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Sun, Mar 9, 7:29 PM


// this js class name is hardcoded in flash object :(
var SWFUpload = function () {};
SWFUpload.instances = {};
function Uploader(id, params) { = id;
// normalize params
if (isNaN(parseInt(params.multiple))) {
// ensure that maximal file number is greater then zero
params.multiple = 1;
params.allowedFilesize = this._normalizeFilesize(params.allowedFilesize);
// set params to uploader
this._eventQueue = [];
this.uploadCancelled = false;
this.flashReady = false;
this.params = params;
this.files = [];
this.files_count = 0;
this.deleted = [];
// because used outside this class
this.deleteURL = params.deleteURL;
var $me = this;
if ( this.params.ajax ) {
$(document).bind('FormManager.WindowManager.Ready', function ($e) {
else {
$(document).ready(function() {
/* ==== Private methods ==== */
Uploader.prototype._attachEventHandler = function() {
var $me = this;
$(document).bind('UploadsManager.Uploader.' + crc32(, function ($e, $method) {
$me[$method].apply($me,, 2));
Uploader.prototype._ensureDefaultValues = function() {
// Upload backend settings
var $defaults = {
baseUrl : '',
uploadURL : '',
deleteURL : '',
previewURL : '',
useQueryString : false,
requeueOnError : false,
httpSuccess : '',
filePostName : 'Filedata',
allowedFiletypes : '*.*',
allowedFiletypesDescription : 'All Files',
allowedFilesize : 0, // Default zero means "unlimited"
multiple : 0,
field : '',
thumb_format: '',
urls : '',
names : '',
sizes : '',
fileQueueLimit : 0,
buttonImageURL : '',
buttonWidth : 1,
buttonHeight : 1,
buttonText : '',
buttonTextTopPadding : 0,
buttonTextLeftPadding : 0,
buttonTextStyle : 'color: #000000; font-size: 16pt;',
buttonAction : parseInt(this.params.multiple) == 1 ? -100 : -110, // SELECT_FILE : -100, SELECT_FILES : -110
buttonDisabled : true, //false,
buttonCursor : -1, // ARROW : -1, HAND : -2
wmode : 'transparent', // "window", "transparent", "opaque"
buttonPlaceholderId: false,
ajax: false
for (var $param_name in $defaults) {
if (this.params[$param_name] == null) {
// console.log('setting default value [', $defaults[$param_name], '] for missing parameter [', $param_name, '] instead of [', this.params[$param_name], ']');
this.params[$param_name] = $defaults[$param_name];
Uploader.prototype._normalizeFilesize = function($file_size) {
var $normalize_size = parseInt($file_size);
if (isNaN($normalize_size)) {
return $file_size;
// in kilobytes (flash doesn't recognize numbers, that are longer, then 9 digits)
return $normalize_size / 1024;
Uploader.prototype._prepareFiles = function() {
var ids = '';
var names = '';
// process uploaded files
for (var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++) {
if (isset(this.files[f].uploaded) && !isset(this.files[f].temp)) {
ids += this.files[f].id + '|';
names += this.files[f].name + '|';
ids = ids.replace(/\|$/, '', ids);
names = names.replace(/\|$/, '', names);
document.getElementById('[tmp_ids]').value = ids;
document.getElementById('[tmp_names]').value = names;
document.getElementById('[tmp_deleted]').value = this.deleted.join('|');
Uploader.prototype._formatSize = function (bytes) {
var kb = Math.round(bytes / 1024);
if (kb < 1024) {
return kb + ' KB';
var mb = Math.round(kb / 1024 * 100) / 100;
return mb + ' MB';
Uploader.prototype._executeNextEvent = function () {
var f = this._eventQueue ? this._eventQueue.shift() : null;
if (typeof(f) === 'function') {
/* ==== Public methods ==== */
Uploader.prototype.init = function() {
this.IconPath = this.params.IconPath ? this.params.IconPath : '../admin_templates/img/browser/icons';
// initialize flash object
this.flash_id = UploadsManager._nextFlashId();
// add callbacks for every event, because none of callbacks will work in other case (see swfupload documentation)
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id] = this;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].flashReady = function () { UploadsManager.onFlashReady(; };
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].fileDialogStart = UploadsManager.onHandleEverything;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].fileQueued = UploadsManager.onFileQueued;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].fileQueueError = UploadsManager.onFileQueueError;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].fileDialogComplete = UploadsManager.onHandleEverything;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].uploadStart = UploadsManager.onUploadStart;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].uploadProgress = UploadsManager.onUploadProgress;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].uploadError = UploadsManager.onUploadError;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].uploadSuccess = UploadsManager.onUploadSuccess;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].uploadComplete = UploadsManager.onUploadComplete;
SWFUpload.instances[this.flash_id].debug = UploadsManager.onDebug;
this.swf = new SWFObject(this.params.baseUrl + '/swfupload.swf', this.flash_id, this.params.buttonWidth, this.params.buttonHeight, '9', '#FFFFFF');
this.swf.setAttribute('style', '');
this.swf.addParam('wmode', encodeURIComponent(this.params.wmode));
this.swf.addVariable('movieName', encodeURIComponent(this.flash_id));
this.swf.addVariable('fileUploadLimit', 0);
this.swf.addVariable('fileQueueLimit', encodeURIComponent(this.params.fileQueueLimit));
this.swf.addVariable('fileSizeLimit', encodeURIComponent(this.params.allowedFilesize)); // in kilobytes
this.swf.addVariable('fileTypes', encodeURIComponent(this.params.allowedFiletypes));
this.swf.addVariable('fileTypesDescription', encodeURIComponent(this.params.allowedFiletypesDescription));
this.swf.addVariable('uploadURL', encodeURIComponent(this.params.uploadURL));
// upload button appearance
this.swf.addVariable('buttonImageURL', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonImageURL));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonWidth', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonWidth));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonHeight', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonHeight));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonText', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonText));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonTextTopPadding', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonTextTopPadding));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonTextLeftPadding', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonTextLeftPadding));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonTextStyle', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonTextStyle));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonAction', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonAction));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonDisabled', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonDisabled));
this.swf.addVariable('buttonCursor', encodeURIComponent(this.params.buttonCursor));
if (UploadsManager._debugMode) {
this.swf.addVariable('debugEnabled', encodeURIComponent('true')); // flash var
Uploader.prototype.refreshQueue = function($params) {
if ( $params !== undefined ) {
$.extend(true, this.params, $params);
document.getElementById('[upload]').value = this.params.names;
document.getElementById('[order]').value = this.params.names;
// 1. remove queue DIVs for files, that doesn't exist after upload was made
var $new_file_ids = this.getFileIds(this.params.names);
for (var $i = 0; $i < this.files.length; $i++) {
if ( !in_array(this.files[$i].id, $new_file_ids) ) {
this.updateQueueFile($i, true);
this.files = [];
this.files_count = 0;
this.deleted = [];
if (this.params.urls != '') {
var urls = this.params.urls.split('|'),
names = this.params.names.split('|'),
sizes = this.params.sizes.split('|');
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
var a_file = {
id : this.getUploadedFileId(names[i]),
name : names[i],
url : urls[i],
size: sizes[i],
uploaded : 1,
progress: 100
Uploader.prototype.getFileIds = function($file_names) {
var $ret = [];
if ( !$file_names.length ) {
return $ret;
if ( !$.isArray($file_names) ) {
$file_names = $file_names.split('|');
for (var i = 0; i < $file_names.length; i++) {
return $ret;
Uploader.prototype.getUploadedFileId = function($file_name) {
return 'uploaded_' + crc32($file_name);
Uploader.prototype.enableUploadButton = function() {
var $me = this;
// enable upload button, when flash is fully loaded
function() {
function () {
$me.callFlash('SetButtonDisabled', [false]);
}, 0
Uploader.prototype.renderBrowseButton = function() {
var holder = document.getElementById(this.params.buttonPlaceholderId);
this.flash = document.getElementById(this.flash_id);
Uploader.prototype.remove = function() {
var id = this.params.buttonPlaceholderId;
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj/* && obj.nodeName == "OBJECT"*/) {
var u = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var p = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
var windows = p ? /win/.test(p) : /win/.test(u);
var $me = this;
if (document.all && windows) { = "none";
if (obj.readyState == 4) {
else {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10);
else {
Uploader.prototype.removeObjectInIE = function(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj) {
for (var i in obj) {
if (typeof obj[i] == 'function') {
obj[i] = null;
Uploader.prototype.isImage = function($filename) {
var $ext = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase();
return $ext.match(/^(bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/);
Uploader.prototype.getFileIcon = function($filename) {
var $ext = RegExp.$1.toLowerCase(),
$ext_overrides = {
'doc': '^(docx|dotx|docm|dotm)$',
'xls': '^(xlsx|xltx|xlsm|xltm|xlam|xlsb)$',
'ppt': '^(pptx|potx|ppsx|ppam|pptm|potm|ppsm)$'
$.each($ext_overrides, function ($new_ext, $expression) {
var $regexp = new RegExp($expression);
if ( $ext.match($regexp) ) {
$ext = $new_ext;
return false;
return true;
var $icon = $ext.match(/^(ai|avi|bmp|cs|dll|doc|dot|exe|fla|gif|htm|html|jpg|js|mdb|mp3|pdf|ppt|rdp|swf|swt|txt|vsd|xls|xml|zip)$/) ? $ext : 'default.icon';
return this.IconPath + '/' + $icon + '.gif';
Uploader.prototype.removeTempExtension = function ($file) {
return $file.replace(/(_[\d]+)?\.tmp$/, '');
Uploader.prototype.getQueueElement = function($file) {
var $ret = '';
var $icon_image = this.getFileIcon($;
var $file_label = this.removeTempExtension($ + ' (' + this._formatSize($file.size) + ')';
var $need_preview = false;
if (isset($file.uploaded)) {
// add deletion checkbox
$need_preview = (this.params.thumb_format.length > 0) && this.isImage($;
$ret += '<div class="left delete-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" class="delete-file-btn" checked/></div>';
// add icon based on file type
$ret += '<div class="left">';
if ($need_preview) {
$ret += '<a href="' + $file.url + '" target="_new"><img class="thumbnail-image" large_src="' + this.getUrl($file, true) + '" src="' + $icon_image + '" alt=""/></a>';
else {
$ret += '<img src="' + $icon_image + '"/>';
$ret += '</div>';
// add filename + preview link
$ret += '<div class="left file-label"><a href="' + $file.url + '" target="_new">' + $file_label + '</a></div>';
else {
// add icon based on file type
$ret += '<div class="left"><img src="' + $icon_image + '"/></div>';
// add filename
$ret += '<div class="left file-label">' + $file_label + '</div>';
// add empty progress bar
$ret += '<div id="' + $ + '_progress" class="progress-container left"><div class="progress-empty"><div class="progress-full" style="width: 0%;"></div></div></div>';
// add cancel upload link
$ret += '<div class="left"><a href="#" class="cancel-upload-btn">Cancel</a></div>';
$ret += '<div style="clear: both;"/>';
$ret = $('<div id="' + $ + '_queue_row" class="file' + ($need_preview ? ' preview' : '') + '">' + $ret + '</div>');
// set click events
var $me = this;
$('.delete-file-btn', $ret).click(
function ($e) {
$(this).prop('checked', !UploadsManager.DeleteFile($, $;
$('.cancel-upload-btn', $ret).click(
function ($e) {
UploadsManager.CancelFile(UploadsManager._getUploader($file).id, $;
return false;
// prepare auto-loading preview
var $image = $('img.thumbnail-image', $ret);
if ($image.length > 0) {
var $tmp_image = new Image();
$tmp_image.src = $image.attr('large_src');
$($tmp_image).load (
function ($e) {
$image.attr('src', $tmp_image.src).addClass('thumbnail');
return $ret;
Uploader.prototype.getSortedFiles = function($ordered_queue) {
var $me = this;
var $ret = $.map($me.files, function ($elem, $index) {
var $file_id = $ordered_queue[$index].replace(/_queue_row$/, ''),
$file_index = $me.getFileIndex({id: $file_id});
return $me.files[$file_index].name;
return $ret;
Uploader.prototype.updateQueueFile = function($file_index, $delete_file) {
var $queue_container = $( jq('#' + + '_queueinfo') );
if ($delete_file !== undefined && $delete_file) {
$( jq('#' + this.files[$file_index].id + '_queue_row') ).remove();
if (this.files.length == 1) {
$queue_container.css('margin-top', '0px');
return ;
var $ret = this.getQueueElement(this.files[$file_index]),
$row = $(jq('#' + this.files[$file_index].id + '_queue_row'));
if ($row.length > 0) {
// file round -> replace
else {
// file not found - add
$( jq('#' + + '_queueinfo') ).append($ret);
$queue_container.css('margin-top', '8px');
Uploader.prototype.updateInfo = function($file_index, $prepare_only) {
if ($prepare_only === undefined || !$prepare_only) {
if ($file_index === undefined) {
for (var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++) {
else {
Uploader.prototype.updateProgressOnly = function ($file_index) {
var $progress_code = '<div class="progress-empty" title="' + this.files[$file_index].progress + '%"><div class="progress-full" style="width: ' + this.files[$file_index].progress + '%;"></div></div>';
$('#' + this.files[$file_index].id + '_progress').html($progress_code);
Uploader.prototype.removeFile = function (file) {
var count = 0,
n_files = [],
$to_delete = [];
for (var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++) {
if (this.files[f].id != && this.files[f].name != {
else {
for (var $i = 0; $i < $to_delete.length; $i++) {
this.updateQueueFile($to_delete[$i], true);
this.files = n_files;
this.files_count = count;
this.updateInfo(undefined, true);
Uploader.prototype.hasQueue = function() {
for (var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++) {
if (isset(this.files[f].uploaded)) {
return true;
return false;
Uploader.prototype.startUpload = function() {
this.uploadCancelled = false;
if (!this.hasQueue()) {
Uploader.prototype.cancelUpload = function() {
var $stats = this.callFlash('GetStats');
while ($stats.files_queued > 0) {
$stats = this.callFlash('GetStats');
this.uploadCancelled = true;
Uploader.prototype.UploadFileStart = function(file) {
var $file_index = this.getFileIndex(file);
this.files[$file_index].progress = 0;
this.callFlash('AddFileParam', [, 'field', this.params.field]);
this.callFlash('AddFileParam', [, 'id',]);
this.callFlash('AddFileParam', [, 'flashsid', this.params.flashsid]);
// we can prevent user from adding any files here :)
this.callFlash('ReturnUploadStart', [true]);
Uploader.prototype.UploadProgress = function(file, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal) {
var $file_index = this.getFileIndex(file);
this.files[$file_index].progress = Math.round(bytesLoaded / bytesTotal * 100);
Uploader.prototype.UploadSuccess = function(file, serverData, receivedResponse) {
if (!receivedResponse) {
return ;
for (var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++) {
if (this.files[f].id == {
// new uploaded file name returned by OnUploadFile event
this.files[f].name = serverData;
Uploader.prototype.UploadFileComplete = function(file) {
// file was uploaded OR file upload was cancelled
var $file_index = this.getFileIndex(file);
if ($file_index !== false) {
// in case if file upload was cancelled, then no info here
this.files[$file_index].uploaded = 1;
this.files[$file_index].progress = 100;
this.files[$file_index].temp = 1;
this.files[$file_index].url = this.getUrl(this.files[$file_index]);
// upload next file in queue
var $stats = this.callFlash('GetStats');
if ($stats.files_queued > 0) {
else {
Uploader.prototype.getUrl = function($file, $preview) {
var $url = this.params.previewURL.replace('#FILE#', encodeURIComponent($'#FIELD#', this.params.field);
if ( $file.temp !== undefined && $file.temp ) {
$url += '&tmp=1&id=' + $;
if ( $preview !== undefined && $preview === true ) {
$url += '&thumb=1';
return $url;
Uploader.prototype.getFileIndex = function(file) {
for (var f = 0; f < this.files.length; f++) {
if (this.files[f].id == {
return f;
return false;
Uploader.prototype.queueEvent = function (function_body) {
// Warning: Don't call this.debug inside here or you'll create an infinite loop
var self = this;
// Queue the event
if (!this.flashReady) {
// don't execute any flash-related events, while it's not completely loaded
return ;
// Execute the next queued event
function () {
}, 0
Uploader.prototype._executeQueuedEvents = function() {
var $me = this;
function () {
if ($me._eventQueue.length > 0) {
}, 0
// Private: callFlash handles function calls made to the Flash element.
// Calls are made with a setTimeout for some functions to work around
// bugs in the ExternalInterface library.
Uploader.prototype.callFlash = function (functionName, argumentArray) {
argumentArray = argumentArray || [];
var returnValue;
if (typeof this.flash[functionName] === 'function') {
// We have to go through all this if/else stuff because the Flash functions don't have apply() and only accept the exact number of arguments.
if (argumentArray.length === 0) {
returnValue = this.flash[functionName]();
} else if (argumentArray.length === 1) {
returnValue = this.flash[functionName](argumentArray[0]);
} else if (argumentArray.length === 2) {
returnValue = this.flash[functionName](argumentArray[0], argumentArray[1]);
} else if (argumentArray.length === 3) {
returnValue = this.flash[functionName](argumentArray[0], argumentArray[1], argumentArray[2]);
} else {
throw 'Too many arguments';
// Unescape file post param values
if (returnValue != undefined && typeof === 'object') {
returnValue = this.unescapeFilePostParams(returnValue);
return returnValue;
} else {
// alert('invalid function name: ' + functionName);
throw "Invalid function name: " + functionName;
// Private: unescapeFileParams is part of a workaround for a flash bug where objects passed through ExternalInterface cannot have
// properties that contain characters that are not valid for JavaScript identifiers. To work around this
// the Flash Component escapes the parameter names and we must unescape again before passing them along.
Uploader.prototype.unescapeFilePostParams = function (file) {
var reg = /[$]([0-9a-f]{4})/i;
var unescapedPost = {};
var uk;
if (file != undefined) {
for (var k in {
if ( {
uk = k;
var match;
while ((match = reg.exec(uk)) !== null) {
uk = uk.replace(match[0], String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + match[1], 16)));
unescapedPost[uk] =[k];
} = unescapedPost;
return file;
Uploader.prototype.onFlashReady = function() {
var $me = this;
this.flashReady = true;
// process events, queued before flash load

Event Timeline