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Index: branches/5.3.x/core/admin_templates/js/ajax.js
--- branches/5.3.x/core/admin_templates/js/ajax.js (revision 15960)
+++ branches/5.3.x/core/admin_templates/js/ajax.js (revision 15961)
@@ -1,470 +1,492 @@
function preg_print_pre(obj, reg)
if (!reg) reg = /.*/;
var p = ''
for (var prop in obj) {
if (prop.match(reg) ) {
p += prop + ': '+obj[prop] + '\n'
// Main AJAX classs
function Request() {}
Request.timeout = 60 * 1000; // 60 seconds
Request.method = 'GET';
Request.headers = {};
Request.params = null;
Request.progressText = 'Loading ...';
Request.makeRequest = function(p_url, p_busyReq, p_progId, p_successCallBack, p_errorCallBack, p_pass, p_object) {
//p_url: the web service url
//p_busyReq: is a request for this object currently in progress?
//p_progId: element id where progress HTML should be shown
//p_successCallBack: callback function for successful response
//p_errorCallBack: callback function for erroneous response
//p_pass: string of params to pass to callback functions
//p_object: object of params to pass to callback functions
if (p_busyReq) return;
var req = Request.getRequest();
if (req != null) {
p_busyReq = true;
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
p_busyReq = false;
try {
if (req.status == 200) {
// preg_print_pre(req)
p_successCallBack(req, p_pass, p_object);
} else {
p_errorCallBack(req, p_pass, p_object);
catch (e) {
// alert('AJAX error')
var $ajax_mark = (p_url.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + 'ajax=yes';, p_url + $ajax_mark, true);
if (Request.method == 'POST') {
Request.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
Request.headers['referer'] = p_url;
else {
Request.headers['If-Modified-Since'] = 'Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT';
if (Request.method == 'POST') {
Request.method = 'GET'; // restore method back to GET
else {
var toId = window.setTimeout( function() {if (p_busyReq) req.abort();}, Request.timeout );
Request.processRedirect = function($request) {
var $match_redirect = new RegExp('^#redirect#(.*?)($|\\s.*)').exec($request.responseText);
if ($match_redirect != null) {
// redirect to external template requested
window.location.href = $match_redirect[1];
return true;
return false;
Request.sendHeaders = function($request) {
for (var $header_name in Request.headers) {
if (typeof Request.headers[$header_name] == 'function') {
$request.setRequestHeader($header_name, Request.headers[$header_name]);
Request.headers = {}; // reset header afterwards
Request.getRequest = function() {
var xmlHttp;
try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); return xmlHttp; } catch (e) {}
try { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); return xmlHttp; } catch (e) {}
try { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); return xmlHttp; } catch(e) {}
return null;
Request.showProgress = function(p_id) {
if (p_id != '') {
var $content_div = $( jq('#' + p_id) );
var $content_offset = $content_div.offset();
var $content_width = $content_div.width();
var $content_height = $content_div.height();
// alert('id: ' + p_id + '; ch: ' + $content_div.get(0).clientHeight + '; sh: ' + $content_div.get(0).style.height);
var $parent_div = $content_div.parents(':first');
// use parent height, when own height is larger, then parent's
$content_width = Math.min($content_width, $parent_div.width());
$content_height = Math.min($content_height, $parent_div.height());
var $progress_overlay = $( jq('#' + p_id + '_progress') );
if ($progress_overlay.length == 0) {
$progress_overlay = $('<div id="' + p_id + '_progress"></div>');
var $maximal_height = $(window).height() - $;
width: $content_div.width(),
height: $content_height > 0 ? $content_height : $maximal_height,
left: $content_offset.left,
top: $ + $parent_div.scrollTop(),
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 30,
opacity: 0.8,
backgroundColor: '#2D79D6',
// don't show progress overlay, when target div is hidden
display: $ /*$content_height*/ > 0 ? 'block' : 'none'
$progress_overlay.html( Request.getProgressHtml() );
else {
if ($content_height > 0) {
// show progress, only when target div is visible
width: $content_width,
height: $content_height,
top: $ + $parent_div.scrollTop()
Request.hideProgress = function(p_id) {
if (p_id != '') {
$( jq('#' + p_id + '_progress') ).hide();
Request.setOpacity = function (opacity, id) {
var $element = $( typeof(id) == 'string' ? jq('#' + id) : id );
$element.css('opacity', opacity / 100);
Request.getProgressHtml = function() {
return "<div class='progress' style='position: relative; top: 50%; text-align: center; color: white;'>" + Request.progressText + "<br /><img src='img/ajax_progress.gif' align='absmiddle' width='100' height='7' alt='" + Request.progressText + "' title='" + Request.progressText + "'/></div>";
Request.getErrorHtml = function(p_req) {
//TODO: implement accepted way to handle request error
return '[status: ' + p_req.status + '; status_text: ' + p_req.statusText + '; responce_text: ' + p_req.responseText + ']';
Request.serializeForm = function(theform) {
if (typeof(theform) == 'string') {
theform = document.getElementById(theform);
var els = theform.elements;
var len = els.length;
var queryString = '';
Request.addField = function(name, value) {
if (queryString.length > 0) queryString += '&';
queryString += encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {
var el = els[i];
if (el.disabled) continue;
switch(el.type) {
case 'text':
case 'password':
case 'hidden':
case 'textarea':
Request.addField(, el.value);
case 'select-one':
if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
Request.addField(, el.options[el.selectedIndex].value);
case 'select-multiple':
for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) {
if (!el.options[j].selected) continue;
Request.addField(, el.options[j].value);
case 'checkbox':
case 'radio':
if (!el.checked) continue;
return queryString;
// AJAX ProgressBar class
function AjaxProgressBar($url) {
this.WindowTitle = this.GetWindow().document.title;
this.URL = $url;
this.BusyRequest = false;
this.LastResponceTime = this.GetMicroTime();
this.ProgressPercent = 0; // progress percent
this.ProgressTime = [];
AjaxProgressBar.prototype.GetWindow = function() {
return window.parent ? window.parent : window;
AjaxProgressBar.prototype.GetMicroTime = function() {
var $now = new Date();
return Math.round($now.getTime() / 1000); // because miliseconds are returned too
AjaxProgressBar.prototype.Query = function() {
var $me = this;
$.ajaxSetup({cache: false});
function ($response) {
var $match_redirect = new RegExp('^#redirect#(.*?)($|\\s.*)').exec($response);
if ( $match_redirect != null ) {
// redirect to external template requested
if ( isNaN(parseFloat($response)) ) {
// error message received, otherwise $response should be number
if ( $me.showProgress($response) ) {
// return time needed for progress to finish
AjaxProgressBar.prototype.GetEstimatedTime = function() {
return Math.ceil((100 - this.ProgressPercent) * Math.sum(this.ProgressTime) / this.ProgressPercent);
AjaxProgressBar.prototype.FormatTime = function ($seconds) {
$seconds = parseInt($seconds);
var $minutes = Math.floor($seconds / 60);
if ($minutes < 10) $minutes = '0' + $minutes;
$seconds = $seconds % 60;
if ($seconds < 10) $seconds = '0' + $seconds;
return $minutes + ':' + $seconds;
AjaxProgressBar.prototype.showProgress = function ($percent) {
this.ProgressPercent = $percent;
var $now = this.GetMicroTime();
this.ProgressTime[this.ProgressTime.length] = $now - this.LastResponceTime;
this.LastResponceTime = $now;
var $display_progress = parseInt(this.ProgressPercent);
this.GetWindow().document.title = $display_progress + '% - ' + this.WindowTitle;
document.getElementById('progress_display[percents_completed]').innerHTML = $display_progress + '%';
document.getElementById('progress_display[elapsed_time]').innerHTML = this.FormatTime( Math.sum(this.ProgressTime) );
document.getElementById('progress_display[Estimated_time]').innerHTML = this.FormatTime( this.GetEstimatedTime() );
document.getElementById('progress_bar[done]').style.width = $display_progress + '%';
document.getElementById('progress_bar[left]').style.width = (100 - $display_progress) + '%';
return $percent < 100 ? true : false;
// AJAX PopupManager class
function AjaxPopupManager($url) {
this.URL = $url;
this.PopupSizes = [];
AjaxPopupManager.prototype.GetSize = function ($template, $callback) {
if ( $callback === undefined || !$.isFunction($callback) ) {
alert('Please specify callback');
if ( !isset(this.PopupSizes[$template]) ) {
var $me = this;
'events[adm]': 'OnGetPopupSize',
'template_name': $template
function ($popup_size) {
// store response to cache for future use
$me.PopupSizes[$template] = $popup_size;
else {
// AJAX DropdownPreloader class
function AjaxDropdownPreloader($url, $input_mask, $filter_field, $dependend_field, value, $has_empty) {
this.URL = $url;
this.InputMask = $input_mask;
this.FilterField = $filter_field;
this.DependendField = $dependend_field;
this.Titles = this.prepareTitles();
this.Value = value;
this.HasEmpty = $has_empty === undefined ? true : $has_empty;
this.BusyRequest = false;
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.prepareURL = function()
return this.URL.replace('#DEPENDEND#', this.Dependend).replace('#FILTER_VALUE#', this.getValue(this.FilterField));
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.prepareTitles = function() {
var $control = this.getControl(this.DependendField);
var $i = 0;
var $ret = new Array ();
while ($i < $control.options.length) {
$ret[$control.options[$i].value] = $control.options[$i].innerHTML;
return $ret;
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.getValue = function($field_name) {
var $control = this.getControl($field_name);
if ($control.tagName == 'INPUT') return $control.value;
return $control.selectedIndex > 0 ? $control.options[$control.selectedIndex].value : '';
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.Query = function () {
var $url = this.prepareURL();
var $selected_value = this.Value || this.getValue(this.DependendField);
// remove all existing options
Request.makeRequest($url, this.BusyRequest, '', this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, $selected_value, this);
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.getControl = function($field) {
- var $id = this.InputMask.replace('#FIELD#', $field);
- return document.getElementById($id);
+ var $mask = this.InputMask.replace('#FIELD#', '#FIELD_NAME#');
+ if ( $field == this.DependendField ) {
+ var $control = get_control($mask, $field);
+ if ( $control.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'SELECT' ) {
+ return $control;
+ }
+ return get_control($mask, $field, 'select');
+ }
+ return get_control($mask, $field);
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.successCallback = function($request, $params, $object) {
if (Request.processRedirect($request) === true) {
return ;
var control = $object.getControl($object.DependendField)
$object.ProcessXMLNode($request.responseXML, control, $params);
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.ProcessXMLNode = function($node, $dst_field, $selected_value) {
for (var i = 0; i < $node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var $child = $node.childNodes.item(i);
switch ($child.tagName) {
case 'option':
- var opt_value = $child.getAttribute('value');
- var title;
- if (opt_value) { // value is passed explicically
+ var title,
+ $is_selected = false,
+ opt_value = $child.getAttribute('value');
+ if (opt_value) { // value is passed explicitly
title = $child.firstChild.nodeValue
else {
opt_value = $child.firstChild.nodeValue;
title = this.Titles[$child.firstChild.nodeValue];
this.addOption($dst_field, opt_value, title, $child.attributes);
- if (!$dst_field.multiple && (opt_value == $selected_value)) {
+ if ( $dst_field.multiple ) {
+ $is_selected = $selected_value.indexOf('|' + opt_value + '|') != -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $is_selected = opt_value == $selected_value;
+ }
+ if ($is_selected) {
$dst_field.options[$dst_field.options.length - 1].selected = true;
case 'field_options':
if (this.HasEmpty && !$dst_field.multiple) {
this.addOption($dst_field, '', '');
// add new states
this.ProcessXMLNode($child, $dst_field, $selected_value);
if ($dst_field.options.length == 0 || $dst_field.options.length == (this.HasEmpty ? 2 : 1)) {
$dst_field.value = $dst_field.options[$dst_field.options.length - 1].value;
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.AfterProcess = function() {
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.removeOptions = function($object) {
if (!$object) $object = this.getControl(this.DependendField);
if ($object.options.length > 0) {
while ($object.options.length > 0) {
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.addOption = function($object, $value, $title, attributes) {
var $option = document.createElement('OPTION');
$object.options.add($option, $object.options.length);
$option.innerText = $title;
$option.innerHTML = $title;
$option.value = $value;
if (attributes) {
for (var i=0; i<attributes.length; i++) {
if (attributes[i].nodeName == 'value') continue;
$option.setAttribute(attributes[i].nodeName, attributes[i].nodeValue);
AjaxDropdownPreloader.prototype.errorCallback = function($request, $params, $object) {
alert('AJAX Error; class: AjaxDropdownPreloader; ' + Request.getErrorHtml($request));
\ No newline at end of file

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