+ if ($.isFunction(settings[i]) && i.slice(0, 2) !== 'on') { // checks to make sure the function isn't one of the callbacks, they will be handled at the appropriate time.
+ .css({height: getHeight()})// sets the height independently from the width in case the new width influences the value of height.
+ .prependTo($content);
+ $loadingBay.hide();
+ // floating the IMG removes the bottom line-height and fixed a problem where IE miscalculates the width of the parent element as 100% of the document width.
+ $(photo).css({'float': 'none'});
+ callback = function () {
+ var total = $related.length,
+ iframe,
+ frameBorder = 'frameBorder',
+ allowTransparency = 'allowTransparency',
+ complete;
+ if (!open) {
+ return;
+ }
+ function removeFilter() { // Needed for IE7 & IE8 in versions of jQuery prior to 1.7.2