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Index: branches/5.0.x/core/admin_templates/js/script.js
--- branches/5.0.x/core/admin_templates/js/script.js (revision 13245)
+++ branches/5.0.x/core/admin_templates/js/script.js (revision 13246)
@@ -1,1791 +1,1791 @@
if ( !( isset($init_made) && $init_made ) ) {
var Application = new kApplication();
var Grids = new Array();
var GridScrollers = new Array ();
var Toolbars = new Array();
var $Menus = new Array();
var $ViewMenus = new Array();
var $nls_menus = new Array();
var $MenuNames = new Array();
var $form_name = 'kernel_form';
if(!$fw_menus) var $fw_menus = new Array();
var $env = '';
var submitted = false;
var unload_legal = false;
var $edit_mode = false;
var $init_made = true; // in case of double inclusion of script.js :)
// hook processing
var hBEFORE = 1; // this is const, but including this twice causes errors
var hAFTER = 2; // this is const, but including this twice causes errors
function use_popups($prefix_special, $event, $mode) {
if ($mode === undefined || $mode == 'popup') {
return $use_popups;
return $modal_windows;
function getArrayValue()
var $value = arguments[0];
var $current_key = 0;
$i = 1;
while ($i < arguments.length) {
$current_key = arguments[$i];
if (isset($value[$current_key])) {
$value = $value[$current_key];
else {
return false;
return $value;
function setArrayValue()
// first argument - array, other arguments - keys (arrays too), last argument - value
var $array = arguments[0];
var $current_key = 0;
$i = 1;
while ($i < arguments.length - 1) {
$current_key = arguments[$i];
if (!isset($array[$current_key])) {
$array[$current_key] = new Array();
$array = $array[$current_key];
$array[$array.length] = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
function resort_grid($prefix_special, $field, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field($prefix_special + '_Sort1', $field);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSetSorting', null, null, $ajax);
function direct_sort_grid($prefix_special, $field, $direction, $field_pos, $ajax)
if(!isset($field_pos)) $field_pos = 1;
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
submit_event($prefix_special,'OnSetSortingDirect', null, null, $ajax);
function reset_sorting($prefix_special, $ajax)
submit_event($prefix_special,'OnResetSorting', null, null, $ajax);
function set_per_page($prefix_special, $per_page, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field($prefix_special + '_PerPage', $per_page);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSetPerPage', null, null, $ajax);
function set_refresh_interval($prefix_special, $refresh_interval, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field('refresh_interval', $refresh_interval);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSetAutoRefreshInterval', null, null, $ajax);
function submit_event(prefix_special, event, t, form_action, $ajax)
if (!Application.processHooks(prefix_special + ':' + event)) {
return false;
if ($ajax) {
return $Catalog.submit_event(prefix_special, event, t);
if (event) {
set_hidden_field('events[' + prefix_special + ']', event);
if (t) set_hidden_field('t', t);
if (form_action) {
var old_env = '';
if (!form_action.match(/\?/)) {
old_env = RegExp.$1;
document.getElementById($form_name).action = form_action + old_env;
// reset remove special mark (otherwise all future events will have special removed too)
set_hidden_field('remove_specials[' + prefix_special + ']', null);
function submit_action($url, $action)
$form = document.getElementById($form_name);
$form.action = $url;
set_hidden_field('Action', $action);
function show_form_data()
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
$ret = '';
for(var i in $kf.elements)
$elem = $kf.elements[i];
$ret += $ + ' = ' + $elem.value + "\n";
function submit_kernel_form()
if (submitted) {
submitted = true;
unload_legal = true; // bug: when opening new popup from this window, then this window is not refreshed and this mark stays forever
var $form = document.getElementById($form_name);
if (typeof $form.onsubmit == 'function') {
$ = '';
set_hidden_field('t', t);
// window.setTimeout(function() {submitted = false}, 500);
function set_event(prefix_special, event)
var event_field=document.getElementById('events[' + prefix_special + ']');
event_field.value = event;
function isset(variable)
if(variable==null) return false;
return (typeof(variable)=='undefined')?false:true;
function in_array(needle, haystack)
return array_search(needle, haystack) != -1;
function array_search(needle, haystack)
for (var i=0; i<haystack.length; i++)
if (haystack[i] == needle) return i;
return -1;
function print_pre(variable, msg)
if (!isset(msg)) msg = '';
var s = msg;
for (prop in variable) {
s += prop+" => "+variable[prop] + "\n";
function go_to_page($prefix_special, $page, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field($prefix_special + '_Page', $page);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSetPage', null, null, $ajax);
function go_to_list(prefix_special, tab)
set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_GoTab', tab);
function go_to_tab(prefix_special, tab)
set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_GoTab', tab);
function go_to_id(prefix_special, id)
set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_GoId', id);
// in-portal compatibility functions: begin
function getScriptURL($script_name, tpl)
tpl = tpl ? '-'+tpl : '';
var $asid = get_hidden_field('sid');
return base_url+$script_name+'?env='+( isset($env)&&$env?$env:$asid )+tpl+'&en=0';
function OpenEditor(extra_env,TargetForm,TargetField)
var $url = getScriptURL('admin/index.php', 'popups/editor');
$url = $url+'&TargetForm='+TargetForm+'&TargetField='+TargetField+'&destform=popup';
if(extra_env.length>0) $url += extra_env;
// in-portal compatibility functions: end
function InitTranslator(prefix, field, t, multi_line, $before_callback)
var $window_name = 'select_' + t.replace(/(\/|-)/g, '_');
var $options = {
onAfterShow: function ($popup_window) {
if ($modal_windows) {
getFrame('main').initTranslatorOnAfterShow(prefix, field, t, multi_line, $before_callback);
else {
initTranslatorOnAfterShow(prefix, field, t, multi_line, $before_callback, $popup_window);
openwin('', $window_name, 750, 400, $options);
function initTranslatorOnAfterShow(prefix, field, t, multi_line, $before_callback, $popup_window) {
var $window_name = 'select_' + t.replace(/(\/|-)/g, '_');
$popup_window = onAfterWindowOpen($window_name, undefined, $popup_window);
if ($popup_window === false) {
// iframe onload happens on frame content change too -> don't react on it
return ;
var $opener = getWindowOpener($popup_window);
var $prev_opener = get_hidden_field('m_opener');
$opener.set_hidden_field('m_opener', 'p');
$opener.set_hidden_field('translator_wnd_name', $window_name);
$opener.set_hidden_field('translator_field', field);
$opener.set_hidden_field('translator_t', t);
$opener.set_hidden_field('translator_prefixes', prefix);
$opener.set_hidden_field('translator_multi_line', isset(multi_line) ? multi_line : 0);
if ($.isFunction($before_callback)) {
$opener.document.getElementById($opener.$form_name).target = $window_name;
var split_prefix = prefix.split(',');
$opener.submit_event(split_prefix[0], 'OnPreSaveAndOpenTranslator');
$opener.set_hidden_field('m_opener', $prev_opener);
$opener.submitted = false;
function PreSaveAndOpenTranslator(prefix, field, t, multi_line)
InitTranslator(prefix, field, t, multi_line);
function PreSaveAndOpenTranslatorCV(prefix, field, t, resource_id, multi_line)
prefix, field, t, multi_line,
function ($opener) {
$opener.set_hidden_field('translator_resource_id', resource_id);
function openTranslator(prefix,field,url,wnd)
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
set_hidden_field('trans_prefix', prefix);
set_hidden_field('trans_field', field);
set_hidden_field('events[trans]', 'OnLoad');
var $regex = new RegExp('(.*)\?env=(' + document.getElementById('sid').value + ')?-(.*?):(.*)');
var $t = $regex.exec(url)[3];
$ = wnd;
submitted = false;
function openwin($url, $name, $width, $height, $options)
var $settings = {
url: base_url + 'core/admin_templates/blank.html?width=' + $width + '&height=' + $height + '&TB_iframe=true&modal=true',
caption: 'Loading ...',
onAfterShow: function ($popup_window) {
if ($modal_windows) {
getFrame('main').onAfterWindowOpen($name, $url);
else {
onAfterWindowOpen($name, $url, $popup_window);
if ($options !== undefined) {
$.extend($settings, $options);
if ($modal_windows) {
if ( != 'main') {
// all popups are opened based on main frame
return getFrame('main')$settings);
return ;
// prevent window from opening larger, then screen resolution on user's computer (to Kostja)
var left = Math.round((screen.width - $width) / 2);
var top = Math.round((screen.height - $height) / 2);
var cur_x = document.all ? window.screenLeft : window.screenX;
var cur_y = document.all ? window.screenTop : window.screenY;
var $window_params = 'left='+left+',top='+top+',width='+$width+',height='+$height+',status=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no';
var $popup_window =$url, $name, $window_params);
if ( $.isFunction($settings.onAfterShow) ) {
return $popup_window;
function onAfterWindowOpen($window_name, $url, $popup_window) {
// this is always invoked from "main" frame
if ($popup_window === undefined) {
var $popup_window = $('#' + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent')).get(0).contentWindow;
if (!$.isFunction($popup_window.onLoad)) {
// iframe onload happens on frame content change too -> don't react on it
return false;
$ = $window_name;
if ($url !== undefined) {
$popup_window.location.href = $url;
if ($modal_windows) {
TB.setWindowMetaData('window_name', $window_name); // used to simulate window.opener functionality
return $popup_window;
function OnResizePopup(e) {
if (!document.all) {
var $winW = window.innerWidth;
var $winH = window.innerHeight;
else {
var $winW = window.document.body.offsetWidth;
var $winH = window.document.body.offsetHeight;
window.status = '[width: ' + $winW + '; height: ' + $winH + ']';
function opener_action(new_action)
var $prev_opener = get_hidden_field('m_opener');
set_hidden_field('m_opener', new_action);
return $prev_opener;
function open_popup($prefix_special, $event, $t, $window_size, $onAfterOpenPopup) {
if (!$window_size) {
// if no size given, then query it from ajax
var $default_size = '750x400';
var $pm = getFrame('head').$popup_manager;
if ($pm) {
// popup manager was found in head frame
$pm.ResponceFunction = function ($responce) {
if (!$responce.match(/([\d]+)x([\d]+)/)) {
// invalid responce was received, may be php fatal error during AJAX request
$responce = $default_size;
open_popup($prefix_special, $event, $t, $responce, $onAfterOpenPopup);
return ;
$window_size = $default_size;
$window_size = $window_size.split('x');
var $window_name = $t.replace(/(\/|-)/g, '_'); // replace "/" and "-" with "_"
var $options = {
onAfterShow: function ($popup_window) {
if ($modal_windows) {
getFrame('main').onAfterOpenPopup($prefix_special, $event, $t);
else {
onAfterOpenPopup($prefix_special, $event, $t, $popup_window);
if ($onAfterOpenPopup !== undefined && $.isFunction($onAfterOpenPopup)) {
openwin('', $window_name, $window_size[0], $window_size[1], $options);
function onAfterOpenPopup($prefix_special, $event, $t, $popup_window) {
// this is always invoked from "main" frame
var $window_name = $t.replace(/(\/|-)/g, '_'); // replace "/" and "-" with "_"
$popup_window = onAfterWindowOpen($window_name, undefined, $popup_window);
if ($popup_window === false) {
// iframe onload happens on frame content change too -> don't react on it
return ;
var $opener = getWindowOpener($popup_window);
if ($opener === null) {
// we are already in main window
$opener = window;
$opener.document.getElementById($opener.$form_name).target = $window_name;
var $prev_opener = $opener.opener_action('p');
event_bak = $opener.get_hidden_field('events[' + $prefix_special + ']')
if (!event_bak) {
event_bak = '';
$opener.submit_event($prefix_special, $event, $t);
$opener.opener_action($prev_opener); // restore opener in parent window
$opener.set_hidden_field('events[' + $prefix_special + ']', event_bak); // restore event
// AJAX popup size respoce is received after std_edit_item/std_precreate_item function exit
$opener.set_hidden_field($prefix_special + '_mode', null);
$opener.submitted = false;
$opener.Application.processHooks($prefix_special + ':OnAfterOpenPopup');
function openSelector($prefix, $url, $dst_field, $window_size, $event)
// get template name from url
var $regex = new RegExp('(.*)\?env=(' + document.getElementById('sid').value + ')?-(.*?):(m[^:]+)');
$regex = $regex.exec($url);
var $t = $regex[3];
// substitute form action with selector's url
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
var $prev_action = $kf.action;
$kf.action = $url;
// check parameter values
if (!isset($event)) {
$event = '';
Application.processHooks($prefix + ':OnBeforeOpenSelector');
// set variables need for selector to work
set_hidden_field('main_prefix', $prefix);
set_hidden_field('dst_field', $dst_field);
// alert('openSelector(' + $prefix + ', ' + $event + ', ' + $t + ', ' + $window_size + ')');
$prefix, $event, $t, $window_size,
function() {
// restore form action back
$kf.action = $prev_action;
function translate_phrase($label, $edit_template, $options) {
set_hidden_field('phrases_label', $label);
var $event = $options.event === undefined ? 'OnNew' : $options.event;
if ($options.simple_mode !== undefined) {
Application.SetVar('simple_mode', $options.simple_mode ? 1 : 0);
if ($options.simple_mode) {
Application.SetVar('front', 1);
else {
Application.SetVar('front', null);
Application.SetVar('simple_mode', null);
Application.SetVar('phrases_label', null);
if (use_popups('phrases', $event)) {
open_popup('phrases', $event, $edit_template, null, function() {
Application.SetVar('front', null);
Application.SetVar('simple_mode', null);
else {
submit_event('phrases', $event, $edit_template);
Application.SetVar('front', null);
Application.SetVar('simple_mode', null);
Application.SetVar('phrases_label', null);
function direct_edit($prefix_special, $url) {
if (use_popups($prefix_special, '')) {
openSelector($prefix_special, $url);
else {
return false;
function std_precreate_item(prefix_special, edit_template, $onAfterOpenPopup)
set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_mode', 't');
if (use_popups(prefix_special, 'OnPreCreate')) {
open_popup(prefix_special, 'OnPreCreate', edit_template, null, $onAfterOpenPopup);
else {
submit_event(prefix_special,'OnPreCreate', edit_template);
// set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_mode', '');
function std_new_item(prefix_special, edit_template, $onAfterOpenPopup)
if (use_popups(prefix_special, 'OnNew')) {
open_popup(prefix_special, 'OnNew', edit_template, null, $onAfterOpenPopup);
else {
submit_event(prefix_special,'OnNew', edit_template);
function std_edit_item(prefix_special, edit_template, $onAfterOpenPopup)
set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_mode', 't');
if (use_popups(prefix_special, 'OnEdit')) {
open_popup(prefix_special, 'OnEdit', edit_template, null, $onAfterOpenPopup);
else {
// set_hidden_field(prefix_special+'_mode', '');
function std_edit_temp_item(prefix_special, edit_template, $onAfterOpenPopup)
if (use_popups(prefix_special, '')) {
open_popup(prefix_special, '', edit_template, null, $onAfterOpenPopup);
else {
function std_delete_items(prefix_special, t, $ajax)
var phrase = phrases['la_Delete_Confirm'] ? phrases['la_Delete_Confirm'] : 'Are you sure you want to delete selected items?';
if (inpConfirm(phrase)) {
submit_event(prefix_special, 'OnMassDelete', t, null, $ajax);
function std_csv_export(prefix_special, grid, template)
set_hidden_field('PrefixSpecial', prefix_special);
set_hidden_field('grid', grid);
open_popup(prefix_special, '', template);
function std_csv_import(prefix_special, grid, template)
set_hidden_field('PrefixSpecial', prefix_special);
set_hidden_field('grid', grid);
if (use_popups(prefix_special, '')) {
open_popup(prefix_special, '', template);
else {
submit_event(prefix_special, '', template);
// set current form base on ajax
function set_form($prefix_special, $ajax)
if ($ajax) {
$form_name = $Catalog.queryTabRegistry('prefix', $prefix_special, 'tab_id') + '_form';
// sets hidden field value
// if the field does not exist - creates it
function set_hidden_field($field_id, $value, $has_id)
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
var $field = $kf.elements[$field_id];
if ($value === null) {
if ($field) {
// alert('tag name on remove: ' + $field.parentNode.tagName);
$field.parentNode.removeChild($field); // bug: sometimes hidden fields are inside BODY tag in DOM model, why?
return true;
if ($field) {
$field.value = $value;
return true;
$field = document.createElement('INPUT');
$field.type = 'hidden';
$ = $field_id;
if (!isset($has_id) || $has_id) {
$ = $field_id;
$field.value = $value;
return false;
// sets hidden field value
// if the field does not exist - creates it
function setInnerHTML($field_id, $value) {
$( jq('#' + $field_id) ).html($value);
function get_hidden_field($field)
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
return $kf.elements[$field] ? $kf.elements[$field].value : false;
function search($prefix_special, $grid_name, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field('grid_name', $grid_name);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSearch', null, null, $ajax);
function search_reset($prefix_special, $grid_name, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field('grid_name', $grid_name);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSearchReset', null, null, $ajax);
function search_keydown($event, $prefix_special, $grid, $ajax)
if ($prefix_special !== undefined) {
// if $prefix_special is passed, then keydown event was not assigned by jQuery
$event = $event ? $event : event;
if (window.event) {// IE
var $key_code = $event.keyCode;
else if($event.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera
var $key_code = $event.which;
else {
// event bind with jQuery, so always use which
var $key_code = $event.which;
$prefix_special = $(this).attr('PrefixSpecial');
$grid = $(this).attr('Grid');
$ajax = $(this).attr('ajax');
switch ($key_code) {
case 13:
search($prefix_special, $grid, parseInt($ajax));
case 27:
search_reset($prefix_special, $grid, parseInt($ajax));
function getRealLeft(el)
if (typeof(el) == 'string') {
el = document.getElementById(el);
xPos = el.offsetLeft;
tempEl = el.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null)
xPos += tempEl.offsetLeft;
tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
// if (obj.x) return obj.x;
return xPos;
function getRealTop(el)
if (typeof(el) == 'string') {
el = document.getElementById(el);
yPos = el.offsetTop;
tempEl = el.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null)
yPos += tempEl.offsetTop;
tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
// if (obj.y) return obj.y;
return yPos;
function show_viewmenu_old($toolbar, $button_id)
var $img = $toolbar.GetButtonImage($button_id);
var $pos_x = getRealLeft($img) - ((document.all) ? 6 : -2);
var $pos_y = getRealTop($img) + 32;
var $prefix_special = '';
window.triedToWriteMenus = false;
if($ViewMenus.length == 1)
$prefix_special = $ViewMenus[$ViewMenus.length-1];
window.FW_showMenu($Menus[$prefix_special+'_view_menu'], $pos_x, $pos_y);
// prepare menus
for(var $i in $ViewMenus)
$prefix_special = $ViewMenus[$i];
$Menus['mixed'] = new Menu('ViewMenu_mixed');
// merge menus into new one
for(var $i in $ViewMenus)
$prefix_special = $ViewMenus[$i];
$Menus['mixed'].addMenuItem( $Menus[$prefix_special+'_view_menu'] );
window.FW_showMenu($Menus['mixed'], $pos_x, $pos_y);
var nlsMenuRendered = false;
function show_viewmenu($toolbar, $button_id)
if($ViewMenus.length == 1) {
$prefix_special = $ViewMenus[$ViewMenus.length-1];
menu_to_show = $prefix_special+'_view_menu';
mixed_menu = menuMgr.createMenu(rs('mixed_menu'));
mixed_menu.applyBorder(false, false, false, false);
mixed_menu.showIcon = true;
// merge menus into new one
for(var $i in $ViewMenus)
$prefix_special = $ViewMenus[$i];
mixed_menu.addItem( rs($prefix_special+''),
'javascript:void()', null, true, null,
rs($prefix_special+''),$MenuNames[$prefix_special+'_view_menu'] );
menu_to_show = 'mixed_menu';
nls_showMenu(rs(menu_to_show), $toolbar.GetButtonImage($button_id))
function renderMenus()
nlsMenuRendered = true;
function set_window_title($title)
var $window = window;
if ($ != 'main') {
// traverse through real popups
$window = getFrame('main');
$ = (main_title.length ? main_title + ' - ' : '') + $title;
if ($modal_windows) {
function set_filter($prefix_special, $filter_id, $filter_value, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
set_hidden_field('filter_id', $filter_id);
set_hidden_field('filter_value', $filter_value);
submit_event($prefix_special, 'OnSetFilter', null, null, $ajax);
function filters_remove_all($prefix_special, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
submit_event($prefix_special,'OnRemoveFilters', null, null, $ajax);
function filters_apply_all($prefix_special, $ajax)
set_form($prefix_special, $ajax);
submit_event($prefix_special,'OnApplyFilters', null, null, $ajax);
function filter_toggle($row_id, $prefix) {
// var $row = $('#' + jq($row_id));
var $row = $('');
var $hidden = $row.hasClass('hidden-filter');
if ($hidden) {
$('td', $row).show();
else {
$('td', $row).hide();
// recalculate filter row heights/widths
var $grid = GridScrollers[$prefix];
if ($hidden && $grid.FiltersExpanded !== true) {
$grid.FiltersExpanded = true;
// $grid.SetLeftHeights();
// $grid.UpdateTotalDimensions();
// $grid.SyncScroll();
// $grid.Resize( $grid.GetAutoSize() );
function RemoveTranslationLink($string, $escaped)
if (!isset($escaped)) $escaped = true;
if ($escaped) {
- return $string.replace(/&lt;a href=&quot;(.*?)&quot;&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/a&gt;/g, '$2');
+ return $string.replace(/&lt;a href=&quot;(.*?)&quot;.*&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/a&gt;/g, '$2');
- return $string.replace(/<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>/g, '$2');
+ return $string.replace(/<a href="(.*?)".*>(.*?)<\/a>/g, '$2');
function redirect($url)
window.location.href = $url;
function update_checkbox_options($cb_mask, $hidden_id)
var $kf = document.getElementById($form_name);
var $tmp = '';
for (var i = 0; i < $kf.elements.length; i++)
if ( $kf.elements[i].id.match($cb_mask) )
if ($kf.elements[i].checked) $tmp += '|'+$kf.elements[i].value;
if($tmp.length > 0) $tmp += '|';
document.getElementById($hidden_id).value = $tmp.replace(/,$/, '');
function update_multiple_options($hidden_id) {
var $select = document.getElementById($hidden_id + '_select');
var $result = '';
for (var $i = 0; $i < $select.options.length; $i++) {
if ($select.options[$i].selected) {
$result += $select.options[$i].value + '|';
document.getElementById($hidden_id).value = $result ? '|' + $result : '';
// related to lists operations (moving)
function move_selected($from_list, $to_list, $error_msg)
if (typeof($from_list) != 'object') $from_list = document.getElementById($from_list);
if (typeof($to_list) != 'object') $to_list = document.getElementById($to_list);
if (has_selected_options($from_list))
var $from_array = select_to_array($from_list);
var $to_array = select_to_array($to_list);
var $new_from = Array();
var $cur = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $from_array.length; $i++)
$cur = $from_array[$i];
if ($cur[2]) // If selected - add to To array
$to_array[$to_array.length] = $cur;
else //Else - keep in new From
$new_from[$new_from.length] = $cur;
$from_list = array_to_select($new_from, $from_list);
$to_list = array_to_select($to_array, $to_list);
alert(isset($error_msg) ? $error_msg : 'Please select items to perform moving!');
function select_to_array($aSelect)
var $an_array = new Array();
var $cur = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
$cur = $aSelect.options[$i];
$an_array[$an_array.length] = new Array($cur.text, $cur.value, $cur.selected);
return $an_array;
function array_to_select($anArray, $aSelect)
var $initial_length = $aSelect.length;
for (var $i = $initial_length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$aSelect.options[$i] = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $anArray.length; $i++)
$cur = $anArray[$i];
$aSelect.options[$aSelect.length] = new Option($cur[0], $cur[1]);
function select_compare($a, $b)
if ($a[0] < $b[0])
return -1;
if ($a[0] > $b[0])
return 1;
return 0;
function select_to_string($aSelect)
var $result = '';
var $cur = null;
if (typeof($aSelect) != 'object') $aSelect = document.getElementById($aSelect);
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
$result += $aSelect.options[$i].value + '|';
return $result.length ? '|' + $result : '';
function selected_to_string($aSelect)
var $result = '';
var $cur = null;
if (typeof($aSelect) != 'object') $aSelect = document.getElementById($aSelect);
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
$cur = $aSelect.options[$i];
if ($cur.selected && $cur.value != '')
$result += $cur.value + '|';
return $result.length ? '|' + $result : '';
function string_to_selected($str, $aSelect)
var $cur = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
$cur = $aSelect.options[$i];
$aSelect.options[$i].selected = $str.match('\\|' + $cur.value + '\\|') ? true : false;
function set_selected($selected_options, $aSelect)
if (!$selected_options.length) return false;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
for (var $k = 0; $k < $selected_options.length; $k++)
if ($aSelect.options[$i].value == $selected_options[$k])
$aSelect.options[$i].selected = true;
function get_selected_count($theList)
var $count = 0;
var $cur = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $theList.length; $i++)
$cur = $theList.options[$i];
if ($cur.selected) $count++;
return $count;
function get_selected_index($aSelect, $typeIndex)
var $index = 0;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
if ($aSelect.options[$i].selected)
$index = $i;
if ($typeIndex == 'firstSelected') break;
return $index;
function has_selected_options($theList)
var $ret = false;
var $cur = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < $theList.length; $i++)
$cur = $theList.options[$i];
if ($cur.selected) {
$ret = true;
return $ret;
function select_sort($aSelect)
if (typeof($aSelect) != 'object') $aSelect = document.getElementById($aSelect);
var $to_array = select_to_array($aSelect);
array_to_select($to_array, $aSelect);
function move_options_up($aSelect, $interval)
if (typeof($aSelect) != 'object') $aSelect = document.getElementById($aSelect);
if (has_selected_options($aSelect))
var $selected_options = Array();
var $first_selected = get_selected_index($aSelect, 'firstSelected');
for (var $i = 0; $i < $aSelect.length; $i++)
if ($aSelect.options[$i].selected && ($first_selected > 0) )
swap_options($aSelect, $i, $i - $interval);
$selected_options[$selected_options.length] = $aSelect.options[$i - $interval].value;
else if ($first_selected == 0)
//alert('Begin of list');
set_selected($selected_options, $aSelect);
//alert('Check items from moving');
function move_options_down($aSelect, $interval)
if (typeof($aSelect) != 'object') $aSelect = document.getElementById($aSelect);
if (has_selected_options($aSelect))
var $last_selected = get_selected_index($aSelect, 'lastSelected');
var $selected_options = Array();
for (var $i = $aSelect.length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
if ($aSelect.options[$i].selected && ($aSelect.length - ($last_selected + 1) > 0))
swap_options($aSelect, $i, $i + $interval);
$selected_options[$selected_options.length] = $aSelect.options[$i + $interval].value;
else if ($last_selected + 1 == $aSelect.length)
//alert('End of list');
set_selected($selected_options, $aSelect);
//alert('Check items from moving');
function swap_options($aSelect, $src_num, $dst_num)
var $src_html = $aSelect.options[$src_num].innerHTML;
var $dst_html = $aSelect.options[$dst_num].innerHTML;
var $src_value = $aSelect.options[$src_num].value;
var $dst_value = $aSelect.options[$dst_num].value;
var $src_option = document.createElement('OPTION');
var $dst_option = document.createElement('OPTION');
$aSelect.options.add($dst_option, $src_num);
$dst_option.innerText = $dst_html;
$dst_option.value = $dst_value;
$dst_option.innerHTML = $dst_html;
$aSelect.options.add($src_option, $dst_num);
$src_option.innerText = $src_html;
$src_option.value = $src_value;
$src_option.innerHTML = $src_html;
function getXMLHTTPObject(content_type)
if (!isset(content_type)) content_type = 'text/plain';
var http_request = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,...
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (http_request.overrideMimeType) {
// See note below about this line
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
try {
http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
try {
http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {}
return http_request;
function str_repeat($symbol, $count)
var $i = 0;
var $ret = '';
while($i < $count) {
$ret += $symbol;
return $ret;
function getDocumentFromXML(xml)
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
else {
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(xml,"text/xml");
return doc;
function set_persistant_var($var_name, $var_value, $t, $form_action)
set_hidden_field('field', $var_name);
set_hidden_field('value', $var_value);
submit_event('u', 'OnSetPersistantVariable', $t, $form_action);
function setCookie($Name, $Value)
// set cookie
if (getCookie($Name) != $Value) {
document.cookie = $Name+'='+escape($Value);
function getCookie($Name)
// get cookie
var $cookieString = document.cookie;
var $index = $cookieString.indexOf($Name+'=');
if ($index == -1) {
return null;
$index = $cookieString.indexOf('=',$index)+1;
var $endstr = $cookieString.indexOf(';',$index);
if($endstr == -1) $endstr = $cookieString.length;
return unescape($cookieString.substring($index, $endstr));
function deleteCookie($Name)
// deletes cookie
if (getCookie($Name)) {
var d = new Date();
document.cookie = $Name + '=;expires=' + d.toGMTString() + ';' + ';';
function addElement($dst_element, $tag_name) {
var $new_element = document.createElement($tag_name.toUpperCase());
return $new_element;
Math.sum = function($array) {
var $i = 0;
var $total = 0;
while ($i < $array.length) {
$total += $array[$i];
return $total;
Math.average = function($array) {
return Math.sum($array) / $array.length;
// remove spaces and underscores from a string, used for nls_menu
function rs(str, is_phrase)
if (isset(is_phrase) && is_phrase) {
str = RemoveTranslationLink(str, false);
return str.replace(/[ _\']+/g, '.');
function getFrame($name)
var $main_window = window;
// 1. cycle through popups to get main window
try {
// will be error, when other site is opened in parent window
var $i = 0;
var $opener;
do {
if ($i == 10) {
// get popup opener
$opener = $main_window.opener;
if (!$opener) {
// when no opener found, then try parent window
$opener = $main_window.parent;
if ($opener) {
$main_window = $opener;
} while ($opener);
catch (err) {
// catch Access/Permission Denied error
// alert('getFrame.Error: [' + err.description + ']');
return window;
var $frameset = $main_window.parent.frames;
for ($i = 0; $i < $frameset.length; $i++) {
if ($frameset[$i].name == $name) {
return $frameset[$i];
return $main_window.parent;
function ClearBrowserSelection()
if (window.getSelection) {
// removeAllRanges will be supported by Opera from v 9+, do nothing by now
var selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.removeAllRanges) { // Mozilla & Opera 9+
// alert('clearing FF')
} else if (document.selection && !is.opera) { // IE
// alert('clearing IE')
function reset_form(prefix, event, msg)
if (confirm(RemoveTranslationLink(msg, true))) {
submit_event(prefix, event)
function cancel_edit(prefix, cancel_ev, save_ev, msg)
if ((!Form || (Form && Form.HasChanged)) && confirm(RemoveTranslationLink(msg, true))) {
submit_event(prefix, save_ev)
else {
submit_event(prefix, cancel_ev)
function execJS(node)
var bSaf = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1);
var bOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1);
var bMoz = (navigator.appName == 'Netscape');
if (!node) return;
/* IE wants it uppercase */
var st = node.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT');
var strExec;
for(var i=0;i<st.length; i++)
if (bSaf) {
strExec = st[i].innerHTML;
st[i].innerHTML = "";
} else if (bOpera) {
strExec = st[i].text;
st[i].text = "";
} else if (bMoz) {
strExec = st[i].textContent;
st[i].textContent = "";
} else {
strExec = st[i].text;
st[i].text = "";
try {
var x = document.createElement("script");
x.type = "text/javascript";
/* In IE we must use .text! */
if ((bSaf) || (bOpera) || (bMoz))
x.innerHTML = strExec;
else x.text = strExec;
} catch(e) {
function NumberFormatter() {}
NumberFormatter.ThousandsSep = '\'';
NumberFormatter.DecimalSep = '.';
NumberFormatter.Parse = function(num)
if (num == '') return 0;
return parseFloat( num.toString().replace(this.ThousandsSep, '').replace(this.DecimalSep, '.') );
NumberFormatter.Format = function(num)
num += '';
x = num.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? this.DecimalSep + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + this.ThousandsSep + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
function getDimensions(obj) {
var style
if (obj.currentStyle) {
style = obj.currentStyle;
else {
style = getComputedStyle(obj,'');
padding = [parseInt(style.paddingTop), parseInt(style.paddingRight), parseInt(style.paddingBottom), parseInt(style.paddingLeft)]
border = [parseInt(style.borderTopWidth), parseInt(style.borderRightWidth), parseInt(style.borderBottomWidth), parseInt(style.borderLeftWidth)]
for (var i = 0; i < padding.length; i++) if ( isNaN( padding[i] ) ) padding[i] = 0
for (var i = 0; i < border.length; i++) if ( isNaN( border[i] ) ) border[i] = 0
var result = new Object();
result.innerHeight = obj.clientHeight - padding[0] - padding[2];
result.innerWidth = obj.clientWidth - padding[1] - padding[3];
result.padding = padding;
result.borders = border;
result.outerHeight = obj.clientHeight + border[0] + border[2];
result.outerWidth = obj.clientHeight + border[1] + border[3];
return result;
function findPos(obj, with_scroll) {
/*var $offset = $(obj).offset();
return [$offset.left, $];*/
if (!with_scroll) var with_scroll = false;
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
curleft = obj.offsetLeft - (with_scroll ? obj.scrollLeft : 0)
curtop = obj.offsetTop - (with_scroll ? obj.scrollTop : 0)
while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft - (with_scroll ? obj.scrollLeft : 0)
curtop += obj.offsetTop - (with_scroll ? obj.scrollTop : 0)
return [curleft,curtop];
function scrollbarWidth() {
// Scrollbalken im Body ausschalten
var $overflow_backup =; = 'hidden';
var width = document.body.clientWidth;
// Scrollbalken = 'scroll';
width -= document.body.clientWidth;
// Der IE im Standardmode
if (!width) {
width = document.body.offsetWidth - document.body.clientWidth;
// urspr?ngliche Einstellungen = $overflow_backup;
return width;
function maximizeElement($selector, $max_height) {
if ($max_height === undefined) {
$max_height = false;
var $element = $($selector);
if ($element.length == 0) {
return ;
var $container_id = $element.attr('id') + '_container';
var $container = $( jq('#' + $container_id) );
if ($container.length == 0) {
// don't create same container twice
// all <script> tags will be executed again after wrap method is called, so remove them to prevent that
$('script', $element).remove();
$element.wrap('<div id="' + $container_id + '" style="position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 100%;"></div>');
$container = $( jq('#' + $container_id) );
function() {
maximizeElement($selector, $max_height);
var $offset_top = $container.offset().top;
var $window_height = $(window).height();
var $height_left = $window_height - $offset_top;
if (($max_height !== false) && ($max_height < $height_left)) {
$height_left = $max_height;
$height_left -= ($element.outerHeight() - $element.height());
var $element_width = $(window).width() - ($element.outerWidth() - $element.width());
if ( $height_left < $element.height() ) {
// needs vertical scrolling, so substract vertical scrollbar width
$element_width -= scrollbarWidth();
function addEvent(el, evname, func, traditional) {
if (traditional) {
if (evname.match(/mousedown|mousemove|mouseup/)) {
.unbind(evname) // don't allow more then one
.bind(evname, func);
return ;
if ( {
el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func);
} else {
el.addEventListener(evname, func, true);
/*function removeEvent(el, evname, func) {
if ( {
el.detachEvent('on' + evname, func);
} else {
el.removeEventListener(evname, func, true);
function addLoadEvent(func, wnd)
Application.setHook('m:OnAfterWindowLoad', func);
function replaceFireBug() {
if (window.console === undefined || !console.firebug) {
var names = [
'log', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'assert', 'dir', 'dirxml',
'group', 'groupEnd', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'count', 'trace', 'profile', 'profileEnd'
if ( !== undefined || {
// console is not defined in iframes, so define it here
window.console =;
window._getFirebugConsoleElement =;
else {
window.console = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
window.console[names[i]] = function($msg) {
alert('FireBug console object methods are not available outside Firefox!' + "\n" + $msg);
function runOnChange(elId) {
var evt;
var el = typeof(elId) == 'string' ? document.getElementById(elId) : elId
if (document.createEvent) {
evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("change", true, false);
(evt) ? el.dispatchEvent(evt) : (el.onchange && el.onchange());
if (el.fireEvent) {
function WatchClosing(win, $url)
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (win.closed) {
var req = Request.getRequest();
var $ajax_mark = ($url.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + 'ajax=yes';'GET', $url + $ajax_mark, false); //!!!SYNCRONIOUS!!! REQUEST (3rd param = false!!!)
function IterateUploaders($method) {
if (typeof UploadsManager != 'undefined') {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/\s*((\S+\s*)*)/, "$1").replace(/((\s*\S+)*)\s*/, "$1");
String.prototype.toNumeric = function () {
return parseInt( this.replace(/(auto|medium)/, '0px').replace(/[a-z]/gi,'') );
function jq($selector) {
return $selector.replace(/(\[|\]|\.)/g, '\\$1');
function setHelpLink($user_docs_url, $title_preset) {
if (!$user_docs_url) {
return ;
$('#help_link', getFrame('head').document).attr('href', $user_docs_url + '/' + $title_preset);
// window management functions:
function getWindowOpener($window) {
// use this intead of "window.opener"
if (!$modal_windows) {
return $window.opener;
if ($ == 'main' || $ == 'main_frame') {
return null;
return getFrame('main').TB.findWindow($, -1);
function window_close($close_callback) {
// use this instead of "window.close();"
if (!$modal_windows) {
if ($.isFunction($close_callback)) {
// use close callback, because iframe will be removed later in this method
return ;
if ( == 'main') {
return ;
if ($close_callback !== undefined) {
return getFrame('main').TB.remove(null, $close_callback);
return getFrame('main').TB.remove();
Array.prototype.each = function($callback) {
var $result = null;
for (var $i = 0; $i < this.length; $i++) {
$result = $[$i], $i);
if ($result === false) {
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.0.x/core/admin_templates/js/toolbar.js
--- branches/5.0.x/core/admin_templates/js/toolbar.js (revision 13245)
+++ branches/5.0.x/core/admin_templates/js/toolbar.js (revision 13246)
@@ -1,378 +1,378 @@
function ToolBarButton(title, alt, onclick, $hidden, prefix)
this.Title = title || '';
this.TranslateLink = false;
this.Alt = RemoveTranslationLink(alt || '');
if (this.Alt != alt) {
this.TranslateLink = alt || '';
- this.TranslateLink = this.TranslateLink.replace(/&lt;a href=&quot;(.*?)&quot;&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/a&gt;/g, '$1');
+ this.TranslateLink = this.TranslateLink.replace(/&lt;a href=&quot;(.*?)&quot;.*&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/a&gt;/g, '$1');
if (this.Alt.match(/(.*)::(.*)/)) {
this.Alt = RegExp.$1;
this.Label = RegExp.$2
else {
this.Label = this.Alt;
if (typeof(onclick) == 'function') {
this.onClick = onclick;
else {
this.onClick = function() {
if (eval('typeof('+this.Title+')') == 'function')
eval(this.Title + '()');
this.imgObject = null;
this.Enabled = true;
this.Hidden = $hidden ? true : false;
this.ToolBar = null;
this.Prefix = prefix ? prefix : '';
this.Separator = false;
ToolBarButton.prototype.CheckTitleModule = function()
if (this.Title.match(/([^:]+):(.*)$/)) {
// has module set directly
this.Title = RegExp.$2;
this.Module = RegExp.$1;
if (this.Module == 'in-portal') {
this.Module = 'kernel';
else {
// use default module
this.Module = 'core';
ToolBarButton.prototype.IconsPath = function()
if (typeof(img_path) == 'undefined') {
//alert('error: toolbar image path not set');
return img_path.replace('#MODULE#', this.Module) + 'toolbar/';
ToolBarButton.prototype.GetHTML = function() {
var add_style = this.ToolBar.ButtonStyle ? 'style="'+this.ToolBar.ButtonStyle+'"' : '';
var o = '<div class="toolbar-button" id="'+this.GetToolID('div')+'" '+add_style+'>'
o += '<img id="' + this.GetToolID() + '" width="'+this.ToolBar.IconSize.w+'" height="'+this.ToolBar.IconSize.h+'" src="' + this.IconsPath() + this.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.Title + '.gif" title="' + this.Alt + '&nbsp;">';
if (this.ToolBar.UseLabels) o += '<br/>'+this.Label;
o += '</div>'
return o;
ToolBarButton.prototype.GetToolID = function(item) {
if (!item) item = 'tool'
return this.Prefix == '' ? item+'_' + this.Title : item+'_['+this.Prefix+'][' + this.Title+']'
ToolBarButton.prototype.Init = function() {
img = document.getElementById(this.GetToolID());
this.imgObject = img;
this.Container = document.getElementById(this.GetToolID('div')) ? document.getElementById(this.GetToolID('div')) : false;
this.Container.btn = this;
img.btn = this;
this.MouseOverImg = new Image();
this.MouseOverImg.src = this.IconsPath() + this.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.Title + '_f2.gif';
this.MouseOutImg = new Image();
this.MouseOutImg.src = this.IconsPath() + this.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.Title + '.gif';
if (this.Hidden) this.Hide();
if (!img.complete) {
var real_path = img_path.replace('#MODULE#', this.Module) + 'toolbar/';
var old_path = img_path.replace('#MODULE#', 'kernel') + 'toolbar/'+this.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.Title+'.gif';
real_path = real_path.replace('', '.');
old_path = old_path.replace('', '.');
var source = old_path.replace('/core/', '/kernel/').replace('.gif', '*.gif');
var path = 'cp '+source+' '+real_path;
// prompt('exec: ', path)
// img.src = 'img/bad_button.GIF';
// preg_print_pre(img, /natural|compl/i)
ToolBarButton.prototype.EditTitle = function() {
if (this.TranslateLink !== false) {
var $links = this.TranslateLink;
$links = $links.split('::');
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $links.length) {
var $link = $links[$i];
if ($link.match(/(javascript:|http:\/\/)(.*)/)) {
var $link_type = RegExp.$1;
$link = RegExp.$2.replace(/&#[0]{0,1}39;/g, '"');
if ($link_type == 'javascript:') {
else {
window.location.href = 'http://' + $link;
// edit one phrase at a time
return false;
return true;
ToolBarButton.prototype.SetOnMouseOver = function() {
this.Container.onmouseover = function() {
this.btn.imgObject.src = this.btn.MouseOverImg.src;
this.className = 'toolbar-button-over';
ToolBarButton.prototype.SetOnMouseOut = function() {
this.Container.onmouseout = function() {
this.btn.imgObject.src = this.btn.MouseOutImg.src;
this.className = 'toolbar-button';
ToolBarButton.prototype.SetOnClick = function() {
// we have SetOnMouseOut for this ???
/*this.Container.onmouseout = function() {
this.btn.imgObject.src = this.btn.IconsPath() + this.btn.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.btn.Title + '.gif';
this.Container.inClick = false;
if (typeof(this.onClick) != 'function') {
this.Container.onclick = function() {
if (this.inClick) return;
this.inClick = true;
if (eval('typeof('+this.btn.Title+')') == 'function')
eval(this.btn.Title + '()');
this.inClick = false;
else {
this.Container.onclick = function() {
if (this.inClick) return;
this.inClick = true;
this.inClick = false;
// the following lines are correct, as long as mozilla understands 'pointer', but IE 'hand',
// do not change the order of these lines!
if (is.ie6up || is.gecko) { = 'pointer';
else {
// somehow set cursor hand for IE 5/ 5.5
// = 'cursor: hand';
ToolBarButton.prototype.SetOnRightClick = function() {
this.Container.oncontextmenu = function() {
return this.btn.EditTitle();
ToolBarButton.prototype.Disable = function() {
if ( !this.Enabled ) return;
if (typeof(this.DisabledImg) == 'undefined') {
this.DisabledImg = new Image();
this.DisabledImg.src = this.IconsPath() + this.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.Title + '_f3.gif';
this.imgObject.src = this.DisabledImg.src;
this.Container.onmouseover = null;
this.Container.onmouseout = null;
this.Container.onclick = null; = 'default';
this.Enabled = false;
this.Container.className = 'toolbar-button-disabled'
ToolBarButton.prototype.Enable = function() {
if (this.Enabled) return;
this.imgObject.src = this.MouseOutImg.src;
this.Enabled = true;
this.Container.className = 'toolbar-button'
ToolBarButton.prototype.Hide = function() { = 'none';
this.Hidden = true;
ToolBarButton.prototype.Show = function() { = '';
this.Hidden = false;
/* ----------- */
function ToolBarSeparator(title, $hidden) //extends ToolBarButton
this.Title = title;
this.Hidden = $hidden ? true : false;
this.Separator = true;
ToolBarSeparator.prototype = new ToolBarButton;
ToolBarSeparator.prototype.GetHTML = function() {
var add_style = this.ToolBar.ButtonStyle ? 'style="'+this.ToolBar.ButtonStyle+'"' : '';
var padding = this.ToolBar.UseLabels ? '12px' : '2px'
return '<div id="'+this.GetToolID('div')+'" class="toolbar-button" style="padding-top: '+padding+'; height: 32px;" '+add_style+'><img id="' + this.GetToolID() + '" src="' + this.IconsPath() + 'tool_divider.gif"></div>';
var add_style = this.ToolBar.ButtonStyle ? 'style="'+this.ToolBar.ButtonStyle+'"' : '';
return '<div id="'+this.GetToolID('div')+'" class="toolbar-button" style="border: 1px solid black; height: 100%;" '+add_style+'><img id="' + this.GetToolID() + '" src="' + this.IconsPath() + 'tool_divider.gif"></div>';
ToolBarSeparator.prototype.Init = function() {
img = document.getElementById(this.ToolBar.IconPrefix + this.Title);
this.Container = document.getElementById(this.GetToolID('div')) ? document.getElementById(this.GetToolID('div')) : false;
this.imgObject = img;
img.btn = this;
if (this.Hidden) {
ToolBarSeparator.prototype.Enable = function() { }
ToolBarSeparator.prototype.Disable = function() { }
/* ----------- */
function ToolBarMarkup(title, html) //extends ToolBarButton
this.Title = title;
this.HTML = html;
ToolBarMarkup.prototype = new ToolBarButton;
ToolBarMarkup.prototype.GetHTML = function() {
return this.HTML;
ToolBarMarkup.prototype.Init = function() { }
ToolBarMarkup.prototype.Enable = function() { }
ToolBarMarkup.prototype.Disable = function() { }
/* ----------- */
function ToolBar(icon_prefix, $module)
this.Module = $module ? $module : 'core';
this.IconPrefix = icon_prefix ? icon_prefix : 'tool_';
this.IconSize = {w:32,h:32};
this.Buttons = {};
this.UseLabels = typeof($use_toolbarlabels) != 'undefined' ? $use_toolbarlabels : false;
ToolBar.prototype.AddButton = function(a_button)
if ($visible_toolbar_buttons === true || in_array(a_button.Title, $visible_toolbar_buttons) || a_button.Separator) {
a_button.ToolBar = this;
this.Buttons[a_button.Title] = a_button;
ToolBar.prototype._removeSeparators = function()
// TODO: find a way to cut first and last separators from non-indexed array, like $new_buttons.
var $separator = false;
var $new_buttons = {};
for (var $button_title in this.Buttons) {
if ($separator && this.Buttons[$button_title].Separator) {
$separator = this.Buttons[$button_title].Separator;
$new_buttons[$button_title] = this.Buttons[$button_title];
this.Buttons = $new_buttons;
ToolBar.prototype.Render = function($container)
// remove duplicate separators or separators at the end of button list
if ($container) {
var tmp = '';
for (var i in this.Buttons) {
btn = this.Buttons[i];
tmp += btn.GetHTML();
$container.innerHTML = tmp; // container will contain only buttons
// init all buttons after because objects are not yet created directly after assigning to innerHTML
for (var i in this.Buttons) {
btn = this.Buttons[i];
else {
for (var i in this.Buttons) {
btn = this.Buttons[i];
document.write( btn.GetHTML() );
ToolBar.prototype.EnableButton = function(button_id) {
if(this.ButtonExists(button_id)) this.Buttons[button_id].Enable();
ToolBar.prototype.DisableButton = function(button_id) {
if(this.ButtonExists(button_id)) this.Buttons[button_id].Disable();
ToolBar.prototype.HideButton = function(button_id) {
if(this.ButtonExists(button_id)) this.Buttons[button_id].Hide();
ToolBar.prototype.ShowButton = function(button_id) {
if(this.ButtonExists(button_id)) this.Buttons[button_id].Show();
ToolBar.prototype.SetEnabled = function(button_id, $enabled) {
var $ret = $enabled ? this.EnableButton(button_id) : this.DisableButton(button_id);
ToolBar.prototype.SetVisible = function(button_id, $visible) {
var $ret = $visible ? this.ShowButton(button_id) : this.HideButton(button_id);
ToolBar.prototype.GetButtonImage = function(button_id) {
if( this.ButtonExists(button_id) ) return this.Buttons[button_id].imgObject;
ToolBar.prototype.ButtonExists = function(button_id) {
return typeof(this.Buttons[button_id]) == 'object';

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