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Index: trunk/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php
--- trunk/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php (revision 943)
+++ trunk/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php (revision 944)
@@ -1,483 +1,508 @@
* Multi database connection class
class DBConnection {
* Current database type
* @var string
* @access private
var $dbType = 'mysql';
* Created connection handle
* @var resource
* @access private
var $connectionID = null;
* Handle of currenty processed recordset
* @var resource
* @access private
var $queryID = null;
* DB type specific function mappings
* @var Array
* @access private
var $metaFunctions = Array();
* Function to handle sql errors
* @var string
* @access private
var $errorHandler = '';
* Error code
* @var int
* @access private
var $errorCode = 0;
* Error message
* @var string
* @access private
var $errorMessage = '';
* Defines if database connection
* operations should generate debug
* information
* @var bool
var $debugMode=false;
* Initializes connection class with
* db type to used in future
* @param string $dbType
* @return DBConnection
* @access public
function DBConnection($dbType, $errorHandler = '')
$this->dbType = $dbType;
$this->errorHandler = Array(&$this,'handleError');
+ else
+ {
+ $this->errorHandler=$errorHandler;
+ }
* Set's custom error
* @param int $code
* @param string $msg
* @access public
function setError($code,$msg)
* Checks if previous query execution
* raised an error.
* @return bool
* @access public
function hasError()
return !($this->errorCode == 0);
* Caches function specific to requested
* db type
* @access private
function initMetaFunctions()
$ret = Array();
case 'mysql':
$ret = Array(); // only define functions, that name differs from "dbType_<meta_name>"
$this->metaFunctions = $ret;
* Get's function for specific db type
* based on it's meta name
* @param string $name
* @return string
* @access private
function getMetaFunction($name)
if( !isset($this->metaFunctions[$name]) )
if(function_exists($this->dbType.'_'.$name)) return $this->dbType.'_'.$name;
return $this->dbType.$name;
return false;
* Try to connect to database server
* using specified parameters and set
* database to $db if connection made
* @param string $host
* @param string $user
* @param string $pass
* @param string $db
* @access public
function Connect($host,$user,$pass,$db)
$func = $this->getMetaFunction('connect');
$this->connectionID = $func($host,$user,$pass) or die('Can\'t connect to db');
* Shows error message from previous operation
* if it failed
* @access private
function showError($sql='')
$this->setError(0,''); // reset error
$func = $this->getMetaFunction('errno'); $this->errorCode = $func($this->connectionID);
$func = $this->getMetaFunction('error'); $this->errorMessage = $func($this->connectionID);
$func = $this->errorHandler[1];
$ret = $this->errorHandler[0]->$func($this->errorCode,$this->errorMessage,$sql);
$func = $this->errorHandler;
$ret = $func($this->errorCode,$this->errorMessage,$sql);
if(!$ret) exit;
* Default error handler for sql errors
* @param int $code
* @param string $msg
* @param string $sql
* @return bool
* @access private
function handleError($code,$msg,$sql)
echo '<b>Processing SQL</b>: '.$sql.'<br>';
echo '<b>Error ('.$code.'):</b> '.$msg.'<br>';
return false;
* Set's database name for connection
* to $new_name
* @param string $new_name
* @return bool
* @access public
function setDB($new_name)
if(!$this->connectionID) return false;
$func = $this->getMetaFunction('select_db');
return $func($new_name);
* Returns first field of first line
* of recordset if query ok or false
* otherwise
* @param string $sql
* @return string
* @access public
function GetOne($sql)
$row = $this->GetRow($sql);
if(!$row) return false;
return array_shift($row);
* Returns first row of recordset
* if query ok, false otherwise
* @param stirng $sql
* @return Array
* @access public
function GetRow($sql)
$sql .= ' '.$this->getLimitClause(0,1);
$ret = $this->Query($sql);
if(!$ret) return $ret;
return array_shift($ret);
* Returns 1st column of recordset as
* one-dimensional array or false otherwise
* Optional parameter $key_field can be used
* to set field name to be used as resulting
* array key
* @param string $sql
* @param string $key_field
* @return Array
* @access public
function GetCol($sql, $key_field = null)
$rows = $this->Query($sql);
if(!$rows) return $rows;
$i = 0; $row_count = count($rows);
$ret = Array();
while ($i < $row_count)
$ret[$rows[$i][$key_field]] = array_shift($rows[$i]);
while ($i < $row_count)
$ret[] = array_shift($rows[$i]);
return $ret;
* Queries db with $sql query supplied
* and returns rows selected if any, false
* otherwise. Optional parameter $key_field
* allows to set one of the query fields
* value as key in string array.
* @param string $sql
* @param string $key_field
* @return Array
function Query($sql,$key_field = null)
if($this->debugMode) return $this->debugQuery($sql,$key_field);
$query_func = $this->getMetaFunction('query');
$this->queryID = $query_func($sql,$this->connectionID);
if( is_resource($this->queryID) )
$ret = Array();
$fetch_func = $this->getMetaFunction('fetch_assoc');
if( isset($key_field) )
while( ($row = $fetch_func($this->queryID)) )
$ret[$row[$key_field]] = $row;
while( ($row = $fetch_func($this->queryID)) )
$ret[] = $row;
return $ret;
return false;
function ChangeQuery($sql)
return $this->errorCode==0 ? true : false;
function debugQuery($sql, $key_field = null)
+ global $debugger;
$query_func = $this->getMetaFunction('query');
+ // set 1st checkpoint: begin
+ $isSkipTable=true;
+ $profileSQLs=defined('DBG_SQL_PROFILE')&&DBG_SQL_PROFILE;
+ if($profileSQLs)
+ {
+ $isSkipTable=isSkipTable($sql);
+ if(!$isSkipTable)
+ {
+ $queryID=$debugger->generateID();
+ $debugger->profileStart('sql_'.$queryID, $debugger->formatSQL($sql) );
+ }
+ }
+ // set 1st checkpoint: end
$this->queryID = $query_func($sql,$this->connectionID);
+ // set 2nd checkpoint: begin
+ if(!$isSkipTable) $debugger->profileFinish('sql_'.$queryID);
+ // set 2nd checkpoint: end
if( is_resource($this->queryID) )
$ret = Array();
$fetch_func = $this->getMetaFunction('fetch_assoc');
if( isset($key_field) )
while( ($row = $fetch_func($this->queryID)) )
$ret[$row[$key_field]] = $row;
while( ($row = $fetch_func($this->queryID)) )
$ret[] = $row;
return $ret;
return false;
* Free memory used to hold recordset handle
* @access private
function Destroy()
$free_func = $this->getMetaFunction('free_result');
$this->queryID = null;
* Returns auto increment field value from
* insert like operation if any, zero otherwise
* @return int
* @access public
function getInsertID()
$func = $this->getMetaFunction('insert_id');
return $func($this->connectionID);
* Returns row count affected by last query
* @return int
* @access public
function getAffectedRows()
$func = $this->getMetaFunction('affected_rows');
return $func($this->connectionID);
* Returns LIMIT sql clause part for specific db
* @param int $offset
* @param int $rows
* @return string
* @access private
function getLimitClause($offset, $rows)
if(!($rows > 0)) return '';
switch ($this->dbType) {
return 'LIMIT '.$offset.','.$rows;
* Correctly quotes a string so that all strings are escaped. We prefix and append
* to the string single-quotes.
* An example is $db->qstr("Don't bother",magic_quotes_runtime());
* @param s the string to quote
* @param [magic_quotes] if $s is GET/POST var, set to get_magic_quotes_gpc().
* This undoes the stupidity of magic quotes for GPC.
* @return quoted string to be sent back to database
function qstr($s,$magic_quotes=false)
$replace_quote = "\\'";
if (!$magic_quotes)
return "'".str_replace("'",$replace_quote,$s)."'";
// undo magic quotes for "
$s = str_replace('\\"','"',$s);
return "'$s'";
* Returns last error message
* @return string
* @access public
function getErrorMsg()
return $this->errorMessage;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/core/kernel/db/db_connection.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/core/kernel/application.php
--- trunk/core/kernel/application.php (revision 943)
+++ trunk/core/kernel/application.php (revision 944)
@@ -1,778 +1,807 @@
$profiler = null;
* Basic class for Kernel3-based Application
* This class is a Facade for any other class which needs to deal with Kernel3 framework.<br>
* The class incapsulates the main run-cycle of the script, provide access to all other objects in the framework.<br>
* <br>
* The class is a singleton, which means that there could be only one instance of KernelApplication in the script.<br>
* This could be guranteed by NOT calling the class constuctor directly, but rather calling KernelApplication::Instance() method,
* which returns an instance of the application. The method gurantees that it will return exactly the same instance for any call.<br>
* See singleton pattern by GOF.
* @package kernel4
class kApplication {
* Holds internal TemplateParser object
* @access private
* @var TemplateParser
var $Parser;
var $Profiler;
* Holds parser output buffer
* @access private
* @var string
var $HTML;
var $DocRoot;
var $BasePath;
var $KernelPath;
var $Server;
* The main Factory used to create
* almost any class of kernel and
* modules
* @access private
* @var kFactory
var $Factory;
var $XMLFactory; // in use?
* Holds all phrases used
* in code and template
* @var PhrasesCache
var $Phrases;
* Holds connection to database
* @var DBConnection
var $DB;
* Constucts KernelApplication - constructor is PRIVATE
* The constuructor of KernelApplication should NOT be called directly
* To create KernelApplication, call its Instance() method
* @see KerenelApplication::Instance
* @access private
function kApplication()
global $doc_root, $base_path, $kernel_path, $protocol, $server;
$this->DocRoot = $doc_root;
$this->BasePath = $base_path;
$this->KernelPath = $kernel_path;
$this->Protocol = $protocol;
$this->Server = $server;
* Returns kApplication instance anywhere in the script.
* This method should be used to get single kApplication object instance anywhere in the
* Kernel-based application. The method is guranteed to return the SAME instance of kApplication.
* Anywhere in the script you could write:
* <code>
* $application =& kApplication::Instance();
* </code>
* or in an object:
* <code>
* $this->Application =& kApplication::Instance();
* </code>
* to get the instance of kApplication. Note that we call the Instance method as STATIC - directly from the class.
* To use descendand of standard kApplication class in your project you would need to define APPLICATION_CLASS constant
* BEFORE calling kApplication::Instance() for the first time. If APPLICATION_CLASS is not defined the method would
* create and return default KernelApplication instance.
* @static
* @access public
* @return kApplication
function &Instance()
static $instance = false;
if (!$instance) {
if (!defined('APPLICATION_CLASS')) define('APPLICATION_CLASS', 'kApplication');
$instance = new $class();
return $instance;
* Initializes the Application
* Creates Utilites instance, HTTPQuery, Session, Profiler, TemplatesCache, Parser
* @access public
* @see HTTPQuery
* @see Session
* @see TemplatesCache
* @return void
function Init()
- $this->DB = new DBConnection(SQL_TYPE);
+ $this->DB = new DBConnection(SQL_TYPE, Array(&$this,'handleSQLError') );
$this->DB->debugMode = $this->isDebugMode();
setcookie('CookiesOn', 1, time()+600);
$this->Factory = new kFactory();
// 1. to read configs before doing any recallObject
$config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
$this->Phrases = new PhrasesCache( $this->RecallVar('LanguageId', DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID) );
$this->ValidateLogin(); // TODO: write that method
* Registers default classes such as ItemController, GridController and LoginController
* Called automatically while initializing Application
* @access private
* @return void
function RegisterDefaultClasses()
$this->registerClass('MainProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/processors/main_processor.php','m_TagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('kDBList', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/dblist.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBItem', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/dbitem.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBEventHandler', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/db_event_handler.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/db_tag_processor.php');
$this->registerClass('kTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/processors/tag_processor.php');
/*$this->RegisterClass('LoginController', KERNEL_PATH.'/users/login_controller.php');*/
* Defines default constants if it's not defined before - in config.php
* Called automatically while initializing Application and defines:
* @access private
* @return void
function SetDefaultConstants()
if (!defined('SERVER_NAME')) define('SERVER_NAME', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
if (!defined('LOGIN_CONTROLLER')) define('LOGIN_CONTROLLER', 'LoginController');
if (!defined('XML_FACTORY')) define('XML_FACTORY', 'XMLFactory');
if (!defined('ADMINS_LIST')) define('ADMINS_LIST', '/users/users.php');
if (!defined('USER_MODEL')) define('USER_MODEL', 'Users');
if (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID')) define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_ID', 1);
* Actually runs the parser against current template and stores parsing result
* This method gets t variable passed to the script, loads the template given in t variable and
* parses it. The result is store in {@link $this->HTML} property.
* @access public
* @return void
function Run()
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
$this->Parser =& $this->recallObject('TemplateParser');
$template_cache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
$t = $this->GetVar('t');
$this->HTML = $this->Parser->Parse( $template_cache->GetTemplateBody($t) );
* Send the parser results to browser
* Actually send everything stored in {@link $this->HTML}, to the browser by echoing it.
* @access public
* @return void
function Done()
echo $this->HTML;
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
// Facade
* Returns current session id (SID)
* @access public
* @return longint
function GetSID()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
return $session->GetID();
function DestroySession()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
* Returns variable passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @return mixed
function GetVar($var,$mode=FALSE_ON_NULL)
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return $http_query->Get($var,$mode);
* Returns ALL variables passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE
* @access public
* @return array
function GetVars()
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return $http_query->GetParams();
* Set the variable 'as it was passed to the script through GET/POST/COOKIE'
* This could be useful to set the variable when you know that
* other objects would relay on variable passed from GET/POST/COOKIE
* or you could use SetVar() / GetVar() pairs to pass the values between different objects.<br>
* This method is formerly known as $this->Session->SetProperty.
* @param string $var Variable name to set
* @param mixed $val Variable value
* @access public
* @return void
function SetVar($var,$val)
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
function RemoveVar($var)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
return $session->RemoveVar($var);
* Returns session variable value
* Return value of $var variable stored in Session. An optional default value could be passed as second parameter.
* @see SimpleSession
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @param mixed $default Default value to return if no $var variable found in session
* @return mixed
function RecallVar($var,$default='')
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
return $session->RecallVar($var,$default);
* Stores variable $val in session under name $var
* Use this method to store variable in session. Later this variable could be recalled.
* @see RecallVar
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @param mixed $val Variable value
function StoreVar($var, $val)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$session->StoreVar($var, $val);
function StoreVarDefault($var, $val)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$session->StoreVarDefault($var, $val);
* Links HTTP Query variable with session variable
* If variable $var is passed in HTTP Query it is stored in session for later use. If it's not passed it's recalled from session.
* This method could be used for making sure that GetVar will return query or session value for given
* variable, when query variable should overwrite session (and be stored there for later use).<br>
* This could be used for passing item's ID into popup with multiple tab -
* in popup script you just need to call LinkVar('id', 'current_id') before first use of GetVar('id').
* After that you can be sure that GetVar('id') will return passed id or id passed earlier and stored in session
* @access public
* @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name
* @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name
* @param mixed $default Default variable value
function LinkVar($var, $ses_var=null, $default='')
if (!isset($ses_var)) $ses_var = $var;
if ($this->GetVar($var) !== false) {
$this->StoreVar($ses_var, $this->GetVar($var));
$this->SetVar($var, $this->RecallVar($ses_var, $default));
* Returns variable from HTTP Query, or from session if not passed in HTTP Query
* The same as LinkVar, but also returns the variable value taken from HTTP Query if passed, or from session if not passed.
* Returns the default value if variable does not exist in session and was not passed in HTTP Query
* @see LinkVar
* @access public
* @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name
* @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name
* @param mixed $default Default variable value
* @return mixed
function GetLinkedVar($var, $ses_var=null, $default='')
if (!isset($ses_var)) $ses_var = $var;
$this->LinkVar($var, $ses_var, $default);
return $this->GetVar($var);
/*function ExtractByMask($array, $mask, $key_id=1, $ret_mode=1)
$utils =& $this->recallObject('Utilities');
return $utils->ExtractByMask($array, $mask, $key_id, $ret_mode);
function GetSelectedIDs($mask, $format)
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return $http_query->GetSelectedIDs($mask, $format);
function GetSelectedIDsArray($mask, $value_mask="%s,")
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
return $http_query->GetSelectedIDsArray($mask, $value_mask);
* Returns configurtion option
* @param string $option
* @return string
* @access public
/*function ConfigOption($option)
$config =& $this->recallObject('Configuration');
return $config->Get($option);
* Sets configuration option
* @param string $option
* @param string $value
* @return bool
* @access public
/*function SetConfigOption($option,$value)
$config =& $this->recallObject('Configuration');
return $config->Set($option, $value);
function AddBlock($name, $tpl)
$this->cache[$name] = $tpl;
function SetTemplateBody($title,$body)
$templates_cache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
function ProcessTag($tag_data)
$a_tag = new Tag($tag_data,$this->Parser);
return $a_tag->DoProcessTag();
/*function &GetProcessor($prefix)
$this->KernelDie('GetProcessor is DEPRICATED, use recallObject');
// return $this->Processors->GetProcessor($prefix, new Tag('empty', $this->Parser));
/*var $email_body;
function Email($params)
$this->email_body = $this->ParseBlock($params);
$from = $this->GetVar('email_from');
$to = $this->GetVar('email_to');
$replay = $this->GetVar('email_replay');
if ( $replay == "" ) $replay = $from;
$subject = $this->GetVar('email_subject');
$charset = $this->GetVar('email_charset');
// $display = $this->GetVar('email_display');
$display = 0;
if (!isset($charset) || $charset == '') $charset = 'US-ASCII';
$mime = $this->GetVar('email_mime');
if ($mime == 'yes') {
$mime_mail = new MIMEMail($to, $from, $subject, $charset);
if ($f_name = $this->GetVar('email_attach')) {
$full_path = DOC_ROOT.BASE_PATH.'/'.$f_name;
$data = '';
if(file_exists($full_path)) {
$fd = fopen($full_path, "r");
$data = fread($fd, filesize($full_path));
else exit;
$filename = $this->GetVar('email_attach_filename');
$type = $this->GetVar('email_attach_type');
$mime_mail->attachfile_raw($data, $filename, $type);
else {
$headers.="From: $from\n";
$headers.="Reply-To: $replay\n";
$headers.="Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"$charset\"\n";
if ( $display == 1 ) {
echo "<pre>";
echo " from : $from <br>";
echo " to : $to <br>";
echo " replay : $replay <br>";
echo " subject : $subject <br>";
echo " this->email_body : $this->email_body <br>";
echo " headers : $headers <br>";
echo "</pre>";
mail($to, $subject, $this->email_body, $headers);
* Return ADODB Connection object
* Returns ADODB Connection object already connected to the project database, configurable in config.php
* @access public
* @return ADODBConnection
function &GetADODBConnection()
return $this->DB;
function ParseBlock($params,$pass_params=0)
return $this->Parser->ParseBlock($params,$pass_params);
function &GetXMLFactory()
return $this->XMLFactory;
* Return href for template
* @access public
* @param string $t Template path
* @var string $prefix index.php prefix - could be blank, 'admin'
function HREF($t, $prefix='')
if (defined('ADMIN') && $prefix == '') $prefix='/admin';
if (defined('ADMIN') && $prefix == '_FRONT_END_') $prefix = '';
$index_file = defined('INDEX_FILE') ? INDEX_FILE : 'index.php';
$t_path = !empty($t) ? 't='.$t : '';
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$sid = $session->NeedQueryString()?$this->GetSID():'';
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix).$index_file.'?'.ENV_VAR_NAME.'='.$sid.':'.$t;
$pass_info=explode(',',$t_pass); // array( prefix[.special], prefix[.special] ...
foreach($pass_info as $pass_element)
$query_vars = $this->getUnitOption($prefix,'QueryString');
foreach($query_vars as $index => $var_name)
return $ret;
function BaseURL($prefix='')
return PROTOCOL.SERVER_NAME.(defined('PORT')?':'.PORT : '').BASE_PATH.$prefix.'/';
function Redirect($t='', $params='', $prefix='')
if ($t == '') $t = $this->GetVar('t');
$location = $this->HREF($t, $prefix);
$a_location = $location;
$location = sprintf("Location: %s".($params ? "&" : '')."%s",$location, $params);
//echo " location : $location <br>";
if (headers_sent() != '') {
echo "<b>Debug output above!!!</b> Proceed to redirect: <a href=\"$a_location\">$a_location</a><br>";
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
/*function UserError($msg)
trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING );
function Phrase($label)
if (ereg("^!.+!$", $label) > 0) {
$label = substr($label, 1, -1); //cut exclamation marks
return $this->Phrases->GetPhrase($label);
* Validtates user in session if required
function ValidateLogin()
if (defined('LOGIN_REQUIRED'))
// Original Kostja call
//$login_controller =& $this->Factory->MakeClass(LOGIN_CONTROLLER, Array('model' => USER_MODEL, 'prefix' => 'login'));
// Call proposed by Alex
//$login_controller =& $this->RecallObject(LOGIN_CONTROLLER, Array('model' => USER_MODEL, 'prefix' => 'login'));
function KernelDie($message) {
echo "<b>KernelApplication died</b>: $message<br>Debug backtrace follows:<br>";
echo "</pre>";
function trigerError($message,$error_type=E_USER_WARNING)
* Allows to process any type of event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function HandleEvent(&$event)
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
* Registers new class in the factory
* @param string $real_class
* @param string $file
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @access public
function registerClass($real_class,$file,$pseudo_class=null)
* Returns object using params specified,
* creates it if is required
* @param string $name
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @param Array $event_params
* @return Object
function &recallObject($name,$pseudo_class=null,$event_params=Array())
return $this->Factory->getObject($name,$pseudo_class,$event_params);
* Checks if application is in debug mode
* @return bool
* @access public
function isDebugMode()
return defined('DEBUG_MODE')&&DEBUG_MODE;
* Reads unit (specified by $prefix)
* option specified by $option
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $option
* @return string
* @access public
function getUnitOption($prefix,$option)
$unit_config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $unit_config_reader->getUnitOption($prefix,$option);
* Set's new unit option value
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @access public
function setUnitOption($prefix,$option,$value)
$unit_config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $unit_config_reader->setUnitOption($prefix,$option,$value);
* Splits any mixing of prefix and
* special into correct ones
* @param string $prefix_special
* @return Array
* @access public
function processPrefix($prefix_special)
return $this->Factory->processPrefix($prefix_special);
* Set's new event for $prefix_special
* passed
* @param string $prefix_special
* @param string $event_name
* @access public
function setEvent($prefix_special,$event_name)
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
+ /**
+ * SQL Error Handler
+ *
+ * @param int $code
+ * @param string $msg
+ * @param string $sql
+ * @return bool
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function handleSQLError($code,$msg,$sql)
+ {
+ global $debugger;
+ if($debugger)
+ {
+ $debugger->dumpVars($_REQUEST);
+ $debugger->appendTrace();
+ trigger_error('<span class="debug_error">'.$msg.' ('.$code.')</span><br><a href="javascript:SetClipboard(\''.addslashes($sql).'\');"><b>SQL</b></a>: '.$debugger->highlightString($sql),$errorLevel);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo '<b>xProcessing SQL</b>: '.$sql.'<br>';
+ echo '<b>Error ('.$code.'):</b> '.$msg.'<br>';
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
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Property changes on: trunk/core/kernel/application.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Event Timeline
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