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Index: branches/RC/core/kernel/application.php
--- branches/RC/core/kernel/application.php (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/kernel/application.php (revision 11520)
@@ -1,2804 +1,2803 @@
* Basic class for Kernel3-based Application
* This class is a Facade for any other class which needs to deal with Kernel3 framework.<br>
* The class incapsulates the main run-cycle of the script, provide access to all other objects in the framework.<br>
* <br>
* The class is a singleton, which means that there could be only one instance of KernelApplication in the script.<br>
* This could be guranteed by NOT calling the class constuctor directly, but rather calling KernelApplication::Instance() method,
* which returns an instance of the application. The method gurantees that it will return exactly the same instance for any call.<br>
* See singleton pattern by GOF.
* @package kernel4
class kApplication {
* Is true, when Init method was called already, prevents double initialization
* @var bool
var $InitDone = false;
* Holds internal TemplateParser object
* @access private
* @var TemplateParser
var $Parser;
* New Parser (Experimental)
* @var NParser
var $NParser;
* Holds parser output buffer
* @access private
* @var string
var $HTML;
* Prevents request from beeing proceeded twice in case if application init is called mere then one time
* @var bool
* @todo This is not good anyway (by Alex)
var $RequestProcessed = false;
* The main Factory used to create
* almost any class of kernel and
* modules
* @access private
* @var kFactory
var $Factory;
* All ConfigurationValues table content (hash) here
* @var Array
* @access private
var $ConfigHash = Array();
* Ids of config variables used in current run (for caching)
* @var Array
* @access private
var $ConfigCacheIds = array();
* Template names, that will be used instead of regular templates
* @var Array
var $ReplacementTemplates = Array ();
* Reference to debugger
* @var Debugger
var $Debugger = null;
* Holds all phrases used
* in code and template
* @var PhrasesCache
var $Phrases;
* Modules table content, key - module name
* @var Array
var $ModuleInfo = Array();
* Holds DBConnection
* @var kDBConnection
var $Conn = null;
* Maintains list of user-defined error handlers
* @var Array
var $errorHandlers = Array();
// performance needs:
* Holds a refererence to httpquery
* @var kHttpQuery
var $HttpQuery = null;
* Holds a reference to UnitConfigReader
* @var kUnitConfigReader
var $UnitConfigReader = null;
* Holds a reference to Session
* @var Session
var $Session = null;
* Holds a ref to kEventManager
* @var kEventManager
var $EventManager = null;
* Ref to itself, needed because everybody used to write $this->Application, even inside kApplication
* @var kApplication
var $Application = null;
* Ref for TemplatesChache
* @var TemplatesCache
var $TemplatesCache = null;
var $CompilationCache = array(); //used when compiling templates
var $CachedProcessors = array(); //used when running compiled templates
var $LambdaElements = 1; // for autonumbering unnamed RenderElements [any better place for this prop? KT]
* Holds current NParser tag while parsing, can be used in error messages to display template file and line
* @var unknown_type
var $CurrentNTag = null;
* Memcache object pointer
* @var Memcache
var $Memcached = null;
* Returns kApplication instance anywhere in the script.
* This method should be used to get single kApplication object instance anywhere in the
* Kernel-based application. The method is guranteed to return the SAME instance of kApplication.
* Anywhere in the script you could write:
* <code>
* $application =& kApplication::Instance();
* </code>
* or in an object:
* <code>
* $this->Application =& kApplication::Instance();
* </code>
* to get the instance of kApplication. Note that we call the Instance method as STATIC - directly from the class.
* To use descendand of standard kApplication class in your project you would need to define APPLICATION_CLASS constant
* BEFORE calling kApplication::Instance() for the first time. If APPLICATION_CLASS is not defined the method would
* create and return default KernelApplication instance.
* @static
* @access public
* @return kApplication
function &Instance()
static $instance = false;
safeDefine('APPLICATION_CLASS', 'kApplication');
$instance = new $class();
$instance->Application =& $instance;
return $instance;
function InitMemcached()
return ;
$memcached_servers = 'localhost:11211'; // $this->Application->ConfigValue('MemcachedServers');
if ($memcached_servers && class_exists('Memcache')) {
$this->Memcached = new Memcache();
$servers = explode(';', $memcached_servers);
foreach ($servers as $server) {
list ($server, $port) = strpos($server, ':') !== false ? explode(':', $server, 2) : Array ($server, 11211);
$this->Memcached->addServer($server, $port);
//try to set something to cache, if not working - set $this->Memcached to null
function CacheSet($name, $value, $expiration)
if (isset($this->Memcached)) {
return $this->Memcached->set($name, $value, 0, $expiration);
return false;
function CacheGet($name)
if (isset($this->Memcached)) {
return $this->Memcached->get($name);
return false;
* Initializes the Application
* @access public
* @see kHTTPQuery
* @see Session
* @see TemplatesCache
* @return bool Was Init actually made now or before
function Init()
if($this->InitDone) return false;
if (!constOn('SKIP_OUT_COMPRESSION')) {
ob_start(); // collect any output from method (other then tags) into buffer
if(defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Init:');
if (!$this->isDebugMode() && !constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT')) {
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
if (!constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT')) {
$error_handler = set_error_handler( Array (&$this, 'handleError') );
if ($error_handler) {
// wrap around previous error handler, if any was set
$this->errorHandlers[] = $error_handler;
$this->Conn = new kDBConnection(SQL_TYPE, Array(&$this, 'handleSQLError') );
$this->Conn->debugMode = $this->isDebugMode();
$this->Conn->Connect(SQL_SERVER, SQL_USER, SQL_PASS, SQL_DB);
$this->Factory = new kFactory();
$this->Phrases = new PhrasesCache();
$this->EventManager =& $this->Factory->makeClass('EventManager');
$this->Factory->Storage['EventManager'] =& $this->EventManager;
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Before UnitConfigReader');
$this->UnitConfigReader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('After UnitConfigReader');
$rewrite_on = $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewrite');
// admin=1 - when front is browsed using admin session
$admin_on = getArrayValue($_REQUEST, 'admin') || $this->IsAdmin();
define('MOD_REWRITE', $rewrite_on && !$admin_on ? 1 : 0);
$this->HttpQuery =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed HTTPQuery initial');
$this->Session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed Session');
if (!$this->RecallVar('UserGroups')) {
$user_groups = trim($this->Session->GetField('GroupList'), ',');
if (!$user_groups) {
$user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_GuestGroup');
$this->Session->SetField('GroupList', $user_groups);
$this->StoreVar('UserGroups', $user_groups);
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed HTTPQuery AfterInit');
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Loaded cache and phrases');
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->Debugger->appendTimestamp('Processed AfterConfigRead');
/*// Module items are recalled during url parsing & PhrasesCache is needed already there,
// because it's used in their build events. That's why phrases cache initialization is
// called from kHTTPQuery in case when mod_rewrite is used
if (!$this->RewriteURLs()) {
$this->Phrases = new PhrasesCache();
if ($this->GetVar('m_cat_id') === false) $this->SetVar('m_cat_id', 0);
if( !$this->RecallVar('curr_iso') ) $this->StoreVar('curr_iso', $this->GetPrimaryCurrency() );
$this->SetVar('visits_id', $this->RecallVar('visit_id') );
$language =& $this->recallObject( 'lang.current', null, Array('live_table' => true) );
if (preg_match('/utf-8/', $language->GetDBField('Charset'))) {
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8');
if( defined('DEBUG_MODE') && $this->isDebugMode() ) {
$this->InitDone = true;
$this->HandleEvent( new kEvent('adm:OnStartup') );
return true;
* Returns module information. Searches module by requested field
* @param string $field
* @param mixed $value
* @param string field value to returns, if not specified, then return all fields
* @param string field to return
* @return Array
function findModule($field, $value, $return_field = null)
$found = false;
foreach ($this->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_info) {
if (strtolower($module_info[$field]) == strtolower($value)) {
$found = true;
if ($found) {
return isset($return_field) ? $module_info[$return_field] : $module_info;
return false;
function refreshModuleInfo()
if (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL && !$this->TableFound('Modules')) {
return false;
$modules_helper =& $this->recallObject('ModulesHelper');
$this->ModuleInfo = $this->Conn->Query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Modules WHERE Loaded = 1 ORDER BY LoadOrder', 'Name');
$sql = 'SELECT *
WHERE '.$modules_helper->getWhereClause().'
ORDER BY LoadOrder';
$this->ModuleInfo = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'Name');
* Checks if passed language id if valid and sets it to primary otherwise
function VerifyLanguageId()
$language_id = $this->GetVar('m_lang');
if (!$language_id) {
$language_id = 'default';
$this->SetVar('lang.current_id', $language_id );
$this->SetVar('m_lang', $language_id );
$lang_mode = $this->GetVar('lang_mode');
$this->SetVar('lang_mode', '');
$lang =& $this->recallObject('lang.current');
if ( !$lang->IsLoaded() || (!$this->Application->IsAdmin() && !$lang->GetDBField('Enabled')) ) {
if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) $this->ApplicationDie('Unknown or disabled language');
* Checks if passed theme id if valid and sets it to primary otherwise
function VerifyThemeId()
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', '/core/admin_templates');
$path = $this->GetFrontThemePath();
if ($path === false) {
$this->ApplicationDie('No Primary Theme Selected or Current Theme is Unknown or Disabled');
safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', $path);
/*$theme_id = $this->GetVar('m_theme');
if (!$theme_id) {
$theme_id = $this->GetDefaultThemeId();
if (!$theme_id) {
if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) $this->ApplicationDie('No Primary Theme Selected');
$this->SetVar('m_theme', $theme_id);
$this->SetVar('theme.current_id', $theme_id ); // KOSTJA: this is to fool theme' getPassedId
$theme =& $this->recallObject('theme.current');
if (!$theme->IsLoaded() || !$theme->GetDBField('Enabled')) {
if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) $this->ApplicationDie('Unknown or disabled theme');
safeDefine('THEMES_PATH', '/themes/'.$theme->GetDBField('Name'));*/
function GetFrontThemePath($force=0)
static $path=null;
if (!$force && isset($path)) return $path;
$theme_id = $this->GetVar('m_theme');
if (!$theme_id) {
// $theme_id = $this->GetDefaultThemeId(1); //1 to force front-end mode!
$theme_id = 'default';
$this->SetVar('m_theme', $theme_id);
$this->SetVar('theme.current_id', $theme_id ); // KOSTJA: this is to fool theme' getPassedId
$theme =& $this->recallObject('theme.current');
if (!$theme->IsLoaded() || !$theme->GetDBField('Enabled')) {
return false;
$path = '/themes/'.$theme->GetDBField('Name');
return $path;
function GetDefaultLanguageId()
static $language_id = 0;
if ($language_id > 0) {
return $language_id;
$table = $this->getUnitOption('lang', 'TableName');
$id_field = $this->getUnitOption('lang', 'IDField');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE (PrimaryLang = 1) AND (Enabled = 1)';
$language_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (!$language_id && defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) {
$language_id = 1;
return $language_id;
function GetDefaultThemeId($force_front=0)
static $theme_id = 0;
if ($theme_id > 0) {
return $theme_id;
if (constOn('DBG_FORCE_THEME')) {
$theme_id = DBG_FORCE_THEME;
elseif (!$force_front && $this->IsAdmin()) {
$theme_id = 999;
else {
$table = $this->getUnitOption('theme','TableName');
$id_field = $this->getUnitOption('theme','IDField');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE (PrimaryTheme = 1) AND (Enabled = 1)';
$theme_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
return $theme_id;
function GetPrimaryCurrency()
if ($this->isModuleEnabled('In-Commerce')) {
$table = $this->getUnitOption('curr', 'TableName');
return $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ISO FROM '.$table.' WHERE IsPrimary = 1');
else {
return 'USD';
* Registers default classes such as ItemController, GridController and LoginController
* Called automatically while initializing Application
* @access private
* @return void
function RegisterDefaultClasses()
$this->registerClass('kTempTablesHandler', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/temp_handler.php');
$this->registerClass('kEventManager', KERNEL_PATH.'/event_manager.php', 'EventManager');
$this->registerClass('kUnitConfigReader', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/unit_config_reader.php');
$this->registerClass('kArray', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/params.php');
$this->registerClass('Params', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/params.php');
$this->registerClass('kHelper', KERNEL_PATH.'/kbase.php');
$this->registerClass('kCache', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/cache.php', 'Cache', Array('Params'));
$this->registerClass('kHTTPQuery', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/http_query.php', 'HTTPQuery', Array('Params') );
$this->registerClass('Session', KERNEL_PATH.'/session/session.php');
$this->registerClass('SessionStorage', KERNEL_PATH.'/session/session.php');
$this->registerClass('Params', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/params.php', 'kActions');
$this->registerClass('kMultipleFilter', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/filters.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBList', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/dblist.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBItem', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/dbitem.php');
$this->registerClass('kDBEventHandler', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/db_event_handler.php');
$this->registerClass('kTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/processors/tag_processor.php');
$this->registerClass('kMainTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/processors/main_processor.php','m_TagProcessor', 'kTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('kDBTagProcessor', KERNEL_PATH.'/db/db_tag_processor.php', null, 'kTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('TemplatesCache', KERNEL_PATH.'/parser/template.php',null, 'kDBTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('Template', KERNEL_PATH.'/parser/template.php');
$this->registerClass('TemplateParser', KERNEL_PATH.'/parser/template_parser.php',null, 'kDBTagProcessor');
$this->registerClass('NParser', KERNEL_PATH.'/nparser/nparser.php');
$this->registerClass('kEmailSendingHelper', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/email_send.php', 'EmailSender', Array('kHelper'));
$this->registerClass('kSocket', KERNEL_PATH.'/utility/socket.php', 'Socket');
if (file_exists(MODULES_PATH.'/in-commerce/units/currencies/currency_rates.php')) {
$this->registerClass('kCurrencyRates', MODULES_PATH.'/in-commerce/units/currencies/currency_rates.php');
$this->registerClass('FCKeditor', FULL_PATH.'/admin/editor/cmseditor/fckeditor.php'); // need this?
/* Moved from MyApplication */
$this->registerClass('kCatDBItemExportHelper',KERNEL_PATH.'/../units/general/cat_dbitem_export.php', 'CatItemExportHelper');
// Do not move to config - this helper is used before configs are read
$this->registerClass('kModulesHelper', KERNEL_PATH.'/../units/general/helpers/modules.php', 'ModulesHelper');
/* End moved */
function RegisterDefaultBuildEvents()
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
$event_manager->registerBuildEvent('kTempTablesHandler', 'OnTempHandlerBuild');
* Returns item's filename that corresponds id passed. If possible, then get it from cache
* @param string $prefix
* @param int $id
* @return string
function getFilename($prefix, $id, $category_id=null)
$filename = $this->getCache('filenames', $prefix.'_'.$id);
if ($filename === false) {
$table = $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$id_field = $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'IDField');
if ($prefix == 'c') {
if(!$id) {
$this->setCache('filenames', $prefix.'_'.$id, '');
return '';
// this allows to save 2 sql queries for each category
$sql = 'SELECT NamedParentPath, CachedTemplate, TreeLeft, TreeRight
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($id);
$category_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$filename = $category_data['NamedParentPath'];
$this->setCache('category_templates', $id, $category_data['CachedTemplate']);
$this->setCache('category_tree', $id, $category_data['TreeLeft'] . ';' . $category_data['TreeRight']);
// $this->setCache('item_templates', $id, $category_data['CachedItemTemplate']);
else {
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ResourceId FROM '.$table.' WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($id));
if (is_null($category_id)) $category_id = $this->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$sql = 'SELECT Filename FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND CategoryId = '.$category_id;
$filename = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
/*if (!$filename) {
$sql = 'SELECT Filename FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$resource_id.' AND PrimaryCat = 1';
$filename = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
/*$sql = 'SELECT Filename
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($id);
$filename = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);*/
$this->setCache('filenames', $prefix.'_'.$id, $filename);
return $filename;
* Adds new value to cache $cache_name and identified by key $key
* @param string $cache_name cache name
* @param int $key key name to add to cache
* @param mixed $value value of chached record
function setCache($cache_name, $key, $value, $expiration=3600)
$cache =& $this->recallObject('Cache');
/* @var $cache kCache */
return $cache->setCache($cache_name, $key, $value, $expiration);
* Returns cached $key value from cache named $cache_name
* @param string $cache_name cache name
* @param int $key key name from cache
* @return mixed
function getCache($cache_name, $key)
$cache =& $this->recallObject('Cache');
return $cache->getCache($cache_name, $key);
* Defines default constants if it's not defined before - in config.php
* @access private
function SetDefaultConstants() // it's defined in startup.php - can be removed??
* Registers each module specific constants if any found
function registerModuleConstants()
if (file_exists(KERNEL_PATH.'/constants.php')) {
if (!$this->ModuleInfo) return false;
foreach($this->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_info)
$module_path = '/'.$module_info['Path'];
$contants_file = FULL_PATH.$module_path.'constants.php';
if( file_exists($contants_file) ) k4_include_once($contants_file);
return true;
function ProcessRequest()
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
/* @var $event_manager kEventManager */
if($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_SHOW_HTTPQUERY')) {
$this->RequestProcessed = true;
* Actually runs the parser against current template and stores parsing result
* This method gets t variable passed to the script, loads the template given in t variable and
* parses it. The result is store in {@link $this->HTML} property.
* @access public
* @return void
function Run()
if($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Run:');
if ($this->IsAdmin()) {
// for permission checking in events & templates
$this->LinkVar('module'); // for common configuration templates
$this->LinkVar('module_key'); // for common search templates
$this->LinkVar('section'); // for common configuration templates
if ($this->GetVar('m_opener') == 'p') {
$this->LinkVar('main_prefix'); // window prefix, that opened selector
$this->LinkVar('dst_field'); // field to set value choosed in selector
// $this->LinkVar('return_template'); // template to go, when something was coosen from popup (from finalizePopup)
// $this->LinkVar('return_m'); // main env part to restore after popup will be closed (from finalizePopup)
if ($this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && !$this->GetVar('debug_ajax')) {
// hide debug output from ajax requests automatically
define('DBG_SKIP_REPORTING', 1);
elseif ($this->GetVar('admin')) {
// viewing front-end through admin's frame
$admin_session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session.admin');
$user = (int)$admin_session->RecallVar('user_id'); // in case, when no valid admin session found
$perm_helper =& $this->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
/* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */
if ($perm_helper->CheckUserPermission($user, 'CATEGORY.MODIFY', 0, 0)) {
// user can edit cms blocks
$editing_mode = $this->GetVar('editing_mode');
define('EDITING_MODE', $editing_mode ? $editing_mode : EDITING_MODE_CMS);
- safeDefine('EDITING_MODE', 0); // user can't edit anything
+ safeDefine('EDITING_MODE', ''); // user can't edit anything
if (!$this->RequestProcessed) $this->ProcessRequest();
$t = $this->GetVar('t');
$cms_handler =& $this->recallObject('st_EventHandler');
/* @var $cms_handler CategoriesEventHandler */
if (!$this->TemplatesCache->TemplateExists($t) && !$this->IsAdmin()) {
$t = $cms_handler->GetDesignTemplate();
if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
$this->Debugger->appendHTML('<strong>Design Template</strong>: ' . $t . '; <strong>CategoryID</strong>: ' . $this->GetVar('m_cat_id'));
/*else {
if($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Parsing:');
if (defined('NPARSER') && 'NPARSER') {
$this->HTML = $this->NParser->Run( $t );
else {
$this->HTML = $this->Parser->ParseTemplate( $t );
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application after Parsing:');
function InitParser()
if (defined('NPARSER') && 'NPARSER') {
if( !is_object($this->NParser) ) {
$this->NParser =& $this->recallObject('NParser');
$this->TemplatesCache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
// can be removed in future
// $this->Parser =& $this->recallObject('TemplateParser');
$this->Parser =& $this->NParser;
else {
if( !is_object($this->Parser) ) {
$this->Parser =& $this->recallObject('TemplateParser');
$this->TemplatesCache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
* Send the parser results to browser
* Actually send everything stored in {@link $this->HTML}, to the browser by echoing it.
* @access public
* @return void
function Done()
$this->HandleEvent( new kEvent('adm:OnBeforeShutdown') );
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
$this->Debugger->appendMemoryUsage('Application before Done:');
if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
if (constOn('DBG_CACHE')) {
$cache =& $this->recallObject('Cache');
$this->HTML = ob_get_clean() . $this->HTML . $this->Debugger->printReport(true);
else {
$this->HTML = ob_get_clean().$this->HTML;
if ($this->UseOutputCompression()) {
header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
$compression_level = $this->ConfigValue('OutputCompressionLevel');
if ($compression_level < 0 || $compression_level > 9) $compression_level = 7;
echo gzencode($this->HTML, $compression_level);
else {
echo $this->HTML;
if (!$this->isDebugMode()) {
if (defined('DBG_CAPTURE_STATISTICS') && DBG_CAPTURE_STATISTICS && !$this->IsAdmin()) {
* Stores script execution statistics to database
function _storeStatistics()
global $start;
$script_time = getmicrotime() - $start;
$query_statistics = $this->Conn->getQueryStatistics(); // time & count
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'StatisticsCapture
WHERE TemplateName = "' . $this->GetVar('t') . '"';
$data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($data) {
$this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'ScriptTime', $script_time);
$this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'SqlTime', $query_statistics['time']);
$this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'SqlCount', $query_statistics['count']);
$data['LastHit'] = adodb_mktime();
$this->Conn->doUpdate($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'StatisticsCapture', 'StatisticsId = ' . $data['StatisticsId']);
else {
$data['ScriptTimeMin'] = $data['ScriptTimeAvg'] = $data['ScriptTimeMax'] = $script_time;
$data['SqlTimeMin'] = $data['SqlTimeAvg'] = $data['SqlTimeMax'] = $query_statistics['time'];
$data['SqlCountMin'] = $data['SqlCountAvg'] = $data['SqlCountMax'] = $query_statistics['count'];
$data['TemplateName'] = $this->GetVar('t');
$data['Hits'] = 1;
$data['LastHit'] = adodb_mktime();
$this->Conn->doInsert($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'StatisticsCapture');
* Calculates average time for statistics
* @param Array $data
* @param string $field_prefix
* @param float $current_value
function _updateAverageStatistics(&$data, $field_prefix, $current_value)
$data[$field_prefix . 'Avg'] = (($data['Hits'] * $data[$field_prefix . 'Avg']) + $current_value) / ($data['Hits'] + 1);
if ($current_value < $data[$field_prefix . 'Min']) {
$data[$field_prefix . 'Min'] = $current_value;
if ($current_value > $data[$field_prefix . 'Max']) {
$data[$field_prefix . 'Max'] = $current_value;
function logSlowQuery($slow_sql, $time)
$query_crc = crc32($slow_sql);
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'SlowSqlCapture
WHERE QueryCrc = ' . $query_crc;
$data = $this->Conn->Query($sql, null, true);
if ($data) {
$this->_updateAverageStatistics($data, 'Time', $time);
$template_names = explode(',', $data['TemplateNames']);
array_push($template_names, $this->GetVar('t'));
$data['TemplateNames'] = implode(',', array_unique($template_names));
$data['LastHit'] = adodb_mktime();
$this->Conn->doUpdate($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'SlowSqlCapture', 'CaptureId = ' . $data['CaptureId']);
else {
$data['TimeMin'] = $data['TimeAvg'] = $data['TimeMax'] = $time;
$data['SqlQuery'] = $slow_sql;
$data['QueryCrc'] = $query_crc;
$data['TemplateNames'] = $this->GetVar('t');
$data['Hits'] = 1;
$data['LastHit'] = adodb_mktime();
$this->Conn->doInsert($data, TABLE_PREFIX . 'SlowSqlCapture');
* Checks if output compression options is available
* @return string
function UseOutputCompression()
if (constOn('IS_INSTALL') || constOn('DBG_ZEND_PRESENT') || constOn('SKIP_OUT_COMPRESSION')) return false;
return $this->ConfigValue('UseOutputCompression') && function_exists('gzencode') && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip');
// Facade
* Returns current session id (SID)
* @access public
* @return longint
function GetSID()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
return $session->GetID();
function DestroySession()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
* Returns variable passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE
* @access public
* @param string $name Name of variable to retrieve
* @param int $default default value returned in case if varible not present
* @return mixed
function GetVar($name, $default = false)
return isset($this->HttpQuery->_Params[$name]) ? $this->HttpQuery->_Params[$name] : $default;
* Returns ALL variables passed to the script as GET/POST/COOKIE
* @access public
* @return array
function GetVars()
return $this->HttpQuery->GetParams();
* Set the variable 'as it was passed to the script through GET/POST/COOKIE'
* This could be useful to set the variable when you know that
* other objects would relay on variable passed from GET/POST/COOKIE
* or you could use SetVar() / GetVar() pairs to pass the values between different objects.<br>
* This method is formerly known as $this->Session->SetProperty.
* @param string $var Variable name to set
* @param mixed $val Variable value
* @access public
* @return void
function SetVar($var,$val)
return $this->HttpQuery->Set($var, $val);
* Deletes kHTTPQuery variable
* @param string $var
* @todo think about method name
function DeleteVar($var)
return $this->HttpQuery->Remove($var);
* Deletes Session variable
* @param string $var
function RemoveVar($var)
return $this->Session->RemoveVar($var);
function RemovePersistentVar($var)
return $this->Session->RemovePersistentVar($var);
* Restores Session variable to it's db version
* @param string $var
function RestoreVar($var)
return $this->Session->RestoreVar($var);
* Returns session variable value
* Return value of $var variable stored in Session. An optional default value could be passed as second parameter.
* @see SimpleSession
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @param mixed $default Default value to return if no $var variable found in session
* @return mixed
function RecallVar($var,$default=false)
return $this->Session->RecallVar($var,$default);
function RecallPersistentVar($var, $default = false)
return $this->Session->RecallPersistentVar($var, $default);
* Stores variable $val in session under name $var
* Use this method to store variable in session. Later this variable could be recalled.
* @see RecallVar
* @access public
* @param string $var Variable name
* @param mixed $val Variable value
function StoreVar($var, $val, $optional = false)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$this->Session->StoreVar($var, $val, $optional);
function StorePersistentVar($var, $val)
$this->Session->StorePersistentVar($var, $val);
function StoreVarDefault($var, $val, $optional=false)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$this->Session->StoreVarDefault($var, $val, $optional);
* Links HTTP Query variable with session variable
* If variable $var is passed in HTTP Query it is stored in session for later use. If it's not passed it's recalled from session.
* This method could be used for making sure that GetVar will return query or session value for given
* variable, when query variable should overwrite session (and be stored there for later use).<br>
* This could be used for passing item's ID into popup with multiple tab -
* in popup script you just need to call LinkVar('id', 'current_id') before first use of GetVar('id').
* After that you can be sure that GetVar('id') will return passed id or id passed earlier and stored in session
* @access public
* @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name
* @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name
* @param mixed $default Default variable value
function LinkVar($var, $ses_var = null, $default = '', $optional = false)
if (!isset($ses_var)) $ses_var = $var;
if ($this->GetVar($var) !== false) {
$this->StoreVar($ses_var, $this->GetVar($var), $optional);
else {
$this->SetVar($var, $this->RecallVar($ses_var, $default));
* Returns variable from HTTP Query, or from session if not passed in HTTP Query
* The same as LinkVar, but also returns the variable value taken from HTTP Query if passed, or from session if not passed.
* Returns the default value if variable does not exist in session and was not passed in HTTP Query
* @see LinkVar
* @access public
* @param string $var HTTP Query (GPC) variable name
* @param mixed $ses_var Session variable name
* @param mixed $default Default variable value
* @return mixed
function GetLinkedVar($var, $ses_var = null, $default = '')
$this->LinkVar($var, $ses_var, $default);
return $this->GetVar($var);
function AddBlock($name, $tpl)
$this->cache[$name] = $tpl;
/* Seems to be not used anywhere... /Kostja
function SetTemplateBody($title,$body)
$templates_cache =& $this->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
function ProcessTag($tag_data)
$a_tag = new Tag($tag_data,$this->Parser);
return $a_tag->DoProcessTag();
function ProcessParsedTag($prefix, $tag, $params)
if (defined('NPARSER') && NPARSER) {
$p = $this->Parser->GetProcessor($prefix);
return $p->ProcessParsedTag($tag, $params, $prefix);
$a_tag = new Tag('',$this->Parser);
$a_tag->Tag = $tag;
$a_tag->Processor = $tmp['prefix'];
$a_tag->Special = $tmp['special'];
$a_tag->NamedParams = $params;
return $a_tag->DoProcessTag();
* Return ADODB Connection object
* Returns ADODB Connection object already connected to the project database, configurable in config.php
* @access public
* @return kDBConnection
function &GetADODBConnection()
return $this->Conn;
function ParseBlock($params,$pass_params=0,$as_template=false)
if (substr($params['name'], 0, 5) == 'html:') return substr($params['name'], 6);
return $this->Parser->ParseBlock($params, $pass_params, $as_template);
* Returns index file, that could be passed as parameter to method, as parameter to tag and as constant or not passed at all
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $index_file
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function getIndexFile($prefix, $index_file, &$params)
if (isset($params['index_file'])) {
$index_file = $params['index_file'];
return $index_file;
if (isset($index_file)) {
return $index_file;
if (defined('INDEX_FILE')) {
return INDEX_FILE;
$cut_prefix = trim(BASE_PATH, '/').'/'.trim($prefix, '/');
return trim(preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($cut_prefix, '/').'(.*)/', '\\1', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/');
* Return href for template
* @access public
* @param string $t Template path
* @var string $prefix index.php prefix - could be blank, 'admin'
function HREF($t, $prefix='', $params=null, $index_file=null)
if(!$t) $t = $this->GetVar('t'); // moved from kMainTagProcessor->T()
- if ($this->isModuleEnabled('Proj-CMS')) {
- $t = preg_replace('/^Content\//', '', $t);
- }
+ $t = preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $t);
/*if ($this->GetVar('skip_last_template')) {
$params['opener'] = 'p';
$this->SetVar('m_opener', 'p');
if ($t == 'incs/close_popup') {
// because this template closes the popup and we don't need popup mark here anymore
$params['m_opener'] = 's';
if( substr($t, -4) == '.tpl' ) $t = substr($t, 0, strlen($t) - 4 );
if ( $this->IsAdmin() && $prefix == '') $prefix = ADMIN_DIRECTORY;
if ( $this->IsAdmin() && $prefix == '_FRONT_END_') $prefix = '';
$index_file = $this->getIndexFile($prefix, $index_file, $params);
if (isset($params['_auto_prefix_'])) {
unset($params['_auto_prefix_']); // this is parser-related param, do not need to pass it here
$ssl = isset($params['__SSL__']) ? $params['__SSL__'] : null;
if ($ssl !== null) {
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$cookie_url = trim($session->CookieDomain.$session->CookiePath, '/.');
if ($ssl) {
$target_url = defined('ADMIN') && ADMIN ? $this->ConfigValue('AdminSSL_URL') : false;
if (!$target_url) {
$target_url = $this->ConfigValue('SSL_URL');
else {
$target_url = 'http://'.DOMAIN.$this->ConfigValue('Site_Path');
if (!preg_match('#'.preg_quote($cookie_url).'#', $target_url)) {
if (isset($params['opener']) && $params['opener'] == 'u') {
$wid = $this->Application->GetVar('m_wid');
$stack_name = rtrim('opener_stack_'.$wid, '_');
$opener_stack = $this->RecallVar($stack_name);
if ($opener_stack && $opener_stack != serialize(Array())) {
$opener_stack = unserialize($opener_stack);
list($index_file, $env) = explode('|', $opener_stack[count($opener_stack) - 1]);
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix, $ssl).$index_file.'?'.ENV_VAR_NAME.'='.$env;
if ( getArrayValue($params,'escape') ) $ret = addslashes($ret);
if (isset($params['m_opener']) && $params['m_opener'] == 'u') {
if (!$opener_stack) {
// remove popups last templates, because popup is closing now
// don't save popups last templates again :)
$this->SetVar('skip_last_template', 1);
else {
$this->StoreVar($stack_name, serialize($opener_stack));
return $ret;
else {
//define('DBG_REDIRECT', 1);
$t = $this->GetVar('t');
$pass = isset($params['pass']) ? $params['pass'] : '';
$pass_events = isset($params['pass_events']) ? $params['pass_events'] : false; // pass events with url
$map_link = '';
if( isset($params['anchor']) )
$map_link = '#'.$params['anchor'];
if ( isset($params['no_amp']) )
$params['__URLENCODE__'] = $params['no_amp'];
$no_rewrite = false;
if( isset($params['__NO_REWRITE__']) )
$no_rewrite = true;
$force_rewrite = false;
if( isset($params['__MOD_REWRITE__']) )
$force_rewrite = true;
$force_no_sid = false;
if( isset($params['__NO_SID__']) )
$force_no_sid = true;
// append pass through variables to each link to be build
// $params = array_merge_recursive2($this->getPassThroughVariables($params), $params);
$params = array_merge($this->getPassThroughVariables($params), $params);
if ($force_rewrite || ($this->RewriteURLs($ssl) && !$no_rewrite))
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
if( $session->NeedQueryString() && !$force_no_sid ) $params['sid'] = $this->GetSID();
$url = $this->BuildEnv_NEW($t, $params, $pass, $pass_events);
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix, $ssl).$url.$map_link;
unset($params['pass_category']); // we don't need to pass it when mod_rewrite is off
$env = $this->BuildEnv($t, $params, $pass, $pass_events);
$ret = $this->BaseURL($prefix, $ssl).$index_file.'?'.$env.$map_link;
return $ret;
* Returns variables with values that should be passed throught with this link + variable list
* @param Array $params
* @return Array
function getPassThroughVariables(&$params)
static $cached_pass_through = null;
if (isset($params['no_pass_through']) && $params['no_pass_through']) {
return Array();
// because pass through is not changed during script run, then we can cache it
if (is_null($cached_pass_through)) {
$cached_pass_through = Array();
$pass_through = $this->Application->GetVar('pass_through');
if ($pass_through) {
// names of variables to pass to each link
$cached_pass_through['pass_through'] = $pass_through;
$pass_through = explode(',', $pass_through);
foreach ($pass_through as $pass_through_var) {
$cached_pass_through[$pass_through_var] = $this->Application->GetVar($pass_through_var);
return $cached_pass_through;
* Returns sorted array of passed prefixes (to build url from)
* @param string $pass
* @return Array
function getPassInfo($pass = 'all')
if (!$pass) $pass = 'all';
$pass = trim(
trim($this->GetVar('passed'), ','),
trim($pass, ',')
if (!$pass) {
return Array();
$pass_info = array_unique( explode(',', $pass) ); // array( prefix[.special], prefix[.special] ...
sort($pass_info, SORT_STRING); // to be prefix1,prefix1.special1,prefix1.special2,prefix3.specialX
// ensure that "m" prefix is at the beginning
$main_index = array_search('m', $pass_info);
if ($main_index !== false) {
array_unshift($pass_info, 'm');
return $pass_info;
function BuildEnv_NEW($t, $params, $pass='all', $pass_events = false)
// $session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$force_admin = getArrayValue($params,'admin') || $this->GetVar('admin');
// if($force_admin) $sid = $this->GetSID();
$ret = '';
$env = '';
$encode = false;
if (isset($params['__URLENCODE__']))
$encode = $params['__URLENCODE__'];
if (isset($params['__SSL__'])) {
$m_only = true;
$pass_info = $this->getPassInfo($pass);
if ($pass_info) {
if ($pass_info[0] == 'm') array_shift($pass_info);
$params['t'] = $t;
foreach($pass_info as $pass_index => $pass_element)
list($prefix) = explode('.', $pass_element);
$require_rewrite = $this->findModule('Var', $prefix) && $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'CatalogItem');
if ($require_rewrite) {
// if next prefix is same as current, but with special => exclude current prefix from url
$next_prefix = getArrayValue($pass_info, $pass_index + 1);
if ($next_prefix) {
$next_prefix = substr($next_prefix, 0, strlen($prefix) + 1);
if ($prefix.'.' == $next_prefix) continue;
$a = $this->BuildModuleEnv_NEW($pass_element, $params, $pass_events);
if ($a) {
$ret .= '/'.$a;
$m_only = false;
$env .= ':'.$this->BuildModuleEnv($pass_element, $params, $pass_events);
if (!$m_only || preg_match('/c\.[-\d]*/', implode(',', $pass_info))) {
$params['pass_category'] = 1;
$ret = $this->BuildModuleEnv_NEW('m', $params, $pass_events).$ret;
$cat_processed = isset($params['category_processed']) && $params['category_processed'];
if ($cat_processed) {
if (!$m_only || !$cat_processed || !defined('EXP_DIR_URLS')) {
$ret = trim($ret, '/').'.html';
else {
$ret .= '/';
// $ret = trim($ret, '/').'/';
if($env) $params[ENV_VAR_NAME] = ltrim($env, ':');
unset($params['pass'], $params['opener'], $params['m_event']);
if ($force_admin) $params['admin'] = 1;
if( getArrayValue($params,'escape') )
$ret = addslashes($ret);
$ret = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($ret));
$params_str = '';
$join_string = $encode ? '&' : '&amp;';
foreach ($params as $param => $value)
$params_str .= $join_string.$param.'='.$value;
$ret .= preg_replace('/^'.$join_string.'(.*)/', '?\\1', $params_str);
if ($encode) {
$ret = str_replace('\\', '%5C', $ret);
return $ret;
function BuildModuleEnv_NEW($prefix_special, &$params, $pass_events = false)
$event_params = Array('pass_events' => $pass_events, 'url_params' => $params);
$event = new kEvent($prefix_special.':BuildEnv', $event_params);
$params = $event->getEventParam('url_params'); // save back unprocessed parameters
$ret = '';
if ($event->getEventParam('env_string')) {
$ret = trim( $event->getEventParam('env_string'), '/');
return $ret;
* Builds env part that corresponds prefix passed
* @param string $prefix_special item's prefix & [special]
* @param Array $params url params
* @param bool $pass_events
function BuildModuleEnv($prefix_special, &$params, $pass_events = false)
list($prefix) = explode('.', $prefix_special);
$query_vars = $this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'QueryString');
//if pass events is off and event is not implicity passed
if( !$pass_events && !isset($params[$prefix_special.'_event']) ) {
$params[$prefix_special.'_event'] = ''; // remove event from url if requested
//otherwise it will use value from get_var
if(!$query_vars) return '';
$tmp_string = Array(0 => $prefix_special);
foreach($query_vars as $index => $var_name)
//if value passed in params use it, otherwise use current from application
$var_name = $prefix_special.'_'.$var_name;
$tmp_string[$index] = isset( $params[$var_name] ) ? $params[$var_name] : $this->GetVar($var_name);
if ( isset($params[$var_name]) ) unset( $params[$var_name] );
$escaped = array();
foreach ($tmp_string as $tmp_val) {
$escaped[] = str_replace(Array('-',':'), Array('\-','\:'), $tmp_val);
$ret = implode('-', $escaped);
if ($this->getUnitOption($prefix, 'PortalStyleEnv') == true)
$ret = preg_replace('/^([a-zA-Z]+)-([0-9]+)-(.*)/','\\1\\2-\\3', $ret);
return $ret;
function BuildEnv($t, $params, $pass='all', $pass_events = false, $env_var = true)
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$ssl = isset($params['__SSL__']) ? $params['__SSL__'] : 0;
$sid = $session->NeedQueryString() && !$this->RewriteURLs($ssl) ? $this->GetSID() : '';
// if (getArrayValue($params,'admin') == 1) $sid = $this->GetSID();
$ret = '';
if ($env_var) {
$ret = ENV_VAR_NAME.'=';
$ret .= $sid.(constOn('INPORTAL_ENV') ? '-' : ':');
$encode = false;
if (isset($params['__URLENCODE__'])) {
$encode = $params['__URLENCODE__'];
if (isset($params['__SSL__'])) {
$env_string = '';
$category_id = isset($params['m_cat_id']) ? $params['m_cat_id'] : $this->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$item_id = 0;
$pass_info = $this->getPassInfo($pass);
if ($pass_info) {
if ($pass_info[0] == 'm') array_shift($pass_info);
foreach ($pass_info as $pass_element) {
list($prefix) = explode('.', $pass_element);
$require_rewrite = $this->findModule('Var', $prefix);
if ($require_rewrite) {
$item_id = isset($params[$pass_element.'_id']) ? $params[$pass_element.'_id'] : $this->GetVar($pass_element.'_id');
$env_string .= ':'.$this->BuildModuleEnv($pass_element, $params, $pass_events);
if (strtolower($t) == '__default__') {
// to put category & item templates into cache
$filename = $this->getFilename('c', $category_id);
if ($item_id) {
$mod_rw_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ModRewriteHelper');
$t = $mod_rw_helper->GetItemTemplate($category_id, $pass_element); // $pass_element should be the last processed element
// $t = $this->getCache('item_templates', $category_id);
elseif ($category_id) {
$t = $this->getCache('category_templates', $category_id);
else {
$t = 'index';
$ret .= $t.':'.$this->BuildModuleEnv('m', $params, $pass_events).$env_string;
unset($params['pass'], $params['opener'], $params['m_event']);
if ($this->GetVar('admin') && !isset($params['admin'])) {
$params['admin'] = 1;
if (!array_key_exists('editing_mode', $params)) {
$params['editing_mode'] = EDITING_MODE;
if (array_key_exists('escape', $params) && $params['escape']) {
$ret = addslashes($ret);
$join_string = $encode ? '&' : '&amp;';
$params_str = '';
foreach ($params as $param => $value)
$params_str .= $join_string.$param.'='.$value;
$ret .= $params_str;
if ($encode) {
$ret = str_replace('\\', '%5C', $ret);
return $ret;
function BaseURL($prefix='', $ssl=null)
if ($ssl === null) {
return PROTOCOL.SERVER_NAME.(defined('PORT')?':'.PORT : '').rtrim(BASE_PATH, '/').$prefix.'/';
else {
if ($ssl) {
$base_url = defined('ADMIN') && ADMIN ? $this->ConfigValue('AdminSSL_URL') : false;
if (!$base_url) {
$base_url = $this->ConfigValue('SSL_URL');
return rtrim($base_url, '/').$prefix.'/';
else {
return 'http://'.DOMAIN.(defined('PORT')?':'.PORT : '').rtrim( $this->ConfigValue('Site_Path'), '/').$prefix.'/';
function Redirect($t='', $params=null, $prefix='', $index_file=null)
$js_redirect = getArrayValue($params, 'js_redirect');
if (preg_match("/external:(.*)/", $t, $rets)) {
$location = $rets[1];
else {
if ($t == '' || $t === true) $t = $this->GetVar('t');
// pass prefixes and special from previous url
if( isset($params['js_redirect']) ) unset($params['js_redirect']);
if (!isset($params['pass'])) $params['pass'] = 'all';
if ($this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && $t == $this->GetVar('t')) {
// redirects to the same template as current
$params['ajax'] = 'yes';
$params['__URLENCODE__'] = 1;
$location = $this->HREF($t, $prefix, $params, $index_file);
//echo " location : $location <br>";
$a_location = $location;
$location = "Location: $location";
if ($this->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_REDIRECT')) {
echo "<b>Debug output above!!!</b> Proceed to redirect: <a href=\"$a_location\">$a_location</a><br>";
else {
if ($js_redirect) {
$this->SetVar('t', 'redirect');
$this->SetVar('redirect_to_js', addslashes($a_location) );
$this->SetVar('redirect_to', $a_location);
return true;
else {
if ($this->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes' && $t != $this->GetVar('t')) {
// redirection to other then current template during ajax request
echo '#redirect#'.$a_location;
elseif (headers_sent() != '') {
// some output occured -> redirect using javascript
echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = \''.$a_location.'\';</script>';
else {
// no output before -> redirect using HTTP header
// header('HTTP/1.1 302 Found');
// session expiration is called from session initialization,
// that's why $this->Session may be not defined here
$session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session');
/* @var $session Session */
$this->HandleEvent( new kEvent('adm:OnBeforeShutdown') );
function Phrase($label)
return $this->Phrases->GetPhrase($label);
* Replace language tags in exclamation marks found in text
* @param string $text
* @param bool $force_escape force escaping, not escaping of resulting string
* @return string
* @access public
function ReplaceLanguageTags($text, $force_escape=null)
// !!!!!!!!
// if( !is_object($this->Phrases) ) $this->Debugger->appendTrace();
return $this->Phrases->ReplaceLanguageTags($text,$force_escape);
* Checks if user is logged in, and creates
* user object if so. User object can be recalled
* later using "u.current" prefix_special. Also you may
* get user id by getting "u.current_id" variable.
* @access private
function ValidateLogin()
$session =& $this->recallObject('Session');
$user_id = $session->GetField('PortalUserId');
if (!$user_id && $user_id != -1) $user_id = -2;
$this->SetVar('u.current_id', $user_id);
if (!$this->IsAdmin()) {
// needed for "profile edit", "registration" forms ON FRONT ONLY
$this->SetVar('u_id', $user_id);
$this->StoreVar('user_id', $user_id);
if ($this->GetVar('expired') == 1) {
// this parameter is set only from admin
$user =& $this->recallObject('u.current');
$user->SetError('ValidateLogin', 'session_expired', 'la_text_sess_expired');
if (($user_id != -2) && constOn('DBG_REQUREST_LOG') ) {
$http_query =& $this->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
if ($user_id != -2) {
// normal users + root
* Loads current user persistent session data
function LoadPersistentVars()
function LoadCache() {
$cache_key = $this->GetVar('t').$this->GetVar('m_theme').$this->GetVar('m_lang').$this->IsAdmin();
$query = sprintf("SELECT PhraseList, ConfigVariables FROM %s WHERE Template = %s",
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($query);
if ($res) {
$this->Caches['PhraseList'] = $res['PhraseList'] ? explode(',', $res['PhraseList']) : array();
$config_ids = $res['ConfigVariables'] ? explode(',', $res['ConfigVariables']) : array();
if (isset($this->Caches['ConfigVariables'])) {
$config_ids = array_diff($config_ids, $this->Caches['ConfigVariables']);
else {
$config_ids = array();
$this->Caches['ConfigVariables'] = $config_ids;
$this->ConfigCacheIds = $config_ids;
function UpdateCache()
$update = false;
//something changed
$update = $update || $this->Phrases->NeedsCacheUpdate();
$update = $update || (count($this->ConfigCacheIds) && $this->ConfigCacheIds != $this->Caches['ConfigVariables']);
if ($update) {
$cache_key = $this->GetVar('t').$this->GetVar('m_theme').$this->GetVar('m_lang').$this->IsAdmin();
$query = sprintf("REPLACE %s (PhraseList, CacheDate, Template, ConfigVariables)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
$this->Conn->Qstr(join(',', $this->Phrases->Ids)),
$this->Conn->qstr(implode(',', array_unique($this->ConfigCacheIds))));
function InitConfig()
if (isset($this->Caches['ConfigVariables']) && count($this->Caches['ConfigVariables']) > 0) {
$this->ConfigHash = array_merge($this->ConfigHash, $this->Conn->GetCol(
'SELECT VariableValue, VariableName FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ConfigurationValues
WHERE VariableId IN ('.implode(',', $this->Caches['ConfigVariables']).')', 'VariableName'));
* Returns configuration option value by name
* @param string $name
* @return string
function ConfigValue($name)
$res = isset($this->ConfigHash[$name]) ? $this->ConfigHash[$name] : false;
if ($res !== false) {
return $res;
if (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL && !$this->TableFound('ConfigurationValues')) {
return false;
$sql = 'SELECT VariableId, VariableValue
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ConfigurationValues
WHERE VariableName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($name);
$res = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($res !== false) {
$this->ConfigHash[$name] = $res['VariableValue'];
$this->ConfigCacheIds[] = $res['VariableId'];
return $res['VariableValue'];
return false;
function UpdateConfigCache()
if ($this->ConfigCacheIds) {
* Allows to process any type of event
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
* @author Alex
function HandleEvent(&$event, $params=null, $specificParams=null)
if ( isset($params) ) {
$event = new kEvent( $params, $specificParams );
if (!isset($this->EventManager)) {
$this->EventManager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
* Registers new class in the factory
* @param string $real_class Real name of class as in class declaration
* @param string $file Filename in what $real_class is declared
* @param string $pseudo_class Name under this class object will be accessed using getObject method
* @param Array $dependecies List of classes required for this class functioning
* @access public
* @author Alex
function registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class = null, $dependecies = Array() )
$this->Factory->registerClass($real_class, $file, $pseudo_class, $dependecies);
* Add $class_name to required classes list for $depended_class class.
* All required class files are included before $depended_class file is included
* @param string $depended_class
* @param string $class_name
* @author Alex
function registerDependency($depended_class, $class_name)
$this->Factory->registerDependency($depended_class, $class_name);
* Registers Hook from subprefix event to master prefix event
* @param string $hookto_prefix
* @param string $hookto_special
* @param string $hookto_event
* @param string $mode
* @param string $do_prefix
* @param string $do_special
* @param string $do_event
* @param string $conditional
* @access public
* @todo take care of a lot parameters passed
* @author Kostja
function registerHook($hookto_prefix, $hookto_special, $hookto_event, $mode, $do_prefix, $do_special, $do_event, $conditional)
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
$event_manager->registerHook($hookto_prefix, $hookto_special, $hookto_event, $mode, $do_prefix, $do_special, $do_event, $conditional);
* Allows one TagProcessor tag act as other TagProcessor tag
* @param Array $tag_info
* @author Kostja
function registerAggregateTag($tag_info)
$aggregator =& $this->recallObject('TagsAggregator', 'kArray');
$aggregator->SetArrayValue($tag_info['AggregateTo'], $tag_info['AggregatedTagName'], Array($tag_info['LocalPrefix'], $tag_info['LocalTagName'], getArrayValue($tag_info, 'LocalSpecial')));
* Returns object using params specified,
* creates it if is required
* @param string $name
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @param Array $event_params
* @return Object
* @author Alex
function &recallObject($name,$pseudo_class=null,$event_params=Array())
$result =& $this->Factory->getObject($name, $pseudo_class, $event_params);
return $result;
* Returns object using Variable number of params,
* all params starting with 4th are passed to object consturctor
* @param string $name
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @param Array $event_params
* @return Object
* @author Alex
function &recallObjectP($name,$pseudo_class=null,$event_params=Array())
$func_args = func_get_args();
$result =& ref_call_user_func_array( Array(&$this->Factory, 'getObjectP'), $func_args );
return $result;
* Returns tag processor for prefix specified
* @param string $prefix
* @return kDBTagProcessor
function &recallTagProcessor($prefix)
$this->InitParser(); // because kDBTagProcesor is in TemplateParser dependencies
$result =& $this->recallObject($prefix.'_TagProcessor');
return $result;
* Checks if object with prefix passes was already created in factory
* @param string $name object presudo_class, prefix
* @return bool
* @author Kostja
function hasObject($name)
return isset($this->Factory->Storage[$name]);
* Removes object from storage by given name
* @param string $name Object's name in the Storage
* @author Kostja
function removeObject($name)
* Get's real class name for pseudo class,
* includes class file and creates class
* instance
* @param string $pseudo_class
* @return Object
* @access public
* @author Alex
function &makeClass($pseudo_class)
$func_args = func_get_args();
$result =& ref_call_user_func_array( Array(&$this->Factory, 'makeClass'), $func_args);
return $result;
* Checks if application is in debug mode
* @param bool $check_debugger check if kApplication debugger is initialized too, not only for defined DEBUG_MODE constant
* @return bool
* @author Alex
* @access public
function isDebugMode($check_debugger = true)
$debug_mode = defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE;
if ($check_debugger) {
$debug_mode = $debug_mode && is_object($this->Debugger);
return $debug_mode;
* Checks if it is admin
* @return bool
* @author Alex
function IsAdmin()
return constOn('ADMIN');
* Apply url rewriting used by mod_rewrite or not
* @param bool $ssl Force ssl link to be build
* @return bool
function RewriteURLs($ssl = false)
// case #1,#4:
// we want to create https link from http mode
// we want to create https link from https mode
// conditions: ($ssl || PROTOCOL == 'https://') && $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewriteWithSSL')
// case #2,#3:
// we want to create http link from https mode
// we want to create http link from http mode
// conditions: !$ssl && (PROTOCOL == 'https://' || PROTOCOL == 'http://')
$allow_rewriting =
(!$ssl && (PROTOCOL == 'https://' || PROTOCOL == 'http://')) // always allow mod_rewrite for http
|| // or allow rewriting for redirect TO httpS or when already in httpS
(($ssl || PROTOCOL == 'https://') && $this->ConfigValue('UseModRewriteWithSSL')); // but only if it's allowed in config!
return constOn('MOD_REWRITE') && $allow_rewriting;
* Reads unit (specified by $prefix)
* option specified by $option
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $option
* @param mixed $default
* @return string
* @access public
* @author Alex
function getUnitOption($prefix, $option, $default = false)
/*if (!isset($this->UnitConfigReader)) {
$this->UnitConfigReader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->getUnitOption($prefix, $option, $default);
* Set's new unit option value
* @param string $prefix
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @author Alex
* @access public
function setUnitOption($prefix, $option, $value)
// $unit_config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->setUnitOption($prefix,$option,$value);
* Read all unit with $prefix options
* @param string $prefix
* @return Array
* @access public
* @author Alex
function getUnitOptions($prefix)
// $unit_config_reader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->getUnitOptions($prefix);
* Returns true if config exists and is allowed for reading
* @param string $prefix
* @return bool
function prefixRegistred($prefix)
/*if (!isset($this->UnitConfigReader)) {
$this->UnitConfigReader =& $this->recallObject('kUnitConfigReader');
return $this->UnitConfigReader->prefixRegistred($prefix);
* Splits any mixing of prefix and
* special into correct ones
* @param string $prefix_special
* @return Array
* @access public
* @author Alex
function processPrefix($prefix_special)
return $this->Factory->processPrefix($prefix_special);
* Set's new event for $prefix_special
* passed
* @param string $prefix_special
* @param string $event_name
* @access public
function setEvent($prefix_special,$event_name)
$event_manager =& $this->recallObject('EventManager');
* SQL Error Handler
* @param int $code
* @param string $msg
* @param string $sql
* @return bool
* @access private
* @author Alex
function handleSQLError($code, $msg, $sql)
if ( isset($this->Debugger) )
$errorLevel = constOn('DBG_SQL_FAILURE') && !defined('IS_INSTALL') ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING;
$error_msg = '<span class="debug_error">'.$msg.' ('.$code.')</span><br><a href="javascript:$Debugger.SetClipboard(\''.htmlspecialchars($sql).'\');"><b>SQL</b></a>: '.$this->Debugger->formatSQL($sql);
$long_id = $this->Debugger->mapLongError($error_msg);
trigger_error( mb_substr($msg.' ('.$code.') ['.$sql.']',0,1000).' #'.$long_id, $errorLevel);
return true;
//$errorLevel = constOn('IS_INSTALL') ? E_USER_WARNING : E_USER_ERROR;
$errorLevel = E_USER_WARNING;
trigger_error('<b>SQL Error</b> in sql: '.$sql.', code <b>'.$code.'</b> ('.$msg.')', $errorLevel);
/*echo '<b>xProcessing SQL</b>: '.$sql.'<br>';
echo '<b>Error ('.$code.'):</b> '.$msg.'<br>';*/
return $errorLevel == E_USER_ERROR ? false : true;
* Default error handler
* @param int $errno
* @param string $errstr
* @param string $errfile
* @param int $errline
* @param Array $errcontext
function handleError($errno, $errstr, $errfile = '', $errline = '', $errcontext = '')
if( constOn('SILENT_LOG') )
$fp = fopen(FULL_PATH.'/silent_log.txt','a');
$time = adodb_date('d/m/Y H:i:s');
fwrite($fp, '['.$time.'] #'.$errno.': '.strip_tags($errstr).' in ['.$errfile.'] on line '.$errline."\n");
if (!$this->errorHandlers || (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_SKIP_REPORTING') && DBG_SKIP_REPORTING)) {
// when debugger absent OR it's present, but we actually can't see it's error report (e.g. during ajax request)
if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR) {
header('HTTP/1.0 500 Script Fatal Error');
echo ('<div style="background-color: #FEFFBF; margin: auto; padding: 10px; border: 2px solid red; text-align: center">
<strong>Fatal Error: </strong>
'."$errstr in $errfile on line $errline".'
return true;
$res = false;
$i = 0; // while (not foreach) because it is array of references in some cases
$eh_count = count($this->errorHandlers);
while ($i < $eh_count) {
if ( is_array($this->errorHandlers[$i]) ) {
$object =& $this->errorHandlers[$i][0];
$method = $this->errorHandlers[$i][1];
$res = $object->$method($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
else {
$function = $this->errorHandlers[$i];
$res = $function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext);
return $res;
* Returns & blocks next ResourceId available in system
* @return int
* @access public
* @author Alex
function NextResourceId()
$table_name = TABLE_PREFIX.'IdGenerator';
$this->Conn->Query('LOCK TABLES '.$table_name.' WRITE');
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$table_name.' SET lastid = lastid + 1');
$id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT lastid FROM '.$table_name);
if($id === false)
$this->Conn->Query('INSERT INTO '.$table_name.' (lastid) VALUES (2)');
$id = 2;
$this->Conn->Query('UNLOCK TABLES');
return $id - 1;
* Returns genealogical main prefix for subtable prefix passes
* OR prefix, that has been found in REQUEST and some how is parent of passed subtable prefix
* @param string $current_prefix
* @param string $real_top if set to true will return real topmost prefix, regardless of its id is passed or not
* @return string
* @access public
* @author Kostja / Alex
function GetTopmostPrefix($current_prefix, $real_top = false)
// 1. get genealogical tree of $current_prefix
$prefixes = Array ($current_prefix);
while ( $parent_prefix = $this->getUnitOption($current_prefix, 'ParentPrefix') ) {
if (!$this->prefixRegistred($parent_prefix)) {
// stop searching, when parent prefix is not registered
$current_prefix = $parent_prefix;
array_unshift($prefixes, $current_prefix);
if ($real_top) {
return $current_prefix;
// 2. find what if parent is passed
$passed = explode(',', $this->GetVar('all_passed'));
foreach ($prefixes as $a_prefix) {
if (in_array($a_prefix, $passed)) {
return $a_prefix;
return $current_prefix;
* Triggers email event of type Admin
* @param string $email_event_name
* @param int $to_user_id
* @param array $send_params associative array of direct send params, possible keys: to_email, to_name, from_email, from_name, message, message_text
* @return unknown
function &EmailEventAdmin($email_event_name, $to_user_id = -1, $send_params = false)
$event =& $this->EmailEvent($email_event_name, 1, $to_user_id, $send_params);
return $event;
* Triggers email event of type User
* @param string $email_event_name
* @param int $to_user_id
* @param array $send_params associative array of direct send params, possible keys: to_email, to_name, from_email, from_name, message, message_text
* @return unknown
function &EmailEventUser($email_event_name, $to_user_id = -1, $send_params = false)
$event =& $this->EmailEvent($email_event_name, 0, $to_user_id, $send_params);
return $event;
* Triggers general email event
* @param string $email_event_name
* @param int $email_event_type ( 0 for User, 1 for Admin)
* @param int $to_user_id
* @param array $send_params associative array of direct send params,
* possible keys: to_email, to_name, from_email, from_name, message, message_text
* @return unknown
function &EmailEvent($email_event_name, $email_event_type, $to_user_id = -1, $send_params = false)
$params = array(
'EmailEventName' => $email_event_name,
'EmailEventToUserId' => $to_user_id,
'EmailEventType' => $email_event_type,
if ($send_params) {
$params['DirectSendParams'] = $send_params;
$event_str = isset($send_params['use_special']) ? 'emailevents.'.$send_params['use_special'].':OnEmailEvent' : 'emailevents:OnEmailEvent';
$this->HandleEvent($event, $event_str, $params);
return $event;
* Allows to check if user in this session is logged in or not
* @return bool
function LoggedIn()
// no session during expiration process
return is_null($this->Session) ? false : $this->Session->LoggedIn();
* Check current user permissions based on it's group permissions in specified category
* @param string $name permission name
* @param int $cat_id category id, current used if not specified
* @param int $type permission type {1 - system, 0 - per category}
* @return int
function CheckPermission($name, $type = 1, $cat_id = null)
$perm_helper =& $this->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
return $perm_helper->CheckPermission($name, $type, $cat_id);
* Set's any field of current visit
* @param string $field
* @param mixed $value
function setVisitField($field, $value)
$visit =& $this->recallObject('visits');
$visit->SetDBField($field, $value);
* Allows to check if in-portal is installed
* @return bool
function isInstalled()
return $this->InitDone && (count($this->ModuleInfo) > 0);
* Allows to determine if module is installed & enabled
* @param string $module_name
* @return bool
function isModuleEnabled($module_name)
return $this->findModule('Name', $module_name) !== false;
function reportError($class, $method)
trigger_error('depricated method <b>'.$class.'->'.$method.'(...)</b>', E_USER_ERROR);
* Returns Window ID of passed prefix main prefix (in edit mode)
* @param string $prefix
* @return mixed
function GetTopmostWid($prefix)
$top_prefix = $this->GetTopmostPrefix($prefix);
$mode = $this->GetVar($top_prefix.'_mode');
return $mode != '' ? substr($mode, 1) : '';
* Get temp table name
* @param string $table
* @param mixed $wid
* @return string
function GetTempName($table, $wid = '')
if (preg_match('/prefix:(.*)/', $wid, $regs)) {
$wid = $this->GetTopmostWid($regs[1]);
return TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().($wid ? '_'.$wid : '').'_edit_'.$table;
function GetTempTablePrefix($wid = '')
if (preg_match('/prefix:(.*)/', $wid, $regs)) {
$wid = $this->GetTopmostWid($regs[1]);
return TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().($wid ? '_'.$wid : '').'_edit_';
function IsTempTable($table)
return preg_match('/'.TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().'(_[\d]+){0,1}_edit_(.*)/',$table);
* Return live table name based on temp table name
* @param string $temp_table
* @return string
function GetLiveName($temp_table)
if( preg_match('/'.TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->GetSID().'(_[\d]+){0,1}_edit_(.*)/',$temp_table, $rets) )
// cut wid from table end if any
return $rets[2];
return $temp_table;
function CheckProcessors($processors)
foreach ($processors as $a_processor)
if (!isset($this->CachedProcessors[$a_processor])) {
$this->CachedProcessors[$a_processor] =& $this->recallObject($a_processor.'_TagProcessor');
function TimeZoneAdjustment($time_zone = null)
if ($time_zone == 'GMT') {
return (-1) * adodb_date('Z');
$target_zone = isset($time_zone) ? $time_zone : $this->ConfigValue('Config_Site_Time');
return 3600 * ($target_zone - $this->ConfigValue('Config_Server_Time'));
function ApplicationDie($message = '')
$message = ob_get_clean().$message;
if ($this->isDebugMode()) {
$message .= $this->Debugger->printReport(true);
echo $this->UseOutputCompression() ? gzencode($message, DBG_COMPRESSION_LEVEL) : $message;
/* moved from MyApplication */
function getUserGroups($user_id)
case -1:
$user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup');
case -2:
$user_groups = $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup');
$user_groups .= ','.$this->ConfigValue('User_GuestGroup');
$sql = 'SELECT GroupId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id;
$res = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$user_groups = Array( $this->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup') );
$user_groups = array_merge($user_groups, $res);
$user_groups = implode(',', $user_groups);
return $user_groups;
* Allows to detect if page is browsed by spider (293 agents supported)
* @return bool
function IsSpider()
static $is_spider = null;
if (!isset($is_spider)) {
$user_agent = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$robots = file(FULL_PATH.'/core/robots_list.txt');
foreach ($robots as $robot_info) {
$robot_info = explode("\t", $robot_info, 3);
if ($user_agent == trim($robot_info[2])) {
$is_spider = true;
return $is_spider;
* Allows to detect table's presense in database
* @param string $table_name
* @return bool
function TableFound($table_name)
return $this->Conn->TableFound($table_name);
* Returns counter value
* @param string $name counter name
* @param Array $params counter parameters
* @param string $query_name specify query name directly (don't generate from parmeters)
* @param bool $multiple_results
* @return mixed
function getCounter($name, $params = Array (), $query_name = null, $multiple_results = false)
$count_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper');
/* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */
return $count_helper->getCounter($name, $params, $query_name, $multiple_results);
* Resets counter, whitch are affected by one of specified tables
* @param string $tables comma separated tables list used in counting sqls
function resetCounters($tables)
if (constOn('IS_INSTALL')) {
return ;
$count_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper');
/* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */
return $count_helper->resetCounters($tables);
* Sends XML header + optionally displays xml heading
* @param string $xml_version
* @return string
* @author Alex
function XMLHeader($xml_version = false)
$lang =& $this->recallObject('lang.current');
header('Content-type: text/xml; charset='.$lang->GetDBField('Charset'));
return $xml_version ? '<?xml version="'.$xml_version.'" encoding="'.$lang->GetDBField('Charset').'"?>' : '';
* Returns category tree
* @param int $category_id
* @return Array
function getTreeIndex($category_id)
$category_template = $this->getFilename('c', $category_id); // to rebuild "category_tree" cache
$tree_index = $this->getCache('category_tree', $category_id);
if ($tree_index) {
$ret = Array ();
list ($ret['TreeLeft'], $ret['TreeRight']) = explode(';', $tree_index);
return $ret;
return false;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/kernel/application.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/units/categories/categories_tag_processor.php
--- branches/RC/core/units/categories/categories_tag_processor.php (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/units/categories/categories_tag_processor.php (revision 11520)
@@ -1,1856 +1,1882 @@
class CategoriesTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor {
* Cached version of site menu
* @var Array
var $Menu = null;
* Parent path mapping used in CachedMenu tag
* @var Array
var $ParentPaths = Array ();
function SubCatCount($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if (isset($params['today']) && $params['today']) {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM '.$object->TableName.'
WHERE (ParentPath LIKE "'.$object->GetDBField('ParentPath').'%") AND (CreatedOn > '.(adodb_mktime() - 86400).')';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) - 1;
return $object->GetDBField('CachedDescendantCatsQty');
* Returns category count in system
* @param Array $params
* @return int
function CategoryCount($params)
$count_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper');
/* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */
$today_only = isset($params['today']) && $params['today'];
return $count_helper->CategoryCount($today_only);
function IsNew($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return $object->GetDBField('IsNew') ? 1 : 0;
function IsPick($params)
return $this->IsEditorsPick($params);
* Returns item's editors pick status (using not formatted value)
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function IsEditorsPick($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return $object->GetDBField('EditorsPick') == 1;
function ItemIcon($params)
// only for categories, not structure
if ($this->Prefix != 'c') {
return parent::ItemIcon($params);
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if ($object->GetDBField('IsMenu')) {
$status = $object->GetDBField('Status');
if ($status == 1) {
$ret = $object->GetDBField('IsNew') ? 'icon16_cat_new.gif' : 'icon16_folder.gif';
else {
$ret = $status ? 'icon16_cat_pending.gif' : 'icon16_cat_disabled.gif';
else {
$ret = 'icon16_folder-red.gif';
return $ret;
function ItemCount($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$ci_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('l-ci', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM ' . $object->TableName . ' c
LEFT JOIN ' . $ci_table . ' ci ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId
WHERE (c.TreeLeft BETWEEN ' . $object->GetDBField('TreeLeft') . ' AND ' . $object->GetDBField('TreeRight') . ') AND NOT (ci.CategoryId IS NULL)';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
function ListCategories($params)
return $this->PrintList2($params);
function RootCategoryName($params)
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'RootCategoryName', $params);
function CheckModuleRoot($params)
$module_name = getArrayValue($params, 'module') ? $params['module'] : 'In-Commerce';
$module_root_cat = $this->Application->findModule('Name', $module_name, 'RootCat');
$additional_cats = $this->SelectParam($params, 'add_cats');
if ($additional_cats) {
$additional_cats = explode(',', $additional_cats);
else {
$additional_cats = array();
if ($this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id') == $module_root_cat || in_array($this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id'), $additional_cats)) {
$home_template = getArrayValue($params, 'home_template');
if (!$home_template) return;
$this->Application->Redirect($home_template, Array('pass'=>'all'));
function CategoryPath($params)
$category_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CategoryHelper');
/* @var $category_helper CategoryHelper */
return $category_helper->NavigationBar($params);
* Shows category path to specified category
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function FieldCategoryPath($params)
$object =& $this->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$field = $this->SelectParam($params, 'name,field');
$category_id = $object->GetDBField($field);
if ($category_id) {
$params['cat_id'] = $category_id;
return $this->CategoryPath($params);
return '';
function CurrentCategoryName($params)
$cat_object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix.'_List');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$this->getTitleField().'
FROM '.$cat_object->TableName.'
WHERE CategoryId = '.$this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
* Returns current category name
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @todo Find where it's used
function CurrentCategory($params)
return $this->CurrentCategoryName($params);
function getTitleField()
$ml_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
return $ml_formatter->LangFieldName('Name');
function getCategorySymLink($category_id)
static $cache = null;
if (!isset($cache)) {
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT SymLinkCategoryId, '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE SymLinkCategoryId IS NOT NULL';
$cache = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, $id_field);
if (isset($cache[$category_id])) {
//check if sym. link category is valid
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$cache[$category_id];
$category_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql)? $cache[$category_id] : $category_id;
return $category_id;
function CategoryLink($params)
$category_id = getArrayValue($params, 'cat_id');
if ($category_id === false) {
$category_id = $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_id');
if ("$category_id" == 'Root') {
$category_id = $this->Application->findModule('Name', $params['module'], 'RootCat');
elseif ("$category_id" == 'current') {
$category_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$category_id = $this->getCategorySymLink($category_id);
unset($params['cat_id'], $params['module']);
$new_params = Array ('pass' => 'm', 'm_cat_id' => $category_id, 'pass_category' => 1);
$params = array_merge_recursive2($params, $new_params);
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 't', $params);
function CategoryList($params)
//$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial() , $this->Prefix.'_List', $params );
$object =& $this->GetList($params);
if ($object->RecordsCount == 0)
if (isset($params['block_no_cats'])) {
$params['name'] = $params['block_no_cats'];
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params);
else {
return '';
if (isset($params['block'])) {
return $this->PrintList($params);
else {
$params['block'] = $params['block_main'];
if (isset($params['block_row_start'])) {
$params['row_start_block'] = $params['block_row_start'];
if (isset($params['block_row_end'])) {
$params['row_end_block'] = $params['block_row_end'];
return $this->PrintList2($params);
function Meta($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix); // .'.-item'
/* @var $object CategoriesItem */
$meta_type = $params['name'];
if ($object->isLoaded()) {
// 1. get module prefix by current category
$category_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CategoryHelper');
/* @var $category_helper CategoryHelper */
$category_path = explode('|', substr($object->GetDBField('ParentPath'), 1, -1));
$module_info = $category_helper->getCategoryModule($params, $category_path);
// In-Edit & Proj-CMS module prefixes doesn't have custom field with item template
if ($module_info && $module_info['Var'] != 'cms' && $module_info['Var'] != 'st') {
// 2. get item template by current category & module prefix
$mod_rewrite_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('ModRewriteHelper');
/* @var $mod_rewrite_helper kModRewriteHelper */
$category_params = Array (
'CategoryId' => $object->GetID(),
'ParentPath' => $object->GetDBField('ParentPath'),
$item_template = $mod_rewrite_helper->GetItemTemplate($category_params, $module_info['Var']);
if ($this->Application->GetVar('t') == $item_template) {
// we are located on item's details page
$item =& $this->Application->recallObject($module_info['Var']);
/* @var $item kCatDBItem */
// 3. get item's meta data
$value = $item->GetField('Meta'.$meta_type);
if ($value) {
return $value;
// 4. get category meta data
$value = $object->GetField('Meta'.$meta_type);
if ($value) {
return $value;
// 5. get default meta data
switch ($meta_type) {
case 'Description':
$config_name = 'Category_MetaDesc';
case 'Keywords':
$config_name = 'Category_MetaKey';
return $this->Application->ConfigValue($config_name);
function BuildListSpecial($params)
if ( isset($params['parent_cat_id']) ) {
$parent_cat_id = $params['parent_cat_id'];
else {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar($this->Prefix.'_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = 0;
$no_special = isset($params['no_special']) && $params['no_special'];
if ($no_special) return $this->Special;
$list_unique_key = $this->getUniqueListKey($params);
if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
// add parent category to special, when on Front-End,
// because there can be many category lists on same page
$list_unique_key .= $parent_cat_id;
if ($list_unique_key == '') {
return parent::BuildListSpecial($params);
return crc32($list_unique_key);
function IsCurrent($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if ($object->GetID() == $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id')) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* Substitutes category in last template base on current category
* This is required becasue when you navigate catalog using AJAX, last_template is not updated
* but when you open item edit from catalog last_template is used to build opener_stack
* So, if we don't substitute m_cat_id in last_template, after saving item we'll get redirected
* to the first category we've opened, not the one we navigated to using AJAX
* @param Array $params
function UpdateLastTemplate($params)
$category_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$wid = $this->Application->GetVar('m_wid');
list($index_file, $env) = explode('|', $this->Application->RecallVar(rtrim('last_template_'.$wid, '_')), 2);
$vars = $this->Application->HttpQuery->processQueryString( str_replace('%5C', '\\', $env) );
foreach ($vars as $var_name => $var_value) {
$this->Application->SetVar($var_name, $var_value);
// update required fields
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $category_id);
function GetParentCategory($params)
$parent_id = 0;
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix,'TableName');
$cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if ($cat_id > 0) {
$sql = 'SELECT ParentId
FROM '.$table.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$cat_id;
$parent_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
return $parent_id;
function InitCacheUpdater($params)
safeDefine('CACHE_PERM_CHUNK_SIZE', 30);
$continue = $this->Application->GetVar('continue');
$total_cats = (int) $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category');
if ($continue === false && $total_cats > CACHE_PERM_CHUNK_SIZE) {
// first step, if category count > CACHE_PERM_CHUNK_SIZE, then ask for cache update
return true;
if ($continue === false) {
// if we don't have to ask, then assume user selected "Yes" in permcache update dialog
$continue = 1;
$updater =& $this->Application->recallObject('kPermCacheUpdater', null, Array('continue' => $continue));
/* @var $updater kPermCacheUpdater */
if ($continue === '0') { // No in dialog
$ret = false; // don't ask for update
if ($continue == 1) { // Initial run
if ($continue == 2) { // Continuing
// called from AJAX request => returns percent
$needs_more = true;
while ($needs_more && $updater->iteration <= CACHE_PERM_CHUNK_SIZE) {
// until proceeeded in this step category count exceeds category per step limit
$needs_more = $updater->DoTheJob();
if ($needs_more) {
// still some categories are left for next step
else {
// all done -> redirect
$ret = $updater->getDonePercent();
return $ret;
* Parses warning block, but with style="display: none;". Used during permissions saving from AJAX
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SaveWarning($params)
if ($this->Prefix != 'c') {
// don't use this method for other prefixes then Category, that use this tag processor
return ;
$main_prefix = getArrayValue($params, 'main_prefix');
if ($main_prefix && $main_prefix != '$main_prefix') {
$top_prefix = $main_prefix;
else {
$top_prefix = $this->Application->GetTopmostPrefix($this->Prefix);
$temp_tables = substr($this->Application->GetVar($top_prefix.'_mode'), 0, 1) == 't';
$modified = $this->Application->RecallVar($top_prefix.'_modified');
if (!$temp_tables) {
return '';
$block_name = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,name');
if ($block_name) {
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $block_name;
$block_params['edit_mode'] = $temp_tables ? 1 : 0;
$block_params['display'] = $temp_tables && $modified ? 1 : 0;
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
else {
return $temp_tables && $modified ? 1 : 0;
return ;
* Allows to detect if this prefix has something in clipboard
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function HasClipboard($params)
$clipboard = $this->Application->RecallVar('clipboard');
if ($clipboard) {
$clipboard = unserialize($clipboard);
foreach ($clipboard as $prefix => $clipboard_data) {
foreach ($clipboard_data as $mode => $ids) {
if (count($ids)) return 1;
return 0;
* Allows to detect if root category being edited
* @param Array $params
function IsRootCategory($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return $object->IsRoot();
* Used for disabling "Home" and "Up" buttons in category list
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function ModuleRootCategory($params)
$root_category = $this->Application->findModule('Name', 'Proj-CMS', 'RootCat');
return $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id') == $root_category;
function CatalogItemCount($params)
$object =& $this->GetList($params);
if (!$object->Counted) {
return $object->NoFilterCount != $object->RecordsCount ? $object->RecordsCount.' / '.$object->NoFilterCount : $object->RecordsCount;
* Print grid pagination using
* block names specified
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @access public
function PrintPages($params)
if ($this->Application->Parser->GetParam('no_special')) {
$params['no_special'] = $this->Application->Parser->GetParam('no_special');
return parent::PrintPages($params);
function InitCatalog($params)
$tab_prefixes = $this->Application->GetVar('tp'); // {all, <prefixes_list>, none}
if ($tab_prefixes === false) $tab_prefixes = 'all';
$skip_prefixes = isset($params['skip_prefixes']) && $params['skip_prefixes'] ? explode(',', $params['skip_prefixes']) : Array();
// get all prefixes available
$prefixes = Array();
foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_data) {
if ($module_data['Var'] == 'm' || $module_data['Var'] == 'adm') continue;
$prefixes[] = $module_data['Var'];
if ($tab_prefixes == 'none') {
$skip_prefixes = array_unique(array_merge($skip_prefixes, $prefixes));
elseif ($tab_prefixes != 'all') {
// prefix list here
$tab_prefixes = explode(',', $tab_prefixes); // list of prefixes that should stay
$skip_prefixes = array_unique(array_merge($skip_prefixes, array_diff($prefixes, $tab_prefixes)));
$params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$params['skip_prefixes'] = implode(',', $skip_prefixes);
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params, 1);
* Determines, that printed category/menu item is currently active (will also match parent category)
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function IsActive($params)
static $current_path = null;
if (!isset($current_path)) {
$sql = 'SELECT ParentPath
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
WHERE CategoryId = ' . $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$current_path = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (array_key_exists('parent_path', $params)) {
$test_path = $params['parent_path'];
else {
$template = $params['template'];
if ($template) {
// when using from "c:CachedMenu" tag
$sql = 'SELECT ParentPath
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
WHERE NamedParentPath = ' . $this->Conn->qstr('Content/' . $template);
$test_path = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
else {
// when using from "c:PrintList" tag
$cat_id = array_key_exists('cat_id', $params) && $params['cat_id'] ? $params['cat_id'] : false;
if ($cat_id === false) {
// category not supplied -> get current from PrintList
$category =& $this->getObject($params);
else {
if ("$cat_id" == 'Root') {
$cat_id = $this->Application->findModule('Name', $params['module'], 'RootCat');
$category =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix . '.-c' . $cat_id, $this->Prefix, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
$test_path = $category->GetDBField('ParentPath');
return strpos($current_path, $test_path) !== false;
* Checks if user have one of required permissions
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function HasPermission($params)
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
/* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */
$params['raise_warnings'] = 0;
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$params['cat_id'] = $object->isLoaded() ? $object->GetDBField('ParentPath') : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
return $perm_helper->TagPermissionCheck($params);
* Prepares name for field with event in it (used only on front-end)
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SubmitName($params)
return 'events['.$this->Prefix.']['.$params['event'].']';
* Returns last modification date of items in category / system
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function LastUpdated($params)
$category_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
if (isset($params['local']) && $params['local'] && $category_id > 0) {
// scan only current category & it's children
$sql = 'SELECT TreeLeft, TreeRight
WHERE CategoryId = '.$category_id;
$tree_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(c.Modified) AS ModDate, MAX(c.CreatedOn) AS NewDate
WHERE c.TreeLeft BETWEEN '.$tree_info['TreeLeft'].' AND '.$tree_info['TreeRight'];
else {
// scan all categories in system
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(Modified) AS ModDate, MAX(CreatedOn) AS NewDate
FROM '.$table_name;
$row_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if (!$row_data) {
return '';
$date = $row_data[ $row_data['NewDate'] > $row_data['ModDate'] ? 'NewDate' : 'ModDate' ];
// format date
$format = isset($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : '_regional_DateTimeFormat';
if (preg_match("/_regional_(.*)/", $format, $regs)) {
$lang =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
if ($regs[1] == 'DateTimeFormat') {
// combined format
$format = $lang->GetDBField('DateFormat').' '.$lang->GetDBField('TimeFormat');
else {
// simple format
$format = $lang->GetDBField($regs[1]);
return adodb_date($format, $date);
function CategoryItemCount($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBList */
$params['cat_id'] = $object->GetID();
$count_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper');
/* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */
return $count_helper->CategoryItemCount($params['prefix'], $params);
* Returns prefix + any word (used for shared between categories per page settings)
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function VarName($params)
return $this->Prefix.'_'.$params['type'];
* Checks if current category is valid symbolic link to another category
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function IsCategorySymLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBList */
$sym_category_id = $object->GetDBField('SymLinkCategoryId');
if (is_null($sym_category_id))
return false;
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$sym_category_id;
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql)? true : false;
* Returns module prefix based on root category for given
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function GetModulePrefix($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$parent_path = explode('|', substr($object->GetDBField('ParentPath'), 1, -1));
$category_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CategoryHelper');
/* @var $category_helper CategoryHelper */
$module_info = $category_helper->getCategoryModule($params, $parent_path);
return $module_info['Var'];
function ImageSrc($params)
list ($ret, $tag_processed) = $this->processAggregatedTag('ImageSrc', $params, $this->getPrefixSpecial());
return $tag_processed ? $ret : false;
function PageLink($params)
$t = isset($params['template']) ? $params['template'] : '';
if (!$t) $t = $this->Application->GetVar('t');
if (isset($params['page'])) {
$this->Application->SetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page', $params['page']);
$params['m_cat_page'] = $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_Page');
if (!isset($params['pass'])) {
$params['pass'] = 'm,'.$this->getPrefixSpecial();
return $this->Application->HREF($t, '', $params);
* Returns spelling suggestions against search keyword
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SpellingSuggestions($params)
$keywords = unhtmlentities( trim($this->Application->GetVar('keywords')) );
if (!$keywords) {
return ;
// 1. try to get already cached suggestion
$suggestion = $this->Application->getCache('search.suggestion', $keywords);
if ($suggestion !== false) {
return $suggestion;
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('spelling-dictionary', 'TableName');
// 2. search suggestion in database
$sql = 'SELECT SuggestedCorrection
FROM ' . $table_name . '
WHERE MisspelledWord = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($keywords);
$suggestion = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($suggestion !== false) {
$this->Application->setCache('search.suggestion', $keywords, $suggestion);
return $suggestion;
// 3. suggestion not found in database, ask webservice
$app_id = $this->Application->ConfigValue('YahooApplicationId');
$url = '' . $app_id . '&query=';
$curl_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CurlHelper');
/* @var $curl_helper kCurlHelper */
$xml_data = $curl_helper->Send($url . urlencode($keywords));
$xml_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kXMLHelper');
/* @var $xml_helper kXMLHelper */
$root_node =& $xml_helper->Parse($xml_data);
$result = $root_node->FindChild('RESULT');
/* @var $result kXMLNode */
if (is_object($result)) {
// webservice responded -> save in local database
$fields_hash = Array (
'MisspelledWord' => $keywords,
'SuggestedCorrection' => $result->Data,
$this->Conn->doInsert($fields_hash, $table_name);
$this->Application->setCache('search.suggestion', $keywords, $result->Data);
return $result->Data;
return '';
* Shows link for searching by suggested word
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SuggestionLink($params)
$params['keywords'] = $this->SpellingSuggestions($params);
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params);
function InitCatalogTab($params)
$tab_params['mode'] = $this->Application->GetVar('tm'); // single/multi selection possible
$tab_params['special'] = $this->Application->GetVar('ts'); // use special for this tab
$tab_params['dependant'] = $this->Application->GetVar('td'); // is grid dependant on categories grid
// set default params (same as in catalog)
if ($tab_params['mode'] === false) $tab_params['mode'] = 'multi';
if ($tab_params['special'] === false) $tab_params['special'] = '';
if ($tab_params['dependant'] === false) $tab_params['dependant'] = 'yes';
// pass params to block with tab content
$params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$params['prefix'] = trim($this->Prefix.'.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.');
$prefix_append = $this->Application->GetVar('prefix_append');
if ($prefix_append) {
$params['prefix'] .= $prefix_append;
$default_grid = array_key_exists('default_grid', $params) ? $params['default_grid'] : 'Default';
$radio_grid = array_key_exists('radio_grid', $params) ? $params['radio_grid'] : 'Radio';
$params['cat_prefix'] = trim('c.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.');
$params['tab_mode'] = $tab_params['mode'];
$params['grid_name'] = ($tab_params['mode'] == 'multi') ? $default_grid : $radio_grid;
$params['tab_dependant'] = $tab_params['dependant'];
$params['show_category'] = $tab_params['special'] == 'showall' ? 1 : 0; // this is advanced view -> show category name
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params, 1);
* Show CachedNavbar of current item primary category
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function CategoryName($params)
// show category cachednavbar of
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$category_id = isset($params['cat_id']) ? $params['cat_id'] : $object->GetDBField('CategoryId');
$category_path = $this->Application->getCache('category_paths', $category_id);
if ($category_path === false) {
// not chached
if ($category_id > 0) {
$category_path = trim($this->CategoryName( Array('cat_id' => 0) ).' > '.str_replace('&|&', ' > ', $object->GetField('CachedNavbar')), ' > ');
else {
$category_path = $this->Application->Phrase( $this->Application->ConfigValue('Root_Name') );
$this->Application->setCache('category_paths', $category_id, $category_path);
return $category_path;
// structure related
* Returns page object based on requested params
* @param Array $params
* @return PagesItem
function &_getPage($params)
$page =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix . '.-virtual', null, $params);
/* @var $page kDBItem */
// 1. load by given id
$page_id = array_key_exists('page_id', $params) ? $params['page_id'] : false;
if ($page_id) {
if ($page_id != $page->GetID()) {
// load if different
return $page;
// 2. load by template
$template = array_key_exists('page', $params) ? $params['page'] : '';
if (!$template) {
$template = $this->Application->GetVar('t');
// different path in structure AND design template differes from requested template
$structure_path_match = strtolower( $page->GetDBField('NamedParentPath') ) == strtolower('Content/' . $template);
$design_match = $page->GetDBField('CachedTemplate') == $template;
if (!$structure_path_match && !$design_match) {
// Same sql like in "c:getPassedID". Load, when current page object doesn't match requested page object
$sql = 'SELECT ' . $page->IDField . '
FROM ' . $page->TableName . '
WHERE (NamedParentPath = ' . $this->Conn->qstr('Content/' . $template) . ') OR (IsSystem = 1 AND CachedTemplate = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($template) . ')';
$page_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
return $page;
* Returns requested content block content of current or specified page
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ContentBlock($params)
$num = getArrayValue($params, 'num');
if (!$num) {
$page =& $this->_getPage($params);
/* @var $page kDBItem */
if (!$page->isLoaded()) {
// page is not created yet => all blocks are empty
return '';
$page_id = $page->GetID();
$data = Array ('PageId' => $page_id, 'ContentNum' => $num);
$content =& $this->Application->recallObject('content.-block', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $content kDBItem */
if (!$content->isLoaded()) {
// bug: missing content blocks are created even if user have no SMS-management rights
$edit_code = '';
$bg_color = isset($params['bgcolor']) ? $params['bgcolor'] : '#ffffff';
$url_params = Array (
- 'pass' => 'm,' . $this->Prefix . ',content',
- 'm_opener' => 'd',
- 'st_id' => $page->GetID(),
- 'content_id' => $content->GetID(),
- 'front' => 1,
- 'admin' => 1,
- '__URLENCODE__' => 1,
- '__NO_REWRITE__'=> 1,
- 'escape' => 1,
- 'index_file' => 'index.php',
- // 'bgcolor' => $bg_color,
- // '__FORCE_SID__' => 1
+ 'pass' => 'm,c,content',
+ 'm_opener' => 'd',
+ 'c_id' => $page->GetID(),
+ 'content_id' => $content->GetID(),
+ 'front' => 1,
+ 'admin' => 1,
+ '__URLENCODE__' => 1,
+ '__NO_REWRITE__'=> 1,
+ 'escape' => 1,
+ 'index_file' => 'index.php',
+// 'bgcolor' => $bg_color,
+// '__FORCE_SID__' => 1
if (isset($params['float'])) {
$pos_float = 'position: relative; float: '.$params['float'].';';
else {
$pos_float = 'width: auto; position: absolute;';
// link from Front-End to admin, don't remove "index.php"
- $edit_url = $this->Application->HREF('in-edit/pages/content_edit', ADMIN_DIRECTORY, $url_params, 'index.php');
+ $edit_url = $this->Application->HREF('categories/edit_content', ADMIN_DIRECTORY, $url_params, 'index.php');
$button_css = 'font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 9pt; '.$pos_float.' z-index: 99; background-color: #F7C300; color: #CE0031; border: 1px solid #CE0031; padding: 1px 10px 1px 10px; cursor: pointer;';
- $edit_code = '<div style="'.$button_css.'" onclick="$form_name=\'kf_cont_'.$content->GetID().'\'; open_popup(\'content\', \'OnEdit\', \'categories/edit_content\');">Edit</div>';
+ $edit_code = '<div style="'.$button_css.'" onclick="$form_name=\'kf_cont_'.$content->GetID().'\'; open_popup(\'content\', \'OnEdit\', \'categories/edit_content\');">Edit '.(defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE ? "({$num})" : '').'</div>';
if (isset($params['forms_later']) && $params['forms_later']) {
$tmp = $edit_code;
$edit_code = '';
- $edit_code .= '<form style="display: inline; margin: 0px" name="kf_cont_'.$content->GetID().'" id="kf_cont_'.$content->GetID().'" action="'.$edit_url.'">';
- $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="st_id" value="'.$page->GetID().'"/>';
+ $edit_code .= '<form method="POST" style="display: inline; margin: 0px" name="kf_cont_'.$content->GetID().'" id="kf_cont_'.$content->GetID().'" action="'.$edit_url.'">';
+ $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="c_id" value="'.$page->GetID().'"/>';
$edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="content_id" value="'.$content->GetID().'"/>';
$edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="front" value="1"/>';
$edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="bgcolor" value="'.$bg_color.'"/>';
$edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="m_lang" value="'.$this->Application->GetVar('m_lang').'"/>';
$edit_code .= '</form>';
if (isset($params['forms_later']) && $params['forms_later']) {
$all_forms = $this->Application->GetVar('all_forms');
$all_forms .= $edit_code;
$this->Application->SetVar('all_forms', $all_forms);
$edit_code = $tmp;
if ($this->Application->GetVar('_editor_preview_') == 1) {
$data = $this->Application->RecallVar('_editor_preview_content_');
} else {
$data = $content->GetField('Content');
return $edit_code . $this->_replacePageIds($data);
* Replace links like "@@ID@@" to actual template names in given text
* @param string $text
* @return string
function _replacePageIds($text)
if (!preg_match_all('/@@(\\d+)@@/', $text, $regs)) {
return $text;
$page_ids = $regs[1];
$sql = 'SELECT NamedParentPath, CategoryId
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
WHERE CategoryId IN (' . implode(',', $page_ids) . ')';
$templates = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'CategoryId');
foreach ($page_ids as $page_id) {
$text = preg_replace('/@@' . $page_id . '@@/', $this->Application->HREF($templates[$page_id], '', Array ('pass' => 'm')), $text);
return $text;
* Returns current page name or page based on page/page_id parameters
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @todo Used?
function PageName($params)
$page =& $this->_getPage($params);
return $page->GetDBField('Name');
* Returns current/given page information
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function PageInfo($params)
$page =& $this->_getPage($params);
if ($params['type'] == 'index_tools') {
$page_info = $page->GetDBField('IndexTools');
if ($page_info) {
return $page_info;
else {
if (PROTOCOL == 'https://') {
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('cms_DefaultIndextoolsCode_SSL');
else {
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('cms_DefaultIndextoolsCode');
switch ($params['type']) {
case 'title':
$db_field = 'Title';
case 'htmlhead_title':
$db_field = 'Name';
case 'meta_title':
$db_field = 'MetaTitle';
case 'meta_keywords':
$db_field = 'MetaKeywords';
$cat_field = 'Keywords';
case 'meta_description':
$db_field = 'MetaDescription';
$cat_field = 'Description';
return '';
$default = isset($params['default']) ? $params['default'] : '';
$val = $page->GetField($db_field);
if (!$default) {
if ($this->Application->isModuleEnabled('In-Portal')) {
if (!$val && ($params['type'] == 'meta_keywords' || $params['type'] == 'meta_description')) {
// take category meta if it's not set for the page
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('c', 'Meta', Array('name' => $cat_field));
if (isset($params['force_default']) && $params['force_default']) {
return $default;
if (preg_match('/^_Auto:/', $val)) {
$val = $default;
/*if ($db_field == 'Title') {
$page->SetDBField($db_field, $default);
elseif ($page->GetID() == false) {
return $default;
return $val;
* Prints "Edit Page" button on cms page
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function EditPage($params)
return '';
$page =& $this->_getPage($params);
$url_params = Array(
- 'pass' => 'm,' . $this->Prefix,
- 'm_opener' => 'd',
- 'st_id' => $page->GetID(),
- 'st_mode' => 't',
- // 'st_event' => 'OnEdit',
- 'front' => 1,
- '__URLENCODE__' => 1,
- '__NO_REWRITE__'=> 1,
- 'escape' => 1,
- 'index_file' => 'index.php',
+ 'pass' => 'm,c',
+ 'm_opener' => 'd',
+ 'c_id' => $page->GetID(),
+ 'c_mode' => 't',
+ 'c_event' => 'OnEdit',
+ 'front' => 1,
+ '__URLENCODE__' => 1,
+ '__NO_REWRITE__'=> 1,
+ 'escape' => 1,
+ 'index_file' => 'index.php',
$edit_url = $this->Application->HREF('categories/categories_edit', '/admin', $url_params);
$button_css = 'position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 1; left 1; font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 9px; background-color: #F7C300; color: #CE0031; border: 1px solid #CE0031; width: auto; padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px; cursor: pointer;';
- $edit_code = '<div style="'.$button_css.'" onmouseover="window.status=\''.$edit_url.'\'; return true" onclick="$form_name=\'kf_'.$page->GetID().'\'; open_popup(\'' . $this->Prefix . '\', \'OnEdit\', \'categories/categories_edit\');">Page Properties';
+ $edit_code = '<div style="'.$button_css.'" onmouseover="window.status=\''.$edit_url.'\'; return true" onclick="$form_name=\'kf_'.$page->GetID().'\'; open_popup(\'c\', \'OnEdit\', \'categories/categories_edit\');">Page Properties';
$title = $this->PageInfo(array('type' => 'htmlhead_title'));
- $edit_code .= '<form style="display: inline; margin: 0px" name="kf_'.$page->GetID().'" id="kf_'.$page->GetID().'" action="'.$edit_url.'">';
- $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="st_id" value="'.$page->GetID().'"/>';
- $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="front" value="1"/>';
+ $edit_code .= '<form method="POST" style="display: inline; margin: 0px" name="kf_'.$page->GetID().'" id="kf_'.$page->GetID().'" action="'.$edit_url.'">';
+/* $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="c_id" value="'.$page->GetID().'"/>';
+ $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="c_mode" value="t"/>';
+ $edit_code .= '<input type="hidden" name="front" value="1"/>'; */
$edit_code .= '</form>';
if (!$this->Application->GetVar('admin_scripts_included')) {
$this->Application->SetVar('admin_script_included', 1);
- $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_PATH.'/core/admin_templates/js/is.js"></script>';
- $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_PATH.'/core/admin_templates/js/application.js"></script>';
- $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_PATH.'/core/admin_templates/js/script.js"></script>';
- $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_PATH.'/core/admin_templates/js/ajax.js"></script>';
+ $js_url = $this->Application->BaseURL() . 'core/admin_templates/js';
+ /*$edit_code .= '
+ <link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="' . $js_url . '/../incs/style.css" type="text/css" />
+ <style type="text/css">
+ body {
+ height: auto;
+ margin: 0px;
+ }
+ </style>';*/
+/* $edit_code .= $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('adm', 'AdminSkin', Array ()) . "\n";*/
+ $edit_code .= '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $js_url . '/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js_url . '/jquery/jquery.pack.js"></script>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js_url . '/jquery/jquery-ui.custom.min.js"></script>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js_url . '/is.js"></script>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js_url . '/application.js"></script>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js_url . '/script.js"></script>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js_url . '/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js"></script>' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '<script language="javascript">' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= "TB.pathToImage = 'js/jquery/thickbox/loadingAnimation.gif';" . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= "var main_title = '" . addslashes( $this->Application->ConfigValue('Site_Name') ) . "';" . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= "var base_url = '" . $this->Application->BaseURL() . "';" . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= 'TB.closeHtml = \'<img src="' . $js_url . '/../img/close_window15.gif" width="15" height="15" style="border-width: 0px;" alt="close"/><br/>\';' . "\n";
+ $edit_code .= '</script>' . "\n";
$url_params = Array('m_theme' => '', 'pass' => 'm', 'm_opener' => 'r', 'no_amp' => 1);
$browse_url = $this->Application->HREF('catalog/catalog', ADMIN_DIRECTORY, $url_params, 'index.php');
$browse_url = preg_replace('/&(admin|editing_mode)=[\d]/', '', $browse_url);
$edit_code .= '
<script type="text/javascript">
var topmost =;
topmost.document.title = document.title + \' - '.$this->Application->Phrase('la_AdministrativeConsole').'\';
t = \''.$this->Application->GetVar('t').'\';
if (window.parent.frames["menu"] != undefined) {
if ( $.isFunction(window.parent.frames["menu"].SyncActive) ) {
window.parent.frames["menu"].SyncActive("' . $browse_url . '");
return $edit_code;
* Builds cached menu version
* @return Array
function _prepareMenu()
static $root_cat = null;
static $root_path = null;
if (!$root_cat) {
$root_cat = $this->Application->ModuleInfo['Proj-CMS']['RootCat'];
$root_path = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ParentPath FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE CategoryId = '.$root_cat);
if (!$this->Menu) {
$menu = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT Data, Cached FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName = "cms_menu"');
if ($menu && $menu['Cached'] > 0) {
$menu = unserialize($menu['Data']);
$this->ParentPaths = $menu['ParentPaths'];
else {
$menu = $this->_altBuildMenuStructure(array('CategoryId' => $root_cat, 'ParentPath' => $root_path));
$menu['ParentPaths'] = $this->ParentPaths;
$this->Conn->Query('REPLACE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache (VarName, Data, Cached) VALUES ("cms_menu", '.$this->Conn->qstr(serialize($menu)).', '.adodb_mktime().')');
$this->Menu = $menu;
return Array ($this->Menu, $root_path);
* Returns category id based tag parameters
* @param Array $params
* @return int
function _getCategoryId($params)
$cat = isset($params['category_id']) && $params['category_id'] != '' ? $params['category_id'] : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if ("$cat" == 'parent') {
$this_category =& $this->Application->recallObject('c');
/* @var $this_category kDBItem */
$cat = $this_category->GetDBField('ParentId');
else if ($cat == 0) {
$cat = $this->Application->ModuleInfo['Proj-CMS']['RootCat'];
return $cat;
* Prepares cms menu item block parameters
* @param Array $page
* @param int $real_cat_id
* @param string $root_path
* @return Array
function _prepareMenuItem($page, $real_cat_id, $root_path)
static $language_id = null;
static $primary_language_id = null;
if (!isset($language_id)) {
$language_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$primary_language_id = $this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId();
$title = $page['l'.$language_id.'_ItemName'] ? $page['l'.$language_id.'_ItemName'] : $page['l'.$primary_language_id.'_ItemName'];
$active = false;
$category_active = false;
if ($page['ItemType'] == 'cat') {
if ( isset($this->ParentPaths[$real_cat_id])) {
$active = strpos($this->ParentPaths[$real_cat_id], $page['ParentPath']) !== false;
$category_active = $page['CategoryId'] == $real_cat_id;
if ($page['ItemType'] == 'cat_index') {
$check_path = str_replace($root_path, '', $page['ParentPath']);
$active = strpos($parent_path, $check_path) !== false;
if ($page['ItemType'] == 'page') {
- $active = $page['ItemPath'] == preg_replace('/^Content\//', '', $this->Application->GetVar('t'));
+ $active = $page['ItemPath'] == preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $this->Application->GetVar('t'));
$block_params = Array (
'title'=> $title,
- 'template'=> preg_replace('/^Content\//', '', $page['ItemPath']),
+ 'template'=> preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $page['ItemPath']),
'category_active' => $category_active, // new
'has_sub_menu' => isset($page['sub_items']) && count($page['sub_items']) > 0,
'external_url' => $page['UseExternalUrl'] ? $page['ExternalUrl'] : false,
'menu_icon' => $page['UseMenuIconUrl'] ? $page['MenuIconUrl'] : false,
return $block_params;
* Builds site menu
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function CachedMenu($params)
list ($menu, $root_path) = $this->_prepareMenu();
$cat = $this->_getCategoryId($params);
$parent_path = isset($this->ParentPaths[$cat]) ? $this->ParentPaths[$cat] : '';
$parent_path = str_replace($root_path, '', $parent_path); //menu starts from module path
$levels = explode('|',trim($parent_path,'|'));
if ($levels[0] === '') $levels = array();
if (isset($params['level']) && $params['level'] > count($levels)) return ;
$level = max(isset($params['level']) ? $params['level']-1 : count($levels)-1, 0);
$parent = isset($levels[$level]) ? $levels[$level] : 0;
$cur_menu =& $menu;
$menu_path = array_slice($levels, 0, $level+1);
foreach ($menu_path as $elem) {
$cur_menu =& $cur_menu['c'.$elem]['sub_items'];
$ret = '';
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$this->Application->SetVar('cur_parent_path', $parent_path);
$real_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if (is_array($cur_menu) && $cur_menu) {
$cur_item = 1;
$cur_menu = $this->_removeNonMenuItems($cur_menu);
$block_params['total_items'] = count($cur_menu);
foreach ($cur_menu as $page) {
$block_params = array_merge_recursive2(
$this->_prepareMenuItem($page, $real_cat_id, $root_path)
$block_params['is_last'] = $cur_item == $block_params['total_items'];
$block_params['is_first'] = $cur_item == 1;
// bug #1: this breaks active section highlighting when 2 menu levels are printed on same page (both visible)
// bug #2: people doesn't pass cat_id parameter to m_Link tags in their blocks, so this line helps them; when removed their links will lead to nowhere
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $page['CategoryId']);
$ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params, 1);
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $real_cat_id);
return $ret;
* Returns only items, that are visible in menu
* @param Array $menu
* @return Array
function _removeNonMenuItems($menu)
foreach ($menu as $menu_index => $menu_item) {
// $menu_index is in "cN" format, where N is category id
if (!$menu_item['IsMenu']) {
return $menu;
* Trick to allow some kind of output formatting when using CachedMenu tag
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function SplitColumn($params)
return $this->Application->GetVar($params['i']) > ceil($params['total'] / $params['columns']);
* Returns direct children count of given category
* @param Array $params
* @return int
function HasSubCats($params)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
WHERE ParentId = ' . $params['cat_id'];
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
* Prints sub-pages of given/current page.
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @todo This could be reached by using "parent_cat_id" parameter. Only difference here is new block parameter "path". Need to rewrite.
function PrintSubPages($params)
$list =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix.'_List', $params);
/* @var $list kDBList */
$category_id = array_key_exists('category_id', $params) ? $params['category_id'] : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$list->addFilter('current_pages', TABLE_PREFIX . 'CategoryItems.CategoryId = ' . $category_id);
$o = '';
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
while (!$list->EOL()) {
$block_params['path'] = $list->GetDBField('Path');
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params, 1);
return $o;
* Builds link for browsing current page on Front-End
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function PageBrowseLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$template = $object->GetDBField('NamedParentPath');
$url_params = Array ('admin' => 1, 'pass' => 'm', 'm_cat_id' => $object->GetID(), 'index_file' => 'index.php');
return $this->Application->HREF($template, '_FRONT_END_', $url_params);
* Builds link to cms page (used?)
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ContentPageLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$params['t'] = $object->GetDBField('NamedParentPath');
$params['m_cat_id'] = 0;
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params);
* Builds cache for children of given category (no matter, what menu status is)
* @param Array $parent
* @return Array
function _altBuildMenuStructure($parent)
static $languages_count = null;
if (!isset($languages_count)) {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Language';
$languages_count = ceil($this->Conn->GetOne($sql) / 5) * 5;
$items = Array ();
$lang_part = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $languages_count; $i++) {
// $lang_part .= 'c.l' . $i . '_Name AS l' . $i . '_ItemName,' . "\n";
$lang_part .= 'c.l' . $i . '_MenuTitle AS l' . $i . '_ItemName,' . "\n";
// Sub-categories from current category
$query = 'SELECT
c.CategoryId AS CategoryId,
CONCAT(\'c\', c.CategoryId) AS ItemId,
c.Priority AS ItemPriority,
' . $lang_part . '
- IF(IsIndex = 2, (
+ LOWER( IF(IsIndex = 2, (
SELECT cc.NamedParentPath FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category AS cc
cc.ParentId = c.CategoryId
cc.Status IN (1,4)
cc.IsIndex = 1
- c.NamedParentPath) AS ItemPath,
+ c.NamedParentPath) ) AS ItemPath,
0 AS IsIndex,
c.ParentPath AS ParentPath,
c.ParentId As ParentId,
\'cat\' AS ItemType,
c.IsMenu, c.UseExternalUrl, c.ExternalUrl, c.UseMenuIconUrl, c.MenuIconUrl
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category AS c
c.Status IN (1,4) AND
#c.IsMenu = 1 AND
c.ParentId = ' . $parent['CategoryId'];
$items = array_merge($items, $this->Conn->Query($query, 'ItemId'));
uasort($items, Array (&$this, '_menuSort'));
$the_items = array();
foreach ($items as $an_item) {
$the_items[ $an_item['ItemId'] ] = $an_item;
$this->ParentPaths[ $an_item['CategoryId'] ] = $an_item['ParentPath'];
$items = $the_items;
foreach ($items as $key => $menu_item) {
if ($menu_item['CategoryId'] == $parent['CategoryId']) {
$sub_items = $this->_altBuildMenuStructure($menu_item);
if ($sub_items) {
$items[$key]['sub_items'] = $sub_items;
return $items;
* Method for sorting pages by priority in decending order
* @param Array $a
* @param Array $b
* @return int
function _menuSort($a, $b)
if ($a['ItemPriority'] == $b['ItemPriority']) {
return 0;
return ($a['ItemPriority'] < $b['ItemPriority']) ? 1 : -1; //descending
* Prepares cms page description for search result page
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SearchDescription($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$desc = $object->GetField('MetaDescription');
if (!$desc) {
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'PageContent
WHERE PageId = ' . $object->GetID() . ' AND ContentNum = 1';
$content = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($content['l'.$this->Application->GetVar('m_lang').'_Content']) {
$desc = $content['l'.$this->Application->GetVar('m_lang').'_Content'];
else {
$desc = $content['l'.$this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId().'_Content'];
return mb_substr($desc, 0, 300).(mb_strlen($desc) > 300 ? '...' : '');
* Simplified version of "c:CategoryLink" for "c:PrintList"
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @todo Used? Needs refactoring.
function EnterCatLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$url_params = Array ('pass' => 'm', 'm_cat_id' => $object->GetID());
return $this->Application->HREF($params['template'], '', $url_params);
* Simplified version of "c:CategoryPath", that do not use blocks for rendering
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @todo Used? Maybe needs to be removed.
function PagePath($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$path = $object->GetField('CachedNavbar');
if ($path) {
$items = explode('&|&', $path);
return implode(' -&gt; ', $items);
return '';
* Returns configuration variable value
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @todo Needs to be replaced with "m:GetConfig" tag; Not used now (were used on structure_edit.tpl).
function AllowManualFilenames($params)
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('ProjCMSAllowManualFilenames');
* Draws path to current page (each page can be link to it)
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function CurrentPath($params)
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $block_params['render_as'];
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$category_ids = explode('|', substr($object->GetDBField('ParentPath'), 1, -1));
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
$language = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$sql = 'SELECT l'.$language.'_Name AS Name, NamedParentPath
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' IN ('.implode(',', $category_ids).')';
$categories_data = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
$ret = '';
foreach ($categories_data as $index => $category_data) {
if ($category_data['Name'] == 'Content') {
$block_params['title'] = $category_data['Name'];
- $block_params['template'] = preg_replace('/^Content\//', '', $category_data['NamedParentPath']);
+ $block_params['template'] = preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $category_data['NamedParentPath']);
$block_params['is_first'] = $index == 1; // because Content is 1st element
$block_params['is_last'] = $index == count($categories_data) - 1;
$ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
return $ret;
* Synonim to PrintList2 for "onlinestore" theme
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ListPages($params)
return $this->PrintList2($params);
* Returns information about parser element locations in template
* @param Array $params
* @return mixed
function BlockInfo($params)
return '';
$template_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('TemplateHelper');
/* @var $template_helper TemplateHelper */
return $template_helper->blockInfo( $params['name'] );
* Returns formatted title for template editor
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function TemplateEditorTitle($params)
return '';
$text = $this->Application->Phrase($params['phrase']);
$template_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('TemplateHelper');
/* @var $template_helper TemplateHelper */
$text = sprintf($text, $template_helper->blockInfo(template_file), $template_helper->blockInfo('start_pos'), $template_helper->blockInfo('end_pos'));
return $text;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/units/categories/categories_tag_processor.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/units/fck/fck_eh.php
--- branches/RC/core/units/fck/fck_eh.php (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/units/fck/fck_eh.php (revision 11520)
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
class FckEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = array(
'OnLoadCmsTree' => array('self' => true),
'OnLoadResources' => array('self' => true),
'OnRenameFile' => array('self' => true),
'OnDeleteFiles' => array('self' => true),
'OnGetFoldersFilesList' => array('self' => true),
'OnCreateFolder' => array('self' => true),
'OnUploadFile' => array('self' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if ($this->Application->LoggedIn() && $this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
return true;
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
function CreateXmlHeader()
ob_end_clean() ;
// Prevent the browser from caching the result.
// Date in the past
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT') ;
// always modified
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT') ;
// HTTP/1.1
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate') ;
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false) ;
// HTTP/1.0
header('Pragma: no-cache') ;
// Set the response format.
header( 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8' ) ;
// Create the XML document header.
function OnLoadCmsTree(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
$res = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'."\n" ;
$res.= "<CmsPages>"."\n";
if ($this->Application->isModuleEnabled('Proj-CMS')) {
$lang = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$st =& $this->Application->recallObject('st.-dummy');
$st_options = $this->Application->getUnitOption('st'.'.ParentId', 'Fields');
$pages = $st_options['options'];
$page_ids = array_keys($pages);
$tpls = $this->Application->Conn->GetCol('SELECT NamedParentPath, CategoryId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category WHERE CategoryId IN ('.join(',', $page_ids).')', 'CategoryId');
//$res = '';
foreach ($pages as $id => $title) {
- $page_path = preg_replace('/^content\//', '', strtolower($tpls[$id]).'.html');
+ $page_path = preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', strtolower($tpls[$id]).'.html');
$title = $title.' ('.$page_path.')';
$real_url = $this->Application->HREF($tpls[$id], '_FRONT_END_', array('pass'=>'m'), 'index.php');
$res .= '<CmsPage real_url="'.$real_url.'" path="@@'.$id.'@@" title="'.$prefix.htmlspecialchars($title,ENT_QUOTES).'" st_id="'.$id.'" serverpath="" />'."\n";
else {
$lang = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$query = 'SELECT PageId, Path, l'.$lang.'_Title AS Title FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Pages ORDER By l'.$lang.'_Title';
$pages = $this->Application->Conn->Query($query);
// $res = '';
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$page_path = $page['Path'].'.html';
$title = $page['Title'].' ('.$page_path.')';
$res .= '<CmsPage path="'.$page_path.'" title="'.$prefix.htmlspecialchars($title,ENT_QUOTES).'" st_id="'.$page['PageId'].'" serverpath="'.BASE_PATH.'/" />';
$res.= "</CmsPages>";
echo $res;
function OnRenameFile(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
$old_name = $this->Application->GetVar('old_name');
$new_name = $this->Application->GetVar('new_name');
$folder = $this->Application->GetVar('folder');
$sServerDir = WRITEABLE.'/user_files/'.$folder.'/';
if (!file_exists($sServerDir.$old_name) || !is_file($sServerDir.$old_name)) {
echo 204;
$fck_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FCKHelper');
/* @var fck_helper fckFCKHelper*/
if (!$fck_helper->IsAllowedExtension($folder, $new_name)) {
echo 203;
if (!rename($sServerDir.$old_name,$sServerDir.$new_name)) {
// echo $sServerDir.$old_name.' -> '.$sServerDir.$new_name;
echo 205;
echo '0';
function OnDeleteFiles(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
$files = trim($this->Application->GetVar('files'),'|');
// echo $files;
$a_files = explode('|', $files);
$folder = $this->Application->GetVar('folder');
$sServerDir = WRITEABLE.'/user_files/'.$folder.'/';
foreach ($a_files AS $file) {
// print_r($a_files);
function OnGetFoldersFilesList(&$event)
$fck_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FCKHelper');
/* @var fck_helper fckFCKHelper*/
$ret = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'."\n" ;
$ret .= "<content>"."\n";
$ret .= $fck_helper->PrintFolders();
$ret .= $fck_helper->PrintFiles();
$ret .= "</content>"."\n";
echo $ret;
function OnCreateFolder(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
$new_folder = $this->Application->GetVar('new_folder');
$current_folder = $this->Application->GetVar('current_folder');
$folderPath = WRITEABLE.'/user_files'.'/'.$current_folder."/".$new_folder;
if ( file_exists( $folderPath ) && is_dir($folderPath)) {
echo "101";
if ( !file_exists( $folderPath ) )
// Turn off all error reporting.
error_reporting( 0 ) ;
// Enable error tracking to catch the error.
ini_set( 'track_errors', '1' ) ;
// To create the folder with 0777 permissions, we need to set umask to zero.
$oldumask = umask(0) ;
mkdir( $folderPath, 0777 ) ;
umask( $oldumask ) ;
$sErrorMsg = $php_errormsg ;
// Restore the configurations.
ini_restore( 'track_errors' ) ;
ini_restore( 'error_reporting' ) ;
if ($sErrorMsg)
echo $sErrorMsg ;
echo '0';
function OnUploadFile(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
$fck_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FCKHelper');
/* @var fck_helper fckFCKHelper*/
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/units/fck/fck_eh.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/mod_rewrite_helper.php
--- branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/mod_rewrite_helper.php (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/mod_rewrite_helper.php (revision 11520)
@@ -1,583 +1,568 @@
class kModRewriteHelper extends kHelper {
* Holds a refererence to httpquery
* @var kHttpQuery
var $HTTPQuery = null;
function kModRewriteHelper()
$this->HTTPQuery =& $this->Application->recallObject('HTTPQuery');
function SetDefaultValues(&$vars)
$defaults = Array('m_cat_id' => 0, 'm_cat_page' => 1, 'm_opener' => 's');
foreach ($defaults as $default_key => $default_value)
if ($this->HTTPQuery->Get($default_key) == null) {
$vars[$default_key] = $default_value;
function ProcessLanguage(&$url_parts, &$vars)
if (!isset($url_parts[0])) return false;
$res = false;
$url_part = array_shift($url_parts);
$sql = 'SELECT LanguageId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Language WHERE LOWER(PackName) = '.$this->Conn->qstr($url_part).' AND Enabled = 1';
$language_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$this->Application->Phrases = new PhrasesCache();
$vars['m_lang'] = $language_id;
$res = true;
// $this->Application->VerifyLanguageId();
if (!$res) {
array_unshift($url_parts, $url_part);
return $res;
function ProcessTheme(&$url_parts, &$vars)
if (!isset($url_parts[0])) return false;
$res = false;
$url_part = array_shift($url_parts);
$sql = 'SELECT ThemeId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Theme WHERE LOWER(Name) = '.$this->Conn->qstr($url_part).' AND Enabled = 1';
$theme_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$vars['m_theme'] = $theme_id;
$res = true;
// $this->Application->VerifyThemeId(); // verify anyway - will set default if not found!!!
if (!$res) {
array_unshift($url_parts, $url_part);
return $res;
function ProcessCategory(&$url_parts, &$vars)
- if (!isset($url_parts[0])) return false;
+ if (!isset($url_parts[0])) {
+ return false;
+ }
$res = false;
$url_part = array_shift($url_parts);
$category_id = 0;
- $last_category_id = 0;
- $category_path = '';
+ $last_category_info = false;
+ $category_path = $url_part == 'content' ? '' : 'content';
do {
- $category_path = trim($category_path.'/'.$url_part, '/');
+ $category_path = trim($category_path . '/' . $url_part, '/');
// bb_<topic_id>_<topic_page> -> forums/bb__2 OR forums/bb_2_6
if( !preg_match('/^bb_([\d]+)*_[\d]+/', $url_part) && preg_match('/(.*)_([\d]+)$/', $category_path, $rets) ) {
$category_path = $rets[1];
$vars['m_cat_page'] = $rets[2];
- $sql = 'SELECT CategoryId
- WHERE Status = 1 AND NamedParentPath = '.$this->Conn->qstr($category_path);
- $category_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
- if ($category_id !== false) {
- $last_category_id = $category_id;
+ $sql = 'SELECT CategoryId, IsIndex, NamedParentPath
+ FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
+ WHERE Status IN (1,4) AND (LOWER(NamedParentPath) = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($category_path) . ')';
+ $category_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
+ if ($category_info !== false) {
+ $last_category_info = $category_info;
$url_part = array_shift($url_parts);
$res = true;
- } while ($category_id !== false && $url_part);
- $vars['m_cat_id'] = $last_category_id;
+ } while ($category_info !== false && $url_part);
+ if ($last_category_info) {
+ // IsIndex = 2 is a Container-only page, meaning it should go to index-page child
+ if ($last_category_info['IsIndex'] == 2) {
+ $sql = 'SELECT CategoryId, NamedParentPath
+ FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
+ WHERE ParentId = ' . $last_category_info['CategoryId'] . ' AND IsIndex = 1';
+ $category_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
+ if ($category_info) {
+ // when index sub-page is found use it, otherwise use container page
+ $last_category_info = $category_info;
+ }
+ }
+ // 1. Set virtual page as template, this will be replaced to physical template later in kApplication::Run.
+ // 2. Don't set CachedTemplate field as template here, because we will loose original page associated with it's cms blocks!
+ $vars['t'] = strtolower( preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $last_category_info['NamedParentPath']) );
+ $vars['m_cat_id'] = $last_category_info['CategoryId'];
+ $vars['is_virtual'] = true; // for template from POST
+ }
+ else {
+ $vars['m_cat_id'] = 0;
+ }
if ($url_part) {
array_unshift($url_parts, $url_part);
return $res;
function ProcessPage(&$url_parts, &$vars)
if (!is_numeric($url_parts[0]) || count($url_parts) > 1) return false;
// set module pages for all modules, since we don't know which module will need it
foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_data)
$vars[ $module_data['Var'].'_id'] = 0;
$vars[ $module_data['Var'].'_Page'] = $url_parts[0];
$vars[ $module_data['Var'].'_Reviews_Page'] = 0;
return true;
* Set's 1st page for all modules (will be used when not passed in url)
* @param Array $vars
* @todo this is temporary fix, until mod-rewrite helper will become category-independend
function SetDefaultPages(&$vars)
// set module pages for all modules, since we don't know which module will need it
foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_data)
$vars[ $module_data['Var'].'_Page'] = 1;
function ProcessModuleIndex(&$url_parts, &$vars)
if ( count($url_parts) > 1) return false; // if no more parts or only 1 part left
if ( $url_parts && $url_parts[0] == 'index') { // treat index same as no parts
if( $url_parts ) { // if parts are left, it can only be module page
if (preg_match('/^bb_(.*)/', $url_parts[0], $regs)) {
list ($topic_id, $topic_page) = explode('_', $regs[1], 2);
if (!$topic_id) {
$url_parts[0] = $topic_page;
if (!is_numeric($url_parts[0])) return false;
$this->ProcessPage($url_parts, $vars);
- // try to find CMS index page of the category
- if ($this->Application->isModuleEnabled('In-CMS')) {
- $sql = 'SELECT p.Path, ci.CategoryId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Pages AS p
- LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems AS ci
- ON ci.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId
- p.IsIndex = 1
- p.Status = 1
- CategoryId = '.$vars['m_cat_id'].'
- ci.PrimaryCat = 1';
- $template_found = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
- if ($template_found !== false) {
- $vars['t'] = $template_found['Path'];
- return true;
- }
- }
+ /*$sql = 'SELECT CachedTemplate
+ FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
+ WHERE CategoryId = ' . $vars['m_cat_id'];
+ $vars['t'] = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);*/
- $sql = 'SELECT CachedTemplate
- WHERE CategoryId = '.$vars['m_cat_id'];
- $vars['t'] = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
- if (!$vars['t']) $vars['t'] = 'index';
+ if (!$vars['t']) {
+ $vars['t'] = 'index';
+ }
return true;
function ProcessModuleItem(&$url_parts, &$vars, $set_t=true)
if (preg_match('/^bb_.*/', $url_parts[0])) {
$sql = 'SELECT c.ParentPath, c.CategoryId
WHERE c.CategoryId = '.$vars['m_cat_id'];
$cat_item = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($set_t) {
$item_template = $this->GetItemTemplate($cat_item, 'bb');
$vars['t'] = $item_template;
$this->Application->HandleEvent($bb_event, 'bb:ParseEnv', Array('url_parts' => $url_parts, 'vars' => $vars));
$vars = $bb_event->getEventParam('vars');
return 'bb';
if (!isset($url_parts[0])) return false;
if ( count($url_parts) != 1 ) return false;
$url_part = array_shift($url_parts);
// match module reviews page
$page = 1;
if( preg_match('/(.*)_([\d]+)$/', $url_part, $rets) )
$url_part = $rets[1];
$page = $rets[2];
// locating the item in CategoryItems by filename to detect its ItemPrefix and its category ParentPath
$cat_item = $this->Conn->GetRow('
SELECT ci.ItemResourceId, ci.ItemPrefix, c.ParentPath, ci.CategoryId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems AS ci
ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId
ci.CategoryId = '.$vars['m_cat_id'].'
ci.Filename = '.$this->Conn->qstr($url_part));
if ($cat_item !== false) { // item found
$module_prefix = $cat_item['ItemPrefix'];
$item_template = $this->GetItemTemplate($cat_item, $module_prefix);
// converting ResourceId to correpsonding Item id
$module_config = $this->Application->getUnitOptions($module_prefix);
$item_id = $this->Conn->GetOne(
'SELECT '.$module_config['IDField'].' FROM '.$module_config['TableName'].'
WHERE ResourceId = '.$cat_item['ItemResourceId']
if ((!$set_t || $item_template) && $item_id) {
if ($set_t) {
$vars['t'] = $item_template;
$vars[ $module_prefix.'_id' ] = $item_id;
$vars[ $module_prefix.'_Reviews_Page' ] = $page;
return $module_prefix;
array_unshift($url_parts, $url_part);
return false;
function GetItemTemplate($category, $module_prefix)
$cache_key = serialize($category) . '_' . $module_prefix;
$cached_value = $this->Application->getCache(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__, $cache_key);
if ($cached_value !== false) {
return $cached_value;
if (!is_array($category)) {
if ($category == 0) {
$category = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $module_prefix, 'RootCat');
$sql = 'SELECT c.ParentPath, c.CategoryId
WHERE c.CategoryId = '.$category;
$category = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$parent_path = implode(',',explode('|', substr($category['ParentPath'], 1, -1)));
// item template is stored in module' system custom field - need to get that field Id
$item_template_field_id = $this->_getItemTemplateCustomField($module_prefix);
// looking for item template through cats hierarchy sorted by parent path
$query = 'SELECT ccd.l1_cust_'.$item_template_field_id.',
FIND_IN_SET(c.CategoryId, '.$this->Conn->qstr($parent_path).') AS Ord1,
c.CategoryId, c.Name, ccd.l1_cust_'.$item_template_field_id.'
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryCustomData AS ccd
ON ccd.ResourceId = c.ResourceId
WHERE c.CategoryId IN ('.$parent_path.') AND ccd.l1_cust_'.$item_template_field_id.' != \'\'
ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(c.CategoryId, '.$this->Conn->qstr($parent_path).') DESC';
$item_template = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
$this->Application->setCache(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__, $cache_key, $item_template);
return $item_template;
function _getItemTemplateCustomField($module_prefix)
$cached_value = $this->Application->getCache(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__, $module_prefix);
if ($cached_value !== false) {
return $cached_value;
$sql = 'SELECT CustomFieldId
WHERE FieldName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($module_prefix.'_ItemTemplate');
$item_template_field_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$this->Application->setCache(__CLASS__ . __FUNCTION__, $module_prefix, $item_template_field_id);
return $item_template_field_id;
function ProcessPhisycalTemplate(&$url_parts, &$vars)
if (!isset($url_parts[0])) return false;
$remaining = array();
$template_path = implode('/', $url_parts);
$t_parts['path'] = dirname($template_path) == '.' ? '' : '/'.dirname($template_path);
$t_parts['file'] = basename($template_path);
$sql = 'SELECT FileId
WHERE (FilePath = '.$this->Conn->qstr($t_parts['path']).') AND (FileName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($t_parts['file'].'.tpl').')';
// $sql = 'SELECT FileId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ThemeFiles WHERE CONCAT(FilePath, "/", FileName) = '.$this->Conn->qstr('/'.$template_path.'.tpl');
$template_found = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
array_unshift($remaining, array_pop($url_parts));
} while (!$template_found && $url_parts);
$url_parts = $remaining;
if ($template_found) {
$vars['t'] = $template_path;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if whole url_parts matches a whole In-CMS page
* @param array $url_parts
* @return boolean
- function ProcessVirtualTemplate(&$url_parts, &$vars)
+ function ProcessFriendlyUrl(&$url_parts, &$vars)
if (!isset($url_parts[0])) return false;
$sql = 'SELECT CategoryId, NamedParentPath
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
WHERE FriendlyURL = ' . $this->Conn->qstr(implode('/', $url_parts));
$friendly = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($friendly) {
$vars['m_cat_id'] = $friendly['CategoryId'];
- $vars['t'] = preg_replace('/^content\//i', '', $friendly['NamedParentPath']);
- return true;
- }
- $template_path = 'content/' . implode('/', $url_parts);
- $sql = 'SELECT CategoryId, IsIndex, NamedParentPath FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category
- LOWER(NamedParentPath) = '.$this->Conn->qstr($template_path).'
- Status IN (1,4) ';
- $template_found = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
- if ($template_found) {
- // IsIndex = 2 is a Container-only page, meaning it should go to index-page child
- if ($template_found['IsIndex'] == 2) {
- $sql = 'SELECT CategoryId, NamedParentPath
- FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Category
- WHERE ParentId = '.$template_found['CategoryId'].' AND IsIndex = 1';
- $template_found = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
- $vars['t'] = preg_replace('/^content\//i', '', $template_found['NamedParentPath']);
- }
- else {
- $vars['t'] = implode('/', $url_parts);
- }
- $vars['m_cat_id'] = $template_found['CategoryId'];
- $vars['is_virtual'] = true; // for template from POST
+ $vars['t'] = preg_replace('/^Content\//i', '', $friendly['NamedParentPath']);
return true;
return false;
function processRewriteURL()
$passed = array();
$url = $this->HTTPQuery->Get('_mod_rw_url_');
if( substr($url, -5) == '.html' ) $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 5 );
$restored = false;
$cache = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT Data, Cached FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName = "mod_rw_'.md5($url).'"');
if (false && $cache && $cache['Cached'] > 0) {
$cache = unserialize($cache['Data']);
$vars = $cache['vars'];
$passed = $cache['passed'];
$restored = true;
else {
$passed = array();
$vars = $this->parseRewriteURL($url,$passed);
$cache = array('vars'=>$vars,'passed'=>$passed);
$this->Conn->Query('REPLACE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache (VarName, Data, Cached) VALUES ("mod_rw_'.md5($url).'", '.$this->Conn->qstr(serialize($cache)).', '.adodb_mktime().')');
if (isset($this->HTTPQuery->Post['t']) && $this->HTTPQuery->Post['t']) {
// template from POST overrides template from URL.
$vars['t'] = $this->HTTPQuery->Post['t'];
if (isset($vars['is_virtual']) && $vars['is_virtual']) {
$vars['m_cat_id'] = 0; // this is virtual template category (for Proj-CMS)
foreach ($vars as $name => $value)
// if ($restored) {
// }
function InitAll()
// $this->Application->Phrases = new PhrasesCache();
function parseRewriteURL($url, &$passed)
$vars = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT Data, Cached FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName = "mod_rw_'.md5($url).'"');
if (false && $vars && $vars['Cached'] > 0) {
$vars = unserialize($menu['Data']);
return $vars;
$vars = array();
$url_parts = $url ? explode('/', trim($url, '/')) : Array();
$process_module = true;
if($this->HTTPQuery->Get('rewrite') == 'on' || !$url_parts)
$vars['t'] = $this->HTTPQuery->getDefaultTemplate('');
$passed[] = 'm';
return $vars;
$vars['t'] = '';
$passed = Array('m');
$this->ProcessLanguage($url_parts, $vars);
$this->ProcessTheme($url_parts, $vars);
// bug #1: cancells all other processing in case, when cms page is found
// bug #2: doesn't match template partially, e.g. "test/case/other" will not match to page "test/case" with "other" left for future processing
- if ( $this->ProcessVirtualTemplate($url_parts, $vars) ) {
+ if ( $this->ProcessFriendlyUrl($url_parts, $vars) ) {
return $vars;
$this->ProcessCategory($url_parts, $vars);
if ( $this->ProcessModuleIndex($url_parts, $vars) ) {
foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $info) {
$passed[] = $info['Var'];
return $vars;
if ( $module_prefix = $this->ProcessModuleItem($url_parts, $vars) ) {
$passed[] = $module_prefix;
return $vars;
/*// match module
$next_template = $this->HTTPQuery->Get('next_template');
if($url_part || $next_template)
$next_template_parts = explode('/', $next_template);
$module_folder = array_shift($next_template_parts);
$module_folder = $url_part;
foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_data)
if( trim($module_data['TemplatePath'], '/') == $module_folder )
$module_prefix = $module_data['Var'];
if ( $this->ProcessPhisycalTemplate($url_parts, $vars) ) {
if (!$url_parts) {
return $vars;
if ( $this->ProcessPage($url_parts, $vars) ) {
if (count($passed) == 1) {// passed contains only 1 value which is 'm'
// this may be search results page, so we need to find out the module, especially for old in-portal
foreach ($this->Application->ModuleInfo as $module_name => $module_data)
if (!$module_data['TemplatePath']) continue;
if( preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($module_data['TemplatePath'], '/').'/i', $vars['t']) )
$module_prefix = $module_data['Var'];
$passed[] = $module_prefix;
return $vars;
if ( $module_prefix = $this->ProcessModuleItem($url_parts, $vars, false) ) {
$passed[] = $module_prefix;
return $vars;
- if ( $this->Application->isModuleEnabled('In-Edit') && $this->Application->GetVar('admin') == 1) {
+ /*if ( $this->Application->isModuleEnabled('In-Edit') && $this->Application->GetVar('admin') == 1) {
$adm_ses =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session.admin');
$user = $adm_ses->RecallVar('user_id');
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
if ($perm_helper->CheckUserPermission($user, 'PAGE.ADD', 0)) {
$vars['t'] = implode('/', $url_parts);
return $vars;
- }
+ }*/
$not_found = $this->Application->ConfigValue('ErrorTemplate');
$vars['t'] = $not_found ? $not_found : 'error_notfound';
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
return $vars;
// $this->HTTPQuery->finalizeParsing($passed, $module_params);
// pass params left to module
$passed = Array('m');
$module_params = Array();
if ( isset($module_prefix) ) {
$passed[] = $module_prefix;
$module_event = new kEvent($module_prefix.':ParseEnv', Array('url_parts' => $url_parts) );
if ($process_module) {
$item_id = $this->HTTPQuery->Get($module_prefix.'_id');
$module_params = Array($module_prefix.'_id' => $item_id ? $item_id : '0' );
if ($module_event->status == erFAIL) {
$not_found = $this->Application->ConfigValue('ErrorTemplate');
$this->HTTPQuery->Set('t', $not_found ? $not_found : 'error_notfound' );
$this->HTTPQuery->finalizeParsing($passed, $module_params);*/
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/units/general/helpers/mod_rewrite_helper.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/units/general/cat_tag_processor.php
--- branches/RC/core/units/general/cat_tag_processor.php (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/units/general/cat_tag_processor.php (revision 11520)
@@ -1,688 +1,690 @@
class kCatDBTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor {
* Permission Helper
* @var kPermissionsHelper
var $PermHelper = null;
function kCatDBTagProcessor()
$this->PermHelper = $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
function ItemIcon($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(),$this->Prefix, $params);
$grids = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix,'Grids');
$icons =& $grids[ $params['grid'] ]['Icons'];
$status_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix,'StatusField');
if (!$status_fields) return $icons['default'];
$value = $object->GetDBField($status_fields[0]); // sets base status icon
/* @var $object kDBItem */
if ($value == STATUS_ACTIVE) {
if( $object->HasField('IsPop') && $object->GetDBField('IsPop') ) $value = 'POP';
if( $object->HasField('IsHot') && $object->GetDBField('IsHot') ) $value = 'HOT';
if( $object->HasField('IsNew') && $object->GetDBField('IsNew') ) $value = 'NEW';
if( $object->HasField('EditorsPick') && $object->GetDBField('EditorsPick') ) $value = 'PICK';
return isset($icons[$value]) ? $icons[$value] : $icons['default'];
* Allows to create valid mod-rewrite compatible link to module item
* @param Array $params
* @param string $id_prefix
* @return string
function ItemLink($params, $id_prefix = null)
if (!isset($params['pass'])) {
$params['pass'] = 'm,'.$this->Prefix;
$item_id = isset($params[$id_prefix.'_id']) && $params[$id_prefix.'_id'];
if (!$item_id) {
$item_id = $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_id');
if (!$item_id) {
$item_id = $this->Application->GetVar($this->Prefix.'_id');
$params[$this->Prefix.'_id'] = $item_id;
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$params['m_cat_id'] = $object->GetDBField('CategoryId');
$params['m_cat_page'] = 1;
$params['pass_category'] = 1;
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 't', $params);
function CategoryPath($params)
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
// path for module root category in admin
if (!isset($params['cat_id'])) {
$params['cat_id'] = $this->Application->RecallVar($params['session_var'], 0);
else {
// path for category item category in front-end
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$params['cat_id'] = $object->GetDBField('CategoryId');
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('c', 'CategoryPath', $params);
function BuildListSpecial($params)
if ($this->Special != '') return $this->Special;
if ( isset($params['parent_cat_id']) ) {
$parent_cat_id = $params['parent_cat_id'];
else {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('c_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$recursive = isset($params['recursive']);
$list_unique_key = $this->getUniqueListKey($params).$recursive;
if ($list_unique_key == '') {
return parent::BuildListSpecial($params);
return crc32($parent_cat_id.$list_unique_key);
function CatalogItemCount($params)
$object =& $this->GetList($params);
if (!$object->Counted) {
return $object->NoFilterCount != $object->RecordsCount ? $object->RecordsCount.' / '.$object->NoFilterCount : $object->RecordsCount;
function ListReviews($params)
$prefix = $this->Prefix.'-rev';
$review_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject($prefix.'.item_TagProcessor');
return $review_tag_processor->PrintList($params);
function ReviewCount($params)
$review_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('rev.item_TagProcessor');
return $review_tag_processor->TotalRecords($params);
function InitCatalogTab($params)
$tab_params['mode'] = $this->Application->GetVar('tm'); // single/multi selection possible
$tab_params['special'] = $this->Application->GetVar('ts'); // use special for this tab
$tab_params['dependant'] = $this->Application->GetVar('td'); // is grid dependant on categories grid
// set default params (same as in catalog)
if ($tab_params['mode'] === false) $tab_params['mode'] = 'multi';
if ($tab_params['special'] === false) $tab_params['special'] = '';
if ($tab_params['dependant'] === false) $tab_params['dependant'] = 'yes';
// pass params to block with tab content
$params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$params['prefix'] = trim($this->Prefix.'.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.');
$prefix_append = $this->Application->GetVar('prefix_append');
if ($prefix_append) {
$params['prefix'] .= $prefix_append;
$default_grid = array_key_exists('default_grid', $params) ? $params['default_grid'] : 'Default';
$radio_grid = array_key_exists('radio_grid', $params) ? $params['radio_grid'] : 'Radio';
$params['cat_prefix'] = trim('c.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.');
$params['tab_mode'] = $tab_params['mode'];
$params['grid_name'] = ($tab_params['mode'] == 'multi') ? $default_grid : $radio_grid;
$params['tab_dependant'] = $tab_params['dependant'];
$params['show_category'] = $tab_params['special'] == 'showall' ? 1 : 0; // this is advanced view -> show category name
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params, 1);
* Show CachedNavbar of current item primary category
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function CategoryName($params)
// show category cachednavbar of
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$category_id = isset($params['cat_id']) ? $params['cat_id'] : $object->GetDBField('CategoryId');
$category_path = $this->Application->getCache('category_paths', $category_id);
if ($category_path === false) {
// not chached
if ($category_id > 0) {
$category_path = trim($this->CategoryName( Array('cat_id' => 0) ).' > '.str_replace('&|&', ' > ', $object->GetDBField('CachedNavbar')), ' > ');
else {
$category_path = $this->Application->Phrase( $this->Application->ConfigValue('Root_Name') );
$this->Application->setCache('category_paths', $category_id, $category_path);
return $category_path;
* Allows to determine if original value should be shown
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function DisplayOriginal($params)
// original id found & greather then zero + show original
$display_original = isset($params['display_original']) && $params['display_original'];
$owner_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'OwnerField');
if (!$owner_field) {
$owner_field = 'CreatedById';
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$perm_value = $this->PermHelper->ModifyCheckPermission($object->GetDBField($owner_field), $object->GetDBField('CategoryId'), $this->Prefix);
return $display_original && ($perm_value == 1) && $this->Application->GetVar($this->Prefix.'.original_id');
* Checks if user have one of required permissions
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function HasPermission($params)
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
/* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */
$params['raise_warnings'] = 0;
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kCatDBItem */
// 1. category restriction
$params['cat_id'] = $object->isLoaded() ? $object->GetDBField('ParentPath') : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
// 2. owner restriction
$owner_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'OwnerField');
if (!$owner_field) {
$owner_field = 'CreatedById';
$is_owner = $object->GetDBField($owner_field) == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
return $perm_helper->TagPermissionCheck($params, $is_owner);
* Creates link to current category or to module root category, when current category is home
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SuggestItemLink($params)
if (!isset($params['cat_id'])) {
$params['cat_id'] = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if ($params['cat_id'] == 0) {
$params['cat_id'] = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $this->Prefix, 'RootCat');
$params['m_cat_page'] = 1;
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('c', 'CategoryLink', $params);
* Allows to detect if item has any additional images available
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function HasAdditionalImages($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$sql = 'SELECT ImageId
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('img', 'TableName').'
WHERE ResourceId = '.$object->GetDBField('ResourceId').' AND DefaultImg != 1 AND Enabled = 1';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ? 1 : 0;
* Checks that item is pending
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function IsPending($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return in_array($object->GetDBField('Status'), $pending_status);
function IsFavorite($params)
static $favorite_status = Array ();
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBList */
if (!isset($favorite_status[$this->Special])) {
$resource_ids = $object->GetCol('ResourceId');
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$sql = 'SELECT FavoriteId, ResourceId
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('fav', 'TableName').'
WHERE (PortalUserId = '.$user_id.') AND (ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $resource_ids).'))';
$favorite_status[$this->Special] = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'ResourceId');
return isset($favorite_status[$this->Special][$object->GetDBField('ResourceId')]);
* Returns item's editors pick status (using not formatted value)
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function IsEditorsPick($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return $object->GetDBField('EditorsPick') == 1;
function FavoriteToggleLink($params)
$fav_prefix = $this->Prefix.'-fav';
$params['pass'] = implode(',', Array('m', $this->Prefix, $fav_prefix));
$params[$fav_prefix.'_event'] = 'OnFavoriteToggle';
return $this->ItemLink($params);
* Checks if item is passed in url
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function ItemAvailable($params)
return $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_id') > 0;
function SortingSelected($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$user_sorting_start = $this->getUserSortIndex();
$sorting_field = $list->GetOrderField($user_sorting_start);
$sorting = strtolower($sorting_field . '|' . $list->GetOrderDirection($user_sorting_start));
$field_options = $list->GetFieldOptions($sorting_field);
if (array_key_exists('formatter', $field_options) && $field_options['formatter'] == 'kMultiLanguage') {
// remove language prefix
$sorting = preg_replace('/^l[\d]+_(.*)/', '\\1', $sorting);
$params['sorting'] = preg_replace('/^l[\d]+_(.*)/', '\\1', $params['sorting']);
return $sorting == strtolower($params['sorting']) ? $params['selected'] : '';
function CombinedSortingDropDownName($params)
return $this->Prefix.'_CombinedSorting';
* Prepares name for field with event in it (used only on front-end)
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function SubmitName($params)
return 'events['.$this->Prefix.']['.$params['event'].']';
* Returns prefix + any word (used for shared between categories per page settings)
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function VarName($params)
return $this->Prefix.'_'.$params['type'];
* Checks if we are viewing module root category
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function IsModuleHome($params)
$root_category = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $this->Prefix, 'RootCat');
return $root_category == $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
* Dynamic votes indicator
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function VotesIndicator($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$rating_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('RatingHelper');
/* @var $rating_helper RatingHelper */
- return $rating_helper->ratingBar($object, true, '', $params['small_style']);
+ $small_style = array_key_exists('small_style', $params) ? $params['small_style'] : false;
+ return $rating_helper->ratingBar($object, true, '', $small_style);
function RelevanceIndicator($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$search_results_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$sql = 'SELECT Relevance
FROM '.$search_results_table.'
WHERE ResourceId = '.$object->GetDBField('ResourceId');
$percents_off = (int)(100 - (100 * $this->Conn->GetOne($sql)));
$percents_off = ($percents_off < 0) ? 0 : $percents_off;
if ($percents_off) {
$params['percent_off'] = $percents_off;
$params['percent_on'] = 100 - $percents_off;
$params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'relevance_normal_render_as,block_relevance_normal');
else {
$params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'relevance_full_render_as,block_relevance_full');
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params);
function SearchResultField($params)
$ret = $this->Field($params);
$keywords = unserialize( $this->Application->RecallVar('highlight_keywords') );
$opening = $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'highlight_opening_render_as,block_highlight_opening')) );
$closing = $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'highlight_closing_render_as,block_highlight_closing')) );
foreach ($keywords as $index => $keyword) {
$keywords[$index] = preg_quote($keyword, '/');
return preg_replace('/('.implode('|', $keywords).')/i', $opening.'\\1'.$closing, $ret);
* Shows keywords, that user searched
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function SearchKeywords($params)
$keywords = $this->Application->GetVar('keywords');
$sub_search = $this->Application->GetVar('search_type') == 'subsearch';
return ($keywords !== false) && !$sub_search ? $keywords : $this->Application->RecallVar('keywords');
function AdvancedSearchForm($params)
$search_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('confs', 'TableName');
$module_name = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $this->Prefix, 'Name');
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM '.$search_table.'
WHERE (ModuleName = '.$this->Conn->qstr($module_name).') AND (AdvancedSearch = 1)
ORDER BY DisplayOrder';
$search_config = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
$ret = '';
foreach ($search_config as $record) {
$params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'and_or_render_as,and_or_block');
$params['field'] = $record['FieldName'];
$params['andor'] = $this->Application->ParseBlock($params);
$params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, $record['FieldType'].'_render_as,'.$record['FieldType'].'_block');
$params['caption'] = $this->Application->Phrase($record['DisplayName']);
$ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($params);
return $ret;
* Returns last modification date of items in category / system
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function LastUpdated($params)
$category_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
if (isset($params['local']) && $params['local'] && $category_id > 0) {
// scan only current category & it's children
$sql = 'SELECT TreeLeft, TreeRight
WHERE CategoryId = '.$category_id;
$tree_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(item_table.Modified) AS ModDate, MAX(item_table.CreatedOn) AS NewDate
FROM '.$table_name.' item_table
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems ci ON (item_table.ResourceId = ci.ItemResourceId)
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Category c ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId
WHERE c.TreeLeft BETWEEN '.$tree_info['TreeLeft'].' AND '.$tree_info['TreeRight'];
else {
// scan all categories in system
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(Modified) AS ModDate, MAX(CreatedOn) AS NewDate
FROM '.$table_name;
$row_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if (!$row_data) {
return '';
$date = $row_data[ $row_data['NewDate'] > $row_data['ModDate'] ? 'NewDate' : 'ModDate' ];
// format date
$format = isset($params['format']) ? $params['format'] : '_regional_DateTimeFormat';
if (preg_match("/_regional_(.*)/", $format, $regs)) {
$lang =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
if ($regs[1] == 'DateTimeFormat') {
// combined format
$format = $lang->GetDBField('DateFormat').' '.$lang->GetDBField('TimeFormat');
else {
// simple format
$format = $lang->GetDBField($regs[1]);
return adodb_date($format, $date);
* Counts category item count in system (not category-dependent)
* @param Array $params
* @return int
function ItemCount($params)
$count_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper');
/* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */
$today_only = isset($params['today']) && $params['today'];
return $count_helper->ItemCount($this->Prefix, $today_only);
function CategorySelector($params)
$category_id = isset($params['category_id']) && is_numeric($params['category_id']) ? $params['category_id'] : false;
if ($category_id === false) {
// if category id not given use module root category
$category_id = $this->Application->findModule('Var', $this->Prefix, 'RootCat');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'IDField');
$title_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TitleField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TableName');
$count_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper');
/* @var $count_helper kCountHelper */
list ($view_perm, $view_filter) = $count_helper->GetPermissionClause('c', 'perm_cache');
// get category list (permission based)
$sql = 'SELECT c.'.$title_field.', c.'.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table_name.' c
INNER JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PermCache perm_cache ON c.CategoryId = perm_cache.CategoryId
WHERE (ParentId = '.$category_id.') AND ('.$view_filter.') AND (perm_cache.PermId = '.$view_perm.') AND (c.Status = '.STATUS_ACTIVE.')
ORDER BY c.'.$title_field.' ASC';
$categories = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, $id_field);
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$block_params['strip_nl'] = 2;
$ret = '';
foreach ($categories as $category_id => $category_name) {
// print category
$block_params['separator'] = isset($params['category_id']) ? $params['separator'] : ''; // return original separator, remove separator for top level categories
$block_params['category_id'] = $category_id;
$block_params['category_name'] = $category_name;
$ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
// print it's children
$block_params['separator'] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$params['separator'];
$ret .= $this->CategorySelector($block_params);
return $ret;
function PrintMoreCategories($params)
$object =& $this->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$category_ids = $this->Field($params);
if (!$category_ids) {
return '';
$category_ids = explode('|', substr($category_ids, 1, -1));
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'IDField');
$title_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TitleField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$title_field.', '.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE '.$id_field.' IN ('.implode(',', $category_ids).')';
$categories = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, $id_field);
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$ret = '';
foreach ($categories as $category_id => $category_name) {
$block_params['category_id'] = $category_id;
$block_params['category_name'] = $category_name;
$ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
return $ret;
function DownloadFileLink($params)
$params[$this->getPrefixSpecial().'_event'] = 'OnDownloadFile';
return $this->ItemLink($params);
function ImageSrc($params)
list ($ret, $tag_processed) = $this->processAggregatedTag('ImageSrc', $params, $this->getPrefixSpecial());
return $tag_processed ? $ret : false;
* Registers hit for item (one time per session)
* @param Array $params
function RegisterHit($params)
$object =& $this->getObject();
/* @var $object kCatDBItem */
if ($object->isLoaded()) {
* Returns link to item's author public profile
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ProfileLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$owner_field = array_key_exists('owner_field', $params) ? $params['owner_field'] : 'CreatedById';
$params['user_id'] = $object->GetDBField($owner_field);
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/units/general/cat_tag_processor.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
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\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/units/general/main_event_handler.php
--- branches/RC/core/units/general/main_event_handler.php (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/units/general/main_event_handler.php (revision 11520)
@@ -1,143 +1,144 @@
class MainEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
* Description
* @var kDBConnection
* @access public
var $Conn;
* Adds ability to address db connection
* @return kDBEventHandler
* @access public
function MainEventHandler()
$this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
* Created url part for this module
* @param kEvent $event
function BuildEnv(&$event)
$prefix_special = $event->getPrefixSpecial();
$url_params = $event->getEventParam('url_params');
$query_vars = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'QueryString');
//if pass events is off and event is not implicity passed
if ( !$event->getEventParam('pass_events') && !isset($url_params[$prefix_special.'_event']) )
$url_params[$prefix_special.'_event'] = ''; // remove event from url if requested
//otherwise it will use value from get_var
if(!$query_vars) return true;
$processed_params = Array();
foreach($query_vars as $index => $var_name)
//if value passed in params use it, otherwise use current from application
$var_name = $prefix_special.'_'.$var_name;
$processed_params[$var_name] = isset( $url_params[$var_name] ) ? $url_params[$var_name] : $this->Application->GetVar($var_name);
if ( isset($url_params[$var_name]) ) unset( $url_params[$var_name] );
$ret = '';
$default_language_id = $this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId();
if( $processed_params['m_lang'] && ($processed_params['m_lang'] != $default_language_id) )
$language_name = $this->Application->getCache('language_names', $processed_params['m_lang']);
if ($language_name === false) {
$sql = 'SELECT PackName
WHERE LanguageId = '.$processed_params['m_lang'];
$language_name = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$this->Application->setCache('language_names', $processed_params['m_lang'], $language_name);
$ret .= $language_name.'/';
$default_theme_id = $this->Application->GetDefaultThemeId();
if( $processed_params['m_theme'] && ($processed_params['m_theme'] != $default_theme_id) )
$theme_name = $this->Application->getCache('theme_names', $processed_params['m_theme']);
if ($theme_name === false) {
$sql = 'SELECT Name
WHERE ThemeId = '.$processed_params['m_theme'];
$theme_name = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$this->Application->setCache('theme_names', $processed_params['m_theme'], $theme_name);
$ret .= $theme_name.'/';
if ($processed_params['m_cat_id'] > 0 && isset($url_params['pass_category']) && $url_params['pass_category']) {
$category_filename = $this->Application->getFilename('c', $processed_params['m_cat_id']);
$t = isset($url_params['t']) && $url_params['t'] ? $url_params['t'] : false;
- // category name doesn't match template name -> Proj-CMS/In-Edit tricks
- preg_match('/Content\/(.*)/i', $category_filename, $regs);
- if ($regs && ($regs[1] != $t)) {
- $ret .= ($t == '__default__' ? $regs[1] : $category_filename) . '/';
+ // we could have category path like "Content/<template_path>" in this case remove template (proj-cms trick)
+ preg_match('/^Content\/(.*)/i', $category_filename, $regs);
+ if ($regs && (strtolower($regs[1]) == strtolower($t))) {
+ $url_params['t'] = '';
-// $ret .= $this->Application->getFilename('c', $processed_params['m_cat_id']).'/';
+ $ret .= $regs[1] . '/';
$url_params['category_processed'] = true;
else {
// $url_params['no_category'] = 1; // for debugging
unset($url_params['pass_category']); // unset it just in case
$force_page_adding = false;
if (getArrayValue($url_params, 'reset'))
if ($processed_params['m_cat_id'])
$processed_params['m_cat_page'] = 1;
$force_page_adding = true;
if( (array_key_exists('category_processed', $url_params) && $url_params['category_processed'] && ($processed_params['m_cat_page'] > 1)) || $force_page_adding ) {
// category page number found & category name was added before
$ret = preg_replace('/(.*)\//', '\\1', $ret).'_'.$processed_params['m_cat_page'].'/';
$template = getArrayValue($url_params, 't');
$category_template = $processed_params['m_cat_id'] ? $this->Application->getCache('category_templates', $processed_params['m_cat_id']) : '';
if ((strtolower($template) == '__default__') && ($processed_params['m_cat_id'] == 0)) {
// for "Home" category set template to index when not set
$template = 'index';
// remove template from url if it is category index cached template
if ($template == $category_template || mb_strtolower($template) == '__default__') {
$template = '';
if ($template) {
$ret .= $template.'/';
$event->setEventParam('url_params', $url_params);
$event->setEventParam('env_string', mb_strtolower($ret) );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/units/general/main_event_handler.php
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/ci_blocks.tpl
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/ci_blocks.tpl (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/ci_blocks.tpl (revision 11520)
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="status_mark">
<inp2:m_if check="FieldEquals" name="$field" value="1">
<img src="<inp2:ModulePath module="in-portal"/>img/ic_<inp2:m_param name="type"/>.gif" title="<inp2:m_phrase label="la_{$type}"/>" width="11" height="11" align="absmiddle" />
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="grid_catitem_td" format="" no_special="">
<inp2:Field field="$field" grid="$grid" no_special="$no_special" format="$format" cut_first="100"/>
<inp2:m_if check="FieldEquals" field="Priority" value="0" inverse="inverse">
<span class="priority"><sup><inp2:Field field="Priority"/></sup></span>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="status_mark" field="EditorsPick" type="pick" PrefixSpecial="$PrefixSpecial"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="status_mark" field="IsPop" type="pop" PrefixSpecial="$PrefixSpecial"/>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="status_mark" field="IsHot" type="hot" PrefixSpecial="$PrefixSpecial"/>
+ <a href="<inp2:ItemLink template='__default__' index_file='../index.php'/>" title="<inp2:m_Phrase name='la_alt_Browse' html_escape='1'/>">
+ <img src="<inp2:m_TemplatesBase/>/img/arrow.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<inp2:m_Phrase name='la_alt_Browse' html_escape='1'/>" border="0"/>
+ </a>
<inp2:m_if check="m_Param" name="Special" equals_to="showall|user">
<br />
<span class="cats_stats">
<inp2:Field name="CategoryId" result_to_var="item_category"/>
<inp2:m_Phrase name="la_fld_PrimaryCategory"/>: <a href="<inp2:m_Link template='catalog/catalog' m_cat_id='$item_category' anchor='tab-{$Prefix}' no_pass_through='1'/>"><inp2:CategoryName /></a><br />
- <a href="<inp2:ItemLink template='__default__' index_file='../index.php'/>" title="<inp2:m_Phrase name='la_alt_Browse' html_escape='1'/>">
- <img src="<inp2:m_TemplatesBase/>/img/arrow.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<inp2:m_Phrase name='la_alt_Browse' html_escape='1'/>" border="0"/>
- </a>
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="grid_category_td" format="" no_special="">
<td valign="top" class="text">
<inp2:CategoryName />
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="no_perm_grid" prefix="" perm_label="">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder_full" height="200">
<tr class="table-color1">
<td align="center" valign="middle" class="text">
<inp2:m_phrase name="$perm_label"/>
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="inp_edit_relation">
<tr class="<inp2:m_odd_even odd='edit-form-odd' even='edit-form-even'/>">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_field_caption" prefix="$prefix" field="$field" title="$title"/>
<td class="control-cell">
<inp2:m_if check="{$prefix}_Field" field="$field">
<img src="<inp2:{$prefix}_ModulePath />img/itemicons/<inp2:{$prefix}_ItemIcon grid="Default"/>" align="absmiddle"/>
<inp2:{$prefix}_Field field="ItemName" no_special="1"/> (<inp2:{$prefix}_Field field="ItemType"/>)
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_error" pass_params="1"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/ci_blocks.tpl
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_edit.tpl
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_edit.tpl (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_edit.tpl (revision 11520)
@@ -1,186 +1,189 @@
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="880" height="680"/>
<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="CATEGORY.VIEW"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="section_header" prefix="c" icon="icon46_catalog" module="in-portal" title="!la_title_Categories!"/>
<inp2:m_include t="categories/categories_tabs"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="blue_bar" prefix="c" title_preset="categories_edit" module="in-portal" icon="icon46_catalog"/>
<!-- ToolBar --->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
go_to_id('c', '<inp2:c_PrevId/>');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
go_to_id('c', '<inp2:c_NextId/>');
) );
<inp2:m_if check="c_IsSingle">
<inp2:m_if check="c_IsLast">
<inp2:m_if check="c_IsFirst">
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<inp2:c_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="filename_edit">
<div id="scroll_container">
+ <div id="width_status">
+ Status:
+ </div>
<table class="edit-form">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Category!"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="c" field="CategoryId" title="!la_fld_CategoryId!"/>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="c" field="AutomaticFilename" title=" la_fld_AutoCreateFileName" onclick="reflectFilename()"/> <!-- la_fld_CategoryAutomaticFilename -->
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<inp2:m_if check="c_Field" name="IsSystem" equals_to="1" db="db">
<inp2:m_if check="m_IsDebugMode">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="c" field="Template" title="la_fld_TemplateFile" size="40"/>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="c" field="FormSubmittedTemplate" title="la_fld_FormSubmittedTemplate" size="60"/>
<inp2:m_if check="m_IsDebugMode">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="c" field="IsIndex" title="la_fld_IsIndex"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="c" field="IsMenu" title="la_fld_MenuStatus"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Properties!"/>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="c" field="UseMenuIconUrl" title="!la_fld_UseMenuIcon!" onclick="reflectMenuIcon();"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="c" field="MenuIconUrl" title="!la_fld_MenuIcon!" size="60"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="c" field="UseExternalUrl" title="la_fld_UseExternalUrl" onclick="reflectExternalUrl();"/>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="c" field="MetaDescription" title="!la_fld_MetaDescription!" allow_html="0" control_options="{min_height: 90}" rows="4" cols="70"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="c" field="IndexTools" title="!la_fld_TrackingCode!" control_options="{min_height: 90}" allow_html="0"/>
<!-- custom fields: begin -->
<inp2:m_include t="incs/custom_blocks"/>
<inp2:cf.general_PrintList render_as="cv_row_block" SourcePrefix="c" value_field="Value" per_page="-1" grid="Default" />
<!-- custom fields: end -->
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function getControl ($field, $appendix, $prepend) {
var $field_mask = '<inp2:c_InputName field="#FIELD_NAME#"/>';
$appendix = isset($appendix) ? '_' + $appendix : '';
$prepend = isset($prepend) ? $prepend + '_' : '';
return document.getElementById( $prepend + $field_mask.replace('#FIELD_NAME#', $field) + $appendix );
function reflectMenuIcon() {
getControl('MenuIconUrl') = getControl('UseMenuIconUrl', null, '_cb').checked ? '' : 'none';
function reflectExternalUrl() {
getControl('ExternalUrl') = getControl('UseExternalUrl', null, '_cb').checked ? '' : 'none';
function OnSystemClick() {
var cel = getControl('IsSystem', null, '_cb');
var tel = getControl('Template');
if (cel) {
if (cel.checked) {
cel.setAttribute('old_template', tel.value);
tel.disabled = true;
tel.readonly = true;
else {
var old_template = cel.getAttribute('old_template');
tel.disabled = false;
tel.readonly = false;
if (old_template) {
tel.value = old_template;
cel.setAttribute('old_template', '');
function reflectFilename() {
var $checked = getControl('AutomaticFilename', null, '_cb').checked;
getControl('Filename').readOnly = $checked;
function() {
// OnSystemClick();
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_edit.tpl
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_tabs.tpl
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_tabs.tpl (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_tabs.tpl (revision 11520)
@@ -1,34 +1,28 @@
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="grid_save_warning">
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<inp2:m_phrase name="la_Warning_Save_Item"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
$edit_mode = <inp2:m_if check="m_ParamEquals" name="display" value="1">true<inp2:m_else />false</inp2:m_if>;
-<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
- <td align="right" width="100%">
- <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" height="23">
- <tr>
- <inp2:m_if check="c_IsRootCategory">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Permissions" t="categories/categories_edit_permissions" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_General" t="categories/categories_edit" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Properties" t="categories/categories_edit_properties" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Relations" t="categories/categories_edit_relations" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Related_Searches" t="categories/categories_edit_related_searches" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Images" t="categories/categories_edit_images" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Permissions" t="categories/categories_edit_permissions" main_prefix="c"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Custom" t="categories/categories_edit_custom" main_prefix="c"/>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
\ No newline at end of file
+<inp2:m_DefineElement name="categories_tabs">
+ <inp2:m_if check="c_IsRootCategory">
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Permissions" t="categories/categories_edit_permissions" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_else/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_General" t="categories/categories_edit" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Properties" t="categories/categories_edit_properties" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Relations" t="categories/categories_edit_relations" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Related_Searches" t="categories/categories_edit_related_searches" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Images" t="categories/categories_edit_images" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Permissions" t="categories/categories_edit_permissions" main_prefix="c"/>
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement name="tab" title="la_tab_Custom" t="categories/categories_edit_custom" main_prefix="c"/>
+ </inp2:m_if>
+<inp2:m_RenderElement name="tabs_container" tabs_render_as="categories_tabs"/>
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/categories_tabs.tpl
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/edit_content.tpl
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/edit_content.tpl (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/edit_content.tpl (revision 11520)
@@ -1,54 +1,72 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:structure.view" system="1"/>
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="700" height="600"/>
+<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" nobody="yes"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties=" style='height: 100%;'" />
+<body style="margin: 0px">
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="proj-cms:structure" prefix="st" title_preset="edit_content"/>
+<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="in-portal:browse" prefix="c" title_preset="edit_content"/>
<!-- ToolBar --->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
+ a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
cancel_edit('content','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:content_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
reset_form('content', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
+ a_toolbar.Render();
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="content"/>
<div id="scroll_container" style="">
<table class="edit-form">
- <tr><td>
- <inp2:content_FCKEditor field="Content" width="100%" height="80" late_load="1"/>
+ <tr><td style="padding: 0px">
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function FCKeditor_OnComplete( editorInstance )
+ {
+ /*var $opener = getWindowOpener(window);
+ if ($opener && !$opener.closed) {
+ current = $opener.document.getElementById($TargetField).value;
+ editorInstance.SetHTML(current);
+ }
+ else {
+ window_close();
+ }*/
+ Form.Resize();
+ }
+ </script>
+ <inp2:content_FCKEditor field="Content" width="100%" height="100" late_load="1"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
Form.addControl('<inp2:content_InputName field="Content"/>___Frame');
-<input type="hidden" name="st_id" value="<inp2:m_Get name="st_id"/>"/>
+<inp2:m_Set _force_popup="1"/>
+<input type="hidden" name="c_id" value="<inp2:m_Get name='c_id'/>"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/categories/edit_content.tpl
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property
Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/incs/close_popup.tpl
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/incs/close_popup.tpl (revision 11519)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/incs/close_popup.tpl (revision 11520)
@@ -1,105 +1,106 @@
<inp2:m_Set skip_last_template="1"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $is_debug = <inp2:m_if check="m_ConstOn" name="DBG_REDIRECT">true<inp2:m_else/>false</inp2:m_if>;
var $use_popups = <inp2:m_if check="adm_UsePopups">true<inp2:m_else/>false</inp2:m_if>;
var $redirect_url = '<inp2:m_t t="dummy" opener="u" m_opener="u" escape="escape"/>';
if ($is_debug) {
document.write('<a href="#" onclick="proceed_redirect()">' + $redirect_url.replace('%5C', '\\') + '</a>');
else {
function isset(variable)
if(variable == null) return false;
return (typeof(variable) == 'undefined') ? false : true;
function proceed_redirect() {
var $opener = getFrame('main').getWindowOpener(window);
if ($opener) {
// using popups & close_popup called (from anywhere)
try {
window_close( function() { onAfterWindowClose($opener); } );
catch (err) {
// another website is opened in parent window
alert('Error while trying to process redirect in window opener, you should probably close this window.' + "\n" + 'Error message: [' + err.message + ']');
else if (!$use_popups) {
// not using popups (for editing), but close_popup called (e.g. from selector)
window.location.href = $redirect_url.replace('%5C', '\\');
function onAfterWindowClose($opener) {
- <inp2:m_if check="m_Get" name="skip_refresh">
+ /*<inp2:m_if check="m_Get" name="skip_refresh">
var $skip_refresh = true;
var $skip_refresh = isset($opener.$skip_refresh) && $opener.$skip_refresh ? true : false;
- </inp2:m_if>
+ </inp2:m_if>*/
- if (!$skip_refresh) {
+// if (!$skip_refresh) {
$opener.location.href = $redirect_url.replace('%5C', '\\');
- }
+// }
// copied from "js/script.js" because it's not included here due performance reasons
function getFrame($name) {
var $main_window = window;
// 1. cycle through popups to get main window
try {
// will be error, when other site is opened in parent window
var $i = 0;
while ($main_window.opener) {
if ($i == 10) {
$main_window = $main_window.opener;
catch (err) {
// catch Access/Permission Denied error
// alert('getFrame.Error: [' + err.description + ']');
return window;
var $frameset = $main_window.parent.frames;
for ($i = 0; $i < $frameset.length; $i++) {
if ($frameset[$i].name == $name) {
return $frameset[$i];
return $main_window.parent;
function window_close($close_callback) {
// use this instead of "window.close();"
if ( == 'main') {
return ;
if ($close_callback !== undefined) {
return getFrame('main').TB.remove(null, $close_callback);
return getFrame('main').TB.remove();
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/incs/close_popup.tpl
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property

Event Timeline