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Index: branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/usps.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/usps.php (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/usps.php (revision 13985)
@@ -1,1199 +1,1325 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TEXT_TITLE', 'United States Postal Service');
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TEXT_DESCRIPTION', 'You will need to have registered an account with USPS. Click <a target="_blank" href=""><strong>HERE</strong></a> for registration details. USPS expects you to use pounds as weight measure for your products.');
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TEXT_ERROR', 'An error occured with the USPS shipping calculations.<br>If you prefer to use USPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.');
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_STATUS', 'True'); // Do you want to offer USPS shipping?
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_SERVER', 'production'); // An account at USPS is needed to use the Production server // production othervise value may be 'test'
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_HANDLING', '0'); // Handling fee for this shipping method
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TAX_CLASS', '0'); // Use the following tax class on the shipping fee
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_ZONE', '0'); // If a zone is selected, only enable this shipping method for that zone.
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_SORT_ORDER', '0'); // Sort order of display.
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TYPES', 'PRIORITY, PARCEL'); // EXPRESS, FIRST CLASS, BMP, MEDIA 'Select the domestic services to be offered:
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_OPTIONS', 'Display weight, Display transit time'); //
//configuration values for insurance
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS1', '1.65');// 'US/Canada insurance for totals $.01-$50.00
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS2', '2.05');// 'US/Canada insurance for totals $50.01-$100
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS3', '2.45');// 'US/Canada insurance for totals $100.01-$200
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS4', '4.60');// 'US/Canada insurance for totals $200.01-$300
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS5', '.90');// 'US/Canada insurance for every $100 over $300 (add)
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS6', '2.40');// 'International insurance for totals $.01-$50.00
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS7', '3.30');// 'International insurance for totals $50.01-$100
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS8', '4.20');// 'International insurance for totals $100.01-$200
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS9', '5.10');// 'International insurance for totals $200.01-$300
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS10', '.90');// 'International insurance for every $100 over $300 (add)
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INSURE', 'True');// 'Insure packages shipped by USPS?
define('MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INSURE_TAX', 'True');// 'Insure tax on packages shipped by USPS?
define('USPS_LOG_FILE', WRITEABLE .'/user_files/usps.log');
class USPS extends ShippingQuoteEngine
var $countries, $pounds, $ounces, $insurance_cost = 0, $shipping_origin_country, $store_first_name, $store_last_name, $company_name, $store_name, $store_address1, $store_address2, $store_city, $store_state, $store_zip5, $store_zip4, $store_phone, $usps_userid;
var $order = Array();
var $types = Array();
var $intl_types = Array();
function USPS()
$this->types = Array(
'EXPRESS' => 'Express Mail',
'FIRST CLASS' => 'First Class Mail',
'PRIORITY' => 'Priority Mail',
'PARCEL' => 'Parcel Post',
'BPM' => 'Bound Printed Matter',
'MEDIA' => 'Media Mail'
$this->intl_types = Array(
// 'GLOBAL EXPRESS' => 'Global Express Guaranteed',
// 'GLOBAL EXPRESS NON-DOC RECT' => 'Global Express Guaranteed Non-Document Rectangular',
// 'GLOBAL EXPRESS NON-DOC NON-RECT' => 'Global Express Guaranteed Non-Document Non-Rectangular',
'EXPRESS MAIL INT' => 'Express Mail International (EMS)',
'EXPRESS MAIL INT FLAT RATE ENV' => 'Express Mail International (EMS) Flat Rate Envelope',
'PRIORITY MAIL INT' => 'Priority Mail International',
'PRIORITY MAIL INT FLAT RATE ENV' => 'Priority Mail International Flat Rate Envelope',
'PRIORITY MAIL INT FLAT RATE BOX' => 'Priority Mail International Flat Rate Box',
'FIRST-CLASS MAIL INT' => 'First-Class Mail International'
// get 2-symbol country code
$country = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_Country');
if ($country != '') {
$this->shipping_origin_country = $this->GetUSPSCountry($country, '');
$contact_name = trim($this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Contacts_Name')));
$split_pos = strpos($contact_name, ' ');
if ($split_pos === false) {
$this->store_first_name = $contact_name;
$this->store_last_name = '';
} else {
$this->store_first_name = substr($contact_name, 0, $split_pos);
$this->store_last_name = trim(substr($contact_name, $split_pos));
$this->company_name = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_CompanyName'));
$this->store_name = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_StoreName'));
$this->store_address1 = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_AddressLine1'));
$this->store_address2 = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_AddressLine2'));
if ($this->store_address2 == '') {
$this->store_address2 = $this->store_address1;
$this->store_address1 = '';
$this->store_city = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_City'));
$this->store_state = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_State'));
$zip = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Shipping_ZIP'));
$this->store_zip5 = substr($zip, 0, 5);
$this->store_zip4 = trim(substr($zip, 6), '-');
$this->store_phone = $this->_prepare_xml_param($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Contacts_Phone'));
// get username and password fron config.
$a_params = $this->LoadParams();
$this->usps_userid = $a_params['AccountLogin'];
// Note by Erik: DO NOT CHANGE THIS ARRAY. It's values are sent to USPS service and any changes may impact class main functionality.
$this->countries = array(
'AF' => 'Afghanistan',
'AL' => 'Albania',
'DZ' => 'Algeria',
'AD' => 'Andorra',
'AO' => 'Angola',
'AI' => 'Anguilla',
'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'AR' => 'Argentina',
'AM' => 'Armenia',
'AW' => 'Aruba',
'AU' => 'Australia',
'AT' => 'Austria',
'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan',
'BS' => 'Bahamas',
'BH' => 'Bahrain',
'BD' => 'Bangladesh',
'BB' => 'Barbados',
'BY' => 'Belarus',
'BE' => 'Belgium',
'BZ' => 'Belize',
'BJ' => 'Benin',
'BM' => 'Bermuda',
'BT' => 'Bhutan',
'BO' => 'Bolivia',
'BA' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina',
'BW' => 'Botswana',
'BR' => 'Brazil',
'VG' => 'British Virgin Islands',
'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'BG' => 'Bulgaria',
'BF' => 'Burkina Faso',
'MM' => 'Burma',
'BI' => 'Burundi',
'KH' => 'Cambodia',
'CM' => 'Cameroon',
'CA' => 'Canada',
'CV' => 'Cape Verde',
'KY' => 'Cayman Islands',
'CF' => 'Central African Republic',
'TD' => 'Chad',
'CL' => 'Chile',
'CN' => 'China',
'CX' => 'Christmas Island (Australia)',
'CC' => 'Cocos Island (Australia)',
'CO' => 'Colombia',
'KM' => 'Comoros',
'CG' => 'Congo (Brazzaville),Republic of the',
'ZR' => 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the',
'CK' => 'Cook Islands (New Zealand)',
'CR' => 'Costa Rica',
'CI' => 'Cote d\'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)',
'HR' => 'Croatia',
'CU' => 'Cuba',
'CY' => 'Cyprus',
'CZ' => 'Czech Republic',
'DK' => 'Denmark',
'DJ' => 'Djibouti',
'DM' => 'Dominica',
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic',
'TP' => 'East Timor (Indonesia)',
'EC' => 'Ecuador',
'EG' => 'Egypt',
'SV' => 'El Salvador',
'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'ER' => 'Eritrea',
'EE' => 'Estonia',
'ET' => 'Ethiopia',
'FK' => 'Falkland Islands',
'FO' => 'Faroe Islands',
'FJ' => 'Fiji',
'FI' => 'Finland',
'FR' => 'France',
'GF' => 'French Guiana',
'PF' => 'French Polynesia',
'GA' => 'Gabon',
'GM' => 'Gambia',
'GE' => 'Georgia, Republic of',
'DE' => 'Germany',
'GH' => 'Ghana',
'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
'GB' => 'Great Britain and Northern Ireland',
'GR' => 'Greece',
'GL' => 'Greenland',
'GD' => 'Grenada',
'GP' => 'Guadeloupe',
'GT' => 'Guatemala',
'GN' => 'Guinea',
'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'GY' => 'Guyana',
'HT' => 'Haiti',
'HN' => 'Honduras',
'HK' => 'Hong Kong',
'HU' => 'Hungary',
'IS' => 'Iceland',
'IN' => 'India',
'ID' => 'Indonesia',
'IR' => 'Iran',
'IQ' => 'Iraq',
'IE' => 'Ireland',
'IL' => 'Israel',
'IT' => 'Italy',
'JM' => 'Jamaica',
'JP' => 'Japan',
'JO' => 'Jordan',
'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan',
'KE' => 'Kenya',
'KI' => 'Kiribati',
'KW' => 'Kuwait',
'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'LA' => 'Laos',
'LV' => 'Latvia',
'LB' => 'Lebanon',
'LS' => 'Lesotho',
'LR' => 'Liberia',
'LY' => 'Libya',
'LI' => 'Liechtenstein',
'LT' => 'Lithuania',
'LU' => 'Luxembourg',
'MO' => 'Macao',
'MK' => 'Macedonia, Republic of',
'MG' => 'Madagascar',
'MW' => 'Malawi',
'MY' => 'Malaysia',
'MV' => 'Maldives',
'ML' => 'Mali',
'MT' => 'Malta',
'MQ' => 'Martinique',
'MR' => 'Mauritania',
'MU' => 'Mauritius',
'YT' => 'Mayotte (France)',
'MX' => 'Mexico',
'MD' => 'Moldova',
'MC' => 'Monaco (France)',
'MN' => 'Mongolia',
'MS' => 'Montserrat',
'MA' => 'Morocco',
'MZ' => 'Mozambique',
'NA' => 'Namibia',
'NR' => 'Nauru',
'NP' => 'Nepal',
'NL' => 'Netherlands',
'AN' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
'NC' => 'New Caledonia',
'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
'NI' => 'Nicaragua',
'NE' => 'Niger',
'NG' => 'Nigeria',
'KP' => 'North Korea (Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic of)',
'NO' => 'Norway',
'OM' => 'Oman',
'PK' => 'Pakistan',
'PA' => 'Panama',
'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'PY' => 'Paraguay',
'PE' => 'Peru',
'PH' => 'Philippines',
'PN' => 'Pitcairn Island',
'PL' => 'Poland',
'PT' => 'Portugal',
'QA' => 'Qatar',
'RE' => 'Reunion',
'RO' => 'Romania',
'RU' => 'Russia',
'RW' => 'Rwanda',
'SH' => 'Saint Helena',
'KN' => 'Saint Kitts (St. Christopher and Nevis)',
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia',
'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
'SM' => 'San Marino',
'ST' => 'Sao Tome and Principe',
'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'SN' => 'Senegal',
'YU' => 'Serbia-Montenegro',
'SC' => 'Seychelles',
'SL' => 'Sierra Leone',
'SG' => 'Singapore',
'SK' => 'Slovak Republic',
'SI' => 'Slovenia',
'SB' => 'Solomon Islands',
'SO' => 'Somalia',
'ZA' => 'South Africa',
'GS' => 'South Georgia (Falkland Islands)',
'KR' => 'South Korea (Korea, Republic of)',
'ES' => 'Spain',
'LK' => 'Sri Lanka',
'SD' => 'Sudan',
'SR' => 'Suriname',
'SZ' => 'Swaziland',
'SE' => 'Sweden',
'CH' => 'Switzerland',
'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'TW' => 'Taiwan',
'TJ' => 'Tajikistan',
'TZ' => 'Tanzania',
'TH' => 'Thailand',
'TG' => 'Togo',
'TK' => 'Tokelau (Union) Group (Western Samoa)',
'TO' => 'Tonga',
'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'TN' => 'Tunisia',
'TR' => 'Turkey',
'TM' => 'Turkmenistan',
'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
'TV' => 'Tuvalu',
'UG' => 'Uganda',
'UA' => 'Ukraine',
'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates',
'UY' => 'Uruguay',
'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan',
'VU' => 'Vanuatu',
'VA' => 'Vatican City',
'VE' => 'Venezuela',
'VN' => 'Vietnam',
'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna Islands',
'WS' => 'Western Samoa',
'YE' => 'Yemen',
'ZM' => 'Zambia',
'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe'
$this->countryinsure = array(
'AF' => 0,
'AL' => 0,
'DZ' => 2185,
'AD' => 5000,
'AO' => 0,
'AI' => 415,
'AG' => 60,
'AR' => 5000,
'AM' => 1350,
'AW' => 830,
'AU' => 3370,
'AT' => 5000,
'AZ' => 5000,
'BS' => 2795,
'BH' => 0,
'BD' => 5000,
'BB' => 220,
'BY' => 1323,
'BE' => 5000,
'BZ' => 1600,
'BJ' => 170,
'BM' => 440,
'BT' => 440,
'BO' => 0,
'BA' => 5000,
'BW' => 145,
'BR' => 5000,
'VG' => 165,
'BN' => 4405,
'BG' => 1030,
'BF' => 530,
'MM' => 4045,
'BI' => 790,
'KH' => 0,
'CM' => 5000,
'CA' => 675,
'CV' => 0,
'KY' => 0,
'CF' => 4405,
'TD' => 440,
'CL' => 0,
'CN' => 1130,
'CX' => 3370,
'CC' => 3370,
'CO' => 0,
'KM' => 690,
'CG' => 1685,
'ZR' => 0,
'CK' => 980,
'CR' => 0,
'CI' => 5000,
'HR' => 5000,
'CU' => 0,
'CY' => 5000,
'CZ' => 5000,
'DK' => 5000,
'DJ' => 880,
'DM' => 0,
'DO' => 0,
'TP' => 0,
'EC' => 0,
'EG' => 1685,
'SV' => 0,
'GQ' => 0,
'ER' => 0,
'EE' => 2020,
'ET' => 1000,
'FK' => 510,
'FO' => 5000,
'FJ' => 600,
'FI' => 5000,
'FR' => 5000,
'GF' => 5000,
'PF' => 1015,
'GA' => 485,
'GM' => 2575,
'GE' => 1350,
'DE' => 5000,
'GH' => 5000,
'GI' => 5000,
'GB' => 857,
'GR' => 5000,
'GL' => 5000,
'GD' => 350,
'GP' => 5000,
'GT' => 0,
'GN' => 875,
'GW' => 21,
'GY' => 10,
'HT' => 0,
'HN' => 0,
'HK' => 5000,
'HU' => 5000,
'IS' => 5000,
'IN' => 2265,
'ID' => 0,
'IR' => 0,
'IQ' => 0,
'IE' => 5000,
'IL' => 0,
'IT' => 5000,
'JM' => 0,
'JP' => 5000,
'JO' => 0,
'KZ' => 5000,
'KE' => 815,
'KI' => 0,
'KW' => 1765,
'KG' => 1350,
'LA' => 0,
'LV' => 1350,
'LB' => 440,
'LS' => 440,
'LR' => 440,
'LY' => 0,
'LI' => 5000,
'LT' => 5000,
'LU' => 5000,
'MO' => 4262,
'MK' => 2200,
'MG' => 675,
'MW' => 50,
'MY' => 1320,
'MV' => 0,
'ML' => 950,
'MT' => 5000,
'MQ' => 5000,
'MR' => 635,
'MU' => 270,
'YT' => 5000,
'MX' => 0,
'MD' => 1350,
'MC' => 5000,
'MN' => 440,
'MS' => 2200,
'MA' => 5000,
'MZ' => 0,
'NA' => 4405,
'NR' => 220,
'NP' => 0,
'NL' => 5000,
'AN' => 830,
'NC' => 1615,
'NZ' => 980,
'NI' => 440,
'NE' => 810,
'NG' => 205,
'KP' => 0,
'NO' => 0,
'OM' => 575,
'PK' => 270,
'PA' => 0,
'PG' => 445,
'PY' => 0,
'PE' => 0,
'PH' => 270,
'PN' => 0,
'PL' => 1350,
'PT' => 5000,
'QA' => 2515,
'RE' => 5000,
'RO' => 5000,
'RU' => 5000,
'RW' => 0,
'SH' => 170,
'KN' => 210,
'LC' => 400,
'PM' => 5000,
'VC' => 130,
'SM' => 5000,
'ST' => 440,
'SA' => 0,
'SN' => 865,
'YU' => 5000,
'SC' => 0,
'SL' => 0,
'SG' => 4580,
'SK' => 5000,
'SI' => 4400,
'SB' => 0,
'SO' => 440,
'ZA' => 1760,
'GS' => 510,
'KR' => 5000,
'ES' => 5000,
'LK' => 35,
'SD' => 0,
'SR' => 535,
'SZ' => 560,
'SE' => 5000,
'CH' => 5000,
'SY' => 3080,
'TW' => 1350,
'TJ' => 1350,
'TZ' => 230,
'TH' => 1350,
'TG' => 2190,
'TK' => 295,
'TO' => 515,
'TT' => 930,
'TN' => 2200,
'TR' => 880,
'TM' => 675,
'TC' => 0,
'TV' => 4715,
'UG' => 0,
'UA' => 5000,
'AE' => 5000,
'UY' => 0,
'UZ' => 5000,
'VU' => 0,
'VA' => 5000,
'VE' => 0,
'VN' => 0,
'WF' => 1615,
'WS' => 295,
'YE' => 0,
'ZM' => 540,
'ZW' => 600,
'US' => 5000
function SetInsurance()
$this->insurance_cost = 0;
// Insurance module by Kevin Shelton
// divide the value of the order among the packages based on the order total or subtotal depending on whether or not you have configured to insure tax
$shipping_weight = $this->order['ShippingWeight'];
$shipping_num_boxes = $this->order['ShippingNumBoxes'];
$costperpkg = $this->order['SubTotal'] / $shipping_num_boxes;
// retrieve the maximum allowed insurance for the destination country and if the package value exceeds it then set package value to the maximum allowed
$maxins = $this->countryinsure[$this->order['ShippingCountry']];
if ($costperpkg > $maxins) $costperpkg = $maxins;
// if insurance not allowed for destination or insurance is turned off add nothing to shipping cost
if (($maxins == 0) || (MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INSURE == 'False')) {
$insurance = 0;
// US and Canada share the same insurance calculation (though not the same maximum)
else if (($this->order['ShippingCountry'] == 'US') || ($this->order['ShippingCountry'] == 'CA'))
if ($costperpkg<=50) {
else if ($costperpkg<=100) {
else if ($costperpkg<=200) {
else if ($costperpkg<=300) {
else {
$insurance = MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS4 + ((ceil($costperpkg/100) -3) * MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS5);
// if insurance allowed and is not US or Canada then calculate international insurance
else {
if ($costperpkg<=50) {
else if ($costperpkg<=100) {
else if ($costperpkg<=200) {
else if ($costperpkg<=300) {
else {
$insurance = MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS9 + ((ceil($costperpkg/100) - 3) * MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_INS10);
// usps doesnt accept zero weight
$shipping_weight = ($shipping_weight < 0.1 ? 0.1 : $shipping_weight);
$shipping_pounds = floor ($shipping_weight);
$shipping_ounces = round(16 * ($shipping_weight - floor($shipping_weight)));
$this->_setWeight($shipping_pounds, $shipping_ounces);
// Added by Kevin Chen (; Fixes the Parcel Post Bug July 1, 2004
// Refer to documentation
// Thanks Ryan
if($shipping_pounds > 35 || ($shipping_pounds == 0 && $shipping_ounces < 6)){
$this->insurance_cost = $insurance;
// End Kevin Chen July 1, 2004
function _setService($service)
$this->service = $service;
function _setWeight($pounds, $ounces=0)
$this->pounds = $pounds;
$this->ounces = $ounces;
function _setContainer($container)
$this->container = $container;
function _setSize($size)
$this->size = $size;
function _setMachinable($machinable)
$this->machinable = $machinable;
function PhoneClean($phone)
$res = preg_replace('/[(]|[)]|[\-]|[ ]|[#]|[\.]|[a-z](.*)|[A-Z](.*)/g', '', $phone);
if ( strlen($res) > 10 ) {
$res = substr($res, 0, 10);
return $res != '' ? $res : $phone;
function GetQuote($method = '')
if ( isset($this->types[$method]) || in_array($method, $this->intl_types)) {
$this -> _setContainer('None');
$this -> _setSize('REGULAR');
$this -> SetInsurance(); // ???
if ($this->order['ShippingCountry'] == $this->shipping_origin_country) {
$request='<?xml version="1.0"?>';
// PASSWORD="'.$this->usps_password.'"
$request.= '<RateV3Request USERID="'.$this->usps_userid.'">';
$services_count = 0;
if (isset($this->service)) {
$this->types = array($this->service => $this->types[$this->service]);
$dest_zip = str_replace(' ', '', $this->order['ShippingZip']);
$dest_zip = substr($dest_zip, 0, 5);
$allowed_types = explode(", ", MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TYPES);
while (list($key, $value) = each($this->types))
if ( !in_array($key, $allowed_types) ) continue;
$request .= '<Package ID="'.$services_count.'">'.
$request .= '</RateV3Request>';
$api_query = 'RateV3';
else {
$request = '<IntlRateRequest USERID="'.$this->usps_userid.'">'.
'<Package ID="0">'.
$api_query = 'IntlRate';
$request = 'API='.$api_query.'&XML=' . urlencode($request);
$body = $this->PostQuery($request);
$body = str_replace(chr(146), '', $body); // for bad `
// check for errors
if (strpos($body, '<Error>') !== false) {
$errors = Array ();
preg_match_all('/<Number>(.*?)<\/Number>/s', $body, $error_numbers);
preg_match_all('/<Description>(.*?)<\/Description>/s', $body, $error_descriptions);
foreach ($error_numbers[1] as $index => $error_number) {
$errors[$index] = $error_descriptions[1][$index];
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
$errors[$index] .= ' (' . $error_number . ')';
$errors = array_unique($errors); // we may have same errors on many packages, so don't show duplicates
return Array('error' => implode('<br/>', $errors));
// parse response
$xml_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kXMLHelper');
/* @var $xml_helper kXMLHelper */
$root_node =& $xml_helper->Parse($body);
/* @var $root_node kXMLNode */
$rates = Array();
// Domestic shipping
if ($this->order['ShippingCountry'] == $this->shipping_origin_country) {
$i = 0;
$postage_node =& $root_node->FindChild('Package');
do {
// $parcel_node =& $postage_node->firstChild;
$service = $postage_node->FindChildValue('MailService');
if ( $service != '' ) {
$rates[$i] = Array();
$rates[$i]['Title'] = $service;
$rates[$i]['Rate'] = $this->insurance_cost + $postage_node->FindChildValue('Rate');
while ( $postage_node =& $postage_node->NextSibling());
else {
// for International Rates !!!
