if ($event->status == erSUCCESS && !$event->redirect) {
$event->redirect_params['pass'] = 'm';
$event->redirect_params['pass_category'] = 0; //otherwise mod-rewrite shop-cart URL will include category
$event->redirect = true;
else {
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
$event->redirect_params['opener'] = 'u';
* Check if required options are selected & selected option combination is in stock
* @param kEvent $event
* @param Array $options
* @param int $product_id
* @param int $qty
* @param int $selection_mode
* @return bool
function CheckOptions(&$event, &$options, $product_id, $qty, $selection_mode)
// 1. check for required options
$selection_filter = $selection_mode == 1 ? ' AND OptionType IN (1,3,6) ' : '';
$req_options = $this->Conn->GetCol('SELECT ProductOptionId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptions WHERE ProductId = '.$product_id.' AND Required = 1 '.$selection_filter);
$result = true;
foreach ($req_options as $opt_id) {
if (!getArrayValue($options, $opt_id)) {
$this->Application->SetVar('opt_error', 1); //let the template know we have an error
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' ON ('.$poc_table.'.CombinationCRC = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt) AND ('.$poc_table.'.ProductId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.ProductId)
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET Status = 0 WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$id;
/* ======================== COMMON CODE ======================== */
* Split one timestamp field into 2 virtual fields
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemLoad(&$event)
// get user fields
$object =& $event->getObject();
$user_id = $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$user_info = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT *, CONCAT(FirstName,\' \',LastName) AS UserTo FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
IF('.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.InventoryStatus = 2, '.$poc_table.'.QtyInStock, '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStock) AS QtyInStock, '.
TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStockMin, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt AS CombinationCRC
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' ON ('.$poc_table.'.CombinationCRC = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt) AND ('.$poc_table.'.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId)
WHERE OrderId = '.$ord_id.' AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.Type = 1
if ($an_item['BackOrderFlag'] > 0) { // we don't need to reserve if it's backordered item
$to_reserve = 0;
else {
$to_reserve = min($an_item['Quantity']-$an_item['QuantityReserved'], $an_item['QtyInStock']-$an_item['QtyInStockMin']); //it should be equal, but just in case
$item_data['t3'] = $cycle_units; //cycle units D (days), W (weeks), M (months), Y (years)
$item_data['src'] = '1'; // Recurring payments. If set to 1, the payment will recur unless your customer cancels the subscription before the end of the billing cycle.
$item_data['sra'] = '1'; // Reattempt on failure. If set to 1, and the payment fails, the payment will be reattempted two more times. After the third failure, the subscription will be cancelled.
$item_data['srt'] = ''; // Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which will occur at the regular rate.
$has_required = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$opt_object->TableName.' WHERE Required = 1 AND ProductId = '.$object->GetDBField('ProductId'));
//we need to imitate data sumbit, as parent' PreSave sets object values from $items_info
$total_weight = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT SUM(Weight) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products WHERE ProductId IN ('.implode(', ', $content_ids).') AND Type=1');
if (!$total_weight) $total_weight = 0;
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$object->TableName.' SET Weight='.$total_weight.' WHERE ProductId='.$object->GetID());