* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2011 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See http://www.in-portal.org/license for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class PageHelper extends kHelper {
* Returns page info
* @param int $page_id
* @return Array
function getPageInfo($page_id)
list ($user_id, $history_permission) = $this->getHistoryPermissionAndUser($page_id);
$where_clause = Array (
'pr.PageId = ' . $page_id,
'pr.CreatedById <> ' . $user_id,
'pr.IsDraft = 1',
- $sql = 'SELECT CASE pr.CreatedById WHEN ' . USER_ROOT . ' THEN "root" WHEN ' . USER_GUEST . ' THEN "Guest" ELSE u.Username END
+ $sql = 'SELECT CASE pr.CreatedById WHEN ' . USER_ROOT . ' THEN "root" WHEN ' . USER_GUEST . ' THEN "Guest" ELSE IF(u.Username = "", u.Email, u.Username) END
FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('page-revision', 'TableName') . ' pr
LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Users u ON u.PortalUserId = pr.CreatedById
WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $where_clause) . ')';
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'MaintenanceMessageFront', 'Website is currently undergoing the upgrades. Please come back shortly!', 'In-Portal', 'in-portal:configure_advanced', 'la_section_SettingsMaintenance', 'la_config_MaintenanceMessageFront', 'textarea', '', 'style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"', '15.01', 0, 0, 'hint:la_config_MaintenanceMessageFront');
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'MaintenanceMessageAdmin', 'Website is currently undergoing the upgrades. Please come back shortly!', 'In-Portal', 'in-portal:configure_advanced', 'la_section_SettingsMaintenance', 'la_config_MaintenanceMessageAdmin', 'textarea', '', 'style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"', '15.02', 0, 0, 'hint:la_config_MaintenanceMessageAdmin');
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'User_NewGroup', '13', 'In-Portal:Users', 'in-portal:configure_users', 'la_title_General', 'la_users_new_group', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none||<SQL+>SELECT GroupId as OptionValue, Name as OptionName FROM <PREFIX>UserGroups WHERE Enabled=1 AND Personal=0</SQL>', 10.08, 0, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'User_LoggedInGroup', '15', 'In-Portal:Users', 'in-portal:configure_users', 'la_title_General', 'la_users_assign_all_to', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none||<SQL+>SELECT GroupId as OptionValue, Name as OptionName FROM <PREFIX>UserGroups WHERE Enabled=1 AND Personal=0</SQL>', 10.09, 0, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'User_GuestGroup', '14', 'In-Portal:Users', 'in-portal:configure_users', 'la_title_General', 'la_users_guest_group', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none||<SQL+>SELECT GroupId as OptionValue, Name as OptionName FROM <PREFIX>UserGroups WHERE Enabled=1 AND Personal=0</SQL>', 10.1, 0, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'User_SubscriberGroup', '12', 'In-Portal:Users', 'in-portal:configure_users', 'la_title_General', 'la_users_subscriber_group', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none||<SQL+>SELECT GroupId as OptionValue, Name as OptionName FROM <PREFIX>UserGroups WHERE Enabled=1 AND Personal=0</SQL>', 10.11, 0, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'User_AdminGroup', '11', 'In-Portal:Users', 'in-portal:configure_users', 'la_title_General', 'la_users_admin_group', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none||<SQL+>SELECT GroupId as OptionValue, Name as OptionName FROM <PREFIX>UserGroups WHERE Enabled=1 AND Personal=0</SQL>', 10.12, 0, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO SystemSettings VALUES(DEFAULT, 'User_Default_Registration_Country', '', 'In-Portal:Users', 'in-portal:configure_users', 'la_title_General', 'la_config_DefaultRegistrationCountry', 'select', NULL, '=+||<SQL+>SELECT l%3$s_Name AS OptionName, CountryStateId AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>CountryStates WHERE Type = 1 ORDER BY OptionName</SQL>', 10.13, 0, 0, NULL);
INSERT INTO EmailEvents (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'FORM.SUBMITTED', NULL, 1, 0, 'Core', 'This e-mail is sent to a user after filling in the Contact Us form', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO EmailEvents (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'FORM.SUBMITTED', NULL, 1, 0, 'Core', 'This e-mail is sent to a user after filling in the Contact Us form', 0, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO EmailEvents (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'FORM.SUBMISSION.REPLY.TO.USER', NULL, 1, 0, 'Core', 'Admin Reply to User Form Submission', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO EmailEvents (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, Module, Description, Type, AllowChangingSender, AllowChangingRecipient) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'FORM.SUBMISSION.REPLY.FROM.USER', NULL, 1, 0, 'Core', 'User Replied to It\'s Form Submission', 1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT count(*) FROM <%prefix%>Categories WHERE Status=1 ', NULL, 'la_prompt_ActiveCategories', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT count(*) FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE Status=1 ', NULL, 'la_prompt_ActiveUsers', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT count(*) FROM <%prefix%>UserSessions', NULL, 'la_prompt_CurrentSessions', '0', '1');
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) as CategoryCount FROM <%prefix%>Categories', NULL, 'la_prompt_TotalCategories', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ActiveCategories FROM <%prefix%>Categories WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_ActiveCategories', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS PendingCategories FROM <%prefix%>Categories WHERE Status = 2', NULL, 'la_prompt_PendingCategories', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS DisabledCategories FROM <%prefix%>Categories WHERE Status = 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_DisabledCategories', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS NewCategories FROM <%prefix%>Categories WHERE (NewItem = 1) OR ( (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - CreatedOn) <= <%m:config name="Category_DaysNew"%>*86400 AND (NewItem = 2) )', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewCategories', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <%prefix%>Categories WHERE EditorsPick = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_CategoryEditorsPick', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(CreatedOn)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Categories', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewestCategoryDate', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(Modified)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Categories', NULL, 'la_prompt_LastCategoryUpdate', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalUsers FROM <%prefix%>Users', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicsUsers', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ActiveUsers FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersActive', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS PendingUsers FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE Status = 2', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersPending', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS DisabledUsers FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE Status = 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersDisabled', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT <%m:post_format field="MAX(CreatedOn)" type="date"%> FROM <%prefix%>Users', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewestUserDate', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT LOWER( Country ) ) FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE LENGTH(Country) > 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersUniqueCountries', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT LOWER( State ) ) FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE LENGTH(State) > 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersUniqueStates', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalUserGroups FROM <%prefix%>UserGroups', NULL, 'la_prompt_TotalUserGroups', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS BannedUsers FROM <%prefix%>Users WHERE IsBanned = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_BannedUsers', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS NonExipedSessions FROM <%prefix%>UserSessions WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_NonExpiredSessions', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ThemeCount FROM <%prefix%>Themes', NULL, 'la_prompt_ThemeCount', 0, 2);
INSERT INTO StatItem VALUES (DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS RegionsCount FROM <%prefix%>Languages', NULL, 'la_prompt_RegionsCount', 0, 2);
#INSERT INTO PageContent VALUES (DEFAULT, 1, 1, '<span style="font-weight: bold;">In-portal</span> is a revolutionary Web Site management system that allows you to automate and facilitate management of large portal and community web sites. Regardless of whether you are running a directory site or a content news portal, a community site or an online mall, In-portal will enhance your web site management experience with innovative.</span><br><br>We are proud to present our newly developed <b>"default"</b> theme that introduces a fresh look as well totally new approach in the template system.</span><br>', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);