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Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js (revision 11670)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js (revision 11671)
@@ -1,641 +1,712 @@
* Thickbox 3.1 - One Box To Rule Them All.
* By Cody Lindley (
* Copyright (c) 2007 cody lindley
* Licensed under the MIT License:
// on page load call TB.init
function() {
// pass where to apply thickbox
TB.init('a.thickbox, area.thickbox, input.thickbox');
// preload image
TB.imgLoader = new Image();
TB.imgLoader.src = TB.pathToImage;
function TB () {}
TB.pathToImage = 'images/loadingAnimation.gif';
TB.Width = null;
TB.Height = null;
TB.lastParams = {}; = new Array();
TB.windowMetaData = new Array ();
TB.useStack = true;
TB.closeHtml = '<img src="img/close_window15.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="close"/><br/>'; // 'close';
//add thickbox to href & area elements that have a class of .thickbox
TB.init = function (domChunk) {
function() {
var t = this.title || || null;
var a = this.href || this.alt;
var g = this.rel || false; {caption: t, url: a, imageGroup: g} );
return false;
TB.getId = function ($id, $diff) {
var $length =;
if ($diff !== undefined) {
$length += $diff;
if ($length == 0) {
return $id;
return $id + $length;
// function called when the user clicks on a thickbox link = function (params) {
TB.lastParams = params;
// caption, url, imageGroup, onDataReceived, onAfterShow, postParams
try {
if (TB.useStack) {
// increment window counter
if ( == 0) {
}[] = '#' + TB.getId('TB_window', 1);
TB.windowMetaData[TB.windowMetaData.length] = {};
if (typeof === 'undefined') {
// if IE6 browser only
$('body', 'html').css( {height: '100%', width: '100%'} );
$('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
if ($('#TB_overlay').length == 0) {
// create overlay
$('body').append("<iframe id='TB_HideSelect'></iframe><div id='TB_overlay'></div>");
if (document.getElementById( TB.getId('TB_window') ) === null) {
// iframe to hide select elements in ie6
$('body').append("<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_window') + "' class='TB_window'></div>");
} else {
// all other browsers
if ($('#TB_overlay').length == 0) {
// create overlay
$('body').append("<div id='TB_overlay'></div>");
if ( $('#' + TB.getId('TB_window') ).length == 0) {
$('body').append("<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_window') + "' class='TB_window'></div>");
if (TB.detectMacXFF()) {
$('#TB_overlay').addClass('TB_overlayMacFFBGHack'); // use png overlay so hide flash
} else {
$('#TB_overlay').addClass('TB_overlayBG'); // use background and opacity
if (params.caption === null) {
params.caption = '';
$('body').append("<div id='TB_load'><img src='" + TB.imgLoader.src + "' /></div>"); // add loader to the page
$('#TB_load').show(); // show loader
var baseURL;
if (params.url.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
// ff there is a query string involved
baseURL = params.url.substr(0, params.url.indexOf('?'));
} else {
baseURL = params.url;
var urlString = /\.jpg$|\.jpeg$|\.png$|\.gif$|\.bmp$/;
var url_params = {};
if ( baseURL.toLowerCase().match(urlString) ) {
TB.processImages(params, urlString);
} else {
var queryString = params.url.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/,'');
url_params = TB.parseQuery(queryString);
TB.processDialog(params, url_params);
if (url_params['modal'] != 'true') {
if (e.which == 27){
// close
} catch(e) {
//nothing here
alert("An exception occurred in the script.\nError name: " + + ".\nError message: " + e.message);
// helper functions below
TB.processImages = function (params, urlString) {
// code to show images
var TB_PrevCaption = '';
var TB_PrevURL = '';
var TB_PrevHTML = '';
var TB_NextCaption = '';
var TB_NextURL = '';
var TB_NextHTML = '';
var TB_imageCount = '';
var TB_FoundURL = false;
if (params.imageGroup) {
// scan images in group to create Prev/Next links
var TB_TempArray = $('a[rel=' + params.imageGroup + ']').get();
for (var TB_Counter = 0; ((TB_Counter < TB_TempArray.length) && (TB_NextHTML === '')); TB_Counter++) {
var urlTypeTemp = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href.toLowerCase().match(urlString);
if (!(TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href == params.url)) {
if (TB_FoundURL) {
TB_NextCaption = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].title;
TB_NextURL = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href;
TB_NextHTML = "<span id='TB_next'>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='#'>Next &gt;</a></span>";
} else {
TB_PrevCaption = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].title;
TB_PrevURL = TB_TempArray[TB_Counter].href;
TB_PrevHTML = "<span id='TB_prev'>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='#'>&lt; Prev</a></span>";
} else {
TB_FoundURL = true;
TB_imageCount = 'Image ' + (TB_Counter + 1) + ' of ' + TB_TempArray.length;
var imgPreloader = new Image();
function() {
var $image_size =, this);
TB.Width = $image_size.width + 30;
TB.Height = $image_size.height + 60;
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).append("<a href='' id='TB_ImageOff' title='Close'><img id='TB_Image' src='" + params.url + "' width='" + $image_size.width + "' height='" + $image_size.height + "' alt='" + params.caption + "'/></a>" + "<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_caption') + "'>" + params.caption + "<div id='TB_secondLine'>" + TB_imageCount + TB_PrevHTML + TB_NextHTML + "</div></div><div id='" + TB.getId('TB_closeWindow') + "'><a href='#' id='" + TB.getId('TB_closeWindowButton') + "' title='Close'>close</a> or Esc Key</div>");
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_closeWindowButton')).click(TB.remove);
if (TB_PrevHTML !== '') {
function goPrev() {
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).remove();
$('body').append("<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_window') + "' class='TB_window'></div>"); {caption: TB_PrevCaption, url: TB_PrevURL, imageGroup: params.imageGroup} );
return false;
if (TB_NextHTML !== '') {
function goNext() {
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).remove();
$('body').append("<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_window') + "' class='TB_window'></div>"); {caption: TB_NextCaption, url: TB_NextURL, imageGroup: params.imageGroup} );
return false;
function(e) {
var keycode = e.which;
if (keycode == 27) { // close
} else if (keycode == 190) {
// display previous image
if (TB_NextHTML != '') {
} else if (keycode == 188) {
// display next image
if(TB_PrevHTML != ''){
// show image after it's loaded
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css('display', 'block'); // for safari using css instead of show
imgPreloader.src = params.url;
TB.scaleImage = function ($image) {
// resizing large images - orginal by Christian Montoya edited by me
var pagesize = TB.getPageSize();
var x = pagesize[0] - 150;
var y = pagesize[1] - 150;
var imageWidth = $image.width;
var imageHeight = $image.height;
if ($image.src !== undefined) {
if (imageWidth > x) {
imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth);
imageWidth = x;
if (imageHeight > y) {
imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight);
imageHeight = y;
} else if (imageHeight > y) {
imageWidth = imageWidth * (y / imageHeight);
imageHeight = y;
if (imageWidth > x) {
imageHeight = imageHeight * (x / imageWidth);
imageWidth = x;
else {
if (imageWidth > x) {
imageWidth = x;
if (imageHeight > y) {
imageHeight = y;
return {width: imageWidth, height: imageHeight};
TB.processDialog = function (params, url_params) {
// code to show html
// window size is global
var $fake_image = {
width: (url_params['width'] * 1) || 600, // defaults to 630 if no paramaters were added to URL
height: (url_params['height'] * 1) || 400 // defaults to 440 if no paramaters were added to URL
var $image_size =, $fake_image);
+ TB.setWindowMetaData('window_size', $image_size);
+ TB.setWindowMetaData('window_maximized', false);
TB.Width = $image_size.width + 30;
TB.Height = $image_size.height + 40;
var ajaxContentW = TB.Width - 30;
var ajaxContentH = TB.Height - 45;
var $modal = url_params['modal'] == 'true';
if (params.url.indexOf('TB_iframe') != -1) {
// either iframe or ajax window
urlNoQuery = params.url.split('TB_');
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent')).remove();
if ($modal) {
// iframe modal -> don't close when clicking on grayed-out area
var $caption_html = "<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_title') + "' class='TB_title'><div id='" + TB.getId('TB_ajaxWindowTitle') + "' class='TB_ajaxWindowTitle'>" + params.caption + "</div><div id='" + TB.getId('TB_closeAjaxWindow') + "' class='TB_closeAjaxWindow'><a href='#' id='" + TB.getId('TB_closeWindowButton') + "' class='TB_closeWindowButton' title='Close'>" + TB.closeHtml + "</a>" + ($modal ? '' : ' or Esc Key') + "</div></div>";
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).append($caption_html + "<iframe frameborder='0' hspace='0' src='" + urlNoQuery[0] + "' id='" + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent') + "' name='" + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)) + "' onload='TB.showIframe()' class='TB_iframeContent' style='width:" + (ajaxContentW + 29) + "px;height:" + (ajaxContentH + 17) + "px;'> </iframe>");
} else {
// not an iframe, ajax
if ($('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css('display') != 'block') {
var $caption_html = "<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_title') + "' class='TB_title'><div id='" + TB.getId('TB_ajaxWindowTitle') + "' class='TB_ajaxWindowTitle'>" + params.caption + "</div><div id='" + TB.getId('TB_closeAjaxWindow') + "' class='TB_closeAjaxWindow'><a href='#' id='" + TB.getId('TB_closeWindowButton') + "' class='TB_closeWindowButton'>" + TB.closeHtml + "</a>" + ($modal ? '' : ' or Esc Key') + "</div></div>";
if (!$modal) {
// ajax no modal
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).append($caption_html + "<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent') + "' class='TB_ajaxContent' style='width:" + ajaxContentW + "px;height:" + ajaxContentH + "px'></div>");
} else {
// ajax modal
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).append($caption_html + "<div id='" + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent') + "' class='TB_modal TB_ajaxContent' style='width:" + ajaxContentW + "px;height:" + ajaxContentH + "px;'></div>");
} else {
// this means the window is already up, we are just loading new content via ajax
var $ajax_content = $('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent')).get(0);
$ = ajaxContentW + 'px';
$ = ajaxContentH + 'px';
$ajax_content.scrollTop = 0;
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxWindowTitle')).html(params.caption);
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_closeWindowButton')).click(TB.remove);
if (params.url.indexOf('TB_inline') != -1) {
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent')).html( $('#' + url_params['inlineId']).html() );
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).unload(
function () {
// move elements back when you're finished
$('#' + url_params['inlineId']).html( $('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent')).html() );
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css('display', 'block');
} else if (params.url.indexOf('TB_iframe') != -1) {
if ($.browser.safari) {
// safari needs help because it will not fire iframe onload
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css('display', 'block');
} else {
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
var $content_url = params.url;
if (params.postParams === undefined) {
function ($data) {
TB.onDataReceived($data, params);
else {
function ($data) {
TB.onDataReceived($data, params);
TB.updateZIndex(); // update z-index on window open
TB.setWindowTitle = function ($title) {
if (TB.useStack) {
// remember window titles
if (TB.windowMetaData.length == 0) {
// remember title of topmost window too
TB.windowMetaData[TB.windowMetaData.length] = {window_name: 'main'};
TB.setWindowMetaData('title', $title);
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxWindowTitle') ).html($title);
TB.parseRedirect = function ($data) {
var $match_redirect = new RegExp('^#redirect#(.*)').exec($data);
if ($match_redirect != null) {
// redirect to external template requested
return $match_redirect[1];
return false;
TB.onDataReceived = function ($data, $params) {
if ( $.isFunction($params.onDataReceived) ) {
if (!$params.onDataReceived($data)) {
// this callback even could prevent redirect action
// callback requested to stop processing
return ;
var $redirect = TB.parseRedirect($data);
if ($redirect !== false) {
window.location.href = $redirect;
return ;
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent')).html($data);
TB.init('#' + TB.getId('TB_ajaxContent') + ' a.thickbox');
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css('display', 'block');
if ( $.isFunction($params.onAfterShow) ) {
TB.showIframe = function () {
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css('display', 'block');
try {
if ( $.isFunction(TB.lastParams.onAfterShow) ) {
catch (e) {
// IE gives "Can't execute code from a freed script" when iframe is closed and parent window is reloaded
// It's not a big problem, that our method is not called in this case, becase it doesn't do anything in
// such case either
TB.remove = function ($e, $on_close) {
var $last_window = TB.useStack && <= 1;
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_closeWindowButton')).unbind('click');
/*$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).fadeOut(
function() {
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).hide();
TB.onAfterFade($last_window, $on_close);
if ($last_window) {
if (typeof == 'undefined') {
// if IE 6
$('body','html').css( {height: 'auto', width: 'auto'} );
$('html').css('overflow', '');
return false;
TB.onAfterFade = function ($last_window, $on_close) {
if ($last_window) {
// hide overlays first
if ($.isFunction($on_close)) {
// use close callback, because iframe will be removed later in this method
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).unload().remove();
if (TB.useStack) {
// tricky window removing to prevent memory leaks
var n_nesting = - 1;
$([n_nesting]).remove();[n_nesting] = null; = n_nesting;
// window meta data has one more record at beginning for topmost window
TB.windowMetaData[n_nesting + 1] = null;
TB.windowMetaData.length = n_nesting + 1;
TB.updateZIndex(); // update z-index on window close
set_window_title(TB.windowMetaData[TB.windowMetaData.length - 1].title);
if ( == 0) {
TB.position = function () {
var pagesize = TB.getPageSize();
+ var $window = $('#' + TB.getId('TB_window'));
+ var $borders = {
+ horizontal: $window.outerWidth() - $window.width(),
+ vertical: $window.outerHeight() - $window.height()
+ };
- $('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css(
+ $window.css(
width: TB.Width + 'px',
height: TB.Height + 'px',
- left: Math.round((pagesize[0] - TB.Width) / 2) + 'px',
- top: $(window).scrollTop() + Math.round((pagesize[1] - TB.Height) / 2) + 'px'
+ left: Math.round((pagesize[0] - TB.Width - $borders.horizontal) / 2) + 'px',
+ top: $(window).scrollTop() + Math.round((pagesize[1] - TB.Height - $borders.vertical) / 2) + 'px'
- );
- $('#' + TB.getId('TB_window'))
+ )
- alsoResize: '#' + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent')
+ alsoResize: '#' + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent'),
+ stop: function(event, ui) {
+ if (TB.getWindowMetaData('window_maximized')) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ var $window = $(this);
+ var $window_size = {
+ width: $window.width() - 30,
+ height: $window.height() - 40
+ }
+ TB.setWindowMetaData('window_size', $window_size);
+ }
handle: '.TB_title',
containment: 'window'
+ $('#' + TB.getId('TB_title')).dblclick(
+ function($e) {
+ var $window = $('#' + TB.getId('TB_window'));
+ var $maximized = TB.getWindowMetaData('window_maximized');
+ var $borders = {
+ horizontal: $window.outerWidth() - $window.width(),
+ vertical: $window.outerHeight() - $window.height()
+ };
+ if ($maximized) {
+ var $window_size = TB.getWindowMetaData('window_size');
+ var $new_width = $window_size.width + 30;
+ var $new_height = $window_size.height + 40;
+ TB.setWindowMetaData('window_maximized', false);
+ }
+ else {
+ var $new_width = pagesize[0] - $borders.horizontal;
+ var $new_height = pagesize[1] - $borders.vertical;
+ TB.setWindowMetaData('window_maximized', true);
+ }
+ var $window_width = $window.width();
+ var $window_height = $window.height();
+ $window.css(
+ {
+ width: $new_width + 'px',
+ height: $new_height + 'px',
+ left: Math.round((pagesize[0] - $new_width - $borders.horizontal) / 2) + 'px',
+ top: $(window).scrollTop() + Math.round((pagesize[1] - $new_height - $borders.vertical) / 2) + 'px'
+ }
+ );
+ var $width_diff = $new_width - $window_width;
+ var $height_diff = $new_height - $window_height;
+ var $iframe = $('#' + TB.getId('TB_iframeContent'));
+ $iframe.width( $iframe.width() + $width_diff );
+ $iframe.height( $iframe.height() + $height_diff );
+ }
+ );
/*$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css( {marginLeft: '-' + parseInt((TB.Width / 2), 10) + 'px', width: TB.Width + 'px'} );
if ( !(jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 7)) {
// take away IE6
$('#' + TB.getId('TB_window')).css( {marginTop: '-' + parseInt((TB.Height / 2), 10) + 'px'} );
TB.parseQuery = function (query) {
var Params = {};
if (!query) {
// return empty object
return Params;
var Pairs = query.split(/[;&]/);
for (var i = 0; i < Pairs.length; i++ ) {
var KeyVal = Pairs[i].split('=');
if (!KeyVal || KeyVal.length != 2) {
var key = unescape( KeyVal[0] );
var val = unescape( KeyVal[1] );
val = val.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
Params[key] = val;
return Params;
TB.getPageSize = function () {
var de = document.documentElement;
var w = window.innerWidth || self.innerWidth || (de && de.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight || self.innerHeight || (de && de.clientHeight) || document.body.clientHeight;
return [w, h];
TB.detectMacXFF = function () {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return userAgent.indexOf('mac') != -1 && userAgent.indexOf('firefox') != -1;
TB.updateZIndex = function () {
// #TB_overlay - 100
// .TB_window - 102 [ok]
// #TB_load - 103 [ok]
// #TB_HideSelect - 99
var n_nesting = - 1;
var $window_index = 102 + n_nesting +;
// alert('nesting ' + n_nesting + ', window index ' + $window_index);
$([n_nesting]).css('z-index', $window_index); // window position is dependend on it's opening order
$('#TB_load').css('z-index', $window_index + 1); // progress bar is over window
$('#TB_overlay').css('z-index', $window_index - 1); // overlay is under window
TB.setWindowMetaData = function ($title, $value) {
TB.windowMetaData[TB.windowMetaData.length - 1][$title] = $value;
+TB.getWindowMetaData = function ($title) {
+ return TB.windowMetaData[TB.windowMetaData.length - 1][$title];
TB.findWindow = function ($name, $diff) {
if (!isset($diff)) {
$diff = 0;
for (var $i = TB.windowMetaData.length - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
// alert('comparing [' + TB.windowMetaData[$i].window_name + '] to [' + $name + ']');
if (TB.windowMetaData[$i].window_name == $name) {
var $window_index = $i + $diff;
if ($i == 0 || $window_index <= 0) {
// not found or "main" window was requested -> it's not in array anyway
return window;
return $found_window = $('.TB_iframeContent',[$window_index - 1]).get(0).contentWindow;
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/jquery/thickbox/thickbox.js
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property

Event Timeline