$allowed_types = array();
foreach( explode(", ", MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TYPES_INTL) as $value ) {
$allowed_types[$value] = $this->intl_types[$value];
$i = 0;
$service_node =& $root_node->FindChild('Service');
do {
$service = trim($service_node->FindChildValue('SvcDescription'));
if( !in_array($service, $allowed_types) ) continue;
if ( $service_node->FindChildValue('MaxWeight') >= $this->pounds ) {
$rates[$i] = Array();
$rates[$i]['Title'] = $service;
$rates[$i]['MaxDimensions'] = $service_node->FindChildValue('MaxDimensions');
$rates[$i]['MaxWeight'] = $service_node->FindChildValue('MaxWeight');
$rates[$i]['SvcCommitments'] = $service_node->FindChildValue('SvcCommitments');
$rates[$i]['Rate'] = $this->insurance_cost + $service_node->FindChildValue('Postage');
while ( $service_node =& $service_node->NextSibling());
// print_r($rates);
// die('here');
return $rates;
function PostOrder()
$base_request = '';
// $this->order['ShippingCountry'] = $this->GetUSPSCountry($this->order['ShippingCountry']);
// Domestic Order
if ($this->order['ShippingCountry'] == $this->shipping_origin_country) {
// $dest_zip = str_replace(' ', '', $this->order['ShippingZip5']);
$this->order['ShippingZip5'] = substr($this->order['ShippingZip5'], 0, 5);
$WeightInOunces = floor($this->pounds * 16 + $this->ounces);
$base_request ='
<ToName>'.$this->order['FirstName'].' '.$this->order['LastName'].'</ToName>
$api_query = 'DeliveryConfirmationV3';
$xml_request = 'DeliveryConfirmationV3.0Request';
else {
// International Order(s)
$shipping_service = strtolower($this->order['ShippingService']);
$base_request = '<Option/>
<ToName>'.$this->order['FirstName'].' '.$this->order['LastName'].'</ToName>
if ( $this->order['ShippingProvince'] != '' ) {
// add items
foreach ( $this->order['Items'] as $k => $value ) {
<Description>Computer Parts</Description>
<Value>'.($value['Price'] * $value['Qty']).'</Value>
<CountryOfOrigin>United States</CountryOfOrigin>
// end add items
if (strpos($shipping_service, 'express') !== false) {
$xml_request = 'ExpressMailIntlRequest';
$api_query = 'ExpressMailIntl';
elseif (strpos($shipping_service, 'priority') !== false) {
$xml_request = 'PriorityMailIntlRequest';
$api_query = 'PriorityMailIntl';
else {
$xml_request = 'FirstClassMailIntlRequest';
$api_query = 'FirstClassMailIntl';
$request.= '<'.$xml_request.' USERID="'.$this->usps_userid.'">';
$request.= $base_request;
$request.= '</'.$xml_request.'>';
// die($request);
$request = 'API='.$api_query.'&XML='.urlencode($request);
$body = $this->PostQuery($request, 1);
// check for errors
if (strpos($body, '<Error>') !== false) {
$errors = Array ();
preg_match_all('/<Number>(.*?)<\/Number>/s', $body, $error_numbers);
preg_match_all('/<Description>(.*?)<\/Description>/s', $body, $error_descriptions);
foreach ($error_numbers[1] as $index => $error_number) {
$errors[$index] = Array ('error_number' => $error_number, 'error_description' => $error_descriptions[1][$index]);
// TODO: find a way to return other error messages in same package as well
return $errors[0];
// parse response
$xml_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kXMLHelper');
$root_node =& $xml_helper->Parse($body);
/* @var $root_node kXMLNode */
$Postage = 0;
$label_file = $TrackingNumber = $PostnetBarCode = '';
// Domestic shipping
if ($this->order['ShippingCountry'] == $this->shipping_origin_country ) {
$delivery_node =& $root_node->FindChild('DeliveryConfirmationV3.0Response');
do {
$TrackingNumber = $delivery_node->FindChildValue('DeliveryConfirmationNumber');
$PostnetBarCode = $delivery_node->FindChildValue('Postnet');
$DeliveryConfirmationLabel = base64_decode($delivery_node->FindChildValue('DeliveryConfirmationLabel'));
while ( $delivery_node =& $delivery_node->NextSibling());
else {
if (strpos($shipping_service, 'express') !== false) {
$node_title = 'ExpressMailIntlResponse';
elseif (strpos($shipping_service, 'priority') !== false) {
$node_title = 'PriorityMailIntlResponse';
else {
$node_title = 'FirstClassMailIntlResponse';
$delivery_node =& $root_node->FindChild($node_title);
$PostnetBarCode = $delivery_node->FindChildValue('BarcodeNumber');
$Postage = $delivery_node->FindChildValue('Postage');
$DeliveryConfirmationLabel = base64_decode($delivery_node->FindChildValue('LabelImage'));
if ( $TrackingNumber != '' ) {
$label_file = USPS_LABEL_FOLDER.$TrackingNumber.".pdf";
elseif ( $PostnetBarCode != '' ) {
$label_file = USPS_LABEL_FOLDER.$PostnetBarCode.".pdf";
if ( $label_file != '' ) {
$file_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FileHelper');
/* @var $file_helper FileHelper */
if (!$handle = fopen($label_file, 'a')) echo "Cannot open file ($label_file)";
if ( @fwrite($handle, $DeliveryConfirmationLabel) === FALSE) echo "Cannot write to file ($label_file)";
return array('TrackingNumber' => $TrackingNumber, 'PostnetBarCode' => $PostnetBarCode, 'Postage' => $Postage);
function GetUSPSCountry($country, $default = 'US')
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$country = $cs_helper->getCountryIso($country);
return $country == '' ? $default : $country;
function GetShippingQuotes($params = null)
$weights = Kg2Pounds($params['packages']['0']['weight']);
$weight = '';
$weight = $weights[0];
if ( $weights[1] != '' ) {
$country = $this->GetUSPSCountry($params['dest_country']);
$this->order = Array();
$this->order['ShippingWeight'] = $weight;
$this->order['ShippingNumBoxes'] = 1;
$this->order['ShippingZip'] = $params['dest_postal'];
$this->order['SubTotal'] = $params['amount'];
$this->order['ShippingCountry'] = $country;
$shipping_types = Array();
$rates = $this->GetQuote();
if ( !isset($rates['error']) ) {
- $this->Application->RemoveVar('usps_errors');
+ $this->Application->RemoveVar('sqe_error');
$i = 1;
foreach ($rates as $k => $rate ) {
$shipping_types['USPS_'.$i] = Array(
'ShippingId' => 'USPS_'.$i,
'TotalCost' => $rate['Rate'],
'ShippingName' => $rate['Title'],
'Type' => '1',
'CODFlat' => '0',
'CODPercent' => '0',
'PortalGroups' => ',15,',
'InsuranceFee' => '',
'COD' => '0',
'SelectedOnly' => '0',
'Code' => $rate['Title']
else {
// for Front-End (shipping screen) and Admin (Shipping Tab on editing order)
- $this->Application->StoreVar('usps_errors', $rates['error']);
+ $this->Application->StoreVar('sqe_error', $rates['error']);
$this->Application->StoreVar('current_usps_shipping_types', serialize($shipping_types));
return $shipping_types;
function TrackOrder($TrackingNumber='')
if ( $TrackingNumber != '' ) {
//<TrackFieldRequest USERID="402INTEC7634"><TrackID ID="EJ958083578US"></TrackID></TrackFieldRequest>
$request = '<TrackRequest USERID="'.$this->usps_userid.'"><TrackID ID="'.$TrackingNumber.'"></TrackID></TrackRequest>';
$api_query = 'TrackV2';
$request = 'API='.$api_query.'&XML='.urlencode($request);
$body = $this->PostQuery($request);
// check for errors
if (strpos($body, '<Error>') !== false) {
$errors = Array ();
preg_match_all('/<Number>(.*?)<\/Number>/s', $body, $error_numbers);
preg_match_all('/<Description>(.*?)<\/Description>/s', $body, $error_descriptions);
foreach ($error_numbers[1] as $index => $error_number) {
$errors[$index] = $error_descriptions[1][$index];
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
$errors[$index] .= ' (' . $error_number . ')';
$errors = array_unique($errors); // we may have same errors on many packages, so don't show duplicates
return Array('error' => implode('<br/>', $errors));
$xml_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kXMLHelper');
$root_node =& $xml_helper->Parse($body);
/* @var $root_node kXMLNode */
// Tracking Shipping
$delivery_node =& $root_node->FindChild('TrackInfo');
$TrackSummary = $delivery_node->FindChildValue('TrackSummary');
// echo ' TrackSummary ('.$TrackingNumber.') = '.$TrackSummary.'<br>';
return strpos($TrackSummary, 'delivered') !== false ? 1 : 0;
return false;
function ProcessTrackOrders()
$sql = sprintf('SELECT `OrderId`, `ShippingTracking` FROM %s WHERE `Status` > 3 AND `Delivered` = 0', TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders');
$orders = $this->Application->Conn->Query($sql);
foreach ( $orders as $k => $order ) {
// try to track order
if ( $order['ShippingTracking'] != '' && $this->TrackOrder($order['ShippingTracking']) ) {
$update_order = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET `Delivered` = 1 WHERE %s = %s",
$this->Application->getUnitOption('ord', 'IDField'),
$order[$this->Application->getUnitOption('ord', 'IDField')]
function PostQuery($request, $secure=0)
case 'production':
$usps_server = $secure > 0 ? '' : '' ;
$api_dll = 'ShippingAPI.dll';
case 'test':
$usps_server = $secure > 0 ? '' : '';
$api_dll = 'ShippingAPITest.dll';
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $usps_server.'/'.$api_dll.'?'.$request);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$body = curl_exec($curl);
if (defined('USPS_LOG_FILE')) {
$filename = USPS_LOG_FILE;
if ( !$fp = fopen($filename, "a") ) echo("Failed opening file $filename");
$request_url = sprintf("Date %s : IP %s\n\nPost\n\n%s\n\nReplay\n\n%s\n\n",
date("m/d/Y H:i:s",time()),
if (defined('USPS_LOG_FILE')) {
if (!fwrite($fp, $request_url)) echo("Failed writing to file $filename");
return $body;
+ /**
+ * Returns available shipping types
+ *
+ * @return Array
+ * @todo Get possible shipping types based on MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TYPES and MODULE_SHIPPING_USPS_TYPES_INTL consntants
+ */
function GetAvailableTypes()
- return array();
- $conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- $types = $conn->Query('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ShippingType');
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($types as $a_type) {
- $a_type['_ClassName'] = get_class($this);
- $a_type['_Id'] = 'CUST_'.$a_type['ShippingID'];
- $a_type['_Name'] = '(Custom) '.$a_type['Name'];
- $ret[] = $a_type;
- }
- return $ret;
+ return Array (
+ Array (
+ '_ClassName' => get_class($this),
+ '_Id' => 'USPS',
+ '_Name' => 'USPS (Default)'
+ )
+ );
function LoadParams()
$sql = 'SELECT Properties FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('sqe', 'TableName').'
WHERE ClassName="USPS"';
$db =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
return unserialize($db->GetOne($sql));
function _prepare_xml_param($value) {
return strip_tags($value);
* Returns virtual field names, that will be saved as properties
* @return Array
function GetEngineFields()
return Array ('AccountLogin');
+ /**
+ * Creates new USPS order
+ *
+ * @param OrdersItem $object
+ * @param bool $dry_run
+ * @return Array
+ */
+ function MakeOrder(&$object, $dry_run = false)
+ {
+ $ShippingInfo = unserialize($object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo'));
+ $ShippingCode = $USPSMethod = '';
+ $ShippingCountry = $this->GetUSPSCountry($object->GetDBField('ShippingCountry'));
+ $UserName = explode(" ", $object->GetDBField('ShippingTo'));
+ $item_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems';
+ if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
+ // this strange contraption actually uses temp table from object (when in temp mode)
+ $order_table = $object->TableName;
+ $item_table = str_replace('Orders', 'OrderItems', $order_table);
+ }
+ $sOrder = Array (
+ 'FirstName' => $UserName[0],
+ 'LastName' => $UserName[1],
+ 'ShippingCompany' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingCompany'),
+ 'ShippingAddress1' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingAddress1'),
+ 'ShippingAddress2' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingAddress2'),
+ 'ShippingCity' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingCity'),
+ 'ShippingZip' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingZip'),
+ 'ShippingCountry' => $ShippingCountry,
+ 'ShippingPhone' => $this->PhoneClean($object->GetDBField('ShippingPhone')),
+ 'ShippingFax' => $this->PhoneClean($object->GetDBField('ShippingFax')),
+ 'ShippingNumBoxes' => '1',
+ );
+ $sql = 'SELECT SUM(`Quantity` * `Weight`)
+ FROM ' . $item_table . '
+ WHERE ' . $object->IDField . ' = ' . $object->GetID();
+ $weight = $this->Application->Conn->GetOne($sql);
+ $f_weight = Kg2Pounds($weight);
+ $sOrder['ShippingWeight'] = $f_weight[0].'.'.$f_weight[1];
+ foreach ($ShippingInfo as $k => $ShippingRow) {
+ $ShippingCode = $ShippingRow['Code'];
+ }
+ if ( $object->GetDBField('ShippingCountry') == 'USA' ) {
+ $sOrder['ShippingState'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingState');
+ $USPSMethod = $ShippingCode;
+ unset($sOrder['ShippingZip']);
+ $sOrder['ShippingZip5'] = substr(trim($object->GetDBField('ShippingZip')), 0, 5);
+ $sOrder['ShippingZip4'] = '';
+ $sOrder['SubTotal'] = $object->GetDBField('SubTotal');
+ }
+ else {
+ $USPSMethod = array_search($ShippingCode, $this->intl_types);
+ $sOrder['ShippingProvince'] = '';
+ if ( $ShippingCountry == 'CA' ) {
+ $sOrder['ShippingProvince'] = $object->GetField('ShippingState');
+ }
+ // add items
+ $sql = 'SELECT `Quantity`, `Weight`, `Price`
+ FROM ' . $item_table . '
+ WHERE ' . $object->IDField . ' = ' . $object->GetID();
+ $order_items = $this->Application->Conn->Query($sql);
+ $i = 1;
+ $Items = Array();
+ foreach ($order_items as $k => $order_item) {
+ $p_weight = Array();
+ $p_weight = Kg2Pounds($order_item['Weight']);
+ $Items[$i] = Array('Qty' => $order_item['Quantity'], 'Price' => $order_item['Price'], 'NetPounds' => $p_weight[0], 'NetOunces' => $p_weight[1]);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $sOrder['Items'] = $Items;
+ $sOrder['InvoiceNumber'] = $object->GetDBField('OrderNumber');
+ }
+ $sOrder['ShippingService'] = $USPSMethod;
+ // make USPS order
+ $this->order = $sOrder;
+ $usps_data = $this->PostOrder();
+ // if errors
+ if ( array_key_exists('error_number', $usps_data) ) {
+ return $usps_data;
+ }
+ if ( array_key_exists('Postage', $usps_data) ) {
+ $ShippingPrice = '';
+ $ShippingPrice = $usps_data['Postage'];
+ }
+ $ShippingTracking = '';
+ if ( isset($usps_data['TrackingNumber']) && $usps_data['TrackingNumber'] != '' ) {
+ $ShippingTracking = $usps_data['TrackingNumber'];
+ }
+ if ( isset($usps_data['PostnetBarCode']) && $usps_data['PostnetBarCode'] != '' && $ShippingTracking == '' ) {
+ $ShippingTracking = $usps_data['PostnetBarCode'];
+ }
+ if ($dry_run == false) {
+ $object->SetDBField('ShippingTracking', $ShippingTracking);
+ $object->Update();
+ }
+ else {
+ $full_path = USPS_LABEL_FOLDER . $ShippingTracking . ".pdf";
+ if (file_exists($full_path)) {
+ unlink($full_path);
+ }
+ }
+ return $usps_data;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/shipping_quote_engine.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/shipping_quote_engine.php (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/shipping_quote_engine.php (revision 13985)
@@ -1,197 +1,209 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class ShippingQuoteEngine extends kHelper {
* Quote engine specific properties
* @var Array
var $properties = Array ();
function ShippingQuoteEngine()
* $params = Array(
* 'AccountLogin' => 'login',
* 'AccountPassword' => 'pass',
* 'carriers' => Array(
* Array(
* 'name' => 'UPS',
* 'account' => '',
* 'invoiced' => '0'
* ),
* Array(
* 'name' => 'DHL',
* 'account' => '',
* 'invoiced' => '0'
* ),
* Array(
* 'name' => 'FDX',
* 'account' => '',
* 'invoiced' => '0'
* ),
* Array(
* 'name' => 'USP',
* 'account' => '',
* 'invoiced' => '0'
* ),
* Array(
* 'name' => 'ARB',
* 'account' => '',
* 'invoiced' => '0'
* ),
* ),
* 'classes' => Array('1DY', '2DY', '3DY', 'GND'),
* 'ShipMethod' => 'DRP',
* 'orig_name' => 'John%20Smith',
* 'orig_addr1' => '2275%20Union%20Road',
* 'orig_city' => 'Cheektowaga',
* 'orig_state' => 'NY',
* 'orig_postal' => '14227',
* 'orig_country' => 'US',
* // this section is required
* 'dest_name' => 'Vasya%20Pupkin',
* 'dest_addr1' => '175%20E.Hawthorn%20pkwy.',
* 'dest_city' => 'Vernon%20Hills',
* 'dest_state' => 'IL',
* 'dest_postal' => '60061',
* 'dest_country' => 'US',
* // this section is required
* 'packages' => Array(
* Array(
* 'package_key' => 'package1',
* 'weight' => '50',
* 'weight_unit' => 'LB',
* 'length' => '25',
* 'width' => '15',
* 'height' => '15',
* 'dim_unit' => 'IN',
* 'packaging' => 'BOX',
* 'contents' => 'OTR',
* 'insurance' => '0'
* ),
* Array(
* 'package_key' => 'package2',
* 'weight' => '50',
* 'weight_unit' => 'LB',
* 'length' => '25',
* 'width' => '15',
* 'height' => '15',
* 'dim_unit' => 'IN',
* 'packaging' => 'BOX',
* 'contents' => 'OTR',
* 'insurance' => '0'
* ),
* ),
* 'shipment_id' => 1234;
* );
* Returns:
* $quotes = Array(
* 'package1' =>
* Array(
* Array(
* 'id' => 'INTSH_FDX_2DY',
* 'type' => 'FDX',
* ..
* 'amount' => 24.24,
* )
* Array(
* 'type' => 'FDX',
* ..
* 'amount' => 24.24,
* )
* ),
* 'package2' =>
* Array(
* Array(
* 'id' => 'INTSH_FDX_3DY',
* 'type' => 'FDX',
* ..
* 'amount' => 24.24,
* )
* Array(
* 'type' => 'FDX',
* ..
* 'amount' => 24.24,
* )
* ),
* )
* @param Array $params
function GetShippingQuotes($params)
* Returns list of shipping types, that can be selected on product editing page
* @return Array
function GetAvailableTypes()
return Array ();
* Returns virtual field names, that will be saved as properties
* @return Array
function GetEngineFields()
return Array ();
+ * Sends order to shipping quote engine
+ *
+ * @param OrdersItem $object
+ * @param bool $dry_run
+ * @return Array
+ */
+ function MakeOrder(&$object, $dry_run = false)
+ {
+ return Array ();
+ }
+ /**
* Loads properties of shipping quote engine
function initProperties()
$sql = 'SELECT Properties, FlatSurcharge, PercentSurcharge
FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('sqe', 'TableName') . '
WHERE LOWER(ClassName) = ' . $this->Conn->qstr( strtolower( get_class($this) ) );
$data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if (is_array($data)) {
$properties = $data['Properties'] ? unserialize($data['Properties']) : Array ();
$properties['FlatSurcharge'] = $data['FlatSurcharge'];
$properties['PercentSurcharge'] = $data['PercentSurcharge'];
$this->properties = $properties;
else {
$this->properties = Array ();
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/shipping_quote_collector.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/shipping_quote_collector.php (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/shipping_quote_engines/shipping_quote_collector.php (revision 13985)
@@ -1,156 +1,197 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class ShippingQuoteCollector extends ShippingQuoteEngine {
function GetShippingQuotes($params)
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$has_states = $cs_helper->CountryHasStates( $cs_helper->getCountryIso($params['dest_country'], true) );
if (
!$params['dest_city'] || !$params['dest_country'] ||
($has_states && !$params['dest_state']) ||
!$params['dest_postal'] || !$params['packages']
) {
return Array ();
$cached_var_name = 'ShippingQuotes' . crc32(serialize($params));
$shipping_types = $this->Application->getDBCache($cached_var_name);
if ($shipping_types) {
return unserialize($shipping_types);
+ $quotes_valid = true;
$shipping_types = Array();
$classes = $this->getEngineClasses();
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($class);
/* @var $object ShippingQuoteEngine */
$new_shipping_types = $object->GetShippingQuotes($params);
- $shipping_types = array_merge($shipping_types, $new_shipping_types);
+ if (is_array($new_shipping_types)) {
+ $shipping_types = array_merge($shipping_types, $new_shipping_types);
+ }
+ else {
+ $quotes_valid = false;
+ }
uasort($shipping_types, Array(&$this, 'price_sort'));
// exclude not available shipping quotes by products
$limit_types = unserialize($params['limit_types']);
if (is_array($limit_types) && !in_array('ANY', $limit_types)) {
if (count($limit_types) == 0) {
$available_types = Array ();
foreach ($shipping_types as $a_type) {
$include = false; // exclude by default
foreach ($limit_types as $limit) {
$include = $include || preg_match("/^$limit/", $a_type['ShippingId']);
if ($include) {
if (!$include) {
$available_types[ $a_type['ShippingId'] ] = $a_type;
$shipping_types = $available_types;
// exclude Selected Products Only shipping types, not matching products
$available_types = Array();
foreach ($shipping_types as $a_type) {
if (getArrayValue($a_type, 'SelectedOnly')) {
if (!is_array($limit_types) || !in_array($a_type['ShippingId'], $limit_types)) {
$available_types[ $a_type['ShippingId'] ] = $a_type;
$shipping_types = $available_types;
- $this->Application->setDBCache($cached_var_name, serialize($shipping_types), 24 * 3600);
+ if ($quotes_valid) {
+ $this->Application->setDBCache($cached_var_name, serialize($shipping_types), 24 * 3600);
+ }
return $shipping_types;
function GetAvailableShippingTypes()
$shipping_types = Array ();
$classes = $this->getEngineClasses();
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($class);
/* @var $object ShippingQuoteEngine */
$new_shipping_types = $object->GetAvailableTypes();
$shipping_types = array_merge($shipping_types, $new_shipping_types);
uasort($shipping_types, Array(&$this, 'SortShippingTypes'));
return $shipping_types;
* Returns all enabled shipping quote engine classes
* @return Array
function getEngineClasses()
$sql = 'SELECT Classname
FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('sqe', 'TableName') . '
$classes = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
// always persists
$classes[] = 'CustomShippingQuoteEngine';
return $classes;
+ /**
+ * Returns shipping quote engine, that matches shipping type used in order
+ *
+ * @param Array $shipping_info
+ * @param int $package_num
+ * @return ShippingQuoteEngine
+ */
+ function &GetClassByType($shipping_info, $package_num = 1)
+ {
+ if ( !$shipping_info || !array_key_exists($package_num, $shipping_info) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $classes = $this->getEngineClasses();
+ $shipping_id = $shipping_info[$package_num]['ShippingId'];
+ foreach ($classes as $class) {
+ $object =& $this->Application->recallObject($class);
+ /* @var $object ShippingQuoteEngine */
+ $shipping_types = $object->GetAvailableTypes();
+ foreach ($shipping_types as $index => $shipping_type) {
+ if ( preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($shipping_type['_Id'], '/') . '/', $shipping_id) ) {
+ return $class;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
function SortShippingTypes($elem1, $elem2)
if ($elem1['_Name'] == $elem2['_Name']) {
return 0;
return $elem1['_Name'] < $elem2['_Name'] ? -1 : 1;
function price_sort($elem1, $elem2)
if ($elem1['TotalCost'] == $elem2['TotalCost']) {
return 0;
return $elem1['TotalCost'] < $elem2['TotalCost'] ? -1 : 1;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/units/orders/orders_event_handler.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/orders/orders_event_handler.php (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/orders/orders_event_handler.php (revision 13985)
@@ -1,4211 +1,4109 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class OrdersEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
if (!$this->Application->isAdminUser) {
if ($event->Name == 'OnCreate') {
// user can't initiate custom order creation directly
return false;
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
if ($items_info) {
// when POST is present, then check when is beeing submitted
$order_session_id = $this->Application->RecallVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true).'_id');
$order_dummy =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
foreach ($items_info as $id => $field_values) {
if ($order_session_id != $id) {
// user is trying update not his order, even order from other guest
return false;
// session_id matches order_id from submit
if ($order_dummy->GetDBField('PortalUserId') != $user_id) {
// user performs event on other user order
return false;
$status_field = array_shift($this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'StatusField'));
if (isset($field_values[$status_field]) && $order_dummy->GetDBField($status_field) != $field_values[$status_field]) {
// user can't change status by himself
return false;
if ($order_dummy->GetDBField($status_field) != ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE) {
// user can't edit orders being processed
return false;
if ($event->Name == 'OnUpdate') {
// all checks were ok -> it's user's order -> allow to modify
return true;
if ($event->Name == 'OnQuietPreSave') {
$section = $event->getSection();
if ($this->isNewItemCreate($event)) {
return $this->Application->CheckPermission($section.'.add', 1);
else {
return $this->Application->CheckPermission($section.'.add', 1) || $this->Application->CheckPermission($section.'.edit', 1);
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
// admin
'OnRecalculateItems' => Array('self' => 'add|edit'),
'OnResetToUser' => Array('self' => 'add|edit'),
'OnResetToBilling' => Array('self' => 'add|edit'),
'OnResetToShipping' => Array('self' => 'add|edit'),
'OnMassOrderApprove' => Array('self' => 'advanced:approve'),
'OnMassOrderDeny' => Array('self' => 'advanced:deny'),
'OnMassOrderArchive' => Array('self' => 'advanced:archive'),
'OnMassPlaceOrder' => Array('self' => 'advanced:place'),
'OnMassOrderProcess' => Array('self' => 'advanced:process'),
'OnMassOrderShip' => Array('self' => 'advanced:ship'),
'OnResetToPending' => Array('self' => 'advanced:reset_to_pending'),
'OnLoadSelected' => Array('self' => 'view'), // print in this case
'OnGoToOrder' => Array('self' => 'view'),
// front-end
'OnViewCart' => Array('self' => true),
'OnAddToCart' => Array('self' => true),
'OnRemoveFromCart' => Array('self' => true),
'OnUpdateCart' => Array('self' => true),
'OnUpdateItemOptions' => Array('self' => true),
'OnCleanupCart' => Array('self' => true),
'OnContinueShopping' => Array('self' => true),
'OnCheckout' => Array('self' => true),
'OnSelectAddress' => Array('self' => true),
'OnProceedToBilling' => Array('self' => true),
'OnProceedToPreview' => Array('self' => true),
'OnCompleteOrder' => Array('self' => true),
'OnRemoveCoupon' => Array('self' => true),
'OnRemoveGiftCertificate' => Array('self' => true),
'OnCancelRecurring' => Array('self' => true),
'OnAddVirtualProductToCart' => Array('self' => true),
'OnItemBuild' => Array('self' => true),
'OnDownloadLabel' => Array('self' => true, 'subitem' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
function mapEvents()
$common_events = Array(
'OnResetToUser' => 'OnResetAddress',
'OnResetToBilling' => 'OnResetAddress',
'OnResetToShipping' => 'OnResetAddress',
'OnMassOrderProcess' => 'MassInventoryAction',
'OnMassOrderApprove' => 'MassInventoryAction',
'OnMassOrderDeny' => 'MassInventoryAction',
'OnMassOrderArchive' => 'MassInventoryAction',
'OnMassOrderShip' => 'MassInventoryAction',
'OnOrderProcess' => 'InventoryAction',
'OnOrderApprove' => 'InventoryAction',
'OnOrderDeny' => 'InventoryAction',
'OnOrderArchive' => 'InventoryAction',
'OnOrderShip' => 'InventoryAction',
$this->eventMethods = array_merge($this->eventMethods, $common_events);
/* ======================== FRONT ONLY ======================== */
function OnQuietPreSave(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$object->IgnoreValidation = true;
$object->IgnoreValidation = false;
* Sets new address to order
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSelectAddress(&$event)
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
return ;
$object =& $event->getObject();
$shipping_address_id = $this->Application->GetVar('shipping_address_id');
$billing_address_id = $this->Application->GetVar('billing_address_id');
if ($shipping_address_id || $billing_address_id) {
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$address =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr.-item','addr', Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$addr_list =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr', 'addr_List', Array('per_page'=>-1, 'skip_counting'=>true) );
if ($shipping_address_id > 0) {
$addr_list->CopyAddress($shipping_address_id, 'Shipping');
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'ShippingState', 'ShippingCountry');
$object->setRequired('ShippingState', false);
elseif ($shipping_address_id == -1) {
if ($billing_address_id > 0) {
$addr_list->CopyAddress($billing_address_id, 'Billing');
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'BillingState', 'BillingCountry');
$object->setRequired('BillingState', false);
elseif ($billing_address_id == -1) {
$event->redirect = false;
$object->IgnoreValidation = true;
* Updates order with registred user id
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUserCreate(&$event)
if( !($event->MasterEvent->status == erSUCCESS) ) return false;
$ses_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('front_order_id');
$this->updateUserID($ses_id, $event);
* Enter description here...
* @param unknown_type $event
* @return unknown
function OnUserLogin(&$event)
if( !($event->MasterEvent->status == erSUCCESS) ) {
return false;
$ses_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('ord_id');
if ($ses_id) $this->updateUserID($ses_id, $event);
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$affiliate_id = $this->isAffiliate($user_id);
if($affiliate_id) $this->Application->setVisitField('AffiliateId', $affiliate_id);
function updateUserID($order_id, &$event)
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'TableName');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'IDField');
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$table.' SET PortalUserId = '.$user_id.' WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$order_id);
$affiliate_id = $this->isAffiliate($user_id);
$this->Conn->Query('UPDATE '.$table.' SET AffiliateId = '.$affiliate_id.' WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$order_id);
function isAffiliate($user_id)
$affiliate_user =& $this->Application->recallObject('affil.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$affiliate_user->Load($user_id, 'PortalUserId');
return $affiliate_user->isLoaded() ? $affiliate_user->GetDBField('AffiliateId') : 0;
function ChargeOrder(&$order)
$gw_data = $order->getGatewayData();
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
$payment_result = $gateway_object->DirectPayment($order->FieldValues, $gw_data['gw_params']);
$sql = 'UPDATE %s SET GWResult1 = %s WHERE %s = %s';
$sql = sprintf($sql, $order->TableName, $this->Conn->qstr($gateway_object->getGWResponce()), $order->IDField, $order->GetID() );
$order->SetDBField('GWResult1', $gateway_object->getGWResponce() );
return array('result'=>$payment_result, 'data'=>$gateway_object->parsed_responce, 'gw_data' => $gw_data, 'error_msg'=>$gateway_object->getErrorMsg());
function OrderEmailParams(&$order)
$billing_email = $order->GetDBField('BillingEmail');
$user_email = $this->Conn->GetOne(' SELECT Email FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('u', 'TableName').'
WHERE PortalUserId = '.$order->GetDBField('PortalUserId'));
$email_params = Array();
$email_params['_user_email'] = $user_email; //for use when shipping vs user is required in InvetnoryAction
$email_params['to_email'] = $billing_email ? $billing_email : $user_email;
$email_params['to_name'] = $order->GetDBField('BillingTo');
return $email_params;
function PrepareCoupons(&$event, &$order)
$order_items =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-inv','orditems_List',Array('skip_counting'=>true,'per_page'=>-1) );
$assigned_coupons = array();
$coup_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject('coup_EventHandler');
foreach($order_items->Records as $product_item)
if ($product_item['ItemData']) {
$item_data = unserialize($product_item['ItemData']);
if (isset($item_data['AssignedCoupon']) && $item_data['AssignedCoupon']) {
$coupon_id = $item_data['AssignedCoupon'];
// clone coupon, get new coupon ID
$coupon =& $this->Application->recallObject('coup',null,array('skip_autload' => true));
/* @var $coupon kDBItem */
if (!$coupon->isLoaded()) continue;
$coupon->SetDBField('Name', $coupon->GetDBField('Name').' (Order #'.$order->GetField('OrderNumber').')');
// add coupon code to array
array_push($assigned_coupons, $coupon->GetDBField('Code'));
/* @var $order OrdersItem */
if ($assigned_coupons) {
$comments = $order->GetDBField('AdminComment');
if ($comments) $comments .= "\r\n";
$comments .= "Issued coupon(s): ". join(',', $assigned_coupons);
$order->SetDBField('AdminComment', $comments);
if ($assigned_coupons) $this->Application->SetVar('order_coupons', join(',', $assigned_coupons));
* Completes order if possible
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function OnCompleteOrder(&$event)
if (!$this->CheckQuantites($event)) return;
$order =& $event->getObject();
$charge_result = $this->ChargeOrder($order);
if (!$charge_result['result']) {
$this->Application->StoreVar('gw_error', $charge_result['error_msg']);
//$this->Application->StoreVar('gw_error', getArrayValue($charge_result, 'data', 'responce_reason_text') );
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('failure_template');
$event->redirect_params['m_cat_id'] = 0;
if ($event->Special == 'recurring') { // if we set failed status for other than recurring special the redirect will not occur
$event->status = erFAIL;
return false;
// call CompleteOrder events for items in order BEFORE SplitOrder (because ApproveEvents are called there)
$order_items =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-inv','orditems_List',Array('skip_counting'=>true,'per_page'=>-1) );
foreach($order_items->Records as $product_item)
if (!$product_item['ProductId']) continue; // product may have been deleted
$this->raiseProductEvent('CompleteOrder', $product_item['ProductId'], $product_item);
$shipping_control = getArrayValue($charge_result, 'gw_data', 'gw_params', 'shipping_control');
if ($event->Special != 'recurring') {
if ($shipping_control && $shipping_control != SHIPPING_CONTROL_PREAUTH ) {
// we have to do it here, because the coupons are used in the e-mails
$this->PrepareCoupons($event, $order);
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('ORDER.SUBMIT', $order->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $this->OrderEmailParams($order));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('ORDER.SUBMIT');
if ($shipping_control === false || $shipping_control == SHIPPING_CONTROL_PREAUTH ) {
$order->SetDBField('Status', ORDER_STATUS_PENDING);
else {
$this->SplitOrder($event, $order);
if (!$this->Application->isAdminUser) {
// for tracking code
$this->Application->StoreVar('last_order_amount', $order->GetDBField('TotalAmount'));
$this->Application->StoreVar('last_order_number', $order->GetDBField('OrderNumber'));
$this->Application->StoreVar('last_order_customer', $order->GetDBField('BillingTo'));
$this->Application->StoreVar('last_order_user', $order->GetDBField('Username'));
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('success_template');
$event->redirect_params['m_cat_id'] = 0;
// $event->CallSubEvent('OnSave');
$order_id = $order->GetId();
$order_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('ord','IDField');
$order_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('ord','TableName');
$original_amount = $order->GetDBField('SubTotal') + $order->GetDBField('ShippingCost') + $order->GetDBField('VAT') + $order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') + $order->GetDBField('InsuranceFee') - $order->GetDBField('GiftCertificateDiscount');
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$order_table.'
SET OriginalAmount = '.$original_amount.'
WHERE '.$order_idfield.' = '.$order_id;
$this->Application->StoreVar('front_order_id', $order_id);
* Set billing address same as shipping
* @param kEvent $event
function setBillingAddress(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($object->HasTangibleItems()) {
if ($this->Application->GetVar('same_address')) {
// copy shipping address to billing
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
list($id, $field_values) = each($items_info);
$address_fields = Array('To', 'Company', 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Email', 'Address1', 'Address2', 'City', 'State', 'Zip', 'Country');
foreach ($address_fields as $address_field) {
$items_info[$id]['Billing'.$address_field] = $object->GetDBField('Shipping'.$address_field);
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true), $items_info);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnProceedToPreview(&$event)
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('preview_template');
function OnViewCart(&$event)
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('viewcart_template');
function OnContinueShopping(&$event)
$env = $this->Application->GetVar('continue_shopping_template');
if (!$env || $env == '__default__') {
$env = $this->Application->RecallVar('continue_shopping');
if (!$env) {
$env = 'in-commerce/index';
$event->redirect = $env;
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCheckout(&$event)
if ($event->getEventParam('RecalculateChangedCart'))
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', $event->redirect_params['checkout_error']);
$object =& $event->getObject();
$object->SetDBField('ShippingTo', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingCompany', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingPhone', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingFax', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingEmail', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingAddress1', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingAddress2', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingCity', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingState', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingZip', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingCountry', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingType', 0);
$object->SetDBField('ShippingCost', 0);
$object->SetDBField('ShippingCustomerAccount', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingTracking', '');
$object->SetDBField('ShippingDate', 0);
$object->SetDBField('ShippingOption', 0);
$object->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', '');
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('next_step_template');
$order_id = $this->Application->GetVar('order_id');
if($order_id !== false) $event->redirect_params['ord_id'] = $order_id;
* Redirect user to Billing checkout step
* @param kEvent $event
function OnProceedToBilling(&$event)
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
if ($items_info) {
list($id, $field_values) = each($items_info);
$object =& $event->getObject();
$payment_type_id = $object->GetDBField('PaymentType');
if (!$payment_type_id) {
$default_type = $this->_getDefaultPaymentType();
if ($default_type) {
$field_values['PaymentType'] = $default_type;
$items_info[$id] = $field_values;
$this->Application->SetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true), $items_info );
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('next_step_template');
function OnCancelRecurring(&$event)
$order =& $event->GetObject();
$order->SetDBField('IsRecurringBilling', 0);
if ($this->Application->GetVar('cancelrecurring_ok_template'))
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('cancelrecurring_ok_template');
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterItemUpdate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$cvv2 = $object->GetDBField('PaymentCVV2');
if($cvv2 !== false) $this->Application->StoreVar('CVV2Code', $cvv2);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUpdate(&$event)
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
return true;
else {
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener' => 's');
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS) {
else {
// strange: recalculate total amount on error
$object =& $event->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$object->SetDBField('TotalAmount', $object->getTotalAmount());
* Creates new address
* @param kEvent $event
function createMissingAddresses(&$event)
if (!$this->Application->LoggedIn()) {
return false;
$object =& $event->getObject();
$addr_list =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr', 'addr_List', Array('per_page'=>-1, 'skip_counting'=>true) );
$address_dummy =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$address_prefixes = Array('Billing', 'Shipping');
$address_fields = Array('To','Company','Phone','Fax','Email','Address1','Address2','City','State','Zip','Country');
foreach ($address_prefixes as $address_prefix) {
$address_id = $this->Application->GetVar(strtolower($address_prefix).'_address_id');
if (!$this->Application->GetVar('check_'.strtolower($address_prefix).'_address')) {
// form type doesn't match check type, e.g. shipping check on billing form
if ($address_id > 0) {
else {
$address_dummy->SetDBField('PortalUserId', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id') );
foreach ($address_fields as $address_field) {
$address_dummy->SetDBField($address_field, $object->GetDBField($address_prefix.$address_field));
$address_dummy->MarkAddress($address_prefix, false);
$ret = ($address_id > 0) ? $address_dummy->Update() : $address_dummy->Create();
function OnUpdateCart(&$event)
$this->Application->HandleEvent($items_event, 'orditems:OnUpdate');
return $event->CallSubEvent('OnRecalculateItems');
* Adds item to cart
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAddToCart(&$event)
$qty = $this->Application->GetVar('qty');
$options = $this->Application->GetVar('options');
// multiple or options add
$items = Array();
if (is_array($qty)) {
foreach ($qty as $item_id => $combinations)
if (is_array($combinations)) {
foreach ($combinations as $comb_id => $comb_qty) {
if ($comb_qty == 0) continue;
$items[] = array('item_id' => $item_id, 'qty' => $comb_qty, 'comb' => $comb_id);
else {
$items[] = array('item_id' => $item_id, 'qty' => $combinations);
if (!$items) {
if (!$qty || is_array($qty)) $qty = 1;
$item_id = $this->Application->GetVar('p_id');
if (!$item_id) return ;
$items = array(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'qty' => $qty));
// remember item data passed to event when called
$default_item_data = $event->getEventParam('ItemData');
$default_item_data = $default_item_data ? unserialize($default_item_data) : Array();
foreach ($items as $an_item) {
$item_id = $an_item['item_id'];
$qty = $an_item['qty'];
$comb = getArrayValue($an_item, 'comb');
$item_data = $default_item_data;
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$event->setEventParam('ItemData', null);
if ($product->GetDBField('AssignedCoupon')) {
$item_data['AssignedCoupon'] = $product->GetDBField('AssignedCoupon');
// 1. store options information OR
if ($comb) {
$combination = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT Combination FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptionCombinations WHERE CombinationId = '.$comb);
$item_data['Options'] = unserialize($combination);
elseif (is_array($options)) {
$item_data['Options'] = $options[$item_id];
// 2. store subscription information OR
if( $product->GetDBField('Type') == 2 ) // subscriptions
$item_data = $this->BuildSubscriptionItemData($item_id, $item_data);
// 3. store package information
if( $product->GetDBField('Type') == 5 ) // package
$package_content_ids = $product->GetPackageContentIds();
$product_package_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('p.-packageitem');
$package_item_data = array();
foreach ($package_content_ids as $package_item_id){
$package_item_data[$package_item_id] = array();
if( $product_package_item->GetDBField('Type') == 2 ) // subscriptions
$package_item_data[$package_item_id] = $this->BuildSubscriptionItemData($package_item_id, $item_data);
$item_data['PackageContent'] = $product->GetPackageContentIds();
$item_data['PackageItemsItemData'] = $package_item_data;
$event->setEventParam('ItemData', serialize($item_data));
// 1 for PacakgeNum when in admin - temporary solution to overcome splitting into separate sub-orders
// of orders with items added through admin when approving them
$this->AddItemToOrder($event, $item_id, $qty, $this->Application->isAdminUser ? 1 : null);
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS && !$event->redirect) {
$event->redirect_params['pass'] = 'm';
$event->redirect_params['pass_category'] = 0; //otherwise mod-rewrite shop-cart URL will include category
$event->redirect = true;
else {
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
$event->redirect_params['opener'] = 'u';
* Check if required options are selected & selected option combination is in stock
* @param kEvent $event
* @param Array $options
* @param int $product_id
* @param int $qty
* @param int $selection_mode
* @return bool
function CheckOptions(&$event, &$options, $product_id, $qty, $selection_mode)
// 1. check for required options
$selection_filter = $selection_mode == 1 ? ' AND OptionType IN (1,3,6) ' : '';
$req_options = $this->Conn->GetCol('SELECT ProductOptionId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptions WHERE ProductId = '.$product_id.' AND Required = 1 '.$selection_filter);
$result = true;
foreach ($req_options as $opt_id) {
if (!getArrayValue($options, $opt_id)) {
$this->Application->SetVar('opt_error', 1); //let the template know we have an error
$result = false;
// 2. check for option combinations in stock
$comb_salt = $this->OptionsSalt($options, true);
if ($comb_salt) {
// such option combination is defined explicitly
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT Availability
FROM '.$poc_table.'
WHERE CombinationCRC = '.$comb_salt;
$comb_availble = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
// 2.1. check if Availability flag is set, then
if ($comb_availble == 1) {
// 2.2. check for quantity in stock
$table = Array();
$table['poc'] = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$table['p'] = $this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName');
$table['oi'] = $this->TablePrefix($event).'OrderItems';
$object =& $event->getObject();
$ord_id = $object->GetID();
// 2.3. check if some amount of same combination & product are not already in shopping cart
$sql = 'SELECT '.
IF('.$table['p'].'.InventoryStatus = 2, '.$table['poc'].'.QtyInStock, '.$table['p'].'.QtyInStock) AS QtyInStock,
IF('.$table['oi'].'.OrderItemId IS NULL, 0, '.$table['oi'].'.Quantity) AS Quantity
FROM '.$table['p'].'
LEFT JOIN '.$table['poc'].' ON
'.$table['p'].'.ProductId = '.$table['poc'].'.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$table['oi'].' ON
('.$table['oi'].'.OrderId = '.$ord_id.') AND
('.$table['oi'].'.OptionsSalt = '.$comb_salt.') AND
('.$table['oi'].'.ProductId = '.$product_id.') AND
('.$table['oi'].'.BackOrderFlag = 0)
WHERE '.$table['poc'].'.CombinationCRC = '.$comb_salt;
$product_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($product_info['InventoryStatus']) {
$backordering = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Enable_Backordering');
if (!$backordering || $product_info['BackOrder'] == 0) {
// backordering is not enabled generally or for this product directly, then check quantities in stock
if ($qty + $product_info['Quantity'] > $product_info['QtyInStock']) {
$this->Application->SetVar('opt_error', 2);
$result = false;
elseif ($comb_availble !== false) {
$this->Application->SetVar('opt_error', 2);
$result = false;
if ($result) {
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
$event->redirect = $this->Application->isAdminUser ? true : $this->Application->GetVar('shop_cart_template');
else {
$event->status = erFAIL;
return $result;
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUpdateItemOptions(&$event)
$opt_data = $this->Application->GetVar('options');
$options = getArrayValue($opt_data, $this->Application->GetVar('p_id'));
if (!$options) {
$qty_data = $this->Application->GetVar('qty');
$comb_id = key(getArrayValue($qty_data, $this->Application->GetVar('p_id')));
$options = unserialize($this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT Combination FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptionCombinations WHERE CombinationId = '.$comb_id));
if (!$options) return;
$ord_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-opt', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $ord_item kDBItem */
// assuming that quantity cannot be changed during order item editing
if (!$this->CheckOptions($event, $options, $ord_item->GetDBField('ProductId'), 0, $ord_item->GetDBField('OptionsSelectionMode'))) return;
$item_data = unserialize($ord_item->GetDBField('ItemData'));
$item_data['Options'] = $options;
$ord_item->SetDBField('ItemData', serialize($item_data));
$ord_item->SetDBField('OptionsSalt', $this->OptionsSalt($options));
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS && $this->Application->isAdminUser) {
$event->redirect_params['opener'] = 'u';
function BuildSubscriptionItemData($item_id, $item_data)
$products_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName');
$products_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'IDField');
$sql = 'SELECT AccessGroupId FROM %s WHERE %s = %s';
$item_data['PortalGroupId'] = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $products_table, $products_idfield, $item_id) );
$pricing_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('pr', 'TableName');
$pricing_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('pr', 'IDField');
// $sql = 'SELECT AccessDuration, AccessUnit, DurationType, AccessExpiration FROM %s WHERE %s = %s';
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = %s';
$pricing_id = $this->GetPricingId($item_id, $item_data);
$item_data['PricingId'] = $pricing_id;
$pricing_info = $this->Conn->GetRow( sprintf($sql, $pricing_table, $pricing_idfield, $pricing_id ) );
$unit_secs = Array(1 => 1, 2 => 60, 3 => 3600, 4 => 86400, 5 => 604800, 6 => 2592000, 7 => 31536000);
// Customization
$item_data['DurationType'] = $pricing_info['DurationType'];
$item_data['AccessExpiration'] = $pricing_info['AccessExpiration'];
// Customization --
$item_data['Duration'] = $pricing_info['AccessDuration'] * $unit_secs[ $pricing_info['AccessUnit'] ];
return $item_data;
function OnRemoveCoupon(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 7);
function RemoveCoupon(&$object)
$coupon_id = $object->GetDBField('CouponId');
$coupon =& $this->Application->recallObject('coup', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$res = $coupon->Load($coupon_id);
$uses = $coupon->GetDBField('NumberOfUses');
if($res && isset($uses))
$coupon->SetDBField('NumberOfUses', $uses + 1);
$coupon->SetDBField('Status', 1);
$object->SetDBField('CouponId', 0);
$object->SetDBField('CouponDiscount', 0);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAddVirtualProductToCart(&$event)
$l_info = $this->Application->GetVar('l');
foreach($l_info as $link_id => $link_info) {}
$item_data['LinkId'] = $link_id;
$item_data['ListingTypeId'] = $link_info['ListingTypeId'];
$link_id = $this->Application->GetVar('l_id');
$sql = 'SELECT ResourceId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('l', 'TableName').'
WHERE LinkId = '.$link_id;
$sql = 'SELECT ListingTypeId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('ls', 'TableName').'
WHERE ItemResourceId = '.$this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$item_data['LinkId'] = $link_id;
$item_data['ListingTypeId'] = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT VirtualProductId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('lst', 'TableName').'
WHERE ListingTypeId = '.$item_data['ListingTypeId'];
$item_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$event->setEventParam('ItemData', serialize($item_data));
$this->AddItemToOrder($event, $item_id);
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('shop_cart_template');
// don't pass unused info to shopping cart, brokes old mod-rewrites
$event->SetRedirectParam('pass', 'm'); // not to pass link id
$event->SetRedirectParam('m_cat_id', 0); // not to pass link id
function OnRemoveFromCart(&$event)
$ord_item_id = $this->Application->GetVar('orditems_id');
$ord_id = $this->getPassedId($event);
$this->Conn->Query('DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems WHERE OrderId = '.$ord_id.' AND OrderItemId = '.$ord_item_id);
function OnCleanupCart(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$sql = 'DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems
WHERE OrderId = '.$this->getPassedID($event);
* Returns order id from session or last used
* @param kEvent $event
* @return int
function getPassedId(&$event)
$event->setEventParam('raise_warnings', 0);
$passed = parent::getPassedID($event);
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
// work as usual in admin
return $passed;
if ($event->Special == 'last') {
// return last order id (for using on thank you page)
$order_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('front_order_id');
return $order_id > 0 ? $order_id : FAKE_ORDER_ID; // FAKE_ORDER_ID helps to keep parent filter for order items set in "kDBList::linkToParent"
$ses_id = $this->Application->RecallVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) . '_id' );
if ($passed && ($passed != $ses_id)) {
// order id given in url doesn't match our current order id
$sql = 'SELECT PortalUserId
WHERE OrderId = ' . $passed;
$user_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($user_id == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id')) {
// current user is owner of order with given id -> allow him to view order details
return $passed;
else {
// current user is not owner of given order -> hacking attempt
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_id', 0);
return 0;
else {
// not passed or equals to ses_id
return $ses_id > 0 ? $ses_id : FAKE_ORDER_ID; // FAKE_ORDER_ID helps to keep parent filter for order items set in "kDBList::linkToParent"
return $passed;
* Load item if id is available
* @param kEvent $event
function LoadItem(&$event)
$id = $this->getPassedID($event);
if ($id == FAKE_ORDER_ID) {
// if we already know, that there is no such order,
// then don't run database query, that will confirm that
$object =& $event->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
return ;
* Creates new shopping cart
* @param kEvent $event
function _createNewCart(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$object->SetDBField('Number', $this->getNextOrderNumber($event));
$object->SetDBField('SubNumber', 0);
$object->SetDBField('Status', ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE);
$object->SetDBField('VisitId', $this->Application->RecallVar('visit_id') );
// get user
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
if (!$user_id) {
$user_id = USER_GUEST;
$object->SetDBField('PortalUserId', $user_id);
// get affiliate
$affiliate_id = $this->isAffiliate($user_id);
if ($affiliate_id) {
$object->SetDBField('AffiliateId', $affiliate_id);
else {
$affiliate_storage_method = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_AffiliateStorageMethod');
$object->SetDBField('AffiliateId', $affiliate_storage_method == 1 ? (int)$this->Application->RecallVar('affiliate_id') : (int)$this->Application->GetVar('affiliate_id') );
// get payment type
$default_type = $this->_getDefaultPaymentType();
if ($default_type) {
$object->SetDBField('PaymentType', $default_type);
$created = $object->Create();
if ($created) {
$id = $object->GetID();
$this->Application->SetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true) . '_id', $id);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true) . '_id', $id);
return $id;
return 0;
* Returns default payment type for order
* @return int
function _getDefaultPaymentType()
$default_type = $this->Application->siteDomainField('PrimaryPaymentTypeId');
if (!$default_type) {
$sql = 'SELECT PaymentTypeId
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'PaymentTypes
WHERE IsPrimary = 1';
$default_type = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
return $default_type;
function StoreContinueShoppingLink()
$this->Application->StoreVar('continue_shopping', 'external:'.PROTOCOL.SERVER_NAME.$this->Application->RecallVar('last_url'));
* Sets required fields for order, based on current checkout step
* !!! Do not use switch here, since all cases may be on the same form simultaniously
* @param kEvent $event
function SetStepRequiredFields(&$event)
$order =& $event->getObject();
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial(true));
if ($items_info) {
// updated address available from SUBMIT -> use it
list($id, $field_values) = each($items_info);
else {
// no updated address -> use current address
$field_values = Array (
'ShippingCountry' => $order->GetDBField('ShippingCountry'),
'BillingCountry' => $order->GetDBField('BillingCountry'),
'PaymentType' => $order->GetDBField('PaymentType'),
// shipping address required fields
if ($this->Application->GetVar('check_shipping_address')) {
$has_tangibles = $order->HasTangibleItems();
$req_fields = array('ShippingTo', 'ShippingAddress1', 'ShippingCity', 'ShippingZip', 'ShippingCountry', 'ShippingPhone');
foreach ($req_fields as $field) {
$order->Fields[$field]['required'] = $has_tangibles;
$order->setRequired('ShippingState', $cs_helper->CountryHasStates( $field_values['ShippingCountry'] ));
// billing address required fields
if ($this->Application->GetVar('check_billing_address')) {
$req_fields = array('BillingTo', 'BillingAddress1', 'BillingCity', 'BillingZip', 'BillingCountry', 'BillingPhone');
foreach ($req_fields as $field) {
$order->Fields[$field]['required'] = true;
$order->setRequired('BillingState', $cs_helper->CountryHasStates( $field_values['BillingCountry'] ));
$check_cc = $this->Application->GetVar('check_credit_card');
$ord_event = $this->Application->GetVar($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_event');
if (($ord_event !== 'OnProceedToPreview') && !$this->Application->isAdmin) {
// don't check credit card when going from "billing info" to "order preview" step
$check_cc = 0;
if ($check_cc && ($field_values['PaymentType'] == $order->GetDBField('PaymentType'))) {
// cc check required AND payment type was not changed during SUBMIT
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
$req_fields = array('PaymentCardType', 'PaymentAccount', 'PaymentNameOnCard', 'PaymentCCExpDate');
else {
$req_fields = array('PaymentCardType', 'PaymentAccount', 'PaymentNameOnCard', 'PaymentCCExpDate', 'PaymentCVV2');
foreach ($req_fields as $field) {
$order->Fields[$field]['required'] = true;
* Set's order's user_id to user from session or Guest otherwise
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckUser(&$event)
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser || defined('GW_NOTIFY')) {
// don't check for user in order while processing payment
// gateways, because they can do cross-domain ssl redirects
$order =& $event->GetObject();
$ses_user = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
if ($order->GetDBField('PortalUserId') != $ses_user) {
if ($ses_user == 0) {
$ses_user = USER_GUEST;
$order->SetDBField('PortalUserId', $ses_user);
// since CheckUser is called in OnBeforeItemUpdate, we don't need to call udpate here, just set the field
/* ======================== ADMIN ONLY ======================== */
* Prepare temp tables and populate it
* with items selected in the grid
* @param kEvent $event
function OnPreCreate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$new_number = $this->getNextOrderNumber($event);
$object->SetDBField('Number', $new_number);
$object->SetDBField('SubNumber', 0);
$object->SetDBField('OrderIP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$order_type = $this->getTypeBySpecial( $this->Application->GetVar('order_type') );
$object->SetDBField('Status', $order_type);
* When cloning orders set new order number to them
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeClone(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
if (substr($event->Special, 0, 9) == 'recurring') {
$object->SetDBField('SubNumber', $object->getNextSubNumber());
$object->SetDBField('OriginalAmount', 0); // needed in this case ?
else {
$new_number = $this->getNextOrderNumber($event);
$object->SetDBField('Number', $new_number);
$object->SetDBField('SubNumber', 0);
$object->SetDBField('OriginalAmount', 0);
$object->SetDBField('OrderDate', adodb_mktime());
$object->SetDBField('GWResult1', '');
$object->SetDBField('GWResult2', '');
function OnReserveItems(&$event)
$order_items =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-inv','orditems_List',Array('skip_counting'=>true,'per_page'=>-1) );
// force re-query, since we are updateing through orditem ITEM, not the list, and
// OnReserveItems may be called 2 times when fullfilling backorders through product edit - first time
// from FullFillBackorders and second time from OnOrderProcess
// query all combinations used in this order
$product_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$order_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$combination_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('poc.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$combinations = $this->queryCombinations($order_items);
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
while (!$order_items->EOL()) {
$rec = $order_items->getCurrentRecord();
$product_object->Load( $rec['ProductId'] );
if (!$product_object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus')) {
$inv_object =& $this->getInventoryObject($product_object, $combination_item, $combinations[ $rec['ProductId'].'_'.$rec['OptionsSalt'] ]);
$lack = $rec['Quantity'] - $rec['QuantityReserved'];
if ($lack > 0) {
// reserve lack or what is available (in case if we need to reserve anything, by Alex)
$to_reserve = min($lack, $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyInStock') - $product_object->GetDBField('QtyInStockMin'));
if ($to_reserve < $lack) $event->status = erFAIL; // if we can't reserve the full lack
//reserve in order
$order_item->SetDBField('QuantityReserved', $rec['QuantityReserved'] + $to_reserve);
//update product - increase reserved, decrease in stock
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyReserved', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyReserved') + $to_reserve);
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyInStock', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyInStock') - $to_reserve);
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyBackOrdered', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyBackOrdered') - $to_reserve);
if ($product_object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus') == 2) {
// inventory by options, then restore changed combination values back to common $combinations array !!!
$combinations[ $rec['ProductId'].'_'.$rec['OptionsSalt'] ] = $inv_object->FieldValues;
return true;
function OnOrderPrint(&$event)
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener'=>'s');
* Processes order each tab info resetting to other tab info / to user info
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnResetAddress(&$event)
$to_tab = $this->Application->GetVar('to_tab');
$from_tab = substr($event->Name,strlen('OnResetTo'));
// load values from db
$object =& $event->getObject();
// update values from submit
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
if($items_info) $field_values = array_shift($items_info);
$this->DoResetAddress($object, $from_tab, $to_tab);
$event->redirect = false;
* Processes item selection from popup item selector
* @todo Is this called ? (by Alex)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnProcessSelected(&$event)
$selected_ids = $this->Application->GetVar('selected_ids');
$product_ids = $selected_ids['p'];
if ($product_ids) {
$product_ids = explode(',', $product_ids);
// !!! LOOK OUT - Adding items to Order in admin is handled in order_ITEMS_event_handler !!!
foreach ($product_ids as $product_id) {
$this->AddItemToOrder($event, $product_id);
function OnMassPlaceOrder(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
foreach($ids as $id)
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
* Universal
* Checks if QtyInStock is enough to fullfill backorder (Qty - QtyReserved in order)
* @param int $ord_id
* @return bool
function ReadyToProcess($ord_id)
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$query = ' SELECT SUM(IF( IF('.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.InventoryStatus = 2, '.$poc_table.'.QtyInStock, '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStock) - '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStockMin >= ('.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.Quantity - '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.QuantityReserved), 0, 1))
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' ON ('.$poc_table.'.CombinationCRC = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt) AND ('.$poc_table.'.ProductId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems.ProductId)
WHERE OrderId = '.$ord_id.'
GROUP BY OrderId';
// IF (IF(InventoryStatus = 2, poc.QtyInStock, p.QtyInStock) - QtyInStockMin >= (Quantity - QuantityReserved), 0, 1
return ($this->Conn->GetOne($query) == 0);
* Return all option combinations used in order
* @param kDBList $order_items
* @return Array
function queryCombinations(&$order_items)
// 1. collect combination crc used in order
$combinations = Array();
while (!$order_items->EOL()) {
$row = $order_items->getCurrentRecord();
if ($row['OptionsSalt'] == 0) {
$combinations[] = '(poc.ProductId = '.$row['ProductId'].') AND (poc.CombinationCRC = '.$row['OptionsSalt'].')';
$combinations = array_unique($combinations); // if same combination+product found as backorder & normal order item
if ($combinations) {
// 2. query data about combinations
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT CONCAT(poc.ProductId, "_", poc.CombinationCRC) AS CombinationKey, poc.*
FROM '.$poc_table.' poc
WHERE ('.implode(') OR (', $combinations).')';
return $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'CombinationKey');
return Array();
* Returns object to perform inventory actions on
* @param ProductsItem $product current product object in order
* @param kDBItem $combination combination dummy object
* @param Array $combination_data pre-queried combination data
* @return kDBItem
function &getInventoryObject(&$product, &$combination, $combination_data)
if ($product->GetDBField('InventoryStatus') == 2) {
// inventory by option combinations
$change_item =& $combination;
else {
// inventory by product ifself
$change_item =& $product;
return $change_item;
* Approve order ("Pending" tab)
* @param kDBList $order_items
* @return int new status of order if any
function approveOrder(&$order_items)
$product_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$order_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$combination_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('poc.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$combinations = $this->queryCombinations($order_items);
while (!$order_items->EOL()) {
$rec = $order_items->getCurrentRecord();
$order_item->SetDBField('QuantityReserved', 0);
$product_object->Load( $rec['ProductId'] );
if (!$product_object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus')) {
// if no inventory info is collected, then skip this order item
$inv_object =& $this->getInventoryObject($product_object, $combination_item, $combinations[ $rec['ProductId'].'_'.$rec['OptionsSalt'] ]);
// decrease QtyReserved by amount of product used in order
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyReserved', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyReserved') - $rec['Quantity']);
if ($product_object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus') == 2) {
// inventory by options, then restore changed combination values back to common $combinations array !!!
$combinations[ $rec['ProductId'].'_'.$rec['OptionsSalt'] ] = $inv_object->FieldValues;
return true;
function restoreOrder(&$order_items)
$product_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$order_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$combination_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('poc.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$combinations = $this->queryCombinations($order_items);
while( !$order_items->EOL() )
$rec = $order_items->getCurrentRecord();
$product_object->Load( $rec['ProductId'] );
if (!$product_object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus')) {
// if no inventory info is collected, then skip this order item
$inv_object =& $this->getInventoryObject($product_object, $combination_item, $combinations[ $rec['ProductId'].'_'.$rec['OptionsSalt'] ]);
// cancelling backorderd qty if any
$lack = $rec['Quantity'] - $rec['QuantityReserved'];
if ($lack > 0 && $rec['BackOrderFlag'] > 0) { // lack should have been recorded as QtyBackOrdered
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyBackOrdered', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyBackOrdered') - $lack);
// canceling reservation in stock
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyReserved', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyReserved') - $rec['QuantityReserved']);
// putting remaining freed qty back to stock
$inv_object->SetDBField('QtyInStock', $inv_object->GetDBField('QtyInStock') + $rec['QuantityReserved']);
$product_h =& $this->Application->recallObject('p_EventHandler');
if ($product_object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus') == 2) {
// inventory by options, then restore changed combination values back to common $combinations array !!!
$combinations[ $rec['ProductId'].'_'.$rec['OptionsSalt'] ] = $inv_object->FieldValues;
// using freed qty to fullfill possible backorders
$product_h->FullfillBackOrders($product_object, $inv_object->GetID());
else {
// using freed qty to fullfill possible backorders
$product_h->FullfillBackOrders($product_object, 0);
$order_item->SetDBField('QuantityReserved', 0);
return true;
* Approve order + special processing
* @param kEvent $event
function MassInventoryAction(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$event->status = erFAIL;
// process order products
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-inv', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
foreach($ids as $id)
function InventoryAction(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$event->status = erFAIL;
$event_status_map = Array(
'OnMassOrderApprove' => ORDER_STATUS_TOSHIP,
'OnOrderApprove' => ORDER_STATUS_TOSHIP,
'OnMassOrderArchive' => ORDER_STATUS_ARCHIVED,
'OnMassOrderProcess' => ORDER_STATUS_TOSHIP,
'OnOrderProcess' => ORDER_STATUS_TOSHIP,
$order_items =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-inv','orditems_List',Array('skip_counting'=>true,'per_page'=>-1) );
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-inv');
/* @var $object OrdersItem */
if ($object->GetDBField('OnHold')) {
// any actions have no effect while on hold
return ;
// preparing new status, but not setting it yet
$object->SetDBField('Status', $event_status_map[$event->Name]);
$set_new_status = false;
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
$email_params = $this->OrderEmailParams($object);
switch ($event->Name) {
case 'OnMassOrderApprove':
case 'OnOrderApprove':
$set_new_status = false; //on succsessfull approve order will be split and new orders will have new statuses
if ($object->GetDBField('ChargeOnNextApprove')) {
$charge_info = $this->ChargeOrder($object);
if (!$charge_info['result']) {
// removing ChargeOnNextApprove
$object->SetDBField('ChargeOnNextApprove', 0);
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$object->TableName.' SET ChargeOnNextApprove = 0 WHERE '.$object->IDField.' = '.$object->GetID();
// charge user for order in case if we user 2step charging (e.g. AUTH_ONLY + PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE)
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData();
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
$charge_result = $gateway_object->Charge($object->FieldValues, $gw_data['gw_params']);
$sql = 'UPDATE %s SET GWResult2 = %s WHERE %s = %s';
$sql = sprintf($sql, $object->TableName, $this->Conn->qstr($gateway_object->getGWResponce()), $object->IDField, $object->GetID() );
$object->SetDBField('GWResult2', $gateway_object->getGWResponce() );
if ($charge_result) {
$product_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
foreach ($order_items->Records as $product_item) {
if (!$product_item['ProductId']) {
// product may have been deleted
$hits = floor( $product_object->GetDBField('Hits') ) + 1;
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(Hits) FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName').'
WHERE FLOOR(Hits) = '.$hits;
$hits = ( $res = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ) ? $res + 0.000001 : $hits;
$product_object->SetDBField('Hits', $hits);
/*$sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName').'
SET Hits = Hits + '.$product_item['Quantity'].'
WHERE ProductId = '.$product_item['ProductId'];
$this->PrepareCoupons($event, $object);
$this->SplitOrder($event, $object);
if ($object->GetDBField('IsRecurringBilling') != 1) {
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('ORDER.APPROVE', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $email_params);
// Mask credit card with XXXX
if ($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_MaskProcessedCreditCards')) {
$this->maskCreditCard($object, 'PaymentAccount');
$set_new_status = 1;
case 'OnMassOrderDeny':
case 'OnOrderDeny':
foreach ($order_items->Records as $product_item) {
if (!$product_item['ProductId']) {
// product may have been deleted
$this->raiseProductEvent('Deny', $product_item['ProductId'], $product_item);
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('ORDER.DENY', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $email_params);
if ($event->Name == 'OnMassOrderDeny' || $event->Name == 'OnOrderDeny') {
// inform payment gateway that order was declined
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData();
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
$gateway_object->OrderDeclined($object->FieldValues, $gw_data['gw_params']);
// !!! LOOK HERE !!!
// !!!! no break !!!! here on purpose!!!
case 'OnMassOrderArchive':
case 'OnOrderArchive':
// it's critical to update status BEFORE processing items because
// FullfillBackorders could be called during processing and in case
// of order denial/archive fullfill could reserve the qtys back for current backorder
$set_new_status = false; // already set
case 'OnMassOrderShip':
case 'OnOrderShip':
- $ret = Array();
+ $ret = Array ();
+ $shipping_info = $object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo');
+ if ($shipping_info) {
+ $quote_engine_collector =& $this->Application->recallObject('ShippingQuoteCollector');
+ /* @var $quote_engine_collector ShippingQuoteCollector */
+ $shipping_info = unserialize($shipping_info);
+ $shipping_quote_engine = $quote_engine_collector->GetClassByType($shipping_info, 1);
+ }
// try to create usps order
- if ( $object->GetDBField('ShippingType') == 0 && strpos($object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo'), 'USPS')) {
- $ses_usps_erros = Array();
- $ret = $this->MakeUSPSOrder($object);
+ if (($object->GetDBField('ShippingType') == 0) && ($shipping_quote_engine !== false)) {
+ $shipping_quote_engine =& $this->Application->recallObject($shipping_quote_engine);
+ /* @var $shipping_quote_engine ShippingQuoteEngine */
+ $ret = $shipping_quote_engine->MakeOrder($object);
if ( !array_key_exists('error_number', $ret) ) {
$set_new_status = $this->approveOrder($order_items);
// $set_new_status = $this->shipOrder($order_items);
$object->SetDBField('ShippingDate', adodb_mktime());
$shipping_email = $object->GetDBField('ShippingEmail');
$email_params['to_email'] = $shipping_email ? $shipping_email : $email_params['_user_email'];
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('ORDER.SHIP', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $email_params);
// inform payment gateway that order was shipped
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData();
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
$gateway_object->OrderShipped($object->FieldValues, $gw_data['gw_params']);
else {
- $usps_errors[$object->GetField('OrderNumber')] = $ret['error_description'];
- $ses_usps_erros = Array();
- $ses_usps_erros = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('usps_errors'));
- if ( is_array($ses_usps_erros) ) {
- $usps_errors = array_merge($usps_errors, $ses_usps_erros);
- }
- $this->Application->StoreVar('usps_errors', serialize($usps_errors));
- }
+ $sqe_errors = $this->Application->RecallVar('sqe_errors');
+ $sqe_errors = $sqe_errors ? unserialize($sqe_errors) : Array ();
+ $sqe_errors[ $object->GetField('OrderNumber') ] = $ret['error_description'];
+ $this->Application->StoreVar('sqe_errors', serialize($sqe_errors));
+ }
case 'OnMassOrderProcess':
case 'OnOrderProcess':
if ($this->ReadyToProcess($object->GetID())) {
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS) $set_new_status = true;
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('BACKORDER.PROCESS', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $email_params);
} else {
$event->status = erFAIL;
if ($set_new_status) {
* Hides last 4 digits from credit card number
* @param OrdersItem $object
* @param string $field
function maskCreditCard(&$object, $field)
$value = $object->GetDBField($field);
$value = preg_replace('/'.substr($value, -4).'$/', str_repeat('X', 4), $value);
$object->SetDBField($field, $value);
* Get next free order number
* @param kEvent $event
function getNextOrderNumber(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$sql = 'SELECT MAX(Number)
FROM ' . $this->Application->GetLiveName($object->TableName);
return max($this->Conn->GetOne($sql) + 1, $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Next_Order_Number'));
* Set's new order address based on another address from order (e.g. billing from shipping)
* @param unknown_type $object
* @param unknown_type $from
* @param unknown_type $to
function DoResetAddress(&$object, $from, $to)
$fields = Array('To','Company','Phone','Fax','Email','Address1','Address2','City','State','Zip','Country');
if ($from == 'User') {
// skip theese fields when coping from user, because they are not present in user profile
$tmp_fields = array_flip($fields);
// unset($tmp_fields['Company'], $tmp_fields['Fax'], $tmp_fields['Address2']);
$fields = array_flip($tmp_fields);
// apply modification
foreach ($fields as $field_name) {
$object->SetDBField($to.$field_name, $object->GetDBField($from.$field_name));
* Set's additional view filters set from "Orders" => "Search" tab
* @param kEvent $event
function AddFilters(&$event)
if($event->Special != 'search') return true;
$search_filter = $this->Application->RecallVar('ord.search_search_filter');
if(!$search_filter) return false;
$search_filter = unserialize($search_filter);
$object =& $event->getObject();
foreach($search_filter as $filter_name => $filter_params)
$filter_type = $filter_params['type'] == 'where' ? WHERE_FILTER : HAVING_FILTER;
$object->addFilter($filter_name, $filter_params['value'], $filter_type, FLT_VIEW);
* Set's status incomplete to all cloned orders
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterClone(&$event)
$id = $event->getEventParam('id');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'TableName');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'IDField');
// set cloned order status to Incomplete
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$table.' SET Status = 0 WHERE '.$id_field.' = '.$id;
/* ======================== COMMON CODE ======================== */
* Split one timestamp field into 2 virtual fields
* @param kEvent $event
* @access public
function OnAfterItemLoad(&$event)
// get user fields
$object =& $event->getObject();
$user_id = $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$user_info = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT *, CONCAT(FirstName,\' \',LastName) AS UserTo FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
$fields = Array('UserTo'=>'UserTo','UserPhone'=>'Phone','UserFax'=>'Fax','UserEmail'=>'Email',
foreach($fields as $object_field => $user_field)
$object->SetDBField('PaymentCVV2', $this->Application->RecallVar('CVV2Code') );
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'ShippingState', 'ShippingCountry');
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'BillingState', 'BillingCountry');
// needed in OnAfterItemUpdate
$this->Application->SetVar('OriginalShippingOption', $object->GetDBField('ShippingOption'));
* Processes states
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event)
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'ShippingState', 'ShippingCountry');
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'BillingState', 'BillingCountry');
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeItemUpdate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
/* @var $object OrdersItem */
$old_payment_type = $object->GetOriginalField('PaymentType');
$new_payment_type = $object->GetDBField('PaymentType');
if ($new_payment_type != $old_payment_type) {
// payment type changed -> check that it's allowed
$available_payment_types = $this->Application->siteDomainField('PaymentTypes');
if ($available_payment_types) {
if (strpos($available_payment_types, '|' . $new_payment_type . '|') === false) {
// payment type isn't allowed in site domain
$object->SetDBField('PaymentType', $old_payment_type);
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'ShippingState', 'ShippingCountry');
$cs_helper->PopulateStates($event, 'BillingState', 'BillingCountry');
if ($object->HasTangibleItems()) {
$cs_helper->CheckStateField($event, 'ShippingState', 'ShippingCountry', false);
$cs_helper->CheckStateField($event, 'BillingState', 'BillingCountry', false);
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') > ORDER_STATUS_PENDING) {
return ;
$object->SetDBField('OrderIP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$shipping_option = $this->Application->GetVar('OriginalShippingOption');
$new_shipping_option = $object->GetDBField('ShippingOption');
if ($shipping_option != $new_shipping_option) {
else {
* Apply any custom changes to list's sql query
* @param kEvent $event
* @access protected
* @see OnListBuild
function SetCustomQuery(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$types = $event->getEventParam('types');
if($types == 'myorders' || $types == 'myrecentorders')
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$object->addFilter('myitems_user1','%1$s.PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
$object->addFilter('myitems_user2','%1$s.PortalUserId > 0');
$object->addFilter('Status','%1$s.Status != 0');
else if ($event->Special == 'returns') {
// $object->addFilter('returns_filter',TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders.Status = '.ORDER_STATUS_PROCESSED.' AND (
// SELECT SUM(ReturnType)
// FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
// WHERE oi.OrderId = '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders.OrderId
// ) > 0');
$object->addFilter('returns_filter',TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders.Status = '.ORDER_STATUS_PROCESSED.' AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders.ReturnTotal > 0');
else if ($event->Special == 'user') {
$user_id = $this->Application->GetVar('u_id');
$object->addFilter('user_filter','%1$s.PortalUserId = '.$user_id);
else {
$special = $event->Special ? $event->Special : $this->Application->GetVar('order_type');
if ($special != 'search') {
// don't filter out orders by special in case of search tab
$object->addFilter( 'status_filter', '%1$s.Status='.$this->getTypeBySpecial($special) );
if ( $event->getEventParam('selected_only') ) {
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
$object->addFilter( 'selected_filter', '%1$s.OrderId IN ('.implode(',', $ids).')');
function getTypeBySpecial($special)
$special2type = Array('incomplete'=>0,'pending'=>1,'backorders'=>2,'toship'=>3,'processed'=>4,'denied'=>5,'archived'=>6);
return $special2type[$special];
function getSpecialByType($type)
$type2special = Array(0=>'incomplete',1=>'pending',2=>'backorders',3=>'toship',4=>'processed',5=>'denied',6=>'archived');
return $type2special[$type];
function LockTables(&$event)
$read = Array();
$write_lock = '';
$read_lock = '';
$write = Array('Orders','OrderItems','Products');
foreach ($write as $tbl) {
$write_lock .= TABLE_PREFIX.$tbl.' WRITE,';
foreach ($read as $tbl) {
$read_lock .= TABLE_PREFIX.$tbl.' READ,';
$write_lock = rtrim($write_lock, ',');
$read_lock = rtrim($read_lock, ',');
$lock = trim($read_lock.','.$write_lock, ',');
//$this->Conn->Query('LOCK TABLES '.$lock);
* Checks shopping cart products quantities
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function CheckQuantites(&$event)
if ($this->OnRecalculateItems($event)) { // if something has changed in the order
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
if ($this->UseTempTables($event)) {
$event->redirect = 'in-commerce/orders/orders_edit_items';
else {
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('viewcart_template');
return false;
return true;
function DoPlaceOrder(&$event)
$order =& $event->getObject();
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
if (!$this->CheckQuantites($event)) return false;
//everything is fine - we could reserve items
$this->SplitOrder($event, $order);
return true;
function &queryOrderItems(&$event, $table_prefix)
$order =& $event->getObject();
$ord_id = $order->GetId();
// TABLE_PREFIX and $table_prefix are NOT the same !!!
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$query = ' SELECT
BackOrderFlag, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OrderItemId, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.Quantity, '.
IF('.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.InventoryStatus = 2, '.$poc_table.'.QtyInStock, '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStock) AS QtyInStock, '.
TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.QtyInStockMin, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId, '.
$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt AS CombinationCRC
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' ON ('.$poc_table.'.CombinationCRC = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.OptionsSalt) AND ('.$poc_table.'.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId)
WHERE OrderId = '.$ord_id.' AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.Type = 1
ORDER BY BackOrderFlag ASC';
$items = $this->Conn->Query($query);
return $items;
function ReserveItems(&$event)
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
$items =& $this->queryOrderItems($event, $table_prefix);
foreach ($items as $an_item) {
if (!$an_item['InventoryStatus']) {
$to_reserve = $an_item['Quantity'] - $an_item['QuantityReserved'];
else {
if ($an_item['BackOrderFlag'] > 0) { // we don't need to reserve if it's backordered item
$to_reserve = 0;
else {
$to_reserve = min($an_item['Quantity']-$an_item['QuantityReserved'], $an_item['QtyInStock']-$an_item['QtyInStockMin']); //it should be equal, but just in case
$to_backorder = $an_item['BackOrderFlag'] > 0 ? $an_item['Quantity']-$an_item['QuantityReserved'] : 0;
if ($to_backorder < 0) $to_backorder = 0; //just in case
$query = ' UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
SET QuantityReserved = IF(QuantityReserved IS NULL, '.$to_reserve.', QuantityReserved + '.$to_reserve.')
WHERE OrderItemId = '.$an_item['OrderItemId'];
if (!$an_item['InventoryStatus']) continue;
$update_clause = ' QtyInStock = QtyInStock - '.$to_reserve.',
QtyReserved = QtyReserved + '.$to_reserve.',
QtyBackOrdered = QtyBackOrdered + '.$to_backorder;
if ($an_item['InventoryStatus'] == 1) {
// inventory by product, then update it's quantities
$query = ' UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products
SET '.$update_clause.'
WHERE ProductId = '.$an_item['ProductId'];
else {
// inventory = 2 -> by product option combinations
$poc_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'IDField');
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$query = ' UPDATE '.$poc_table.'
SET '.$update_clause.'
WHERE (ProductId = '.$an_item['ProductId'].') AND (CombinationCRC = '.$an_item['CombinationCRC'].')';
function FreeItems(&$event)
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
$items =& $this->queryOrderItems($event, $table_prefix);
foreach ($items as $an_item) {
$to_free = $an_item['QuantityReserved'];
if ($an_item['InventoryStatus']) {
if ($an_item['BackOrderFlag'] > 0) { // we don't need to free if it's backordered item
$to_free = 0;
// what's not reserved goes to backorder in stock for orderitems marked with BackOrderFlag
$to_backorder_free = $an_item['BackOrderFlag'] > 0 ? $an_item['Quantity'] - $an_item['QuantityReserved'] : 0;
if ($to_backorder_free < 0) $to_backorder_free = 0; //just in case
$update_clause = ' QtyInStock = QtyInStock + '.$to_free.',
QtyReserved = QtyReserved - '.$to_free.',
QtyBackOrdered = QtyBackOrdered - '.$to_backorder_free;
if ($an_item['InventoryStatus'] == 1) {
// inventory by product
$query = ' UPDATE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products
SET '.$update_clause.'
WHERE ProductId = '.$an_item['ProductId'];
else {
// inventory by option combinations
$poc_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'IDField');
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$query = ' UPDATE '.$poc_table.'
SET '.$update_clause.'
WHERE (ProductId = '.$an_item['ProductId'].') AND (CombinationCRC = '.$an_item['CombinationCRC'].')';
$query = ' UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
SET QuantityReserved = IF(QuantityReserved IS NULL, 0, QuantityReserved - '.$to_free.')
WHERE OrderItemId = '.$an_item['OrderItemId'];
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @param OrdersItem $object
function SplitOrder(&$event, &$object)
$affiliate_event = new kEvent('affil:OnOrderApprove');
$affiliate_event->setEventParam('Order_PrefixSpecial', $object->getPrefixSpecial() );
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
$order =& $object;
$ord_id = $order->GetId();
$shipping_option = $order->GetDBField('ShippingOption');
$backorder_select = $shipping_option == 0 ? '0 As BackOrderFlag' : 'BackOrderFlag';
// setting PackageNum to 0 for Non-tangible items, for tangibles first package num is always 1
$query = ' SELECT OrderItemId
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId
WHERE '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.Type > 1 AND OrderId = '.$ord_id;
$non_tangibles = $this->Conn->GetCol($query);
if ($non_tangibles) {
$query = 'UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems SET PackageNum = 0 WHERE OrderItemId IN ('.implode(',', $non_tangibles).')';
// grouping_data:
// 0 => Product Type
// 1 => if NOT tangibale and NOT downloadable - OrderItemId,
// 2 => ProductId
// 3 => Shipping PackageNum
$query = 'SELECT
CONCAT(OrderItemId, "_", '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId),
) AS Grouping,
SUM(Quantity) AS TotalItems,
SUM('.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.Weight*Quantity) AS TotalWeight,
SUM(Price * Quantity) AS TotalAmount,
SUM(QuantityReserved) AS TotalReserved,
'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.Type AS ProductType
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products.ProductId = '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems.ProductId
WHERE OrderId = '.$ord_id.'
GROUP BY BackOrderFlag, Grouping
ORDER BY BackOrderFlag ASC, PackageNum ASC, ProductType ASC';
$sub_orders = $this->Conn->Query($query);
$processed_sub_orders = Array();
// in case of recurring billing this will not be 0 as usual
//$first_sub_number = ($event->Special == 'recurring') ? $object->getNextSubNumber() - 1 : 0;
$first_sub_number = $object->GetDBField('SubNumber');
$next_sub_number = $first_sub_number;
$group = 1;
$order_has_gift = $order->GetDBField('GiftCertificateDiscount') > 0 ? 1 : 0;
foreach ($sub_orders as $sub_order_data) {
$sub_order =& $this->Application->recallObject('ord.-sub'.$next_sub_number, 'ord');
/* @var $sub_order OrdersItem */
if ($this->UseTempTables($event) && $next_sub_number == 0) {
$sub_order =& $order;
$sub_order->SetDBField('SubNumber', $next_sub_number);
$sub_order->SetDBField('SubTotal', $sub_order_data['TotalAmount']);
$grouping_data = explode('_', $sub_order_data['Grouping']);
$named_grouping_data['Type'] = $grouping_data[0];
if (!in_array($named_grouping_data['Type'], $skip_types)) {
$named_grouping_data['OrderItemId'] = $grouping_data[1];
$named_grouping_data['ProductId'] = $grouping_data[2];
$named_grouping_data['PackageNum'] = $grouping_data[3];
else {
$named_grouping_data['PackageNum'] = $grouping_data[2];
if ($named_grouping_data['Type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE) {
$sub_order->SetDBField('ShippingCost', getArrayValue( unserialize($order->GetDBField('ShippingInfo')), $sub_order_data['PackageNum'], 'TotalCost') );
$sub_order->SetDBField('InsuranceFee', getArrayValue( unserialize($order->GetDBField('ShippingInfo')), $sub_order_data['PackageNum'], 'InsuranceFee') );
$sub_order->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', serialize(Array(1 => getArrayValue( unserialize($order->GetDBField('ShippingInfo')), $sub_order_data['PackageNum']))));
else {
$sub_order->SetDBField('ShippingCost', 0);
$sub_order->SetDBField('InsuranceFee', 0);
$sub_order->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', ''); //otherwise orders w/o shipping wills still have shipping info!
$amount_percent = $sub_order->getTotalAmount() * 100 / $order->getTotalAmount();
// proportional affiliate commission splitting
if ($order->GetDBField('AffiliateCommission') > 0) {
$sub_order->SetDBField('AffiliateCommission', $order->GetDBField('AffiliateCommission') * $amount_percent / 100 );
$amount_percent = ($sub_order->GetDBField('SubTotal') + $sub_order->GetDBField('ShippingCost')) * 100 / ($order->GetDBField('SubTotal') + $order->GetDBField('ShippingCost'));
if ($order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') > 0) {
$sub_order->SetDBField('ProcessingFee', round($order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') * $amount_percent / 100, 2));
$original_amount = $sub_order->GetDBField('SubTotal') + $sub_order->GetDBField('ShippingCost') + $sub_order->GetDBField('VAT') + $sub_order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') + $sub_order->GetDBField('InsuranceFee') - $sub_order->GetDBField('GiftCertificateDiscount');
$sub_order->SetDBField('OriginalAmount', $original_amount);
if ($named_grouping_data['Type'] == 1 && ($sub_order_data['BackOrderFlag'] > 0
($sub_order_data['TotalItems'] != $sub_order_data['TotalReserved'])) ) {
$sub_order->SetDBField('Status', ORDER_STATUS_BACKORDERS);
if ($event->Special != 'recurring') { // just in case if admin uses tangible backordered products in recurring orders
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('BACKORDER.ADD', $sub_order->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $this->OrderEmailParams($sub_order));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('BACKORDER.ADD');
else {
switch ($named_grouping_data['Type']) {
$sql = 'SELECT oi.*
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products p ON p.ProductId = oi.ProductId
$downl_products = $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $ord_id) );
$product_ids = Array();
foreach ($downl_products as $downl_product) {
$this->raiseProductEvent('Approve', $downl_product['ProductId'], $downl_product, $next_sub_number);
$product_ids[] = $downl_product['ProductId'];
$sql = 'SELECT '.$backorder_select.', oi.*
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products p ON p.ProductId = oi.ProductId
WHERE (OrderId = %s) AND (BackOrderFlag = 0) AND (p.Type = '.PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE.')';
$products = $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $ord_id) );
foreach ($products as $product) {
$this->raiseProductEvent('Approve', $product['ProductId'], $product, $next_sub_number);
$order_item_fields = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems WHERE OrderItemId = '.$named_grouping_data['OrderItemId']);
$this->raiseProductEvent('Approve', $named_grouping_data['ProductId'], $order_item_fields, $next_sub_number);
$sub_order->SetDBField('Status', $named_grouping_data['Type'] == PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE ? ORDER_STATUS_TOSHIP : ORDER_STATUS_PROCESSED);
if ($next_sub_number == $first_sub_number) {
else {
switch ($named_grouping_data['Type']) {
$query = 'UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems SET OrderId = %s WHERE OrderId = %s AND PackageNum = %s';
$query = sprintf($query, $sub_order->GetId(), $ord_id, $sub_order_data['PackageNum']);
$query = 'UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems SET OrderId = %s WHERE OrderId = %s AND ProductId IN (%s)';
$query = sprintf($query, $sub_order->GetId(), $ord_id, implode(',', $product_ids) );
$query = 'UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems SET OrderId = %s WHERE OrderId = %s AND OrderItemId = %s';
$query = sprintf($query, $sub_order->GetId(), $ord_id, $named_grouping_data['OrderItemId']);
if ($order_has_gift) {
// gift certificate can be applied only after items are assigned to suborder
$original_amount = $sub_order->GetDBField('SubTotal') + $sub_order->GetDBField('ShippingCost') + $sub_order->GetDBField('VAT') + $sub_order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') + $sub_order->GetDBField('InsuranceFee') - $sub_order->GetDBField('GiftCertificateDiscount');
$sub_order->SetDBField('OriginalAmount', $original_amount);
$processed_sub_orders[] = $sub_order->GetID();
foreach ($processed_sub_orders as $sub_id) {
// update DiscountTotal field
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(ROUND(FlatPrice-Price,2)*Quantity) FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems WHERE OrderId = '.$sub_id;
$discount_total = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$sub_order->TableName.'
SET DiscountTotal = '.$this->Conn->qstr($discount_total).'
WHERE OrderId = '.$sub_id;
* Call products linked event when spefcfic action is made to product in order
* @param string $event_type type of event to get from product ProcessingData = {Approve,Deny,CompleteOrder}
* @param int $product_id ID of product to gather processing data from
* @param Array $order_item_fields OrderItems table record fields (with needed product & order in it)
function raiseProductEvent($event_type, $product_id, $order_item_fields, $next_sub_number=null)
$sql = 'SELECT ProcessingData
WHERE ProductId = '.$product_id;
$processing_data = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($processing_data) {
$processing_data = unserialize($processing_data);
$event_key = getArrayValue($processing_data, $event_type.'Event');
// if requested type of event is defined for product, only then process it
if ($event_key) {
$event = new kEvent($event_key);
$event->setEventParam('field_values', $order_item_fields);
$event->setEventParam('next_sub_number', $next_sub_number);
* Updates product info in shopping cart
* @param kEvent $event
* @param unknown_type $prod_id
* @param unknown_type $back_order
* @param unknown_type $qty
* @param unknown_type $price
* @param unknown_type $discounted_price
* @param unknown_type $discount_type
* @param unknown_type $discount_id
* @param unknown_type $order_item_id
* @param unknown_type $options_salt
* @param unknown_type $passed_item_data
* @param unknown_type $cost
* @return unknown
function UpdateOrderItem(&$event, $prod_id, $back_order, $qty, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, $order_item_id = 0, $options_salt = 0, $passed_item_data=null, $cost=0)
$price = (float) $price;
$discounted_price = (float) $discounted_price;
$qty = (int) $qty;
$ord_id = $this->getPassedId($event);
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
$query = ' SELECT OrderItemId, Quantity, FlatPrice, Price, BackOrderFlag, ItemData FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
WHERE OrderItemId = '.$order_item_id;
// try to load specified Product by its Id and BackOrderFlag in the order
$query = 'SELECT OrderItemId, Quantity, FlatPrice, Price, BackOrderFlag, ItemData FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems
OrderId = '.$ord_id.'
ProductId = '.$prod_id.'
BackOrderFlag '.($back_order ? ' >= 1' : ' = 0').'
OptionsSalt = '.$options_salt;
$item_row = $this->Conn->GetRow($query);
$item_id = $item_row['OrderItemId'];
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$item_data = $item_row['ItemData'];
$item_data = unserialize($item_data);
$orig_discount_type = (int)getArrayValue($item_data, 'DiscountType');
$orig_discount_id = (int)getArrayValue($item_data, 'DiscountId');
if ($item_id) { // if Product already exists in the order
if ($qty > 0 &&
$item_row['Quantity'] == $qty &&
round($item_row['FlatPrice'], 3) == round($price, 3) &&
round($item_row['Price'], 3) == round($discounted_price, 3) &&
$orig_discount_type == $discount_type &&
$orig_discount_id == $discount_id)
return false;
if ($qty > 0) { // Update Price by _TOTAL_ qty
$object->SetDBField('Quantity', $qty);
$object->SetDBField('FlatPrice', $price );
$object->SetDBField('Price', $discounted_price );
$object->SetDBField('Cost', $cost);
if($item_data = $object->GetDBField('ItemData'))
$item_data = unserialize($item_data);
$item_data = Array();
$item_data['DiscountType'] = $discount_type;
$item_data['DiscountId'] = $discount_id;
$object->SetDBField('ItemData', serialize($item_data));
else { // delete products with 0 qty
elseif ($qty > 0) { // if we are adding product
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
$object->SetDBField('ProductId', $prod_id);
$object->SetDBField('ProductName', $product->GetField('Name'));
$object->SetDBField('Quantity', $qty);
$object->SetDBField('FlatPrice', $price );
$object->SetDBField('Price', $discounted_price );
$object->SetDBField('Cost', $cost);
$object->SetDBField('OrderId', $ord_id);
$object->SetDBField('BackOrderFlag', $back_order);
if ($passed_item_data && !is_array($passed_item_data)) {
$passed_item_data = unserialize($passed_item_data);
// $item_data = Array('DiscountType' => $discount_type, 'DiscountId' => $discount_id);
$item_data = $passed_item_data;
$object->SetDBField('ItemData', serialize($item_data));
else {
return false; // item requiring to set qty to 0, meaning already does not exist
return true;
function OptionsSalt($options, $comb_only=false)
$helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kProductOptionsHelper');
return $helper->OptionsSalt($options, $comb_only);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
* @param int $item_id
function AddItemToOrder(&$event, $item_id, $qty = null, $package_num = null)
if (!isset($qty)) {
$qty = 1;
// Loading product to add
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject('p.toadd', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $product kDBItem */
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$order =& $this->Application->recallObject('ord');
/* @var $order kDBItem */
if (!$order->isLoaded() && !$this->Application->isAdmin) {
// no order was created before -> create one now
if ($this->_createNewCart($event)) {
if (!$order->isLoaded()) {
// was unable to create new order
return false;
$ord_id = $order->GetID();
if ($item_data = $event->getEventParam('ItemData')) {
$item_data = unserialize($item_data);
else {
$item_data = Array ();
$options = getArrayValue($item_data, 'Options');
if (!$this->CheckOptions($event, $options, $item_id, $qty, $product->GetDBField('OptionsSelectionMode'))) return;
// Checking if such product already exists in the cart
$keys['OrderId'] = $ord_id;
$keys['ProductId'] = $product->GetId();
if (isset($item_data['Options'])) {
$options_salt = $this->OptionsSalt($item_data['Options']);
$keys['OptionsSalt'] = $options_salt;
else {
$options_salt = null;
$exists = $object->Load($keys);
$object->SetDBField('ProductId', $product->GetId());
$object->SetDBField('ProductName', $product->GetField('l'.$this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId().'_Name'));
$object->SetDBField('Weight', $product->GetDBField('Weight'));
if (isset($item_data['Options'])) {
$object->SetDBField('OptionsSalt', $options_salt);
if (isset($package_num)) {
$object->SetDBField('PackageNum', $package_num);
if($product->GetDBField('Type') == PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE || $product->GetDBField('Type') == 6)
$object->SetDBField('Quantity', $object->GetDBField('Quantity') + $qty);
else // Types: 2,3,4
$object->SetDBField('Quantity', $qty); // 1
$exists = false;
if (isset($item_data['ForcePrice'])) {
$price = $item_data['ForcePrice'];
else {
$price = $this->GetPlainProductPrice($product->GetId(), $object->GetDBField('Quantity'), $product->GetDBField('Type'), $order, $options_salt, $item_data);
$cost = $this->GetProductCost($product->GetId(), $object->GetDBField('Quantity'), $product->GetDBField('Type'), $options_salt, $item_data);
$object->SetDBField('FlatPrice', $price);
$couponed_price = $this->GetCouponDiscountedPrice($order->GetDBField('CouponId'), $product->GetId(), $price);
$discounted_price = $this->GetDiscountedProductPrice($product->GetId(), $price, $discount_id, $order);
if( $couponed_price < $discounted_price )
$discounted_price = $couponed_price;
$discount_type = 'coupon';
$discount_id = $order->GetDBField('CouponId');
$discount_type = 'discount';
$discount_id = $discount_id;
$item_data['DiscountType'] = $discount_type;
$item_data['DiscountId'] = $discount_id;
$item_data['IsRecurringBilling'] = $product->GetDBField('IsRecurringBilling');
// it item is processed in order using new style, then put such mark in orderitem record
$processing_data = $product->GetDBField('ProcessingData');
if ($processing_data) {
$processing_data = unserialize($processing_data);
if (getArrayValue($processing_data, 'HasNewProcessing')) {
$item_data['HasNewProcessing'] = 1;
$object->SetDBField('ItemData', serialize($item_data));
$object->SetDBField('Price', $discounted_price); // will be retrieved later
$object->SetDBField('Cost', $cost);
$object->SetDBField('BackOrderFlag', 0); // it will be updated in OnRecalculateItems later if needed
$object->SetDBField('OrderId', $ord_id);
if ($exists) {
if ($qty > 0) {
else {
else {
$this->Application->HandleEvent($ord_event, 'ord:OnRecalculateItems');
/*if ($ord_event->getEventParam('RecalculateChangedCart') && !$this->Application->isAdmin) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', $ord_event->redirect_params['checkout_error']);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function UpdateShippingTotal(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ebay_notification') == 1) {
// TODO: get rid of this "if"
return ;
$object =& $event->getObject();
$ord_id = $object->GetId();
$shipping_option = $object->GetDBField('ShippingOption');
$backorder_select = $shipping_option == 0 ? '0 As BackOrderFlag' : 'BackOrderFlag';
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
$shipping_info = $object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo') ? unserialize( $object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo') ) : false;
$shipping_total = 0;
$insurance_fee = 0;
if( is_array($shipping_info) )
foreach ($shipping_info as $a_shipping)
// $id_elements = explode('_', $a_shipping['ShippingTypeId']);
$shipping_total += $a_shipping['TotalCost'];
$insurance_fee += $a_shipping['InsuranceFee'];
$object->SetDBField('ShippingCost', $shipping_total);
$object->SetDBField('InsuranceFee', $insurance_fee);
// no need to update, it will be called in calling method
* Recompile shopping cart, splitting or grouping orders and backorders depending on total quantityes.
* First it counts total qty for each ProductId, and then creates order for available items
* and backorder for others. It also updates the sub-total for the order
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool Returns true if items splitting/grouping were changed
function OnRecalculateItems(&$event)
if (is_object($event->MasterEvent) && ($event->MasterEvent->status != erSUCCESS)) {
// e.g. master order update failed, don't recalculate order products
return ;
if($checkout_error = $this->Application->GetVar('set_checkout_error'))
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', $checkout_error);
$order =& $event->getObject();
/* @var $order OrdersItem */
if ( !$order->isLoaded() ) {
$this->LoadItem($event); // try to load
$ord_id = (int)$order->GetID();
if ( !$order->isLoaded() ) return; //order has not been created yet
if( $order->GetDBField('Status') != ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE )
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
// process only tangible products here
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$query = ' SELECT oi.ProductId, oi.OptionsSalt, oi.ItemData, SUM(oi.Quantity) AS Quantity,
IF(p.InventoryStatus = 2, poc.QtyInStock, p.QtyInStock) AS QtyInStock,
p.QtyInStockMin, p.BackOrder, p.InventoryStatus
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems AS oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON oi.ProductId = p.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' poc ON (poc.CombinationCRC = oi.OptionsSalt) AND (oi.ProductId = poc.ProductId)
WHERE (oi.OrderId = '.$ord_id.') AND (p.Type = 1)
GROUP BY oi.ProductId, OptionsSalt';
$items = $this->Conn->Query($query);
$result = false;
$cost_total = 0;
$sub_total = 0;
$sub_total_flat = 0;
$coupon_discount = 0;
$pending_operations = Array();
$backordering = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Enable_Backordering');
$coupon_id = $order->GetDBField('CouponId');
foreach ($items as $row) {
$a_item_data = isset($row['ItemData']) ? unserialize($row['ItemData']) : Array();
$min_qty = $this->GetMinQty($row['ProductId']);
if ($row['Quantity'] > 0 && $row['Quantity'] < $min_qty) {
$row['Quantity'] = $min_qty;
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 6);
$back_order = 0;
$to_order = 0;
if (!$row['InventoryStatus']) {
$available = $row['Quantity']*2; // always available;
else {
// if there are not enough qty AND backorder is auto or backorder is always
$available = $row['QtyInStock'] - $row['QtyInStockMin'];
$available = max(0, $available); // just in case
if (
$backordering && // backordering generally enabled
($row['Quantity'] > $available)
($row['BackOrder'] == 2) //auto
$row['BackOrder'] == 1 // always
{ // split order into order & backorder
if ($row['BackOrder'] == 1) { //Always backorder
$available = 0;
$to_order = 0;
$back_order = $row['Quantity'];
else { //Auto
$to_order = $available;
$back_order = $row['Quantity'] - $available;
if (isset($a_item_data['ForcePrice'])) {
$price = $a_item_data['ForcePrice'];
else {
$price = $this->GetPlainProductPrice( $row['ProductId'], $to_order + $back_order, 1, $order, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'] );
$cost = $this->GetProductCost( $row['ProductId'], $to_order + $back_order, 1, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'] );
$discounted_price = $this->GetDiscountedProductPrice( $row['ProductId'], $price, $discount_id, $order );
$couponed_price = $this->GetCouponDiscountedPrice( $coupon_id, $row['ProductId'], $price );
if($couponed_price < $discounted_price)
$discounted_price = $couponed_price;
$coupon_discount += ($price - $couponed_price) * ($to_order + $back_order);
$discount_type = 'coupon';
$discount_id = $coupon_id;
$discount_type = 'discount';
$pending_operations[] = Array( $row['ProductId'], 0, $to_order, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, 0, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'], $cost );
$pending_operations[] = Array( $row['ProductId'], 1, $back_order, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, 0, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'], $cost);
else { // store as normal order (and remove backorder)
// we could get here with backorder=never then we should order only what's available
$to_order = min($row['Quantity'], $available);
if (isset($a_item_data['ForcePrice'])) {
$price = $a_item_data['ForcePrice'];
else {
$price = $this->GetPlainProductPrice( $row['ProductId'], $to_order + $back_order, 1, $order, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'] );
$cost = $this->GetProductCost( $row['ProductId'], $to_order + $back_order, 1, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'] );
$discounted_price = $this->GetDiscountedProductPrice( $row['ProductId'], $price, $discount_id, $order );
$couponed_price = $this->GetCouponDiscountedPrice( $coupon_id, $row['ProductId'], $price );
if($couponed_price < $discounted_price)
$discounted_price = $couponed_price;
$coupon_discount += ($price - $couponed_price) * ($to_order + $back_order);
$discount_type = 'coupon';
$discount_id = $coupon_id;
$discount_type = 'discount';
$pending_operations[] = Array( $row['ProductId'], 0, $to_order, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, 0, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'], $cost );
$pending_operations[] = Array( $row['ProductId'], 1, 0, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, 0, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'], $cost ); // this removes backorders
if ($to_order < $row['Quantity']) { // has changed
if ($to_order > 0) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 2);
else {
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 3);
$result = true;
$sub_total_flat += ($to_order + $back_order) * $price;
$sub_total += ($to_order + $back_order) * $discounted_price;
$cost_total += ($to_order + $back_order) * $cost;
// process subscriptions, services and downloadable: begin
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$query = ' SELECT oi.OrderItemId, oi.ProductId, oi.Quantity, oi.OptionsSalt, oi.ItemData,
IF(p.InventoryStatus = 2, poc.QtyInStock, p.QtyInStock) AS QtyInStock,
p.QtyInStockMin, p.BackOrder, p.InventoryStatus, p.Type
FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems AS oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products AS p ON oi.ProductId = p.ProductId
LEFT JOIN '.$poc_table.' poc ON (poc.CombinationCRC = oi.OptionsSalt) AND (oi.ProductId = poc.ProductId)
WHERE (oi.OrderId = '.$ord_id.') AND (p.Type IN (2,3,4,5,6))';
$items = $this->Conn->Query($query);
foreach ($items as $row)
$a_item_data = isset($row['ItemData']) ? unserialize($row['ItemData']) : Array();
if (isset($a_item_data['ForcePrice'])) {
$price = $a_item_data['ForcePrice'];
else {
$price = $this->GetPlainProductPrice( $row['ProductId'], $row['Quantity'], $row['Type'], $order, $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'] );
$cost = $this->GetProductCost( $row['ProductId'], $row['Quantity'], $row['Type'], $row['OptionsSalt'], $row['ItemData'] );
$discounted_price = $this->GetDiscountedProductPrice( $row['ProductId'], $price, $discount_id, $order );
$couponed_price = $this->GetCouponDiscountedPrice( $coupon_id, $row['ProductId'], $price );
if($couponed_price < $discounted_price)
$discounted_price = $couponed_price;
$coupon_discount += ($price - $couponed_price);
$discount_type = 'coupon';
$discount_id = $coupon_id;
$discount_type = 'discount';
$pending_operations[] = Array( $row['ProductId'], 0, $row['Quantity'], $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, $row['OrderItemId'], 0, $row['ItemData'], $cost );
$sub_total_flat += $price * $row['Quantity'];
$sub_total += $discounted_price * $row['Quantity'];
$cost_total += $cost * $row['Quantity'];
// process subscriptions, services and downloadable: end
$flat_discount = $this->GetWholeOrderPlainDiscount($global_discount_id, $order);
$flat_discount = ($flat_discount < $sub_total_flat) ? $flat_discount : $sub_total_flat;
$coupon_flat_discount = $this->GetWholeOrderCouponDiscount($coupon_id);
$coupon_flat_discount = ($coupon_flat_discount < $sub_total_flat) ? $coupon_flat_discount : $sub_total_flat;
if($coupon_flat_discount && $coupon_flat_discount > $flat_discount)
$flat_discount = $coupon_flat_discount;
$global_discount_type = 'coupon';
$global_discount_id = $coupon_id;
$global_discount_type = 'discount';
if($sub_total_flat - $sub_total < $flat_discount)
$coupon_discount = ($flat_discount == $coupon_flat_discount) ? $flat_discount : 0;
$sub_total = $sub_total_flat - $flat_discount;
foreach ($pending_operations as $operation_row)
list($product_id, $backorder, $qty, $price, $discounted_price, $dummy, $dummy, $order_item_id, $options_salt, $item_data, $cost) = $operation_row;
$new_price = ($price / $sub_total_flat) * $sub_total;
$result = $this->UpdateOrderItem($event, $product_id, $backorder, $qty, $price, $new_price, $global_discount_type, $global_discount_id, $order_item_id, $options_salt, $item_data, $cost) || $result;
foreach ($pending_operations as $operation_row)
list($product_id, $backorder, $qty, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, $order_item_id, $options_salt, $item_data, $cost) = $operation_row;
$result = $this->UpdateOrderItem($event, $product_id, $backorder, $qty, $price, $discounted_price, $discount_type, $discount_id, $order_item_id, $options_salt, $item_data, $cost) || $result;
$order->SetDBField('SubTotal', $sub_total);
$order->SetDBField('CostTotal', $cost_total);
// $this->CalculateDiscount($event);
$order->SetDBField('DiscountTotal', $sub_total_flat - $sub_total);
if($coupon_id && $coupon_discount == 0)
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 8);
$order->SetDBField('CouponDiscount', $coupon_discount);
if ($result) $this->UpdateShippingOption($event);
if ($event->Name != 'OnAfterItemUpdate') $order->Update();
$event->setEventParam('RecalculateChangedCart', $result);
if (is_object($event->MasterEvent)) {
$event->MasterEvent->setEventParam('RecalculateChangedCart', $result);
if ($result && !getArrayValue($event->redirect_params, 'checkout_error')) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 1);
if ($result && is_object($event->MasterEvent) && $event->MasterEvent->Name == 'OnUserLogin')
if( ($shop_cart_template = $this->Application->GetVar('shop_cart_template'))
&& is_object($event->MasterEvent->MasterEvent) )
$event->MasterEvent->MasterEvent->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 9);
$event->MasterEvent->MasterEvent->redirect = $shop_cart_template;
return $result;
/* function GetShippingCost($user_country_id, $user_state_id, $user_zip, $weight, $items, $amount, $shipping_type)
$shipping_h =& $this->Application->recallObject('CustomShippingQuoteEngine');
$query = $shipping_h->QueryShippingCost($user_country_id, $user_state_id, $user_zip, $weight, $items, $amount, $shipping_type);
$cost = $this->Conn->GetRow($query);
return $cost['TotalCost'];
function GetMinQty($p_id)
$query = 'SELECT
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsPricing AS pp
WHERE pp.ProductId = '.$p_id;
$min_qty = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
if (!$min_qty) return 1;
return $min_qty;
* Return product cost for given qty, taking no discounts into account
* @param int $p_id ProductId
* @param int $qty Quantity
* @return float
function GetProductCost($p_id, $qty, $product_type, $options_salt=null, $item_data=null)
$user_groups = $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups');
if($product_type == 1)
// $where_clause = 'pp.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pp.MinQty <= '.$qty;
// $orderby_clause = 'ORDER BY ('.$qty.' - pp.MinQty) ASC';
$where_clause = 'GroupId IN ('.$user_groups.') AND pp.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pp.MinQty <= '.$qty.' AND ('.$qty.' < pp.MaxQty OR pp.MaxQty=-1)';
$orderby_clause = 'ORDER BY pp.Price ASC';
$price_id = $this->GetPricingId($p_id, $item_data);
$where_clause = 'pp.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pp.PriceId = '.$price_id;
$orderby_clause = '';
$sql = 'SELECT Cost
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsPricing AS pp
ON p.ProductId = pp.ProductId
WHERE '.$where_clause.'
// GROUP BY pp.ProductId - removed, this it qty pricing is caclucated incorrectly !!!
$cost = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (!$cost) $price = 0;
return $cost;
* Return product price for given qty, taking no discounts into account
* @param int $p_id ProductId
* @param int $qty Quantity
* @return float
function GetPlainProductPrice($p_id, $qty, $product_type, &$order_object, $options_salt=null, $item_data=null)
$user_id = $order_object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$user_groups = $this->Application->getUserGroups($user_id);
if($product_type == 1)
// $where_clause = 'pp.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pp.MinQty <= '.$qty;
// $orderby_clause = 'ORDER BY ('.$qty.' - pp.MinQty) ASC';
$where_clause = 'GroupId IN ('.$user_groups.') AND pp.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pp.MinQty <= '.$qty.' AND ('.$qty.' < pp.MaxQty OR pp.MaxQty=-1)';
// if we have to stick ti primary group this order by clause force its pricing to go first,
// but if there is no pricing for primary group it will take next optimal
if ($this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_PriceBracketCalculation') == 1){
if ($user_id <= 0) {
$primary_group = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup'); // actually this is Everyone
else {
$primary_group = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT GroupId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup WHERE PortalUserId='.$user_id.' AND PrimaryGroup=1');
$orderby_clause = 'ORDER BY (IF(GroupId='.$primary_group.',1,2)) ASC, pp.Price ASC';
else {
$orderby_clause = 'ORDER BY pp.Price ASC';
$price_id = $this->GetPricingId($p_id, $item_data);
$where_clause = 'pp.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pp.PriceId = '.$price_id;
$orderby_clause = '';
$sql = 'SELECT Price
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsPricing AS pp
ON p.ProductId = pp.ProductId
WHERE '.$where_clause.'
// GROUP BY pp.ProductId - removed, this it qty pricing is caclucated incorrectly !!!
$price = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (!$price) $price = 0;
if (isset($item_data) && !is_array($item_data)) {
$item_data = unserialize($item_data);
if (isset($item_data['Options'])) {
$addtion = 0;
$opt_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kProductOptionsHelper');
foreach ($item_data['Options'] as $opt => $val) {
$data = $this->Conn->GetRow('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptions WHERE ProductOptionId = '.$opt);
$parsed = $opt_helper->ExplodeOptionValues($data);
if (!$parsed) continue;
$conv_prices = $parsed['Prices'];
$conv_price_types = $parsed['PriceTypes'];
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as $a_val) {
if (isset($conv_prices[unhtmlentities($a_val)]) && $conv_prices[unhtmlentities($a_val)]) {
if ($conv_price_types[unhtmlentities($a_val)] == '$') {
$addtion += $conv_prices[unhtmlentities($a_val)];
elseif ($conv_price_types[unhtmlentities($a_val)] == '%') {
$addtion += $price * $conv_prices[unhtmlentities($a_val)] / 100;
else {
if (isset($conv_prices[unhtmlentities($val)]) && $conv_prices[unhtmlentities($val)]) {
if ($conv_price_types[unhtmlentities($val)] == '$') {
$addtion += $conv_prices[unhtmlentities($val)];
elseif ($conv_price_types[unhtmlentities($val)] == '%') {
$addtion += $price * $conv_prices[unhtmlentities($val)] / 100;
$price += $addtion;
$comb_salt = $this->OptionsSalt( getArrayValue($item_data, 'Options'), 1);
if ($comb_salt) {
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptionCombinations WHERE CombinationCRC = '.$comb_salt;
$comb = $this->Conn->GetRow($query);
if ($comb) {
switch ($comb['PriceType']) {
case 1: // = override
$price = $comb['Price'];
case 2: // flat
$price = $price + $comb['Price'];
case 3: // percent
$price = $price * (1 + $comb['Price'] / 100);
return max($price, 0);
* Return product price for given qty, taking possible discounts into account
* @param int $p_id ProductId
* @param int $qty Quantity
* @return float
function GetDiscountedProductPrice($p_id, $price, &$discount_id, &$order_object)
$discount_id = 0;
$user_id = $order_object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$user_groups = $this->Application->getUserGroups($user_id);
$sql = '
IF(pd.Type = 1,
'.$price.' - pd.Amount,
IF(pd.Type = 2,
('.$price.' * (1-pd.Amount/100)),
) AS DiscountedPrice,
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsDiscountItems AS pdi ON
pdi.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId OR pdi.ItemType = 0
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsDiscounts AS pd ON
pd.DiscountId = pdi.DiscountId
(pdi.ItemType = 1 OR (pdi.ItemType = 0 AND pd.Type = 2))
pd.Status = 1
( pd.GroupId IN ('.$user_groups.') AND
( (pd.Start IS NULL OR pd.Start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
WHERE p.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pd.DiscountId IS NOT NULL
$pricing = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'DiscountId');
if (!$pricing) return $price;
$discounted_price = min($pricing);
$pricing = array_flip($pricing);
$discount_id = $pricing[$discounted_price];
$discounted_price = min($discounted_price, $price);
return max($discounted_price, 0);
function GetCouponDiscountedPrice($coupon_id, $p_id, $price)
if(!$coupon_id) return $price;
$sql = '
'.$price.' AS Price,
MIN(IF(pc.Type = 1,
'.$price.' - pc.Amount,
IF(pc.Type = 2,
('.$price.' * (1-pc.Amount/100)),
)) AS DiscountedPrice
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsCouponItems AS pci ON
pci.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId OR pci.ItemType = 0
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsCoupons AS pc ON
pc.CouponId = pci.CouponId
(pci.ItemType = 1 OR (pci.ItemType = 0 AND pc.Type = 2))
WHERE p.ProductId = '.$p_id.' AND pci.CouponId = '.$coupon_id.'
GROUP BY p.ProductId
$pricing = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ($pricing === false) return $price;
$price = min($pricing['Price'], $pricing['DiscountedPrice']);
return max($price, 0);
function GetWholeOrderPlainDiscount(&$discount_id, &$order_object)
$user_id = $order_object->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$user_groups = $this->Application->getUserGroups($user_id);
$sql = '
SELECT pd.Amount AS Discount, pd.DiscountId
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsDiscountItems AS pdi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsDiscounts AS pd
pd.DiscountId = pdi.DiscountId
pdi.ItemType = 0 AND pd.Type = 1
pd.Status = 1
( pd.GroupId IN ('.$user_groups.') AND
( (pd.Start IS NULL OR pd.Start < '.$order_object->GetDBField('OrderDate').')
(pd.End IS NULL OR pd.End > '.$order_object->GetDBField('OrderDate').')
$pricing = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'DiscountId');
if (!$pricing) return 0;
$discounted_price = max($pricing);
$pricing = array_flip($pricing);
$discount_id = $pricing[$discounted_price];
return max($discounted_price, 0);
function GetWholeOrderCouponDiscount($coupon_id)
if (!$coupon_id) return 0;
$sql = 'SELECT Amount
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsCouponItems AS pci
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsCoupons AS pc
ON pc.CouponId = pci.CouponId
WHERE pci.CouponId = '.$coupon_id.' AND pci.ItemType = 0 AND pc.Type = 1';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
* Return product pricing id for given product, if not passed - return primary pricing ID
* @param int $product_id ProductId
* @return float
function GetPricingId($product_id, $item_data) {
if (!is_array($item_data)) {
$item_data = unserialize($item_data);
$price_id = getArrayValue($item_data, 'PricingId');
if (!$price_id) {
$price_id = $this->Application->GetVar('pr_id');
if (!$price_id){
$price_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT PriceId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductsPricing WHERE ProductId='.$product_id.' AND IsPrimary=1');
return $price_id;
function UpdateShippingOption(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$shipping_option = $object->GetDBField('ShippingOption');
if($shipping_option == '') return;
$table_prefix = $this->TablePrefix($event);
if ($shipping_option == 1 || $shipping_option == 0) { // backorder separately
$query = 'UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems SET BackOrderFlag = 1 WHERE OrderId = '.$object->GetId().' AND BackOrderFlag > 1';
if ($shipping_option == 2) {
$query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems WHERE OrderId = '.$object->GetId().' AND BackOrderFlag >= 1 ORDER By ProductName asc';
$items = $this->Conn->Query($query);
$backorder_flag = 2;
foreach ($items as $an_item) {
$query = 'UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'OrderItems SET BackOrderFlag = '.$backorder_flag.' WHERE OrderItemId = '.$an_item['OrderItemId'];
+ /**
+ * Updates shipping types
+ *
+ * @param kEvent $event
+ * @return bool
+ */
function UpdateShippingTypes(&$event)
- $object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial());
- $ord_id = $object->GetId();
+ $object =& $event->getObject();
+ /* @var $object OrdersItem */
+ $ord_id = $object->GetID();
$order_info = $this->Application->GetVar('ord');
$shipping_ids = getArrayValue($order_info, $ord_id, 'ShippingTypeId');
- if (!$shipping_ids)
- {
+ if (!$shipping_ids) {
- $last_shippings = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('LastShippings'));
+ $ret = true;
$shipping_types = Array();
+ $last_shippings = unserialize( $this->Application->RecallVar('LastShippings') );
- $ret = true;
- foreach($shipping_ids as $package => $id)
- {
+ $template = $this->Application->GetVar('t');
+ $shipping_templates = Array ('in-commerce/checkout/shipping', 'in-commerce/orders/orders_edit_shipping');
+ $quote_engine_collector =& $this->Application->recallObject('ShippingQuoteCollector');
+ /* @var $quote_engine_collector ShippingQuoteCollector */
+ foreach ($shipping_ids as $package => $id) {
// try to validate
- if ( $object->GetDBField('ShippingType') == 0 && (strpos($id, 'USPS') !== false) && in_array($this->Application->GetVar('t'), Array('in-commerce/checkout/shipping','in-commerce/orders/orders_edit_shipping'))) {
+ $shipping_types[$package] = $last_shippings[$package][$id];
+ $shipping_quote_engine = $quote_engine_collector->GetClassByType($shipping_types, $package);
+ if (($object->GetDBField('ShippingType') == 0) && ($shipping_quote_engine !== false) && in_array($template, $shipping_templates)) {
+ $shipping_quote_engine =& $this->Application->recallObject($shipping_quote_engine);
+ /* @var $shipping_quote_engine ShippingQuoteEngine */
+ // set first of found shippings just to check if any errors are returned
$current_usps_shipping_types = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('current_usps_shipping_types'));
- $object->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', serialize(Array($package => $current_usps_shipping_types[$id])));
- $usps_data = $this->MakeUSPSOrder($object, true);
- if ( !isset($usps_data['error_number']) ) {
+ $object->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', serialize( Array($package => $current_usps_shipping_types[$id])) );
+ $sqe_data = $shipping_quote_engine->MakeOrder($object, true);
+ if ( !isset($sqe_data['error_number']) ) {
// update only international shipping
if ( $object->GetDBField('ShippingCountry') != 'USA') {
- $last_shippings[$package][$id]['TotalCost'] = $usps_data['Postage'];
+ $shipping_types[$package]['TotalCost'] = $sqe_data['Postage'];
else {
- $this->Application->SetVar('usps_errors', $usps_data['error_description']);
$ret = false;
+ $this->Application->StoreVar('sqe_error', $sqe_data['error_description']);
$object->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', '');
- $shipping_types[$package] = $last_shippings[$package][$id];
$object->SetDBField('ShippingInfo', serialize($shipping_types));
return $ret;
/*function shipOrder(&$order_items)
$product_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('p', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$order_item =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems.-item');
while( !$order_items->EOL() )
$rec = $order_items->getCurrentRecord();
$order_item->SetDBField('QuantityReserved', 0);
return true;
function RecalculateTax(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') > ORDER_STATUS_PENDING) return;
function RecalculateProcessingFee(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
// Do not reset processing fee while orders are being split (see SplitOrder)
if (preg_match("/^-sub/", $object->Special)) return;
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') > ORDER_STATUS_PENDING) return; //no changes for orders other than incomple or pending
$pt = $object->GetDBField('PaymentType');
$processing_fee = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ProcessingFee FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('pt', 'TableName').' WHERE PaymentTypeId = '.$pt);
$object->SetDBField( 'ProcessingFee', $processing_fee );
function UpdateTotals(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
function CalculateDiscount(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$coupon =& $this->Application->recallObject('coup', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
if(!$coupon->Load( $object->GetDBField('CouponId'), 'CouponId' ))
return false;
$sql = 'SELECT Price * Quantity AS Amount, ProductId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('orditems', 'TableName').'
WHERE OrderId = '.$object->GetDBField('OrderId');
$orditems = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'ProductId');
$sql = 'SELECT coupi.ItemType, p.ProductId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('coupi', 'TableName').' coupi
LEFT JOIN '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName').' p
ON coupi.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId
WHERE CouponId = '.$object->GetDBField('CouponId');
$discounts = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'ProductId');
$discount_amount = 0;
foreach($orditems as $product_id => $amount)
if(isset($discounts[$product_id]) || array_search('0', $discounts, true) !== false)
case 1:
$discount_amount += $coupon->GetDBField('Amount') < $amount ? $coupon->GetDBField('Amount') : $amount;
case 2:
$discount_amount += $amount * $coupon->GetDBField('Amount') / 100;
$object->SetDBField('CouponDiscount', $discount_amount);
return $discount_amount;
* Jumps to selected order in order's list from search tab
* @param kEvent $event
function OnGoToOrder(&$event)
$id = array_shift( $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event) );
$idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'IDField');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT Status FROM %s WHERE %s = %s';
$order_status = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $table, $idfield, $id) );
$prefix_special = $event->Prefix.'.'.$this->getSpecialByType($order_status);
$orders_list =& $this->Application->recallObject($prefix_special, $event->Prefix.'_List', Array('per_page'=>-1) );
foreach($orders_list->Records as $row_num => $record)
if( $record[$idfield] == $id ) break;
$per_page = $this->getPerPage( new kEvent($prefix_special.':OnDummy') );
$page = ceil( ($row_num+1) / $per_page );
$this->Application->StoreVar($prefix_special.'_Page', $page);
$event->redirect = 'in-commerce/orders/orders_'.$this->getSpecialByType($order_status).'_list';
* Reset's any selected order state to pending
* @param unknown_type $event
function OnResetToPending(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
foreach($items_info as $id => $field_values)
$object->SetDBField('Status', ORDER_STATUS_PENDING);
if( $object->Update() )
* Creates list from items selected in grid
* @param kEvent $event
function OnLoadSelected(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('selected_only' => true) );
$event->redirect = false;
* Return orders list, that will expire in time specified
* @param int $pre_expiration timestamp
* @return Array
function getRecurringOrders($pre_expiration)
$ord_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('ord', 'TableName');
$ord_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption('ord', 'IDField');
$sql = 'SELECT '.$ord_idfield.', PortalUserId, GroupId, NextCharge
FROM '.$ord_table.'
WHERE (IsRecurringBilling = 1) AND (NextCharge < '.$pre_expiration.') AND Status IN ('.implode(',', $processing_allowed).')';
return $this->Conn->Query($sql, $ord_idfield);
* Regular event: checks what orders should expire and renew automatically (if such flag set)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCheckRecurringOrders(&$event)
$skip_clause = Array();
$ord_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$ord_idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$pre_expiration = adodb_mktime() + $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_RecurringChargeInverval') * 3600 * 24;
$to_charge = $this->getRecurringOrders($pre_expiration);
if ($to_charge) {
$order_ids = Array();
foreach ($to_charge as $order_id => $record) {
// skip virtual users (e.g. root, guest, etc.) & invalid subscriptions (with no group specified, no next charge, but Recurring flag set)
if (!$record['PortalUserId'] || !$record['GroupId'] || !$record['NextCharge']) continue;
$order_ids[] = $order_id;
// prevent duplicate user+group pairs
$skip_clause[ 'PortalUserId = '.$record['PortalUserId'].' AND GroupId = '.$record['GroupId'] ] = $order_id;
// process only valid orders
$temp_handler =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
$cloned_order_ids = $temp_handler->CloneItems($event->Prefix, 'recurring', $order_ids);
$order =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.recurring', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
foreach ($cloned_order_ids as $order_id) {
$this->Application->HandleEvent($complete_event, $event->Prefix.'.recurring:OnCompleteOrder' );
if ($complete_event->status == erSUCCESS) {
//send recurring ok email
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('ORDER.RECURRING.PROCESSED', $order->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $this->OrderEmailParams($order));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('ORDER.RECURRING.PROCESSED');
else {
//send Recurring failed event
$order->SetDBField('Status', ORDER_STATUS_DENIED);
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('ORDER.RECURRING.DENIED', $order->GetDBField('PortalUserId'), $this->OrderEmailParams($order));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('ORDER.RECURRING.DENIED');
// remove recurring flag from all orders found, not to select them next time script runs
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$ord_table.'
SET IsRecurringBilling = 0
WHERE '.$ord_idfield.' IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($to_charge)).')';
if ( !is_object($event->MasterEvent) ) {
// not called as hook
return ;
$pre_expiration = adodb_mktime() + $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_MembershipExpirationReminder') * 3600 * 24;
$to_charge = $this->getRecurringOrders($pre_expiration);
foreach ($to_charge as $order_id => $record) {
// skip virtual users (e.g. root, guest, etc.) & invalid subscriptions (with no group specified, no next charge, but Recurring flag set)
if (!$record['PortalUserId'] || !$record['GroupId'] || !$record['NextCharge']) continue;
// prevent duplicate user+group pairs
$skip_clause[ 'PortalUserId = '.$record['PortalUserId'].' AND GroupId = '.$record['GroupId'] ] = $order_id;
$skip_clause = array_flip($skip_clause);
$event->MasterEvent->setEventParam('skip_clause', $skip_clause);
function OnGeneratePDF(&$event)
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock(array('name'=>'in-commerce/orders/orders_pdf'));
$file_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('FileHelper');
/* @var $file_helper FileHelper */
$htmlFile = EXPORT_PATH . '/tmp.html';
$fh = fopen($htmlFile, 'w');
fwrite($fh, $o);
// return;
// require_once (FULL_PATH.'html2pdf/PDFEncryptor.php');
// Full path to the file to be converted
// $htmlFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/test.html';
// The default domain for images that use a relative path
// (you'll need to change the paths in the test.html page
// to an image on your server)
$defaultDomain = DOMAIN;
// Full path to the PDF we are creating
$pdfFile = EXPORT_PATH . '/tmp.pdf';
// Remove old one, just to make sure we are making it afresh
$pdf_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('kPDFHelper');
$pdf_helper->FileToFile($htmlFile, $pdfFile);
return ;
$dompdf = new DOMPDF();
if ( isset($base_path) ) {
$dompdf->set_paper($paper, $orientation);
file_put_contents($pdfFile, $dompdf->output());
return ;*/
// Instnatiate the class with our variables
require_once (FULL_PATH.'/html2pdf/HTML_ToPDF.php');
$pdf = new HTML_ToPDF($htmlFile, $defaultDomain, $pdfFile);
$pdf->setGetUrl('/usr/local/bin/curl -i');
// Set headers/footers
$pdf->setHeader('color', 'black');
$pdf->setFooter('left', '');
$pdf->setFooter('right', '$D');
$result = $pdf->convert();
// Check if the result was an error
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
else {
$download_url = rtrim($this->Application->BaseURL(), '/') . EXPORT_BASE_PATH . '/tmp.pdf';
echo "PDF file created successfully: $result";
echo '<br />Click <a href="' . $download_url . '">here</a> to view the PDF file.';
function OnAfterConfigRead(&$event)
if (defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL) {
return ;
$order_number = (int)$this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Order_Number_Format_P');
$order_sub_number = (int)$this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Order_Number_Format_S');
$calc_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'CalculatedFields');
foreach ($calc_fields as $special => $fields) {
$calc_fields[$special]['OrderNumber'] = str_replace('6', $order_number, $calc_fields[$special]['OrderNumber']);
$calc_fields[$special]['OrderNumber'] = str_replace('3', $order_sub_number, $calc_fields[$special]['OrderNumber']);
$this->Application->setUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'CalculatedFields', $calc_fields);
$fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'Fields');
$fields['Number']['format'] = str_replace('%06d', '%0'.$order_number.'d', $fields['Number']['format']);
$fields['SubNumber']['format'] = str_replace('%03d', '%0'.$order_sub_number.'d', $fields['SubNumber']['format']);
$site_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('SiteHelper');
/* @var $site_helper SiteHelper */
$fields['BillingCountry']['default'] = $site_helper->getDefaultCountry('Billing');
$fields['ShippingCountry']['default'] = $site_helper->getDefaultCountry('Shipping');
if (!$this->Application->isAdminUser) {
$user_groups = explode(',', $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups'));
$default_group = $this->Application->ConfigValue('User_LoggedInGroup');
if (!in_array($default_group, $user_groups)){
$user_groups[] = $default_group;
$sql_part = '';
// limit payment types by domain
$payment_types = $this->Application->siteDomainField('PaymentTypes');
if (strlen($payment_types)) {
$payment_types = explode('|', substr($payment_types, 1, -1));
$sql_part .= ' AND PaymentTypeId IN (' . implode(',', $payment_types) . ')';
// limit payment types by user group
$sql_part .= ' AND (PortalGroups LIKE "%%,'.implode(',%%" OR PortalGroups LIKE "%%,', $user_groups).',%%")';
$fields['PaymentType']['options_sql'] = str_replace(
$sql_part . ' ORDER BY ',
$this->Application->setUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
* Allows configuring export options
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeExportBegin(&$event)
$options = $event->getEventParam('options') ;
$items_list =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.'.$this->Application->RecallVar('export_oroginal_special'), $event->Prefix.'_List');
if ($options['export_ids'] != '') {
$items_list->AddFilter('export_ids', $items_list->TableName.'.'.$items_list->IDField.' IN ('.implode(',',$options['export_ids']).')');
$options['ForceCountSQL'] = $items_list->getCountSQL( $items_list->GetSelectSQL(true,false) );
$options['ForceSelectSQL'] = $items_list->GetSelectSQL();
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.export');
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$object->SetField('Number', 999999);
$object->SetField('SubNumber', 999);
* Returns specific to each item type columns only
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getCustomExportColumns(&$event)
$columns = parent::getCustomExportColumns($event);
$new_columns = Array(
'__VIRTUAL__CustomerName' => 'CustomerName',
'__VIRTUAL__TotalAmount' => 'TotalAmount',
'__VIRTUAL__AmountWithoutVAT' => 'AmountWithoutVAT',
'__VIRTUAL__SubtotalWithDiscount' => 'SubtotalWithDiscount',
'__VIRTUAL__SubtotalWithoutDiscount' => 'SubtotalWithoutDiscount',
'__VIRTUAL__OrderNumber' => 'OrderNumber',
return array_merge_recursive2($columns, $new_columns);
function OnSave(&$event)
$res = parent::OnSave($event);
if ($event->status == erSUCCESS) {
$copied_ids = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix.'_copied_ids'.$this->Application->GetVar('wid'), serialize(array())));
foreach ($copied_ids as $id) {
$an_event = new kEvent($this->Prefix.':Dummy');
$this->Application->SetVar($this->Prefix.'_id', $id);
$this->Application->SetVar($this->Prefix.'_mode', ''); // this is to fool ReserveItems to use live table
return $res;
* Occures before an item is copied to live table (after all foreign keys have been updated)
* Id of item being copied is passed as event' 'id' param
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeCopyToLive(&$event)
$id = $event->getEventParam('id');
$copied_ids = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar($event->Prefix.'_copied_ids'.$this->Application->GetVar('wid'), serialize(array())));
array_push($copied_ids, $id);
$this->Application->StoreVar($event->Prefix.'_copied_ids'.$this->Application->GetVar('wid'), serialize($copied_ids) );
* Checks, that currently loaded item is allowed for viewing (non permission-based)
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function checkItemStatus(&$event)
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
return true;
$object =& $event->getObject();
if (!$object->isLoaded()) {
return true;
return $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId') == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
// ===== Gift Certificates Related =====
function OnRemoveGiftCertificate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
$event->SetRedirectParam('checkout_error', 107);
function RemoveGiftCertificate(&$object)
function RecalculateGift(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject();
/* @var $object OrdersItem */
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') > ORDER_STATUS_PENDING) {
return ;
function GetWholeOrderGiftCertificateDiscount($gift_certificate_id)
if (!$gift_certificate_id) {
return 0;
$sql = 'SELECT Debit
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'GiftCertificates
WHERE GiftCertificateId = '.$gift_certificate_id;
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
- * Creates new USPS order
- *
- * @param OrdersItem $object
- * @param bool $fake_mode
- * @return Array
- */
- function MakeUSPSOrder(&$object, $fake_mode = false)
- {
- $this->Application->recallObject('ShippingQuoteEngine');
- $aUSPS = $this->Application->recallObject('USPS', 'USPS');
- /* @var $aUSPS USPS */
- $ShippingInfo = unserialize($object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo'));
- $ShippingCode = $USPSMethod = '';
- $ShippingCountry = $aUSPS->GetUSPSCountry($object->GetDBField('ShippingCountry'));
- $UserName = explode(" ", $object->GetDBField('ShippingTo'));
- $item_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems';
- if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
- // this strange contraption actually uses temp table from object (when in temp mode)
- $order_table = $object->TableName;
- $item_table = str_replace('Orders', 'OrderItems', $order_table);
- }
- $sOrder = Array (
- 'FirstName' => $UserName[0],
- 'LastName' => $UserName[1],
- 'ShippingCompany' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingCompany'),
- 'ShippingAddress1' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingAddress1'),
- 'ShippingAddress2' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingAddress2'),
- 'ShippingCity' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingCity'),
- 'ShippingZip' => $object->GetDBField('ShippingZip'),
- 'ShippingCountry' => $ShippingCountry,
- 'ShippingPhone' => $aUSPS->PhoneClean($object->GetDBField('ShippingPhone')),
- 'ShippingFax' => $aUSPS->PhoneClean($object->GetDBField('ShippingFax')),
- 'ShippingNumBoxes' => '1',
- );
- $sql = 'SELECT SUM(`Quantity` * `Weight`)
- FROM ' . $item_table . '
- WHERE ' . $object->IDField . ' = ' . $object->GetID();
- $weight = $this->Application->Conn->GetOne($sql);
- $f_weight = Kg2Pounds($weight);
- $sOrder['ShippingWeight'] = $f_weight[0].'.'.$f_weight[1];
- foreach ($ShippingInfo as $k => $ShippingRow) {
- $ShippingCode = $ShippingRow['Code'];
- }
- if ( $object->GetDBField('ShippingCountry') == 'USA' ) {
- $sOrder['ShippingState'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingState');
- $USPSMethod = $ShippingCode;
- unset($sOrder['ShippingZip']);
- $sOrder['ShippingZip5'] = substr(trim($object->GetDBField('ShippingZip')), 0, 5);
- $sOrder['ShippingZip4'] = '';
- $sOrder['SubTotal'] = $object->GetDBField('SubTotal');
- }
- else {
- $USPSMethod = array_search($ShippingCode, $aUSPS->intl_types);
- $sOrder['ShippingProvince'] = '';
- if ( $ShippingCountry == 'CA' ) {
- $sOrder['ShippingProvince'] = $object->GetField('ShippingState');
- }
- // add items
- $sql = 'SELECT `Quantity`, `Weight`, `Price`
- FROM ' . $item_table . '
- WHERE ' . $object->IDField . ' = ' . $object->GetID();
- $order_items = $this->Application->Conn->Query($sql);
- $i = 1;
- $Items = Array();
- foreach ($order_items as $k => $order_item) {
- $p_weight = Array();
- $p_weight = Kg2Pounds($order_item['Weight']);
- $Items[$i] = Array('Qty' => $order_item['Quantity'], 'Price' => $order_item['Price'], 'NetPounds' => $p_weight[0], 'NetOunces' => $p_weight[1]);
- $i++;
- }
- $sOrder['Items'] = $Items;
- $sOrder['InvoiceNumber'] = $object->GetDBField('OrderNumber');
- }
- $sOrder['ShippingService'] = $USPSMethod;
- // make USPS order
- $aUSPS->order = $sOrder;
- $usps_data = $aUSPS->PostOrder();
- // if errors
- if ( array_key_exists('error_number', $usps_data) ) {
- return $usps_data;
- }
- if ( array_key_exists('Postage', $usps_data) ) {
- $ShippingPrice = '';
- $ShippingPrice = $usps_data['Postage'];
- }
- $ShippingTracking = '';
- if ( isset($usps_data['TrackingNumber']) && $usps_data['TrackingNumber'] != '' ) {
- $ShippingTracking = $usps_data['TrackingNumber'];
- }
- if ( isset($usps_data['PostnetBarCode']) && $usps_data['PostnetBarCode'] != '' && $ShippingTracking == '' ) {
- $ShippingTracking = $usps_data['PostnetBarCode'];
- }
- if ($fake_mode == false) {
- $object->SetDBField('ShippingTracking', $ShippingTracking);
- $object->Update();
- }
- else {
- $full_path = USPS_LABEL_FOLDER . $ShippingTracking . ".pdf";
- if (file_exists($full_path)) {
- unlink($full_path);
- }
- }
- return $usps_data;
- }
- /**
* Downloads shipping tracking bar code, that was already generated by USPS service
* @param kEvent $event
function OnDownloadLabel(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
ini_set('memory_limit', '300M');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
$object =& $event->getObject();
$file = $object->GetDBField('ShippingTracking').'.pdf';
$full_path = USPS_LABEL_FOLDER.$file;
if (!file_exists($full_path) || !is_file($full_path)) {
return ;
$mime = function_exists('mime_content_type') ? mime_content_type($full_path) : 'application/download';
header('Content-type: '.$mime);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file.'"');
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/units/orders/orders_tag_processor.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/orders/orders_tag_processor.php (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/orders/orders_tag_processor.php (revision 13985)
@@ -1,1492 +1,1498 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class OrdersTagProcessor extends kDBTagProcessor
* Print location using only filled in fields
* @param Array $params
* @access public
function PrintLocation($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$type = getArrayValue($params,'type');
if($type == 'Company')
return $this->PrintCompanyLocation($params);
$fields = Array('City','State','Zip','Country');
$ret = '';
foreach($fields as $field)
$value = $object->GetField($type.$field);
if ($field == 'Country' && $value) $ret .= '<br/>';
if($value) $ret .= $value.', ';
return rtrim($ret,', ');
function PrintCompanyLocation($params)
$ret = '';
$fields = Array ('City','State','ZIP','Country');
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$value = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_'.$field);
if ($field == 'Country') {
$current_language = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$primary_language = $this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId();
$sql = 'SELECT IF(l' . $current_language . '_Name = "", l' . $primary_language . '_Name, l' . $current_language . '_Name)
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'CountryStates
WHERE IsoCode = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($value);
$value = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($field == 'Country' && $value) {
$ret .= '<br/>';
if ($value) {
$ret .= $value.', ';
return rtrim($ret,', ');
function Orditems_LinkRemoveFromCart($params)
return $this->Application->HREF($this->Application->GetVar('t'), '', Array('pass' => 'm,orditems,ord', 'ord_event' => 'OnRemoveFromCart', 'm_cat_id'=>0));
function Orderitems_ProductLink($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems');
$url_params = Array (
'p_id' => $object->GetDBField('ProductId'),
'pass' => 'm,p',
return $this->Application->HREF($params['template'], '', $url_params);
function Orderitems_ProductExists($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems');
return $object->GetDBField('ProductId') > 0;
function PrintCart($params)
$o = '';
$params['render_as'] = $params['item_render_as'];
$tag_params = array_merge($params, Array ('per_page' => -1));
$o_items = $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag(rtrim('orditems.'.$this->Special, '.'), 'PrintList', $tag_params);
if ($o_items) {
$cart_params = array('name' => $params['header_render_as']);
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock($cart_params);
$o .= $o_items;
$cart_params = array('name' => $params['footer_render_as']);
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($cart_params);
} else {
$cart_params = array('name' => $params['empty_cart_render_as']);
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock($cart_params);
return $o;
function ShopCartForm($params)
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'ParseBlock', array_merge($params, Array(
'name' => 'kernel_form', 'PrefixSpecial'=>'ord'
)) );
function BackOrderFlag($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems');
return $object->GetDBField('BackOrderFlag');
function OrderIcon($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems');
if ($object->GetDBField('BackOrderFlag') == 0) {
return $params['ordericon'];
} else {
return $params['backordericon'];
function Status($params)
$status_map = Array(
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$status = $object->GetDBField('Status');
$result = true;
if (isset($params['is'])) {
$result = $result && ($status == $status_map[$params['is']]);
if (isset($params['is_not'])) {
$result = $result && ($status != $status_map[$params['is_not']]);
return $result;
function ItemsInCart($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') != ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE || $object->GetID() == FAKE_ORDER_ID) {
return 0;
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems', 'orditems_List');
/* @var $object kDBList */
return $object->RecordsCount;
function CartNotEmpty($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if ($object->GetDBField('Status') != ORDER_STATUS_INCOMPLETE || $object->GetID() == FAKE_ORDER_ID) {
return 0;
$order_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('ord_id');
if ($order_id) {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'OrderItems
WHERE OrderId = ' . $order_id;
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
return 0;
function CartIsEmpty($params)
return $this->CartNotEmpty($params) ? false : true;
function CartHasBackorders($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'OrderItems
WHERE OrderId = ' . $object->GetID() . '
GROUP BY BackOrderFlag';
$different_types = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
return count($different_types) > 1;
function PrintShippings($params)
$o = '';
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$ord_id = $object->GetId();
$shipping_option = $object->GetDBField('ShippingOption');
$backorder_select = $shipping_option == 0 ? '0 As BackOrderFlag' : 'BackOrderFlag';
$order_items =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems', 'orditems_List', Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$oi_table = $order_items->TableName;
list($split_shipments, $limit_types) = $this->GetShippingLimitations($ord_id);
foreach ($split_shipments as $group => $data)
$query = 'UPDATE '.$oi_table.' SET SplitShippingGroup = '.$group.'
WHERE ProductId IN ('.implode(',', $data['Products']).')';
$limitations_cache[$group] = $data['Types'];
$shipping_group_option = $object->GetDBField('ShippingGroupOption');
$shipping_group_select = $shipping_group_option == 0 ? '0 AS SplitShippingGroup' : 'SplitShippingGroup';
if (count($split_shipments) > 1) {
$this->Application->SetVar('shipping_limitations_apply', 1);
// different shipping limitations apply
if ($limit_types == 'NONE') {
// order can't be shipped with single shipping type
$this->Application->SetVar('shipping_limitations_apply', 2);
$shipping_group_select = 'SplitShippingGroup';
$shipping_group_option = 1;
else {
$this->Application->SetVar('shipping_limitations_apply', 0);
$weight_sql = 'IF(oi.Weight IS NULL, 0, oi.Weight * oi.Quantity)';
$query = 'SELECT
SUM(oi.Quantity) AS TotalItems,
SUM('.$weight_sql.') AS TotalWeight,
SUM(oi.Price * oi.Quantity) AS TotalAmount,'.
// calculate free Totals => SUM(ALL) - SUM(PROMO) '
'SUM(oi.Quantity) - SUM(IF(p.MinQtyFreePromoShipping > 0 AND p.MinQtyFreePromoShipping <= oi.Quantity, oi.Quantity, 0)) AS TotalItemsPromo,
SUM('.$weight_sql.') - SUM(IF(p.MinQtyFreePromoShipping > 0 AND p.MinQtyFreePromoShipping <= oi.Quantity, '.$weight_sql.', 0)) AS TotalWeightPromo,
SUM(oi.Price * oi.Quantity) - SUM(IF(p.MinQtyFreePromoShipping > 0 AND p.MinQtyFreePromoShipping <= oi.Quantity, oi.Price * oi.Quantity, 0)) AS TotalAmountPromo,
FROM '.$oi_table.' oi
LEFT JOIN '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'TableName').' p
ON oi.ProductId = p.ProductId
WHERE oi.OrderId = '.$ord_id.' AND p.Type = 1
GROUP BY BackOrderFlag, SplitShippingGroup
ORDER BY BackOrderFlag ASC, SplitShippingGroup ASC';
$shipments = $this->Conn->Query($query);
$block_params = Array();
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block');
$block_params['user_country_id'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingCountry');
$block_params['user_state_id'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingState');
$block_params['user_zip'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingZip');
$block_params['user_city'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingCity');
$block_params['user_addr1'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingAddress1');
$block_params['user_addr2'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingAddress2');
$block_params['user_name'] = $object->GetDBField('ShippingTo');
if( ($block_params['user_addr1'] == '' || $block_params['user_city'] == '' ||
$block_params['user_zip'] == '' || $block_params['user_country_id'] == '') &&
getArrayValue($params, 'invalid_address_render_as'))
$block_params['name'] = $params['invalid_address_render_as'];
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
$group = 1;
foreach ($shipments as $shipment) {
$where = array('OrderId = '.$ord_id);
if ($shipping_group_option != 0) {
$where[] = 'SplitShippingGroup = '.$shipment['SplitShippingGroup'];
if ($shipping_option > 0) { // not all together
$where[] = 'BackOrderFlag = '.$shipment['BackOrderFlag'];
$query = 'UPDATE '.$oi_table.' SET PackageNum = '.$group.'
'.($where ? 'WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where) : '');
$group = 1;
$this->Application->SetVar('ShipmentsExists', 1);
foreach ($shipments as $shipment) {
$block_params['package_num'] = $group;
$block_params['limit_types'] = strpos($shipping_group_select, '0 AS') !== false ? $limit_types : $limitations_cache[$shipment['SplitShippingGroup']];
$this->Application->SetVar('ItemShipmentsExists', 1);
switch ($shipment['BackOrderFlag']) {
case 0:
if ( $this->CartHasBackOrders(Array()) && $shipping_option == 0 ) {
$block_params['shipment'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_all_available_backordered');
else {
$block_params['shipment'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ship_all_available');;
case 1:
$block_params['shipment'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ship_all_backordered');;
$block_params['shipment'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_ship_backordered');
$block_params['promo_weight_metric'] = $shipment['TotalWeightPromo'];
$block_params['promo_amount'] = $shipment['TotalAmountPromo'];
$block_params['promo_items'] = $shipment['TotalItemsPromo'];
$block_params['weight_metric'] = $shipment['TotalWeight'];
$block_params['weight'] = $shipment['TotalWeight'];
$regional =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
if ($block_params['weight_metric'] == '')
$block_params['weight'] = $this->Application->Phrase('lu_NotAvailable');
elseif ($regional->GetDBField('UnitSystem') == 1)
$block_params['weight'] .= ' '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_kg');
elseif ($regional->GetDBField('UnitSystem') == 2)
list($pounds, $ounces) = Kg2Pounds($block_params['weight']);
$block_params['weight'] = $pounds.' '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_pounds').' '.
$ounces.' '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_ounces');
$block_params['items'] = $shipment['TotalItems'];
$iso = $this->GetISO($params['currency']);
$amount = $this->ConvertCurrency($shipment['TotalAmount'], $iso);
$amount = sprintf("%.2f", $amount);
// $block_params['amount'] = $this->AddCurrencySymbol($amount, $iso);
$block_params['amount'] = $shipment['TotalAmount'];
$block_params['field_name'] = $this->InputName(Array('field' => 'ShippingTypeId')).'['.($group).']';
$parsed_block = $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
$o .= $parsed_block;
$this->Application->SetVar('ShipmentsExists', 0);
if(getArrayValue($params, 'no_shipments_render_as'))
$block_params['name'] = $params['no_shipments_render_as'];
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
if(getArrayValue($params, 'table_header_render_as'))
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $params['table_header_render_as']) ).$o;
if(getArrayValue($params, 'table_footer_render_as'))
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $params['table_footer_render_as']) );
return $o;
function GetShippingLimitations($ord_id)
/*$query = 'SELECT
ON p.ProductId = oi.ProductId
ON ci.ItemResourceId = p.ResourceId
ON c.CategoryId = ci.CategoryId
oi.OrderId = '.$ord_id.'
ci.PrimaryCat = 1
c.CachedShippingMode = 1;';
$cat_limitations = $this->Conn->GetCol($query);*/
$cat_limitations = array();
$query = 'SELECT ShippingLimitation, ShippingMode, oi.ProductId as ProductId
oi.ProductId = p.ProductId
WHERE oi.OrderId = '.$ord_id.' AND p.Type = 1'; // .' AND p.ShippingMode = 1';
$limitations = $this->Conn->Query($query, 'ProductId');
$split_shipments = array();
$limit = false;
$types_index = array();
// group products by shipping type range and caculate intersection of all types available for ALL products
// the intersaction caclulation is needed to determine if the order can be shipped with single type or not
if ($limitations) {
$limit_types = null;
foreach ($limitations as $product_id => $row)
// if shipping types are limited - get the types
$types = $row['ShippingLimitation'] != '' ? explode('|', substr($row['ShippingLimitation'], 1, -1)) : array('ANY');
// if shipping is NOT limited to selected types (default - so products with no limitations at all also counts)
if ($row['ShippingMode'] == 0) {
array_push($types, 'ANY'); // can be shipped with ANY (literally) type
$types = array_unique($types);
//adding product id to split_shipments group by types range
$i = array_search(serialize($types), $types_index);
if ($i === false) {
$types_index[] = serialize($types);
$i = count($types_index)-1;
$split_shipments[$i]['Products'][] = $product_id;
$split_shipments[$i]['Types'] = serialize($types);
if ($limit_types == null) { //it is null only when we process first item with limitations
$limit_types = $types; //initial scope
// this is to avoid ANY intersect CUST_1 = (), but allows ANY intersect CUST_1,ANY = (ANY)
if (in_array('ANY', $limit_types) && !in_array('ANY', $types)) {
array_splice($limit_types, array_search('ANY', $limit_types), 1, $types);
// this is to avoid CUST_1 intersect ANY = (), but allows CUST_1 intersect CUST_1,ANY = (ANY)
if (!in_array('ANY', $limit_types) && in_array('ANY', $types)) {
array_splice($types, array_search('ANY', $types), 1, $limit_types);
$limit_types = array_intersect($limit_types, $types);
$limit_types = count($limit_types) > 0 ? serialize(array_unique($limit_types)) : 'NONE';
return array($split_shipments, $limit_types);
function PaymentTypeForm($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$payment_type_id = $object->GetDBField('PaymentType');
$this->Application->SetVar('pt_id', $payment_type_id);
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, $this->UsingCreditCard($params) ? 'cc_render_as,block_cc' : 'default_render_as,block_default' );
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
return '';
* Returns true in case if credit card was used as payment type for order
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function UsingCreditCard($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$pt = $object->GetDBField('PaymentType');
if (!$pt) {
$pt = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT PaymentTypeId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PaymentTypes WHERE IsPrimary = 1');
$object->SetDBField('PaymentType', $pt);
$pt_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('pt','TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT GatewayId FROM %s WHERE PaymentTypeId = %s';
$gw_id = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf( $sql, $pt_table, $pt ) );
$sql = 'SELECT RequireCCFields FROM %s WHERE GatewayId = %s';
return $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, TABLE_PREFIX.'Gateways', $gw_id) );
function PaymentTypeDescription($params)
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('pt', 'Field', array_merge($params, Array(
'field' => 'Description'
)) );
function PaymentTypeInstructions($params)
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('pt', 'Field', array_merge($params, Array(
'field' => 'Instructions'
)) );
function PrintMonthOptions($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$date = explode('/', $object->GetDBField($params['date_field_name']));
if (!$date || sizeof($date) != 2) {
$date=array("", "");
$o = '';
$params['name'] = $params['block'];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$month_str = str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ($date[0] == $month_str) {
$params['selected'] = ' selected';
}else {
$params['selected'] = '';
$params['mm'] = $month_str;
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($params);
return $o;
function PrintYearOptions($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$value = $object->GetDBField( $params['field'] );
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block');
$o = '';
$this_year = adodb_date('y');
for($i = $this_year; $i <= $this_year + 10; $i++)
$year_str = str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$block_params['selected'] = ($value == $year_str) ? $params['selected'] : '';
$block_params['key'] = $year_str;
$block_params['option'] = $year_str;
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
return $o;
function PrintMyOrders($params)
* Checks, that order data can be editied based on it's status
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function OrderEditable($params)
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName');
if ($this->Application->IsTempMode($this->Prefix, $this->Special)) {
$table_name = $this->Application->GetTempName($table_name, 'prefix:' . $this->Prefix);
// use direct select here (not $this->getObject) because this tag is
// used even before "combined_header" block is used (on "orders_edit_items" template)
$sql = 'SELECT Status, PaymentType
FROM ' . $table_name . '
WHERE ' . $id_field . ' = ' . $this->Application->GetVar( $this->getPrefixSpecial() . '_id' );
$order_data = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if (!$order_data) {
// new order adding, when even not in database
return true;
switch ($order_data['Status']) {
$ret = true;
$sql = 'SELECT PlacedOrdersEdit
FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('pt', 'TableName') . '
WHERE ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('pt', 'IDField') . ' = ' . $order_data['PaymentType'];
$ret = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$ret = false;
return $ret;
function CheckoutSteps($params)
$steps = explode(',', $params['steps']);
foreach ($steps as $key => $item)
$templates[$key] = trim($item);
$templates = explode(',', $params['templates']);
foreach ($templates as $key => $item)
$templates[$key] = trim($item);
$total_steps = count($templates);
$t = $this->Application->GetVar('t');
$o = '';
$block_params = array();
$i = 0;
$passed_current = preg_match("/".preg_quote($templates[count($templates)-1], '/')."/", $t);
foreach ($steps as $step => $name)
if (preg_match("/".preg_quote($templates[$step], '/')."/", $t)) {
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'current_step_render_as,block_current_step');
$passed_current = true;
else {
$block_params['name'] = $passed_current ? $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block') : $this->SelectParam($params, 'passed_step_render_as,block_passed_step');
$block_params['title'] = $this->Application->Phrase($name);
$block_params['template'] = $templates[$i];
$block_params['template_link'] = $this->Application->HREF($templates[$step], '', Array('pass'=>'m'));
$block_params['next_step_template'] = isset($templates[$i + 1]) ? $templates[$i + 1] : '';
$block_params['number'] = $i + 1;
$o.= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params, 1);
return $o;
function ShowOrder($params)
$order_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
// $order_params['Special'] = 'myorders';
// $order_params['PrefixSpecial'] = 'ord.myorders';
$order_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($order_params, 'render_as,block');
// $this->Application->SetVar('ord.myorders_id', $this->Application->GetVar('ord_id'));
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if (!$object->GetDBField('OrderId')) {
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($order_params);
function BuildListSpecial($params)
if ($this->Special != '') {
return $this->Special;
$list_unique_key = $this->getUniqueListKey($params);
if ($list_unique_key == '') {
return parent::BuildListSpecial($params);
return crc32($list_unique_key);
function ListOrders($params)
$o = '';
$params['render_as'] = $params['item_render_as'];
$o_orders = $this->PrintList2($params);
if ($o_orders) {
$orders_params = array('name' => $params['header_render_as']);
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock($orders_params);
$o .= $o_orders;
} else {
$orders_params = array('name' => $params['empty_myorders_render_as']);
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock($orders_params);
return $o;
function HasRecentOrders($params)
$per_page = $this->SelectParam($params, 'per_page,max_items');
if ($per_page !== false) {
$params['per_page'] = $per_page;
return (int)$this->TotalRecords($params) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
function ListOrderItems($params)
$prefix_special = rtrim('orditems.'.$this->Special, '.');
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag($prefix_special, 'PrintList', array_merge($params, Array(
'per_page' => -1
)) );
function OrdersLink(){
$main_processor =& $this->Application->RecallObject('m_TagProcessor');
return $main_processor->Link($params);
function PrintAddresses($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$address_list =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr','addr_List', Array('per_page'=>-1, 'skip_counting'=>true) );
$address_id = $this->Application->GetVar($params['type'].'_address_id');
if (!$address_id) {
$sql = 'SELECT '.$address_list->IDField.'
FROM '.$address_list->TableName.'
WHERE PortalUserId = '.$object->GetDBField('PortalUserId').' AND LastUsedAs'.ucfirst($params['type']).' = 1';
$address_id = (int)$this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$ret = '';
$block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block');
while (!$address_list->EOL()) {
$selected = ($address_list->GetID() == $address_id);
if ($selected && $address_list->GetDBField('IsProfileAddress')) {
$this->Application->SetVar($this->Prefix.'_IsProfileAddress', true);
$block_params['key'] = $address_list->GetID();
$block_params['value'] = $address_list->GetDBField('ShortAddress');
$block_params['selected'] = $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$ret .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params, 1);
return $ret;
function PrefillRegistrationFields($params)
if ( $this->Application->GetVar('fields_prefilled') ) {
return false;
$user =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $user kDBItem */
$order =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->Prefix . '.last');
$order_prefix = $params['type'] == 'billing' ? 'Billing' : 'Shipping';
$order_fields = Array (
'To', 'Company', 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Email', 'Address1',
'Address2', 'City', 'State', 'Zip', 'Country'
$names = explode(' ', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'To'), 2);
if (!$user->GetDBField('FirstName')) $user->SetDBField('FirstName', getArrayValue($names, 0) );
if (!$user->GetDBField('LastName')) $user->SetDBField('LastName', getArrayValue($names, 1) );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Company')) $user->SetDBField('Company', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Company') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Phone')) $user->SetDBField('Phone', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Phone') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Fax')) $user->SetDBField('Fax', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Fax') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Email')) $user->SetDBField('Email', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Email') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Street')) $user->SetDBField('Street', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Address1') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Street2')) $user->SetDBField('Street2', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Address2') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('City')) $user->SetDBField('City', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'City') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('State')) $user->SetDBField('State', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'State') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Zip')) $user->SetDBField('Zip', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Zip') );
if (!$user->GetDBField('Country')) $user->SetDBField('Country', $order->GetDBField($order_prefix.'Country') );
$cs_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CountryStatesHelper');
/* @var $cs_helper kCountryStatesHelper */
$cs_helper->PopulateStates(new kEvent('u:OnBuild'), 'State', 'Country');
function UserLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$user_id = $object->GetDBField( $params['user_field'] );
if ($user_id) {
$url_params = Array (
'm_opener' => 'd',
'u_mode' => 't',
'u_event' => 'OnEdit',
'u_id' => $user_id,
'pass' => 'all,u',
'no_pass_through' => 1,
return $this->Application->HREF($params['edit_template'], '', $url_params);
function UserFound($params)
$virtual_users = Array(USER_ROOT, USER_GUEST, 0);
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return !in_array( $object->GetDBField( $params['user_field'] ) , $virtual_users );
* Returns a link for editing order
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function OrderLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$url_params = Array (
'm_opener' => 'd',
$this->Prefix.'_mode' => 't',
$this->Prefix.'_event' => 'OnEdit',
$this->Prefix.'_id' => $object->GetID(),
'pass' => 'all,'.$this->Prefix,
'no_pass_through' => 1,
return $this->Application->HREF($params['edit_template'], '', $url_params);
function HasOriginalAmount($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$original_amount = $object->GetDBField('OriginalAmount');
return $original_amount && ($original_amount != $object->GetDBField('TotalAmount') );
* Returns true, when order has tangible items
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
* @todo This is copy from OrdersItem::HasTangibleItems. Copy to helper (and create it) and use here.
function OrderHasTangibleItems($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if ($object->GetID() == FAKE_ORDER_ID) {
return false;
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems orditems
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products p ON p.ProductId = orditems.ProductId
WHERE (orditems.OrderId = '.$object->GetID().') AND (p.Type = '.PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE.')';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ? true : false;
function ShipmentsExists($params)
return $this->Application->GetVar('ShipmentsExists') ? 1 : 0;
function Field($params)
$value = parent::Field($params);
$field = $this->SelectParam($params,'name,field');
if( ($field == 'PaymentAccount') && getArrayValue($params,'masked') )
$value = str_repeat('X',12).substr($value,-4);
return $value;
function CartHasError($params)
return $this->Application->GetVar('checkout_error') > 0;
function CheckoutError($params)
$error_codes = Array (
1 => 'state_changed',
2 => 'qty_unavailable',
3 => 'outofstock',
4 => 'invalid_code',
5 => 'code_expired',
6 => 'min_qty',
7 => 'code_removed',
8 => 'code_removed_automatically',
9 => 'changed_after_login',
10 => 'coupon_applied',
104 => 'invalid_gc_code',
105 => 'gc_code_expired',
107 => 'gc_code_removed',
108 => 'gc_code_removed_automatically',
110 => 'gift_certificate_applied',
$error_param = $error_codes[ $this->Application->GetVar('checkout_error') ];
return $this->Application->Phrase($params[$error_param]);
function GetFormAction($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object OrdersItem */
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData($params['payment_type_id']);
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
/* @var $gateway_object kGWBase */
return $gateway_object->getFormAction($gw_data['gw_params']);
function GetFormHiddenFields($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object OrdersItem */
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData(array_key_exists('payment_type_id', $params) ? $params['payment_type_id'] : null);
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
$tpl = '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />'."\n";
$hidden_fields = $gateway_object->getHiddenFields($object->FieldValues, $params, $gw_data['gw_params']);
$ret = '';
if (!is_array($hidden_fields)) {
return $hidden_fields;
foreach($hidden_fields as $hidden_name => $hidden_value)
$ret .= sprintf($tpl, $hidden_name, $hidden_value);
return $ret;
function NeedsPlaceButton($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData();
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
return $gateway_object->NeedPlaceButton($object->FieldValues, $params, $gw_data['gw_params']);
function HasGatewayError($params)
return $this->Application->RecallVar('gw_error');
function ShowGatewayError($params)
$ret = $this->Application->RecallVar('gw_error');
return $ret;
function ShippingType($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$shipping_info = unserialize( $object->GetDBField('ShippingInfo') );
if (count($shipping_info) > 1) {
return $this->Application->Phrase('lu_MultipleShippingTypes');
$shipping_info = array_shift($shipping_info);
return $shipping_info['ShippingName'];
function DiscountHelpLink($params)
$params['pass'] = 'all,orditems';
$params['m_cat_id'] = 0;
$m_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('m_TagProcessor');
return $m_tag_processor->Link($params);
function DiscountField($params)
$orditems =& $this->Application->recallObject( 'orditems' );
$item_data = $orditems->GetDBField('ItemData');
if(!$item_data) return '';
$item_data = unserialize($item_data);
$discount_prefix = ($item_data['DiscountType'] == 'coupon') ? 'coup' : 'd';
$discount =& $this->Application->recallObject($discount_prefix, null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
return $discount->GetField( $this->SelectParam($params, 'field,name') );
function HasDiscount($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
return (float)$object->GetDBField('DiscountTotal') ? 1 : 0;
* Allows to check if required product types are present in order
* @param Array $params
function HasProductType($params)
$product_types = Array('tangible' => 1, 'subscription' => 2, 'service' => 3, 'downloadable' => 4, 'package' => 5, 'gift' => 6);
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products p ON p.ProductId = oi.ProductId
WHERE (oi.OrderId = '.$object->GetID().') AND (p.Type = '.$product_types[ $params['type'] ].')';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
function PrintSerializedFields($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$field = $this->SelectParam($params, 'field');
if (!$field) $field = $this->Application->GetVar('field');
$data = unserialize($object->GetDBField($field));
$o = '';
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
$block_params['field'] = $field;
$block_params['value'] = $value;
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
return $o;
function OrderProductEmail($params)
$order =& $this->Application->recallObject('ord');
$orditems =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems');
$sql = 'SELECT ResourceId
WHERE ProductId = '.$orditems->GetDBField('ProductId');
$resource_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$ml_formatter =& $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
$custom_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption('p', 'CustomFields');
$custom_name = $ml_formatter->LangFieldName('cust_'.array_search($params['msg_custom_field'], $custom_fields));
$sql = 'SELECT '.$custom_name.'
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('p-cdata', 'TableName').'
WHERE ResourceId = '.$resource_id;
$message_template = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (!$message_template || trim($message_template) == '') {
// message template missing
return ;
$from_name = strip_tags($this->Application->ConfigValue('Site_Name'));
$from_email = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Smtp_AdminMailFrom');
$to_name = $order->GetDBField('BillingTo');
$to_email = $order->GetDBField('BillingEmail');
if (!$to_email) {
// billing email is empty, then use user's email
$sql = 'SELECT Email
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('u', 'TableName').'
WHERE PortalUserId = '.$order->GetDBField('PortalUserId');
$to_email = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$esender =& $application->recallObject('EmailSender.-product');
/* @var $esender kEmailSendingHelper */
$esender->SetFrom($from_email, $from_name);
$esender->AddTo($to_email, $to_name);
$email_events_eh =& $this->Application->recallObject('emailevents_EventHandler');
/* @var $email_events_eh EmailEventsEventsHandler */
list ($message_headers, $message_body) = $email_events_eh->ParseMessageBody($message_template, Array());
if (!trim($message_body)) {
// message body missing
return false;
foreach ($message_headers as $header_name => $header_value) {
$esender->SetEncodedHeader($header_name, $header_value);
function PrintTotals($params)
$order =& $this->getObject($params);
$totals = array();
if (ABS($order->GetDBField('SubTotal') - $order->GetDBField('AmountWithoutVAT')) > 0.01) {
$totals[] = 'products';
$has_tangible = $this->OrderHasTangibleItems($params);
if ($has_tangible && $order->GetDBField('ShippingTaxable')) {
$totals[] = 'shipping';
if ($order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') > 0 && $order->GetDBField('ProcessingTaxable')) {
$totals[] = 'processing';
if ($order->GetDBField('ReturnTotal') > 0 && $order->GetDBField('ReturnTotal')) {
$totals[] = 'return';
$totals[] = 'sub_total';
if ($order->GetDBField('VAT') > 0) {
$totals[] = 'vat';
if ($has_tangible && !$order->GetDBField('ShippingTaxable')) {
$totals[] = 'shipping';
if ($order->GetDBField('ProcessingFee') > 0 && !$order->GetDBField('ProcessingTaxable')) {
$totals[] = 'processing';
$o = '';
foreach ($totals as $type)
if ($element = getArrayValue($params, $type.'_render_as')) {
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( array('name' => $element), 1 );
return $o;
function ShowDefaultAddress($params)
$address_type = ucfirst($params['type']);
if ($this->Application->GetVar('check_'.strtolower($address_type).'_address')) {
// form type doesn't match check type, e.g. shipping check on billing form
return '';
// for required field highlighting on form when no submit made
$this->Application->SetVar('check_'.strtolower($address_type).'_address', 'true');
/*if ((strtolower($address_type) == 'billing') && $this->UsingCreditCard($params)) {
$this->Application->SetVar('check_credit_card', 'true');
$this->Application->HandleEvent(new kEvent('ord:SetStepRequiredFields'));
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$sql = 'SELECT AddressId
WHERE PortalUserId = '.$user_id.' AND LastUsedAs'.$address_type.' = 1';
$address_id = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if (!$address_id) {
return '';
$addr_list =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr', 'addr_List', Array('per_page'=>-1, 'skip_counting'=>true) );
$object =& $this->getObject();
if (!$addr_list->CheckAddress($object->FieldValues, $address_type)) {
$addr_list->CopyAddress($address_id, $address_type);
function IsProfileAddress($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$address_type = ucfirst($params['type']);
return $object->IsProfileAddress($address_type);
function HasPayPalSubscription($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products p ON p.ProductId = oi.ProductId
WHERE (oi.OrderId = '.$object->GetID().') AND (p.PayPalRecurring = 1)';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
function GetPayPalSubscriptionForm($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData($params['payment_type_id']);
$this->Application->registerClass( $gw_data['ClassName'], GW_CLASS_PATH.'/'.$gw_data['ClassFile'] );
$gateway_object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $gw_data['ClassName'] );
$sql = 'SELECT oi.*
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Products p ON p.ProductId = oi.ProductId
WHERE (oi.OrderId = '.$object->GetID().') AND (p.PayPalRecurring = 1)';
$order_item = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$order_item_data = unserialize($order_item['ItemData']);
$cycle = ceil($order_item_data['Duration'] / 86400);
$cycle_units = 'D';
$item_data = $object->FieldValues;
$item_data['item_name'] = $order_item['ProductName'];
$item_data['item_number'] = $order_item['OrderItemId'];
$item_data['custom'] = $order_item['OrderId'];
$item_data['a1'] = '';
$item_data['p1'] = '';
$item_data['t1'] = '';
$item_data['a2'] = '';
$item_data['p2'] = '';
$item_data['t2'] = '';
$item_data['a3'] = $order_item['Price']; //rate
$item_data['p3'] = $cycle; //cycle
$item_data['t3'] = $cycle_units; //cycle units D (days), W (weeks), M (months), Y (years)
$item_data['src'] = '1'; // Recurring payments. If set to 1, the payment will recur unless your customer cancels the subscription before the end of the billing cycle.
$item_data['sra'] = '1'; // Reattempt on failure. If set to 1, and the payment fails, the payment will be reattempted two more times. After the third failure, the subscription will be cancelled.
$item_data['srt'] = ''; // Recurring Times. This is the number of payments which will occur at the regular rate.
$hidden_fields = $gateway_object->getSubscriptionFields($item_data, $params, $gw_data['gw_params']);
$ret = '';
if (!is_array($hidden_fields)) {
return $hidden_fields;
$tpl = '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />'."\n";
foreach($hidden_fields as $hidden_name => $hidden_value)
$ret .= sprintf($tpl, $hidden_name, $hidden_value);
return $ret;
function UserHasPendingOrders($params)
$sql = 'SELECT OrderId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'TableName').'
WHERE PortalUserId = '.$this->Application->RecallVar('user_id').'
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ? 1 : 0;
function AllowAddAddress($params)
$user =& $this->Application->recallObject('u.current');
if ($user->GetDBField('cust_shipping_addr_block')) return false;
$address_list =& $this->Application->recallObject('addr','addr_List', Array('per_page'=>-1, 'skip_counting'=>true) );
$max = $this->Application->ConfigValue('MaxAddresses');
return $max <= 0 ? true : $address_list->RecordsCount < $max;
function FreePromoShippingAvailable($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject('orditems');
$free_ship = $object->GetDBField('MinQtyFreePromoShipping');
$tangible = ($object->GetDBField('Type') == 1)? 1 : 0;
return ($tangible && ($free_ship > 0 && $free_ship <= $object->GetDBField('Quantity')))? 1 : 0;
* Creates link for removing coupon or gift certificate
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function RemoveCouponLink($params)
$type = strtolower($params['type']);
$url_params = Array (
'pass' => 'm,ord',
'ord_event' => ($type == 'coupon') ? 'OnRemoveCoupon' : 'OnRemoveGiftCertificate',
'm_cat_id' => 0,
return $this->Application->HREF('', '', $url_params);
* Calculates total weight of items in shopping cart
* @param Array $params
* @return float
function TotalOrderWeight($params)
$object =& $this->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$sql = 'SELECT SUM( IF(oi.Weight IS NULL, 0, oi.Weight * oi.Quantity) )
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'OrderItems oi
WHERE oi.OrderId = '.$object->GetID();
$total_weight = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if ($total_weight == '') {
// zero weight -> return text about it
return $this->Application->Phrase('lu_NotAvailable');
$regional =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
switch ($regional->GetDBField('UnitSystem')) {
case 1:
// metric system -> add kg sign
$total_weight .= ' '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_kg');
case 2:
// uk system -> convert to pounds
list($pounds, $ounces) = Kg2Pounds($total_weight);
$total_weight = $pounds.' '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_pounds').' '.$ounces.' '.$this->Application->Phrase('lu_ounces');
return $total_weight;
function InitCatalogTab($params)
$tab_params['mode'] = $this->Application->GetVar('tm'); // single/multi selection possible
$tab_params['special'] = $this->Application->GetVar('ts'); // use special for this tab
$tab_params['dependant'] = $this->Application->GetVar('td'); // is grid dependant on categories grid
// set default params (same as in catalog)
if ($tab_params['mode'] === false) $tab_params['mode'] = 'multi';
if ($tab_params['special'] === false) $tab_params['special'] = '';
if ($tab_params['dependant'] === false) $tab_params['dependant'] = 'yes';
// pass params to block with tab content
$params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$params['prefix'] = trim($this->Prefix.'.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.');
$params['cat_prefix'] = trim('c.'.($tab_params['special'] ? $tab_params['special'] : $this->Special), '.');
$params['tab_mode'] = $tab_params['mode'];
$params['grid_name'] = ($tab_params['mode'] == 'multi') ? $params['default_grid'] : $params['radio_grid'];
$params['tab_dependant'] = $tab_params['dependant'];
$params['show_category'] = $tab_params['special'] == 'showall' ? 1 : 0; // this is advanced view -> show category name
// use $pass_params to be able to pass 'tab_init' parameter from m_ModuleInclude tag
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($params, 1);
* Checks if required payment method is available
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function HasPaymentGateway($params)
static $payment_types = Array ();
$gw_name = $params['name'];
if (!array_key_exists($gw_name, $payment_types)) {
$sql = 'SELECT pt.PaymentTypeId, pt.PortalGroups
FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PaymentTypes pt
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Gateways g ON pt.GatewayId = g.GatewayId
WHERE (g.Name = '.$this->Conn->qstr($params['name']).') AND (pt.Status = '.STATUS_ACTIVE.')';
$payment_types[$gw_name] = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if (!$payment_types[$gw_name]) {
return false;
$pt_groups = explode(',', substr($payment_types[$gw_name]['PortalGroups'], 1, -1));
$user_groups = explode(',', $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups'));
return array_intersect($user_groups, $pt_groups) ? $payment_types[$gw_name]['PaymentTypeId'] : false;
function DisplayPaymentGateway($params)
$payment_type_id = $this->HasPaymentGateway($params);
if (!$payment_type_id) {
return '';
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object OrdersItem */
$gw_data = $object->getGatewayData($payment_type_id);
$block_params = $gw_data['gw_params'];
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$block_params['payment_type_id'] = $payment_type_id;
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
* Checks, that USPS returned valid label
* @param Array $params
* @return bool
function USPSLabelFound($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$full_path = USPS_LABEL_FOLDER . $object->GetDBField( $params['field'] ) . '.pdf';
return file_exists($full_path) && is_file($full_path);
- * Prints USPS errors from session
+ * Prints SQE errors from session
* @param Array $params
* @return string
- function PrintUSPSErrors($params)
+ function PrintSQEErrors($params)
+ $sqe_errors = $this->Application->RecallVar('sqe_errors');
+ if (!$sqe_errors) {
+ return '';
+ }
$o = '';
- $ses_usps_erros = Array();
- $ses_usps_erros = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('usps_errors'));
- if ( count($ses_usps_erros) > 0 && is_array($ses_usps_erros)) {
- foreach ( $ses_usps_erros as $order_number => $error_description ) {
- $block_params = Array();
- $block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
- $block_params['order_number'] = $order_number;
- $block_params['error_description'] = $error_description;
- $o.=$this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params, 1);
- }
- $this->Application->RemoveVar('usps_errors');
+ $block_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
+ $block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
+ $sqe_errors = unserialize($sqe_errors);
+ foreach ($sqe_errors as $order_number => $error_description) {
+ $block_params['order_number'] = $order_number;
+ $block_params['error_description'] = $error_description;
+ $o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
+ $this->Application->RemoveVar('sqe_errors');
return $o;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/admin_templates/orders/orders_edit_shipping.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/admin_templates/orders/orders_edit_shipping.tpl (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin_templates/orders/orders_edit_shipping.tpl (revision 13985)
@@ -1,244 +1,250 @@
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="820" height="570"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" prefix="ord" section="in-commerce:orders" title_preset="orders_edit_shipping" tab_preset="Default"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
go_to_id('ord', '<inp2:ord_PrevId/>');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
go_to_id('ord', '<inp2:ord_NextId/>');
) );
<inp2:m_if check="ord_OrderEditable">
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep2') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_to_user', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_ResetToUser" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('in-commerce:reset_to_billing', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_ResetToBilling" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
<inp2:m_if check="ord_IsSingle" >
<inp2:m_if check="ord_IsLast" >
<inp2:m_if check="ord_IsFirst" >
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_hidden" prefix="ord" field="Status" db="db"/>
<inp2:ord_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:m_if check="m_Recall" name="usps_errors">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement design="form_message" pass_params="1">
- <inp2:m_Recall name="usps_errors" />
- <inp2:m_RemoveVar name="usps_errors"/>
- </inp2:m_RenderElement>
+<inp2:m_RenderElement design="form_message" id="sqe_error" style="display: none;" pass_params="1">
+ &nbsp;
<inp2:ord_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
<div id="scroll_container">
<table class="edit-form">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="la_section_OrderShipping"/>
<inp2:m_if check="ord_OrderEditable">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingTo" title="la_fld_ShippingTo" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCompany" title="la_fld_ShippingCompany" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingPhone" title="la_fld_ShippingPhone" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingFax" title="la_fld_ShippingFax" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingEmail" title="la_fld_ShippingEmail" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingAddress1" title="la_fld_ShippingAddress1" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingAddress2" title="la_fld_ShippingAddress2" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCity" title="la_fld_ShippingCity" size="20"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function update_address()
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingState" title="la_fld_ShippingState" size="20" />
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingZip" title="la_fld_ShippingZip" size="10"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCountry" title="la_fld_ShippingCountry" size="20" />
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="order_option">
<input onclick="submit_event('ord','OnQuietPreSave');" class="simple" type="radio" <inp2:m_param name="checked"/> name="<inp2:InputName field="$field"/>" id="<inp2:InputName field="$field"/>_<inp2:m_param name="key"/>" value="<inp2:m_param name="key"/>"><label for="<inp2:InputName field="$field"/>_<inp2:m_param name="key"/>"><inp2:m_phrase label="$option"/></label>&nbsp;<br>
<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="ord" field="ShippingOption" title="la_fld_ShippingOption" size="20" /> -->
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="order_shipping_type">
<option <inp2:m_param name="selected"/> value="<inp2:m_param name="ShippingId"/>"><inp2:m_param name="ShippingName"/> (<inp2:m_param name="TotalCost"/>)
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="order_shipment">
<tr class="<inp2:m_odd_even var="shipping_odd_even" odd="table-color1" even="table-color2"/>">
<td style="border-right: 1px solid black"><inp2:m_param name="shipment"/></td>
<select style="width:230px;" name="<inp2:m_param name="field_name"/>" id="<inp2:m_param name="field_name"/>">
<inp2:ord_PrintShippingTypes block="order_shipping_type" currency="selected"/>
<tr class="<inp2:m_odd_even odd='edit-form-odd' even='edit-form-even'/>">
<inp2:m_inc param="tab_index" by="1"/>
<td class="label-cell">
<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_fld_ShippingOptions"/>:
<td class="control-mid">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="control-cell">
<inp2:ord_PredefinedOptions field="ShippingOption" block="order_option" selected="checked" />
<tr class="<inp2:m_odd_even odd='edit-form-odd' even='edit-form-even'/>">
<inp2:m_inc param="tab_index" by="1"/>
<td class="label-cell">
<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_fld_ShippingType"/>:
<td class="control-mid">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="control-cell">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="100%" style="border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse">
<tr class="subsectiontitle" style="border-bottom: 1px solid black">
<td width="25%" style="border-right: 1px solid black"><b><inp2:m_Phrase label="lu_ship_Shipment" /></b></td>
<td width="45%" style="border-right: 1px solid black"><b><inp2:m_Phrase label="lu_ship_ShippingType" /></b></td>
<inp2:ord_PrintShippings block="order_shipment" currency="selected"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCost" title="la_fld_ShippingCost" size="10"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="InsuranceFee" title="la_fld_InsuranceFee" size="10" currency="selected"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCustomerAccount" title="la_fld_ShippingCustomerAccount" size="30"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="ord" field="ShippingTracking" title="la_fld_ShippingTracking" size="30"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date_time" prefix="ord" field="ShippingDate" title="la_fld_ShippingDate" size="16"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingTo" title="la_fld_ShippingTo" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCompany" title="la_fld_ShippingCompany" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingPhone" title="la_fld_ShippingPhone" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingFax" title="la_fld_ShippingFax" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingEmail" title="la_fld_ShippingEmail" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingAddress1" title="la_fld_ShippingAddress1" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingAddress2" title="la_fld_ShippingAddress2" size="40"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCity" title="la_fld_ShippingCity" size="20"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function update_address()
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCountry" title="la_fld_ShippingCountry" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingState" title="la_fld_ShippingState" size="20"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingZip" title="la_fld_ShippingZip" size="10"/>
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="order_option_label">
<inp2:m_param name="key"/> <inp2:m_phrase label="$option"/>
<!--inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="ord" field="ShippingOption" title="la_fld_ShippingOption" size="20"/-->
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="order_shipping_type">
<option <inp2:m_param name="selected"/> value="<inp2:m_param name="ShippingId"/>"><inp2:m_param name="ShippingName"/> (<inp2:m_param name="TotalCost"/>)
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="order_shipment_label">
<inp2:m_param name="shipment"/> - <inp2:ord_PrintShippingTypes block="order_shipping_type" currency="selected" selected_only="1"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingOption" title="la_fld_ShippingOptions" size="10"/>
<tr class="<inp2:m_odd_even odd='edit-form-odd' even='edit-form-even'/>">
<inp2:m_inc param="tab_index" by="1"/>
<td class="label-cell">
<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_fld_ShippingType"/>:
<td class="control-mid">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="control-cell">
<inp2:ord_PrintShippings block="order_shipment_label" currency="selected"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCost" title="la_fld_ShippingCost" size="10" format="$ %.2f"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="InsuranceFee" title="la_fld_InsuranceFee" size="10" format="$ %.2f"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingCustomerAccount" title="la_fld_ShippingCustomerAccount" size="30"/>
<inp2:m_DefineElement name="inp_shipping_label" is_last="" as_label="" currency="" is_last="">
<inp2:m_RenderElement design="form_row" pass_params="1">
<td valign="top" class="control-cell">
<inp2:{$prefix}_Field field="$field" as_label="$as_label" currency="$currency"/>
<inp2:m_if check="{$prefix}_USPSLabelFound" field="$field">
&nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="#" onClick="javascript:submit_event('<inp2:m_Param name="prefix"/>', 'OnDownloadLabel'); return false;"><inp2:m_Phrase label="la_ViewLabel"/></a>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_shipping_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingTracking" title="la_fld_ShippingTracking" size="30"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="ord" field="ShippingDate" title="la_fld_ShippingDate" size="16"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
<input type="hidden" name="to_tab" value="Shipping">
<input type="hidden" name="check_shipping_address" value="true" />
+<inp2:m_if check="m_Recall" name="sqe_error">
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var $error_table = $('#sqe_error');
+ $('td:first', $error_table).html('<inp2:m_Recall name="sqe_error" js_escape="1"/>');
+ $;
+ <inp2:m_RemoveVar name="sqe_error"/>
+ </script>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/admin_templates/orders/orders_toship_list.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/admin_templates/orders/orders_toship_list.tpl (revision 13984)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin_templates/orders/orders_toship_list.tpl (revision 13985)
@@ -1,80 +1,82 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" prefix="ord.toship" section="in-commerce:orders" title_preset="orders_toship" pagination="1" tabs="in-commerce/orders/orders_list_tabs"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
//do not rename - this function is used in default grid for double click!
function edit()
std_edit_item('ord.toship', 'in-commerce/orders/orders_edit');
var a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep3') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('clone', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Clone" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('in-commerce:ship', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Ship" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('deny', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Deny" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('archive', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Archive" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep4') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('print', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Print" escape="1"/>', function() {
print_orders('ord.toship', 'in-commerce/orders/orders_print');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="ord.toship" grid="Default"/>
-<inp2:m_DefineElement name="usps_errors">
- Order: <inp2:m_Param name="order_number"/>. USPS error: <inp2:m_Param name="error_description"/><br/>
+<inp2:m_DefineElement name="sqe_error_element">
+ Order: <inp2:m_Param name="order_number"/>. Error: <inp2:m_Param name="error_description"/><br/>
-<inp2:m_RenderElement design="form_message" pass_params="1">
- <inp2:ord_PrintUSPSErrors render_as="usps_errors" />
+<inp2:m_if check="m_Recall" name="sqe_errors">
+ <inp2:m_RenderElement design="form_message" pass_params="1">
+ <inp2:ord_PrintSQEErrors render_as="sqe_error_element" />
+ </inp2:m_RenderElement>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="ord.toship" IdField="OrderId" grid="Default"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
Grids['ord.toship'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit','delete','clone','ship','deny','archive','print') );
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline