// 'DBG_SQL_EXPLAIN' => 1, // Explain every SQL query, that is retrieving data
'DBG_SQL_FAILURE'=>isset($GLOBALS['pathtoroot'])&&defined('IS_INSTALL')&&IS_INSTALL?0:1,// treat sql errors as fatal errors except for installation process
'DBG_SHOW_HTTPQUERY'=>1,// Show http query content (parsed user submit, GPC)
'DBG_SHOW_SESSIONDATA'=>1,// Show session data (at script finish)
// 'DBG_SHOW_PERSISTENTDATA' => 1, // Show persistent session data (at script finish)
'DBG_EDIT_HELP'=>1,// Show help filename on help screen
// 'DBG_HELP' => 1, // Show FCK editor when viewing help screen
// 'DBG_FORCE_THEME' => 1, // Use this theme_id instead of one in url
'DBG_PHRASES'=>1,// Add ability to translate phrases on the fly
// 'DBG_PHRASES_EDIT_FRONT'=> 1, // Add ability to edit existing phrases for Front End
// 'DBG_PHRASES_EDIT_ADMIN'=> 1, // Add ability to edit existing phrases for Admin
// 'DBG_WINDOW_WIDTH' => 700, // Set custom debugger layer width (in pixels)
// 'DBG_REDIRECT' => 1, // Show links with redirect url instead of performing it (useful in events debugging)
// 'DBG_VALIDATE_CONFIGS' => 1, // Check that config fields match ones from database
// 'DBG_SHOW_TAGS' => 1, // Show tags beeing processed
// 'DBG_PRE_PARSE' => 1, // Show new compiled functions in debugger
// 'DBG_DECORATE_BLOCKS' => 1, // Decorate blocks
// 'DBG_SHOW_TREE_PRIORITY'=> 1, // Show tree node priority