- <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="inp_opt" VALUE="1">Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall<br>
+ <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="inp_opt" VALUE="1" id="inp_opt_1"><label for="inp_opt_1">Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall</label><br>
<tr class="table_color1">
<td COLSPAN=2 >
- <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="inp_opt" VALUE="4">Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall from backup
+ <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="inp_opt" VALUE="4" id="inp_opt_4"><label for="inp_opt_4">Clean out the In-Portal database and reinstall from backup</label>
<tr class="table_color2">
- <td COLSPAN=2><INPUT TYPE=RADIO value="2" name="inp_opt">Install to a new database</td>
+ <td COLSPAN=2><INPUT TYPE=RADIO value="2" name="inp_opt" id="inp_opt_2"><label for="inp_opt_2">Install to a new database</label></td>
function TableCount($TableName, $where="",$JoinCats=1)
$db = GetADODBConnection();
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as TableCount FROM $TableName";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as TableCount FROM $TableName INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems ON ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems.ItemResourceId=$TableName.ResourceId";
$sql .= " WHERE ".$where;
$rs = $db->Execute($sql);
// echo "SQL TABLE COUNT: ".$sql."<br>\n";
$res = $rs->fields["TableCount"];
return $res;
Function QueryCount($sql)
$countsql = "SELECT count(*) as TableCount ".substr($sql,strpos($sql," FROM "));