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Index: trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link.html
--- trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link.html (revision 2177)
+++ trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link.html (revision 2178)
@@ -1,189 +1,185 @@
* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
* For further information visit:
* File Name: fck_link.html
* Link dialog window.
* Version: 2.0 RC3
* Modified: 2005-02-18 23:55:22
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Link Properties</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="fck_link/fck_link.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../filemanager/browser/default/js/fckxml.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body scroll="no" style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
<div id="divInfo">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td><span fckLang="DlgLnkTo">Link To</span><br /></td>
<td> </td>
<td><div id="divNoMail1"><span fckLang="DlgLnkViewIn">View In</span><br /></div></td>
<select id="cmbLinkType" onchange="SetLinkType(this.value);">
- <option value="internal" fckLang="DlgLnkInternal">Internal Web Page</option>
- <option value="external" fckLang="DlgLnkEnternal">External Web Page</option>
- <option value="email" fckLang="DlgLnkTypeEMail">E-mail</option>
- <option value="Doc" fckLang="DlgLnkTypeFile">File</option>
<td> </td>
<td><div id="divNoMail2">
<select id="cmbTarget" onchange="SetTarget(this.value);">
<option value="" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetSelf">Same Window</option>
<option value="_blank" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetBlank">New Window</option>
<option value="popup" fckLang="DlgLnkTargetPopup"><popup window></option>
<div id="divNoMail3">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="WIDTH: 100%">
<td><span fckLang="DlgLnkAltTxt">Alternative Text</span><br /></td>
<td><input id="txtAlt" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" /></td>
<div id="divLinkTypeExternal" style="DISPLAY: none">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkProto">Type:</span><br />
<select id="cmbLinkProtocol">
<option value="http://" selected="selected">http://</option>
<option value="https://">https://</option>
<option value="ftp://">ftp://</option>
<option value="news://">news://</option>
<option value="" fckLang="DlgLnkProtoOther"><other></option>
<td nowrap="nowrap" width="100%">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkURL">Address:</span><br />
<input id="txtUrl" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" onkeyup="OnUrlChange();" onchange="OnUrlChange();" />
<div id="divLinkTypeInternal" style="DISPLAY: none">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkInternalName">Internal Page Name:</span><br />
<select id="cmbImternalPagName" onchange="ChangeInternalUrl(this.value,this);">
</select><br />
<div id="divLinkTypeFile" style="DISPLAY: none">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkProto">Type:</span><br />
<select id="cmbLinkProtocol">
<option value="http://" selected="selected">http://</option>
<option value="https://">https://</option>
<option value="ftp://">ftp://</option>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan='3'><span fckLang="DlgFileURL">File URL:</span></td>
<td><input id="fileUrl" style="WIDTH: 260px" type="text"></td>
<td> </td>
<td id="tdBrowse" nowrap>
<input id="btnBrowse2" onclick="BrowseServer('fileUrl'); " type="button" value="Browse Server" fckLang="DlgBtnBrowseServer" NAME="btnBrowse">
<div id="divSelAnchor" style="DISPLAY: none">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkAnchorSel">Select an Anchor:</span><br>
<select id="cmbAnchorName" style="WIDTH: 100%">
<option value="" selected="selected"></option>
<div id="divNoAnchor" style="DISPLAY: none">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkNoAnchors"><No anchors available in the document></span>
<div id="divPopupSize" style="DISPLAY: none">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr><td colspan='7'><img src='images/s.gif' width='1' height='5'></td></tr>
<td><span fckLang="DlgLnkPopupWidth">PopUp Width:</span></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input id="txtPopupWidth" style="WIDTH: 30" type="text" /></td>
<td> </td>
<td><span fckLang="DlgLnkPopupHeight">PopUp Height:</span></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input id="txtPopupHeight" style="WIDTH: 30" type="text" /></td>
<div id="divLinkTypeEMail" style="DISPLAY: none">
<span fckLang="DlgLnkEMail">E-Mail Address</span><br />
<input id="txtEMailAddress" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" /><br />
<span fckLang="DlgLnkEMailSubject">Message Subject</span><br />
<input id="txtEMailSubject" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text" /><br />
<span fckLang="DlgLnkEMailBody">Message Body</span><br />
<textarea id="txtEMailBody" style="WIDTH: 100%" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea>
<iframe id="frmInternal" name="frmInternal" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width='0' height='0' OnLoad="LoadAnchorNamesAndIds();" style="DISPLAY: none">
Property changes on: trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link.html
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js
--- trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js (revision 2177)
+++ trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js (revision 2178)
@@ -1,670 +1,670 @@
* FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
* Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
* For further information visit:
* File Name: fck_link.js
* Scripts related to the Link dialog window (see fck_link.html).
* Version: 2.0 RC3
* Modified: 2005-02-09 13:53:13
* File Authors:
* Frederico Caldeira Knabben (
var oEditor = window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK = oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKLang = oEditor.FCKLang ;
var ServerPath = '';
var from = '';
var anchor_ = '';
var links_path = new Array()
//#### Dialog Tabs
// Set the dialog tabs.
//window.parent.AddTab( 'Info', FCKLang.DlgLnkInfoTab ) ;
//window.parent.AddTab( 'Target', FCKLang.DlgLnkTargetTab, true ) ;
// TODO : Enable File Upload (1/3).
//window.parent.AddTab( 'Upload', 'Upload', true ) ;
//window.parent.AddTab( 'Advanced', FCKLang.DlgAdvancedTag ) ;
// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
// ShowE('divInfo' , ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ;
// ShowE('divTarget' , ( tabCode == 'Target' ) ) ;
// TODO : Enable File Upload (2/3).
// ShowE('divUpload' , ( tabCode == 'Upload' ) ) ;
// ShowE('divAttribs' , ( tabCode == 'Advanced' ) ) ;
//#### Regular Expressions library.
var oRegex = new Object() ;
oRegex.UriProtocol = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.UriProtocol.compile( '^(((http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)|mailto:)', 'gi' ) ;
oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.compile( '^(http|https|ftp|news)://(?=.)', 'gi' ) ;
oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.compile( '^(javascript:|#|/)', 'gi' ) ;
oRegex.ReserveTarget = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.ReserveTarget.compile( '^_(blank|self|top|parent)$', 'i' ) ;
oRegex.PopupUri = new RegExp('') ;
//oRegex.PopupUri.compile( "^javascript:void\\(\\s*\\(\\s*'([^']+)'\\s*,\\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\\s*,\\s*'([^']*)'\\s*\\)\\s*\\)\\s*$" ) ;
oRegex.PopupUri.compile( "^javascript:openwincms\\(\\s*'([^']+)'\\s*,\\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\\s*,\\s*([^']*)\\s*,\\s*([^']*)\\s*\\)$" ) ;
oRegex.PopupFeatures = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.PopupFeatures.compile( '(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\\d+|yes|no)', 'gi' ) ;
//#### Parser Functions
var oParser = new Object() ;
oParser.ParseEMailUrl = function( emailUrl )
// Initializes the EMailInfo object.
var oEMailInfo = new Object() ;
oEMailInfo.Address = '' ;
oEMailInfo.Subject = '' ;
oEMailInfo.Body = '' ;
var oParts = emailUrl.match( /^([^\?]+)\??(.+)?/ ) ;
if ( oParts )
// Set the e-mail address.
oEMailInfo.Address = oParts[1] ;
// Look for the optional e-mail parameters.
if ( oParts[2] )
var oMatch = oParts[2].match( /(^|&)subject=([^&]+)/i ) ;
if ( oMatch ) oEMailInfo.Subject = unescape( oMatch[2] ) ;
oMatch = oParts[2].match( /(^|&)body=([^&]+)/i ) ;
if ( oMatch ) oEMailInfo.Body = unescape( oMatch[2] ) ;
return oEMailInfo ;
oParser.CreateEMailUri = function( address, subject, body )
var sBaseUri = 'mailto:' + address ;
var sParams = '' ;
if ( subject.length > 0 )
sParams = '?subject=' + escape( subject ) ;
if ( body.length > 0 )
sParams += ( sParams.length == 0 ? '?' : '&' ) ;
sParams += 'body=' + escape( body ) ;
return sBaseUri + sParams ;
//#### Initialization Code
// oLink: The actual selected link in the editor.
var oLink = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ;
if ( oLink ) {
FCK.Selection.MoveToNode( oLink ) ;
//show_props(oLink.attributes, 'LINK: ')
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
if (tabCode == 'Info') {
window.parent.document.getElementById('TitleArea').innerHTML = oEditor.FCKLang.DlgImgTitle;
function updateDataArray()
window.parent.parentData['linkTxtUrl'] = BuildUrlByType();
if (window.parent.parentData['linkTxtUrl'].length > 2) {
if (GetE('txtAlt')) {
window.parent.parentData['linkTxtAlt'] = GetE('txtAlt').value;
window.parent.parentData['linkTxtTitle'] = GetE('txtAlt').value;
window.parent.parentData['linkCmbTarget'] = GetE('cmbTarget').value;
window.parent.parentData['linkType'] = GetE('cmbLinkType').value;
window.onload = function()
oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;
LoadSelection() ;
GetE('divInfo').style.display = '' ;
window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;
var bHasAnchors ;
function CreateLinkTypes()
- if (typeof(oEditor.FCKConfig.LocalLinksEsists) != 'undefined')
+ if (typeof(oEditor.FCKConfig.InternalLinksEsists) != 'undefined')
- if (oEditor.FCKConfig.LocalLinksEsists != 'Off')
+ if (oEditor.FCKConfig.InternalLinksEsists != 'Off')
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbLinkType'), 'Internal Web Page', 'internal');
} else
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbLinkType'), 'Internal Web Page', 'internal');
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbLinkType'), 'External Web Page', 'external');
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbLinkType'), 'E-mail', 'email');
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbLinkType'), 'File', 'Doc');
function LoadAnchorNamesAndIds()
if (GetE('cmbLinkType').value != 'internal') {
ShowE( 'divNoAnchor' , 0 ) ;
var aAnchors = window.frames["frmInternal"].document.anchors ;
//var aAnchors = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.anchors ;
//var aIds = oEditor.FCKTools.GetAllChildrenIds( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body ) ;
if (aAnchors) {
bHasAnchors = ( aAnchors.length > 0) ;
if (GetE('cmbAnchorName').options.length > 0) {
GetE('cmbAnchorName').options.length = 0;
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbAnchorName'), '', '' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < aAnchors.length ; i++ )
var sName = aAnchors[i].name ;
if ( sName && sName.length > 0 ) {
oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( document, GetE('cmbAnchorName'), sName, sName ) ;
ShowE( 'divSelAnchor' , bHasAnchors ) ;
ShowE( 'divNoAnchor' , !bHasAnchors ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < GetE('cmbAnchorName').length ; i++ )
if (anchor_ == GetE('cmbAnchorName').options[i].value)
function LoadSelection()
var sHRef = '';
var sType = '';
if (window.parent.parentData['linkTxtUrl'])
sHRef = window.parent.parentData['linkTxtUrl'];
if (window.parent.parentData['linkTxtAlt'])
GetE('txtAlt').value = window.parent.parentData['linkTxtAlt'];
sType = GetE('cmbLinkType').value = window.parent.parentData['linkType'];
var sTarget = window.parent.parentData['linkCmbTarget'];
//alert('href: ' + sHRef + '\n'+'txtAlt: '+ GetE('txtAlt').value+'\n'+'sType: ' + sType+'\n'+'sTarget: ' + sTarget);
} else if ( !oLink ) {
return ;
if (sHRef.length == 0)
// Get the actual Link href.
var sHRef = oLink.getAttribute('href',2) + '' ;
if (oLink.getAttribute('alt',2)) {
if(oLink.getAttribute('alt',2).length > 0)
GetE('txtAlt').value = oLink.getAttribute('alt',2) + '' ;
GetE('txtAlt').value = '';
// Look for a popup javascript link.
var oPopupMatch = oRegex.PopupUri.exec( sHRef ) ;
if( oPopupMatch )
GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'popup' ;
sHRef = oPopupMatch[1] ;
GetE('txtPopupWidth').value = oPopupMatch[3];
GetE('txtPopupHeight').value = oPopupMatch[4];
// Search for the protocol.
var sProtocol = oRegex.UriProtocol.exec( sHRef ) ;
if ( sProtocol )
sProtocol = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ;
GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol ;
// Remove the protocol and get the remainig URL.
var sUrl = sHRef.replace( oRegex.UriProtocol, '' ) ;
if ( sProtocol == 'mailto:' ) // It is an e-mail link.
sType = 'email' ;
var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUrl( sUrl ) ;
GetE('txtEMailAddress').value = oEMailInfo.Address ;
GetE('txtEMailSubject').value = oEMailInfo.Subject ;
GetE('txtEMailBody').value = oEMailInfo.Body ;
else // It is a normal link.
GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ;
else // It is another type of link.
GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ;
GetE('txtUrl').value = sHRef ;
if (oLink) {
//if (!
if (sType.length == 0)
sType = GetAttribute( oLink, 'label', '' );
if (sType.length == 0)
sType = 'external';
if (sType == 'Doc' && sHRef.length > 2) {
GetE('fileUrl').value = sHRef ;
if (sType == 'internal' && sHRef.length > 2 && sHRef.indexOf('#') > 0) {
anchor_ = sHRef.slice(sHRef.lastIndexOf('#')+1);
sHRef = sHRef.slice(0,sHRef.lastIndexOf('#'));
GetE('txtUrl').value = sHRef ;
if ( !oPopupMatch )
// Get the target.
if (oLink)
var sTarget =;
else if (window.parent.parentData['linkCmbTarget'])
var sTarget = window.parent.parentData['linkCmbTarget'];
if ( sTarget && sTarget.length > 0 )
if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sTarget ) )
sTarget = sTarget.toLowerCase() ;
GetE('cmbTarget').value = sTarget ;
GetE('cmbTarget').value = '' ;
GetE('cmbLinkType').value = sType ;
SetLinkType( sType );
//#### Link type selection.
function SetLinkType( linkType )
if (linkType == 'email') {
} else {
if (linkType != 'internal')
ShowE( 'divNoAnchor' , 0 ) ;
ShowE('divLinkTypeInternal' , (linkType == 'internal') ) ;
ShowE('divLinkTypeExternal' , (linkType == 'external') ) ;
ShowE('divLinkTypeEMail' , (linkType == 'email') ) ;
ShowE('divLinkTypeFile' , (linkType == 'Doc') ) ;
if(GetE('cmbTarget')) {
if (GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' ) {
} else
} else
if ( linkType == 'internal' ) {
if ( linkType == 'email')
window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;
function LoadResources()
var oXML = new FCKXml() ;
var sConnUrl = 'filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/connector.php?Command=GetCmsTree';
sConnUrl = window.location.href.replace( /dialog.*$/, '' ) + sConnUrl ;
oXML.LoadUrl(sConnUrl, GetCmsTreeCallBack ) ; // Asynchronous load.
function GetCmsTreeCallBack( fckXml )
//alert(show_props(fckXml, 'oNodes'));
var oNodes = fckXml.SelectNodes( 'Connector/CmsPages/CmsPage' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < oNodes.length ; i++ )
var sCmsPage = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('path').value ;
var sCmsId = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('st_id').value ;
var sTitle = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('title').value ;
ServerPath = oNodes[i].attributes.getNamedItem('serverpath').value;
if (LinkTypeID()) {
links_path[i] = sCmsPage;
GetE('cmbImternalPagName').options[i] = new Option(sTitle, SetIDtag(sCmsId));
GetE('cmbImternalPagName').options[i] = new Option(sTitle, sCmsPage);
if (GetE('txtUrl')) {
tmpUrl = GetE('txtUrl').value;
if (tmpUrl.length == 0 && i == 0) {
window.frames["frmInternal"].document.location.href = ServerPath + sCmsPage+GetAdmin();
//alert(tmpUrl+' === '+sCmsPage);
if (LinkTypeID())
if (tmpUrl == SetIDtag(sCmsId) || tmpUrl == SetIDtagAMP(sCmsId) || tmpUrl == SetIDtagNoLtQt(sCmsId)) {
window.frames["frmInternal"].document.location.href = ServerPath+sCmsPage+GetAdmin();
} else {
if (tmpUrl.match(sCmsPage+'$')) {
window.frames["frmInternal"].document.location.href = tmpUrl+GetAdmin();
function LinkTypeID()
if (typeof(oEditor.FCKConfig.LocalLinkType) != 'undefined')
if (oEditor.FCKConfig.LocalLinkType == 'ID')
return true;
return false;
function SetIDtagNoLtQt(id)
return "<%cms:GetBlockData id='"+id+"' field='href'%>";
function SetIDtag(id)
return "<%cms:GetBlockData id='"+id+"' field='href'%>";
function SetIDtagAMP(id)
return "&lt;%cms:GetBlockData id='"+id+"' field='href'%&gt;";
function ChangeInternalUrl(url,obj)
if(LinkTypeID()) {
for (var i=0; i < obj.options.length; i++) {
if (obj.options[i].value == url) {
window.frames["frmInternal"].document.location.href = ServerPath + url + GetAdmin();
} else
window.frames["frmInternal"].document.location.href = ServerPath + url+GetAdmin();
//window.frames["frmInternal"].document.location.onload = LoadAnchorNamesAndIds();
function GetAdmin()
if (oEditor.FCKConfig.Admin == 1)
return "&admin=1";
function show_props(obj, objName) {
var result = "";
for (var i in obj) {
alert( objName + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + " \n" );
//#### Target type selection.
function SetTarget( targetType )
switch ( targetType )
case "_blank" :
case "_self" :
case "_parent" :
case "_top" :
GetE('cmbTarget').value = targetType ;
break ;
case "" :
GetE('cmbTarget').value = '' ;
break ;
if ( targetType == 'popup' )
window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;
if (!GetE('txtPopupWidth').value)
GetE('txtPopupWidth').value = 800;
if (!GetE('txtPopupHeight').value)
GetE('txtPopupHeight').value = 600;
} else
//#### Called while the user types the URL.
function OnUrlChange()
//alert("OnUrlChange "+ sUrl);
var sUrl = GetE('txtUrl').value ;
var sProtocol = oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.exec( sUrl ) ;
if ( sProtocol )
sUrl = sUrl.substr( sProtocol[0].length ) ;
GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ;
GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ;
else if ( oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.test( sUrl ) )
GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ;
//#### Called while the user types the target name.
function OnTargetNameChange()
//#### Builds the javascript URI to open a popup to the specified URI.
function BuildPopupUri( uri )
var ret = "javascript:openwincms('"+uri+"','popup',"+GetE('txtPopupWidth').value+","+GetE('txtPopupHeight').value+")";
return ret; //void('" + uri + "'," + sWindowName + ",'" + sFeatures + "'))" ) ;
//#### The OK button was hit.
function BuildUrlByType()
switch ( GetE('cmbLinkType').value )
case 'internal' :
if (LinkTypeID())
sUri = GetE('cmbImternalPagName').value
sUri = ServerPath+GetE('cmbImternalPagName').value;
//sUri = GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value + sUri ;
var cmbAnchorName = GetE('cmbAnchorName').value
if (cmbAnchorName.length > 0)
sUri = sUri+'#'+cmbAnchorName
if( GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' )
sUri = BuildPopupUri( sUri ) ;
break ;
case 'Doc' :
sUri = GetE('fileUrl').value ;
if ( sUri.length == 0 )
alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoUrl ) ;
return false ;
//sUri = sUri ;
if( GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' )
sUri = BuildPopupUri( sUri ) ;
break ;
case 'external' :
sUri = GetE('txtUrl').value ;
if ( sUri.length == 0 )
alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoUrl ) ;
return false ;
sUri = GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value + sUri ;
if( GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' )
sUri = BuildPopupUri( sUri ) ;
break ;
case 'email' :
sUri = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value ;
if ( sUri.length == 0 )
alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoEMail ) ;
return false ;
sUri = oParser.CreateEMailUri(
GetE('txtEMailBody').value ) ;
break ;
return sUri;
function Ok()
var sUri = BuildUrlByType();
if (sUri == false)
return false;
if ( == 'from') {
return ;
if ( oLink )
oLink.href = sUri ;
oLink = oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( sUri ) ;
if ( ! oLink )
return true ;
if( GetE('cmbTarget').value != 'popup' )
SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', GetE('cmbTarget').value ) ;
SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', null ) ;
if (GetE('txtAlt')) {
SetAttribute( oLink, 'alt', GetE('txtAlt').value) ;
SetAttribute( oLink, 'title', GetE('txtAlt').value) ;
SetAttribute( oLink, 'label', GetE('cmbLinkType').value)
if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE ) = GetE('txtAttStyle').value ;
SetAttribute( oLink, 'style', GetE('txtAttStyle').value ) ;
return true ;
function show_props(obj, objName) {
var result = "";
for (var i in obj) {
result = objName + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + " \n";
//return result;
function BrowseServer(field)
// Set the browser window feature
urlField = field;
var iWidth = oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowWidth ;
var iHeight = oEditor.FCKConfig.ImageBrowserWindowHeight ;
var iLeft = (screen.width - iWidth) / 2 ;
var iTop = (screen.height - iHeight) / 2 ;
var sOptions = "toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,dependent=yes" ;
sOptions += ",width=" + iWidth ;
sOptions += ",height=" + iHeight ;
sOptions += ",left=" + iLeft ;
sOptions += ",top=" + iTop ;
// Open the browser window.
var oWindow = oEditor.FCKConfig.FilesBrowserURL, "FCKBrowseWindow", sOptions ) ;
function SetUrl( url, width, height, alt, fsize )
GetE(urlField).value = url ;
if ( alt )
GetE('txtAlt').value = alt;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/admin/editor/cmseditor/editor/dialog/fck_link/fck_link.js
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Event Timeline
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