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Index: branches/5.3.x/core/admin_templates/js/template_manager.js
--- branches/5.3.x/core/admin_templates/js/template_manager.js (revision 15914)
+++ branches/5.3.x/core/admin_templates/js/template_manager.js (revision 15915)
@@ -1,596 +1,597 @@
function TemplateManager ( $settings ) {
this.pageId = 0;
this.editUrl = '';
this.browseUrl = '';
this.saveLayoutUrl = '';
this.editingMode = 0; // from {1 - browse, 2 - content, 3 - design}
this.pageInfo = {editors: [], revisions: {}}; // information about page in "Content Mode"
this._blocks = {};
this._blockOrder = Array ();
this.inDrag = false; // don't process mouse over/out events while in drag mode
$.extend(this, $settings);
var $template_manager = this;
function() {
if (!$template_manager.editingMode) {
return ;
// show special toolbar when in any of 3 browse modes
var $head_frame = getFrame('head');
var $extra_toolbar = $head_frame.$('div.front-extra-toolbar').clone(); // clone to keep original untouched
$('a', $extra_toolbar).each(
function() {
// cut from end, because IE7 adds base_href to beginning of href
var $editing_mode = $(this).attr('href');
$editing_mode = $editing_mode.substr($editing_mode.length - 1, 1);
$(this).attr('href', $template_manager.browseUrl.replace('#EDITING_MODE#', $editing_mode));
if ($editing_mode == $template_manager.editingMode) {
$head_frame.$('#extra_toolbar').html( $extra_toolbar.html() );
var $hover_effect = [];
if ($template_manager.editingMode > 1) {
// all modes except for "Browse Mode"
// $hover_effect.push('div.cms-section-properties-btn:first');
if ($template_manager.editingMode == 2) {
// Content Mode
// $hover_effect.push('div.cms-edit-btn');
// $hover_effect.push('div.admin-edit-btn');
// make all spans with phrases clickable
// hide "Revision History" div on every body click (bubbled), but not a "toolbar button", that opens it
function ($e) {
var $target = $($,
$id = $target.attr('id');
if ( $id && ($id == 'div_history' || $target.parent().attr('id') == 'div_history') ) {
return ;
if ($template_manager.editingMode == 3) {
// Design Mode
// $hover_effect.push('div.cms-save-layout-btn:first, div.cms-cancel-layout-btn:first');
placeholder: 'move-helper',
handle: '.movable-header',
items: 'div.movable-element',
connectWith: ['div.movable-area'],
tolerance: 'pointer',
start: function(e, ui) {
$template_manager.inDrag = true;
ui.placeholder.height( ui.item.height() );
stop: function(e, ui) {
$template_manager.inDrag = false;
// mouseout doesn't happen while in drag, so compensate it here
var $header = $('.movable-header', ui.item);
$('div.block-edit-block-btn-container', $header).mouseout();
change: function(e, ui) {
// make requested elements fully visible on mouseover
if ( $hover_effect.length ) {
$($hover_effect.join(', '))
function(e) {
$(this).css('opacity', 1);
function(e) {
$(this).css('opacity', 0.5);
// related to content revision control toolbar
- $('#cms-toggle-revision-toolbar').click(
- function ($e) {
- var $me = $(this);
- if ( $me.hasClass('opened') ) {
- var $height = $('#cms-revision-toolbar').height();
- $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').animate({top: (-1) * $height}, 'fast');
- $('#cms-editing-notice, #cms-revision-dropdown').hide();
- setCookie('toolbar_hidden', 1);
- }
- else {
- $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').animate({top: 0}, 'fast');
- setCookie('toolbar_hidden', 0);
- }
+ if ( $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').length == 1 ) {
+ $template_manager.initRevisionToolbar();
+ }
+ }
+ );
- $me.toggleClass('opened');
+TemplateManager.prototype.initRevisionToolbar = function () {
+ var $template_manager = this;
- return false;
- }
- );
+ $('#cms-toggle-revision-toolbar').click(function ($e) {
+ var $me = $(this);
- $('#cms-close-toolbar').click(
- function () {
- var $height = $('#cms-revision-toolbar').height();
+ if ( $me.hasClass('opened') ) {
+ var $height = $('#cms-revision-toolbar').height();
- $('#cms-toggle-revision-toolbar').removeClass('opened');
- $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').css('top', (-1) * $height);
+ $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').animate({top: (-1) * $height}, 'fast');
+ $('#cms-editing-notice, #cms-revision-dropdown').hide();
+ setCookie('toolbar_hidden', 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').animate({top: 0}, 'fast');
+ setCookie('toolbar_hidden', 0);
+ }
- $('#cms-editing-notice, #cms-revision-dropdown').hide();
- setCookie('toolbar_hidden', 1);
+ $me.toggleClass('opened');
- return false;
- }
- );
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ });
- $('#cms-close-editing-notice').click(
- function () {
- $('#cms-editing-notice').hide();
+ $('#cms-close-toolbar').click(function ($e) {
+ var $height = $('#cms-revision-toolbar').height();
- return false;
- }
- );
+ $('#cms-toggle-revision-toolbar').removeClass('opened');
+ $('#cms-revision-toolbar-layer').css('top', (-1) * $height);
- $('.toolbar-button', '#cms-revision-toolbar').click(
- function ($e) {
- var $button_name = $(this).attr('id').replace(/^(tool|div)_/, '');
+ $('#cms-editing-notice, #cms-revision-dropdown').hide();
+ setCookie('toolbar_hidden', 1);
- $template_manager.revisionToolbarClick($button_name);
- }
- );
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ });
- setInterval(
- function () {
- $.getJSON(
- $('#kf_revisions_' + $template_manager.pageId).attr('action') + '&events[page-revision]=OnGetInfo',
- function ($data) {
- $template_manager.pageInfo = $data;
- $template_manager.processPageInfo();
- }
- );
- }, 20 * 1000 // 20 seconds
- );
+ $('#cms-close-editing-notice').click(function ($e) {
+ $('#cms-editing-notice').hide();
- if ( !$.isEmptyObject($template_manager.pageInfo) ) {
- $template_manager.processPageInfo();
- }
- }
+ $e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ $('.toolbar-button', '#cms-revision-toolbar').click(function ($e) {
+ var $button_name = $(this).attr('id').replace(/^(tool|div)_/, '');
+ $template_manager.revisionToolbarClick($button_name);
+ });
+ setInterval(
+ function () {
+ $.getJSON(
+ $('#kf_revisions_' + $template_manager.pageId).attr('action') + '&events[page-revision]=OnGetInfo',
+ function ($data) {
+ $template_manager.pageInfo = $data;
+ $template_manager.processPageInfo();
+ }
+ );
+ }, 20 * 1000 // 20 seconds
+ if ( !$.isEmptyObject($template_manager.pageInfo) ) {
+ $template_manager.processPageInfo();
+ }
TemplateManager.prototype.processPageInfo = function () {
var $class_mapping = {
1: 'cms-revision-published',
2: 'cms-revision-pending',
0: 'cms-revision-declined'
var $title = $('.revision-title', '#cms-current-revision-info');
$title.html( this.pageInfo.current_revision.title );
$('.draft-saved', '#cms-current-revision-info').html( this.pageInfo.current_revision.saved );
for (var $status in $class_mapping) {
$title.toggleClass( $class_mapping[$status], $status === this.pageInfo.current_revision.status );
if ( $('#cms-toggle-revision-toolbar').hasClass('opened') ) {
var $notice = $('#cms-editing-notice');
if ( this.pageInfo.editors.length ) {
if ( $('span:first', $notice).attr('prev_editors') != this.pageInfo.editors.join(',') ) {
// show notice, only when editors change occurs
$('span:first', $notice).html(this.pageInfo.editors_warning).attr('prev_editors', this.pageInfo.editors.join(','));
if ( $':hidden') ) {
else if ( $':visible') ) {
var $revision_container = $('.top', '#cms-revision-dropdown'),
$revision_mask = ' <div class="item">\
<span class="{CLASS}"><a href="{LINK}">{TITLE}</a> ({STATUS_LABEL})</span>\
<div class="cms-left">{DATETIME}</div>\
<div class="cms-right">{AUTHOR}</div>\
<div class="cms-clear"></div>\
if ( $.isArray(this.pageInfo.revisions) ) {
// no revisions yet
else {
for (var $revision in this.pageInfo.revisions) {
var $html = $revision_mask,
$revision_info = this.pageInfo.revisions[$revision];
for (var $field in $revision_info) {
$html = $html.replace( new RegExp('{' + $field.toUpperCase() + '}', 'g'), $revision_info[$field] );
$html = $html.replace(/{CLASS}/g, $class_mapping[$revision_info.status] );
if ( $revision_info['draft'] ) {
$html = $html.replace(/{LINK}/g, this.browseUrl.replace('#EDITING_MODE#', 2) );
else {
$html = $html.replace(/{LINK}/g, this.browseUrl.replace('#EDITING_MODE#', 2) + '&revision=' + $revision.substr(1) );
$('.item', '#cms-revision-dropdown .top').each(
function () {
var $row = $(this);
$('a:first', $row).click(
function ($e) {
function ($e) {
window.location.href = $('a:first', this).attr('href');
TemplateManager.prototype.revisionToolbarClick = function ($button_name) {
// console.log('button ', $button_name, ' clicked');
var $button_event_map = {
'select': 'OnSave',
'delete': 'OnDiscard',
'approve': 'OnPublish',
'decline': 'OnDecline'
if ( $button_event_map[$button_name] !== undefined ) {
$form_name = 'kf_revisions_' + this.pageId;
submit_event('page-revision', $button_event_map[$button_name]);
return ;
switch ( $button_name ) {
case 'preview':
var $url = this.browseUrl.replace('#EDITING_MODE#', 0).replace(/&(admin|editing_mode)=[\d]/g, ''); $url + '&preview=1' );
case 'history':
TemplateManager.prototype.setupEditTranslationButtons = function ($container) {
$("span[name='cms-translate-phrase']", $container).each(
function() {
var $me = $(this);
var $parent_link = $me.parents('a:first');
if ($parent_link.length == 0) {
// span in not inside "a" tag
$me.prepend('<div class="cms-edit-btn"><div class="cms-btn-text">Edit</div></div>');
$('div.cms-edit-btn:first', $me).click(TemplateManager.prototype.translatePhrase);
function ($e) {
$('div.cms-edit-btn:first', this).click();
- return false;
+ $e.preventDefault();
var $effect_element = $me;
else {
// span is inside "a" tag
var $clone = $me.clone();
$clone.empty().attr('title', '');
// in case if "a" tag is "display: block", then make "span" the same
$clone.css('display', $parent_link.css('display'));
$parent_link.html( $me.html() ).wrap($clone);
$parent_link.before('<div class="cms-edit-btn" title="' + $me.attr('title') + '"><div class="cms-btn-text">Edit</div></div>');
var $effect_element = $parent_link.parents("span[name='cms-translate-phrase']:first");
function($e) {
$('div.cms-edit-btn', this).css('display', 'inline');
function($e) {
$('div.cms-edit-btn', this).hide();
TemplateManager.prototype.translatePhrase = function ($e) {
var $translate_url = $(this).parents("span[name='cms-translate-phrase']:first").attr('href');
if ($translate_url.match(/javascript:(.*)/)) {
else {
window.location.href = $translate_url;
- return false;
+ $e.preventDefault();
TemplateManager.prototype.renumberMovableElements = function () {
var $area_index = 0;
// 1. dynamically assign IDs to all movable elements
function() {
var $element_index = 0;
$('div.movable-element', this).each(
function() {
$(this).attr('id', 'target_order_a' + $area_index + 'e' + $element_index);
TemplateManager.prototype.saveLayout = function () {
// prepare order string
var $sort_order = [];
function($area_index) {
var $order = $(this).sortable('serialize').replace(/target_order\[\]/g, 'target_order[' + $area_index + '][]');
if ($order) {
$sort_order = $sort_order.join('&');
// save order string
var $me = this;
var $settings = {
url: this.saveLayoutUrl + '&' + $sort_order + '&width=200&height=70&modal=true',
caption: 'Layout Saving Result',
onDataReceived: function ($data) {
var $message = '';
if ($data == 'OK') {
$message = 'New Layout Saved';
else {
$message = 'Failed to Save New Layout';
$data = '<div style="text-align: center;">' + $message + '<br/><br/><input type="button" class="button" value="OK" onclick="TB.remove();"/></div>';
return $data;
TB.setWindowTitle( + ' :: ', '') );$settings);
TemplateManager.prototype.cancelLayout = function () {
window.location.href = window.location.href;
TemplateManager.prototype.onBtnClick = function ($e, $element) {
var $id = $$/, '');
var $block_info = this._blocks[$id];
var $url = this.editUrl.replace('#BLOCK#', $block_info.block_name + ':' + $block_info.function_name).replace('#EVENT#', 'OnLoadBlock');
direct_edit('theme-file', $url);
TemplateManager.prototype.onMouseOver = function ($e, $element) {
if (this.inDrag) {
return ;
$element = $($element);
if ($element.hasClass('block-edit-design-btn-container')) {
var $button_group = $('div.cms-edit-design-btn-container:first', $element);
if ($button_group.length) {
else {
$('.cms-edit-design-btn:first', $element).show();
else {
$('.cms-edit-block-btn:first', $element).show();
TemplateManager.prototype.onMouseOut = function ($e, $element) {
if (this.inDrag) {
return ;
$element = $($element);
if ($element.hasClass('block-edit-design-btn-container')) {
var $button_group = $('div.cms-edit-design-btn-container:first', $element);
if ($button_group.length) {
else {
$('.cms-edit-design-btn:first', $element).hide();
else {
$('.cms-edit-block-btn:first', $element).hide();
TemplateManager.prototype.searchBlocks = function () {
var $design_containers = $('div.block-edit-design-btn-container');
var $block_containers = $('div.block-edit-block-btn-container');
function() {
var $block_container = $('div.block-edit-block-btn-container:first', this);
if ($block_container.length) {
$block_containers = $block_containers.not($block_container);
// place "Edit Block" button near "Edit Design" button
var $edit_design_btn = $('.cms-edit-design-btn:first', this);
var $edit_block_btn = $('.cms-edit-block-btn:first', $block_container);
.wrap('<div class="cms-edit-design-btn-container"></div>')
.before( $edit_block_btn.clone() );
// make "hint" from "Edit Block" button container main
$(this).attr('title', $block_container.attr('title'));
$block_container.attr('title', '');, $block_container.get(0), ['hover']);
}, this, ['dblclick']);
function() {, this);
// $('div').each (
// function () {
// /*var $id = $(this).attr('id');
// if (!$id || $id.match(/parser_block\[.*\].*_btn$/) || !$id.match(/parser_block\[.*\]/)) {
// // skip other divs
// return true;
// }*/
//, this);
// }
// );
TemplateManager.prototype.registerBlock = function ($element, $skip_events) {
var $params = $element.getAttribute('params').split(':');
this._blocks[$] = {
block_name: $params[0],
function_name: $params[1]
var $btn = document.getElementById($ + '_btn');
function(ev) {, ev, this);
if ($skip_events === undefined) {
$skip_events = [];
if (!in_array('dblclick', $skip_events)) {
function(ev) {, ev, this);
if (!in_array('hover', $skip_events)) {
function(ev) {, ev, this);
function(ev) {, ev, this);
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline