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Sat, Feb 22, 5:49 AM


Index: branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/languages_lang.php
--- branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/languages_lang.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/languages_lang.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
// section removal
$remove_sections = Array (
// 'in-portal:configure_lang',
// section in debug mode
$debug_only_sections = Array (
// toolbar buttons
$remove_buttons = Array (
// 'languages_list' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'export', 'import', 'setprimary', 'refresh', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
+// 'email_messages_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
Index: branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/forms_form.php
--- branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/forms_form.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/forms_form.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
// section removal
$remove_sections = Array (
// 'in-portal:forms',
// sections shown with debug on
$debug_only_sections = Array (
// toolbar buttons
$remove_buttons = Array (
// list of forms
// 'forms_list' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// editing form
// 'forms_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// edit list of fields when adding/editing form
// 'forms_edit_fields' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// edit form field when adding/editing form
-// 'form_field_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+// 'form_field_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// fields to hide
$hidden_fields = Array (
/* 'FormId', 'Title', 'Description', */
// virtual fields to hide
$virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
// fields to make required
$required_fields = Array (
/* 'FormId',*/ 'Title', /* 'Description', */
// virtual fields to make required
$virtual_required_fields = Array (
// tabs during editing
$hide_edit_tabs = Array (
// tabs during form editing
// 'Default' => Array ('general', 'fields'),
// hide columns in grids
$hide_columns = Array (
// list of forms
// 'Default' => Array ('FormId', 'Title'),
Index: branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/categories_c.php
--- branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/categories_c.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/categories_c.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,84 +1,81 @@
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
// section removal
$remove_sections = Array (
// sections shown with debug on
$debug_only_sections = Array (
// 'in-portal:configure_categories',
// 'in-portal:configuration_search',
// 'in-portal:configuration_email',
// 'in-portal:configuration_custom',
// toolbar buttons
$remove_buttons = Array (
'catalog' => Array (/*'select', 'cancel', 'upcat', 'homecat', 'new_cat', 'new_link', 'new_article', 'new_topic', 'new_product', 'edit', 'delete',*/ 'approve', 'decline', /*'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'move_up', 'move_down',*/ 'tools', /*'view', 'dbl-click',*/ ),
'advanced_view' => Array (/*'select', 'cancel', 'new_cat', 'new_link', 'new_article', 'new_topic', 'new_product', 'edit', 'delete',*/ 'approve', 'decline', /*'view', 'dbl-click' */),
// 'categories_relations' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// 'categories_propertiries' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// 'categories_permissions' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// 'categories_images' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'setprimary', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// 'reviews' => Array ('edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// 'categories_related_searches' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
-// 'related_searches_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+// 'related_searches_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
+// 'images_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
+// 'relations_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// fields to hide
$hidden_fields = Array (
'CategoryId', /*'Type', 'SymLinkCategoryId', 'ParentId', 'Name', 'Filename', 'AutomaticFilename',*/
/*'Description',*/ 'CreatedOn', 'EditorsPick', 'Status', /*'Priority', 'MetaKeywords', 'CachedDescendantCatsQty',
'CachedNavbar',*/ 'CreatedById', /*'ResourceId', 'ParentPath', 'TreeLeft', 'TreeRight', 'NamedParentPath',
'MetaDescription', 'HotItem',*/ 'NewItem', /*'PopItem', 'Modified', 'ModifiedById', 'CachedTemplate',*/
'Template', /*'UseExternalUrl', 'ExternalUrl',*/ 'UseMenuIconUrl', 'MenuIconUrl', 'Title', 'MenuTitle',
/*'MetaTitle', 'IndexTools', 'IsMenu',*/'Protected', 'Type', 'FormId', 'FormSubmittedTemplate',
/*'FriendlyURL', 'ThemeId', 'EnablePageCache', 'OverridePageCacheKey', 'PageCacheKey', 'PageExpiration'*/
// virtual fields to hide
$virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
/*'CurrentSort', 'IsNew', 'OldPriority', 'SameImages', 'LocalThumb', 'ThumbPath', 'ThumbUrl',
'LocalImage', 'LocalPath', 'FullUrl'*/
$debug_only_fields = Array (
'Filename', 'AutomaticFilename', 'SymLinkCategoryId'
// fields to make required
$required_fields = Array (
'ParentId', 'Name', 'Filename', 'CreatedOn', 'Priority',
// virtual fields to make required
$virtual_required_fields = Array (
// tabs during editing
$hide_edit_tabs = Array (
'Default' => Array (/*'general', */'properties', 'relations', 'related_searches', 'images', 'permissions', 'custom', ),
// hide columns in grids
$hide_columns = Array (
'Default' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified',*/ 'Template', /*'IsMenu',*/ 'Protected', /*'Type',*/ 'Priority'),
'DefaultShowAll' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified',*/ 'Template', /*'IsMenu',*/ 'Protected',/*'Type', 'Priority', 'CachedNavbar'*/),
'Radio' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified',*/ 'Template', /*'IsMenu',*/ 'Protected', /*'Type',*/ 'Priority'),
'RadioShowALl' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified',*/ 'Template', /*'IsMenu',*/ 'Protected'/*, 'Type', 'Priority', 'CachedNavbar'*/),
'Structure' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified',*/ 'Template', /*'IsMenu', 'Path',*/ 'Protected',/*'Type',*/ 'Priority'),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/themes_theme.php
--- branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/themes_theme.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/themes_theme.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
// section removal
$remove_sections = Array (
// 'in-portal:configure_themes',
// sections shown with debug on
$debug_only_sections = Array (
// toolbar buttons
$remove_buttons = Array (
// list of themes;
// 'themes_list' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'setprimary', 'refresh', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// "General" tab during adding/editing
// 'themes_edit_general' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// "Files" tab during adding/editing
// 'themes_edit_files' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'delete', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// "Edit File"
-// 'theme_file_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit'),
+// 'theme_file_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
// fields to hide
$hidden_fields = Array (
/*'ThemeId', 'Name', 'Enabled', 'Description', 'PrimaryTheme', 'CacheTimeout', 'StylesheetId',*/
// virtual fields to hide
$virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
/*'StyleName', 'LastCompiled'*/
// fields to make required
$required_fields = Array (
/*'ThemeId',*/ 'Name', /*'Enabled', 'Description', 'PrimaryTheme', 'CacheTimeout', 'StylesheetId'*/
// virtual fields to make required
$virtual_required_fields = Array (
/*'StyleName', 'LastCompiled'*/
// tabs during editing
$hide_edit_tabs = Array (
// tabs during editing
// 'Default' => Array ('general', 'files'),
// hide columns in grids
$hide_columns = Array (
// currently not in user
// 'Default' => Array ('ThemeId', 'Name', 'Description', 'Enabled', 'PrimaryTheme'),
Index: branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/users_u.php
--- branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/users_u.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/admin/system_presets/simple/users_u.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
// section removal
$remove_sections = Array (
// 'in-portal:user_list',
// 'in-portal:admins',
// 'in-portal:user_setting_folder',
// 'in-portal:configure_users',
// sections shown with debug on
$debug_only_sections = Array (
// 'in-portal:user_list',
// 'in-portal:admins',
// 'in-portal:user_email',
// 'in-portal:user_custom'
// toolbar buttons
$remove_buttons = Array (
// list of users; section: Users Management -> Users
'users_list' => Array (/*'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'e-mail',*/ 'export', /*'view', 'dbl-click'*/),
// "General" tab during user adding/editing
// 'users_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
// "Images" tab during user adding/editing
// 'user_edit_images' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'setprimary', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// "Groups" tab during user/admin adding/editing
// 'user_edit_groups' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'selec_user', 'edit', 'delete', 'primary_group', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// "Items" tab during user/admin adding/editing
// 'user_edit_items' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'edit', 'delete', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// "Custom" tab during user/admin adding/editing
// 'user_edit_custom' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// list of administrators; section: Users Managements -> Administrators
'admin_list' => Array (/*'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', */'clone', 'refresh',/* 'view', 'dbl-click'*/),
// "General" tab during admin adding/editing AND separate password change form for non-"root" users (in top frame)
'admins_edit' => Array (/*'select', 'cancel', */'reset_edit', /*'prev', 'next'*/),
// 'regular_users_list' => Array (), // not used
// separate password change form for "root" user (in top frame)
// 'root_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
// user/admin group membership editing (used on "Groups" tab during user/admin adding/editing)
// 'user_edit_group' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
// user image adding/editing (used on "Images" tab during user adding/editing)
-// 'user_image_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+// 'user_image_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// user selector
// 'user_select' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// user selector when adding/editing user group
// 'group_user_select' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
// fields to hide
$hidden_fields = Array (
/* 'PortalUserId', 'Login', 'Password', 'FirstName','LastName', 'Company', 'Email', 'CreatedOn',
'Phone', 'Fax', 'Street', 'Street2', 'City', 'State' , 'Zip', 'Country', 'ResourceId', 'Status',
'Modified', 'dob', 'tz', 'ip', 'IsBanned', 'PassResetTime', 'PwResetConfirm', 'PwRequestTime',
'MinPwResetDelay', */
// virtual fields to hide
$virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
/*'ValidateLogin', 'SubscribeEmail', 'PrimaryGroup', 'RootPassword', 'FullName', 'UserGroup'*/
// fields to make required
$required_fields = Array (
/*'PortalUserId',*/ 'Login', /*'Password', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Company', */'Email', /*'CreatedOn',
'Phone', 'Fax', 'Street', 'Street2', 'City', 'State' , 'Zip', 'Country', 'ResourceId', 'Status',
'Modified', 'dob', 'tz', 'ip', 'IsBanned', 'PassResetTime', 'PwResetConfirm', 'PwRequestTime',
// virtual fields to make required
$virtual_required_fields = Array (
/*'ValidateLogin', 'SubscribeEmail', 'PrimaryGroup', 'RootPassword', 'FullName', 'UserGroup'*/
// tabs during editing
$hide_edit_tabs = Array (
// tabs during user editing, when In-Portal module is enabled
'Default' => Array ('general', 'groups', 'images', 'items', 'custom'),
// tabs during user editing, when In-Portal module isn't enabled
'RegularUsers' => Array ('general', 'groups'),
// tabs during admin editing
'Admins' => Array ('general', 'groups'),
// hide columns in grids
$hide_columns = Array (
// currently not in user
// 'Default' => Array ('Login', 'LastName', 'FirstName', 'Email', 'PrimaryGroup', 'CreatedOn'),
// user selector
// 'UserSelector' => Array ('Login', 'LastName', 'FirstName', 'Email', 'PrimaryGroup', 'CreatedOn'),
// admins list; section: Users Management -> Administrators
// 'Admins' => Array ('PortalUserId', 'Login', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Email'),
// users list; section: Users Management -> Users
'RegularUsers' => Array (/*'PortalUserId', 'Login', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Email',*/ 'PrimaryGroup', 'CreatedOn', /* 'Status'*/),
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/units/categories/categories_config.php
--- branches/5.1.x/core/units/categories/categories_config.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/units/categories/categories_config.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,515 +1,515 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
$config = Array (
'Prefix' => 'c',
'ItemClass' => Array ('class' => 'CategoriesItem', 'file' => 'categories_item.php', 'build_event' => 'OnItemBuild'),
'ListClass' => Array ('class' => 'kDBList', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnListBuild'),
'EventHandlerClass' => Array ('class' => 'CategoriesEventHandler', 'file' => 'categories_event_handler.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'),
'TagProcessorClass' => Array ('class' => 'CategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tag_processor.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'),
'RegisterClasses' => Array (
Array ('pseudo' => 'kPermCacheUpdater', 'class' => 'kPermCacheUpdater', 'file' => 'cache_updater.php', 'build_event' => ''),
'ConfigPriority' => 0,
'Hooks' => Array (
Array (
'Mode' => hAFTER,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'adm', //self
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnRebuildThemes'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '',
'DoEvent' => 'OnAfterRebuildThemes',
Array (
'Mode' => hBEFORE,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => '',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => 'cdata',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnDefineCustomFields',
Array (
'Mode' => hBEFORE,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'rel',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array ('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnCloneSubItem',
Array (
'Mode' => hBEFORE,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'img',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array ('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnCloneSubItem',
'AutoLoad' => true,
'CatalogItem' => true,
'AdminTemplatePath' => 'categories',
'AdminTemplatePrefix' => 'categories_',
'SearchConfigPostfix' => 'category',
'QueryString' => Array (
1 => 'id',
2 => 'Page',
3 => 'PerPage',
4 => 'event',
5 => 'mode',
'AggregateTags' => Array (
Array (
'AggregateTo' => 'm',
'AggregatedTagName' => 'CategoryLink',
'LocalTagName' => 'CategoryLink',
'IDField' => 'CategoryId',
'StatusField' => Array ('Status'), // 'Status'
'TitleField' => 'Name',
'TitlePhrase' => 'la_Text_Category',
'ItemType' => 1, // used for custom fields only
'StatisticsInfo' => Array (
'pending' => Array (
'icon' => 'icon16_cat_pending.gif',
'label' => 'la_tab_Categories',
'js_url' => '#url#',
'url' => Array('t' => 'catalog/advanced_view', 'SetTab' => 'c', 'pass' => 'm,c.showall', 'c.showall_event' => 'OnSetFilterPattern', 'c.showall_filters' => 'show_active=0,show_pending=1,show_disabled=0,show_new=1,show_pick=1'),
'status' => STATUS_PENDING,
'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Category',
'ViewMenuPhrase' => 'la_text_Categories',
'CatalogTabIcon' => 'icon16_sections.png',
'TitlePresets' => Array (
'default' => Array (
'new_status_labels' => Array ('c' => '!la_title_Adding_Category!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('c' => '!la_title_Editing_Category!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array ('c' => '!la_title_New_Category!'),
'category_list' => Array ('prefixes' => Array ('c_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Categories! (#c_recordcount#)"),
'catalog' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array (), 'format' => "<span id='category_path'>!la_title_Categories!</span>",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'upcat', 'homecat', 'new_cat', 'new_link', 'new_article', 'new_topic', 'new_product', 'edit', 'delete', 'new_listing', 'approve', 'decline', 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'tools', 'view', 'dbl-click')
'advanced_view' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array (), 'format' => "!la_title_AdvancedView!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'new_cat', 'new_link', 'new_article', 'new_topic', 'new_product', 'edit', 'delete', 'new_listing', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'reviews' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array (), 'format' => "!la_title_Reviews!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click',)
'review_edit' => Array ('prefixes' => Array (), 'format' => "!la_title_Editing_Review!"),
'categories_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_General!",
'categories_properties' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_Properties!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'categories_relations' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_Relations!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'categories_related_searches' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_RelatedSearches!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'approve', 'decline', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'categories_images' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_Images!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'primary_image', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'categories_permissions' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_Permissions!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'categories_custom' => Array ('prefixes' => Array ('c'), 'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - !la_title_Custom!"),
'categories_update' => Array ('prefixes' => Array (), 'format' => "!la_title_UpdatingCategories!"),
'images_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c', 'c-img'),
'new_status_labels' => Array ('c-img' => '!la_title_Adding_Image!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('c-img' => '!la_title_Editing_Image!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array ('c-img' => ''),
'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - #c-img_status# '#c-img_titlefield#'",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'relations_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c', 'c-rel'),
'new_status_labels' => Array ('c-rel' => "!la_title_Adding_Relationship! '!la_title_New_Relationship!'"),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('c-rel' => '!la_title_Editing_Relationship!'),
'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - #c-rel_status#",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'related_searches_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('c', 'c-search'),
'new_status_labels' => Array ('c-search' => "!la_title_Adding_RelatedSearch_Keyword!"),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('c-search' => '!la_title_Editing_RelatedSearch_Keyword!'),
'format' => "#c_status# '#c_titlefield#' - #c-search_status#",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'edit_content' => Array ('format' => '!la_EditingContent!'),
'tree_site' => Array ('format' => '!la_selecting_categories!'),
'EditTabPresets' => Array (
'Default' => Array (
'general' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_General', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit', 'priority' => 1),
'properties' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Properties', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit_properties', 'priority' => 2),
'relations' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Relations', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit_relations', 'priority' => 3),
'related_searches' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Related_Searches', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit_related_searches', 'priority' => 4),
'images' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Images', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit_images', 'priority' => 5),
'permissions' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Permissions', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit_permissions', 'priority' => 6),
'custom' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Custom', 't' => 'categories/categories_edit_custom', 'priority' => 7),
'PermItemPrefix' => 'CATEGORY',
'PermSection' => Array ('main' => 'CATEGORY:in-portal:categories', /*'search' => 'in-portal:configuration_search',*/ 'custom' => 'in-portal:configuration_custom'),
'Sections' => Array (
'in-portal:configure_categories' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:website_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_output',
'label' => 'la_tab_ConfigOutput',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'config/config_universal', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'edit'),
'priority' => 11.1,
'type' => stTREE,
'in-portal:configuration_search' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:website_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_search',
'label' => 'la_tab_ConfigSearch',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'config/config_search', 'module_key' => 'category', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'edit'),
'priority' => 11.2,
'type' => stTREE,
'in-portal:configuration_custom' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:website_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_customfields',
'label' => 'la_tab_ConfigCustom',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'custom_fields/custom_fields_list', 'cf_type' => 1, 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm,cf'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'priority' => 11.3,
'type' => stTREE,
'FilterMenu' => Array (
'Groups' => Array (
Array ('mode' => 'AND', 'filters' => Array ('show_new'), 'type' => HAVING_FILTER),
Array ('mode' => 'AND', 'filters' => Array ('show_pick'), 'type' => WHERE_FILTER),
'Filters' => Array (
'show_new' => Array ('label' => 'la_Text_New', 'on_sql' => '', 'off_sql' => '`IsNew` != 1'),
'show_pick' => Array ('label' => 'la_prompt_EditorsPick', 'on_sql' => '', 'off_sql' => '`EditorsPick` != 1'),
'ListSQLs' => Array (
'' => ' SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
FROM %1$s
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sImages img ON img.ResourceId = %1$s.ResourceId AND img.DefaultImg = 1
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PermCache ON '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PermCache.CategoryId = %1$s.CategoryId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sCategoryCustomData cust ON %1$s.ResourceId = cust.ResourceId',
'-virtual' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %1$s',
'SubItems' => Array ('c-rel', 'c-search','c-img', 'c-cdata', 'c-perm', 'content'),
'ListSortings' => Array (
'' => Array (
'Sorting' => Array ('Priority' => 'desc', 'Name' => 'asc'),
'CalculatedFields' => Array (
'' => Array (
'CurrentSort' => "REPLACE(ParentPath, CONCAT('|', ".'%1$s'.".CategoryId, '|'), '')",
'AltName' => 'img.AltName',
'SameImages' => 'img.SameImages',
'LocalThumb' => 'img.LocalThumb',
'ThumbPath' => 'img.ThumbPath',
'ThumbUrl' => 'img.ThumbUrl',
'LocalImage' => 'img.LocalImage',
'LocalPath' => 'img.LocalPath',
'FullUrl' => 'img.Url',
'-virtual' => Array (),
'CacheModRewrite' => true,
'Fields' => Array (
'CategoryId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1,'default' => 0),
'Type' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_opt_Virtual', 2 => 'la_opt_Template'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1,'default' => 1
'SymLinkCategoryId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'default' => NULL),
'ParentId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (), 'not_null' => 1,'default' => 0, 'required' => 1),
'Name' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kMultiLanguage', 'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Filename' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'AutomaticFilename' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (0 => 'la_No', 1 => 'la_Yes'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'default' => 1, 'not_null' => 1,
'Description' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kMultiLanguage', 'using_fck' => 1, 'default' => null),
'CreatedOn' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'required' => 1, 'default' => '#NOW#'),
'EditorsPick' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (0 => 'la_No', 1 => 'la_Yes'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'default' => 0, 'not_null' => 1,
'Status' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled' ), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1,'default' => 1),
'Priority' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (), 'default' => 0),
'MetaKeywords' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kFormatter', 'using_fck' => 1, 'default' => null),
'CachedDescendantCatsQty' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'CachedNavbar' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kMultiLanguage', 'default' => null),
'CreatedById' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kLEFTFormatter', 'error_msgs' => Array ('invalid_option' => '!la_error_UserNotFound!'), 'options' => Array (USER_ROOT => 'root', USER_GUEST => 'Guest'),'left_sql'=>'SELECT %s FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE `%s` = \'%s\'', 'left_key_field' => 'PortalUserId', 'left_title_field' => 'Login', 'default' => NULL),
'ResourceId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'default' => null),
'ParentPath' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
'TreeLeft' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'TreeRight' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'NamedParentPath' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
'MetaDescription' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kFormatter', 'using_fck' => 1, 'default' => null),
'HotItem' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (2 => 'la_Auto', 1 => 'la_Always', 0 => 'la_Never'), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2),
'NewItem' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (2 => 'la_Auto', 1 => 'la_Always', 0 => 'la_Never'), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2),
'PopItem' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (2 => 'la_Auto', 1 => 'la_Always', 0 => 'la_Never'), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2),
'Modified' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default' => '#NOW#'),
'ModifiedById' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kLEFTFormatter', 'error_msgs' => Array ('invalid_option' => '!la_error_UserNotFound!'), 'options' => Array (USER_ROOT => 'root', USER_GUEST => 'Guest'),'left_sql'=>'SELECT %s FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser WHERE `%s` = \'%s\'', 'left_key_field' => 'PortalUserId', 'left_title_field' => 'Login', 'default' => NULL),
'CachedTemplate' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
// fields from Pages
'Template' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options_sql' => ' SELECT CONCAT(tf.Description, " :: ", FilePath, "/", TRIM(TRAILING ".tpl" FROM FileName) ) AS Title,
IF(tf.TemplateAlias <> "", tf.TemplateAlias, CONCAT(FilePath, "/", TRIM(TRAILING ".tpl" FROM FileName))) AS Value
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ThemeFiles AS tf
LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Theme AS t ON t.ThemeId = tf.ThemeId
WHERE (t.Enabled = 1) AND (tf.FileName NOT LIKE "%%.elm.tpl") AND (tf.FileName NOT LIKE "%%.des.tpl") AND (tf.FilePath = "/designs")
ORDER BY tf.Description ASC, tf.FileName ASC',
'option_key_field' => 'Value', 'option_title_field' => 'Title',
'error_msgs' => Array (
'no_inherit' => '!la_error_NoInheritancePossible!',
'required' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_INHERIT
'UseExternalUrl' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (0 => 'la_No', 1 => 'la_Yes'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0,
'ExternalUrl' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'UseMenuIconUrl' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (0 => 'la_No', 1 => 'la_Yes'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0,
'MenuIconUrl' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Title' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kMultiLanguage', 'default' => '', 'not_null'=>1),
'MenuTitle' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kMultiLanguage', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'MetaTitle' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
'IndexTools' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kFormatter', 'using_fck' => 1, 'default' => null),
'IsMenu' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Show', 0 => 'la_Hide'), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 1),
'Protected' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'FormId' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array ('' => ''),
'options_sql' => 'SELECT Title, FormId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Forms ORDER BY Title',
'option_key_field' => 'FormId', 'option_title_field' => 'Title',
'default' => NULL
'FormSubmittedTemplate' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
'FriendlyURL' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'ThemeId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'EnablePageCache' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'OverridePageCacheKey' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'PageCacheKey' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'PageExpiration' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'default' => NULL),
'VirtualFields' => Array (
'CurrentSort' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'IsNew' => Array('type' => 'int', 'default' => 0),
'OldPriority' => Array('type' => 'int', 'default' => 0),
// for primary image
'AltName' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'SameImages' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'LocalThumb' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'ThumbPath' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'ThumbUrl' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'LocalImage' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'LocalPath' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'FullUrl' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'Grids' => Array(
'Default' => Array (
'Icons' => Array( // 'StatusField' => Array ('Type', 'Status', 'IsMenu'), // 'Status'
'default' => 'icon_section.png',
'1_0_0' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'1_0_1' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'1_1_1' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'0_0_0' => 'icon16_section_disabled.png', // disabled
'0_0_1' => 'icon16_section_disabled.png', // disabled
'0_1_0' => 'icon16_section_menuhidden.png', // hidden from menu
'0_2_0' => 'icon16_section_pending.png', // pending
'0_2_1' => 'icon16_section_pending.png', // pending
'NEW' => 'icon16_section_new.png', // section is new
'Fields' => Array(
'CategoryId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 55),
'Name' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_PageTitle', 'data_block' => 'page_browse_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 250),
'Priority' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Priority', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 65),
'Modified' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Modified', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width' => 170),
'Template' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TemplateType', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 220),
'IsMenu' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_InMenu', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 70),
'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Protected' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Protected', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Radio' => Array (
'Selector' => 'radio',
'Icons' => Array( // 'StatusField' => Array ('Type', 'Status', 'IsMenu'), // 'Status'
'default' => 'icon_section.png',
'1_0_0' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'1_0_1' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'1_1_1' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'0_0_0' => 'icon16_section_disabled.png', // disabled
'0_0_1' => 'icon16_section_disabled.png', // disabled
'0_1_0' => 'icon16_section_menuhidden.png', // hidden from menu
'0_2_0' => 'icon16_section_pending.png', // pending
'0_2_1' => 'icon16_section_pending.png', // pending
'NEW' => 'icon16_section_new.png', // section is new
'Fields' => Array(
'CategoryId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_radio_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 55),
'Name' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_PageTitle', 'data_block' => 'page_browse_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 250),
'Priority' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Priority', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 75),
'IsMenu' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_InMenu', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 70),
'Modified' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Modified', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width' => 170),
'Template' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TemplateType', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 220),
'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Protected' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Protected', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Structure' => Array (
'Icons' => Array( // 'StatusField' => Array ('Type', 'Status', 'IsMenu'), // 'Status'
'default' => 'icon_section.png',
'1_0_0' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'1_0_1' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'1_1_1' => 'icon16_section_system.png', // system
'0_0_0' => 'icon16_section_disabled.png', // disabled
'0_0_1' => 'icon16_section_disabled.png', // disabled
'0_1_0' => 'icon16_section_menuhidden.png', // hidden from menu
'0_2_0' => 'icon16_section_pending.png', // pending
'0_2_1' => 'icon16_section_pending.png', // pending
'NEW' => 'icon16_section_new.png', // section is new
'Fields' => Array(
'CategoryId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 55),
'Name' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_PageTitle', 'data_block' => 'page_browse_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 250),
'Priority' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Priority', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 75),
'IsMenu' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_InMenu', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 70),
'Path' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Path', 'data_block' => 'page_entercat_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter'),
'Modified' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Modified', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width' => 170),
'Template' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TemplateType', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 220),
'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'Protected' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Protected', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100),
'ConfigMapping' => Array (
'PerPage' => 'Perpage_Category',
'ShortListPerPage' => 'Perpage_Category_Short',
'DefaultSorting1Field' => 'Category_Sortfield',
'DefaultSorting2Field' => 'Category_Sortfield2',
'DefaultSorting1Dir' => 'Category_Sortorder',
'DefaultSorting2Dir' => 'Category_Sortorder2',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/units/themes/themes_config.php
--- branches/5.1.x/core/units/themes/themes_config.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/units/themes/themes_config.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
$config = Array(
'Prefix' => 'theme',
'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'ThemeItem','file'=>'theme_item.php','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'ThemesEventHandler','file'=>'themes_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'ThemesTagProcessor','file'=>'themes_tag_processor.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
'AutoLoad' => true,
'Hooks' => Array(),
'QueryString' => Array(
1 => 'id',
2 => 'Page',
3 => 'PerPage',
4 => 'event',
5 => 'mode',
'IDField' => 'ThemeId',
'StatusField' => Array('Enabled', 'PrimaryTheme'),
'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'in-portal:configure_themes'),
'Sections' => Array (
'in-portal:configure_themes' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:website_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_themes',
'label' => 'la_tab_Themes',
'url' => Array('t' => 'themes/themes_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'priority' => 5,
'type' => stTREE,
'TitleField' => 'Name',
'TitlePresets' => Array (
'default' => Array (
'new_status_labels' => Array('theme' => '!la_title_Adding_Theme!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array('theme' => '!la_title_Editing_Theme!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array('theme' => '!la_title_NewTheme!'),
'themes_list' => Array(
'prefixes' => Array('theme_List'), 'format' => "!la_tab_Themes!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'setprimary', 'refresh', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'themes_edit_general' => Array(
'prefixes' => Array('theme'), 'format' => "#theme_status# '#theme_titlefield#' - !la_title_General!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'themes_edit_files' => Array(
'prefixes' => Array('theme', 'theme-file_List'), 'format' => "#theme_status# '#theme_titlefield#' - !la_title_ThemeFiles!",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'edit', 'delete', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'theme_file_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('theme', 'theme-file'),
'new_status_labels' => Array ('theme-file' => '!la_title_AddingThemeFile!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('theme-file' => '!la_title_EditingThemeFile!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array ('theme-file' => '!la_title_NewThemeFile!'),
'format' => "#theme_status# '#theme_titlefield#' - #theme-file_status# '#theme-file_titlefield#'",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
'block_edit' => Array('prefixes' => Array('theme-file'), 'format' => "!la_title_EditingThemeFile! '#theme-file_titlefield#'"),
'EditTabPresets' => Array (
'Default' => Array (
'general' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_General', 't' => 'themes/themes_edit', 'priority' => 1),
'files' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Files', 't' => 'themes/themes_edit_files', 'priority' => 2),
'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Theme',
'SubItems' => Array('theme-file'),
'AutoDelete' => true,
'AutoClone' => true,
'ListSQLs' => Array ('' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %s'),
'ListSortings' => Array (
'' => Array(
'Sorting' => Array('Name' => 'asc'),
'Fields' => Array(
'ThemeId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'Name' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Enabled' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (0 => 'la_Disabled', 1 => 'la_Enabled'),
'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 1,
'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kFormatter', 'using_fck' => 1, 'default' => null),
'PrimaryTheme' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (0 => 'la_No', 1 => 'la_Yes'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0,
'CacheTimeout' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'StylesheetId' => Array('type' => 'int', /*'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Stylesheets', 'option_key_field' => 'StylesheetId', 'option_title_field' => 'Name',*/ 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'LanguagePackInstalled' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'TemplateAliases' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kSerializedFormatter', 'default' => 'a:0:{}'),
'Grids' => Array(
'Default' => Array(
'Icons' => Array (
'default' => 'icon16_item.png',
'0_0' => 'icon16_disabled.png',
'0_1' => 'icon16_disabled.png',
'1_0' => 'icon16_item.png',
'1_1' => 'icon16_primary.png',
'Fields' => Array(
'ThemeId' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 50, ),
'Name' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Name', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 200, ),
'Description' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Description', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 250, ),
'Enabled' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 200, ),
// 'PrimaryTheme' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Primary', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
'LanguagePackInstalled' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_LanguagePackInstalled', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 200,),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/units/users/users_config.php
--- branches/5.1.x/core/units/users/users_config.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/units/users/users_config.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,514 +1,514 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
$config = Array(
'Prefix' => 'u',
'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'UsersItem','file'=>'users_item.php','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'UsersEventHandler','file'=>'users_event_handler.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'UsersTagProcessor','file'=>'users_tag_processor.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
'RegisterClasses' => Array(
Array('pseudo' => 'UsersSyncronizeManager', 'class' => 'UsersSyncronizeManager', 'file' => 'users_syncronize.php', 'build_event' => ''),
'AutoLoad' => true,
'ConfigPriority' => 0,
'Hooks' => Array (
Array (
'Mode' => hBEFORE,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'affil',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnCheckAffiliateAgreement'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnSubstituteSubscriber',
Array (
'Mode' => hBEFORE,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => '',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => 'cdata',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnDefineCustomFields',
Array (
'Mode' => hAFTER,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'adm',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnStartup'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnAutoLoginUser',
Array (
'Mode' => hBEFORE,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'img',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array ('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnCloneSubItem',
// Captcha processing
Array (
'Mode' => hAFTER,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => '',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => 'captcha',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnPrepareCaptcha',
/*Array (
'Mode' => hAFTER,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => '',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnBeforeItemCreate'),
'DoPrefix' => 'captcha',
'DoSpecial' => '*',
'DoEvent' => 'OnValidateCode',
'QueryString' => Array(
1 => 'id',
2 => 'Page',
3 => 'PerPage',
4 => 'event',
5 => 'mode',
'RegularEvents' => Array(
'membership_expiration' => Array('EventName' => 'OnCheckExpiredMembership', 'RunInterval' => 1800, 'Type' => reAFTER),
'delete_expired_sessions' => Array('EventName' => 'OnDeleteExpiredSessions', 'RunInterval' => 43200, 'Type' => reAFTER),
'IDField' => 'PortalUserId',
'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
'TitleField' => 'Login',
'ItemType' => 6, // used for custom fields only (on user's case)
'StatisticsInfo' => Array(
'pending' => Array(
'icon' => 'icon16_user_pending.gif',
'label' => 'la_Text_Users',
'js_url' => '#url#',
'url' => Array('t' => 'users/users_list', 'pass' => 'm,u', 'u_event' => 'OnSetFilterPattern', 'u_filters' => 'show_active=0,show_pending=1,show_disabled=0'),
'status' => STATUS_PENDING,
'TitlePresets' => Array (
'default' => Array (
'new_status_labels' => Array ('u' => '!la_title_Adding_User!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('u' => '!la_title_Editing_User!'),
'users_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Users!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'e-mail', 'export', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'users_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u'), 'format' => "#u_status# #u_titlefield#",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
'user_edit_images' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u', 'u-img_List'), 'format' => "#u_status# '#u_titlefield#' - !la_title_Images!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'setprimary', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'user_edit_groups' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u', 'u-ug_List'), 'format' => "#u_status# '#u_titlefield#' - !la_title_Groups!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'select_user', 'edit', 'delete', 'setprimary', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'user_edit_items' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u'), 'format' => "#u_status# '#u_titlefield#' - !la_title_Items!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'edit', 'delete', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'user_edit_custom' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u'), 'format' => "#u_status# '#u_titlefield#' - !la_title_Custom!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'admin_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u.admins_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Administrators!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'clone', 'refresh', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'admins_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u'), 'format' => "#u_status# #u_titlefield#",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
'regular_users_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u.regular_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Users!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array (),
'root_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u'), 'format' => "!la_title_Editing_User! 'root'",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
'user_edit_group' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u', 'u-ug'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('u-ug' => '!la_title_EditingMembership!'),
'format' => "#u_status# '#u_titlefield#' - #u-ug_status# '#u-ug_titlefield#'",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'user_image_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u', 'u-img'),
'new_status_labels' => Array ('u-img' => '!la_title_Adding_Image!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('u-img' => '!la_title_Editing_Image!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array ('u-img' => '!la_title_New_Image!'),
'format' => "#u_status# '#u_titlefield#' - #u-img_status# '#u-img_titlefield#'",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'user_select' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Users! - !la_title_SelectUser!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'dbl-click'),
'group_user_select' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('u.group_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Users! - !la_title_SelectUser!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'tree_users' => Array('format' => '!la_section_overview!'),
'EditTabPresets' => Array (
'Default' => Array (
'general' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_General', 't' => 'users/users_edit', 'priority' => 1),
'groups' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Groups', 't' => 'users/users_edit_groups', 'priority' => 2),
'images' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Images', 't' => 'users/user_edit_images', 'priority' => 3),
'items' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Items', 't' => 'users/user_edit_items', 'priority' => 4),
'custom' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Custom', 't' => 'users/users_edit_custom', 'priority' => 5),
'Admins' => Array (
'general' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_General', 't' => 'users/admins_edit', 'priority' => 1),
'groups' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Groups', 't' => 'users/admins_edit_groups', 'priority' => 2),
'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'in-portal:user_list', 'custom' => 'in-portal:user_custom'),
'Sections' => Array (
'in-portal:user_list' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:users',
'icon' => 'users',
'label' => 'la_title_Users', // 'la_tab_User_List',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'users/users_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete', 'advanced:ban', 'advanced:send_email', /*'advanced:add_favorite', 'advanced:remove_favorite',*/),
'priority' => 1,
'type' => stTREE,
'in-portal:admins' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:users',
'icon' => 'administrators',
'label' => 'la_title_Administrators',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'users/admins_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'perm_prefix' => 'u',
'priority' => 2,
'type' => stTREE,
// user settings
'in-portal:user_setting_folder' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:system',
'icon' => 'conf_users',
'label' => 'la_title_Users',
'use_parent_header' => 1,
'url' => Array ('t' => 'index', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view'),
'priority' => 2,
'container' => true,
'type' => stTREE,
'in-portal:configure_users' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:user_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_users_general',
'label' => 'la_tab_ConfigSettings',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'config/config_universal', 'module' => 'In-Portal:Users', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'edit'),
'priority' => 1,
'type' => stTREE,
'in-portal:user_custom' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:user_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_customfields',
'label' => 'la_tab_ConfigCustom',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'custom_fields/custom_fields_list', 'cf_type' => 6, 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm,cf'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'priority' => 2,
'type' => stTREE,
'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalUser',
'ListSQLs' => Array( '' => ' SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %1$s
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup ug ON %1$s.PortalUserId = ug.PortalUserId AND ug.PrimaryGroup = 1
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalGroup g ON ug.GroupId = g.GroupId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sPortalUserCustomData cust ON %1$s.ResourceId = cust.ResourceId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sImages img ON img.ResourceId = %1$s.ResourceId AND img.DefaultImg = 1',
'online' => ' SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %1$s
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserSession s ON s.PortalUserId = %1$s.PortalUserId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup ug ON %1$s.PortalUserId = ug.PortalUserId AND ug.PrimaryGroup = 1
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalGroup g ON ug.GroupId = g.GroupId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sPortalUserCustomData cust ON %1$s.ResourceId = cust.ResourceId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sImages img ON img.ResourceId = %1$s.ResourceId AND img.DefaultImg = 1',
'ItemSQLs' => Array( '' => ' SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %1$s
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserGroup ug ON %1$s.PortalUserId = ug.PortalUserId AND ug.PrimaryGroup = 1
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'PortalGroup g ON ug.GroupId = g.GroupId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sPortalUserCustomData cust ON %1$s.ResourceId = cust.ResourceId
LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'%3$sImages img ON img.ResourceId = %1$s.ResourceId AND img.DefaultImg = 1',
'ListSortings' => Array (
'' => Array (
'Sorting' => Array ('Login' => 'asc'),
'SubItems' => Array('addr', 'u-cdata', 'u-ug', 'u-img', 'fav', 'user-profile'),
* Required for depricated public profile templates to work
'UserProfileMapping' => Array (
'pp_firstname' => 'FirstName',
'pp_lastname' => 'LastName',
'pp_dob' => 'dob',
'pp_email' => 'Email',
'pp_phone' => 'Phone',
'pp_street' => 'Street',
'pp_city' => 'City',
'pp_state' => 'State',
'pp_zip' => 'Zip',
'pp_country' => 'Country',
'CalculatedFields' => Array(
'' => Array(
'PrimaryGroup' => 'g.Name',
'FullName' => 'CONCAT(FirstName, " ", LastName)',
'AltName' => 'img.AltName',
'SameImages' => 'img.SameImages',
'LocalThumb' => 'img.LocalThumb',
'ThumbPath' => 'img.ThumbPath',
'ThumbUrl' => 'img.ThumbUrl',
'LocalImage' => 'img.LocalImage',
'LocalPath' => 'img.LocalPath',
'FullUrl' => 'img.Url',
'Fields' => Array
'PortalUserId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'Login' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'unique'=>Array('Login'), 'default' => null,'required'=>1, 'error_msgs' => Array('unique'=>'!lu_user_already_exist!', 'banned' => '!la_error_UserBanned!')),
'Password' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kPasswordFormatter', 'encryption_method' => 'md5', 'verify_field' => 'VerifyPassword', 'skip_empty' => 1, 'default' => md5('')),
'FirstName' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'LastName' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Company' => Array ('type' => 'string','not_null' => 1,'default' => ''),
'Email' => Array (
'type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kFormatter',
'regexp'=>'/^(' . REGEX_EMAIL_USER . '@' . REGEX_EMAIL_DOMAIN . ')$/i',
'sample_value' => '', 'unique' => Array ('Email'), 'not_null' => 1,
'required' => 1,
'default' => '',
'error_msgs' => Array (
'invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!', 'unique'=>'!lu_email_already_exist!'
'CreatedOn' => Array('type'=>'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default' => '#NOW#'),
'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Fax' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Street' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Street2' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'City' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'State' => Array(
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array(),
'not_null' => 1,
'default' => '',
'Zip' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Country' => Array(
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options_sql' => ' SELECT IF(l%2$s_Name = "", l%3$s_Name, l%2$s_Name) AS Name, IsoCode
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'CountryStates
'option_key_field' => 'IsoCode', 'option_title_field' => 'Name',
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
'ResourceId' => Array('type' => 'int','not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'Status' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter'=>'kOptionsFormatter', 'options'=>Array(1=>'la_Enabled', 0=>'la_Disabled', 2=>'la_Pending'), 'use_phrases'=>1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 1),
'Modified' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default' => '#NOW#'),
'dob' => Array('type'=>'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default' => NULL),
'tz' => Array('type' => 'int', 'default' => NULL),
'ip' => Array('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'IsBanned' => Array('type' => 'int','not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'PassResetTime' => Array('type' => 'int','default' => NULL),
'PwResetConfirm' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => NULL),
'PwRequestTime' => Array('type' => 'int','default' => NULL),
'MinPwResetDelay' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array(300 => '5', 600 => '10', 900 => '15', 1800 => '30', 3600 => '60'), 'use_phrases' => 0, 'not_null' => '1', 'default' => 1800),
'AdminLanguage' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Language ORDER BY PackName', 'option_key_field' => 'LanguageId', 'option_title_field' => 'LocalName',
'default' => NULL
'DisplayToPublic' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (
'FirstName' => 'lu_fld_FirstName', 'LastName' => 'lu_fld_LastName', 'dob' => 'lu_fld_BirthDate',
'Email' => 'lu_fld_Email', 'Phone' => 'lu_fld_Phone', 'Street' => 'lu_fld_AddressLine1',
'Street2' => 'lu_fld_AddressLine2', 'City' => 'lu_fld_City', 'State' => 'lu_fld_State',
'Zip' => 'lu_fld_Zip', 'Country' => 'lu_fld_Country',
), 'use_phrases' => 1, 'multiple' => 1,
'default' => NULL
'VirtualFields' => Array(
'ValidateLogin' => Array('type'=>'string','default'=>''),
'SubscribeEmail' => Array('type'=>'string','default'=>''),
'PrimaryGroup' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'RootPassword' => Array('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kPasswordFormatter', 'encryption_method' => 'md5', 'verify_field' => 'VerifyRootPassword', 'skip_empty' => 1, 'default' => md5('') ),
'FullName' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'UserGroup' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %1$s FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'PortalGroup WHERE Enabled = 1 AND FrontRegistration = 1', 'option_key_field' => 'GroupId', 'option_title_field' => 'Name',
'default' => 0,
'AltName' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'SameImages' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'LocalThumb' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'ThumbPath' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'ThumbUrl' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'LocalImage' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'LocalPath' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'FullUrl' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => ''),
'Grids' => Array(
// not in use
'Default' => Array(
'Icons' => Array(
0 => 'icon16_user_disabled.png',
1 => 'icon16_user.png',
2 => 'icon16_user_pending.png'
'Fields' => Array(
'Login' => Array('title' => 'la_col_Username', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter'),
'LastName' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_LastName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter'),
'FirstName' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_FirstName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter'),
'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter'),
'PrimaryGroup' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_PrimaryGroup', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter'),
'CreatedOn' => Array('title' => 'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
'Status' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100, ),
// used
'UserSelector' => Array(
'Icons' => Array(
0 => 'icon16_user_disabled.png',
1 => 'icon16_user.png',
2 => 'icon16_user_pending.png'
'Selector' => 'radio',
'Fields' => Array(
'Login' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Username', 'data_block' => 'grid_login_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'FirstName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'LastName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'Email' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Email', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 200, ),
'PrimaryGroup' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_PrimaryGroup', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 100, ),
'CreatedOn' => Array('title' => 'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'Status' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100, ),
// used
'Admins' => Array (
'Icons' => Array(
0 => 'icon16_admin_disabled.png',
1 => 'icon16_admin.png',
2 => 'icon16_admin_disabled.png',
'Fields' => Array (
'PortalUserId' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 70),
'Login' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Username', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'FirstName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'LastName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'Email' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Email', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 200, ),
'Status' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100, ),
// used
'RegularUsers' => Array (
'Icons' => Array(
0 => 'icon16_user_disabled.png',
1 => 'icon16_user.png',
2 => 'icon16_user_pending.png'
'Fields' => Array(
'PortalUserId' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 70),
'Login' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Username', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'FirstName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'LastName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'Email' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Email', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 200, ),
'PrimaryGroup' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_PrimaryGroup', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 140),
'Status' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 100, ),
'CreatedOn' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width' => 100),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/units/forms/forms/forms_config.php
--- branches/5.1.x/core/units/forms/forms/forms_config.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/units/forms/forms/forms_config.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,218 +1,218 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
$config = Array(
'Prefix' => 'form',
'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'FormsEventHandler','file'=>'forms_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'FormsTagProcessor','file'=>'forms_tp.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
'AutoLoad' => true,
'QueryString' => Array(
1 => 'id',
2 => 'Page',
3 => 'PerPage',
4 => 'event',
5 => 'mode',
'RegularEvents' => Array (
'check_submission_repies' => Array('EventName' => 'OnProcessReplies', 'RunInterval' => 3600, 'Type' => reAFTER),
'check_bounced_submission_repies' => Array('EventName' => 'OnProcessBouncedReplies', 'RunInterval' => 18000, 'Type' => reAFTER),
'Hooks' => Array(
'Mode' => hAFTER,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'form', //self
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '',
'DoEvent' => 'OnCreateSubmissionNodes',
'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Forms',
'IDField' => 'FormId',
'TitleField' => 'Title',
'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'in-portal:forms'),
'Sections' => Array(
'in-portal:forms' => Array(
'parent' => 'in-portal:site',
'icon' => 'form',
'use_parent_header' => 1,
'label' => 'la_tab_CMSForms', //'la_tab_FormsConfig',
'url' => Array('t' => 'forms/forms_list', 'pass' => 'm'), // set "container" parameter (in section definition, not url) to true when form editing should be disabled, but submissions still visible
'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'priority' => 6,
// 'show_mode' => smSUPER_ADMIN,
'type' => stTREE,
'TitlePresets' => Array(
'default' => Array( 'new_status_labels' => Array('form'=>'!la_title_Adding_Form!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array('form'=>'!la_title_Editing_Form!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array('form'=>''),
'forms_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('form_List'),
'format' => "!la_title_Forms!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'forms_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array('form'),
'format' => "#form_status# '#form_titlefield#' - !la_title_General!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'forms_edit_fields' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array('form'),
'format' => "#form_status# '#form_titlefield#' - !la_title_Fields!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'view', 'dbl-click'),
'form_edit_emails' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array('form'),
'format' => "#form_status# '#form_titlefield#' - !la_title_EmailCommunication!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'form_field_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array('form', 'formflds'),
'new_status_labels' => Array('formflds'=>"!la_title_Adding_FormField!"),
'edit_status_labels' => Array('formflds'=>'!la_title_Editing_FormField!'),
'new_titlefield' => Array('formflds'=>''),
'format' => "#form_status# '#form_titlefield#' - #formflds_status# '#formflds_titlefield#'",
- 'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel'),
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
'tree_submissions' => Array (
'format' => "!la_title_FormSubmissions!",
'EditTabPresets' => Array (
'Default' => Array (
'general' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_General', 't' => 'forms/forms_edit', 'priority' => 1),
'fields' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Fields', 't' => 'forms/forms_edit_fields', 'priority' => 2),
'emails' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_EmailCommunication', 't' => 'forms/form_edit_emails', 'priority' => 3),
'ListSQLs' => Array(
''=>' SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %1$s',
), // key - special, value - list select sql
'ItemSQLs' => Array(
''=>'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s FROM %1$s',
'SubItems' => Array('formflds'),
'ListSortings' => Array(
'' => Array(
'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
'Fields' => Array(
'FormId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0, 'filter_type' => 'equals'),
'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => 1, 'default' => '','required' => 1),
'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'formatter' => 'kFormatter', 'using_fck' => 1, 'default' => null),
'RequireLogin' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'UseSecurityImage' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'EnableEmailCommunication' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'ProcessUnmatchedEmails' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'ReplyFromName' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'ReplyFromEmail' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'ReplyCc' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'ReplyBcc' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'ReplyMessageSignature' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => NULL),
'ReplyServer' => Array (
'type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255,
'error_msgs' => Array (
'connection_failed' => '!la_error_ConnectionFailed!',
'message_listing_failed' => '!la_error_MessageListingFailed!',
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''
'ReplyPort' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 110),
'ReplyUsername' => Array (
'type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255,
'error_msgs' => Array (
'login_failed' => '!la_error_LoginFailed!',
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''
'ReplyPassword' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'BounceEmail' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'BounceServer' => Array (
'type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255,
'error_msgs' => Array (
'connection_failed' => '!la_error_ConnectionFailed!',
'message_listing_failed' => '!la_error_MessageListingFailed!',
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''
'BouncePort' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 110),
'BounceUsername' => Array (
'type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255,
'error_msgs' => Array (
'login_failed' => '!la_error_LoginFailed!',
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''
'BouncePassword' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Grids' => Array(
'Default' => Array(
'Icons' => Array(
'default' => 'icon16_item.png',
0 => 'icon16_disabled.png',
1 => 'icon16_item.png',
2 => 'icon16_pending.png',
'Fields' => Array(
'FormId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 60, ),
'Title' => Array( 'title' => 'la_col_Title', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 220, ),
'Description' => Array( 'title' => 'la_col_Description', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 300, ),
'RequireLogin' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_RequireLogin', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 80,),
'UseSecurityImage' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_UseSecurityImage', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 110,),
'EnableEmailCommunication' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_EnableEmailCommunication', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 120,),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/units/languages/languages_config.php
--- branches/5.1.x/core/units/languages/languages_config.php (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/units/languages/languages_config.php (revision 14155)
@@ -1,261 +1,262 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
$config = Array (
'Prefix' => 'lang',
'ItemClass' => Array ('class' => 'LanguagesItem', 'file' => 'languages_item.php', 'build_event' => 'OnItemBuild'),
'ListClass' => Array ('class' => 'kDBList', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnListBuild'),
'EventHandlerClass' => Array ('class' => 'LanguagesEventHandler', 'file' => 'languages_event_handler.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'),
'TagProcessorClass' => Array ('class' => 'LanguagesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'languages_tag_processor.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'),
'AutoLoad' => true,
'Hooks' => Array (
Array (
'Mode' => hAFTER,
'Conditional' => false,
'HookToPrefix' => 'lang',
'HookToSpecial' => '*',
'HookToEvent' => Array('OnSave', 'OnMassDelete'),
'DoPrefix' => '',
'DoSpecial' => '',
'DoEvent' => 'OnScheduleTopFrameReload',
'QueryString' => Array (
1 => 'id',
2 => 'Page',
3 => 'PerPage',
4 => 'event',
5 => 'mode',
'IDField' => 'LanguageId',
'StatusField' => Array ('Enabled', 'PrimaryLang'), // field, that is affected by Approve/Decline events
'TitleField' => 'PackName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
'TitlePresets' => Array (
'default' => Array (
'new_status_labels' => Array ('lang' => '!la_title_Adding_Language!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('lang' => '!la_title_Editing_Language!'),
'languages_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('lang_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_Configuration! - !la_title_LanguagePacks!",
'toolbar_buttons' => Array (
'new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'export', 'import', 'setprimary', 'refresh', 'view', 'dbl-click'
'languages_edit_general' => Array ('prefixes' => Array ('lang'), 'format' => "#lang_status# '#lang_titlefield#' - !la_title_General!"),
'phrases_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('lang', 'phrases_List'), 'format' => "#lang_status# '#lang_titlefield#' - !la_title_Labels!"
'phrase_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('phrases'),
'new_status_labels' => Array ('phrases' => '!la_title_Adding_Phrase!'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('phrases' => '!la_title_Editing_Phrase!'),
'format' => "#phrases_status# '#phrases_titlefield#'",
'import_language' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('phrases.import'), 'format' => "!la_title_InstallLanguagePackStep1!",
'import_language_step2' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('phrases.import'), 'format' => "!la_title_InstallLanguagePackStep2!",
'export_language' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('phrases.export'), 'format' => "!la_title_ExportLanguagePackStep1!",
'export_language_results' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array(), 'format' => "!la_title_ExportLanguagePackResults!",
'events_list' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('lang', 'emailevents_List'), 'format' => "#lang_status# '#lang_titlefield#' - !la_title_EmailEvents!",
'event_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('emailevents'),
'edit_status_labels' => Array ('emailevents' => '!la_title_Editing_EmailEvent!'),
'format' => '#emailevents_status# - #emailevents_titlefield#',
'email_messages_edit' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('lang', 'emailevents'),
'format' => "#lang_status# '#lang_titlefield#' - !la_title_EditingEmailEvent! '#emailevents_titlefield#'",
+ 'toolbar_buttons' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
// for separate language list
'languages_list_st' => Array (
'prefixes' => Array ('lang_List'), 'format' => "!la_title_LanguagesManagement!",
'EditTabPresets' => Array (
'Default' => Array (
'general' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_General', 't' => 'regional/languages_edit', 'priority' => 1),
'labels' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_Labels', 't' => 'regional/languages_edit_phrases', 'priority' => 2),
'email_events' => Array ('title' => 'la_tab_EmailEvents', 't' => 'regional/languages_edit_email_events', 'priority' => 3),
'PermSection' => Array ('main' => 'in-portal:configure_lang'),
'Sections' => Array (
'in-portal:configure_lang' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:website_setting_folder',
'icon' => 'conf_regional',
'label' => 'la_tab_Regional',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'regional/languages_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete', 'advanced:set_primary', 'advanced:import', 'advanced:export'),
'priority' => 4,
'type' => stTREE,
// "Lang. Management"
/*'in-portal:lang_management' => Array (
'parent' => 'in-portal:system',
'icon' => 'core:settings_general',
'label' => 'la_title_LangManagement',
'url' => Array ('t' => 'languages/language_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
'permissions' => Array ('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
'perm_prefix' => 'lang',
'priority' => 10.03,
'show_mode' => smSUPER_ADMIN,
'type' => stTREE,
'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX . 'Language',
'AutoDelete' => true,
'AutoClone' => true,
'ListSQLs' => Array ('' => 'SELECT * FROM %s'),
'ItemSQLs' => Array ('' => 'SELECT * FROM %s'),
'ListSortings' => Array (
'' => Array (
'Sorting' => Array ('Priority' => 'desc', 'PackName' => 'asc'),
'Fields' => Array (
'LanguageId' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'PackName' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Language ORDER BY PackName', 'option_title_field' => 'PackName', 'option_key_field' => 'PackName',
'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => ''
'LocalName' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Language ORDER BY PackName', 'option_title_field' => 'LocalName', 'option_key_field' => 'LocalName',
'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => ''
'Enabled' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => 'la_Disabled', 1 => 'la_Active'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 1
'PrimaryLang' => Array(
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'AdminInterfaceLang' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
'Priority' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
'IconURL' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'default' => NULL),
'IconDisabledURL' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'default' => NULL),
'InputDateFormat' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array ('m/d/Y' => 'mm/dd/yyyy', 'd/m/Y' => 'dd/mm/yyyy', 'm.d.Y' => 'mm.dd.yyyy', 'd.m.Y' => ''),
'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => 'm/d/Y'
'InputTimeFormat' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options' => Array ('g:i:s A' => 'g:i:s A', 'g:i A' => 'g:i A', 'H:i:s' => 'H:i:s', 'H:i' => 'H:i'),
'not_null' => '1', 'required' => 1, 'default' => 'g:i:s A',
'DateFormat' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => 'm/d/Y'),
'TimeFormat' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => 'g:i:s A'),
'DecimalPoint' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'required' => 1, 'default' => '.'),
'ThousandSep' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'Charset' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'not_null' => '1', 'required' => 1, 'default' => 'utf-8'),
'UnitSystem' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (1 => 'la_Metric', 2 => 'la_US_UK'), 'use_phrases' => 1,
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 1
'FilenameReplacements' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'default' => NULL),
'Locale' => Array (
'type' => 'string',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
'options_sql' => " SELECT CONCAT(LocaleName, ' ' ,'\/',Locale,'\/') AS Name, Locale
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . 'LocalesList
ORDER BY LocaleId',
'option_title_field' => 'Name', 'option_key_field' => 'Locale',
'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 'en-US',
'UserDocsUrl' => Array ('type' => 'string', 'max_len' => 255, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => ''),
'VirtualFields' => Array (
'CopyLabels' => Array ('type' => 'int', 'default' => 0),
'CopyFromLanguage' => Array (
'type' => 'int',
'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Language ORDER BY PackName', 'option_title_field' => 'PackName', 'option_key_field' => 'LanguageId',
'default' => '',
'Grids' => Array(
'Default' => Array (
'Icons' => Array (
'default' => 'icon16_item.png',
'0_0' => 'icon16_disabled.png',
'0_1' => 'icon16_disabled.png',
'1_0' => 'icon16_item.png',
'1_1' => 'icon16_primary.png',
'Fields' => Array(
'LanguageId' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 50, ),
'PackName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_PackName', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 150, ),//
'PrimaryLang' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_IsPrimaryLanguage', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'AdminInterfaceLang' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_AdminInterfaceLang', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 150, ),
'Charset' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Charset', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 100, ),
'Priority' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Priority', 'filter_block' => 'grid_like_filter', 'width' => 60, ),
'Enabled' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 60, ),
/*'LangManagement' => Array (
'Icons' => Array (
'default' => 'icon16_item.png',
'0_0' => 'icon16_disabled.png',
'0_1' => 'icon16_disabled.png',
'1_0' => 'icon16_item.png',
'1_1' => 'icon16_primary.png',
'Fields' => Array (
'LanguageId' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'filter_block' => 'grid_range_filter', 'width' => 60),
'PackName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Language', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 120),
'LocalName' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Prefix', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter', 'width' => 120),
'IconURL' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Image', 'filter_block' => 'grid_empty_filter', 'width' => 80),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/related_searches_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/related_searches_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/related_searches_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,43 +1,68 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" prefix="c" section="in-portal:browse" title_preset="related_searches_edit"/>
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a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
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+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('c-search', '<inp2:c-search_PrevId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('c-search', '<inp2:c-search_NextId/>');
+ }
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+ <inp2:m_if check="c-search_IsSingle">
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
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+ </inp2:m_if>
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Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/relations_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/relations_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/relations_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,65 +1,74 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" prefix="c" section="in-portal:browse" title_preset="relations_edit"/>
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+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
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+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/images_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/images_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/categories/images_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,59 +1,84 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/image_blocks"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" prefix="c" section="in-portal:browse" title_preset="images_edit"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
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+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
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+ go_to_id('c-img', '<inp2:c-img_PrevId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="fullsize_section" prefix="c-img"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="images_edit_js" prefix="c-img"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/themes/file_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/themes/file_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/themes/file_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,52 +1,77 @@
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="1100" height="700"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="in-portal:configure_themes" prefix="theme" title_preset="theme_file_edit"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
cancel_edit('theme-file', 'OnCancelEdit','<inp2:theme-file_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
reset_form('theme-file', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
) );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('theme-file', '<inp2:theme-file_PrevId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('theme-file', '<inp2:theme-file_NextId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ <inp2:m_if check="theme-file_IsSingle">
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
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+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
+ </inp2:m_if>
+ <inp2:m_if check="theme-file_IsFirst">
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler" control_options="{height: 8}"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/themes/themes_edit_files.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/themes/themes_edit_files.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/themes/themes_edit_files.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,80 +1,81 @@
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="900" height="700"/>
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<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
function edit()
std_edit_temp_item('theme-file', 'themes/file_edit');
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
go_to_id('theme', '<inp2:theme_PrevId/>');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
go_to_id('theme', '<inp2:theme_NextId/>');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep2') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
function() {
} ) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep3') );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function() {
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<script type="text/javascript">
Grids['theme-file'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit','delete') );
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/users/image_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/users/image_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/users/image_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,61 +1,86 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="in-portal:user_list" prefix="u" title_preset="user_image_edit"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/image_blocks"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('u-img', '<inp2:u-img_PrevId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('u-img', '<inp2:u-img_NextId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ <inp2:m_if check="u-img_IsSingle">
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
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+ <inp2:m_if check="u-img_IsLast">
+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
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+ <inp2:m_if check="u-img_IsFirst">
+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
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<inp2:u-img_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
<inp2:u-img_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="fullsize_section" prefix="u-img"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="images_edit_js" prefix="u-img"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/users/user_edit_group.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/users/user_edit_group.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/users/user_edit_group.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,39 +1,64 @@
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="in-portal:user_list" prefix="u" title_preset="user_edit_group"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
submit_event('u-ug', '<inp2:u-ug_SaveEvent/>');
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
submit_event('u-ug', 'OnCancel');
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+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('u-ug', '<inp2:u-ug_PrevId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('u-ug', '<inp2:u-ug_NextId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ <inp2:m_if check="u-ug_IsSingle">
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
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+ <inp2:m_if check="u-ug_IsLast">
+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
+ </inp2:m_if>
+ <inp2:m_if check="u-ug_IsFirst">
+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
+ </inp2:m_if>
+ </inp2:m_if>
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<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_label" prefix="u-ug" field="PrimaryGroup" title="la_prompt_PrimaryGroup"/> <!-- OLD PHRASE, la_fld_PrimaryGroup -->
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date_time" prefix="u-ug" field="MembershipExpires" title="la_prompt_MembershipExpires"/> <!-- OLD PHRASE, la_fld_MembershipExpires -->
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<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/forms/form_field_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/forms/form_field_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/forms/form_field_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,66 +1,91 @@
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="780" height="570"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="in-portal:forms" prefix="form" title_preset="form_field_edit"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('formflds', '<inp2:formflds_PrevId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('formflds', '<inp2:formflds_NextId/>');
+ }
+ ));
+ <inp2:m_if check="formflds_IsSingle">
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
+ a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
+ <inp2:m_else/>
+ <inp2:m_if check="formflds_IsLast">
+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
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+ <inp2:m_if check="formflds_IsFirst">
+ a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
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<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/regional/email_messages_edit.tpl
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/regional/email_messages_edit.tpl (revision 14154)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/regional/email_messages_edit.tpl (revision 14155)
@@ -1,52 +1,76 @@
<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="827" height="600"/>
<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" prefix="lang" section="in-portal:configure_lang" title_preset="email_messages_edit"/>
<!-- ToolBar -->
<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
) );
a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
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+ ));
+ a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
+ go_to_id('emailevents', '<inp2:emailevents_NextId/>');
+ }
+ ));
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\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline