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Index: branches/5.2.x/core/units/helpers/skin_helper.php
--- branches/5.2.x/core/units/helpers/skin_helper.php (revision 16567)
+++ branches/5.2.x/core/units/helpers/skin_helper.php (revision 16568)
@@ -1,259 +1,202 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class SkinHelper extends kHelper {
- * Regular expression, used to detect admin skin file among others
- */
- const SKIN_REGEXP = '/admin-(.*)-([\d]+).css/';
- /**
* Allows to read some skin fields and build link to admin skin file.
* Will automatically compile skin file, when missing.
- * @param Array $params
+ * @param array $params Tag params.
+ *
* @return string
- function AdminSkinTag($params)
+ public function AdminSkinTag(array $params)
- if (array_key_exists('type', $params)) {
- // returns given field of skin
- return $this->_getStyleField( $params['type'] );
+ // Returns given field of skin.
+ if ( array_key_exists('type', $params) ) {
+ return $this->_getStyleField($params['type']);
- $style_info = $this->_getStyleInfo();
- if (file_exists( $this->getSkinPath() )) {
- // returns last compiled skin
+ if ( file_exists($this->getSkinPath()) ) {
$ret = $this->getSkinPath(true);
else {
- // search for previously compiled skin
- $last_compiled = $this->_getLastCompiled( mb_strtolower($style_info['Name']) );
- if ($last_compiled) {
- // found
- $ret = $this->getSkinPath(true, $last_compiled);
- }
- else {
- // not found (try to compile on the fly)
- /** @var kDBItem $skin */
- $skin = $this->Application->recallObject('skin.-item', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
- $skin->Load(1, 'IsPrimary');
- $last_compiled = $this->compile($skin);
- $ret = $last_compiled ? $this->getSkinPath(true, $last_compiled) : '';
- }
+ /** @var kDBItem $skin */
+ $skin = $this->Application->recallObject('skin.-item', null, array('skip_autoload' => true));
+ $skin->Load(1, 'IsPrimary');
+ $ret = $this->compile($skin) ? $this->getSkinPath(true) : '';
- if (array_key_exists('file_only', $params) && $params['file_only']) {
+ if ( array_key_exists('file_only', $params) && $params['file_only'] ) {
return $ret;
+ $ret .= '?ts=' . adodb_date('Y-m-d_H:i:s', filemtime($this->getSkinPath()));
return '<link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="' . $ret . '" type="text/css" media="screen"/>';
* Compiles given skin object
- * @param kDBItem $object
+ * @param kDBItem $object Skin.
+ *
+ * @return integer
- function compile(&$object)
+ public function compile(kDBItem $object)
$ret = $object->GetDBField('CSS');
$options = $object->GetDBField('Options');
$options = unserialize($options);
- $options['base_url'] = Array ('Value' => rtrim(BASE_PATH, '/'));
+ $options['base_url'] = array('Value' => rtrim(BASE_PATH, '/'));
- foreach ($options as $key => $row) {
+ foreach ( $options as $key => $row ) {
$ret = str_replace('@@' . $key . '@@', $row['Value'], $ret);
$compile_ts = adodb_mktime();
- $css_file = $this->_getStylesheetPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin-' . mb_strtolower($object->GetDBField('Name')) . '-' . $compile_ts . '.css';
+ $style_name = $this->getSkinFilename($object->GetDBField('Name'));
+ $css_file = $this->_getStylesheetPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $style_name;
- $fp = fopen($css_file, 'w');
- if (!$fp) {
+ if ( file_put_contents($css_file, $ret) === false ) {
return false;
- $prev_css = $this->_getStylesheetPath() . '/admin-' . mb_strtolower($object->GetDBField('Name')) . '-' . $object->GetDBField('LastCompiled') . '.css';
- if (file_exists($prev_css)) {
- unlink($prev_css);
- }
- fwrite($fp, $ret);
- fclose($fp);
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $object->TableName . '
SET LastCompiled = ' . $compile_ts . '
WHERE ' . $object->IDField . ' = ' . $object->GetID();
$this->Application->incrementCacheSerial('skin', $object->GetID());
return $compile_ts;
* Returns fields of primary admin skin
- * @return Array
- * @access protected
+ * @return array
protected function _getStyleInfo()
$cache_key = 'primary_skin_info[%SkinSerial%]';
$ret = $this->Application->getCache($cache_key);
- if ($ret === false) {
+ if ( $ret === false ) {
$this->Conn->nextQueryCachable = true;
$sql = 'SELECT *
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'AdminSkins
WHERE IsPrimary = 1';
$ret = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
$this->Application->setCache($cache_key, $ret);
return $ret;
* Returns requested field value of primary admin skin
- * @param string $field
+ * @param string $field Field.
+ *
* @return string
- function _getStyleField($field)
+ protected function _getStyleField($field)
- if ($field == 'logo') {
- // old style method of calling
+ // Old style method of calling.
+ if ( $field == 'logo' ) {
$field = 'Logo';
$style_info = $this->_getStyleInfo();
- if (!$style_info[$field]) {
+ if ( !$style_info[$field] ) {
return '';
- $image_fields = Array ('Logo', 'LogoBottom', 'LogoLogin');
- if (in_array($field, $image_fields)) {
+ $image_fields = array('Logo', 'LogoBottom', 'LogoLogin');
+ if ( in_array($field, $image_fields) ) {
return $this->_getStylesheetPath(true) . '/' . $style_info[$field];
return $style_info[$field];
* Returns path, where compiled skin and it's image files are stored
- * @param bool $url
+ * @param boolean $url Return url or path.
+ *
* @return string
- * @access protected
protected function _getStylesheetPath($url = false)
- if ($url) {
- return $this->Application->BaseURL( str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', WRITEBALE_BASE) ) . 'user_files';
+ if ( $url ) {
+ $sub_folder = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', WRITEBALE_BASE) . '/user_files';
+ return $this->Application->BaseURL() . ltrim($sub_folder, '/');
return WRITEABLE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'user_files';
* Returns full path to primary admin skin using given or last compiled date
- * @param string|bool $url
- * @param int $compile_date
+ * @param boolean $url Return url or path..
+ *
* @return string
- * @access public
- public function getSkinPath($url = false, $compile_date = null)
+ public function getSkinPath($url = false)
$style_info = $this->_getStyleInfo();
- if ( !isset($compile_date) ) {
- $compile_date = $style_info['LastCompiled'];
- }
- $style_name = 'admin-' . mb_strtolower($style_info['Name']) . '-' . $compile_date . '.css';
+ $style_name = $this->getSkinFilename($style_info['Name']);
return $this->_getStylesheetPath($url) . ($url ? '/' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . $style_name;
- * Returns maximal compilation date for given skin name
+ * Returns skin filename without path.
+ *
+ * @param string $skin_name Skin name.
- * @param string $style_name
- * @return int
+ * @return string
- function _getLastCompiled($style_name)
+ protected function getSkinFilename($skin_name)
- $last_compiled = 0;
- $iterator = new DirectoryIterator( $this->_getStylesheetPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
- /** @var DirectoryIterator $file_info */
- foreach ($iterator as $file_info) {
- if ( !$file_info->isFile() ) {
- continue;
- }
- $regs = $this->isSkinFile( $file_info->getFilename() );
- if ( $regs && $regs[1] == $style_name && $regs[2] > $last_compiled ) {
- $last_compiled = max($last_compiled, $regs[2]);
- }
- }
- return $last_compiled;
+ return 'admin-' . mb_strtolower($skin_name) . '.css';
* Deletes all compiled versions of all skins
+ * @return void
- function deleteCompiled()
+ public function deleteCompiled()
- $iterator = new DirectoryIterator( $this->_getStylesheetPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
- /** @var DirectoryIterator $file_info */
+ $files = glob($this->_getStylesheetPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin-*.css');
- foreach ($iterator as $file_info) {
- if ( $file_info->isFile() && $this->isSkinFile( $file_info->getFilename() ) ) {
- unlink( $file_info->getPathname() );
- }
+ if ( $files ) {
+ array_map('unlink', $files);
- /**
- * Determines if given file is admin skin file
- *
- * @param string $filename
- * @return array|bool
- * @access protected
- */
- protected function isSkinFile($filename)
- {
- if ( preg_match(self::SKIN_REGEXP, $filename, $regs) ) {
- return $regs;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }

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