$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$object->TableName.' SET IsPrimary = 0 WHERE '.$table_info['ForeignKey'].' = '.$table_info['ParentId']);
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$object->TableName.' SET IsPrimary = 1 WHERE ('.$table_info['ForeignKey'].' = '.$table_info['ParentId'].') AND (PriceId = '.$id.')');
$primary_group = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT GroupId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup WHERE PortalUserId='.$this->Application->GetVar('u_id').' AND PrimaryGroup=1');
$pricing_group = $primary_group;
if ($pricing_group) {
$pricing_for_group_exists = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsPricing WHERE ProductId='.$this->Application->GetVar('p_id').' AND GroupId='.$primary_group.' AND Price IS NOT NULL');
if ($pricing_group && $pricing_for_group_exists > 0) {
//$cheapest_group = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT GroupId FROM '.$object->TableName.' WHERE ProductId='.$this->Application->GetVar('p_id').' AND Price IS NOT NULL AND GroupId IN ('.$user_groups.') AND MinQty = 1 GROUP BY GroupId ORDER BY Price ASC');
$effective_brackets = $this->Conn->Query('SELECT PriceId, Price, GroupId FROM '.$object->TableName.'
WHERE ProductId='.$this->Application->GetVar('p_id').' AND Price IS NOT NULL AND GroupId IN ('.$user_groups.') ORDER BY GroupId ASC, MinQty ASC', 'PriceId');
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS && !$event->redirect) {
$event->redirect_params['pass'] = 'm';
$event->redirect_params['pass_category'] = 0; //otherwise mod-rewrite shop-cart URL will include category
$event->redirect = true;
else {
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
$event->redirect_params['opener'] = 'u';
* Check if required options are selected & selected option combination is in stock
* @param kEvent $event
* @param Array $options
* @param int $product_id
* @param int $qty
* @param int $selection_mode
* @return bool
function CheckOptions(&$event, &$options, $product_id, $qty, $selection_mode)
// 1. check for required options
$selection_filter = $selection_mode == 1 ? ' AND OptionType IN (1,3,6) ' : '';
$req_options = $this->Conn->GetCol('SELECT ProductOptionId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptions WHERE ProductId = '.$product_id.' AND Required = 1 '.$selection_filter);
$result = true;
foreach ($req_options as $opt_id) {
if (!getArrayValue($options, $opt_id)) {
$this->Application->SetVar('opt_error', 1); //let the template know we have an error
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' ON ('.$poc_table.'.CombinationCRC = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt) AND ('.$poc_table.'.ProductId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.ProductId)
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET Status = 0 WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$id;
/* ======================== COMMON CODE ======================== */
* Split one timestamp field into 2 virtual fields
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemLoad(&$event)
// get user fields
$object =& $event->getObject();
$user_id = $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$user_info = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT *, CONCAT(FirstName,\' \',LastName) AS UserTo FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
IF('.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.InventoryStatus = 2, '.$poc_table.'.QtyInStock, '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStock) AS QtyInStock, '.
TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStockMin, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt AS CombinationCRC
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' ON ('.$poc_table.'.CombinationCRC = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt) AND ('.$poc_table.'.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId)
WHERE OrderId = '.$ord_id.' AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.Type = 1
if ($an_item['BackOrderFlag'] > 0) { // we don't need to reserve if it's backordered item
$to_reserve = 0;
else {
$to_reserve = min($an_item['Quantity']-$an_item['QuantityReserved'], $an_item['QtyInStock']-$an_item['QtyInStockMin']); //it should be equal, but just in case
$item_data['t3'] = $cycle_units; //cycle units D (days), W (weeks), M (months), Y (years)
$item_data['src'] = '1'; // Recurring payments. If set to 1, the payment will recur unless your customer cancels the subscription before the end of the billing cycle.
$item_data['sra'] = '1'; // Reattempt on failure. If set to 1, and the payment fails, the payment will be reattempted two more times. After the third failure, the subscription will be cancelled.
$item_data['srt'] = ''; // Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which will occur at the regular rate.
$has_required = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$opt_object->TableName.' WHERE Required = 1 AND ProductId = '.$object->GetDBField('ProductId'));
//we need to imitate data sumbit, as parent' PreSave sets object values from $items_info
$total_weight = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT SUM(Weight) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products WHERE ProductId IN ('.implode(', ', $content_ids).') AND Type=1');
if (!$total_weight) $total_weight = 0;
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$object->TableName.' SET Weight='.$total_weight.' WHERE ProductId='.$object->GetID());
$combs = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptionCombinations WHERE CombinationCRC = '.$crc.' AND ProductId = '.$object->GetDBField('ProductId').' AND (Price != 0 OR (PriceType = 1 AND Price = 0))');
return $combs == 0; // no overriding combinations found
INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Name', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET DisplayOrder = 10.04 WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Contacts_Phone';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET DisplayOrder = 10.05 WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Contacts_Fax';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET DisplayOrder = 10.06 WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Contacts_Email';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET DisplayOrder = 10.07 WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_Contacts_Additional';
DELETE FROM Phrase WHERE Phrase IN ('la_fld_ManufacturerId', 'la_fld_DiscountId', 'la_fld_CouponId', 'la_fld_AffiliatePlanId', 'la_fld_AffiliateId', 'la_fld_ZoneId', 'la_fld_EngineId', 'la_fld_ShippingId', 'la_fld_ProductId', 'la_fld_OptionId', 'la_fld_CurrencyId', 'la_fld_Zone_Name');
UPDATE Phrase SET Module = 'In-Commerce' WHERE ((Phrase LIKE '%Product%' OR Phrase LIKE '%Shipping%' OR Phrase LIKE '%Coupon%' OR Phrase LIKE '%Discount%' OR Phrase LIKE '%Report%' OR Phrase LIKE '%Currency%' OR Phrase LIKE '%Cart%') AND (Module = 'Core'));
# ===== v 5.0.1 =====
UPDATE ConfigurationValues SET VariableValue = 'in-commerce/products/product_detail' WHERE VariableName = 'p_ItemTemplate';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET ValueList = '1=la_opt_Session,2=la_opt_PermanentCookie' WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_AffiliateStorageMethod';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET ValueList = 'ASC=la_common_Ascending,DESC=la_common_Descending'
WHERE VariableName IN ('product_OrderProductsByDir', 'product_OrderProductsThenByDir');
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET ValueList = '1=la_opt_PriceCalculationByPrimary,2=la_opt_PriceCalculationByOptimal'
WHERE VariableName = 'Comm_PriceBracketCalculation';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin
SET ValueList = '1=la_opt_Sec,60=la_opt_Min,3600=la_opt_Hour,86400=la_opt_Day,604800=la_opt_Week,2419200=la_opt_Month,29030400=la_opt_Year'
WHERE VariableName IN ('product_ReviewDelay_Interval', 'product_RatingDelay_Interval');
UPDATE CustomField SET FieldLabel = 'la_fld_cust_p_ItemTemplate', Prompt = 'la_fld_cust_p_ItemTemplate' WHERE FieldName = 'p_ItemTemplate';
UPDATE ConfigurationAdmin SET ValueList = 'style="width: 50px;"' WHERE VariableName IN ('product_RatingDelay_Value', 'product_ReviewDelay_Value');
UPDATE Modules SET Path = 'modules/in-commerce/' WHERE `Name` = 'In-Commerce';
UPDATE ConfigurationValues
SET ValueList = '0=lu_none||<SQL+>SELECT l%3$s_Name AS OptionName, IsoCode AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>CountryStates WHERE Type = 1 ORDER BY OptionName</SQL>'
WHERE ValueList = '0=lu_none||<SQL>SELECT DestName AS OptionName, DestAbbr AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>StdDestinations WHERE DestParentId IS NULL Order BY OptionName</SQL>';
ADD COLUMN BillingCountry varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
ADD COLUMN ShippingCountry varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
ADD COLUMN PrimaryCurrencyId int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN Currencies varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
ADD COLUMN PrimaryPaymentTypeId int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD COLUMN PaymentTypes varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
ADD INDEX (BillingCountry),
ADD INDEX (ShippingCountry),
ADD INDEX (PrimaryCurrencyId),
ADD INDEX (Currencies),
ADD INDEX (PrimaryPaymentTypeId),
ADD INDEX (PaymentTypes);
UPDATE Phrase SET Module = 'Core' WHERE Phrase IN ('la_btn_Add', 'la_fld_RecipientName', 'la_fld_SenderName');
DELETE FROM Permissions WHERE Permission LIKE 'in-commerce:incommerce_configemail%';