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Index: branches/5.3.x/core/units/helpers/fck_helper.php
--- branches/5.3.x/core/units/helpers/fck_helper.php (revision 16381)
+++ branches/5.3.x/core/units/helpers/fck_helper.php (revision 16382)
@@ -1,627 +1,635 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class fckFCKHelper extends kHelper {
var $Config = Array();
* Currently selected folder
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $folder = '';
* Current sorting field
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $sortField = '';
* Current sorting direction
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $sortDirection = '';
public function __construct()
$this->folder = $this->Application->GetVar('folder');
$this->sortField = $this->Application->GetVar('sort_by');
$this->sortDirection = $this->Application->GetVar('order_by');
$this->Config['AllowedExtensions']['Files'] = Array('gif','jpeg','png','swf','fla','jpg','gif','jpeg','png','avi','mpg','mpeg','zip','rar','arj','gz','tar','doc','pdf','ppt','rdp','swf','swt','txt','vsd','xls','csv','odt');
$this->Config['DeniedExtensions']['Files'] = Array('php','asp','aspx','ascx','jsp','cfm','cfc','pl','bat','exe','dll','reg');
$this->Config['AllowedExtensions']['Images'] = Array('jpg','gif','jpeg','png', 'bmp');
$this->Config['DeniedExtensions']['Images'] = Array('php','asp','aspx','ascx','jsp','cfm','cfc','pl','bat','exe','dll','reg');
$this->Config['AllowedExtensions']['Flash'] = Array('swf','fla');
$this->Config['DeniedExtensions']['Flash'] = Array('php','asp','aspx','ascx','jsp','cfm','cfc','pl','bat','exe','dll','reg');
$this->Config['AllowedExtensions']['Media'] = Array('asf','asx','avi','wav','wax','wma','wm','wmv','m3u','mp2v','mpg','mpeg','m1v','mp2','mp3','mpa','mpe','mpv2','mp4','mid','midi','rmi','qt','aif','aifc','aiff','mov','flv','rm','svcd','swf','vcd');
$this->Config['DeniedExtensions']['Media'] = Array('php','asp','aspx','ascx','jsp','cfm','cfc','pl','bat','exe','dll','reg');
$this->Config['AllowedExtensions']['Documents'] = Array('doc','pdf','ppt','rdp','swf','swt','txt','vsd','xls','csv','zip','odt');
$this->Config['DeniedExtensions']['Documents'] = Array('php','asp','aspx','ascx','jsp','cfm','cfc','pl','bat','exe','dll','reg');
$this->Config['ExtensionIcons'] = Array('ai','avi','bmp','cs','dll','doc','exe','fla','gif','htm','html','jpg','js','mdb','mp3','pdf','png','ppt','rdp','swf','swt','txt','vsd','xls','xml','zip');
function CreateFolder($folder = '')
if ( !$folder ) {
return false;
$folderPath = WRITEABLE . '/user_files/' . $folder;
if ( file_exists($folderPath) && is_dir($folderPath) ) {
return true;
/*$permissions = defined('FCK_FOLDERS_PERMISSIONS') ? FCK_FOLDERS_PERMISSIONS : '0777';
return mkdir($folderPath, $permissions);*/
return mkdir($folderPath);
function IsAllowedExtension($folder, $file_name)
$ext = strtolower( pathinfo($file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) );
if ( isset($this->Config['DeniedExtensions'][$folder]) ) {
if ( in_array($ext, $this->Config['DeniedExtensions'][$folder]) ) {
return false;
if ( isset($this->Config['AllowedExtensions'][$folder]) ) {
if ( !in_array($ext, $this->Config['AllowedExtensions'][$folder]) ) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns list of sub-folders from given folder (automatically excludes system folders)
* @param string $files_dir
* @return Array
* @access public
public function ReadFolders($files_dir)
$ret = Array ();
$system_folders = defined('KERNEL_SYSTEM_FOLDERS') ? KERNEL_SYSTEM_FOLDERS : Array ('icons', 'CVS', '.svn');
try {
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($files_dir);
/* @var $file_info DirectoryIterator */
catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
return $ret;
foreach ($iterator as $file_info) {
$filename = $file_info->getFilename();
if ( $file_info->isDir() && !$file_info->isDot() ) {
$ret[] = $filename;
return array_diff($ret, $system_folders);
* Returns list of files in given folder
* @param string $files_dir
* @return Array
* @access public
public function ReadFiles($files_dir)
$ret = Array ();
try {
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator($files_dir);
/* @var $file_info DirectoryIterator */
catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
return $ret;
foreach ($iterator as $file_info) {
if ( !$file_info->isDir() ) {
$ret[] = $file_info->getFilename();
return $ret;
* Returns xml containing list of folders in current folder
* @return string
* @access public
public function PrintFolders()
$files_dir = WRITEABLE . '/user_files/' . $this->folder . '/';
$sub_folders = $this->ReadFolders($files_dir);
$ret = $this->_buildFoldersXML($sub_folders, 'folder2');
if ( $this->sortField == 'name' && $this->sortDirection == '_desc' ) {
$sub_folders = array_reverse($sub_folders);
$ret .= $this->_buildFoldersXML($sub_folders, 'folder');
return $ret;
* Build XML, that will output folders for FCKEditor
* @param Array $sub_folders
* @param string $xml_node
* @return string
protected function _buildFoldersXML($sub_folders, $xml_node)
$ret = '';
foreach ($sub_folders as $sub_folder) {
$ret .= '<' . $xml_node . ' path="' . $this->folder . "/" . $sub_folder . '">' . $sub_folder . '</' . $xml_node . '>' . "\n";
return $ret;
* Transforms filesize in bytes into kilobytes
* @param int $size
* @return int
* @access protected
protected function CalculateFileSize($size)
if ( $size > 0 ) {
$size = round($size / 1024);
$size = ($size < 1) ? 1 : $size;
return $size;
* Detects icon for given file extension
* @param string $file
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function CheckIconType($file)
$ext = strtolower( pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) );
return $ext && in_array($ext, $this->Config['ExtensionIcons']) ? $ext : 'default.icon';
* Build one file xml node
* @param int $size
* @param string $url
* @param string $icon
* @param string $date
* @param string $file_name
* @return string
protected function _buildFileXml($size,$url,$icon,$date,$file_name)
return '<file size="' . $size . '" url="' . $url . '" icon="' . $icon . '" date="' . $date . '">' . $file_name . '</file>' . "\n";
* Returns xml containing list of files in current folder
* @return string
* @access public
public function PrintFiles()
$files_dir = WRITEABLE . '/user_files/' . $this->folder . '/';
$files_url = BASE_PATH . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', WRITEBALE_BASE) . '/user_files/' . $this->folder . '/';
$aFiles = $this->ReadFiles($files_dir);
$ret = '';
$date_format = "m/d/Y h:i A";
if ( $this->sortField == 'name' && $this->sortDirection == '_desc' ) {
$aFiles = array_reverse($aFiles, TRUE);
$aFilesSize = $aFilesDate = Array ();
foreach ($aFiles as $k => $v) {
$aFilesSize[$k] = filesize($files_dir . $v);
$aFilesDate[$k] = filectime($files_dir . $v);
if ( $this->sortField == 'name' ) {
foreach ($aFiles as $k => $file) {
$size = $this->CalculateFileSize($aFilesSize[$k]);
$date = date($date_format, $aFilesDate[$k]);
$icon = $this->CheckIconType($file);
$ret .= $this->_buildFileXml($size, $files_url . $file, $icon, $date, $file);
if ( $this->sortField == 'date' ) {
if ( $this->sortDirection == '_desc' ) {
$aFilesDate = array_reverse($aFilesDate, TRUE);
foreach ($aFilesDate as $k => $date) {
$size = $this->CalculateFileSize($aFilesSize[$k]);
$file = $aFiles[$k];
$date = date($date_format, $date);
$icon = $this->CheckIconType($file);
$ret .= $this->_buildFileXml($size, $files_url . $file, $icon, $date, $file);
if ( $this->sortField == 'size' ) {
if ( $this->sortDirection == '_desc' ) {
$aFilesSize = array_reverse($aFilesSize, TRUE);
foreach ($aFilesSize as $k => $size) {
$size = $this->CalculateFileSize($size);
$file = $aFiles[$k];
$date = date($date_format, $aFilesDate[$k]);
$icon = $this->CheckIconType($file);
$ret .= $this->_buildFileXml($size, $files_url . $file, $icon, $date, $file);
return $ret;
function UploadFile()
$upload_dir = $this->Application->GetVar('upload_dir');
$type = explode('/', $upload_dir);
$type = $type[0];
$sServerDir = WRITEABLE . '/user_files/' . $upload_dir . '/';
$aUpFile = $_FILES['NewFile'];
$sFileName = $aUpFile['name'];
$sOriginalFileName = $aUpFile['name'];
$sExtension = strtolower(substr( $sFileName, ( strrpos($sFileName, '.') + 1 ) ) );
$sErrorNumber = 0;
if ( isset( $_FILES['NewFile'] ) && !is_null( $_FILES['NewFile']['tmp_name'] ) )
if (in_array($sExtension, $this->Config['AllowedExtensions'][$type]))
if (!$aUpFile['error']) {
$iCounter = 0 ;
while ( true )
$sFilePath = $sServerDir . $sFileName;
if ( is_file( $sFilePath ) )
$iCounter++ ;
$sFileName = $this->RemoveExtension( $sOriginalFileName ) . '(' . $iCounter . ').' . $sExtension;
$sErrorNumber = '201';
// Turn off all error reporting.
error_reporting( 0 ) ;
// Enable error tracking to catch the error.
ini_set( 'track_errors', '1' );
move_uploaded_file( $aUpFile['tmp_name'], $sFilePath );
$sErrorMsg = $php_errormsg;
// Restore the configurations.
ini_restore( 'track_errors' );
ini_restore( 'error_reporting' );
if ( is_file( $sFilePath ) ) {
$oldumask = umask(0);
chmod( $sFilePath, 0666 );
umask( $oldumask );
break ;
else {
$sErrorNumber = '203';
else {
$sErrorNumber = '202' ;
echo '<script type="text/javascript">' ;
echo 'window.parent.frames["frmUpload"].OnUploadCompleted(' . $sErrorNumber . ',"' . str_replace( '"', '\\"', $sFileName ) . '") ;' ;
echo '</script>' ;
function RemoveExtension( $fileName )
return substr( $fileName, 0, strrpos( $fileName, '.' ) ) ;
public function CKEditorTag($editor_name, $editor_value, $params)
$editor = $this->prepareConfig($this->getEditor(), $params);
$width = $this->normalizeDimension($params['width']);
$height = $this->normalizeDimension($params['height']);
$editor->textareaAttributes = Array (
'style' => 'width: ' . $width . '; height: ' . $height . ';'
$editor->config['height'] = $height; // editor area height
$events = Array (
'configLoaded' => 'function(ev) { CKEDITOR.addCss(ev.editor.config.extraCss); }',
return $editor->editor($editor_name, $editor_value, Array (), $events);
public function CKEditorInlineTag($editor_name, $params)
$editor = $this->prepareConfig($this->getEditor(), $params);
$events = Array (
'configLoaded' => 'function(ev) { CKEDITOR.addCss(ev.editor.config.extraCss); }',
'focus' => 'function(ev) { $("body").trigger("InlineEditor.Focus", [ev]); }',
'blur' => 'function(ev) { $("body").trigger("InlineEditor.Blur", [ev]); }',
return $editor->inline($editor_name, Array (), $events);
* Adds measurement units to editor dimensions.
* @param string $dimension Dimension.
* @return string
protected function normalizeDimension($dimension)
if ( preg_match('/^[\d]+$/', $dimension) ) {
$dimension .= 'px';
return $dimension;
* Returns editor instance.
* @return CKEditor
protected function getEditor()
include_once(FULL_PATH . EDITOR_PATH . 'ckeditor.php');
$editor = new CKeditor(BASE_PATH . EDITOR_PATH);
$editor->returnOutput = true;
return $editor;
* Prepares editor config.
* @param CKEditor $editor Editor.
* @param array $tag_params Tag params.
* @return CKEditor
protected function prepareConfig(CKEditor $editor, array $tag_params)
$editor->lateLoad = array_key_exists('late_load', $tag_params) && $tag_params['late_load'];
list($styles_css, $styles_js) = $this->getStyles();
if ( isset($tag_params['toolbar']) ) {
$toolbar = $tag_params['toolbar'];
elseif ( isset($tag_params['mode']) && $tag_params['mode'] == 'inline' ) {
$toolbar = 'Inline';
else {
$toolbar = $this->Application->isDebugMode() ? 'DebugMode' : 'Default';
$editor->config = Array (
'toolbar' => $toolbar,
'baseHref' => $this->Application->BaseURL() . trim(EDITOR_PATH, '/') . '/',
'customConfig' => $this->getJavaScriptConfig(),
'stylesSet' => 'portal:' . $styles_js,
'contentsCss' => $styles_css,
'Admin' => 1, // for custom file browser to work
'K4' => 1, // for custom file browser to work
'language' => $this->getLanguage(),
$this->injectTransitParams($editor, $this->getTransitParams($tag_params));
return $editor;
* Transforms transit params into editor config.
* @param CKEditor $editor Editor.
* @param array $transit_params Transit params.
* @return void
protected function injectTransitParams(CKEditor $editor, array $transit_params)
if ( isset($transit_params['bgcolor']) && $transit_params['bgcolor'] ) {
$editor->config['extraCss'] = 'body { background-color: ' . $transit_params['bgcolor'] . '; }';
foreach ($transit_params as $param_name => $param_value) {
if ( !$param_value ) {
$param_key = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $param_name)));
$param_key[0] = strtolower($param_key[0]);
$editor->config[$param_key] = $param_value;
+ if ( isset($editor->config['styleSetName']) ) {
+ $style_set_parts = explode(':', $editor->config['stylesSet']);
+ $style_set_parts[0] = $editor->config['styleSetName'];
+ $editor->config['stylesSet'] = implode(':', $style_set_parts);
+ unset($editor->config['styleSetName']);
+ }
* Returns url to CSS and JS style configuration.
* @return array
protected function getStyles()
/** @var ThemeItem $theme */
$theme = $this->Application->recallObject('theme.current');
$stylesheet_file = $theme->getStylesheetFile(true);
if ( $stylesheet_file ) {
$stylesheet_folder_url = dirname($stylesheet_file) . '/';
$url_params = Array ('events[fck]' => 'OnGetsEditorStyles', 'no_pass_through' => 1, 'pass' => 'm');
$prefix = $this->Application->isAdmin ? '_FRONT_END_' : '';
$styles_css = $this->Application->HREF('index', $prefix, $url_params, 'index.php');
else {
$stylesheet_folder_url = $this->Application->BaseURL() . trim(EDITOR_PATH, '/') . '/';
$styles_css = $stylesheet_folder_url . 'style.css';
$styles_js = $stylesheet_folder_url . 'styles.js';
return array($styles_css, $styles_js);
* Returns url to JavaScript configuration file.
* @return string
protected function getJavaScriptConfig()
if ( file_exists(SYSTEM_PRESET_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'inp_ckconfig.js') ) {
$file_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('FileHelper');
/* @var $file_helper FileHelper */
return $file_helper->pathToUrl(SYSTEM_PRESET_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'inp_ckconfig.js');
return $this->Application->BaseURL() . 'core/admin_templates/js/inp_ckconfig.js';
* Returns CKEditor locale, that matches default site language.
* @return string
protected function getLanguage()
static $language_code = null;
if ( !isset($language_code) ) {
$language_code = 'en'; // default value
if ( $this->Application->isAdmin ) {
$language_id = $this->Application->Phrases->LanguageId;
else {
$language_id = $this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId(); // $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$sql = 'SELECT Locale
FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitConfig('lang')->getTableName() . '
WHERE LanguageId = ' . $language_id;
$locale = strtolower($this->Conn->GetOne($sql));
if ( file_exists(FULL_PATH . EDITOR_PATH . 'editor/lang/' . $locale . '.js') ) {
// found language file, that exactly matches locale name (e.g. "en")
$language_code = $locale;
else {
$locale = explode('-', $locale);
if ( file_exists(FULL_PATH . EDITOR_PATH . 'editor/lang/' . $locale[0] . '.js') ) {
// language file matches first part of locale (e.g. "ru-RU")
$language_code = $locale[0];
return $language_code;
- * Returns transit parameters, that should be passed to every used CKEditor instance
+ * Returns transit parameters, that should be passed to every used CKEditor instance.
- * @param Array $tag_params
- * @return Array
+ * @param array $tag_params Tag params.
+ *
+ * @return array
- public function getTransitParams($tag_params = Array ())
+ public function getTransitParams(array $tag_params = array())
- $ret = Array ();
- $transit_params = Array ('bgcolor' => '', 'body_class' => '', 'body_id' => '');
+ $ret = array();
+ $transit_params = array('bgcolor' => '', 'body_class' => '', 'body_id' => '', 'style_set_name' => 'portal');
- foreach ($transit_params as $param_name => $default_value) {
+ foreach ( $transit_params as $param_name => $default_value ) {
$param_value = isset($tag_params[$param_name]) ? $tag_params[$param_name] : $this->Application->GetVar($param_name);
if ( $param_value || $default_value ) {
$ret[$param_name] = $param_value ? $param_value : $default_value;
return $ret;
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