if (!file_exists(FULL_PATH.'/core/kernel/application.php')) {
die('Please re-checkout _inportal_kernel4 cvs module into the root directory ('.FULL_PATH.') and remove kernel/kernel4 folder. Make sure to checkout correct branch (RC or HEAD).');
// force user to remove write permissions for important files (Linux only)
if (check_write_permissions(FULL_PATH.'/config.php') || check_write_permissions(FULL_PATH)) {
- die('<br/><br/><center><font color="red">It\'s not safe to run with write permissions (777) on "/config.php" file and root folder of In-Portal installation!<br/><br/>Please change permissions from 777 to 775 (or 755) and try again!</font></center>');
+ die('<br/><br/><center><font color="red">It\'s not safe to run with write permissions (777) on "/config.php" file and root folder of In-Portal installation!<br/><br/>Please change permissions from 777 to 755 and try again!</font></center>');