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Index: branches/5.0.x/core/units/admin/admin_events_handler.php
--- branches/5.0.x/core/units/admin/admin_events_handler.php (revision 12568)
+++ branches/5.0.x/core/units/admin/admin_events_handler.php (revision 12569)
@@ -1,1244 +1,1249 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class AdminEventsHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
'OnSaveColumns' => array('self' => true),
'OnClosePopup' => array('self' => true),
'OnSaveSetting' => array('self' => true),
// export/import permissions is checked within events
'OnExportCSV' => Array('self' => true),
'OnGetCSV' => Array('self' => true),
'OnCSVImportBegin' => Array('self' => true),
'OnCSVImportStep' => Array('self' => true),
'OnDropTempTablesByWID' => Array('self' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
* Checks permissions of user
* @param kEvent $event
function CheckPermission(&$event)
+ $perm_value = null;
$system_events = Array (
'OnResetModRwCache', 'OnResetCMSMenuCache', 'OnResetSections',
'OnResetConfigsCache', 'OnDeleteCompiledTemplates', 'OnCompileTemplates',
'OnGenerateTableStructure', 'OnRebuildThemes', 'OnCheckPrefixConfig',
- if ($this->Application->CheckPermission($event->getSection() . '.edit') && in_array($event->Name, $system_events)) {
+ if (in_array($event->Name, $system_events)) {
// events from "Tools -> System Tools" section are controlled via that section "edit" permission
- return true;
+ $perm_value = $this->Application->CheckPermission($event->getSection() . '.edit');
$tools_events = Array (
'OnBackup' => 'in-portal:backup.view',
'OnBackupProgress' => 'in-portal:backup.view',
'OnDeleteBackup' => 'in-portal:backup.view',
'OnBackupCancel' => 'in-portal:backup.view',
'OnRestore' => 'in-portal:restore.view',
'OnRestoreProgress' => 'in-portal:restore.view',
'OnRestoreCancel' => 'in-portal:backup.view',
'OnSqlQuery' => 'in-portal:sql_query.view',
if (array_key_exists($event->Name, $tools_events)) {
- return $this->Application->CheckPermission($tools_events[$event->Name]);
+ $perm_value = $this->Application->CheckPermission($tools_events[$event->Name]);
if ($event->Name == 'OnSaveMenuFrameWidth') {
- if (!$this->Application->IsAdmin() || !$this->Application->LoggedIn()) {
- return false;
- }
+ $perm_value = $this->Application->IsAdmin() && $this->Application->LoggedIn();
+ }
+ if (isset($perm_value)) {
+ $perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
+ /* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */
- return true;
+ return $perm_helper->finalizePermissionCheck($event, $perm_value);
return parent::CheckPermission($event);
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnResetModRwCache(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
$event->status = erSTOP;
$this->Conn->Query('DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName LIKE "mod_rw%"');
function OnResetCMSMenuCache(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
$event->status = erSTOP;
$this->Conn->Query('DELETE FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName IN ("cms_menu", "StructureTree")');
function OnResetSections(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
$event->status = erSTOP;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Cache
WHERE VarName = "sections_parsed"';
if (isset($this->Application->Memcached)) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('refresh_tree', 1);
function OnResetConfigsCache(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
$event->status = erSTOP;
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Cache
WHERE VarName IN("config_files", "configs_parsed", "sections_parsed")';
if (isset($this->Application->Memcached)) {
$event->SetRedirectParam('refresh_tree', 1);
function OnCompileTemplates(&$event)
$compiler =& $this->Application->recallObject('NParserCompiler');
/* @var $compiler NParserCompiler */
$event->status = erSTOP;
* Deletes all compiled templates
* @param kEvent $event
function OnDeleteCompiledTemplates(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
$event->status = erSTOP;
$base_path = WRITEABLE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache';
// delete debugger reports
$debugger_reports = glob($base_path . '/debug_@*@.txt');
foreach ($debugger_reports as $debugger_report) {
function _deleteCompiledTemplates($folder, $unlink_folder = false)
$sub_folders = glob($folder . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($sub_folders as $sub_folder) {
$this->_deleteCompiledTemplates($sub_folder, true);
$files = glob($folder . '/*.php');
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($unlink_folder) {
* Generates sturcture for specified table
* @param kEvent $event
* @author Alex
function OnGenerateTableStructure(&$event)
$types_hash = Array(
'string' => 'varchar|text|mediumtext|longtext|date|datetime|time|timestamp|char|year|enum|set',
'int' => 'smallint|mediumint|int|bigint|tinyint',
'float' => 'float|double|decimal',
$table_name = $this->Application->GetVar('table_name');
if (!$table_name) {
echo 'error: no table name specified';
return ;
if (TABLE_PREFIX && !preg_match('/^'.preg_quote(TABLE_PREFIX, '/').'(.*)/', $table_name) && (strtolower($table_name) != $table_name)) {
// table name without prefix, then add it (don't affect K3 tables named in lowercase)
$table_name = TABLE_PREFIX.$table_name;
if (!$this->Conn->TableFound($table_name)) {
// table with prefix doesn't exist, assume that just config prefix passed -> resolve table name from it
$prefix = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(TABLE_PREFIX, '/') . '/', '', $table_name);
if ($this->Application->prefixRegistred($prefix)) {
// when prefix is found -> use it's table (don't affect K3 tables named in lowecase)
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$table_info = $this->Conn->Query('DESCRIBE '.$table_name);
// 1. prepare config keys
$grids = Array (
'Default' => Array (
'Icons' => Array ('default' => 'icon16_item.png'),
'Fields' => Array (),
$grid_fields = Array();
$id_field = '';
$fields = Array();
$float_types = Array ('float', 'double', 'numeric');
foreach ($table_info as $field_info) {
if (preg_match('/l[\d]+_.*/', $field_info['Field'])) {
// don't put multilingual fields in config
$field_options = Array ();
$grid_col_options = Array(
'title' => 'la_col_' . $field_info['Field'],
'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter',
// 1. get php field type by mysql field type
foreach ($types_hash as $php_type => $db_types) {
if (preg_match('/'.$db_types.'/', $field_info['Type'])) {
$field_options['type'] = $php_type;
$default_value = $field_info['Default'];
if (in_array($php_type, $float_types)) {
// this is float number
if (preg_match('/'.$db_types.'\([\d]+,([\d]+)\)/i', $field_info['Type'], $regs)) {
// size is described in structure -> add formatter
$field_options['formatter'] = 'kFormatter';
$field_options['format'] = '%01.'.$regs[1].'f';
if ($field_info['Null'] != 'YES') {
// null fields, will most likely have NULL as default value
$default_value = 0;
else {
// no size information, just convert to float
if ($field_info['Null'] != 'YES') {
// null fields, will most likely have NULL as default value
$default_value = (float)$default_value;
if (preg_match('/varchar\(([\d]+)\)/i', $field_info['Type'], $regs)) {
$field_options['max_len'] = (int)$regs[1];
if ($field_info['Null'] != 'YES') {
$field_options['not_null'] = 1;
if ($field_info['Key'] == 'PRI') {
$default_value = 0;
$id_field = $field_info['Field'];
if ($php_type == 'int' && ($field_info['Null'] != 'YES' || is_numeric($default_value))) {
// is integer field AND not null
$field_options['default'] = (int)$default_value;
else {
$field_options['default'] = $default_value;
$fields[ $field_info['Field'] ] = $this->transformDump($field_options);
$grids_fields[ $field_info['Field'] ] = $this->transformDump($grid_col_options);
$grids['Default']['Fields'] = $grids_fields;
$ret = "'IDField' => '".$id_field."',\n'Fields' => A".substr(stripslashes(var_export($fields, true)), 1).',';
$ret .= "\n"."'Grids' => ".stripslashes(var_export($grids, true));
$ret = str_replace('array (', 'Array (', $ret);
$ret = preg_replace("/'(.*?)' => 'Array \((.*?), \)',/", "'\\1' => Array (\\2),", $ret);
$ret = preg_replace("/\n '/", "\n\t'", $ret);
echo $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => 'incs/header', 'body_properties' => 'style="background-color: #E7E7E7; margin: 8px;"'));
<script type="text/javascript">
set_window_title('Table "<?php echo $table_name; ?>" Structure');
<a href="javascript:window_close();">Close Window</a><br /><br />
<?php echo $GLOBALS['debugger']->highlightString($ret); ?>
<br /><br /><a href="javascript:window_close();">Close Window</a><br />
echo $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => 'incs/footer'));
echo ob_get_clean();
$event->status = erSTOP;
function transformDump($dump)
if (is_array($dump)) {
$dump = var_export($dump, true);
$dump = preg_replace("/,\n[ ]*/", ', ', $dump);
$dump = preg_replace("/array \(\n[ ]*/", 'Array (', $dump); // replace array start
$dump = preg_replace("/,\n[ ]*\),/", "),", $dump); // replace array end
return $dump;
* Refreshes ThemeFiles & Theme tables by actual content on HDD
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRebuildThemes(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') == 'yes') {
$event->status = erSTOP;
$themes_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ThemesHelper');
/* @var $themes_helper kThemesHelper */
function OnSaveColumns(&$event)
$picker_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('ColumnPickerHelper');
/* @var $picker_helper kColumnPickerHelper */
$picked = trim($this->Application->GetVar('picked_str'), '|');
$hidden = trim($this->Application->GetVar('hidden_str'), '|');
$main_prefix = $this->Application->GetVar('main_prefix');
$picker_helper->SaveColumns($main_prefix, $picked, $hidden);
* Saves various admin settings via ajax
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSaveSetting(&$event)
if ($this->Application->GetVar('ajax') != 'yes') {
return ;
$var_name = $this->Application->GetVar('var_name');
$var_value = $this->Application->GetVar('var_value');
$this->Application->StorePersistentVar($var_name, $var_value);
$event->status = erSTOP;
* Just closes popup & deletes last_template & opener_stack if popup, that is closing
* @param kEvent $event
function OnClosePopup(&$event)
$event->SetRedirectParam('opener', 'u');
* Occurs right after initialization of the kernel, used mainly as hook-to event
* @param kEvent $event
function OnStartup(&$event)
* Occurs right before echoing the output, in Done method of application, used mainly as hook-to event
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeShutdown(&$event)
* Is called after tree was build (when not from cache)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterBuildTree(&$event)
* Called by AJAX to perform CSV export
* @param kEvent $event
function OnExportCSV(&$event)
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CSVHelper');
/* @var $export_helper kCSVHelper */
$prefix_special = $this->Application->GetVar('PrefixSpecial');
if(!$prefix_special) {
$prefix_special = $export_helper->ExportData('prefix');
$prefix_elems = split('\.|_', $prefix_special, 2);
$perm_sections = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix_elems[0], 'PermSection');
if(!$this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_sections['main'].'.view')) {
$export_helper->PrefixSpecial = $prefix_special;
$export_helper->grid = $this->Application->GetVar('grid');
$event->status = erSTOP;
* Returning created by AJAX CSV file
* @param kEvent $event
function OnGetCSV(&$event)
$export_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CSVHelper');
/* @var $export_helper kCSVHelper */
$prefix_special = $export_helper->ExportData('prefix');
$prefix_elems = split('\.|_', $prefix_special, 2);
$perm_sections = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix_elems[0], 'PermSection');
if(!$this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_sections['main'].'.view')) {
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCSVImportBegin(&$event)
$prefix_special = $this->Application->GetVar('PrefixSpecial');
$prefix_elems = split('\.|_', $prefix_special, 2);
$perm_sections = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix_elems[0], 'PermSection');
if(!$this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_sections['main'].'.add') && !$this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_sections['main'].'.edit')) {
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar( $event->getPrefixSpecial(true) );
$field_values = array_shift($items_info);
$event->redirect = false;
$result = 'required';
if($object->GetDBField('ImportFile')) {
$import_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CSVHelper');
/* @var $import_helper kCSVHelper */
$import_helper->PrefixSpecial = $this->Application->GetVar('PrefixSpecial');
$import_helper->grid = $this->Application->GetVar('grid');
$result = $import_helper->ImportStart( $object->GetField('ImportFile', 'file_paths') );
if($result === true) {
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('next_template');
$event->SetRedirectParam('PrefixSpecial', $this->Application->GetVar('PrefixSpecial'));
$event->SetRedirectParam('grid', $this->Application->GetVar('grid'));
if($event->redirect === false) {
$object->SetError('ImportFile', $result);
$event->status = erFAIL;
* Enter description here...
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCSVImportStep(&$event)
$import_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('CSVHelper');
/* @var $export_helper kCSVHelper */
$prefix_special = $import_helper->ImportData('prefix');
$prefix_elems = split('\.|_', $prefix_special, 2);
$perm_sections = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix_elems[0], 'PermSection');
if(!$this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_sections['main'].'.add') && !$this->Application->CheckPermission($perm_sections['main'].'.edit')) {
$event->status = erSTOP;
* Shows unit config filename, where requested prefix is defined
* @param kEvent $event
function OnCheckPrefixConfig(&$event)
$prefix = $this->Application->GetVar('config_prefix');
$config_file = $this->Application->UnitConfigReader->prefixFiles[$prefix];
echo $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => 'incs/header', 'body_properties' => 'style="background-color: #E7E7E7; margin: 8px;"'));
<script type="text/javascript">
set_window_title('Unit Config of "<?php echo $prefix; ?>" prefix');
<a href="javascript:window_close();">Close Window</a><br /><br />
<strong>Prefix:</strong> <?php echo $prefix; ?><br />
<strong>Unit Config:</strong> <?php echo $GLOBALS['debugger']->highlightString($config_file); ?><br />
<br /><a href="javascript:window_close();">Close Window</a><br />
echo $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => 'incs/footer'));
echo ob_get_clean();
$event->status = erSTOP;
function OnUploadFile(&$event)
// Flash uploader does NOT send correct cookies, so we need to make our own check
$cookie_name = 'adm_'.$this->Application->ConfigValue('SessionCookieName');
$this->Application->HttpQuery->Cookie['cookies_on'] = 1;
$this->Application->HttpQuery->Cookie[$cookie_name] = $this->Application->GetVar('flashsid');
$admin_ses =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session.admin');
/* @var $admin_ses Session */
$user = $admin_ses->RecallVar('user_id');
$perm_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper');
/* @var $perm_helper kPermissionsHelper */
/*if() {
$prefix_special = $this->Application->GetVar('PrefixSpecial');
$prefix_elems = split('\.|_', $prefix_special, 2);
$perm_sections = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix_elems[0], 'PermSection');
$section = $perm_sections['main'];
else {*/
$section = $event->getSection();
if ($this->Application->GetVar('t') != 'import/import_start' && !$perm_helper->CheckUserPermission($user, $section.'.add') && !$perm_helper->CheckUserPermission($user, $section.'.edit')) {
$event->status = erPERM_FAIL;
header('HTTP/1.0 403 You don\'t have permissions to upload');
if (!$cookie_name) $cookie_name = 'sid';
$value = $this->Application->GetVar('Filedata');
if (!$value) return ;
$tmp_path = WRITEABLE . '/tmp/';
$fname = $value['name'];
$id = $this->Application->GetVar('id');
if ($id) $fname = $id.'_'.$fname;
if (!is_writable($tmp_path)) {
header('HTTP/1.0 500 Write permissions not set on the server');
move_uploaded_file($value['tmp_name'], $tmp_path.$fname);
function OnDropTempTablesByWID(&$event)
$sid = $this->Application->GetSID();
$wid = $this->Application->GetVar('m_wid');
$tables = $this->Conn->GetCol('SHOW TABLES');
$mask_edit_table = '/'.TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$sid.'_'.$wid.'_edit_(.*)$/';
foreach($tables as $table)
if( preg_match($mask_edit_table,$table,$rets) )
$this->Conn->Query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$table);
echo 'OK';
$event->status = erSTOP;
return ;
* Backup all data
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBackup(&$event)
$a_tables = $this->Conn->GetCol('SHOW TABLES'); // array_keys($tables);
$TableNames = Array();
if (!strstr($a_tables[$x], 'ses_')) {
$TableNames[] = $a_tables[$x];
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($TableNames); echo "</pre>";
// exit;
$backupProgress = Array (
'table_num' => 0,
'table_names' => $TableNames,
'table_count' => count($TableNames),
'record_count' => 0,
'file_name' => $this->Application->ConfigValue('Backup_Path')."/dump".adodb_mktime().".txt",
$out = array();
for($x=0;$x<count($TableNames);$x++) {
if (!strstr($TableNames[$x], 'ses_')) {
$out[] = $this->GetTableCreate($TableNames[$x]);
$fp = fopen($backupProgress['file_name'], 'a');
$sql = "SELECT Name, Version FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."Modules";
$r = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
foreach ($r AS $a_module) {
$version = $a_module['Version'];
fwrite($fp, "# ".$a_module['Name']." Version: $version;\n");
fwrite($fp, "#------------------------------------------\n\n");
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.backup_status', serialize($backupProgress));
$event->redirect = 'tools/backup2';
* Perform next backup step
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBackupProgress(&$event)
$done_percent = $this->performBackup();
if ($done_percent == 100) {
$event->redirect = 'tools/backup3';
return ;
echo $done_percent;
$event->status = erSTOP;
* Stops Backup & redirect to Backup template
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBackupCancel(&$event)
$event->redirect = 'tools/backup1';
* Stops Restore & redirect to Restore template
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRestoreCancel(&$event)
$event->redirect = 'tools/restore1';
function performBackup()
$backupProgress = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('adm.backup_status'));
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($backupProgress); echo "</pre>";
// exit;
$CurrentTable = $backupProgress['table_names'][$backupProgress['table_num']];
// get records
$a_records = $this->insert_data($CurrentTable,$backupProgress['record_count'],50,"");
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($a_records); echo "</pre>";
// exit;
if ($a_records['num'] < 50) {
// if ($backupProgress['table_names'][$backupProgress['table_num']] == TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache') {
// $backupProgress['table_num']++;
// }
$backupProgress['record_count'] = 0;
} else {
if ($a_records['sql']) {
$fp = fopen($backupProgress['file_name'], 'a');
fwrite($fp, $a_records['sql']);
$percent = ($backupProgress['table_num'] / $backupProgress['table_count']) * 100;
if ($percent >= 100) {
$percent = 100;
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.backupcomplete_filename', $backupProgress['file_name']);
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.backupcomplete_filesize', round(filesize($backupProgress['file_name'])/1024/1024, 2)); // Mbytes
} else {
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.backup_status', serialize($backupProgress));
return round($percent);
//extracts the rows of data from tables using limits
function insert_data($table, $start, $limit, $mywhere)
// global $out;
if ($mywhere !="")
$whereclause= " WHERE ".$mywhere." ";
$whereclause = "";
$a_data = $this->Conn->Query("SELECT * from $table $whereclause LIMIT $start, $limit");
// echo "SELECT * from $table $whereclause LIMIT $start, $limit";
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($a_records); echo "</pre>";
// exit;
if (!$a_data) {
return Array(
'num' => 0,
'sql' => '',
// $prefix = GetTablePrefix();
$rowcount = 0;
$a_fields = array_keys($a_data[0]);
$fields_sql = '';
foreach ($a_fields AS $field_name) {
$fields_sql .= '`'.$field_name.'`,';
$fields_sql = preg_replace('/(.*),$/', '\\1', $fields_sql);
$temp = '';
foreach ($a_data AS $a_row)
$values_sql = '';
foreach ($a_row as $field_name => $field_value) {
$values_sql .= $this->Conn->qstr($field_value).',';
$values_sql = preg_replace('/(.*),$/', '\\1', $values_sql);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.$fields_sql.') VALUES ('.$values_sql.');';
$sql = str_replace("\n", "\\n", $sql);
$sql = str_replace("\r", "\\r", $sql);
$temp .= $sql."\n";
$temp = str_replace("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX, "INSERT INTO ", $temp);
return Array(
'num' => count($a_data),
'sql' => $temp,
function GetTableCreate($table, $crlf="\n")
$schema_create = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table . ';' . $crlf;
$schema_create .="# --------------------------------------------------------".$crlf;
$this->Conn->Query("SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 0");
$tmpres = $this->Conn->Query("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table");
// echo "<pre>"; print_r($tmpres); echo "</pre>";
// exit;
if(is_array($tmpres) && isset($tmpres[0]))
$tmpres = $tmpres[0];
$pos = strpos($tmpres["Create Table"], ' (');
$pos2 = strpos($tmpres["Create Table"], '(');
if ($pos2 != $pos + 1)
$pos = $pos2;
$tmpres["Create Table"] = str_replace(",", ",\n ", $tmpres["Create Table"]);
$tmpres["Create Table"] = substr($tmpres["Create Table"], 0, 13)
. (($use_backquotes) ? $tmpres["Table"] : $tmpres["Table"])
. substr($tmpres["Create Table"], $pos);
$tmpres["Create Table"] = str_replace("\n", $crlf, $tmpres["Create Table"]);
if (preg_match_all('((,\r?\n[\s]*(CONSTRAINT|FOREIGN[\s]*KEY)[^\r\n,]+)+)', $tmpres["Create Table"], $regs)) {
if (!isset($sql_constraints)) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['no_constraints_comments'])) {
$sql_constraints = '';
} else {
$sql_constraints = $crlf . '#' . $crlf
. '# ' . $GLOBALS['strConstraintsForDumped'] . $crlf
. '#' . $crlf;
if (!isset($GLOBALS['no_constraints_comments'])) {
$sql_constraints .= $crlf .'#' . $crlf .'# ' . $GLOBALS['strConstraintsForTable'] . ' ' . $table . $crlf . '#' . $crlf;
$sql_constraints .= 'ALTER TABLE $table $crlf '
. preg_replace('/(,\r?\n|^)([\s]*)(CONSTRAINT|FOREIGN[\s]*KEY)/', '\1\2ADD \3', substr($regs[0][0], 2))
. ";\n";
$tmpres["Create Table"] = preg_replace('((,\r?\n[\s]*(CONSTRAINT|FOREIGN[\s]*KEY)[^\r\n,]+)+)', '', $tmpres["Create Table"]);
$schema_create .= $tmpres["Create Table"];
$schema_create = str_replace("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".TABLE_PREFIX,"DROP TABLE ",$schema_create);
$schema_create = str_replace("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX,"CREATE TABLE ",$schema_create);
while(strlen($schema_create && substr($schema_create,-1)!=")"))
$schema_create = substr($schema_create,0,-1);
$schema_create .= "\n# --------------------------------------------------------\n";
return $schema_create;
* Deletes one backup file
* @param kEvent $event
function OnDeleteBackup(&$event)
function get_backup_file()
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('Backup_Path').'/dump'.$this->Application->GetVar('backupdate').'.txt';
* Starts restore process
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRestore(&$event)
$file = $this->get_backup_file();
$restoreProgress = Array (
'file_pos' => 0,
'file_name' => $file,
'file_size' => filesize($file),
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_status', serialize($restoreProgress));
$event->redirect = 'tools/restore3';
function OnRestoreProgress(&$event)
$done_percent = $this->performRestore();
if ($done_percent == -3) {
$event->redirect = 'tools/restore4';
return ;
if ($done_percent < 0) {
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_error', 'File read error'); $event->redirect = 'tools/restore4';
return ;
if ($done_percent == 100) {
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_success', 1);
$event->redirect = 'tools/restore4';
return ;
echo $done_percent;
$event->status = erSTOP;
function replaceRestoredFiles()
// gather restored table names
$tables = $this->Conn->GetCol('SHOW TABLES');
$mask_restore_table = '/^restore'.TABLE_PREFIX.'(.*)$/';
foreach($tables as $table)
if( preg_match($mask_restore_table,$table,$rets) )
$old_table = substr($table, 7);
$this->Conn->Query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$old_table);
$this->Conn->Query('CREATE TABLE '.$old_table.' LIKE '.$table);
$this->Conn->Query('INSERT INTO '.$old_table.' SELECT * FROM '.$table);
$this->Conn->Query('DROP TABLE '.$table);
function performRestore()
$restoreProgress = unserialize($this->Application->RecallVar('adm.restore_status'));
$filename = $restoreProgress['file_name'];
$FileOffset = $restoreProgress['file_pos'];
$MaxLines = 200;
$size = filesize($filename);
if($FileOffset > $size) {
return -2;
$fp = fopen($filename,"r");
if(!$fp) {
return -1;
$sql = "";
while(!feof($fp) && !$EndOfSQL)
$l = fgets($fp);
if(substr($l,0,11)=="INSERT INTO")
$sql .= $l;
$FileOffset = ftell($fp) - strlen($l);
$error = $this->runSchemaText($sql);
if ($error != '') {
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_error', $error);
return -3;
$LinesRead = 0;
$sql = "";
$AllSql = array();
while($LinesRead < $MaxLines && !feof($fp))
$sql = fgets($fp);
$AllSql[] = $sql;
$FileOffset = ftell($fp);
$FileOffset = $size;
if(count($AllSql)>0) {
$error = $this->runSQLText($AllSql);
if ($error != '') {
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_error', $error);
return -3;
$restoreProgress['file_pos'] = $FileOffset;
$this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_status', serialize($restoreProgress));
return round($FileOffset/$size * 100);
// $this->Application->StoreVar('adm.restore_error', 'lalalal');
// $event->redirect = 'tools/restore4';
function runSchemaText($sql)
$table_prefix = 'restore'.TABLE_PREFIX;
// $table_prefix = TABLE_PREFIX;
if (strlen($table_prefix) > 0) {
$replacements = Array ('INSERT INTO ', 'UPDATE ', 'ALTER TABLE ', 'DELETE FROM ', 'REPLACE INTO ');
foreach ($replacements as $replacement) {
$sql = str_replace($replacement, $replacement . $table_prefix, $sql);
$sql = str_replace('CREATE TABLE ', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $table_prefix, $sql);
$sql = str_replace('DROP TABLE ', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix, $sql);
$commands = explode("# --------------------------------------------------------",$sql);
// $query_func = getConnectionInterface('query',$dbo_type);
// $errorno_func = getConnectionInterface('errorno',$dbo_type);
// $errormsg_func = getConnectionInterface('errormsg',$dbo_type);
for($i = 0; $i < count($commands); $i++)
$cmd = $commands[$i];
$cmd = trim($cmd);
if($this->Conn->errorCode != 0)
return $this->Conn->errorMessage." COMMAND:<PRE>$cmd</PRE>";
function runSQLText($allsql)
$line = 0;
// $query_func = getConnectionInterface('query',$dbo_type);
// $errorno_func = getConnectionInterface('errorno',$dbo_type);
// $errormsg_func = getConnectionInterface('errormsg',$dbo_type);
$sql = $allsql[$line];
if(strlen(trim($sql))>0 && substr($sql,0,1)!="#")
$table_prefix = 'restore'.TABLE_PREFIX;
if (strlen($table_prefix) > 0) {
$replacements = Array ('INSERT INTO ', 'UPDATE ', 'ALTER TABLE ', 'DELETE FROM ', 'REPLACE INTO ');
foreach ($replacements as $replacement) {
$sql = str_replace($replacement, $replacement . $table_prefix, $sql);
$sql = str_replace('CREATE TABLE ', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $table_prefix, $sql);
$sql = str_replace('DROP TABLE ', 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table_prefix, $sql);
$sql = trim($sql);
if($this->Conn->errorCode != 0)
return $this->Conn->errorMessage." COMMAND:<PRE>$sql</PRE>";
* Starts restore process
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSqlQuery(&$event)
$sql = $this->Application->GetVar('sql');
if ($sql) {
$start = $this->getMoment();
$result = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
$this->Application->SetVar('sql_time', round($this->getMoment() - $start, 7));
if ($result)
if (is_array($result))
$this->Application->SetVar('sql_has_rows', 1);
$this->Application->SetVar('sql_rows', serialize($result));
$check_sql = trim(strtolower($sql));
if (
(substr($check_sql, 0, 6) == 'insert')
|| (substr($check_sql, 0, 6) == 'update')
|| (substr($check_sql, 0, 7) == 'replace')
|| (substr($check_sql, 0, 6) == 'delete')
) {
$this->Application->SetVar('sql_has_affected', 1);
$this->Application->SetVar('sql_affected', $this->Conn->getAffectedRows());
$this->Application->SetVar('query_status', 1);
$event->status = erFAIL;
function getMoment()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
* Occurs after unit config cache was successfully rebuilt
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterCacheRebuild(&$event)
* Removes "Community -> Groups" section when it is not allowed
* @param kEvent $event
function OnAfterConfigRead(&$event)
if (!$this->Application->ConfigValue('AdvancedUserManagement')) {
$section_ajustments = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'SectionAdjustments');
if (!$section_ajustments) {
$section_ajustments = Array ();
$section_ajustments['in-portal:user_groups'] = 'remove';
$this->Application->setUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'SectionAdjustments', $section_ajustments);
* Saves menu (tree) frame width
* @param kEvent $event
function OnSaveMenuFrameWidth(&$event)
$event->status = erSTOP;
if (!$this->Application->ConfigValue('ResizableFrames')) {
return ;
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('conf', 'TableName') . '
SET VariableValue = ' . (int)$this->Application->GetVar('width') . '
WHERE VariableName = "MenuFrameWidth"';
if ($this->Conn->getAffectedRows()) {
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline