In-portal is a revolutionary web site management system that allows you to automate and facilitate management of large portal and community web sites. Regardless of whether you are running a directory site or a content news portal, a community site or an online mall, In-portal will enhance your web site management experience with innovative.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."PermissionConfig AS pc LEFT JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."Phrase AS p ON pc.Description = p.Phrase WHERE pc.ModuleId='$PermModule' AND p.LanguageId = ".$objSession->Get("Language")." ORDER BY p.Translation ASC";
$sql = "SELECT g.GroupId as GroupId, as GroupName, count(u.PortalUserId) as UserCount FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."PortalGroup as g ";
$sql .="INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."UserGroup as u ON g.GroupId=u.GroupId WHERE u.PortalUserId=".$c->Get("PortalUserId")." $where GROUP BY".$orderBy;
function MultiEditButtons(&$ToolBar,$next,$prev,$Form,$StatusField, $url,$onClick, $ExtraVar="", $prev_phrase = 'Phrase Not Passed', $next_phrase = 'Phrase Not Passed')
$sql = "SELECT t.*,t.Description as Description, ELT(t.FileType+1,'".admin_language("la_Text_BuiltIn")."','".admin_language("la_Text_Custom")."') as Type ";
$sql .= "FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."ThemeFiles as t WHERE t.ThemeId=".$c->Get("ThemeId")." ";
if( strlen($where) ) $sql .= ' AND '.$where.' ';
if( strlen($order) ) $sql .= 'ORDER BY '.$order.' ';
$limit = ' '.$objListView->GetLimitSQL();;
$sql .= $limit;
//echo "<b>SQL:</b> $sql<br>";
$c->VerifyTemplates($where,$order,$limit); // slow down process
/* ------------------------------------ Build the SQL statement to populate the list ---------------------------*/
$ptable = GetTablePrefix()."Phrase";
$sql = "SELECT distinct(p.Phrase) as Phrase,p.Translation as Translation,ELT(p.PhraseType+1,'".admin_language("la_Text_Front")."','".admin_language("la_Text_Admin")."','".admin_language("la_Text_Both")."') as Type, ";
$sql .="pri.Translation as PrimaryValue, p.PhraseId as PhraseId ";
$sql .= "FROM ".$objPhrases->SourceTable." as p LEFT JOIN $ptable as pri ON (p.Phrase=pri.Phrase AND pri.LanguageId=1) WHERE p.LanguageId=".$c->Get("LanguageId")." ";