$query = 'SELECT '.$this->DataValueField.','.$this->DataVarField.' FROM '.$this->SessionDataTable.' WHERE '.$this->IDField.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($session->SID);
* or by looking at first from selected ids, stored.
* Returned id is also stored in Session in case
* it was explicitly passed as get/post
* @param kEvent $event
* @return int
function getPassedID(&$event)
if ($event->getEventParam('raise_warnings') === false) {
$event->setEventParam('raise_warnings', 1);
if (preg_match('/^auto-(.*)/', $event->Special, $regs) && $this->Application->prefixRegistred($regs[1])) {
// <inp2:lang.auto-phrase_Field name="DateFormat"/> - returns field DateFormat value from language (LanguageId is extracted from current phrase object)
if ($event->getEventParam('raise_warnings') === 0) {
// when it's possible, that autoload fails do nothing
return ;
if ($this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
trigger_error('ItemLoad Permission Failed for prefix [' . $event->getPrefixSpecial() . '] in <strong>checkItemStatus</strong>, leading to "404 Not Found"', E_USER_WARNING);
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
while (ob_get_level()) {
// object is used inside template parsing, so break out any parsing and return error document
* Returns ADODB Connection object already connected to the project database, configurable in config.php
* @access public
* @return kDBConnection
function &GetADODBConnection()
return $this->Conn;
* Allows to parse given block name or include template
* @param Array $params Parameters to pass to block/template. Reserved parameter "name" used to specify block/template name.
* @param Array $pass_params Forces to pass current parser params to this block/template. Use with cauntion, because you can accidently pass "block_no_data" parameter.
* @param bool $as_template
* @return string
function ParseBlock($params, $pass_params = 0, $as_template = false)
if (substr($params['name'], 0, 5) == 'html:') return substr($params['name'], 6);