$query = 'SELECT '.$this->DataValueField.','.$this->DataVarField.' FROM '.$this->SessionDataTable.' WHERE '.$this->IDField.' = '.$this->Conn->qstr($session->SID);
/*foreach ($this->ProfilePoints as $point => $locations) {
foreach ($locations as $location => $occurences) {
if ($this->constOn('DBG_SQL_PROFILE') && isset($this->ProfilerTotals['sql'])) {
// sql query profiling was enabled -> show totals
$this->appendHTML('<b>SQL Total time:</b> '.$this->ProfilerTotals['sql'].' <b>Number of queries</b>: '.$this->ProfilerTotalCount['sql']);
if ($this->constOn('DBG_PROFILE_INCLUDES') && isset($this->ProfilerTotals['includes'])) {
// included file profiling was enabled -> show totals
$this->appendHTML('<b>Included Files Total time:</b> '.$this->ProfilerTotals['includes'].' Number of includes: '.$this->ProfilerTotalCount['includes']);
if ($this->constOn('DBG_PROFILE_MEMORY')) {
// detailed memory usage reporting by objects was enabled -> show totals
$this->appendHTML('<b>Memory used by Objects:</b> '.round($this->ProfilerTotals['objects'] / 1024, 2).'Kb');
if (isset($config['ParentPrefix']) && $hook['HookToPrefix'] == $config['ParentPrefix']) {
trigger_error('Depricated Hook Usage [prefix: <b>'.$config['Prefix'].'</b>; do_prefix: <b>'.$hook['DoPrefix'].'</b>] use <b>#PARENT#</b> as <b>HookToPrefix</b> value, where HookToPrefix is same as ParentPrefix', E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($hook['HookToPrefix'] == '') {
$hook['HookToPrefix'] = $config['Prefix']; // new: set hooktoprefix to current prefix if not set
if (isset($config['ParentPrefix'])) {
// new: allow to set hook to parent prefix what ever it is
if ( is_array(getArrayValue($config, 'AggregateTags')) ) {
foreach ($config['AggregateTags'] as $aggregate_tag) {
if (isset($config['ParentPrefix'])) {
if ($aggregate_tag['AggregateTo'] == $config['ParentPrefix']) {
trigger_error('Depricated Aggregate Tag Usage [prefix: <b>'.$config['Prefix'].'</b>; AggregateTo: <b>'.$aggregate_tag['AggregateTo'].'</b>] use <b>#PARENT#</b> as <b>AggregateTo</b> value, where AggregateTo is same as ParentPrefix', E_USER_NOTICE);
if ($aggregate_tag['AggregateTo'] == '#PARENT#') {
* Defines mapping vs event names and permission names
* @var Array
var $permMapping = Array();
* Define alternative event processing method names
* @see $eventMethods
* @access protected
function mapEvents()
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
function getPrefixSpecial()
trigger_error('Usage of getPrefixSpecial() this method is forbidden in kEventHandler class children. Use $event->getPrefixSpecial(true); instead', E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error('<span class="debug_error">no filters defined</span> for prefix <b>'.$this->Prefix.'</b>, but <b>DrawFilterMenu</b> tag used', E_USER_WARNING);
if (method_exists($object, 'EOL') && count($object->Records) == 0) {
// for drawing grid column filter
$block_params['field_name'] = '';
else {
$block_params['field_name'] = $this->InputName($params); // depricated (produces warning when used as grid filter), but used in Front-End (submission create), admin (submission view)
trigger_error('Invalid field type <strong>'.$params['type'].'</strong> (in ValidateType method), please use <strong>float</strong> instead', E_USER_NOTICE);
* Creates a record in the database table with current item' values
* @param mixed $force_id Set to TRUE to force creating of item's own ID or to value to force creating of passed id. Do not pass 1 for true, pass exactly TRUE!
* @access public
* @return bool
function Create($force_id=false, $system_create=false)
$check_in_parent_cat_only = ' AND ParentId = '.$parent_cat_id;
// check temp table
$sql_temp = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->TableName.' WHERE Filename = '.$this->Conn->qstr($filename).$check_in_parent_cat_only;
$found_temp_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql_temp);
// check live table
$sql_live = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->Application->GetLiveName($this->TableName).' WHERE Filename = '.$this->Conn->qstr($filename).$check_in_parent_cat_only;
if ($duplicates_found || $has_page) // other category has same filename as ours OR we have filename, that ends with _number
$append = $duplicates_found ? '_a' : '';
$filename = $rets[1].'_'.$rets[2];
$append = $rets[3] ? $rets[3] : '_a';
// check live & temp table
$sql_temp = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->TableName.' WHERE (Filename = %s) AND ('.$this->IDField.' != '.$item_id.')';
$sql_live = 'SELECT '.$this->IDField.' FROM '.$this->Application->GetLiveName($this->TableName).' WHERE (Filename = %s) AND ('.$this->IDField.' != '.$item_id.')';
while ( $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql_temp, $this->Conn->qstr($filename.$append)) ) > 0 ||
$country_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT DestId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'StdDestinations WHERE DestType=1 AND DestAbbr = '.$this->Conn->qstr($country_abbr));
* Steps, that doesn't required admin to be logged-in to proceed
* @var Array
var $skipLoginSteps = Array ('root_password', 'choose_modules', 'finish', -1);
* Steps, on which kApplication should not be initialized, because of missing correct db table structure
* @var Array
var $skipApplicationSteps = Array ('check_paths', 'db_config'/*, 'install_setup'*/); // remove install_setup when application will work separately from install
* Folders that should be writeable to continue installation