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Index: branches/5.2.x/core/kernel/nparser/nparser.php
--- branches/5.2.x/core/kernel/nparser/nparser.php (revision 15411)
+++ branches/5.2.x/core/kernel/nparser/nparser.php (revision 15412)
@@ -1,1206 +1,1206 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
define('TAG_NAMESPACE', 'inp2:');
class NParser extends kBase {
var $Stack = Array ();
var $Level = 0;
var $Buffers = array();
var $InsideComment = false;
* Parse tags inside HTML comments
* @var bool
var $SkipComments = true;
var $Params = array();
var $ParamsStack = array();
var $ParamsLevel = 0;
var $Definitions = '';
* Holds dynamic elements to function names mapping during execution
* @var Array
var $Elements = Array ();
* Holds location of element definitions inside templates.
* key - element function name, value - array of 2 keys: {from_pos, to_pos}
* @var Array
var $ElementLocations = Array ();
var $DataExists = false;
var $TemplateName = null;
var $TempalteFullPath = null;
var $CachePointers = Array ();
var $Cachable = Array ();
* Deep level during parsing
* @var int
var $CacheLevel = 0;
* Caching in templates enabled
* @var bool
var $CachingEnabled = false;
* Completely cache given page
* @var bool
var $FullCachePage = false;
* Prefixes, that are used on current page
* @var Array
var $PrefixesInUse = Array ();
* Parser parameter names, that are created via m_Capture tag are listed here
* @var Array
var $Captures = array();
* Phrases, used on "Edit" buttons, that parser adds during block decoration
* @var Array
var $_btnPhrases = Array ();
* Mod-rewrite system enabled
* @var bool
var $RewriteUrls = false;
* Current user is logged-in
* @var bool
var $UserLoggedIn = false;
* Creates template parser object
* @access public
public function __construct()
$this->_btnPhrases['design'] = $this->Application->Phrase('la_btn_EditDesign', false, true);
$this->_btnPhrases['block'] = $this->Application->Phrase('la_btn_EditBlock', false, true);
$this->RewriteUrls = $this->Application->RewriteURLs();
$this->UserLoggedIn = $this->Application->LoggedIn();
// cache only Front-End templated, when memory caching is available and template caching is enabled in configuration
$this->CachingEnabled = !$this->Application->isAdmin && $this->Application->ConfigValue('SystemTagCache') && $this->Application->isCachingType(CACHING_TYPE_MEMORY);
function Compile($pre_parsed, $template_name = 'unknown')
$data = file_get_contents($pre_parsed['tname']);
if (!$this->CompileRaw($data, $pre_parsed['tname'], $template_name)) {
// compilation failed during errors in template
// trigger_error('Template "<strong>' . $template_name . '</strong>" not compiled because of errors', E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
// saving compiled version (only when compilation was successful)
$this->Application->TemplatesCache->saveTemplate($pre_parsed['fname'], $this->Buffers[0]);
return true;
function Parse($raw_template, $name = null)
$this->CompileRaw($raw_template, $name);
$_parser =& $this;
return ob_get_clean();
function CompileRaw($data, $t_name, $template_name = 'unknown')
$code = "extract (\$_parser->Params);\n";
$code .= "\$_parser->ElementLocations['{$template_name}'] = Array('template' => '{$template_name}', 'start_pos' => 0, 'end_pos' => " . strlen($data) . ");\n";
// $code .= "__@@__DefinitionsMarker__@@__\n";
// $code .= "if (!\$this->CacheStart('".abs(crc32($t_name))."_0')) {\n";
$this->Buffers[0] = '<?'."php $code ?>\n";
$this->Cacheable[0] = true;
$this->Definitions = '';
// finding all the tags
$reg = '(.*?)(<[\\/]?)' . TAG_NAMESPACE . '([^>]*?)([\\/]?>)(\r\n){0,1}';
preg_match_all('/'.$reg.'/s', $data, $results, PREG_SET_ORDER + PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$this->InsideComment = false;
foreach ($results as $tag_data) {
$tag = array(
'opening' => $tag_data[2][0],
'tag' => $tag_data[3][0],
'closing' => $tag_data[4][0],
'line' => substr_count(substr($data, 0, $tag_data[2][1]), "\n")+1,
'pos' => $tag_data[2][1],
'file' => $t_name,
'template' => $template_name,
// the idea is to count number of comment openings and closings before current tag
// if the numbers do not match we inverse the status of InsideComment
if ($this->SkipComments && (substr_count($tag_data[1][0], '<!--') != substr_count($tag_data[1][0], '-->'))) {
$this->InsideComment = !$this->InsideComment;
// appending any text/html data found before tag
$this->Buffers[$this->Level] .= $tag_data[1][0];
if (!$this->InsideComment) {
$tmp_tag = $this->Application->CurrentNTag;
$this->Application->CurrentNTag = $tag;
if ($this->ProcessTag($tag) === false) {
$this->Application->CurrentNTag = $tmp_tag;
return false;
$this->Application->CurrentNTag = $tmp_tag;
else {
$this->Buffers[$this->Level] .= $tag_data[2][0] . TAG_NAMESPACE . $tag_data[3][0] . $tag_data[4][0];
if ($this->Level > 0) {
$error_tag = Array (
'file' => $this->Stack[$this->Level]->Tag['file'],
'line' => $this->Stack[$this->Level]->Tag['line'],
throw new ParserException('Unclosed tag opened by ' . $this->TagInfo($this->Stack[$this->Level]->Tag), 0, null, $error_tag);
return false;
// appending text data after last tag (after its closing pos),
// if no tag was found at all ($tag_data is not set) - append the whole $data
$this->Buffers[$this->Level] .= isset($tag_data) ? substr($data, $tag_data[4][1]+strlen($tag_data[4][0])) : $data;
$this->Buffers[$this->Level] = preg_replace('/<!--##(.*?)##-->/s', '', $this->Buffers[$this->Level]); // remove hidden comments IB#23065
// $this->Buffers[$this->Level] .= '<?'.'php '."\n\$_parser->CacheEnd();\n}\n"." ?".">\n";
// $this->Buffers[$this->Level] = str_replace('__@@__DefinitionsMarker__@@__', $this->Definitions, $this->Buffers[$this->Level]);
return true;
function SplitParamsStr($params_str)
preg_match_all('/([\${}a-zA-Z0-9_.\\-\\\\#\\[\\]]+)=(["\']{1,1})(.*?)(?<!\\\)\\2/s', $params_str, $rets, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$values = Array();
// we need to replace all occurences of any current param $key with {$key} for correct variable substitution
foreach ($rets AS $key => $val){
$values[$val[1]] = str_replace('\\' . $val[2], $val[2], $val[3]);
return $values;
function SplitTag($tag)
if (!preg_match('/([^_ \t\r\n]*)[_]?([^ \t\r\n]*)[ \t\r\n]*(.*)$$/s', $tag['tag'], $parts)) {
// this is virtually impossible, but just in case
throw new ParserException('Incorrect tag format: ' . $tag['tag'], 0, null, $tag);
return false;
$splited['prefix'] = $parts[2] ? $parts[1] : '__auto__';
$splited['name'] = $parts[2] ? $parts[2] : $parts[1];
$splited['attrs'] = $parts[3];
return $splited;
function ProcessTag($tag)
$splited = $this->SplitTag($tag);
if ($splited === false) {
return false;
$tag = array_merge($tag, $splited);
$tag['processed'] = false;
$tag['NP'] = $this->SplitParamsStr($tag['attrs']);
$o = '';
$tag['is_closing'] = $tag['opening'] == '</' || $tag['closing'] == '/>';
if (class_exists('_Tag_'.$tag['name'])) { // block tags should have special handling class
if ($tag['opening'] == '<') {
$class = '_Tag_'.$tag['name'];
$instance = new $class($tag);
$instance->Parser =& $this;
/* @var $instance _BlockTag */
$this->Stack[++$this->Level] =& $instance;
$this->Buffers[$this->Level] = '';
$this->Cachable[$this->Level] = true;
$open_code = $instance->Open($tag);
if ($open_code === false) {
return false;
$o .= $open_code;
if ($tag['is_closing']) { // not ELSE here, because tag may be <empty/> and still has a handler-class
if ($this->Level == 0) {
$dump = array();
foreach ($this->Stack as $instance) {
$dump[] = $instance->Tag;
if ( $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) {
$error_msg = 'Closing tag without an opening: ' . $this->TagInfo($tag) . ' - <strong>probably opening tag was removed or nested tags error</strong>';
throw new ParserException($error_msg, 0, null, $tag);
return false;
if ($this->Stack[$this->Level]->Tag['name'] != $tag['name']) {
$opening_tag = $this->Stack[$this->Level]->Tag;
$error_msg = ' Closing tag ' . $this->TagInfo($tag) . ' does not match
opening tag at current nesting level
(' . $this->TagInfo($opening_tag) . ' opened at line ' . $opening_tag['line'] . ')';
throw new ParserException($error_msg, 0, null, $tag);
return false;
$o .= $this->Stack[$this->Level]->Close($tag); // DO NOT use $this->Level-- here because it's used inside Close
else { // regular tags - just compile
if (!$tag['is_closing']) {
$error_msg = 'Tag without a handler: ' . $this->TagInfo($tag) . ' - <strong>probably missing &lt;empty <span style="color: red">/</span>&gt; tag closing</strong>';
throw new ParserException($error_msg, 0, null, $tag);
return false;
if ($this->Level > 0) $o .= $this->Stack[$this->Level]->PassThrough($tag);
if (!$tag['processed']) {
$compiled = $this->CompileTag($tag);
if ($compiled === false) return false;
if (isset($tag['NP']['cachable']) && (!$tag['NP']['cachable'] || $tag['NP']['cachable'] == 'false')) {
$this->Cachable[$this->Level] = false;
$o .= '<?'.'php ' . $compiled . " ?>\n";
// $o .= '<?'.'php ';
// $o .= (isset($tag['NP']['cachable']) && (!$tag['NP']['cachable'] || $tag['NP']['cachable'] == 'false')) ? $this->BreakCache($compiled, $this->GetPointer($tag)) : $compiled;
// $o .= " ?".">\n";
$this->Buffers[$this->Level] .= $o;
return true;
function GetPointer($tag)
return abs(crc32($tag['file'])).'_'.$tag['line'];
function BreakCache($code, $pointer, $condition='')
return "\$_parser->CacheEnd();\n}\n" . $code."\nif ( !\$_parser->CacheStart('{$pointer}'" . ($condition ? ", {$condition}" : '') . ") ) {\n";
function TagInfo($tag, $with_params=false)
return "<b>{$tag['prefix']}_{$tag['name']}".($with_params ? ' '.$tag['attrs'] : '')."</b>";
function CompileParamsArray($arr)
$to_pass = 'Array(';
foreach ($arr as $name => $val) {
$to_pass .= '"'.$name.'" => "'.str_replace('"', '\"', $val).'",';
$to_pass .= ')';
return $to_pass;
function CompileTag($tag)
$code = '';
$to_pass = $this->CompileParamsArray($tag['NP']);
if ($tag['prefix'] == '__auto__') {
$prefix = $this->GetParam('PrefixSpecial');
$code .= '$_p_ =& $_parser->GetProcessor($PrefixSpecial);'."\n";
$code .= 'echo $_p_->ProcessParsedTag(\''.$tag['name'].'\', '.$to_pass.', "$PrefixSpecial", \''.$tag['file'].'\', '.$tag['line'].');'."\n";
else {
$prefix = $tag['prefix'];
$code .= '$_p_ =& $_parser->GetProcessor("'.$tag['prefix'].'");'."\n";
$code .= 'echo $_p_->ProcessParsedTag(\''.$tag['name'].'\', '.$to_pass.', "'.$tag['prefix'].'", \''.$tag['file'].'\', '.$tag['line'].');'."\n";
if (array_key_exists('result_to_var', $tag['NP']) && $tag['NP']['result_to_var']) {
$code .= "\$params['{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}'] = \$_parser->GetParam('{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}');\n";
$code .= "\${$tag['NP']['result_to_var']} = \$params['{$tag['NP']['result_to_var']}'];\n";
if ($prefix && strpos($prefix, '$') === false) {
$p =& $this->GetProcessor($prefix);
if (!is_object($p) || !$p->CheckTag($tag['name'], $tag['prefix'])) {
$error_msg = 'Unknown tag: ' . $this->TagInfo($tag) . ' - <strong>incorrect tag name or prefix</strong>';
throw new ParserException($error_msg, 0, null, $tag);
return false;
return $code;
function CheckTemplate($t, $silent = null)
$pre_parsed = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetPreParsed($t);
if (!$pre_parsed) {
if (!$silent) {
throw new ParserException('Cannot include "<strong>' . $t . '</strong>" - file does not exist');
return false;
if (!$pre_parsed || !$pre_parsed['active'] || $force_compile) {
$inc_parser = new NParser();
if ($force_compile) {
// remove Front-End theme markings during total compilation
$t = preg_replace('/^theme:.*?\//', '', $t);
if (!$inc_parser->Compile($pre_parsed, $t)) {
return false;
return $pre_parsed;
function Run($t, $silent = null)
if ((strpos($t, '../') !== false) || (trim($t) !== $t)) {
// when relative paths or special chars are found template names from url, then it's hacking attempt
return false;
$pre_parsed = $this->CheckTemplate($t, $silent);
if (!$pre_parsed) {
return false;
$backup_template = $this->TemplateName;
$backup_fullpath = $this->TempalteFullPath;
$this->TemplateName = $t;
$this->TempalteFullPath = $pre_parsed['tname'];
if (!isset($backup_template) && $this->CachingEnabled && !$this->UserLoggedIn && !EDITING_MODE) {
// this is main page template -> check for page-based aggressive caching settings
$output =& $this->RunMainPage($pre_parsed);
else {
$output =& $this->Application->TemplatesCache->runTemplate($this, $pre_parsed);
$this->TemplateName = $backup_template;
$this->TempalteFullPath = $backup_fullpath;
return $output;
function &RunMainPage($pre_parsed)
$page = $this->Application->recallObject('st.-virtual');
/* @var $page kDBItem */
if ($page->isLoaded()) {
// page found in database
$debug_mode = $this->Application->isDebugMode(); // don't cache debug output
$template_path = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(FULL_PATH, '/') . '/', '', $this->TempalteFullPath, 1);
$element = ($debug_mode ? 'DEBUG_MODE:' : '') . 'file=' . $template_path;
$this->FullCachePage = $page->GetDBField('EnablePageCache');
if ($this->FullCachePage && $page->GetDBField('PageCacheKey')) {
// page caching enabled -> try to get from cache
$cache_key = $this->FormCacheKey($element, $page->GetDBField('PageCacheKey'));
$output = $this->getCache($cache_key);
if ($output !== false) {
return $output;
// page not cached OR cache expired
$output =& $this->Application->TemplatesCache->runTemplate($this, $pre_parsed);
if ($this->FullCachePage && $page->GetDBField('PageCacheKey')) {
$cache_key = $this->FormCacheKey($element, $page->GetDBField('PageCacheKey'));
$this->setCache($cache_key, $output, (int)$page->GetDBField('PageExpiration'));
else {
// page not found in database
$output =& $this->Application->TemplatesCache->runTemplate($this, $pre_parsed);
return $output;
* Generate page caching key based on prefixes used on it + prefix IDs passed in url
* @param kDBItem $page
function generatePageCacheKey(&$page)
if (!$page->isLoaded() || $page->GetDBField('OverridePageCacheKey')) {
return ;
$page_cache_key = Array ();
// nobody resets "m" prefix serial, don't count no user too
unset($this->PrefixesInUse['m'], $this->PrefixesInUse['u']);
if (array_key_exists('st', $this->PrefixesInUse)) {
// prefix "st" serial will never be changed
$this->PrefixesInUse['c'] = 1;
$prefix_ids = Array ();
$prefixes = array_keys($this->PrefixesInUse);
foreach ($prefixes as $index => $prefix) {
$id = $this->Application->GetVar($prefix . '_id');
if (is_numeric($id)) {
if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
$this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Found: "' . $prefix . '_id" = ' . $id . ' during PageCacheKey forming.');
$prefix_ids[] = $prefix;
if ($prefix_ids) {
$page_cache_key[] = 'prefix_id:' . implode(',', $prefix_ids);
if ($prefixes) {
$page_cache_key[] = 'prefix:' . implode(',', $prefixes);
$page_cache_key = implode(';', $page_cache_key);
if ($page_cache_key != $page->GetOriginalField('PageCacheKey')) {
if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
$this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Canging PageCacheKey from "<strong>' . $page->GetOriginalField('PageCacheKey') . '</strong>" to "<strong>' . $page_cache_key . '</strong>".');
$page->SetDBField('PageCacheKey', $page_cache_key);
// don't use kDBItem::Update(), because it will change ModifiedById to current front-end user
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $page->TableName . '
- SET PageCacheKey = ' . $page->Conn->qstr($page_cache_key) . '
+ SET PageCacheKey = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($page_cache_key) . '
WHERE ' . $page->IDField . ' = ' . $page->GetID();
- $page->Conn->Query($sql);
+ $this->Conn->Query($sql);
// increment serial, because we issue direct sql above!
$this->Application->incrementCacheSerial('c', $page->GetID());
* Creates tag processor and stores it in local cache + factory
* @param string $prefix
* @return kTagProcessor
function &GetProcessor($prefix)
static $processors = Array ();
if ( !isset($processors[$prefix]) ) {
$processors[$prefix] = $this->Application->recallObject($prefix . '_TagProcessor');
return $processors[$prefix];
* Not tag. Method for parameter selection from list in this TagProcessor
* @param Array $params
* @param Array $possible_names
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function SelectParam($params, $possible_names)
if ( !is_array($params) ) {
return '';
if ( !is_array($possible_names) ) {
$possible_names = explode(',', $possible_names);
foreach ($possible_names as $name) {
if ( isset($params[$name]) ) {
return $params[$name];
return '';
function SetParams($params)
$this->Params = $params;
$keys = array_keys($this->Params);
function GetParam($name)
return isset($this->Params[$name]) ? $this->Params[$name] : false;
function SetParam($name, $value)
$this->Params[$name] = $value;
function PushParams($params)
$this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsLevel++] = $this->Params;
$this->Params = $params;
function PopParams()
$this->Params = $this->ParamsStack[--$this->ParamsLevel];
function ParseBlock($params, $pass_params=false)
if (array_key_exists('cache_timeout', $params) && $params['cache_timeout']) {
$ret = $this->getCache( $this->FormCacheKey('element_' . $params['name']) );
if ($ret) {
return $ret;
if (substr($params['name'], 0, 5) == 'html:') {
return substr($params['name'], 5);
if (!array_key_exists($params['name'], $this->Elements) && array_key_exists('default_element', $params)) {
// when given element not found, but default element name given, then render it instead
$params['name'] = $params['default_element'];
return $this->ParseBlock($params, $pass_params);
$original_params = $params;
if ($pass_params || isset($params['pass_params'])) $params = array_merge($this->Params, $params);
$data_exists_bak = $this->DataExists;
// if we are parsing design block and we have block_no_data - we need to wrap block_no_data into design,
// so we should set DataExists to true manually, otherwise the design block will be skipped because of data_exists in params (by Kostja)
// keep_data_exists is used by block RenderElement (always added in ntags.php), to keep the DataExists value
// from inside-content block, otherwise when parsing the design block DataExists will be reset to false resulting missing design block (by Kostja)
// Inside-content block parsing result is given to design block in "content" parameter (ntags.php) and "keep_data_exists"
// is only passed, when parsing design block. In case, when $this->DataExists is set to true, but
// zero-length content (in 2 cases: method NParser::CheckNoData set it OR really empty block content)
// is returned from inside-content block, then design block also should not be shown (by Alex)
$this->DataExists = (isset($params['keep_data_exists']) && isset($params['content']) && $params['content'] != '' && $this->DataExists) || (isset($params['design']) && isset($params['block_no_data']) && $params['name'] == $params['design']);
if (!array_key_exists($params['name'], $this->Elements)) {
$pre_parsed = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetPreParsed($params['name']);
if ($pre_parsed) {
$ret = $this->IncludeTemplate($params);
if (array_key_exists('no_editing', $params) && $params['no_editing']) {
// when individual render element don't want to be edited
return $ret;
return defined('EDITING_MODE') ? $this->DecorateBlock($ret, $params, true) : $ret;
$trace_results = debug_backtrace();
$error_tag = Array (
'file' => $trace_results[0]['file'],
'line' => $trace_results[0]['line'],
$error_msg = '<strong>Rendering of undefined element ' . $params['name'] . '</strong>';
throw new ParserException($error_msg, 0, null, $error_tag);
return false;
$m_processor =& $this->GetProcessor('m');
$flag_values = $m_processor->PreparePostProcess($params);
$f_name = $this->Elements[$params['name']];
/* @var $f_name Closure */
$ret = $f_name($this, $params);
$ret = $m_processor->PostProcess($ret, $flag_values);
$block_params = $this->Params; // input parameters, but modified inside rendered block
if (array_key_exists('result_to_var', $flag_values) && $flag_values['result_to_var']) {
// when "result_to_var" used inside ParseBlock, then $$result_to_var parameter is set inside ParseBlock,
// but not outside it as expected and got lost at all after PopParams is called, so make it work by
// setting it's value on current parameter deep level (from where ParseBlock was called)
$this->SetParam($flag_values['result_to_var'], $block_params[ $flag_values['result_to_var'] ]);
$this->CheckNoData($ret, $params);
$this->DataExists = $data_exists_bak || $this->DataExists;
if (array_key_exists('cache_timeout', $original_params) && $original_params['cache_timeout']) {
$cache_key = $this->FormCacheKey('element_' . $original_params['name']);
$this->setCache($cache_key, $ret, (int)$original_params['cache_timeout']);
if (array_key_exists('no_editing', $block_params) && $block_params['no_editing']) {
// when individual render element don't want to be edited
return $ret;
return defined('EDITING_MODE') ? $this->DecorateBlock($ret, $params) : $ret;
* Checks, that given block is defined
* @param string $name
* @return bool
function blockFound($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->Elements);
function DecorateBlock($block_content, $block_params, $is_template = false)
static $used_ids = Array (), $base_url = null;
if (!isset($base_url)) {
$base_url = $this->Application->BaseURL();
// $prepend = '[name: ' . $block_params['name'] . '] [params: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($block_params)) . ']';
$decorate = false;
$design = false;
$decorate = true;
if ($is_template) {
// content inside pair RenderElement tag
else {
if (strpos($block_params['name'], '__capture_') === 0) {
// capture tag (usually inside pair RenderElement)
$decorate = false;
elseif (array_key_exists('content', $block_params)) {
// pair RenderElement (on template, were it's used)
$design = true;
if (!$decorate) {
return $block_content;
/*else {
$block_content = $prepend . $block_content;
$block_name = $block_params['name'];
$function_name = $is_template ? $block_name : $this->Elements[$block_name];
$block_title = '';
if (array_key_exists($function_name, $this->Application->Parser->ElementLocations)) {
$element_location = $this->Application->Parser->ElementLocations[$function_name];
$block_title .= $element_location['template'] . '.tpl';
$block_title .= ' (' . $element_location['start_pos'] . ' - ' . $element_location['end_pos'] . ')';
// ensure unique id for every div (used from print lists)
$container_num = 1;
$container_id = 'parser_block[' . $function_name . ']';
while (in_array($container_id . '_' . $container_num, $used_ids)) {
$container_id .= '_' . $container_num;
$used_ids[] = $container_id;
// prepare parameter string
$param_string = $block_name . ':' . $function_name;
if ($design) {
$btn_text = $this->_btnPhrases['design'];
$btn_class = 'cms-edit-design-btn';
$btn_container_class = 'block-edit-design-btn-container';
$btn_name = 'design';
else {
$btn_text = $this->_btnPhrases['block'];
$btn_class = 'cms-edit-block-btn';
$btn_container_class = 'block-edit-block-btn-container';
$btn_name = 'content';
$icon_url = $base_url . 'core/admin_templates/img/top_frame/icons/' . $btn_name . '_mode.png';
$block_editor = '
<div id="' . $container_id . '" params="' . $param_string . '" class="' . $btn_container_class . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($block_title) . '">
<button style="background-image: url(' . $icon_url . ');" class="cms-btn-new ' . $btn_class . '" id="' . $container_id . '_btn">' . $btn_text . '</button>
<div class="cms-btn-content">
// 1 - text before, 2 - open tag, 3 - open tag attributes, 4 - content inside tag, 5 - closing tag, 6 - text after closing tag
if (preg_match('/^(\s*)<(td|span)(.*?)>(.*)<\/(td|span)>(.*)$/is', $block_content, $regs)) {
// div inside span -> put div outside span
return $regs[1] . '<' . $regs[2] . ' ' . $regs[3] . '>' . str_replace('%s', $regs[4], $block_editor) . '</' . $regs[5] . '>' . $regs[6];
return str_replace('%s', $block_content, $block_editor);
function IncludeTemplate($params, $silent=null)
$t = is_array($params) ? $this->SelectParam($params, 't,template,block,name') : $params;
$cache_timeout = array_key_exists('cache_timeout', $params) ? $params['cache_timeout'] : false;
if ($cache_timeout) {
$cache_key = $this->FormCacheKey('template:' . $t);
$ret = $this->getCache($cache_key);
if ($ret !== false) {
return $ret;
$t = preg_replace('/\.tpl$/', '', $t);
$data_exists_bak = $this->DataExists;
$this->DataExists = false;
if (!isset($silent) && array_key_exists('is_silent', $params)) {
$silent = $params['is_silent'];
if (isset($params['pass_params'])) {
// ability to pass params from block to template
$params = array_merge($this->Params, $params);
$m_processor =& $this->GetProcessor('m');
$flag_values = $m_processor->PreparePostProcess($params);
$ret = $this->Run($t, $silent);
$ret = $m_processor->PostProcess($ret, $flag_values);
$this->CheckNoData($ret, $params);
$this->DataExists = $data_exists_bak || $this->DataExists;
if ($cache_timeout) {
$this->setCache($cache_key, $ret, (int)$cache_timeout);
return $ret;
function CheckNoData(&$ret, $params)
if (array_key_exists('data_exists', $params) && $params['data_exists'] && !$this->DataExists) {
$block_no_data = isset($params['BlockNoData']) ? $params['BlockNoData'] : (isset($params['block_no_data']) ? $params['block_no_data'] : false);
if ($block_no_data) {
$ret = $this->ParseBlock(array('name'=>$block_no_data));
else {
$ret = '';
function getCache($name)
if (!$this->CachingEnabled) {
return false;
$ret = $this->Application->getCache($name, false);
if (preg_match('/^\[DE_MARK:(.*?)\]$/', substr($ret, -11), $regs)) {
$this->DataExists = $regs[1] ? true : false;
$ret = substr($ret, 0, -11);
return $ret;
function setCache($name, $value, $expiration = 0)
if (!$this->CachingEnabled) {
return false;
// remeber DataExists in cache, because after cache will be restored
// it will not be available naturally (no tags, that set it will be called)
$value .= '[DE_MARK:' . (int)$this->DataExists . ']';
return $this->Application->setCache($name, $value, $expiration);
function FormCacheKey($element, $key_string = '')
if (strpos($key_string, 'guest_only') !== false && $this->UserLoggedIn) {
// don't cache, when user is logged-in "guest_only" is specified in key
return '';
$parts = Array ();
// 1. replace INLINE variable (from request) into key parts
if (preg_match_all('/\(%(.*?)\)/', $key_string, $regs)) {
// parts in form "(%variable_name)" were found
foreach ($regs[1] as $variable_name) {
$variable_value = $this->Application->GetVar($variable_name);
$key_string = str_replace('(%' . $variable_name . ')', $variable_value, $key_string);
// 2. replace INLINE serial numbers (they may not be related to any prefix at all)
// Serial number also could be composed of inline variables!
if (preg_match_all('/\[%(.*?)%\]/', $key_string, $regs)) {
// format "[%LangSerial%]" - prefix-wide serial in case of any change in "lang" prefix
// format "[%LangIDSerial:5%]" - one id-wide serial in case of data, associated with given id was changed
// format "[%CiIDSerial:ItemResourceId:5%]" - foreign key-based serial in case of data, associated with given foreign key was changed
foreach ($regs[1] as $serial_name) {
$serial_value = $this->Application->getCache('[%' . $serial_name . '%]');
$key_string = str_replace('[%' . $serial_name . '%]', '[%' . $serial_name . '=' . $serial_value . '%]', $key_string);
Always add:
* "var:m_lang" - show content on current language
* "var:t" - template from url, used to differ multiple pages using same physical template (like as design)
* "var:admin,editing_mode" - differ cached content when different editing modes are used
* "var:m_cat_id,m_cat_page" - pass current category
* "var:page,per_page,sort_by" - list pagination/sorting parameters
* "prefix:theme-file" - to be able to reset all cached templated using "Rebuild Theme Files" function
* "prefix:phrases" - use latest phrase translations
* "prefix:conf" - output could slighly differ based on configuration settings
$key_string = rtrim('var:m_lang,t,admin,editing_mode,m_cat_id,m_cat_page,page,per_page,sort_by;prefix:theme-file,phrases,conf;' . $key_string, ';');
$keys = explode(';', $key_string);
Possible parts of a $key_string (all can have multiple occurencies):
* prefix:<prefixA>[,<prefixB>,<prefixC>] - include global serial for given prefix(-es)
* skip_prefix:<prefix1>[,<prefix2>,<prefix3>] - exclude global serial for given prefix(-es)
* prefix_id:<prefixA>[,<prefixB>,<prefixC>] - include id-based serial for given prefix(-es)
* skip_prefix_id:<prefix1>[,<prefix2>,<prefix3>] - exclude id-based serial for given prefix(-es)
* var:<aaa>[,<bbb>,<ccc>] - include request variable value(-s)
* skip_var:<varA>[,<varB>,<varC>] - exclude request variable value(-s)
* (%variable_name) - include request variable value (only value without variable name ifself, like in "var:variable_name")
* [%SerialName%] - use to retrieve serial value in free form
// 3. get variable names, prefixes and prefix ids, that should be skipped
$skip_prefixes = $skip_prefix_ids = $skip_variables = Array ();
foreach ($keys as $index => $key) {
if (preg_match('/^(skip_var|skip_prefix|skip_prefix_id):(.*?)$/i', $key, $regs)) {
$tmp_parts = explode(',', $regs[2]);
switch ($regs[1]) {
case 'skip_var':
$skip_variables = array_merge($skip_variables, $tmp_parts);
case 'skip_prefix':
$skip_prefixes = array_merge($skip_prefixes, $tmp_parts);
case 'skip_prefix_id':
$skip_prefix_ids = array_merge($skip_prefix_ids, $tmp_parts);
$skip_prefixes = array_unique($skip_prefixes);
$skip_variables = array_unique($skip_variables);
$skip_prefix_ids = array_unique($skip_prefix_ids);
// 4. process keys
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (preg_match('/^(var|prefix|prefix_id):(.*?)$/i', $key, $regs)) {
$tmp_parts = explode(',', $regs[2]);
switch ($regs[1]) {
case 'var':
// format: "var:country_id" will become "country_id=<country_id>"
$tmp_parts = array_diff($tmp_parts, $skip_variables);
foreach ($tmp_parts as $variable_name) {
$variable_value = $this->Application->GetVar($variable_name);
if ($variable_value !== false) {
$parts[] = $variable_name . '=' . $variable_value;
case 'prefix':
// format: "prefix:country" will become "[%CountrySerial%]"
$tmp_parts = array_diff($tmp_parts, $skip_prefixes);
foreach ($tmp_parts as $prefix) {
$serial_name = $this->Application->incrementCacheSerial($prefix, null, false);
$parts[] = '[%' . $serial_name . '=' . $this->Application->getCache($serial_name) . '%]';
if (!$this->RewriteUrls) {
// add env-style page and per-page variable, when mod-rewrite is off
$prefix_variables = Array ($prefix . '_Page', $prefix . '_PerPage');
foreach ($prefix_variables as $variable_name) {
$variable_value = $this->Application->GetVar($variable_name);
if ($variable_value !== false) {
$parts[] = $variable_name . '=' . $variable_value;
case 'prefix_id':
// format: "id:country" will become "[%CountryIDSerial:5%]"
$tmp_parts = array_diff($tmp_parts, $skip_prefix_ids);
foreach ($tmp_parts as $prefix_id) {
$id = $this->Application->GetVar($prefix_id . '_id');
if ($id !== false) {
$serial_name = $this->Application->incrementCacheSerial($prefix_id, $id, false);
$parts[] = '[%' . $serial_name . '=' . $this->Application->getCache($serial_name) . '%]';
elseif ($key == 'currency') {
// based on current currency
$parts[] = 'curr_iso=' . $this->Application->RecallVar('curr_iso');
elseif ($key == 'groups') {
// based on logged-in user groups
$parts[] = 'groups=' . $this->Application->RecallVar('UserGroups');
elseif ($key == 'guest_only') {
// we know this key, but process it at method beginning
else {
throw new ParserException('Unknown key part "<strong>' . $key . '</strong>" used in "<strong>key</strong>" parameter of <inp2:m_Cache key="..."/> tag');
// 5. add unique given cache key identifier on this page
$parts[] = $element;
$key = implode(':', $parts);
if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
$this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Parser Key: ' . $key);
return 'parser_' . crc32($key);
function PushPointer($pointer, $key)
$cache_key = $this->FullCachePage || !$this->CachingEnabled ? '' : $this->FormCacheKey('pointer:' . $pointer, $key);
$this->CachePointers[++$this->CacheLevel] = $cache_key;
return $this->CachePointers[$this->CacheLevel];
function PopPointer()
return $this->CachePointers[$this->CacheLevel--];
function CacheStart($pointer, $key)
$pointer = $this->PushPointer($pointer, $key);
if ($pointer) {
$ret = $this->getCache($pointer);
$debug_mode = defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode();
if ($ret !== false) {
echo $debug_mode ? '<!-- CACHED OUTPUT START -->' . $ret . '<!-- /CACHED OUTPUT END -->' : $ret;
return true;
if ($debug_mode) {
echo '<!-- NO CACHE FOR POINTER: ' . $pointer . ' -->';
return false;
function CacheEnd($expiration = 0)
$ret = ob_get_clean();
$pointer = $this->PopPointer();
if ($pointer) {
$res = $this->setCache($pointer, $ret, $expiration);
if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
echo '<!-- STORING CACHE FOR POINTER: ' . $pointer . ' [' . $res . '] -->';
echo $ret;
* Performs compression of given files or text
* @param mixed $data
* @param bool $raw_script
* @param string $file_extension
* @return string
function CompressScript($data, $raw_script = false, $file_extension = '')
$minify_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('MinifyHelper');
/* @var $minify_helper MinifyHelper */
if ($raw_script) {
$minify_helper->compressString($data, $file_extension);
return $data;
return $minify_helper->CompressScriptTag($data);
class ParserException extends Exception {
public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null, $tag = null)
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
if ( isset($tag) ) {
$this->file = $tag['file'];
$this->line = $tag['line'];
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline