$tag['file']}', {$tag['line']})) {";
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
function PassThrough(&$tag)
$o = '';
if ($tag['name'] == 'else') {
$this->AppendCode($o, '} else {');
$tag['processed'] = true;
if ($tag['name'] == 'elseif') {
if (!$this->_checkRequiredParams($tag)) {
return '';
$to_pass = $this->Parser->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
$this->_elseIfCount++; // add same count of closing brackets in closing tag
$this->AppendCode($o, "} else {");
$code[] = "\$_splited = \$_parser->SplitTag(array('tag'=>\"{$tag['NP']['check']}\", 'file'=>'{$tag['file']}', 'line'=>{$tag['line']}));";
$code[] = 'if ($_splited[\'prefix\'] == \'__auto__\') {$_splited[\'prefix\'] = $PrefixSpecial;}';
$code[] = '$_p_ =& $_parser->GetProcessor($_splited[\'prefix\']);';
if (isset($tag['NP']['inverse']) || $this->_Inversed) {
$code[] = "if (!\$_p_->ProcessParsedTag(\$_splited['name'], $to_pass, \$_splited['prefix'], '{$tag['file']}', {$tag['line']})) {";
else {
$code[] = "if (\$_p_->ProcessParsedTag(\$_splited['name'], $to_pass, \$_splited['prefix'], '{$tag['file']}', {$tag['line']})) {";
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
$tag['processed'] = true;
return $o;
function Close($tag)
$o = $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
$code = str_repeat("}\n", $this->_elseIfCount + 1);
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
class _Tag_IfNot extends _Tag_If {
function _Tag_IfNot($tag)
$this->_Inversed = true;
class _Tag_DefaultParam extends _BlockTag {
function Open($tag)
$o = '';
foreach ($tag['NP'] as $key => $val) {
$code[] = 'if (!isset($' . $key . ')) $params[\'' . $key . '\'] = \'' . $val . '\';';
$code[] = '$' . $key . ' = isset($' . $key . ') ? $' . $key . ' : \'' . $val . '\';';
$code[] = '$_parser->SetParam(\'' . $key . '\', $' . $key . ');';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
class _Tag_SetParam extends _BlockTag {
function Open($tag)
$o = '';
foreach ($tag['NP'] as $key => $val) {
- $code[] = '$params[\'' . $key . '\'] = \'' . $val . '\';';
- $code[] = '$' . $key . ' = \'' . $val . '\';';
+ $code[] = '$params[\'' . $key . '\'] = "' . $val . '";';
+ $code[] = '$' . $key . ' = "' . $val . '";';
$code[] = '$_parser->SetParam(\'' . $key . '\', $' . $key . ');';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
class _Tag_Cache extends _BlockTag {
function Open($tag)
$pointer = abs(crc32($tag['file'])).'_'.$tag['line'];
$o = '';
$this->AppendCode($o, "if (!\$_parser->CacheStart('{$pointer}')) {\n");
return $o;
function Close($tag)
$o = $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
$this->AppendCode($o, "\$_parser->CacheEnd();\n}\n");
return $o;
class _Tag_IfDataExists extends _BlockTag {
function Open($tag)
$o = '';
$code = array();
$code[] = "ob_start();\n";
$code[] = '$_tmp_data_exists = $_parser->DataExists;';
$code[] = '$_parser->DataExists = false;';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
function Close($tag)
$o = $this->Parser->Buffers[$this->Parser->Level];
$code = array();
$code[] = '$res = ob_get_clean();';
$code[] = 'if ($_parser->DataExists) {echo $res;}';
$code[] = '$_parser->DataExists = $_tmp_data_exists;';
$this->AppendCode($o, $code);
return $o;
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline