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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/taxes_edit.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/taxes_edit.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-This is the form for adding and editing the zone information.<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; internal, read-only and unique system ID of the tax zone.</li>
- <li>Zone name &ndash; zone name for administrator&rsquo;s information. It is not shown on the storefront, as all of the tax calculation is done automatically by the system.</li>
- <li>Tax Amount &ndash; the amount of taxes for this zone. This is a percentage added to the order subtotal, based on the sum of all extended product prices. The tax calculation does not include the shipping costs.</li>
- <li>Type &ndash; this is the type of the tax zone. Zones can be defined by country, by state and by zip code. For country zones, the administrator can select any set from the predefined list of countries. For state zones, the administrator chooses one country, and then he or she can select a set of states in that country. For zip-code (postal code) based zones, the administrator has to select the country, and then select a subset of zip codes from the list. If a specific code is not on the list, it can be added using the field below by pressing &ldquo;Add location&rdquo;. The list of zip codes is built on the fly from all zip codes used in any zone across all shipping types (it is not practical to maintain it by the system). Note that a zone cannot be of a mixed type, and if you switch the zone type you will loose the information entered for the previous type (for example, if you entered 5 zip codes for a zip-code based zone, then switch the type to country-based, and then switch back to zip-codes, the 5 entries will be gone).</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/affiliates_edit.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/affiliates_edit.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Affiliates Add/Edit form</span><br/>
-This form has two tabs. The General tab with all of the properties of the affiliate user, and the Payments tab listing all of the payments, which have been issued to the current affiliate.<br/>
-The General Tab has the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Affiliate ID &ndash; the internal ID used by the system</li>
- <li>Username &ndash; allows you to select the In-portal user, which will become the affiliate. You may also use the User Selector by clicking on the icon next to the field</li>
- <li>Affiliate plan &ndash; the drop-down with a selection of the Affiliate Plans defined in the system. The affiliate plan is used for calculating the affiliate commission</li>
- <li>SSN/Tax Id/VAT Number &ndash; applicable identification number for the affiliate</li>
- <li>Status &ndash; the affiliate&rsquo;s status. Pending and Disabled affiliates do not earn commission. When a new affiliate is registered, he or she becomes pending. The administrator has to approve the affiliate by making him or her active before they can access the &ldquo;My Affiliate Section&rdquo; on the front-end and start earning commission.</li>
- <li>Comments/Instructions &ndash; comments or special instructions editable by the affiliate during the registration or while changing payment types from the &ldquo;My Account&rdquo; section of the front end. This field may be used for storing bank details and other information associated with affiliate payments</li>
- <li>Affiliate Link &ndash; the URL which should be used by the affiliate for referring visitors to the site (only on the edit form)</li>
- <li>Affiliate Code &ndash; the code identifying the affiliate, may be used in other links to the site (only on the edit form)</li>
- <li>Accumulated Amount &ndash; the total amount of orders made by the customers referred by this affiliate since the beginning of current period as defined by Affiliate Plan (only on the edit form)</li>
- <li>Items Sold &ndash; the total number of items purchased by the customers referred by this affiliate since the beginning of current period as defined by Affiliate Plan (only on the edit form)</li>
- <li>Amount to Pay &ndash; outstanding amount of commission earned by the affiliate, but not paid out (only on the edit form)</li>
- <li>Last Payment Date &ndash; the date when the last payment to the affiliate has been made (only on the edit form)</li>
-In addition to the standard Save/Cancel buttons there is also a &ldquo;Pay Out&rdquo; button on this tab. The button is used to make a payment to the affiliate. The button opens the payment form with the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Username &ndash; (not editable), the username of the affiliate </li>
- <li>Amount &ndash; the amount to pay out. By default, the current outstanding amount is pre-filled into the field. You may change this amount, and you may also enter a negative amount to perform a manual deduction of affiliate commission.</li>
- <li>Payment Type &ndash; the drop-down with selection of payment types available in the system. The drop-down is pre-selected to the payment type the affiliate has selected.</li>
- <li>Payment Date &ndash; the date payment should be made, defaults to the current date</li>
- <li>Payment reference &ndash; the reference number such as a check number, wire transfer or other transaction number. This field is displayed to the affiliate in the Payments subsection of My Account on the front end</li>
- <li>Comment &ndash; internal comment for the payment (not displayed to the affiliate)</li>
-Please note that the payment made using this form is only recorded when you click on the affiliate Add/Edit form.<br/>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/access.txt
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-This tab applies only to subscription products.<br/>
- <li>Access Group &ndash; this field designates the In-portal user group, member of which the customer will become once he or she successfully purchases this product. All In-portal groups are listed in the dropdown. </li>
- <li>Recurring Billing &ndash; this checkbox controls whether an order of this product should be recurring. If checked, the system duplicates the order and charges the customer credit card for the same amount when the initial subscription expires. This option should be used only with a payment gateway that supports backround processing and does not require user intervention (i.e. or most other credit card processing gateways). </li>
-The tab lists all pricing options for the subscription. It has the following buttons in the toolbar for managing the pricing options:<br/>
- <li>New Pricing &ndash; creates a new pricing option. </li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; opens the edit form for the selected pricing option. </li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes the pricing option upon confirmation. </li>
- <li>Set Primary &ndash; sets the selected pricing option as primary for the product. The primary pricing is used when a user clicks on the &ldquo;Buy now&rdquo; link on the front end without going into the item&rsquo;s details, where all of the pricing options are displayed. </li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/affiliate_plans_brackets.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/affiliate_plans_brackets.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Brackets</span><br/>
-This tab allows managing the commission brackets for the affiliate plan. The tab has a grid of brackets which have &ldquo;From&rdquo; and &ldquo;To&rdquo; values, as well as a &ldquo;Percent&rdquo; field. There are the following buttons available in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Save &ndash; saves the current affiliate plan</li>
- <li>Cancel &ndash; cancels all changes and redirects back to the list of affiliate plans</li>
- <li>More Brackets &ndash; adds 5 empty brackets to the plan. The administrator should use this button to create empty brackets. When the new brackets appear, the &ldquo;To&rdquo; fields should be filled in for as many brackets as needed, staring from the top. The &ldquo;From&rdquo; value will be automatically filled out with the &ldquo;To&rdquo; value of the higher bracket. The &ldquo;From&rdquo; value of the bracket is inclusive, while the To value is exclusive. </li>
- <li>Infinity &ndash; sets the last bracket&rsquo;s &ldquo;To&rdquo; value to infinity, the administrator may also use this button when creating brackets, if he or she wishes to have only one bracket for the whole affiliate plan</li>
- <li>Arrange &ndash; numerically arranges the brackets, and fixes any inconsistencies in the brackets. The Arrange function is called automatically when the affiliate plan is saved</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/options_combinations.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/options_combinations.txt (revision 12001)
+++ branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/options_combinations.txt (nonexistent)
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-<p>The Options Combination popup consists of the form for selecting option combinations and its properties and a grid of defined options combinations. A combination is a selection of given option values, such as &quot;Color: white, Size: medium, Height: tall&quot;. The option combinations may be used when the product option selection mode is set to &quot;Listing&quot; or when selection mode is &quot;Selection&quot;, but special pricing applies to one or more of possible combinations, or one or more of possible combinations is not available.</p>
-<p>The option combination form has two sub-sections - &quot;Combination&quot; and &quot;Properties&quot;. The first subsection contains all product options except Text box and Text area (because the values cannot be defined for these option types). The section will list all the options with their values in the same way as the options are presented on the front end when selection mode is set to &quot;Selection&quot;. For drop-downs and radio-buttons the drop-down fields will be displayed and extended with a special option value - &quot;ANY&quot;. If the special value &quot;ANY&quot; is selected the system will try all available option values when adding/editing option combination. If the selected combination already exists it will be updated with the new properties (see below), if the combination does not exist it will be created.</p>
-The &quot;Properties&quot; subsection of the popup contains the following fields:
- <li>Available - controls if the option combination is available for purchasing or not. This property may be used to set the combination as &quot;not available&quot; even when product option selection mode is set to &quot;Selection&quot;. Note that when option selection mode is set to &quot;Listing&quot; the combinations marked as &quot;not available&quot; will still be displayed on the front end, however the system will not allow adding them to the cart. </li>
- <li>Price Modifier Type - controls how the price of the selected combination should be adjusted. If set to &quot;Equals&quot;, the price of the combination will override any other price settings (price brackets, other option value pricing). If set to &quot;Flat&quot;, a discount or surcharge (depending on the sign of the &quot;Price&quot; field) will be applied to the base price of the product, along with the price adjustments of each option in the combination (which can be changed by editing the individual options). If set to &quot;Percent&quot;, the discount or surcharge will be applied as a percentage of the base price. The percent value in the &quot;Price&quot; field should be an integer.</li>
- <li>Price - the price modifier value, may be negative. This field is required, but may be set to 0 with &quot;Flat&quot; or &quot;Percent&quot; modifier type, if no price modification is necessary.</li>
-<p>Add/Save button should be used to create a new combination or to save an existing combination after editing. To edit an existing combination double click on it in the grid below the form.<br/>
-Note that option combinations should be revised after adding, removing or modifying options or their values, otherwise the combinations may become inconsistent with the options.</p>
-<p>The toolbar of the popup contains the following buttons:</p>
- <li>Close - closes the popup, note that modification will take place only after clicking &quot;Save&quot; button for the entire product (just like on any other product tab).</li>
- <li>Delete - deletes the option combinations selected in the grid</li>
- <li>Move up/down - adjusts the numerical priority of the combinations. The priority is used for sorting the combinations on the front end, and it is relative to each product.</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/orders_denied.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/orders_denied.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Denied</span><br/>
-This tab contains all orders that have been denied. The denial can happen at any stage of the order processing (see above), so it is advisable to enter comments regarding the reason for the denial. A denied order cannot be restored or otherwise processed in any way. The reserved inventory has bee released at the time the order was denied, and there is no way to undo that. However, if you need to fulfill a denied order, you can clone it, creating a new order with the same information and Incomplete status. This new order can be processed as usual. <br/>
-One action unique to this and Archives section is Delete. Only Denied and Archived orders can be deleted. Deleting an order permanently removes it from the database, and cleans up any references to the order. There is no way to retrieve the order information after it has been deleted (unless you have database backups, which you will need to analyze manually), and moreover, the order number of a deleted order can technically be reused for another order (normally this would not happen, because the system uses the highest order number to generate the next one, therefore &ldquo;holes&rdquo; in the sequence are not used up). All of this could cause historical inaccuracies and difficulties tracing order details. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to delete orders, unless it is necessary for some other purposes. <br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once). You can only edit the administrator comments at this stage.</li>
- <li>Deleted &ndash; permanently removed the selected order from the database.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/taxes_list.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/taxes_list.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Taxes</span><br/>
-This section allows the administrator to setup automatic VAT (or Sales Tax) calculation for the online store. The taxes are specified by zones, much like the shipping destination zones, described in the manual.<br/>
-The taxes are calculated by In-commerce automatically, when the order is places through the storefront or the Administrative Console. The amount of taxes is determined based on the shipping destination, or billing address if shipping is not available. The address is used to locate a tax zone, from which the percentage is taken. This percentage is then applied to the pre-shipping order subtotal. If multiple zones list the same address, the lowest tax value will be taken. The store administrator is responsible for collection of the taxes, and their proper reporting to the local tax authorities.<br/>
-In this list, you can add, modify, delete and clone the tax zones.
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/options.txt
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-<p>This tab manages the product options and properties such as the product color, size etc. The administrator can add, edit or remove multiple options per product as well as manage the existing option combinations, edit pricing, surcharges and availability. Nothing has to be done on this tab if the product does not have any options.</p>
-<p>The tab consists of a link to Combinations Management popup, Options Selection choice (radio button) and a grid listing all of the defined options.</p>
- <li>Manage Options Combinations - this link opens a popup for managing options combinations. The options have to be defined before working with the combinations. See Options Combinations Popup description for more information</li>
- <li>Options Selection Mode - there are two basic ways of displaying the possible options on the front end. The first one (selected by default) is the &quot;Selection&quot;. When set to &quot;Selection&quot; the options will appear on the product details page as a form to be filled in by the customer. The administrator controls the fields displayed on the form by specifying the type (drop-down/radio-buttons/checkboxes etc) and setting the required flag for each of the options. A product cannot be added to the shopping cart until the customer has selected all of the required options.<br/>
- If the selection mode is set to &quot;Listing&quot; then all of the combinations defined in Combinations Management popup will be listed with the &quot;add to cart&quot; link next to each combination. At least one option has to be set as required, otherwise it will be possible to add the product to the shopping cart without specifying any combination.</li>
-<p>The toolbar of the tab contains the following buttons:</p>
- <li>New option - opens the add option form</li>
- <li>Edit - opens the edit form for the selected option</li>
- <li>Delete - deletes the selected options after a confirmation. Note, that option combinations should be revised after deleting an option.</li>
- <li>Move up, Move down - adjusts the priority of the selected options. The options are listed on the front end according to the priority.</li>
- <li>View - opens the view menu.</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/zones.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/zones.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Shipping zones</span><br/>
-This tab lists all possible destination zones for the current shipping type. The administrator can add, edit, delete or clone the zones on this list. Please note that since this is a second &ndash; level editing, the changes are not saved directly to the database, and they do not become live until the entire shipping type is saved. This means, for example, that if you delete a shipping destination zone by accident, you can still cancel the edit of the shipping type, and the zone will not be actually deleted. At the same time, you have to remember to save the zone changes, and then save the shipping type to see the results go into effect.
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/config_list.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/config_list.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General Settings</span><br/>
-This section contains general In-commerce settings, which are not related to specific products. <br/>
- <li>&lsquo;Select Module Root Category&rsquo; - allows the administrator to specify the module root category of In-commerce. Clicking on the folder shortcut button will pop up a category picker. The module root category is used in several ways. For example, on the front-end of the default theme, the top menu links each module to its module root category. Therefore, the &lsquo;Store&rsquo; menu item will open this category and its contents. In the Administrative Console, this setting provides a faster way to navigate in the module, as it presets the category for module-specific actions.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Require login before checkout&rsquo; &ndash; forces the customers to log in before they can purchase anything (complete the checkout). When this option is checked, a guest who has not logged in will be asked to do so as soon as they click on &lsquo;Checkout&rsquo;. This option is useful if you want to be able to better track purchases by the same customer &ndash; all of the orders will be associated with their user name. When using this option, it is strongly recommended to enable instant registrations. Otherwise, a guest who wants to purchase something from your site will be asked to register during the checkout, but the registration will not actually complete until the administrator approves it. Therefore, if the customer gets tired waiting for the approval and closes his or her browser, the order with the shopping cart contents will not be saved, causing even more frustration.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Allow ordering of products with different types&rsquo; &ndash; allows users to purchase tangible, service or subscription products at the same time. It is generally not advisable, because of various shipping calculations, which only apply to tangible products and not to service or subscription products, may confuse the customer.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Enable Backordering&rsquo; &ndash; this option enables the backordering functionality in the system. Backordering allows customers to place orders for items, which are actually not in stock. Effectively, the customers are paying for the products at the time of the order to reserve them when they become available. The system will automatically generate shipping requests (set the order status to &lsquo;To Ship&rsquo;) for the backordered products when they become available. If this option is off, the customers will not be able to place unavailable items in the shopping cart. For more information about backorders, controlling the individual items and processing of the backorders please see manual.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Process backorders automatically&rsquo; &ndash; when this option is enabled, the system will automatically use the entire incoming inventory to fulfill the backorders. For example, let us say one of your products was out of stock, and you have received at least one backorder for this item. With this option on, as soon as you add any quantity of the item to stock, it will be immediately allocated towards the backorders, which will then become &lsquo;To Ship&rsquo; orders. If the option is off, when you receive more inventory of the product, you will need to go and manually process backorders. Although it is as simple as one click of a mouse, it is generally recommended to leave this option on &ndash; to avoid administrator mistakes. After all, the customers who placed the backorders have reserved the items, and they are counting on receiving them before anyone else.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Next Order Number&rsquo; &ndash; specifies the number of the next order. This option is useful for new stores, when you need to start your order numbers at something higher than zero. For established stores, it might come in handy when you need to re-sequence the orders numbers, for instance skip a range of numbers allocated for the orders outside the system.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Order main number digits&rsquo; &ndash; this option controls the format of the order number, specifically the number of digits it takes. It is set to 6 by default, the number is usually high enough to make all orders have the same number of digits for better visual sorting. It does not affect any system processes.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Order sub number digits&rsquo; &ndash; this option controls the format of the sub order number, specifically the number of digits it takes. In In-commerce, the orders can be split into sub-orders, when they are shipped separately. In this case, each sub-order will have the same main order number and a unique sub-order number after a dash. This option is primarily used for better visual sorting, and does not affect any system processes.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Allow ordering in non-primary currencies&rsquo; &ndash; this option is used to enable your online store to accept more than one currency. Note, that even with this option off, you may display the prices in other currencies on your storefront, however during checkout they will be converted to your primary currency. With this option on, however, the checkout will be performed with the currency that the user has selected. Please also note that in order for this to work, your payment types must support other currencies. For more on payment types, see manual.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Choose the exchange rate source&rsquo; &ndash; this dropdown allows you to choose from all available sources to download the exchange rate information. With new releases of In-commerce, we are going to add more banks, which provide free information about exchange rates. If your favorite bank is not listed, but you know that it provides the exchange rates online, please contact our support department to request it being added. The source that you choose here will be used when you update the exchange rates of your currencies (see section on how to do that). Please note that these sources may not be available all the time; they are not under our control, nor do all of them guarantee the availability of the data. In the event your chosen source does not work, please select another one, or contact our support department.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Default coupon duration (days)&rsquo; &ndash; this setting controls the default duration of new coupons. Whenever you create a new coupon, or clone one to create a series of coupons, the expiration date will be preset to the current date plus the duration set here. For more information about coupons please see manual.</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/orders_edit_shipping.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/orders_edit_shipping.txt (revision 12001)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Shipping</span><br/>
-This tab contains shipping information for the order. It has two toolbar action icons. &lsquo;Reset to user&rsquo; deletes the entered address information and replaces it with the information stored in the user profile. &lsquo;Reset to billing&rsquo; deletes the entered address information and replaces it with the information from the billing tab. Both only affect common fields found in all address blocks. Shipping-specific information will be preserved.<br/>
- <li>Shipping To &ndash; First and last name of the person to whom the order is shipped.</li>
- <li>Shipping Company, Shipping Phone, Shipping Fax, Shipping Email, Shipping Address Line 1, Shipping Address Line 2, Shipping City, Shipping Country, Shipping State, Shipping Zip code &ndash; all standard address fields for the shipping destination. The only fields worth explaining are email &ndash; this is where the shipping-related messages are sent to the customer; and state, zip and country &ndash; they affect the shipping price by determining the destination shipping zone.</li>
- <li>Shipping options &ndash; this control applies to backorders only. In the event when one order contains both available and out of stock items, the administrator has a choice of keeping one order, and sending all items together when they are available, or splitting the order into two &ndash; sending all available items now, and all backordered items together when they become available, or splitting the order into multiple orders, shipping the available items immediately, and each backordered item separately as it becomes available. This choice affects the shipping price.</li>
- <li>Shipping Type &ndash; this is a dropdown of all available shipping types for the selected destination. Each shipping type shows its cost in the parenthesis.</li>
- <li>Shipping Cost &ndash; this is the final shipping cost for the order. By default it is copied from the cost of the selected shipping type, but can be overridden by the administrator.</li>
- <li>Shipping Customer Account &ndash; this is a text field to store the customer&rsquo;s own shipper account, for customer-paid shipments. It is reserved for future use, but can be manually filled out by the administrator at this time.</li>
- <li>Shipping Tracking/Reference &ndash; this is a text field for the tracking number of the shipment. It is reserved for future use, but can be manually filled out by the administrator at this time.</li>
- <li>Shipping Date/Time &ndash; the timestamp of when the order was shipped. This is recorded when the administrator presses the Ship button in the toolbar, changing the order status. This should, but may not always coincide with the actual shipping time (depending on administrator&rsquo;s procedures).</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">E-mail Settings<br/>
-</span>This section lists all available In-commerce events. Each event has a description, a type &ndash; &lsquo;User&rsquo; or &lsquo;Admin&rsquo;, a status &ndash; &lsquo;Enabled&rsquo;, &lsquo;Front-end Only&rsquo;, and a &lsquo;From/To User&rsquo;. The description hints about when the event occurs. The type indicates whether the email notification will be sent to the front-end user, or the administrator. The status &lsquo;Enabled&rsquo; signifies that the email notifications for this event are enabled for both the front-end and the Administrative Console. The Front-end Only&rsquo; status means that the notifications will be sent only when the event occurs on the front end. The &lsquo;Disabled&rsquo; status means no notifications will be sent when this event occurs. The &lsquo;From/To User&rsquo; field specifies the &lsquo;From&rsquo; email for front-end user notifications, and the &lsquo;To&rsquo; email for the administrative notifications. The other, matching pair of addresses (&lsquo;To&rsquo; for the front, and &lsquo;From&rsquo; for the admin) is automatically determined by the system based on who initiated the event. The event notification status can be changed by clicking on the toolbar buttons &ndash; &lsquo;Enable&rsquo; to enable the notification, &lsquo;Disable&rsquo; to disable it, and &lsquo;Front Only&rsquo; (icon with a monitor) to set to &lsquo;Front-end Only&rsquo; status.<br/>
- <li>Backordered product added to inventory - this event fires when a product, which has been out of stock and backordered, is added to the inventory. The emails will go out to all customers with pending orders for this product.</li>
- <li>Backorder fulfilled &ndash; this event fires when a backorder is fulfilled, and is eligible to be processed. The email goes out to the customer who has placed the order.</li>
- <li>Backorder processed &ndash; this event fires when a backorder is processed (shipped), and it goes out to the customer who has placed the order.</li>
- <li>Order approved &ndash; this event fires when a regular pending order is approved, and it goes out to the customer who has placed the order.</li>
- <li>Order denied &ndash; this event fires when a regular pending order is denied, and it goes out to the customer who has placed the order.</li>
- <li>Order shipped &ndash; this event fires when a regular order is shipped, and it goes out to the customer who has placed the order.</li>
- <li>New order submitted&ndash; this event fires when a new order has been placed, and it goes out to the designated administrator.</li>
- <li>Order confirmation&ndash; this event fires when a new order has been placed, and it goes out to the customer who has placed the order as the confirmation.</li>
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-<span style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">General Settings</span><br/>
-This section contains general In-commerce settings, which are not related to specific products. <br/>
- <li>&lsquo;Select Module Root Category&rsquo; - allows the administrator to specify the module root category of In-commerce. Clicking on the folder shortcut button will pop up a category picker. The module root category is used in several ways. For example, on the front-end of the default theme, the top menu links each module to its module root category. Therefore, the &lsquo;Store&rsquo; menu item will open this category and its contents. In the Administrative Console, this setting provides a faster way to navigate in the module, as it presets the category for module-specific actions. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Require login before checkout&rsquo; &ndash; forces the customers to log in before they can purchase anything (complete the checkout). When this option is checked, a guest who has not logged in will be asked to do so as soon as they click on &lsquo;Checkout&rsquo;. This option is useful if you want to be able to better track purchases by the same customer &ndash; all of the orders will be associated with their user name. When using this option, it is strongly recommended to enable instant registrations. Otherwise, a guest who wants to purchase something from your site will be asked to register during the checkout, but the registration will not actually complete until the administrator approves it. Therefore, if the customer gets tired waiting for the approval and closes his or her browser, the order with the shopping cart contents will not be saved, causing even more frustration. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Allow ordering of products with different types&rsquo; &ndash; allows users to purchase tangible, service or subscription products at the same time. It is generally not advisable, because of various shipping calculations, which only apply to tangible products and not to service or subscription products, may confuse the customer. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Enable Backordering&rsquo; &ndash; this option enables the backordering functionality in the system. Backordering allows customers to place orders for items, which are actually not in stock. Effectively, the customers are paying for the products at the time of the order to reserve them when they become available. The system will automatically generate shipping requests (set the order status to &lsquo;To Ship&rsquo;) for the backordered products when they become available. If this option is off, the customers will not be able to place unavailable items in the shopping cart. For more information about backorders, please see section for information about controlling the individual items, and section for more on processing of the backorders. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Process backorders automatically&rsquo; &ndash; when this option is enabled, the system will automatically use the entire incoming inventory to fulfill the backorders. For example, let us say one of your products was out of stock, and you have received at least one backorder for this item. With this option on, as soon as you add any quantity of the item to stock, it will be immediately allocated towards the backorders, which will then become &lsquo;To Ship&rsquo; orders. If the option is off, when you receive more inventory of the product, you will need to go and manually process backorders. Although it is as simple as one click of a mouse, it is generally recommended to leave this option on &ndash; to avoid administrator mistakes. After all, the customers who placed the backorders have reserved the items, and they are counting on receiving them before anyone else. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Next Order Number&rsquo; &ndash; specifies the number of the next order. This option is useful for new stores, when you need to start your order numbers at something higher than zero. For established stores, it might come in handy when you need to re-sequence the orders numbers, for instance skip a range of numbers allocated for the orders outside the system. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Order main number digits&rsquo; &ndash; this option controls the format of the order number, specifically the number of digits it takes. It is set to 6 by default, the number is usually high enough to make all orders have the same number of digits for better visual sorting. It does not affect any system processes. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Order sub number digits&rsquo; &ndash; this option controls the format of the sub order number, specifically the number of digits it takes. In In-commerce, the orders can be split into sub-orders, when they are shipped separately. In this case, each sub-order will have the same main order number and a unique sub-order number after a dash. This option is primarily used for better visual sorting, and does not affect any system processes. </li>
- <li>Charge Recurring Orders (days in advance) &ndash; this setting controls when the recurring orders should be charged. The orders marked as recurring will be charged X days before the associated subscription expiration. This value should be set to at least 1 day, in order to provide uninterrupted subscription-based service. The subscription duration will be extended starting from the expiration date, not the charge date.</li>
- <li>&lsquo;Allow ordering in non-primary currencies&rsquo; &ndash; this option is used to enable your online store to accept more than one currency. Note, that even with this option off, you may display the prices in other currencies on your storefront, however during checkout they will be converted to your primary currency. With this option on, however, the checkout will be performed with the currency that the user has selected. Please also note that in order for this to work, your payment types must support other currencies. For more on payment types, see section 5.6.13. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Choose the exchange rate source&rsquo; &ndash; this dropdown allows you to choose from all available sources to download the exchange rate information. With new releases of In-commerce, we are going to add more banks, which provide free information about exchange rates. If your favorite bank is not listed, but you know that it provides the exchange rates online, please contact our support department to request it being added. The source that you choose here will be used when you update the exchange rates of your currencies (see section 5.6.11 on how to do that). Please note that these sources may not be available all the time; they are not under our control, nor do all of them guarantee the availability of the data. In the event your chosen source does not work, please select another one, or contact our support department. </li>
- <li>&lsquo;Default coupon duration (days)&rsquo; &ndash; this setting controls the default duration of new coupons. Whenever you create a new coupon, or clone one to create a series of coupons, the expiration date will be preset to the current date plus the duration set here. For more information about coupons please see section </li>
- <li>Allow registration as affiliate &ndash; if checked, the affiliate registration will be enabled on the front end. The link to register as an affiliate will appear on the homepage (OnlineStore theme only) and the regular registration form will be extended with &lsquo;Register as affiliate&rsquo; checkbox. The setting also affects My Account -&gt; Affiliates subsection. If this option is enabled, the Affiliates section will be visible on the front-end, and will redirect the users to the &lsquo;Become affiliate&rsquo; form for nonaffiliated users. If the setting is off, only the affiliates added through the Administrative Console will be able to use the Affiliates subsection of My account on the front-end. </li>
- <li>Affiliate Storage Method &ndash; selects the method of storing the affiliate ID for customers referred by affiliates. If &lsquo;per session&rsquo; method is selected, the system will treat each customer as referred by the affiliate only during the session when the customer actually came from the affiliate&rsquo;s web site. If the &lsquo;in cookie&rsquo; method is selected, the affiliate ID will be stored in a cookie on the customer&rsquo;s computer and if the customer comes back to the site later (within the time allotted in the &ldquo;Affiliate Cookie Duration&rdquo; setting) the system will still treat him or her as referred by the affiliate. The second method requires that the customer has cookies enabled in his or her browser. </li>
- <li>Affiliate Cookie Duration &ndash; the duration of affiliate ID cookie stored on computer of the customer referred by an affiliate (measured in seconds). </li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Items<br/>
-</span>This tab lists all items in the order. For incomplete and new orders, the administrator can add, edit and delete items on this list. For each item, the two modifiable fields are Quantity and Price. The recalculate button in the toolbar updates the order total.<br/>
-Using this functionality, the administrator can set any price for any product for new and incomplete products. However, the quantity will still be validated &ndash; for items with enabled inventory control, even the administrator will not be able to include more items that available (the same backorder logic as on the front end will apply).
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Incomplete<br/>
-</span>The Incomplete tab of the Order section lists all orders that are in the process of being placed through the front end and all newly created by the administrator, but not submitted yet. In this list you will also find all abandoned shopping carts &ndash; an order is created as soon as one item is placed in the shopping cart.<br/>
-It is not recommended to modify orders in this section, unless you are sure that the order is not being worked on by the customer or another administrator. Specifically, you may be editing an order at the same time the customer is completing the checkout process, and your inputs will conflict with theirs.<br/>
-At the same time, this is the only section where full order editing is possible, and this is the only section where the administrator can create a new order.<br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>New &ndash; creates a new order with status &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo;.</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once).</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; denies the order, setting its status to &ldquo;Denied&rdquo;. All order information is left as-is, however when an order is denied, you can only archive it. Such order cannot be approved, shipped or processed any more.</li>
- <li>Archive &ndash; archives the order (see manual for details about the archives)</li>
- <li>Place Order &ndash; submits the selected Incomplete orders. The submitted orders become Pending, Backordered or To Ship, depending on their payment status and availability of the order items.</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Pricing<br/>
-</span>This tab allows you to set up the price brackets for the product. Each price bracket has a minimum quantity, a maximum quantity, a cost, and a price field, as well as a field for points (reserved for future use) and a &lsquo;negotiated&rsquo; flag.<br/>
-The minimum and maximum quantities define the bracket boundaries, and they are inclusive. All brackets must form a continuous range, meaning that the next bracket starts where the previous one ended. The administrator controls the beginning of the range and the ending &ndash; minimum and maximum quantities that are allowed for purchasing. There is a special character (infinity) to specify that the last bracket is open-ended (when there is no limit on how much can be purchased). To use this special character, click on the Infinity icon in the menu. In-commerce enforces the continuity of the range by allowing to enter only the maximum quantity for each bracket (with the exception of the first one), and that automatically becomes the minimum quantity of the next bracket.<br/>
-The cost is an internal field, used for storing the information about the cost of the product when purchased from the manufacturer or distributor at that volume. It is not required, and currently only plays a role in the reports. The price field is not required, but extremely important &ndash; if left blank, the price is considered zero. If the negotiated field is checked, it means that the price is not determined at the time when the customer is placing an order, and it will be determined later outside of the system. This is useful for large orders, to give custom pricing to large volume buyers.<br/>
-A few words on how to operate the brackets. To add new brackets, click on the More Brackets icon, and the system will add five more blank brackets at the bottom. Don&rsquo;t worry about the unused brackets, they will be automatically cleaned up when you move to another tab or save the product. To insert a new bracket in-between existing ones, simply add it to the bottom, with the correct maximum quantity value. The system will arrange that as well. If you want to see how the arrangement looks, you can force it by clicking on the Arrange icon in the toolbar.<br/>
-Let&rsquo;s take a look at a specific case. For example, you want to have the following setup: <br/>
- <li>Regular price - $10</li>
- <li>Required minimum purchase of 3 </li>
- <li>If purchased more than 5 items, the price becomes $8 per item</li>
- <li>If purchasing more than 20 items, contact the store for special pricing</li>
-To achieve this in a new product, first click on More Brackets icon. This will get you 5 empty brackets. Enter &lsquo;3&rsquo; in the minimum quantity of the first bracket, then 5 in the maximum, and price of $10. Moving on to the next bracket, enter 20 for the maximum quantity, and $8 for the price. Then place the cursor in the third bracket, click on the Infinity icon, leave the price blank and check the negotiated flag. Don&rsquo;t be alarmed when the page refreshes after you click on Infinity &ndash; it&rsquo;s just removing the extra unused brackets. Let&rsquo;s say you forgot, that if your customers purchase 10 items or more, you want to give them another level of discounted price - $7 per item. No problem &ndash; there is no need to redo the brackets. Simply click on More Brackets again, and in the 4th bracket enter 10 for the maximum quantity. Then set the price to $8 (this will become your 5 &ndash; 10 item bracket), and change the price in your third bracket to $7. Now you can click on &lsquo;Arrange&rsquo; to let the system sort everything out and to view the results. You are done!
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Brackets</span><br/>
-On this tab, the administrator can specify the brackets for the shipping type. See the shipping type description on the General tab for more information on what these brackets represent. <br/>
-The mechanism of editing the brackets is very similar to editing price brackets in the Product edit form (tangible products). For a complete description, see smanual.<br/>
-To add more brackets, use the &ldquo;More brackets&rdquo; button, which adds them in batches of five. To specify that the last bracket is open-ended (no limit), use the Infinity button. To arrange the brackets in ascending order after modifications, use the Arrange button. <br/>
-In every bracket, you can only edit the ending amount, and the beginning amount is taken from the previous bracket. The first bracket, the beginning amount is zero. This is enforced by the system to avoid the gaps in the brackets and the ambiguity in the calculations. If the order base amount exceeds the maximum bracket (it&rsquo;s possible when the last bracket is not set to infinity), the shipping will be considered impossible for this type.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Items</span><br/>
-On this tab, you can specify what the coupon applies to &ndash; specific products, or the entire order. Below are the descriptions of the toolbar action icons on this tab:<br/>
- <li>New product &ndash; adds one or more products to the coupon discount list. If you select a category, all products in that category and all of its subcategories will be added. Note, that the category itself is not added. This means, that if you create a new product in that category in the future, it will not be a part of this coupon. This feature also allows you to quickly add some, but not all products in a category &ndash; you can add its entire contents, and then remove those products that you do not want to be a part of the coupon.</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; removes items from the coupon.</li>
- <li>Entire order &ndash; specifies, that the coupon is for an entire order, and not for specific products. If you press this button after you have added one or more products, you will be prompted to remove them automatically. A coupon cannot be for an entire order and for some products at the same time.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-This tab contains the main attributes of a tangible product. A tangible product is usually a physical item, that you have to keep in stock and ship to your customers when purchased.<br/>
- <li>Product ID &ndash; this read-only field displays the unique internal system ID of the product.</li>
- <li>Product Type &ndash; this read-only field displays the product&rsquo;s type, in our case &lsquo;tangible&rsquo;.</li>
- <li>Title* - this required field contains the product name, and it is translatable. </li>
- <li>SKU * - this required field contains the product ID that you, as a store administrator, assign to your products. It can be in any format, or you can also use the manufacturer&rsquo;s product code. The SKU is used in several places where a unique product number has to be used with some external sources &ndash; for example, in communication with users, or in a Froogle export. The SKU is supposed to be more descriptive and user-friendly than the internal In-portal product ID.</li>
- <li>Description &ndash; this field contains the full product description, displayed on the front-end and used in the simple search.</li>
- <li>Excerpt &ndash; this field contains a short version of the description, and it&rsquo;s used wherever a full description would not fit.</li>
- <li>Automatic Filename &ndash; specifies whether the Filename used for mod_rewrite should be generated automatically from the link name, or entered manually. If checked, the Filename will be generated from the link name, replacing all special characters ( !@#$%^&amp;*()+|\=-~`{}][:&rdquo;&rsquo;;,./?&gt;&lt; ) by the underscore character (&ldquo;_&rdquo;), and all multiple underscores with a single underscore. If the resulting name ends with an underscore followed by number, an additional letter will be appended, since the names ending with a number are reserved for system use. The resulting name will also be checked for uniqueness, and if it&rsquo;s not unique, additional letters will be appended to the end of the name</li>
- <li>Custom Filename &ndash; the filename used for the URL generation when using mod_rewrite. The field is disabled if Automatic Filename is On. If Automatic Filename is Off, the administrator may enter the filename manually, however it will still be checked for uniqueness, special characters and whether it ends with a number. In such cases the Filename will be automatically corrected before saving.</li>
- <li>Manage Shipping Types &ndash; a link to a pop-up window for managing Shipping Type limitations for the current product. The administrator can limit the shipping types that can be chosen during checkout, or select additional shipping types not available in general, but only for this product.</li>
- <li>Manufacturer &ndash; this dropdown allows you to choose from a pre-defined list of manufactures (see manual). This field is optional, but if utilized, it will allow your visitors to quickly reference the manufacturer of this product, and also easily find other products by the same manufacturer.</li>
- <li>Weight &ndash; this field contains the product weight, and is used primarily in shipping cost calculations. Generally, you do not need to fill out this field if your shipping charges are not based on weight.</li>
- <li>MSRP &ndash; this is a default field for the Manufacturer&rsquo;s Suggested Retail Price. The default In-commerce theme is equipped to show a price comparison between your actual price and MSRP (it is presumed that your price is lower than MSRP).</li>
- <li>New &ndash; this flag specifies how the system calculates the state of this product&rsquo;s New attribute. &lsquo;Auto&rsquo; means the product will be displayed as &lsquo;new&rsquo; for a certain period of time, determined by the configuration settings. &lsquo;Always&rsquo; means that the product is always displayed as &lsquo;new&rsquo;, and &lsquo;Never&rsquo;, respectively, never becomes &lsquo;new&rsquo;.</li>
- <li>Top Seller &ndash; this flag specifies how the system calculates the state of this product&rsquo;s Top Seller attribute. &lsquo;Auto&rsquo; means the value is based on the number of items purchased in all of the processed orders (this number is recoded in the Qty Sold field). In the output configuration section (see manual) you can define the maximum number of Top Seller products in your entire store. &lsquo;Always&rsquo; means that the product is always displayed as &lsquo;Top Seller&rsquo;, and &lsquo;Never&rsquo;, respectively, never becomes &lsquo;Top Seller&rsquo;.</li>
- <li>Pop - this field controls how the product&rsquo;s &lsquo;pop&rsquo; status is calculated by In-commerce. In automatic mode, In-commerce will consider those products as &ldquo;popular&rdquo;, which have at least X number of votes and have a rating above the predefined threshold. The number of votes and rating threshold are defined in the Output options section (see manual).</li>
- <li>Editors Pick - this flags sets the Editor&rsquo;s Pick attribute of the product. Editor&rsquo;s pick products are displayed in a separate template (different look from the rest of the products) and at the top of any listing which they are a part of (category, search results, Manufacturer&rsquo;s products, etc.)</li>
- <li>Featured - this flags sets the Featured attribute of the product. Featured products are prominently displayed on the home page of the store.</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; this field determines the sort order of the product in any listing. If left blank, the default sorting is used. <br/>
- </li>
- <li>Created on - this field contains the creation date/time stamp of the product. It is automatically set by the system when the product is added, however it can be changed by the administrator. The date can be entered directly into the field, or by using the visual calendar tool. </li>
- <li>Expire - this field contains the product expiration date and time, entered by the administrator. Expired products are not displayed on the front end of the online store. The date can be entered directly into the field, or by using the visual calendar tool. </li>
- <li>Enable Backordering &ndash; this is the backorder control status of the product, it works together with the system-wide backorder setting found in the general settings section. If the system-wide option for backordering is turned on, the &lsquo;Auto&rsquo; setting will switch between instant ordering (regular) and backordering, depending on the threshold setting below. The &lsquo;Always&rsquo; setting will force the backordering, even when there is enough product in stock, and &lsquo;Never&rsquo; will disable backordering for this product (as if the system-wide setting was off). If the system-wide setting is off, the &ldquo;enable backordering&rdquo; will not have any influence on the order process. For more information about backorders, please see manual section. </li>
- <li>Backorder availability date &ndash; this date and time specifies when a product will become available for preordering, if it is not in stock. Essentially, this is a &ldquo;preorder availability date&rdquo;. In the current version, In-commerce does not distinguish between preorders and backorders, so the preorders are processed under the &lsquo;Backorder&rsquo; tab. This date does not affect the ordering process, it is only used to show the customer, when a product will become available.</li>
- <li>Minimum quantity in stock threshold &ndash; when the quantity in stock falls below this amount, the product will be switched to backordered status, if the backorder capability is enabled for this product (see general settings and &lsquo;Enable Backordering&rsquo; above). If backordering is disabled and the quantity falls below the threshold amount, the product will not be available for purchase, and your customers will not be able to place it in the shopping cart. By default, the threshold is zero (blank counts as zero), but it may be useful to set this amount higher, if you want to keep some quantity of the product in stock, as a reserve.</li>
- <li>Rating &ndash; this field contains the numeric rating of the product. The rating is calculated as the average value of all ratings selected by users for this product. The range of the value is predefined, and displayed to the right as a hint. The administrator can manually change the rating if necessary.</li>
- <li>Votes &ndash; this field contains the number of votes for the product. Each time a user votes (selects rating) for the product on the front-end, this value is incremented by one. This value is important for the rating calculating, it is used in the formula to calculate the average. The administrator can manually change the number of votes if necessary.</li>
- <li>Qty Sold &ndash; this field contains the number of times someone has purchased this product. It is incremented every time an order containing this product is approved. The administrator can manually change this quantity if necessary. It is used for the calculation of Top Sellers flag (see above).</li>
-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Service, subscription, downloadable</span><br/>
-All of the fields have the same meaning as for the tangible products. The only distinction is that Service, Subscription and Downloadable products do not have the fields that are related to physical items (backorder controls and weight, for example).<br/>
-A subscription product is designed to sell subscriptions (or memberships) to other In-portal sections or modules. For example, if you want to have separate News sections, a free one, and one for paying members, you can use the subscription product to sell the membership to the paid news section.<br/>
-A downloadable product is designed to sell any electronic products such as software, e-books, mp3 files, pdf files, images and any other type of files. Each downloadable product may have an unlimited number of files associated with it.<br/>
-A service product is designed to sell any other, non - In-portal product or service that is not physically kept in stock and does not have to be shipped. An example would be an online babysitting business &ndash; when the customers pay for babysitting services online, yet there is nothing to be shipped. <br/>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Currencies</span><br/>
-This section lists all currencies supported by In-commerce in the current version. All currencies are listed by their ISO code (the same code that is used by all of the banks). While it is not possible to add currencies to this list for the administrator, it is the most complete list that was available to us at the time of the current release, and we are going to update it with each new release. At this time there are 177 currencies supported by In-commerce.<br/>
-The administrator can modify the settings and parameters for each currency. In-commerce requires one primary currency to be enabled at all times, and there is no limitation to how many currencies can be enabled.<br/>
-The primary currency is used for all calculations, and is assumed the currency of all prices entered through the Administrative Console. This applies, for example, to product price brackets, discount amounts, order totals, etc. When an order is placed in a different currency, In-commerce uses the exchange rate, specified in this section, to convert all of the amounts from the primary currency. By default, the primary currency in In-commerce is U.S. dollar.<br/>
-The toolbar action icons are as follows:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; modifies the properties of the selected currencies.</li>
- <li>Set Primary &ndash; designates the primary currency. The previously chosen primary currency is automatically unselected, as there can be only one primary currency in the system. You cannot disable the primary currency, and if you designate a disabled currency as primary, it will automatically become enabled.</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; enables the selected currencies. Only enabled currencies are visible on the storefront, and only enabled currencies can be used in orders, both on the storefront and in the Administrative Console.</li>
- <li>Decline &ndash; disables the selected currencies.</li>
- <li>Priority Up, Priority Down &ndash; as with many other In-portal items, the sorting of the currencies can be adjusted by the priority. Currencies within the same priority are sorted by their ISO code on the storefront.</li>
- <li>Update Rates &ndash; automatically updates the rates of the selected currencies. This is the most important operation concerning the currencies. For any international store accepting more than one currency, we strongly advise to update the currencies at least once per day. When you hit the Update Rates button, In-commerce connects to the online bank of your choice (set in the General Settings section, read more about it in manual), and requests an update for the exchange rate of the selected currencies. Please note that the rate information comes directly from the selected bank, and In-commerce does not alter or validate it in any way. If the information for one or more currencies is not available at that time, or if the connection to the bank cannot be made, no update is performed. If no currency is selected when pressing this button, the system will attempt to update the rate for all enabled currencies. You can get a quick indication of whether the update was successful by reviewing the Last Updated column, which shows the date and time of the last modification of the currency. </li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Payment Types<br/>
-</span>This section manages the payment types supported by your online store. The payment types can be created by the administrator, however the credit card processing gateways can be only selected from the preset list of those, supported by In-commerce. To request your favorite gateway to be supported by In-commerce, please contact us via the online ticketing system under <a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a>. In the current version, we support Authorize.Net gateway (<a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a>) and PayPal (<a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a>).<br/>
-In-commerce requires one payment type to be primary.<br/>
-The toolbar action buttons perform the following operations:<br/>
- <li>New &ndash; adds a new payment types.</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; modifies the selected payment types.</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; permanently removes the selected payment types.</li>
- <li>Set Primary &ndash; designates the payment type as primary. You cannot disable the primary payment type, and if you set a disabled type as primary, it will automatically become enabled. There always must be one primary payment type.</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; enables the selected payment types. Only enabled payment types will be available during the checkout on the storefront.</li>
- <li>Decline &ndash; disables the selected payment types.</li>
- <li>Priority Up, Down &ndash; adjusts the priority of the selected payment types, which affects the sort order on the storefront.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Currencies</span><br/>
-On this tab, the administrator specifies, which currencies will be acceptable with this payment type. The administrator should make sure to assign each enabled currency to at least one of the payment&ndash; otherwise, although it will be displayed on the storefront, it will not be accepted during checkout, causing confusion for the customer.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Add/Edit file <br/>
-</span>This form allows editing of the file&rsquo;s properties:<br/>
- <li>Name &ndash; the name of the file, how it will appear in the listing on the front end. If the name is left empty, the original uploaded filename will be used</li>
- <li>Version &ndash; the file version. The field is not required, but may be useful for version-controlled downloadables such as scripts or software</li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; the status of the file. Only enabled files will be shown on the front end</li>
- <li>Primary &ndash; only one of the files per product may be primary. This file will be used on main downloads page on the front end. If you check the Primary checkbox, the then-current primary file will become a regular one, and the file being edited will become the primary one</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; numeric priority value. The files on the front&ndash;end&rsquo;s Downloads section, &lsquo;More files&rsquo; subsection, will be sorted according to these priority values</li>
- <li>Added on &ndash; the date when the file was added. Defaults to current date when adding new file</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Payments</span><br/>
-The Payments tab of affiliate Add/Edit form lists all the payments made to the current affiliate.
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-The catalog allows you to navigate the tree of the categories. You will see a navigation bar at the top, which will show you the current category you are in. You may click the category names in the navigation bar to quickly jump up the tree. You may also use the &lsquo;Up' button (yellow folder with a green up arrow icon) in the toolbar to go one category up, or the &lsquo;Home' button (house icon) to go all the way up to Home &ndash; the root category. To go deeper in the tree, simply click on the desired category.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Gateway</span><br/>
-On this tab, the administrator can select which gateway to use for processing the payments of this type. The dropdown contains all payment gateways supported by the current version of In-commerce.<br/>
-If &lsquo;none&rsquo; is selected, the payment type is considered manual &ndash; the administrator is responsible to receive the payment through means outside of In-commerce. If a gateway is selected, its configuration fields will be displayed and required to be filled out.<br/>
-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Authorize.Net</span><br/>
-For gateway (<a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a>), the following fields are required:<br/>
- <li>Gateway URL &ndash; the URL of the service, usually <a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a></li>
- <li> User Name &ndash; this should have been given to you when you signed up with or one of their resellers. It is the same user name that you might use to log into your online merchant center.</li>
- <li> Transaction Key &ndash; this key can be retrieved from the online merchant center at <a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a>. For more information, please contact support.</li>
-<span style="font-weight: bold;">PayPal</span><br/>
-For PayPal gateway (<a href="" label="external"></a>), the following fields are required:<br/>
- <li>Username &ndash; usually this is your PayPal email address.</li>
- <li>Gateway URL &ndash; the URL of the PayPal gateway.</li>
- <li>Payment Currency Code &ndash; the code of the currency your PayPal account is setup to receive.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Search</span><br/>
-This tab shows all orders in all statuses. Sometimes it is necessary to find a specific order, but the order status is not known. Here you can quickly find such orders, using several search criteria. You can search by the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Number &ndash; here you can search for the main order number, order sub-number, or any portion of them. For example, you can find the order number &ldquo;12345-890&rdquo; by searching for &ldquo;12345-980&rdquo;, &ldquo;12345&rdquo;, &ldquo;45-890&rdquo;, etc.</li>
- <li>Order ID &ndash; here you can search by the internal system order ID. You must enter the exact number to find a match.</li>
- <li>Username &ndash; here you can search by the username of the customer who placed the order. You have to enter the full user name, but the search is not case-sensitive. </li>
- <li>Customer Name &ndash; here you can search by the name of the customer (first or last), or a portion of the name. All orders by &ldquo;Steven Johnson&rdquo; can be found by entering &ldquo;Steven&rdquo;, or &ldquo;Johnson&rdquo;, or &ldquo;Steve&rdquo;, or &ldquo;John&rdquo;. The search is also not case-sensitive.</li>
- <li>From date/time &ndash; finds all orders starting from the date and time entered.</li>
- <li>To date/time &ndash; finds all orders placed before the date and time entered.</li>
- <li>From Amount &ndash; finds all orders with the total order amount equal or greater to the number entered (in the primary currency).</li>
- <li>To Amount &ndash; finds all orders with the total order amount equal or less than the number entered (in the primary currency).</li>
-Any search fields can be combined, and the search will be performed with the &ldquo;AND&rdquo; operator. This means that all of the filled out search fields would have to match for the order to be returned in the search results.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Manufacturers</span><br/>
-This section allows the administrator to maintain a list of the manufacturers in the system. A manufacturer has a name, a description and a URL (presumably, for their corporate site). All of this information has to be entered manually by the administrator. The name is required, but none of the information is validated, so its accuracy is up to the administrator.<br/>
-Each product in the catalog can be assigned to one manufacturer. This information will appear on the storefront, on the product details page. There also will be an option to view all products from the same manufacturer.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-This is the first tab of the discount add or edit form. <br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; this is the read-only unique system ID of the discount.</li>
- <li>Status &ndash; this is the status of the discount &ndash; active, pending or disabled. Only active discounts will be applied to the purchases.</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; internal name of the discount, used to identify the discount type to the administrator. The discount name also appears on the order confirmation and invoice printout screens.</li>
- <li>Start date, end date &ndash; the date range when the discount is valid. They are optional, and if left blank the discount will be always valid.</li>
- <li>User Group &ndash; the group, to which the discount is applied. Only customers belonging to this group will receive it. If a customer is a part of multiple groups, he or she will be eligible for discounts assigned to any of their groups.</li>
- <li>Type &ndash; this is the discount type, which can be Flat, Percentage or Shipping. A flat discount means a fixed amount subtracted from the order total. A percentage discount means a specified percentage, based on the extended product price or the order total, subtracted from the order. A shipping discount is a fixed amount subtracted from the shipping cost of the order. If the discount applies only for certain products, their cost will be reduced when calculating the total shipping cost.</li>
- <li>Amount &ndash; the amount of the discount, see &ldquo;type&rdquo; above.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Shipping quote engines</span><br/>
-This section lists all automated shipping quote engines and direct shippers. The Edit button modifies the shipping engine preferences, the Approve button enables the selected shipping engines, and the Decline button disables them. Only enabled shipping engines are queried to retrieve the rate information.
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-<p>This page specifies product export options. The following options are available:</p>
- <li>Export format - controls the format of the exported file, currently only the CSV (Comma Separated Values) format is supported.</li>
- <li>Fields separated by - the field delimiter for CSV format</li>
- <li>Fields enclosed by - a character used to enclose field values in the CSV file</li>
- <li>Line endings - controls character(s) used to specify the end of lines in the output- CR (carriage return) for Unix and CRLF (carriage return + line feed) for Windows.</li>
- <li>Line endings inside fields - controls character(s) used to specify line breaks inside the field values, it may be different from Line endings, especially when the output is used with Microsoft Excel (it uses LF for line breaks inside the fields and CRLF for line (record) endings)</li>
- <li>Include field titles - if set to &quot;on&quot; the first line of the exported file will contain the field titles (leave this &quot;on&quot; if you plan to import the file back into In-portal after working with it)</li>
- <li>Export columns - lists the data columns available for export. Select and move to the left list box the columns you wish to export. If you plan to import the file back into In-portal later, consider including the &quot;ProductId&quot; column, as it will make it easier to update the products.</li>
- <li>Category format - controls how the categories should be exported. If &quot;Category path in one field&quot; is selected the category path of each product will be exported into one column separated by a character defined below, for example if the product is under &quot;Books -&gt; Fiction -&gt; Dan Brown&quot; the category field will contain &quot;Books:Fiction:Dan Brown&quot;. If set to &quot;One field for each category level&quot;, a field for each category level will be created and in the example above the resulting file will contain at least 3 columns titles &quot;Category1&quot;,&quot;Category2&quot; and &quot;Category3&quot; containing &quot;Books&quot;, &quot;Fiction&quot;, &quot;Dan Brown&quot; accordingly.</li>
- <li>Export filename - specify the filename of output file. The file will be created in the admin/export directory relative to the In-portal root directory and will be available for download immediately.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Backorders<br/>
-</span>This tab displays all Backorders. A backorder is the order where at least one of the products was out of stock (or below the minimum stock threshold) at the time the order was placed. These orders could not be processed at the time they were placed, and are awaiting processing in the status of &ldquo;backorder&rdquo;.<br/>
-Backorders can only be denied or processed. A backorder can be processed automatically or manually, depending on the configuration under General Settings section. If the automatic fulfillment is turned on, as soon as more inventory arrives for an item, the In-commerce system will automatically process backorders, starting with the oldest (by the date and time of the order placement). In the automatic mode, the administrator will not be able to process a backorder manually, because by the time he or she clicks on the Backorder section, all of the eligible items will be already processed. In the manual mode, the administrator has to select one or more backorders and process them. Only those orders, which are eligible (there is enough inventory) can be processed.<br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once). You can only edit the administrator comments at this stage.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Process &ndash; tries to fulfill the order. If there is enough inventory, the order becomes approved for shipping, and attains the &ldquo;To Ship&rdquo; status. Otherwise, nothing changes, and you receive a message saying that processing failed (due to insufficient inventory).</li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; denies the order, setting its status to &ldquo;Denied&rdquo;. All order information is left as-is, however when an order is denied, you can only archive it. Such order cannot be approved, shipped or processed any more.</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Images</span><br/>
-This tab contains all images associated with the product. Please remember, that the default In-commerce theme assumes that each product has at least one image. Products that do not have any images will not look right on the front end, so please either make sure to add an image with every product, or modify the theme to work without images (or with optional images).<br/>
-To create a new image, click on the &lsquo;New&rsquo; button (the icon like the Windows GIF icon with a little sun). This will open a new page where you specify the image details.<br/>
- <li>Image ID &ndash; a read-only field, the internal system ID of the image, guaranteed to be unique throughout the system. It is blank when a new image is created.</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; this field contains the image name, used on the front-end, inside the In-tags to refer to this image.</li>
- <li>Alt Value &ndash; this field contains the text value, which will be displayed in the &lsquo;alt&rsquo; tag of the image on the front end, inside the page HTML code, and when a mouse pointer hovers over the image. This tag is important for text-only browsers, non-standard equipment and search engine spiders.</li>
- <li>Status &ndash; this field contains the status of the image, enabled or disabled.</li>
- <li>Primary &ndash; this flag designates the primary image. There can be only one primary image per list (one primary image per product). When you check this box on an image, the previous primary image is unset, if there is more than one image in the list. Primary image is used in the default theme on the product&rsquo;s detail page.</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; this field contains the numerical priority of the image.</li>
- <li>Thumbnail location (upload from PC) &ndash; Using this control, you can upload an image from the workstation you are at to the In-portal server. The image will be stored in the &lsquo;in-portal/kernel/images&rsquo; directory.</li>
- <li>Thumbnail location (remote URL) &ndash; Here you can enter a remote URL address of an image. It will be linked from the remote server.</li>
- <li>Same As Thumbnail &ndash; This check box sets the full-size image to be the same as the thumbnail image. When this option is checked, you cannot upload a full-size image.</li>
- <li>Thumbnail location (upload from PC) - Using this control, you can upload an image from the workstation you are at to the In-portal server. The image will be stored in the &lsquo;in-portal/kernel/images&rsquo; directory.</li>
- <li>Thumbnail location (remote URL) - Here you can enter a remote URL address of an image. It will be linked to from the remote server.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Shipping Zone<br/>
-</span>This is the edit and add form for shipping destination zones. It has the following fields:<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; this is the internal unique system ID of the shipping destination zone.</li>
- <li>Shipping type ID - this is the internal unique system ID of the shipping type.</li>
- <li>Zone Name &ndash; this is the label for the zone. This label is used in the cost table to identify the zone, and it is not visible anywhere on the storefront.</li>
- <li>COD Allowed &ndash; this checkbox controls, whether the COD payment type is allowed for this shipping destination. If COD is allowed in the shipping type selected during checkout, any enabled payment types marked as &ldquo;COD&rdquo; will be available on the billing step.</li>
- <li>Type &ndash; this is the type of the destination zone. Zones can be defined by country, by state and by zip code. For country zones, the administrator can select any set from the predefined list of countries. For state zones, the administrator chooses one country, and then he or she can select a set of states in that country. For zip-code (postal code) based zones, the administrator has to select the country, and then select a subset of zip codes from the list. If a specific code is not on the list, it can be added using the field below by pressing &ldquo;Add location&rdquo;. The list of zip codes is built on the fly from all zip codes used in any zone across all shipping types (it is not practical to maintain it by the system). Note that a zone cannot be of a mixed type, and if you switch the zone type you will loose the information entered for the previous type (for example, if you entered 5 zip codes for a zip-code based zone, then switch the type to country-based, and then switch back to zip-codes, the 5 entries will be gone).</li>
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-The Pricing Options add/edit form has the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Access Duration &ndash; this field, combined with the duration units, designates the length of the membership&rsquo;s duration. If left blank, the membership is considered permanent. The group membership expiration is set based on this field&rsquo;s value when the order with the subscription product is approved.</li>
- <li>Access Duration Unit - this field, combined with the duration number, designates the duration of the membership. </li>
- <li>Description &ndash; the description, as it will be displayed on the front end on the product details page in the pricing options section. </li>
- <li>Price &ndash; the subscription price for selected duration.</li>
- <li>Primary &ndash; the checkbox indicating if this pricing option is primary (the primary pricing is used when a user clicks on the &ldquo;Buy now&rdquo; link on the front end without going into the item&rsquo;s details). The &lsquo;Primary&rsquo; checkbox can not be un-checked, since this could leave the product without primary pricing. If you want to make another pricing primary, edit that pricing and check the &lsquo;Primary&rsquo; option there. The first pricing option created is automatically assigned the primary status.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-When you edit a currency, the following information is available:<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; read-only, unique internal system ID of the currency.</li>
- <li>ISO code &ndash; read-only, built-in 3-character ISO code of the currency, according to the international banking standards.</li>
- <li>Rate to primary &ndash; the exchange rate between the currency you are editing and the primary currency. The current currency is used as the base, so the rate is always in the format of &ldquo;1 (current currency) = (Exchange rate of the Primary Currency)&rdquo;. The exchange rate allows up to four decimal points of precision. The administrator can enter the rate manually, or use the &ldquo;Update to Primary&rdquo; button on the right, which will attempt to retrieve the rate from the online bank. </li>
- <li>Symbol &ndash; here you can enter the internationally accepted symbol for the currency, or leave it blank to use the ISO code. For example, the symbol for the U.S. dollar is &ldquo;$&rdquo;, for British pound &ldquo;&pound;&rdquo;, and for Euro &ndash; &ldquo;&euro;&rdquo;. You should only use the common ASCII symbols, which will be visible in all browsers.</li>
- <li>Symbol Position &ndash; this setting specifies where the symbol should be positioned, with respect to the number of the amount. For instance, in the U.S. the dollar symbol is usually positioned to the left, like this: &ldquo;$10.00&rdquo;, and in the E.U. the euro symbol is positioned to the right, like this: &ldquo;10.00&euro;&rdquo;.</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; here you can enter the language label variable that contains the natural name of the currency, which can be different in different languages.</li>
- <li>Primary &ndash; this checkbox controls whether the currency is enabled or disabled. Disabled currencies are not shown on the front end, cannot be used for purchasing, and are not automatically updated when global update is issued.</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; the numerical priority of the currency that affects its sorting on the storefront. Currencies with higher priority will be listed higher, and ones with the same priority will be sorted by the ISO code.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-On this tab, you will see the common order properties.<br/>
- <li>Order ID &ndash; Internal, read-only system ID of the order. It is never entered by the store administrator.</li>
- <li>Number &ndash; this is the unique order number, auto-generated by the system. The format of the number is specified in the Output configuration section (see manual). The sub-order number signifies that this order is a part of a larger order; all parts will have the same main order number, and unique order sub-numbers. Each sub-order is an independent, standalone order that must be processed on its own. Note, that while you can modify the Order Number and Sub-number, they must remain unique. Also, the system uses the highest number to generate the next order number; so if you manually change it to skip some numbers, they will never be used automatically any more. Therefore, it is generally advised not to modify the automatic order number generated by the system.</li>
- <li>Status &ndash; this is a read-only field that displays the status of the order. To change the status, please use the action buttons in the toolbar outside of the edit mode. See order process description above.</li>
- <li>Date &ndash; this field contains order date and time (The date and time when the order was first created).</li>
- <li>Username &ndash; this field contains the user name of the user who placed the order, or Guest if the customer was not authenticated.</li>
- <li>User Comment &ndash; this field is reserved for future use.</li>
- <li>Admin Comment &ndash; this field is not shown anywhere on the front end. It is designed to store the store administrator&rsquo;s private comments about the order. This field is always editable (for any order status).</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Preview</span><br/>
-This is a summary tab, showing all of the order information in the invoice form. This tab has two action icons for the incomplete orders, and one for all others. The Print action prints an invoice in the specific format. The Place Order icon submits an incomplete order (same as submitting an order from the front end).
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-This is the first tab of the coupon add or edit form.<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; this is the read-only unique system ID of the coupon.</li>
- <li>Status - this is the status of the coupon &ndash; enabled, used or disabled. Only enabled coupons can be applied to the purchases. A coupon becomes &ldquo;used&rdquo; when it is used the specified number of times.</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; internal name of the coupon, used to identify the coupon type to the administrator. The coupon names don&rsquo;t have to be unique &ndash; when you clone a coupon, all of the copies retain the name of the original.</li>
- <li>Coupon Code &ndash; this is the code that has to be entered at the checkout in order to receive the discount. It is not case-sensitive, and it appears on the order confirmation and invoice printout screens. You can enter the code manually, or let the system automatically generate a random code by pressing the &ldquo;Generate Code&rdquo; button to the right of this field. Currently, there is no way to specify the format of the generated codes.</li>
- <li>Expiration &ndash; the date when the coupon expires. It is optional, and if left blank the coupon will be always valid. The coupon becomes valid as soon as it is created (provided, of course, that its status is &ldquo;enabled&rdquo;).</li>
- <li>Type &ndash; this is the coupon discount type, which can be Flat, Percentage or Shipping. A flat discount means a fixed amount subtracted from the order total. A percentage discount means a specified percentage, based on the price or the order total, subtracted from the order. A shipping discount is a fixed amount subtracted from the shipping cost of the order. If the coupon applies only to certain products, their shipping cost will be reduced when calculating the total shipping cost.</li>
- <li>Amount &ndash; the amount of the coupon discount, see &ldquo;type&rdquo; above.</li>
- <li>Last Used By &ndash; read-only field, indicating the user name of the customer who used the coupon. If the coupon allows multiple uses, it is the name of the last customer to use it.</li>
- <li>Last Used On - read-only field, indicating the date and time of when the coupon was used. If the coupon allows multiple uses, it will display the last time it was used.</li>
- <li>Number Of Uses &ndash; specifies the number of times this coupon can be used. It has to be at least one, and if left blank the coupon can be used unlimited number of times.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Pending<br/>
-</span>The Pending tab displays all pending orders. These are submitted orders, which are pending payment authorization. There maybe credit card orders, for which the credit card has been authorized, but not charged; there also maybe manual payment orders, for example when the customer is paying by check or wire transfer. The administrator of the store has to verify that the payment has been received (or that the credit card order is valid), and Approve or Deny the order. <br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once). You can only edit the administrator comments at this stage.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; approves the order for further processing. For credit card orders, the payment is collected, and for other payment types, it is assumed that the payment has been collected. The order becomes approved for shipping, and attains the &ldquo;To Ship&rdquo; status.</li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; denies the order, setting its status to &ldquo;Denied&rdquo;. All order information is left as-is, however when an order is denied, you can only archive it. Such order cannot be approved, shipped or processed any more.</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Reviews</span><br/>
-This tab lists all reviews of the product, and allows the administrator to manage them. Reviews can be used to collect product feedback from the front-end users, to provide details of the ratings, and for a many other purposes. <br/>
-Reviews have their own status, independent from the product. They can be active, pending or disabled. The idea is very similar to the product status &ndash; only active reviews are displayed on the product&rsquo;s details page, unless otherwise specified in the theme design. The category permissions specify the status of new reviews created through the front-end. We strongly recommend setting the &lsquo;new review&rsquo; mode to pending for all unauthorized visitors (guests), and depending on your business model even for the registered members. If left unchecked, users can post undesirable comments in your online store.<br/>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Payment log (In-commerce only)<br/>
-</span>This section displays a list of all payments made to the affiliates in the system. The grid displays the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Username &ndash; the username of the affiliate user the payment has been made to</li>
- <li>Payment Date &ndash; the date when payment was issued</li>
- <li>Amount &ndash; the amount of the payment</li>
- <li>Comment &ndash; administrator&rsquo;s comment entered during issuing of the payment</li>
- <li>Payment type &ndash; the type of this payment</li>
- <li>Payment reference &ndash; the reference number entered by the administrator during issuing of the payment</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Items</span><br/>
-On this tab, you can specify what the discount applies to &ndash; specific products, or the entire order. Below are the descriptions of the toolbar action icons on this tab:<br/>
- <li>New product &ndash; adds one or more products to the discount list. If you select a category, all products in that category and all of its subcategories will be added. Note, that the category itself is not added. This means, that if you create a new product in that category in the future, it will not be a part of this discount. This feature also allows you to quickly add some, but not all products in a category &ndash; you can add its entire contents, and then remove those products that you do not want to discount.</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; removes items from the discount.</li>
- <li>Entire order &ndash; specifies, that the discount is for an entire order, and not for specific products. If you press this button after you have added one or more products, you will be prompted to remove them automatically. A discount cannot be for an entire order and some products at the same time.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Editing review</span>
- <li>Enable HTML? &ndash; this check box enables or disables HTML code in the review body. When checked, it will render the HTML (for example, a &lt;B&gt; tag will actually make the text bold). When unchecked, it will display the HTML as regular text (the &lt;B&gt; tag will appear exactly as &lsquo;&lt;B&gt;&rsquo;). This is a very important setting, since some HTML tags can break the page layout, and in some instances can be a security concern (as with the Java Script, for example).</li>
- <li>Review ID - this field is a read-only unique system ID of the review.</li>
- <li>Created by* - this field contains the name of the user who submitted the review. This information will be displayed, along with the text of the review and the date, on the front-end, unless specified otherwise in the active theme. The administrator may change the review author by entering a different user name in this field, or by selecting it through a user picker (shortcut to a user icon will pop up the picker in a new window).</li>
- <li>Review Text* - this field contains the main body of the review. To use the online HTML editor, click on the &lsquo;Editor&rsquo; button next to this field.</li>
- <li>Status - this is the status field of the review.</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; this field contains the numerical priority of the review.</li>
- <li>Created on &ndash; this field contains the creation date of the review. It is automatically set by the system when the review is submitted, however it can be changed by the administrator. The date can be entered directly into the field, or by using the visual calendar tool.</li>
- <li>Created at - this field contains the creation time of the review. It is automatically set by the system when the review is submitted, however it can be changed by the administrator.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Affiliate Payment Type Add/Edit form</span><br/>
-This form has the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Payment Type ID &ndash; the internal ID of the Payment Type, read-only</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; the name of the payment type</li>
- <li>Primary &ndash; designates the payment type as primary</li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; the status of payment type. Only enabled payment types are displayed in the affiliate registration form on the front end</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; the priority value. The payment types are sorted according to the priority on the affiliate registration form on the front end</li>
- <li>Description &ndash; the description of the payment type. This description is displayed below the name of the type on the affiliate registration form, on the front-end</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Intershipper</span><br/>
-The Intershipper shipping engine requires each user to sign up for an account with them, and it charges a small fee for shipping quotes. For more information, or to obtain an account with Intershipper please go to <a label="external" target="_blank" href=""></a>. <br/>
-Note, that for every time a customer reaches the Shipping step in the checkout, or the administrator opens the Shipping tab in a pending order, an Intershipper query will be performed if this engine is enabled.<br/>
-The accuracy of the Intershipper quotes will depend on the accuracy of the product weight information (please do not forget to include the packaging weight), and the dimensions of the products.<br/>
-The Intershipper settings are as follows:<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; read-only internal system ID of the shipping engine.</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; built-in name of the shipping engine.</li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; the checkbox that controls whether the Intershipper engine is enabled or not.</li>
- <li>Account Login &ndash; Intershipper account login. For more information, to signup for Intershipper, or to retrieve the account information go to <a href="" target="_blank" label="external"></a>. This account will be used to retrieve the quote information for every order.</li>
- <li>Account Password &ndash; Intershipper account password.</li>
- <li>Carriers - here you can select which carriers the Intershipper will provide quotes for. Currently, Intershipper supports FedEx, UPS, DHL/Airborne and USPS. Not all of the carriers will be available for shipping from outside of the United States. For each carrier, you have to enter your account number with that carrier, and specify whether the account is invoiced.</li>
- <li>Delivery &ndash; here you can choose what types of delivery to offer to your customers from each of the carriers. The Intershipper choices are First, Second, Third days and Ground shipping. </li>
- <li>Ship Method &ndash; this field allows you to select how you are going to deliver the packages to the carrier for shipment.</li>
- <li>Flat Surcharge &ndash; a fixed amount to be added to every quote retrieved by Intershipper.</li>
- <li> Percentage Surcharge &ndash; a percentage amount to be added to every quote retrieved by Intershipper.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Coupons</span><br/>
-This tab shows a list of all coupons in the system. The toolbar action icons perform the following operations:<br/>
- <li>New &ndash; creates a new discount.</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; modifies one or more selected discounts.</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes one or more selected discounts from the database. This action is not reversible.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates multiple coupons based on the selected one. When you press this button, you will be prompted to enter the number of coupons you want to create, as well as optionally set the expiration date for all these new coupons. All of the other properties of the newly created coupons will be copied from the coupon you have selected to clone.</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; enables one or more selected discounts (sets their status to Active).</li>
- <li>Decline &ndash; disables one or more selected discounts (sets their status to Disabled).</li>
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-<p>This form is designed for adding and editing option properties. The form has the following fields:</p>
- <li>Option Id - internal number of the option (read-only)</li>
- <li>Name - option name</li>
- <li>Required - an option value has to be entered or selected for this option when adding a product to the shopping cart if Required is set.</li>
- <li>Option Type - specifies the option type. When a product&quot;s option selection mode is set to &quot;Selection&quot;, the type controls how the option is presented on the front end (product details page). The following option types are available: drop-down, Text field (edit box), Text area (multi-line edit box), Radio button, Checkbox. </li>
- <li>Priority - numerical option priority, relative to other options of the product. The options are sorted according to the priority when displayed on the front end.</li>
-<p>The following controls are available only for option types with pre-defined values such as a drop-down, a radio button and a checkbox. The group of controls allows to add/edit/remove option values and adjust their pricing. </p>
- <li>Option Value - textual value of the option</li>
- <li>Option Price - price modifier and its type. The modifier may be positive or negative. The product base price will be adjusted according to the price of the selected option value. The modifier may be applied as a monetary value (indicated by the &quot;$&quot; sign) or a percent of the base product price (the &quot;%&quot; sign). Keep in mind, that the product base price in turn depends on the purchased quantity according to the price brackets. The price field may be left empty - in this case the product&quot;s price will remain the same. For example, the administrator wants to specify the following option values and price modifiers for the &quot;Size&quot; option: Small (-10$), Medium (no modification), Large (+5%). <br/>
- To achieve this, the administrator has to enter &quot;Small&quot; into the option value field, set the price value to 10 and the modifier type to &quot;$&quot; and click the &quot;Add&quot; button. Then repeat for Medium without setting a price value and then repeat once again for Large, setting the value to 5 and the modifier type to &quot;%&quot;. Added option values will instantly appear in the list box below the fields. To edit an option value the administrator may double-click on it in the list box or select it and click &quot;Edit&quot; to the right of the list box. Similarly, an option value may be deleted by selecting it in the list box and clicking Delete to the right of the box. Option values order may be adjusted by selecting the values in the list box and using Move up/down buttons on the right.<br/>
- Please note that option combinations should be revised after editing the option values.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Custom</span><br/>
-This tab displays all custom fields configured for In-commerce products, and allows the administrator to edit their information for this product.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Download log (In-commerce only)<br/>
-</span>This section displays a list of all downloads of the downloadable products. You can refresh this information by clicking the &lsquo;Refresh&rsquo; button, or delete one or more entries by clicking the &lsquo;Reset&rsquo; button (a recycling bin icon with a red &lsquo;x&rsquo;). <br/>
-The grid displays the following fields:<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; internal download id</li>
- <li>Username &ndash; the username of the user who downloaded the file</li>
- <li>Product name &ndash; the name of the product, with which the downloaded file is associated</li>
- <li>Filename &ndash; the filename of the downloaded file</li>
- <li>IP Address &ndash; the IP address from which the download was performed (as identified by the web server)</li>
- <li>Started On &ndash; the date and time when the download started</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Table of costs</span><br/>
-This tab contains the table of shipping costs for this amount. The table has three variables &ndash; zone, bracket and cost. Each combination of a zone and a bracket can have a specific cost. The table is designed for working with significant amounts of data, and while it might seem complicated, we have tried to provide all of the tools for quick and efficient data entry. <br/>
-The toolbar action buttons perform the following operations:<br/>
- <li>Flip &ndash; rotates the table by 90 degrees. If you started with brackets on the left, designating rows, and zones at the top, designating columns, you will end up with brackets at the top, designating columns, and zones on the left, designating rows. This can be confusing and cause data entry errors, so we do not recommend using this feature unless you are comfortable with it. However, it can come in very handy if you have a lot more brackets than zones, or visa versa. It is generally a lot more convenient to scroll up/down in any browser, than it is to scroll left/right, so you will find it easier to designate the larger set as rows. The position of the table is saved from visit to visit, so you will not have to flip it every time you edit the shipping type.</li>
- <li>Clear All &ndash; clears all cells in the table. This operation is reversible only by canceling the entire shipping type edit, which will restore your cost table to the previous state, but will cancel all other edits you may have made.</li>
- <li>Modify &ndash; this button allows you to perform a bulk arithmetical operation on one or more rows or columns in the table. To do this, select the desired rows or columns, hit the Modify button, and then choose the operation type and enter the amount. This is useful, for example, when shipping costs increase for an entire zone or multiple zones by the same amount. Instead of re-entering many cells of information, simply check the zones in question, hit Modify, and then add the amount to all of them at once. Hint: if you have combined costs in all cells (see below for an explanation of what combined cost is), but you only need to modify one of the components, simply change the type (this will disable but preserve the other component), apply the operation, and then change the type again.</li>
-The fields in the table are explained below:<br/>
- <li>Cost type &ndash; this specifies what information is entered in each cell of the table. The costs can be Flat, meaning a fixed amount for any orders that fall in the bracket, or Per Unit, meaning an amount for each base unit of the bracket, or Combined, meaning Flat plus Per Unit. An example of Flat price structure would be a setup, where for any orders under 5 items the shipping cost is a flat $4 (let&rsquo;s say, for music CDs), and any orders over 5 but under 10 items it&rsquo;s $6, and you don&rsquo;t ship more than 10 items in one order. An example of Per Unit pricing would be any shipping by weight, where each pound or kilogram counts, however on orders under 10 pounds, let&rsquo;s say, the rate is $1 per pound, and over 10 pounds it&rsquo;s $1.50 per pound. </li>
- <li>Empty Cells Are &ndash; this radio button specifies how the empty cells are handled &ndash; as free shipping, or as impossible shipping.</li>
- <li>Precision &ndash; in order to save room in the table, and to align all cells for easy reading, the system will display the numbers in the specified format &ndash; fixed number of digits for the number, and fixed number of decimals. The format is specified by the two dropdowns here.</li>
- <li>In the table itself, the &ldquo;$&rdquo; box represents the Flat cost, and &ldquo;%&rdquo; the Per Unit cost. The labels do not necessarily mean that the flat cost is in dollars, and that the Per Unit cost is a percentage.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Files &amp; Pricing<br/>
-</span>This tab contains a field for specifying the downloadable&rsquo;s price and the list of all available files for the downloadable product. A downloadable product may have an unlimited number of associated files. All of the files can have a priority number assigned, which will be used for sorting the files on the user&rsquo;s &ldquo;Downloads&rdquo; page on the front-end. One of the files has to be the primary one. This file will be displayed on the main downloads page, while all the other files will be available under the &lsquo;More files&rsquo; link.<br/>
-The toolbar has the following buttons:<br/>
- <li>New file &ndash; opens the add file form</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; opens the edit file form</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes selected files after confirmation</li>
- <li>Move up/Move down &ndash; alters the priority of the selected files</li>
- <li>Approve/Deny &ndash; changes the &lsquo;Enabled&rsquo; status of the files</li>
- <li>Set primary &ndash; makes the selected file the primary one</li>
- <li>View &ndash; opens the view menu</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Search Settings</span><br/>
-This section allows the administrator to configure the quick search and the advanced search options on the storefront of In-commerce.<br/>
-This section lists all fields representing product attributes. Next to each field, there is a &lsquo;Quick Search&rsquo; checkbox, which includes this field in the quick search query. Several most common attributes are enabled by default. In general, it makes sense to include only those fields in the quick search, which may contain text in them, otherwise when a visitor searches for a text keyword, the non-textual fields will be not searchable. One notable exception to this rule is price, it is advisable to include it in the quick search. Next, there is a &lsquo;Weight&rsquo; text box, in which the administrator can designate the importance of each field during a search. The fields with a larger weight will be more important then the fields with the lower weight. This is used when calculating the product&rsquo;s relevance to the search keyword, for sorting of the results. The last column is the &lsquo;Advanced Search&rsquo; checkbox. It designates whether a particular field should be displayed on the &lsquo;Advanced Search&rsquo; page and be searchable by the visitors. By default, most fields are included.<br/>
-Below the list of fields are the search relevance settings. <br/>
- <li>Increase importance if field contains a required keyword by &ndash; this specifies the percentage by which the weight of a field will increase, when a required keyword is found in that field. A required keyword is one that is preceded with a &lsquo;+&rsquo; in the search key phrase. </li>
- <li>Search Relevance depends on _ % keyword &ndash; the percentage of relevance that comes from the keyword being found in that product.</li>
- <li>Search Relevance depends on _ % popularity - the percentage of relevance that is based on the product&rsquo;s popularity.</li>
- <li>Search Relevance depends on _ % rating - the percentage of relevance that is based on the product&rsquo;s rating.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Affiliate Payment Types<br/>
-</span>This section allows managing of the affiliate payment types offered for commission payments. The tab lists all payment types in the system. The grid has the following fields:<br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; the internal payment type ID</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; the name of the payment type, this name is displayed on the affiliate registration form </li>
- <li>Description &ndash; the description of the payment type. The description follows the name on the affiliate registration form</li>
- <li>The section has the following buttons available in the toolbar:</li>
- <li>New Payment Type &ndash; creates a new affiliate payment type</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; opens the affiliate payment type edit form</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes the affiliate payment type after confirmation</li>
- <li>Set Primary &ndash; designates the selected payment type as primary</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; enables the selected payment types, making them visible for the selection on the front end</li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; disables the selected payment types. Disabled payment types do not appear in the selection on the front end</li>
- <li>Move Up/Down &ndash; alters the priority of selected payment types, altering the order of the payment types in the selection on the front end</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Discounts</span><br/>
-This tab shows a list of all discounts. The toolbar action icons perform the following operations:<br/>
- <li>New &ndash; creates a new discount.</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; modifies one or more selected discounts.</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes one or more selected discounts from the database. This action is not reversible.</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; enables one or more selected discounts (sets their status to Active).</li>
- <li>Decline &ndash; disables one or more selected discounts (sets their status to Disabled).</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Custom shipping types</span><br/>
-This tab lists all custom shipping types. The toolbar action icons are as follows:<br/>
- <li>New &ndash; creates a new shipping type.</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; modifies the selected shipping types.</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; permanently removes the selected shipping types from the system.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; clones the selected shipping type or types.</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; enables the shipping type. Only enabled shipping types will be taken into account when calculating the shipping choices.</li>
- <li>Decline &ndash; disables the shipping type.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">To Ship<br/>
-</span>This tab displays all orders ready to be shipped. For all orders on this list, the payments have been received and approved, all items are in stock and reserved, so the only thing left is to package them and ship to the customer. If a mistake is detected at this point, the erroneous order can be denied &ndash; this does not refund or cancel the payment, if one was made, but it does release the inventory reserved for that order.<br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once). You can only edit the administrator comments at this stage.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Ship &ndash; marks the order as shipped. This action does not fail, as there are no factors preventing an order to be shipped. </li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; denies the order, setting its status to &ldquo;Denied&rdquo;. All order information is left as-is, however when an order is denied, you can only archive it. Such order cannot be approved, shipped or processed any more.</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Categories <br/>
-</span>This tab manages the categories to which the product belongs. The administrator can add and remove additional categories on this list. At least one category must be listed, and exactly one category must be designated as the primary. The primary category determines the permissions for the product. To designate the primary category, select the category and click on the Primary Category icon in the toolbar. The &lsquo;primary&rsquo; marker will move from the previous Primary Category to the one you have selected.<br/>
-The product will appear in all of the categories listed on this tab, in the Administrative Console as well as on the front-end.
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-&nbsp;The catalog allows you to navigate the tree of the categories. You will see a navigation bar at the top, which will show you the current category you are in. You may click the category names in the navigation bar to quickly jump up the tree. You may also use the &lsquo;Up' button (yellow folder with a green up arrow icon) in the toolbar to go one category up, or the &lsquo;Home' button (house icon) to go all the way up to Home &ndash; the root category. To go deeper in the tree, simply click on the desired category.
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Affiliates</span><br/>
-This tab displays the list of all affiliates in the system. The grid has the following columns:<br/>
- <li>Username &ndash; the username of the affiliate, also a shortcut link to the &ldquo;Edit User&rdquo; form in the Community section</li>
- <li>Plan Name &ndash; the name of affiliate plan the affiliate user is assigned to</li>
- <li>Status &ndash; the status of the affiliate user </li>
- <li>Payment Type &ndash; the payment type the affiliate user has selected</li>
-The section has the following buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>New Affiliate &ndash; opens the &ldquo;Add affiliate&rdquo; form</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; opens the &ldquo;Affiliate edit&rdquo; form</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes the selected affiliates after confirmation</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; approves the selected affiliates (changes their status to Active)</li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; denies the selected affiliates (changes their status to Disabled)</li>
- <li>View &ndash; opens the view menu</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Affiliate Plan Add/Edit Form &ndash; General tab</span><br/>
-This form is used for creating and editing affiliate plans. It has the following fields:<br/>
- <li>Affiliate Plan ID &ndash; the internal ID of affiliate plan, read-only</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; the name of the affiliate plan</li>
- <li>Plan Type &ndash; the type of the plan, see section for description of the affiliate plan types</li>
- <li>Period &ndash; the calendar period for accumulating the order totals and matching the commission brackets. If set to monthly, each period will start on the first day of the calendar month and end at the last day of that month</li>
- <li>Primary &ndash; if checked, the affiliate plan will be designated as primary, and the previous primary plan will be reset to regular</li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; the status of the plan</li>
- <li>Minimal Payment amount &ndash; the minimal commission amount, which can be paid out according to this plan, for administrator information only</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-This is the first tab of the edit/add payment type form.<br/>
- <li>Payment Type ID &ndash; read-only internal unique system ID of the payment type.</li>
- <li>Name &ndash; Administrator-assigned nickname for the payment type.</li>
- <li>Description &ndash; the description of the payment type, how it will appear on the storefront, in the payment selection section during the checkout.</li>
- <li>Instructions &ndash; optional payment instructions, which appear on the storefront during the checkout. They are useful for payments such as check or wire transfer, to let the customer know where and how to send the payment.</li>
- <li>Admin Comments &ndash; comments about the payment type visible only to the administrator.</li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; this checkbox enables and disables the payment type.</li>
- <li>Allow Placed Orders Editing &ndash; this checkbox, when checked, allows the administrator to edit the billing and payment information of the orders after they have been submitted but not processed. If the box is unchecked, the orders are locked as soon as they are placed. This option is unchecked by default, and it is recommended to keep it that way for any gateway-related payment types.</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; the numeric priority of the payment type that affects the sort order on the storefront.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">General</span><br/>
-This is the first tab of the custom shipping type add or edit form. <br/>
- <li>ID &ndash; read-only unique internal system ID of the shipping type.</li>
- <li>Code &ndash; </li>
- <li>Name</li>
- <li>Speed Code</li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; this checkbox enables and disables the shipping type.</li>
- <li>Shipping Type &ndash; this radio button specifies the base amount on which the shipping cost is calculated. </li>
- <ul>
- <li>&ldquo;By weight&rdquo; means that the shipping cost brackets will be based on the total product weight. The weight (from the weight field) from each order item will be added up, and the cost will be looked up in the cost table by zone and bracket, into which the total weight falls.</li>
- <li>&ldquo;By item&rdquo; means that the shipping cost brackets will be based on the number of items in the order. The number of order items will be added up, and the cost will be looked up in the cost table by zone and bracket, into which this number falls.</li>
- <li>&ldquo;By amount&rdquo; means that the shipping cost brackets will be based on the total order amount. The cost will be looked up in the cost table by zone and bracket, into which the order amount falls.</li>
- <li>&ldquo;Handling&rdquo; means that this type of shipping does not depend on zones or brackets, and the charge is the same for all orders &ndash; base fee (see below). This is usually used for customer pickups, electronic downloads, etc &ndash; where a handling or packaging fee should be added to the order, but it does not depend on the products in the order or on the destination.</li>
- </ul>
- <li>Base Fee &ndash; this amount is added on top of the shipping cost looked up in the cost table. It is usually used for handling or packaging surcharge.</li>
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-The popup has the following fields allowing the administrator to control specific shipping limitations and rules for the selected product:<br/>
- <li>Allowed Shipping Types &ndash; controls the shipping limitation mode. If set to &lsquo;Any + Selected&rsquo; (the default), the product can be shipped with any enabled general shipping types and with any &lsquo;Selected Products Only&rsquo; types added below (see section Shipping for more info). If set to &lsquo;Selected Only&rsquo; the product can be shipped only with shipping types selected below. When the latter is selected and different shipping limitations apply to the products in the shopping cart, a note will be displayed to the customer with an option to manually select a shipping type for every group of tangible products in the shopping cart. If all the products in the shopping cart can&rsquo;t be shipped with at least one method the customer will be forced to select different shipping types for every group of tangible products in the cart </li>
- <li>Shipping Types &ndash; the field consists of two multiple select boxes and two buttons to move the shipping types from the &lsquo;Available&rsquo; box to the &lsquo;Selected&rsquo; box and back. The &lsquo;Available&rsquo; box lists all the shipping types available in the system. By moving the shipping types to the left (&lsquo;Selected&rsquo;) box, the administrator may apply various shipping restrictions, such as specify that a product can be shipped only with a specific shipping type.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Archived</span><br/>
-This tab contains all archived orders. Archived orders are successfully processed orders, which have been moved to a different section for ease of data management. There is no principal difference between archived and processed orders.<br/>
-One action unique to this and to the Denied section is Delete. Only Denied and Archived orders can be deleted. Deleting an order permanently removes it from the database, and cleans up any references to the order. There is no way to retrieve the order information after it has been deleted (unless you have database backups, which you will need to analyze manually), and moreover, the order number of a deleted order can technically be reused for another order (normally this would not happen, because the system uses the highest order number to generate the next one, therefore &ldquo;holes&rdquo; in the sequence are not used up). All of this could cause historical inaccuracies and difficulties tracing order details. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to delete orders, unless it is necessary for some other purposes. <br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once). You can only edit the administrator comments at this stage.</li>
- <li>Deleted &ndash; permanently removed the selected order from the database.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Inventory<br/>
-</span> This tab is facilitates the inventory management for tangible products. The following fields display the inventory status of the product you are editing (they all contain zeros for a new product):<br/>
- <li>Qty In Stock &ndash; this is the available quantity of the product. You may actually have more products at the warehouse, depending on the quantity reserved.</li>
- <li>Qty Reserved &ndash; this quantity is reserved in all pending orders. Physically, the products are still at your warehouse; however, they are already committed to your customers in their pending orders. Once an order is shipped, or denied, the quantity reserved is released.</li>
- <li>Qty Backordered &ndash; this is the amount of product on backorder (a sum of all quantities from the back orders for this product). Depending on your inventory control settings, as soon as you add products to your inventory, they may be allocated towards the backorders.</li>
- <li>Qty On Order &ndash; this is the amount of product you have ordered from the manufacturer or the distributor. It is the quantity that you are expecting to receive in order to replenish your supplies.</li>
-You cannot modify these numbers directly, because In-commerce enforces inventory control based on your order processing and inventory management. To modify these numbers, you need to enter the desired quantity in the &ldquo;Qty&rdquo; field, and use one of the inventory action commands, below:<br/>
- <li>Add &ndash; this replenishes your inventory. Note, that the amount may not be immediately added to the quantity in stock, depending on your backorder quantity and settings. Usually the backorders have priority and will be fulfilled before the product goes to stock.</li>
- <li>Remove &ndash; this removes products from your inventory. Usually this action is used to adjust for missing (broken) product. Remember, that all properly processed orders are accounted for automatically, so you do not need to adjust the inventory yourself for all your sales.</li>
- <li>Order &ndash; this action notifies the inventory that there is an order placed with the manufacturer or the distributor of the product. It increased the quantity on order field.</li>
- <li>Receive Order &ndash; this action signifies that you have received the product from the manufacturer or the distributor. It is similar to the &ldquo;Add&rdquo; action, but it also decreases the quantity on order field.</li>
- <li>Cancel Order &ndash; this action cancels the manufacturer&rsquo;s order and decrements the quantity on order field.</li>
-Note, that the system will prevent you from performing illegal actions with your inventory. It will try to fulfill the action up to the possible limit, and disregard the rest. For example, if you have 10 items in stock, and you are trying to remove 15, it will remove the 10 items, and disregard the order to remove the other 5.<br/>
-During a normal operation of the store, the administrator would use the &ldquo;Order&rdquo; and &ldquo;Receive Order&rdquo; actions most frequently. All other operations occur automatically as the orders are processed. (The other actions become necessary when something goes wrong, and manual adjustment is required).
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Processed<br/>
-</span>This tab contains all processed orders. Orders here have been completed and closed, so there is not much more to be done with them. Depending on your procedures, you may want to archive them at certain intervals, not to overload this section with too many orders (this does not affect the performance of the system, but having lots of pages to scroll through may complicate managing of the orders).<br/>
-This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar:<br/>
- <li>Edit &ndash; edits the selected orders (as with any other list in In-portal, you can edit multiple items at once). You can only edit the administrator comments at this stage.</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; creates a complete copy of the order, but assigns it a new order number, resets the status to &ldquo;Incomplete&rdquo; and clears any shipping dates and payment receipt confirmations. This is very useful for re-ordering &ndash; creating new orders for the same products to the same customer, as well as modifying orders when they have already been processed &ndash; to do this, clone the order and deny the original.</li>
- <li>Archive &ndash; archives the order (see manual for details about the archives)</li>
- <li>Print &ndash; prints the order invoice.</li>
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-<span style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Billing<br/>
-</span>This tab contains the billing information of the order. It has two toolbar action icons. &lsquo;Reset to user&rsquo; deletes the entered address information and replaces it with the information stored in the user profile. &lsquo;Reset to shipping&rsquo; deletes the entered address information and replaces it with the information from the shipping tab. Both only affect common fields found in all address blocks. Billing-specific information will be preserved.<br/>
- <li>Billing To, Billing Company, Billing Company, Billing Fax, Billing Email, Billing Address Line 1, Billing Address Line 2, Billing City, Billing Country, Billing State, Billing Zip code - all standard address fields for the billing information. The country, state and zip code determine the amount of taxes for the order. </li>
- <li>Payment Type &ndash; this dropdown contains all enabled payment types (if multiple currencies are enabled, then it only contains the payment types which support the currency of the order). </li>
- <li>Payment Account &ndash; this is the account number from which the payment is being made. For example, for credit card payments, it will contain the credit card number and expiration; for PayPal payments, it will contain the email address, and so on. </li>
- <li>Payment Date &ndash; the date on which the payment was received. This is either the date when the order was approved from Pending status, or the date when the card was processed by the system. </li>
- <li>Recurring Billing &ndash; controls if the order should be duplicated and charged on recurring basis. The system automatically sets this checkbox for orders containing recurring subscription products, when they are processed. The system will duplicate and charge only Processed and Archived orders with this checkbox set. </li>
- <li>Next Charge Date &ndash; applicable to recurring orders only. This field indicates the date when the order should be duplicated and charged. Note, that the order will be actually charged X days in advance. This period can be adjusted in the General Settings section of the In-commerce module. </li>
- <li>Charge on Next Approve &ndash; controls if the order should be charged when being approved by the administrator. This checkbox is useful when a recurring order has been denied during automatic processing and the administrator has reset it to pending status, or when the original authorization of the order has expired. The checkbox will be automatically cleared after the order has been processed. <br/>
- </li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Contact Information</span><br/>
-This is a simple form that collects store information, specifically the Contact Us and the Shipping From address. The former is used to generate the automatic Contact Us form on the storefront, and the latter is used for the shipping rate calculations in the shipping quote engines.
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-<p>This page allows configuring the product import options. The following options are available:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Import Filename - allows to upload a file for importing or select a file already on the server. The drop-down lists all the files found under admin/export directory relative to the In-portal root directory. This feature may be used to import large files that otherwise may not be uploaded directly due to PHP/Server limitations. In this case the administrator may upload the files to admin/export directory by other means such as FTP and then select them for importing.</li>
- <li>Fields separated by - a field delimiter for CSV format</li>
- <li>Fields enclosed by - a character used to enclose field values in CSV file</li>
- <li>Line endings - controls character(s) used to specify end of line in the file being imported - CR (carriage return) for Unix and CRLF (carriage return + line feed) for Windows</li>
- <li>Skip First row - skips the first row of the file being imported (usually the first row contains the column titles)</li>
- <li>Field Titles - if set to &quot;Automatic&quot; the system will try to detect the fields order in the file being imported automatically. The field titles need to be exactly the same as listed below in the &quot;Available columns&quot; list box. If a file previously exported from In-portal is being imported back - this option will reliably detect the field order. If a custom file is being imported and it does not contain field titles row or field titles are different from those supported by In-portal, the order of the fields in the file should be configured manually be selecting the fields from the available box by moving them into the left list box and by arranging them in the same descending order as they are in the file (going left to right)</li>
- <li>Import category - allows to specify the root category for product import. Any categories and sub-categories created during the import will be created in this category. The Home category is used by default</li>
- <li>Category separator - a character used to delimit categories and sub-categories in the &lsquo;CategoryPath&rsquo; field. If categories and sub-categories are in the separate columns the separator character is not used. In this case the fields selected above should be Category1..CateogryN according to the file being imported or automatic.</li>
- <li>Replace duplicates - controls if the products being imported should replace (update) the same products found in the database. Setting this option is mandatory when you want to import the data back into In-portal after modifying it in an external application</li>
- <li>Check duplicated by - controls which field of imported file should be used to locate duplicate products and to replace (update) them with the new data from the file. This option is used when &lsquo;Replace duplicates&rsquo; is on. The preferred option for checking duplicates is &quot;Id field (ProductId)&quot; when you import previously exported data back into In-portal. ProductId field should be present in the file being imported. Another option is to check duplicates by Name. </li>
- </ul>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Relations</span><br/>
-This tab contains a list of all relations of the product. To create a new relation, click the &lsquo;New&rsquo; button (two opposite green arrows with a little sun). This will pop up an item picker, where you can choose one category or item of any installed module that supports relations.<br/>
- <li>Relation ID &ndash; this is a read-only field, the internal system ID of the relation, guaranteed to be unique throughout the system. It is blank when a new relation is created.</li>
- <li>Item &ndash; this is a read-only field, displaying the name of the item that you are creating a relation to, and its type. In the current version, products can be related to categories, links (if In-link is installed), topics (if In-bulletin is installed) and articles (if In-newz is installed).</li>
- <li>Type &ndash; this field designated the type of the relation. A &lsquo;reciprocal&rsquo; type denotes a two-way relation, and &lsquo;one way&rsquo; &ndash; a one directional relation, from the product to the item. </li>
- <li>Enabled &ndash; this field is the status flag of the relation.</li>
- <li>Priority &ndash; this field is the numerical priority of the relation. The priority influences the sorting of related items.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Output Settings</span><br/>
-This section allows the administrator to specify the default behavior of the storefront, by specifying the sort order and the per page settings of various listings.<br/>
- <li>Order products by &ndash; this setting specifies the default primary sort order for the product listings. It applies both on the front-end, and in the Administrative Console &ndash; in the catalog. The first dropdown allows to select the field (an attribute of the product), and the second dropdown &ndash; the direction of the sorting.</li>
- <li>Then by &ndash; this setting specifies the default secondary sort order. It is set in the same way as the primary, and used when the primary order values are ambiguous. For example, when the primary sort value is &lsquo;Title&rsquo;, the secondary order will be used to sort among products with the same name (title).</li>
- <li>Number of products per page &ndash; specifies the default number of products shown per page. This value applies both to the front-end and to the Administrative Console. In the latter, this value can be changed for each session through the View menu.</li>
- <li>Number of products per page on a short listing &ndash; this setting is similar to the &lsquo;Number of products per page&rsquo;, but it applies to the front-end short product lists only. It can be overridden by setting the tag attributes in the appropriate templates.</li>
- <li>Number of days for a product to be New &ndash; this setting specifies the number of days, from the date of creation, during which the product will be automatically marked as &lsquo;New&rsquo; by the system. This setting will only apply to the products with the &lsquo;New&rsquo; flag set to &lsquo;Automatic&rsquo;.</li>
- <li>Minimum rating for a product to be Pop &ndash; this setting specifies the minimum rating of a product for it to be automatically marked &lsquo;Popular&rsquo; by the system. This setting will only apply to the products with the &lsquo;Popularity&rsquo; flag set to &lsquo;Automatic&rsquo;. Note, that for a product to be &ldquo;popular&rdquo; it will need to meet the &ldquo;minimum votes&rdquo; requirement set below. </li>
- <li>Minimum number of votes for a product to be Pop &ndash; this setting specifies the minimum number of votes required for the product rating to be effective. Usually, when only a small number of users have voted on a product, its rating will not be statistically accurate - it is likely, that only biased users have voted. When a larger number of users vote, the rating becomes more accurate. This setting affects the &ldquo;popularity&rdquo; property of a product &ndash; products with less than the required number of votes will not be considered &ldquo;popular&rdquo;, even if their rating is high enough.</li>
- <li>Number of Top Sellers products &ndash; this setting specifies the maximum number of automatic &ldquo;Top Seller&rdquo; products in the database. A &ldquo;Top Seller&rdquo; product is the one that has more Qty Sold than the other products. For example, if this option is set to &ldquo;2&rdquo;, the In-commerce system will pick the two products with the most sales and mark them as &ldquo;Top Seller&rdquo;. (Of course, this will change real-time as the products are purchased, or as this setting changes). Please note, if more than one product has the same number of sales and it is the maximum, the system will still enforce the maximum Top Seller requirement; therefore, there may be situations &ndash; although they are very rare - when a product with the most sales is not marked as &ldquo;Top Seller&rdquo;.</li>
- <li>Display Editor Picks above regular products &ndash; this setting will force all products, marked as &lsquo;Editor&rsquo;s pick&rsquo; to be displayed above the other products, regardless of their priority or sort order. Among themselves, &lsquo;Editor&rsquo;s pick&rsquo; products will be sorted according to the regular rules.</li>
- <li>Allow Duplicate Rating Votes - this setting specifies the period during which the same user cannot rate the same product again. The time can be entered in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years. If it is set to zero, the users can rate products without this limitation. Please note, that regardless of this setting, the same user will be able to rate another product immediately after the first rating (i.e. it only applies to the rating of the same product).</li>
- <li>Reviews per page &ndash; this setting specifies how many reviews will be listed on one page on the product details page.</li>
- <li>Allow Duplicate Reviews &ndash; this setting specifies the period during which the same user cannot submit another review on the same product. The time can be entered in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years. If it is set to zero, the users can submit reviews without this limitation. Please note, that regardless of this setting, the same user will be able to submit a review on another product immediately after the first review (i.e. it only applies to the reviews of the same product).</li>
- <li>Manufacturers per page - this setting specifies how many manufacturers will be listed on one page on the storefront.</li>
- <li>Manufacturers per page on a short listing - this setting specifies how many manufacturers will be listed on one page on the storefront, whenever they are listed in a short view.</li>
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Affiliate Plans<br/>
-</span>This section is used for creating and managing the affiliate plans. An Affiliate plan is a combination of rules used for affiliate commission calculations and payment terms. In-commerce supports two types of affiliate commission calculation &ndash; by amount and by item. <br/>
-The &ldquo;By amount&rdquo; type is used for calculating commission based on the total order amount generated by the affiliate. The &ldquo;By item&rdquo; type is used for calculations based on the total number of items sold. For both types, the commission amount is calculated as a percentage of total amount of all orders. This percentage depends on the commission bracket configuration. For commission type &ldquo;By amount&rdquo; ,the percentage will be determined by matching the total amount of all orders with the corresponding commission bracket. For commission type &ldquo;By item&rdquo;, the match will be performed on the total number of items sold. Both types use the cumulative amounts/items over the designated period. For example, if an affiliate plan uses &ldquo;By amount&rdquo; calculation, and is set to the period of one month, the commission percentage for all orders will be selected based on the cumulative order amounts during the calendar month. Suppose the brackets are set to pay out a commission of 10% for sales between $0 and $1,000 of the total order amounts, and 15% for $1,000 and more. In this case, the affiliate will first receive 10% commission for all the orders, until the cumulative order total reaches $1,000. If the affiliate exceeds $1,000 in sales during the calendar month, his or her commission for all the orders made since the beginning of the month will also be recalculated based on the 15% bracket. This system allows site administrator to create a flexible structure of the affiliate commissions, motivating the affiliates to generate more revenue for every given period, more sales that an affiliate generates results in a higher commission percentage awarded. <br/>
-The section displays the grid of all affiliate plans in the system with the following fields &ndash; Name, Plan Type, and Status.<br/>
-The toolbar of the section allows the following actions:<br/>
- <li>New Affiliate Plan &ndash; creates a new affiliate plan</li>
- <li>Edit &ndash; opens the affiliate plan edit form for the selected item</li>
- <li>Delete &ndash; deletes the selected affiliate plans after confirmation</li>
- <li>Clone &ndash; duplicates the selected affiliate plans. Administrator may use this function to create new affiliate plans based on already existing ones</li>
- <li>Set Primary &ndash; designates the affiliate plan as primary, only one affiliate plan should be selected to use this option. Newly registered affiliates are automatically assigned to the primary affiliate plan</li>
- <li>Approve &ndash; changes the status of the selected affiliate plans to enabled</li>
- <li>Deny &ndash; changes the status of the selected affiliate plans to disabled</li>
- <li>View &ndash; opens the view menu</li>
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Index: branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/custom_fields_list.txt
--- branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/custom_fields_list.txt (revision 12001)
+++ branches/RC/in-commerce/module_help/custom_fields_list.txt (nonexistent)
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-<span style="font-weight: bold;">Custom Fields<br/>
-</span>This section allows the administrator to manage the product custom fields. The product custom fields are useful when you need to store additional information about the product, and they are usually specific to the line of products offered at your online store. For example, the products may have such custom fields, as Features, Safety requirements, etc. Please note that all custom fields will apply to all products, so when you are creating them you need to choose the most general pieces of information possible. For instance, if your store sells only books, it is ok to have a field called ISBN; however, if you sell books, audio tapes and CDs, you might want to call it something else, or use the SKU field.<br/>
-All custom fields will be automatically used in the Administrative Console, in the Product Management section. You will need to edit the theme templates for them to appear on the storefront.<br/>
- <li>Field Id &ndash; this is a read-only field displaying the unique system ID of the custom field (it is only displayed when you edit an existing custom field).</li>
- <li>Field Name &ndash; sets the internal name of the custom field. This is the name you would use to refer to the custom field in the In-tags when designing templates.</li>
- <li>Field Label &ndash; this is a read-only field, which displays the language variable name associated with the label of that field, and the value of the variable in the current language (after the colon). The label is used on the front end, and in the Administrative Console, to describe the field to the user who is entering information into it.</li>
- <li>Show on the general tab &ndash; this setting controls whether the custom field will be also displayed on the General tab in the Administrative Console, when editing the topics. It is a short cut for frequently used custom fields. All settings below apply only when this is checked.</li>
- <li>Heading &ndash; this field contains the language variable of the section heading, under which the field appear on the general tab.</li>
- <li>Field Prompt &ndash; this field contains the language variable, which text will appear as the hint bind the field.</li>
- <li>Input Type &ndash; this drop down allows the administrator to designate the type of the information stored in the custom field, by specifying the HTML control to be used on the General form. </li>
- <li>List of Values &ndash; this field contains all choices for the above HTML controls of type &lsquo;radio button&rsquo; or &lsquo;drop down&rsquo;. The choices must be in the format: &ldquo;value1 = language variabe1, value2=language variable2&rdquo;. For example, to create a drop down with three choices (One, Two, Three) and their respective numerical values, this field would contain the following: &ldquo;1=la_one,2=la_two,3=la_three).</li>
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