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Thu, Feb 13, 2:18 AM
Index: branches/5.2.x/units/articles/articles_event_handler.php
--- branches/5.2.x/units/articles/articles_event_handler.php (revision 15312)
+++ branches/5.2.x/units/articles/articles_event_handler.php (revision 15313)
@@ -1,575 +1,575 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-News
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class ArticlesEventHandler extends kCatDBEventHandler {
* Filters out archived articles
* @param kEvent $event
* @return void
* @access protected
* @see kDBEventHandler::OnListBuild()
protected function SetCustomQuery(kEvent $event)
$object = $event->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBList */
if ( !$this->Application->isAdminUser ) {
$where_clause = '(Archived = 0) AND (StartDate < ' . adodb_mktime() . ' OR StartDate = 0) AND (EndOn > ' . adodb_mktime() . ' OR EndOn IS NULL)';
$object->addFilter('archived_filter', $where_clause);
* Return type clauses for list bulding on front
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getTypeClauses($event)
$type_clauses = parent::getTypeClauses($event);
$type_clauses['site_lead']['include']='%1$s.LeadStory = 1 AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['site_lead']['except']='%1$s.LeadStory <> 1 AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['site_lead']['having_filter'] = false;
$type_clauses['cat_lead']['include']='%1$s.LeadCatStory = 1 AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['cat_lead']['except']='%1$s.LeadCatStory <> 1 AND '.TABLE_PREFIX.'CategoryItems.PrimaryCat = 1';
$type_clauses['cat_lead']['having_filter'] = false;
return $type_clauses;
* [CRON] Deletes expired articles + update existing articles from rss feed with new data (key - article url)
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUpdateRSSArticles($event)
if ( defined('IS_INSTALL') && IS_INSTALL ) {
$category_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'TableName');
$custom_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c-cdata', 'TableName');
$category_custom_fields = $this->getCustomColumns('c');
$article_custom_fields = $this->getCustomColumns($event->Prefix);
// update categories which sould be updated
$sql = 'SELECT cd.*, c.CategoryId
FROM '.$category_table.' c
LEFT JOIN '.$custom_table.' cd ON c.ResourceId = cd.ResourceId
WHERE (IF(cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssLastUpdated'].' IS NULL, 0, cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssLastUpdated'].') +
cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssUpdateInterval'].' * cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssUpdateIntervalType'].' <=
'.adodb_mktime().') AND (LENGTH('.$category_custom_fields['RssSource'].') > 0)';
$categories = $this->Conn->Query($sql, 'CategoryId');
if ($categories) {
$resource_ids = Array();
foreach ($categories as $category_id => $category_data) {
$resource_ids[] = $category_data['ResourceId'];
$event->setEventParam('source_url', $category_data[ $category_custom_fields['RssSource'] ]);
$event->setEventParam('category_id', $category_id);
$event->setEventParam('custom_fields', $article_custom_fields);
$event->setEventParam('life_time', $category_data[ $category_custom_fields['RssDefaultExpiration'] ] * $category_data[ $category_custom_fields['RssDefaultExpirationType'] ]);
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$custom_table.'
SET '.$category_custom_fields['RssLastUpdated'].' = '.adodb_mktime().'
WHERE ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', $resource_ids).')';
// delete expired articles from feed categories
$sql = 'SELECT c.CategoryId, c.ResourceId
FROM '.$category_table.' c
LEFT JOIN '.$custom_table.' cd ON c.ResourceId = cd.ResourceId
WHERE ( IF(cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssLastExpired'].' IS NULL, 0, cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssLastExpired'].') +
cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssExpireInterval'].' * cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssExpireIntervalType'].' <=
'.adodb_mktime().') AND (cd.'.$category_custom_fields['RssDeleteExpired'].' = 1)';
$categories = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'ResourceId');
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$ci_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix.'-ci', 'TableName');
if ($categories) {
$article_custom_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix.'-cdata', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT main_table.'.$id_field.'
FROM '.$table.' main_table
LEFT JOIN '.$ci_table.' ci ON main_table.ResourceId = ci.ItemResourceId
LEFT JOIN '.$article_custom_table.' cd ON main_table.ResourceId = cd.ResourceId
WHERE (ci.PrimaryCat = 1) AND
(ci.CategoryId IN ('.implode(',', $categories).')) AND
(main_table.EndOn < '.adodb_mktime().' AND main_table.EndOn IS NOT NULL) AND
(LENGTH(cd.'.$article_custom_fields['RssOriginalURL'].') > 0)';
$article_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
if ($article_ids) {
$temp_handler = $this->Application->recallObject($event->getPrefixSpecial().'_TempHandler', 'kTempTablesHandler');
/* @var $temp_handler kTempTablesHandler */
$temp_handler->DeleteItems($event->Prefix, $event->Special, $article_ids);
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$custom_table.'
SET '.$category_custom_fields['RssLastExpired'].' = '.adodb_mktime().'
WHERE ResourceId IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($categories)).')';
* Returns article ids & crc, that are created during feed import
* @param kEvent $event
* @return Array
function getFeedArticles($event)
$id_field = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$custom_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix.'-cdata', 'TableName');
$crc_field = $event->getEventParam('custom_fields', 'RssArticleCRC');
$sql = 'SELECT main_table.'.$id_field.', cd.'.$crc_field.'
FROM '.$table.' main_table
LEFT JOIN '.$custom_table.' cd ON cd.ResourceId = main_table.ResourceId
WHERE LENGTH(cd.'.$crc_field.') > 0';
return $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, $crc_field);
* Creates new, updates existing articles from feed url specified
* @param kEvent $event
function parseFeed($event)
$source_urls = explode(',', $event->getEventParam('source_url'));
if (count($source_urls) > 1) {
foreach ($source_urls as $source_url) {
$event->setEventParam('source_url', $source_url);
return true;
$curl_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('CurlHelper');
/* @var $curl_helper kCurlHelper */
$curl_helper->followLocation = true;
$curl_helper->setOptions( Array (CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; ru; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)') ); // otherwise FeedBurner will return HTML
$xml_data = $curl_helper->Send($event->getEventParam('source_url'));
if (!$xml_data) {
return false;
$xml_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('kXMLHelper');
/* @var $xml_helper kXMLHelper */
$root_node =& $xml_helper->Parse($xml_data, kXMLHelper::XML_WITH_TEXT_NODES);
$feed_types = Array (
'rss_2.0' => 'channel', 'atom' => 'feed',
foreach ($feed_types as $feed_type => $node_name) {
$article_node =& $root_node->FindChild($node_name);
if (is_object($article_node)) {
if (!$article_node) {
return false;
$category_id = $event->getEventParam('category_id');
$backup_category_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $category_id);
switch ($feed_type) {
case 'rss_2.0':
$this->parseRssFeed($article_node, $event);
case 'atom':
$this->parseAtomFeed($article_node, $event);
$this->Application->SetVar('m_cat_id', $backup_category_id);
* Returns ML field names for article record
* @param kCatDBItem $object
* @return Array
function _getMLFields(&$object)
$ml_formatter = $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
/* @var $ml_formatter kMultiLanguage */
$title_field = 'Title';
$title_formatter = $object->GetFieldOption($title_field, 'formatter');
if ( $title_formatter == 'kMultiLanguage' ) {
$title_field = $ml_formatter->LangFieldName($title_field);
$body_field = 'Body';
$body_formatter = $object->GetFieldOption($body_field, 'formatter');
if ( $body_formatter == 'kMultiLanguage' ) {
$body_field = $ml_formatter->LangFieldName($body_field);
return Array ($title_field, $body_field);
* Parses RSS 2.0 feed
* @param kXMLNode $root_node
* @param kEvent $event
function parseRssFeed(&$root_node, $event)
$current_node = $root_node->firstChild;
$feed_articles = $this->getFeedArticles($event);
$object = $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $object kDBItem */
list ($title_field, $body_field) = $this->_getMLFields($object);
do {
// IMAGE is information about channel and is not useful here
if ($current_node->Name != 'ITEM') continue;
// collect item data
$data = Array();
$sub_node =& $current_node->firstChild;
/* @var $sub_node kXMLNode */
do {
if ($sub_node->Name == 'ATOM:SUMMARY') {
$data[$sub_node->Name] = $this->getNodeContent($sub_node);
} else {
$data[$sub_node->Name] = $this->getNodeContent($sub_node, 'xhtml'); // $sub_node->firstChild->Data; // was $sub_node->Data;
} while ( ($sub_node =& $sub_node->NextSibling()) );
// create/update article
$article_crc = kUtil::crc32($data['LINK'].$data['TITLE']);
$article_id = getArrayValue($feed_articles, $article_crc);
if ($article_id) {
else {
$object->SetDBField($title_field, $data['TITLE']);
$object->SetDBField('cust_RssOriginalURL', $data['LINK']);
$object->SetDBField('cust_RssArticleCRC', $article_crc);
$object->SetDBField($body_field, !array_key_exists('DESCRIPTION', $data) ? $data['ATOM:SUMMARY'] : $data['DESCRIPTION']);
$expiration_time = adodb_mktime() + $event->getEventParam('life_time');
$object->SetDBField('EndOn_date', $expiration_time);
$object->SetDBField('EndOn_time', $expiration_time);
$object->SetDBField('Status', STATUS_ACTIVE);
$object->SetDBField('Author', 'root');
$object->SetDBField('CreatedById', USER_ROOT);
$status = $object->isLoaded() ? $object->Update() : $object->Create();
} while (($current_node =& $current_node->NextSibling()));
* Returns parsed node content
* @param kXMLNode $node
* @param string $content_type
* @return string
function getNodeContent(&$node, $content_type = null)
if ( !isset($content_type) ) {
$content_type = $node->GetAttribute('TYPE');
switch ($content_type) {
case 'xhtml':
$data = $node->GetXML(true);
case 'html':
- $data = kUtil::unhtmlentities( $node->GetXML(true) ); // $node->firstChild->Data // $node->Data
+ $data = htmlspecialchars_decode( $node->GetXML(true) ); // $node->firstChild->Data // $node->Data
$data = $node->GetXML(true); // $node->firstChild->Data; // $node->Data; also for 'text'
return trim($data);
* Parses ATOM feed
* @param kXMLNode $root_node
* @param kEvent $event
function parseAtomFeed(&$root_node, $event)
$current_node = $root_node->firstChild;
$feed_articles = $this->getFeedArticles($event);
$object = $this->Application->recallObject($event->Prefix.'.-item', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $object kDBItem */
list ($title_field, $body_field) = $this->_getMLFields($object);
do {
if ($current_node->Name != 'ENTRY') continue;
// collect item data
$data = Array();
$sub_node =& $current_node->firstChild;
/* @var $sub_node kXMLNode */
do {
if ($sub_node->Name == 'LINK') {
if ($sub_node->GetAttribute('REL') === false || $sub_node->GetAttribute('REL') == 'alternate') {
$data[$sub_node->Name] = $sub_node->GetAttribute('HREF');
elseif ($sub_node->Name == 'CONTENT' || $sub_node->Name == 'SUMMARY' || $sub_node->Name == 'TITLE') {
$data[$sub_node->Name] = $this->getNodeContent($sub_node);
else {
$data[$sub_node->Name] = $sub_node->GetXML(true); // firstChild->Data; // $sub_node->Data
} while ( ($sub_node =& $sub_node->NextSibling()) );
// create/update article
$article_crc = kUtil::crc32($data['LINK'].$data['TITLE']);
$article_id = getArrayValue($feed_articles, $article_crc);
if ($article_id) {
else {
$object->SetDBField($title_field, $data['TITLE']);
$object->SetDBField('cust_RssOriginalURL', $data['LINK']);
$object->SetDBField('cust_RssArticleCRC', $article_crc);
$object->SetDBField($body_field, !array_key_exists('CONTENT', $data) ? $data['SUMMARY'] : $data['CONTENT']);
$expiration_time = adodb_mktime() + $event->getEventParam('life_time');
$object->SetDBField('EndOn_date', $expiration_time);
$object->SetDBField('EndOn_time', $expiration_time);
$object->SetDBField('Status', STATUS_ACTIVE);
$object->SetDBField('Author', 'root');
$object->SetDBField('CreatedById', USER_ROOT);
$status = $object->isLoaded() ? $object->Update() : $object->Create();
} while (($current_node =& $current_node->NextSibling()));
function getCustomColumns($prefix)
$ml_formatter = $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
/* @var $ml_formatter kMultiLanguage */
$custom_fields = array_flip($this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'CustomFields'));
foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_name => $custom_id) {
$custom_fields[$custom_name] = $ml_formatter->LangFieldName('cust_'.$custom_id);
return $custom_fields;
* Create missing excerpt
* @param kEvent $event
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function OnBeforeItemUpdate(kEvent $event)
$this->cacheItemOwner($event, 'CreatedById', 'Author');
* Create missing excerpt
* @param kEvent $event
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function OnBeforeItemCreate(kEvent $event)
$this->cacheItemOwner($event, 'CreatedById', 'Author');
* Create excerpt if missing
* @param kEvent $event
function createExcerpt($event)
$object = $event->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
if ( !$object->GetField('Excerpt') || $this->Application->GetVar('generate_excerpt') ) {
$excerpt = strip_tags($object->GetField('Body'));
$length = mb_strlen($excerpt);
if ( $length > 100 ) {
$excerpt = mb_substr(strip_tags($excerpt), 0, 100);
if ( mb_substr($excerpt, -1) != ' ' ) {
$pos = mb_strrpos($excerpt, ' ');
if ( $pos ) {
$excerpt = mb_substr($excerpt, 0, $pos);
$excerpt .= '...';
$excerpt_field = 'Excerpt';
$excerpt_formatter = $object->GetFieldOption('Excerpt', 'formatter');
if ( $excerpt_formatter == 'kMultiLanguage' ) {
$ml_formatter = $this->Application->recallObject('kMultiLanguage');
/* @var $ml_formatter kMultiLanguage */
$excerpt_field = $ml_formatter->LangFieldName($excerpt_field);
$object->SetDBField($excerpt_field, $excerpt);
* [HOOK] Updates category custom fields options in config
* @param kEvent $event
function OnUpdateCategoryCustomFields($event)
$new_virtual_fields = Array(
'cust_RssSource' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'cust_RssDefaultExpiration' => Array('type' => 'int', 'default' => ''),
'cust_RssDefaultExpirationType' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1, 'options' => Array(60 => 'la_opt_min', 3600 => 'la_opt_hour', 86400 => 'la_opt_day', 2419200 => 'la_opt_month', 29030400 => 'la_opt_year'), 'default' => 60),
'cust_RssExpireInterval' => Array('type' => 'int', 'default' => ''),
'cust_RssExpireIntervalType' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1, 'options' => Array(60 => 'la_opt_min', 3600 => 'la_opt_hour', 86400 => 'la_opt_day', 2419200 => 'la_opt_month'), 'default' => 60),
'cust_RssDeleteExpired' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1, 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'default' => 0),
'cust_RssUpdateInterval' => Array('type' => 'int', 'default' => ''),
'cust_RssUpdateIntervalType' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1, 'options' => Array(60 => 'la_opt_min', 3600 => 'la_opt_hour', 86400 => 'la_opt_day', 2419200 => 'la_opt_month'), 'default' => 60),
'cust_RssLastUpdated' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default' => ''),
'cust_RssLastExpired' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default' => ''),
$virtual_fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption('c', 'VirtualFields');
$virtual_fields = kUtil::array_merge_recursive($virtual_fields, $new_virtual_fields);
$this->Application->setUnitOption('c', 'VirtualFields', $virtual_fields);
* Sets default expiration based on module setting
* @param kEvent $event
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function OnPreCreate(kEvent $event)
if ( $event->status != kEvent::erSUCCESS ) {
return ;
$object = $event->getObject();
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$archive_days = $this->Application->ConfigValue('News_Archive');
if ( $archive_days ) {
$expire_date = adodb_mktime() + $archive_days * 3600 * 24;
$object->SetDBField('EndOn_date', $expire_date);
$object->SetDBField('EndOn_time', $expire_date);
* [HOOK] Allows to add cloned subitem to given prefix
* @param kEvent $event
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function OnCloneSubItem(kEvent $event)
if ( $event->MasterEvent->Prefix == 'rev' ) {
$clones = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Clones');
$subitem_prefix = $event->Prefix . '-' . $event->MasterEvent->Prefix;
$clones[$subitem_prefix]['ConfigMapping'] = Array (
'PerPage' => 'Perpage_NewsReviews',
'ShortListPerPage' => 'Perpage_NewsReviews_Short',
'DefaultSorting1Field' => 'News_SortReviews',
'DefaultSorting2Field' => 'News_SortReviews2',
'DefaultSorting1Dir' => 'News_SortReviewsOrder',
'DefaultSorting2Dir' => 'News_SortReviewsOrder2',
'ReviewDelayInterval' => 'News_ReviewDelay_Interval',
'ReviewDelayValue' => 'News_ReviewDelay_Value',
$this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Clones', $clones);
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline