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Index: branches/5.0.x/core/kernel/parser/template_parser.php
--- branches/5.0.x/core/kernel/parser/template_parser.php (revision 12280)
+++ branches/5.0.x/core/kernel/parser/template_parser.php (revision 12281)
@@ -1,766 +1,771 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
class TemplateParser extends kBase {
var $Template;
var $Output = '';
var $Position = 0;
var $LastPosition = 0;
var $Ses;
var $Recursion = Array();
var $RecursionIndex = 0;
var $SkipMode = 0;
var $Params = Array();
var $Pattern = Array();
var $ForSort = Array();
var $Values = Array();
var $Buffers = Array();
var $Args;
var $ParamsRecursionIndex = 0;
var $ParamsStack = Array();
var $CompiledBuffer;
var $DataExists = false;
var $FromPreParseCache = false;
function TemplateParser()
$this->Ses =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session');
function AddParam($pattern, $value, $dont_sort=0)
$this->ForSort[] = Array($pattern, $value);
if (!$dont_sort) //used when mass-adding params, to escape sorting after every new param
$this->SortParams(); //but do sort by default!
//We need to sort params by its name length desc, so that params starting with same word get parsed correctly
function SortParams()
uasort($this->ForSort, array ("TemplateParser", "CmpParams"));
// commented out by Kostja, otherwise when rednerElement is done into var (result_to_var) the other params are reset
// $this->Pattern = Array();
// $this->Values = Array();
foreach($this->ForSort as $pair)
$this->Pattern[] = $pair[0];
$this->Values[] = $pair[1];
function CmpParams($a, $b)
$a_len = strlen($a[0]);
$b_len = strlen($b[0]);
if ($a_len == $b_len) return 0;
return $a_len > $b_len ? -1 : 1;
function SetParams($params, $for_parsing=true)
if (!is_array($params)) $params = Array();
$this->ForSort = array();
$this->Params = $params;
$this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex] = $params;
if (!$for_parsing) return ;
foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
$this->AddParam('/[{]{0,1}\$'.$key.'[}]{0,1}/i', $val, 1); //Do not sort every time
$this->SortParams(); //Sort once after adding is done
* Returns parser parameter value at specified deep level
* @param string $name
* @param int $deep_level if greather then 0 then use from ParamsStack
* @return mixed
function GetParam($name, $deep_level = 0)
if ($deep_level > 0) {
return isset($this->ParamsStack[$deep_level][$name]) ? $this->ParamsStack[$deep_level][$name] : false;
return isset($this->Params[$name]) ? $this->Params[$name] : false;
* Set's template parser parameter, that could be retrieved from template
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
function SetParam($name, $value)
$this->Params[strtolower($name)] = $value;
$this->AddParam('/[{]{0,1}\$'.$name.'[}]{0,1}/i', $value, $this->FromPreParseCache);
$this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex][$name] = $value;
function SetBuffer($body)
$this->Buffers[$this->RecursionIndex] = $body;
function GetBuffer()
return $this->Buffers[$this->RecursionIndex];
function GetCode()
return $this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex];
function AppendBuffer($append)
$this->Buffers[$this->RecursionIndex] .= $append;
$this->AppendCode( $this->ConvertToCode($append) );
function AppendOutput($append, $append_code=false)
if ($this->SkipMode == parse) {
$this->Output .= $append; //append to Ouput only if we are parsing
if ($append_code) $this->AppendCompiledHTML($append);
elseif ($this->SkipMode == skip) {
if ($append_code) $this->AppendCompiledHTML($append);
elseif ($this->SkipMode == skip_tags) {
$this->AppendBuffer($append); //append to buffer if we are skipping tags
function ConvertToCode($data)
$data = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $data); // escape any "\"
$data = str_replace("'", "\'", $data); // escape "'"
$code = '$o .= \''. $data .'\';';
$code = explode("\n", $code);
return $code;
function AppendCode($code, $level_offset=0)
if ($this->RecursionIndex+$level_offset <= 0 ) $level_offset = 0;
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) {
if (!isset($this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex+$level_offset])) {
$this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex+$level_offset] = Array();
if (is_array($code)) {
foreach ($code as $line) {
$this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex+$level_offset][] = rtrim($line, "\n")."\n";
else {
$this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex+$level_offset][] .= rtrim($code, "\n")."\n";
function PrepareCompiledFunction($f_name, $f_body, $add_reference=true)
$real_name = 'f_'.abs(crc32($this->TemplateName)).'_'.$f_name;
$real_code = '';
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) {
// if such function already compiled
if ( isset($this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name]) ||
if (!isset($this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name])) {
$real_name = $real_name.'_';
else {
$real_name = $this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name].'_';
if (is_array($f_body)) {
$real_body = '';
foreach ($f_body as $line) {
if (preg_match('/^\/\*LAMBDA-ONLY\*\//', $line)) continue;
$real_body .= "\t\t".rtrim($line, "\n")."\n";
$f_body = $real_body;
else {
$f_body = preg_replace('/\/\*LAMBDA-ONLY\*\/.*/m', '', $f_body);
$ref = "\t".'$application->PreParsedBlocks[\''.$f_name.'\'] = \''.$real_name.'\';'."\n";
if ($add_reference) $real_code .= $ref;
$real_code .= 'if (!function_exists(\''.$real_name.'\')) {'."\n";
$real_code .= "\t".'function '.$real_name.'($params)'."\n\t{\n";
$real_code .= $f_body;
$real_code .= "\t}\n\n";
$real_code .= '}'."\n";
/*if (defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && defined('DBG_PRE_PARSE') && DBG_PRE_PARSE) {
// this shows newly compiled functions (blocks)
global $debugger;
$f_body = "\t".'function '.$real_name.'($params)'."\n\t{\n".$f_body."\t}\n\n";
$this->Application->CompiledFunctions[$f_name] = $real_name;
return array($real_name, $real_code, $ref);
function AppendCompiledFunction($f_name, $f_body)
$f = $this->PrepareCompiledFunction($f_name, $f_body);
$this->CompiledBuffer .= $f[1];
function AppendCompiledCode($code)
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) {
if (is_array($code)) {
foreach ($code as $line) {
if (preg_match('/^\/\*LAMBDA-ONLY\*\//', $line)) continue;
$this->CompiledBuffer .= "\t".rtrim($line, "\n")."\n";
else {
$this->CompiledBuffer .= $code;
$this->CompiledBuffer .= "\t".'echo $o;'."\n\t".'$o = \'\';'."\n";
function AppendCompiledHTML($append)
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) {
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '?'.'>'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= rtrim($append, "\t");
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '<'.'?php'."\n";
function ResetCode()
$this->Code[$this->RecursionIndex] = Array();
function FindTag2()
$openings = Array('<%' => '%>', '<inp2:' => Array('>', '/>'), '</inp2:' => '>', '</inp2>' => '', '<!--' => '-->');
$tag_open_pos = false;
foreach ($openings as $an_opening => $closings) {
$pos = strpos($this->Template, $an_opening, $this->Position);
if ($pos !== false && ($tag_open_pos === false || (int) $pos <= (int) $tag_open_pos)) {
$tag_open_pos = $pos;
$open_len = strlen($an_opening);
$opening_tag = $an_opening;
$tag_closings = $closings;
if ($tag_open_pos === false) { //If no tags left - adding all other data
$this->AppendOutput(substr($this->Template, $this->Position), true);
return false;
//Adding all data before tag open
$this->AppendOutput(substr($this->Template, $this->Position, $tag_open_pos - $this->Position), true);
if (is_array($tag_closings)) {
$tag_close_pos = false;
foreach ($tag_closings as $a_closing) {
$pos = strpos($this->Template, $a_closing, $tag_open_pos);
if ($pos !== false && ($tag_close_pos === false || (int) $pos <= (int) $tag_close_pos)) {
$tag_close_pos = $pos;
$closing_tag = $a_closing;
elseif ($opening_tag == '</inp2>') {
$closing_tag = '';
$tag_close_pos = $tag_open_pos + $open_len;
else {
$closing_tag = $tag_closings;
$tag_close_pos = strpos($this->Template, $closing_tag, $tag_open_pos);
$close_len = strlen($closing_tag);
// Cutting trailing line-breaks after tags (same way PHP does it)
if (substr($this->Template, $tag_close_pos+$close_len, 2) == "\r\n") {
$this->Template = substr_replace($this->Template, '', $tag_close_pos, 2);
elseif (substr($this->Template, $tag_close_pos+$close_len, 1) == "\n") {
$this->Template = substr_replace($this->Template, '', $tag_close_pos, 1);
//Cutting out the tag itself
$tag = substr($this->Template, $tag_open_pos + $open_len, $tag_close_pos - $tag_open_pos - $open_len);
if ($opening_tag == '<inp2:') {
//getting prefix_tag upto first space, tab or line break into regs[1]
preg_match("/^([^ \t\n]*)(.*)/", $tag, $regs);
$tag_part = $regs[1];
if (strpos($tag_part, '_') !== false) {
list($prefix, $the_tag) = explode('_', $tag, 2);
/*preg_match('/(.*)_(.*)/', $tag_part, $rets);
$prefix = $rets[1];
$the_tag = $rets[2].$regs[2];*/
$tag = $prefix.':'.$the_tag;
else {
$the_tag = $tag;
$tag = ':'.$tag;
if ($opening_tag == '</inp2>') { //empty closing means old style in-portal if <inp2:tag>....</inp2>
$tag = 'm:endif';
if ($opening_tag == '</inp2:') {
preg_match("/^([^ \t\n]*)(.*)/", $tag, $regs);
$tag_part = $regs[1];
if (strpos($tag_part, '_') !== false) {
list($prefix, $the_tag) = explode('_', $tag, 2);
$tag = $prefix.':'.$the_tag;
$tag .= ' _closing_tag_="1"';
// if there is no prefix for the tag
if (strpos($tag, ':') === 0) {
$prefix = getArrayValue($this->Params, 'PrefixSpecial');
$tag = $prefix.$tag.' _auto_prefix_="1"';
// temporary - for backward compatability with in-portal style if
$compat_tags = array('m_if', 'm_DefineElement', 'm_Capture', 'm_RenderElement');
if ($opening_tag == '<inp2:' && $closing_tag == '>' && !in_array($tag_part, $compat_tags)) {
if (strpos($the_tag, ' ') !== false) {
list($function, $params) = explode(' ', $the_tag, 2);
else {
$function = $the_tag;
$params = '';
$tag = 'm:if prefix="'.$prefix.'" function="'.$function.'" '.$params;
if ($opening_tag == '<!--') {
if ($this->Application->IsAdmin()) {
$this->AppendOutput('<!-- '.htmlspecialchars($tag). '-->');
else {
$this->AppendOutput('<!-- '.$tag. '-->');
$this->AppendCompiledHTML('<!-- '.$tag. '-->');
$tag = '__COMMENT__';
if ($closing_tag == '>') $tag .= ' _short_closing_="1"';
$this->Position = $tag_close_pos + $close_len;
return $tag;
function CurrentLineNumber()
return substr_count(substr($this->Template, 0, $this->Position), "\n")+1;
function SkipModeName()
switch ($this->SkipMode) {
case skip: return 'skip';
case skip_tags: return 'skip_tags';
case parse: return 'parse';
* Recursive mkdir
* @param string $dir
* @param string $base_path base path to directory where folders should be created in
function CheckDir($dir, $base_path = '')
if (file_exists($dir)) {
else {
// remove $base_path from beggining because it is already created during install
$dir = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($base_path.'/', '/').'/', '', $dir, 1);
$segments = explode('/', $dir);
$cur_path = $base_path;
foreach ($segments as $segment) {
// do not add leading / for windows paths (c:\...)
$cur_path .= preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]{1}:/', $segment) ? $segment : '/'.$segment;
if (!file_exists($cur_path)) {
function ParseTemplate($name, $pre_parse = 1, $params=array(), $silent=0)
+ if ((strpos($name, '../') !== false) || (trim($name) !== $name)) {
+ // when relative paths or special chars are found template names from url, then it's hacking attempt
+ return false;
+ }
$this->FromPreParseCache = false;
if ($this->GetParam('from_inportal')) $pre_parse = 0;
if ($pre_parse) {
$pre_parsed = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetPreParsed($name);
if ($pre_parsed === false) {
// template not found -> don't compile
return '';
if ($pre_parsed && $pre_parsed['active']) { // active means good (not expired) pre-parsed cache
$this->FromPreParseCache = true;
$this->SetParams($params, 0); // 0 to disable params sorting and regexp generation - not needed when processing pre-parsed
if ($pre_parsed['mode'] == 'file') {
$this->TemplateName = str_replace(FULL_PATH, '', realpath($pre_parsed['fname']));
else {
$output = ob_get_contents();
else {
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '<'.'?php'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= 'global $application;'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '$params =& $application->Parser->Params;'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= 'extract($params);'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '$o = \'\';'."\n";
$body = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetTemplateBody($name, $silent);
$this->TemplateName = $name;
$output = $this->NewParse($body, $name);
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '?'.'>'."\n";
if (defined('SAFE_MODE') && SAFE_MODE) {
if (!isset($conn)) $conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
$conn->Query('REPLACE INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache (VarName, Data, Cached) VALUES ('.$conn->qstr($pre_parsed['fname']).','.$conn->qstr($this->CompiledBuffer).','.adodb_mktime().')');
else {
$compiled = fopen($pre_parsed['fname'], 'w');
fwrite($compiled, $this->CompiledBuffer);
if ( !$this->GetParam('from_inportal') && strpos($output, '<inp:') !== false) {
$inp1_parser =& $this->Application->recallObject('Inp1Parser');
// $name = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetTemplateFileName($name) . '-block:' . $name; // may be is needed (by Alex)
$output = $inp1_parser->Parse($name, $output);
return $output;
// pre-parse is OFF
return $this->NewParse($this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetTemplateBody($name), $name, $pre_parse);
function NewParse($template, $name='unknown', $pre_parse = 1)
$this->Template = $template;
$this->TemplateName = $name;
$this->Position = 0;
$this->Output = '';
$this->TagHolder = new MyTagHolder();
$has_inp_tags = false;
if (!getArrayValue($this->Params, 'PrefixSpecial')) {
$this->Params['PrefixSpecial'] = '$PrefixSpecial';
//While we have more tags
while ($tag_data = $this->FindTag2())
if ($tag_data == '__COMMENT__') continue;
//Create tag object from passed tag data
if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_SHOW_TAGS') )
global $debugger;
$debugger->appendHTML('mode: '.$this->SkipModeName().' tag '.$debugger->highlightString($tag_data).' in '.$debugger->getFileLink($debugger->getLocalFile(FULL_PATH.THEMES_PATH.'/'.$this->TemplateName).'.tpl', $this->CurrentLineNumber(), '', true));
$tag =& $this->TagHolder->GetTag($tag_data, $this);
if (!$this->CheckRecursion($tag)) //we do NOT process closing tags
return $this->Output;
function Parse($template, $name='unknown', $pre_parse = 1)
$this->Template = $template;
$this->TemplateName = $name;
$this->Position = 0;
$this->Output = '';
$this->TagHolder = new MyTagHolder();
$has_inp_tags = false;
if ($this->GetParam('from_inportal')) $pre_parse = 0;
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') && $pre_parse) {
$fname = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetRealFilename($this->TemplateName).'.php';
$fname = str_replace(FULL_PATH, FULL_PATH.'/kernel/cache', $fname);
if (!defined('SAFE_MODE') || !SAFE_MODE) {
$this->CheckDir(dirname($fname), FULL_PATH.'/kernel/cache');
$tname = $this->Application->TemplatesCache->GetRealFilename($this->TemplateName).'.tpl';
$output = '';
$is_cached = false;
if (defined('SAFE_MODE') && SAFE_MODE) {
$conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
$cached = $conn->GetRow('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache WHERE VarName = "'.$fname.'"');
if ($cached !== false && $cached['Cached'] > filemtime($tname)) {
$is_cached = true;
else {
if (file_exists($fname) && file_exists($tname) && filemtime($fname) > filemtime($tname)) {
$is_cached = true;
$output = ob_get_contents();
if ( $is_cached && !$this->GetParam('from_inportal') ) {
if ( strpos($output, '<inp:') !== false) {
$inp1_parser =& $this->Application->recallObject('Inp1Parser');
$output = $inp1_parser->Parse($name, $output);
return $output;
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '<'.'?php'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= 'global $application;'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '$params =& $application->Parser->Params;'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= 'extract($params);'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '$o = \'\';'."\n";
if (!getArrayValue($this->Params, 'PrefixSpecial')) {
$this->Params['PrefixSpecial'] = '$PrefixSpecial';
//While we have more tags
while ($tag_data = $this->FindTag2())
if ($tag_data == '__COMMENT__') continue;
//Create tag object from passed tag data
if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_SHOW_TAGS') )
global $debugger;
$debugger->appendHTML('mode: '.$this->SkipModeName().' tag '.$debugger->highlightString($tag_data).' in '.$debugger->getFileLink($debugger->getLocalFile(FULL_PATH.THEMES_PATH.'/'.$this->TemplateName).'.tpl', $this->CurrentLineNumber(), '', true));
// $tag = new MyTag($tag_data, $this);
$tag =& $this->TagHolder->GetTag($tag_data, $this);
if (!$this->CheckRecursion($tag)) //we do NOT process closing tags
if ( !$this->GetParam('from_inportal') ) {
if ( strpos($this->Output, '<inp:') !== false) {
$inp1_parser =& $this->Application->recallObject('Inp1Parser');
$this->Output = $inp1_parser->Parse($name, $this->Output);
$has_inp_tags = true;
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE') && $pre_parse && !$has_inp_tags) {
// $this->CompiledBuffer .= 'echo $o;'."\n";
$this->CompiledBuffer .= '?'.'>'."\n";
if (defined('SAFE_MODE') && SAFE_MODE) {
if (!isset($conn)) $conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
$conn->Query('REPLACE INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Cache (VarName, Data, Cached) VALUES ('.$conn->qstr($fname).','.$conn->qstr($this->CompiledBuffer).','.adodb_mktime().')');
else {
$compiled = fopen($fname, 'w');
fwrite($compiled, $this->CompiledBuffer);
return $this->Output;
function ParseBlock($params, $force_pass_params=0, $as_template=false)
if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_SHOW_TAGS') )
global $debugger;
$debugger->appendHTML('ParseBlock '.$params['name'].' pass_params is '.$params['pass_params'].' force is '.$force_pass_params.' in '.$debugger->getFileLink($debugger->getLocalFile(FULL_PATH.THEMES_PATH.'/'.$this->TemplateName).'.tpl', $this->CurrentLineNumber(), '', true));
/*if ( $this->Application->isDebugMode() && constOn('DBG_PRE_PARSE') ) {
global $debugger;
$debugger->CurrentPreParsedBlock = $params['name'];
if (defined('EXPERIMENTAL_PRE_PARSE')) {
$this->MainParser = false;
if (isset($this->Application->PreParsedBlocks[$params['name']]) ) {
if ($this->ParamsRecursionIndex == 0) {
$this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex] = $this->Params;
if (isset($params['pass_params']) || $force_pass_params) {
$pass_params = array_merge($this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex], $params);
else {
$pass_params = $params;
$this->ParamsStack[++$this->ParamsRecursionIndex] = $pass_params;
$this->Params = $pass_params;
$f = $this->Application->PreParsedBlocks[$params['name']];
// $this->ParamsRecursionIndex--;
if( !isset($pass_params['PrefixSpecial']) && isset($pass_params['prefix']) ) $pass_params['PrefixSpecial'] = $pass_params['prefix'];
$ret = $f($pass_params);
if (isset($params['return_params']) && $params['return_params']) {
$this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex - 1] = array_merge($this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex - 1], $this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex]);
$this->Params = $this->ParamsStack[$this->ParamsRecursionIndex];
$this->MainParser = true;
return defined('DBG_DECORATE_BLOCKS') && DBG_DECORATE_BLOCKS ? $this->decorateBlock($ret, $pass_params) : $ret;
$BlockParser =& $this->Application->makeClass('TemplateParser');
if (isset($params['pass_params']) || $force_pass_params) {
$BlockParser->SetParams(array_merge($this->Params, $params));
$this->Application->Parser =& $BlockParser;
if (!isset($params['name'])) {
trigger_error('<b>***Error: Block name not passed to ParseBlock</b>', E_USER_ERROR);
$templates_cache =& $this->Application->recallObject('TemplatesCache');
$template_name = $as_template ? $params['name'] : $templates_cache->GetTemplateFileName($params['name']) . '-block:'.$params['name'];
$silent = getArrayValue($params, 'from_inportal') && !defined('DBG_TEMPLATE_FAILURE');
$o = $BlockParser->Parse(
$templates_cache->GetTemplateBody($params['name'], $silent),
if (getArrayValue($params, 'BlockNoData') && !$BlockParser->DataExists) {
$template_name = $as_template ? $params['BlockNoData'] : $templates_cache->GetTemplateFileName($params['BlockNoData']) . '-block:'.$params['BlockNoData'];
$o = $BlockParser->Parse(
$templates_cache->GetTemplateBody($params['BlockNoData'], $silent),
$this->Application->Parser =& $this;
$this->Application->Parser->DataExists = $this->Application->Parser->DataExists || $BlockParser->DataExists;
return $o;
function decorateBlock(&$block_content, $block_params)
if (preg_match('/^(\s*)<td(.*?)>(.*)<\/td>(.*)$/is', $block_content, $regs)) {
// block with td -> put div inside td
return $regs[1].'<td '.$regs[2].'><div title="'.$block_params['name'].'" style="border: 1px solid blue;">'.$regs[3].'</div></td>'.$regs[4];
return '<div title="'.$block_params['name'].'" style="border: 1px solid red;">'.$block_content.'</div>';
function Recurve(&$tag)
$this->Recursion[++$this->RecursionIndex] =& $tag;
function CheckRecursion(&$tag)
if ($this->RecursionIndex > 0) { //If we are inside the recursion
if ($this->Recursion[$this->RecursionIndex]->CheckRecursion($tag)) { //If we can close this recursion
unset($this->Recursion[$this->RecursionIndex--]); //unsetting current recursion level and decreasing it at the same time
return true; //we should inform not to process closing tag
return false;
function SetSkipMode($mode)
$this->SkipMode = $mode;
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline