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Index: branches/5.1.x/units/products/products_tag_processor.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/products/products_tag_processor.php (revision 13184)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/products/products_tag_processor.php (revision 13185)
@@ -1,768 +1,772 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class ProductsTagProcessor extends kCatDBTagProcessor {
function Rating($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$rating = round($object->GetDBField('CachedRating') );
$o = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $rating; $i++) {
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'star_on_render_as,block_star_on')) );
for ($i = 0; $i < 5 - $rating; $i++) {
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'star_off_render_as,block_star_off')) );
return $o;
function NewMark($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$o = '';
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block')) );
return $o;
function HotMark($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$o = '';
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block')) );
return $o;
function TopSellerMark($params)
return $this->HotMark($params);
function PopMark($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$o = '';
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block')) );
return $o;
function EdPickMark($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$o = '';
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block')) );
return $o;
* Parses block only if item is favorite
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @deprecated used only in default,onlinestore
function FavoriteMark($params)
if ($this->IsFavorite($params)) {
return $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array( 'name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block') ) );
return '';
function CurrentCategory($params){
return $conn->GetOne("SELECT Name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."Category WHERE CategoryId=".$this->Application->GetVar("m_cat_id"));
function RateForm($params)
$params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block');
$labels = explode(',', $params['labels']);
$o = '';
$star_block = $this->SelectParam($params, 'star_render_as,star_block');
for($i = 5; $i >= 0; $i--)
$params['rating'] = $i;
$params['label'] = $this->Application->Phrase($labels[5 - $i]);
$params['stars'] = '';
for($j = $i; $j > 0; $j--)
$params['stars'] .= $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => $star_block));
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($params);
return $o;
* Parses block for changing favorite status
* @param Array $params
* @return string
* @deprecated used only in default,onlinestore
function FavoriteToggle($params)
$block_params = Array ();
$block_names = $this->IsFavorite($params) ? 'remove_favorite_render_as,block_remove_favorite' : 'add_favorite_render_as,block_add_favorite';
$block_params['name'] = $this->SelectParam($params, $block_names);
$params['template'] = $params[$this->IsFavorite($params) ? 'template_on_remove' : 'template_on_add'];
$remove_params = Array (
'remove_favorite_render_as', 'block_remove_favorite', 'add_to_wish_list_render_as', 'block_add_to_wish_list',
'add_favorite_render_as', 'block_add_favorite', 'remove_from_wish_list_render_as', 'block_remove_from_wish_list',
'template_on_remove', 'template_on_add'
foreach ($params as $param_name => $param_value) {
if (in_array($param_name, $remove_params)) {
$block_params['wish_list_toggle_link'] = $this->FavoriteToggleLink($params);
return $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
function WishListToggleLink($params)
$params['block_add_favorite'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'add_to_wish_list_render_as,block_add_to_wish_list');
$params['block_remove_favorite'] = $this->SelectParam($params, 'remove_from_wish_list_render_as,block_remove_from_wish_list');
return $this->FavoriteToggle($params);
function AddReviewLink($params)
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'render_as,block')) );
return $o;
function ListProducts($params)
return $this->PrintList2($params);
function ListRelatedProducts($params)
// $related = &$this->Application->recallObject('rel');
return $this->PrintList2($params);
function BuildListSpecial($params)
if ($this->Special != '') return $this->Special;
if ( isset($params['parent_cat_id']) ) {
$parent_cat_id = $params['parent_cat_id'];
else {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('c_id');
if (!$parent_cat_id) {
$parent_cat_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id');
if ( isset($params['manufacturer']) ) {
$manufacturer = $params['manufacturer'];
else {
$manufacturer = $this->Application->GetVar('manuf_id');
$recursive = isset($params['recursive']);
$list_unique_key = $this->getUniqueListKey($params).$recursive;
if ($list_unique_key == '') {
return parent::BuildListSpecial($params);
return crc32($parent_cat_id.$list_unique_key.$manufacturer);
function ProductList($params)
$params['per_page'] = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Perpage_Products_Short');
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial() , $this->Prefix.'_List', $params );
case 'favorites':
return $this->PrintList($params);
case 'search':
return $this->PrintList($params);
$params['block'] = $params['block_main'];
$params['row_start_block'] = $params['block_row_start'];
$params['row_end_block'] = $params['block_row_end'];
return $this->PrintList2($params);
* Adds product to recently viewed list (only in case, when not already there)
* @param Array $params
function AddToRecent($params)
$recent_products = $this->Application->RecallVar('recent_products');
if (!$recent_products) {
$recent_products = Array();
else {
$recent_products = unserialize($recent_products);
$product_id = $this->Application->GetVar('p_id');
if (!in_array($product_id, $recent_products)) {
array_push($recent_products, $product_id);
$this->Application->StoreVar('recent_products', serialize($recent_products));
function SearchMoreLink($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial() , $this->Prefix.'_List', $params );
$o = '';
if($object->PerPage < $this->SearchResultsCount())
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $params['block']) );
return $o;
function AddToCartLink($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
if ($object->GetDBField('HasRequiredOptions')) {
$t = $params['product_template'];
if (!$t) {
$theme =& $this->Application->recallObject('theme.current');
if ($theme->GetDBField('Name') == 'onlinestore') {
$t = 'in-commerce/product/details';
elseif ($theme->GetDBField('Name') == 'default') {
$t = 'in-commerce/product';
$link_params = Array('m_cat_id' => $object->GetDBField('CategoryId'), 'pass' => 'm,p');
else {
$t = $params['template'];
$link_params = Array('m_cat_id' => $object->GetDBField('CategoryId'), 'pass' => 'm,p,ord', 'ord_event' => 'OnAddToCart');
$this->Application->SetVar('p_id', $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_id'));
return $this->Application->HREF($t, '', $link_params);
function SearchResultsCount($params)
$search_results_table = TABLE_PREFIX.'ses_'.$this->Application->GetSID().'_'.TABLE_PREFIX.'Search';
$sql = ' SELECT COUNT(ResourceId)
FROM '.$search_results_table.'
WHERE ItemType=11';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
function DetailsLink($params)
$this->Application->SetVar( $this->Prefix.'_id', $this->Application->GetVar($this->getPrefixSpecial().'_id') );
$ret = $this->Application->HREF('in-commerce/details', '', Array('pass' => 'all,p'));
return $ret;
function ProductLink($params)
return $this->ItemLink($params, 'product');
function ProductFileLink($params)
// 'p_id'=>'0', ??
$params = array_merge($params, Array('pass'=>'all,m,p,file.downl'));
$product_id = getArrayValue($params,'product_id');
if (!$product_id) {
$product_id = $this->Application->GetVar($this->Prefix.'_id');
$params['p_id'] = $product_id;
$product =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial());
$params['m_cat_id'] = $product->GetDBField('CategoryId');
$main_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('m_TagProcessor');
return $main_processor->T($params);
function MoreLink($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject( $this->getPrefixSpecial() , $this->Prefix.'_List', $params );
$favorites_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('fav_TagProcessor');
$o = '';
if($object->PerPage < $favorites_tag_processor->FavoriteProductCount( Array('filter' => 'all') ))
$o = $this->Application->ParseBlock( Array('name' => $params['block']) );
return $o;
function GetMarkedVal($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
return $this->Application->RecallVar($list->getPrefixSpecial().$params['name']);
function SortingOptions($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$sorting_field_selected = $this->Application->RecallVar($list->getPrefixSpecial().$params['sorting_select_name']);
if (!$sorting_field_selected){
$sorting_field_selected = $this->Application->ConfigValue('product_OrderProductsBy');
- $field_list_plain = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ValueList FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ConfigurationAdmin WHERE VariableName = '.$this->Conn->qstr('product_OrderProductsBy') );
+ $sql = 'SELECT ValueList
+ FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ConfigurationValues
+ WHERE VariableName = "product_OrderProductsBy"';
+ $field_list_plain = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$field_list = explode(',', $field_list_plain);
$o = '';
foreach ($field_list as $key=>$field){
list($fieldname, $fieldlabel) = explode('=', $field);
$option_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$option_params['fieldname'] = $fieldname;
$option_params['fieldlabel'] = $this->Application->Phrase($fieldlabel);
$option_params['name'] = $params['block_options'];
if ($fieldname == $sorting_field_selected){
$option_params['selected'] = 'selected';
$option_params['selected'] = '';
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($option_params);
return $o;
function SortingDirectionOptions($params)
$list =& $this->GetList($params);
$sorting_dir_selected = $this->Application->RecallVar($list->getPrefixSpecial().$params['sorting_select_name']);
if (!$sorting_dir_selected){
$sorting_dir_selected = $this->Application->ConfigValue('product_OrderProductsByDir');
$o = '';
$field_list = array('asc' => 'lu_Ascending', 'desc' => 'lu_Descending');
foreach ($field_list as $fieldname=>$fieldlabel){
$option_params = $this->prepareTagParams($params);
$option_params['fieldname'] = $fieldname;
$option_params['fieldlabel'] = $this->Application->Phrase($fieldlabel);
$option_params['name'] = $params['block_options'];
if ($fieldname == $sorting_dir_selected){
$option_params['selected'] = 'selected';
$option_params['selected'] = '';
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($option_params);
return $o;
function ErrorMessage($params)
if( $this->Application->GetVar('keywords_too_short') )
$ret = $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'keywords_too_short_render_as,block_keywords_too_short')));
elseif( $this->Application->GetVar('adv_search_error') )
$ret = $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'adv_search_error_render_as,block_adv_search_error')));
$ret = $this->Application->ParseBlock(Array('name' => $this->SelectParam($params, 'no_found_render_as,block_no_found')));
return $ret;
function ListReviews($params)
$review_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('rev.product_TagProcessor');
return $review_tag_processor->PrintList($params);
function ReviewCount($params)
$review_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('rev.product_TagProcessor');
return $review_tag_processor->TotalRecords($params);
function InitList($params){
$passed_manuf_id = $this->Application->GetVar('manuf_id');
if ($passed_manuf_id && !isset($params['manufacturer'])){
$params['manufacturer'] = $passed_manuf_id;
* Builds link to manufacturer page
* @param Array $params
* @return string
function ManufacturerLink($params)
if ( array_key_exists('manufacturer_id', $params) ) {
// use direct manufacturer from tag
$params['manuf_id'] = $params['manufacturer_id'];
else {
// use product's manufacturer
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$item_manufacturer_id = $object->GetDBField('ManufacturerId');
if ($item_manufacturer_id){
$params['manuf_id'] = $item_manufacturer_id;
$params['pass'] = 'm,manuf';
$params['m_cat_id'] = 0;
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params);
function AlreadyReviewed($params)
$rev_tag_processor =& $this->Application->recallObject('rev_TagProcessor');
return $rev_tag_processor->AlreadyReviewed($params);
function PrepareSearchResults($params)
$names_mapping = $this->Application->GetVar('NamesToSpecialMapping');
if($this->Application->GetVar('search_type') == 'advanced' || !getArrayValue($names_mapping, $this->Prefix, 'search_results'))
$params = Array('list_name' => 'search_results',
'types' => 'search',
'parent_cat_id' => 'any',
'recursive' => 'true',
'per_page' => 'short_list'
return '';
function Available($params)
$object =& $this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial(), $this->Prefix, $params);
if (!$object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus')) return true;
$backordering = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_Enable_Backordering');
if ($object->GetDBField('InventoryStatus') == 2) {
$poc_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('poc', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(IF(QtyInStock > '.$object->GetDBField('QtyInStockMin').', 1, 0))
FROM '.$poc_table.'
WHERE (ProductId = '.$object->GetID().') AND (Availability = 1)';
$stock_available = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) > 0; // at least one option combination present
else {
$stock_available = $object->GetDBField('QtyInStock') > $object->GetDBField('QtyInStockMin');
$prod_backordering = $object->GetDBField('BackOrder');
if ($stock_available) return true;
// stock is NOT available:
if (!$backordering || $prod_backordering == 0) return false; // if backordering is generaly disabled or disabled for product (Never)
// backordering enabled; (auto or always mode)
return true;
function IsSubscription($params)
$object = &$this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial());
return ($object->GetDBField('Type') == 2);
function IsTangible($params)
$object = &$this->Application->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial());
return ($object->GetDBField('Type') == 1);
function HasFiles($params)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(FileId) FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('file', 'TableName').'
WHERE ProductId = '.$this->Application->GetVar('p_id').' AND Status = 1';
return $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) ? 1 : 0;
function UniqueFileName($params)
$file_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('file.downl');
return ($file_object->GetDBField('Name') &&
$file_object->GetDBField('Name') != $file_object->GetDBField('FilePath'))
? 1 : 0;
function FileDownload($params)
$file_id = $this->Application->GetVar('file.downl_id');
$product_id = $file_id ? $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT ProductId
FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('file', 'TableName').'
WHERE FileId = '.$file_id) :
$download_helper_class = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'DownloadHelperClass');
if (!$download_helper_class) {
$download_helper_class = 'DownloadHelper';
$download_helper =& $this->Application->recallObject($download_helper_class);
if (!$download_helper->CheckAccess($file_id, $product_id)) {
$this->Application->ApplicationDie('File Access permission check failed!');
$file_info = $download_helper->SendFile($file_id, $product_id);
$download_helper->LogDownload($product_id, $file_info);
define('DBG_SKIP_REPORTING', 1);
function PictureLink($params)
if (getArrayValue($params, 'picture_list')) {
$params['img_id'] = $this->Application->GetVar('img_id');
$params['pass'] = 'all,p,img';
else {
$params['pass'] = 'all,p';
return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params);
function ShouldListOptions($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$req_filter = '';
if (getArrayValue($params, 'required_only')) {
$req_filter = ' AND Required = 1';
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptions WHERE ProductId = '.$object->GetID().$req_filter;
$res = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
return $res > 0;
function CountOptions($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'ProductOptions WHERE ProductId = '.$object->GetID();
$res = $this->Conn->GetOne($query);
$max = $this->SelectParam($params, 'greater');
if (!$max) $max = 0;
return $res > $max;
function OptionsUpdateMode($params)
return $this->Application->GetVar('orditems_id') !== false;
function OptionsHaveError($params)
return $this->Application->GetVar('opt_error') > 0;
function OptionsError($params)
switch ($this->Application->GetVar('opt_error')) {
case 1:
return $this->Application->Phrase($params['required']);
case 2:
return $this->Application->Phrase($params['not_available']);
function ListShippingTypes($params)
$quote_engine_collector =& $this->Application->recallObject('ShippingQuoteCollector');
$types = $quote_engine_collector->GetAvailableShippingTypes();
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
$selected = $object->GetDBField('ShippingLimitation');
$selected = explode('|', substr($selected, 1, -1));
$o = '';
foreach ($types as $a_type)
$is_selected = in_array($a_type['_Id'], $selected);
$continue = $params['mode'] == 'selected' ? !$is_selected : $is_selected;
if ($continue) continue;
$block_params = $a_type;
$block_params['name'] = $params['render_as'];
$o .= $this->Application->ParseBlock($block_params);
return $o;
function PageLink($params)
$manufacturer_id = $this->Application->GetVar('manuf_id');
if ($manufacturer_id) {
$params['pass'] = 'm,'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().',manuf';
return parent::PageLink($params);
* Calculate savings based on price & market price relationship
* @param Array $params
* @return int
function Savings($params)
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$price = $object->GetDBField('Price');
$msrp = $object->GetDBField('MSRP');
$value = 0;
if (isset($params['type']) && ($params['type'] == 'percent')) {
if ($msrp > 0) {
return 100 - round($price * 100 / $msrp);
else {
if ($msrp > $price) {
$value = $msrp - $price;
if (isset($params['currency'])) {
$lang =& $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
/* @var $lang LanguagesItem */
$iso = $this->GetISO($params['currency']);
$value = $this->ConvertCurrency($value, $iso);
$value = $lang->formatNumber( sprintf('%.2f', $value) );
$value = $this->AddCurrencySymbol($value, $iso);
return $value;
* Hides permission tab, when it's not allowed by configuration settings
* @param Array $params
function ModifyUnitConfig($params)
$edit_tab_presets = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'EditTabPresets');
$edit_tab_preset = $edit_tab_presets['Default'];
$object =& $this->getObject($params);
/* @var $object kDBItem */
$product_type = $object->GetDBField('Type');
if ($product_type != PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE) {
if ($product_type == PRODUCT_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION) {
else {
if ($product_type != PRODUCT_TYPE_TANGIBLE && $product_type != PRODUCT_TYPE_PACKAGE) {
else {
if ($product_type != PRODUCT_TYPE_DOWNLOADABLE) {
if ($product_type != PRODUCT_TYPE_PACKAGE) {
$edit_tab_presets['Default'] = $edit_tab_preset;
$this->Application->setUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'EditTabPresets', $edit_tab_presets);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/units/affiliates/affiliates_event_handler.php
--- branches/5.1.x/units/affiliates/affiliates_event_handler.php (revision 13184)
+++ branches/5.1.x/units/affiliates/affiliates_event_handler.php (revision 13185)
@@ -1,535 +1,534 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Commerce
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license Commercial License
* This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
* Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program,
* or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties,
* and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class AffiliatesEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
* Allows to override standart permission mapping
function mapPermissions()
$permissions = Array(
'OnItemBuild' => Array ('self' => true),
'OnChangePaymentType' => Array ('self' => true),
'OnBecomeAffiliate' => Array ('self' => true),
$this->permMapping = array_merge($this->permMapping, $permissions);
* Generate new affiliate code
* @param kEvent $event
* @return string
function generateAffiliateCode(&$event)
// accepts 1 - 36
$number_length = 11;
$num_chars = Array( '1'=>'a','2'=>'b','3'=>'c','4'=>'d','5'=>'e','6'=>'f',
$ret = '';
for($i=1; $i<=$number_length; $i++)
mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
$num = mt_rand(1,36);
$ret .= $num_chars[$num];
$ret = strtoupper($ret);
$idfield = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'IDField');
$table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE AffiliateCode = %s';
$code_found = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $idfield, $table, $this->Conn->qstr($ret) ) );
if($code_found) return $this->generateAffiliateCode($event);
return $ret;
* Creates new affiliate code when new affiliate is created
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload'=>true) );
$object->SetDBField('AffiliateCode', $this->generateAffiliateCode($event) );
* Stores affiliate id using method from Config (session or cookie) if correct code is present in url
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function OnStoreAffiliate(&$event)
$event->Init($event->Prefix, '-item');
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload'=>true) );
$affiliate_storage_method = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_AffiliateStorageMethod');
$affiliate = $this->Application->GetVar('affiliate');
$object->Load($affiliate, 'AffiliateCode');
elseif($affiliate_storage_method == 2)
$affiliate_id = $this->Application->GetVar('affiliate_id');
if( $object->isLoaded() && ($object->GetDBField('Status') == 1) )
// user is found with such email
$affiliate_user =& $this->Application->recallObject('u.affiliate', null, Array('skip_autoload'=>true) );
$affiliate_user->Load( $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId') );
if($affiliate_user->GetDBField('Status') == 1)
$affiliate_id = $object->GetDBField('AffiliateId');
$this->Application->setVisitField('AffiliateId', $affiliate_id);
if($affiliate_storage_method == 1)
$this->Application->StoreVar('affiliate_id', $affiliate_id); // per session
setcookie('affiliate_id', $affiliate_id, $this->getCookieExpiration(), BASE_PATH, '.'.SERVER_NAME); // in cookie
* Returns affiliate cookie expiration date
* @return int
function getCookieExpiration()
$expire = $this->Application->ConfigValue('Comm_AffiliateCookieDuration'); // days
return adodb_mktime() + $expire * 24 * 60 * 60;
* Calculate what amount is earned by affiliate based on it's affiliate plan & store it
* @param kEvent $event
* @author Alex
function OnOrderApprove(&$event)
$order =& $this->Application->recallObject( $event->getEventParam('Order_PrefixSpecial') );
$affiliate_id = $order->GetDBField('AffiliateId');
if(!$affiliate_id) return false;
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('ship_autoload' => true) );
if( $object->Load($affiliate_id) )
$affiliate_plan =& $this->Application->recallObject('ap', null, Array('skip_autoload'=>true) );
$affiliate_plan->Load( $object->GetDBField('AffiliatePlanId') );
if( $affiliate_plan->isLoaded() )
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(Quantity) FROM %s WHERE OrderId = %s';
$orderitems_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('orditems', 'TableName');
$items_sold = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $orderitems_table, $order->GetID() ) );
$object->SetDBField('AccumulatedAmount', $object->GetDBField('AccumulatedAmount') + $order->GetDBField('TotalAmount') );
$object->SetDBField('ItemsSold', $object->GetDBField('ItemsSold') + $items_sold);
switch( $affiliate_plan->GetDBField('PlanType') )
case 1: // by amount
$value = $object->GetDBField('AccumulatedAmount');
case 2: // by items sold (count)
$value = $object->GetDBField('ItemsSold');
$apb_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('apbrackets', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT Percent FROM %1$s WHERE (%2$s >= FromAmount) AND ( (%2$s <= ToAmount) OR (ToAmount = -1) ) AND (AffiliatePlanId = %3$s)';
$commission_percent = $this->Conn->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $apb_table, $this->Conn->qstr($value), $affiliate_plan->GetID() ) );
// process only orders of current affiliate from period start to this order date
$period_ends = $order->GetDBField('OrderDate');
$period_starts = $this->getPeriodStartTS( $period_ends, $affiliate_plan->GetDBField('ResetInterval') );
$sql = 'SELECT AffiliateCommission, (SubTotal+ShippingCost+VAT) AS TotalAmount, OrderId FROM '.$order->TableName.' WHERE OrderDate >= %s AND OrderDate <= %s';
$amount_to_pay_before = 0;
$amount_to_pay_after = 0;
$order_update_sql = 'UPDATE '.$order->TableName.' SET AffiliateCommission = %s WHERE '.$order->IDField.' = %s';
$orders = $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $period_starts, $period_ends), 'OrderId' );
foreach($orders as $order_id => $order_data)
$amount_to_pay_before += $order_data['AffiliateCommission'];
$commission = $order_data['TotalAmount'] * ($commission_percent / 100);
$this->Conn->Query( sprintf($order_update_sql, $this->Conn->qstr($commission), $order_id) );
$amount_to_pay_after += $commission;
$object->SetDBField('AmountToPay', $object->GetDBField('AmountToPay') - $amount_to_pay_before + $amount_to_pay_after );
$object->SetDBField('LastOrderDate_date', $order->GetDBField('OrderDate_date') );
$object->SetDBField('LastOrderDate_time', $order->GetDBField('OrderDate_time') );
$order->SetDBField('AffiliateCommission', $commission); // set last commission to this order, because ApproveEvent was called for him
function OnCheckAffiliateAgreement(&$event)
$user_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('u', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
$items_info = $this->Application->GetVar('u');
list($id,$field_values) = each($items_info);
$require_affiliate = ($this->Application->GetVar('RegisterAsAffiliate') == 'on');
if($require_affiliate && !$this->Application->GetVar('AgreeToAffiliateTerms') )
$this->Application->SetVar('MustAgreeToTerms', 1);
$event->MasterEvent->status = erFATAL;
if($require_affiliate && !$this->Application->GetVar('SSN') )
$this->Application->SetVar('SSNRequiredError', 1);
$event->MasterEvent->status = erFATAL;
if( ($event->MasterEvent->status == erFATAL) && $items_info ) $user_object->Validate();
* [AFTER HOOK] to u:OnCreate
* @param kEvent $event
function OnRegisterAsAffiliate(&$event)
if($this->Application->GetVar('RegisterAsAffiliate') != 'on' || $event->MasterEvent->status != erSUCCESS)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$sql = 'SELECT AffiliatePlanId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('ap', 'TableName').'
WHERE IsPrimary = 1';
$affiliate_plan = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$object->SetDBField('PortalUserId', $this->Application->GetVar('u.current_id'));
$object->SetDBField('Status', 2);
$object->SetDBField('AffiliatePlanId', $affiliate_plan);
$object->SetDBField('SSN', $this->Application->GetVar('SSN'));
$object->SetDBField('Comments', $this->Application->GetVar('Comments'));
$object->SetDBField('PaymentTypeId', $this->Application->GetVar('PaymentTypeId'));
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.REGISTER', $this->Application->GetVar('u.current_id'));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.REGISTER');
function OnBecomeAffiliate(&$event)
$this->Application->SetVar('MustAgreeToTerms', 1);
$event->status = erFATAL;
$this->Application->SetVar('SSNRequiredError', 1);
$event->status = erFATAL;
if($event->status == erFATAL)
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$sql = 'SELECT AffiliatePlanId FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('ap', 'TableName').'
WHERE IsPrimary = 1';
$affiliate_plan = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
$object->SetDBField('PortalUserId', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'));
$object->SetDBField('Status', 2);
$object->SetDBField('AffiliatePlanId', $affiliate_plan);
$object->SetDBField('SSN', $this->Application->GetVar('SSN'));
$object->SetDBField('Comments', $this->Application->GetVar('Comments'));
$object->SetDBField('PaymentTypeId', $this->Application->GetVar('PaymentTypeId'));
if($next_template = $this->Application->GetVar('next_template'))
$event->redirect = $next_template;
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.REGISTER', $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.REGISTER');
function OnChangePaymentType(&$event)
$user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$object->Load( Array('PortalUserId' => $user_id) );
$object->SetDBField('Comments', $this->Application->GetVar('Comments'));
$object->SetDBField('PaymentTypeId', $this->Application->GetVar('PaymentTypeId'));
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.PAYMENT.TYPE.CHANGED', $user_id);
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.PAYMENT.TYPE.CHANGED');
$event->redirect = $this->Application->GetVar('next_template');
$event->status = erSUCCESS;
* If new payments made, then send email about that
* @param kEvent $event
function OnBeforeDeleteFromLive(&$event)
$payment_object =& $this->Application->recallObject('apayments', 'apayments', Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$id = $event->getEventParam('id');
$ap_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('apayments', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT AffiliatePaymentId FROM '.$ap_table.' WHERE AffiliateId = '.$id;
$live_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$sql = 'SELECT AffiliatePaymentId FROM '.$payment_object->TableName.' WHERE AffiliateId = '.$id;
$temp_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$new_ids = array_diff($temp_ids, $live_ids);
foreach($new_ids as $payment_id)
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.PAYMENT', $payment_object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.PAYMENT');
$object =& $event->getObject();
$passed_id = $event->getEventParam('id');
if( $object->GetID() != $passed_id )
$sql = 'SELECT Status FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption( $event->Prefix, 'TableName' ).' WHERE '.$object->IDField.' = '.$object->GetID();
$old_status = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql);
if( $old_status == 2 && $object->GetDBField('Status') == 1 )
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.APPROVED', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.APPROVED');
* Resets statistics (accumulated amount & items sold) for affiliates based on ResetInterval in their plan
* @param kEvent $event
* @author Alex
function OnResetStatistics(&$event)
$intervals = Array(86400 => 'la_day', 604800 => 'la_week', 2628000 => 'la_month', 7884000 => 'la_quartely', 31536000 => 'la_year');
$affil_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix, 'TableName');
$ap_table = $this->Application->getUnitOption('ap', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT AffiliateId
FROM '.$affil_table.' a
LEFT JOIN '.$ap_table.' ap ON a.AffiliatePlanId = ap.AffiliatePlanId';
$base_time = adodb_mktime();
$where_clause = Array();
foreach($intervals as $interval_length => $interval_description)
$start_timestamp = $this->getPeriodStartTS($base_time, $interval_length);
$where_clause[] = 'ap.ResetInterval = '.$interval_length.' AND LastOrderDate < '.$start_timestamp;
$sql .= ' WHERE ('.implode(') OR (', $where_clause).')';
$affiliate_ids = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
- if( $this->Application->isDebugMode() )
- {
+ if ($affiliate_ids && defined('DEBUG_MODE') && DEBUG_MODE && $this->Application->isDebugMode()) {
$this->Application->Debugger->appendHTML('Affiliates Pending Totals Reset: ');
$sql = 'UPDATE '.$affil_table.' SET AccumulatedAmount = 0, ItemsSold = 0, LastOrderDate = %s WHERE AffiliateId IN (%s)';
if($affiliate_ids) $this->Conn->Query( sprintf($sql, $base_time, implode(',', $affiliate_ids) ) );
* Returns calendar period start timestamp based on current timestamp ($base_time) and $period_length
* @param int $base_time
* @param int $period_length
* @return int
* @author Alex
function getPeriodStartTS($base_time, $period_length)
case 86400: // day
$start_timestamp = adodb_mktime(0,0,0, adodb_date('m', $base_time), adodb_date('d', $base_time), adodb_date('Y', $base_time) );
case 604800: // week
$day_seconds = 86400;
$first_week_day = $this->Application->ConfigValue('FirstDayOfWeek');
$morning = adodb_mktime(0,0,0, adodb_date('m', $base_time), adodb_date('d', $base_time), adodb_date('Y', $base_time) );
$week_day = adodb_date('w', $morning);
if($week_day == $first_week_day)
// if it is already first week day, then don't search for previous week day
$day_diff = 0;
// this way, because sunday is 0, but not 7 as it should be
$day_diff = $week_day != 0 ? $week_day - $first_week_day: 7 - $first_week_day;
$start_timestamp = $morning - $day_diff * $day_seconds;
case 2628000: // month
$start_timestamp = adodb_mktime(0,0,0, adodb_date('m', $base_time), 1, adodb_date('Y', $base_time) );
case 7884000: // quartal
$first_quartal_month = (ceil( adodb_date('m', $base_time) / 3)-1)*3 + 1;
$start_timestamp = adodb_mktime(0,0,0, $first_quartal_month, 1, adodb_date('Y', $base_time) );
case 31536000:
$start_timestamp = adodb_mktime(0,0,0,1,1, adodb_date('Y', $base_time) );
return $start_timestamp;
function iterateItems(&$event)
if ($this->Application->CheckPermission('SYSTEM_ACCESS.READONLY', 1)) {
$event->status = erFAIL;
$object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) );
$ids = $this->StoreSelectedIDs($event);
$status_field = array_shift( $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->Prefix,'StatusField') );
foreach($ids as $id)
switch ($event->Name)
case 'OnMassApprove':
$object->SetDBField($status_field, 1);
case 'OnMassDecline':
$object->SetDBField($status_field, 0);
case 'OnMassMoveUp':
$object->SetDBField('Priority', $object->GetDBField('Priority') + 1);
case 'OnMassMoveDown':
$object->SetDBField('Priority', $object->GetDBField('Priority') - 1);
if( $object->Update() )
switch ($event->Name)
case 'OnMassApprove':
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.APPROVED', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.APPROVED');
case 'OnMassDecline':
$email_event_user =& $this->Application->EmailEventUser('AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.DENIED', $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId'));
$email_event_admin =& $this->Application->EmailEventAdmin('AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.DENIED');
$event->redirect_params = Array('opener' => 's'); //stay!
* Checks that user in affiliate record matches current user
* (non permission-based)
* @param kEvent $event
* @return bool
function checkItemStatus(&$event)
if ($this->Application->isAdminUser) {
return true;
$object =& $event->getObject();
if (!$object->isLoaded()) {
return true;
return $object->GetDBField('PortalUserId') == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id');
\ No newline at end of file
Index: branches/5.1.x/install/install_data.sql
--- branches/5.1.x/install/install_data.sql (revision 13184)
+++ branches/5.1.x/install/install_data.sql (revision 13185)
@@ -1,585 +1,515 @@
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_AllowOrderingInNonPrimaryCurrency', 'la_Text_Currencies', 'la_AllowOrderingInNonPrimaryCurrency', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 20.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_ExchangeRateSource', 'la_Text_Currencies', 'la_ExchangeRateSource', 'select', NULL, '2=la_FederalReserveBank,3=la_EuropeanCentralBank,1=la_BankOfLatvia', 20.02, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_DefaultCouponDuration', 'la_Text_Coupons', 'la_conf_DefaultCouponDuration', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_RequireLoginBeforeCheckout', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_orders_RequireLogin', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Process_Backorders_Auto', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_ProcessBackorderingAuto', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.04, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Next_Order_Number', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_orders_NextOrderNumber', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.05, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Enable_Backordering', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_EnableBackordering', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.03, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Order_Number_Format_P', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_OrderMainNumberDigits', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.06, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Order_Number_Format_S', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_OrderSecNumberDigits', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.07, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Allow_Order_Different_Types', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_AllowOrderDifferentTypes', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.02, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Perpage_Products_Short', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_Perpage_Products_Shortlist', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.04, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Perpage_Products', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_Perpage_Products', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.03, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Perpage_Reviews', 'la_Text_Reviews', 'la_config_PerpageReviews', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Perpage_Manufacturers', 'la_Text_Manufacturers', 'la_Perpage_Manufacturers', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Perpage_Manufacturers_Short', 'la_Text_Manufacturers', 'la_Perpage_Manufacturers_Short', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.02, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_AddressLine1', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_AddressLine1', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_AddressLine2', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_AddressLine2', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.02, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_City', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_City', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.03, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_State', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_State', 'text', NULL, '', 20.06, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_ZIP', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_ZIP', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.04, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Country', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_Country', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none,<SQL>SELECT DestName AS OptionName, DestAbbr AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>StdDestinations WHERE DestParentId IS NULL Order BY OptionName</SQL>', 20.05, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Shipping_AddressLine1', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_AddressLine1', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Shipping_AddressLine2', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_AddressLine2', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.02, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Shipping_City', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_City', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.03, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Shipping_State', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_State', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.06, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Shipping_ZIP', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_ZIP', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.04, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Shipping_Country', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_Country', 'select', NULL, '0=lu_none,<SQL>SELECT DestName AS OptionName, DestAbbr AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>StdDestinations WHERE DestParentId IS NULL Order BY OptionName</SQL>', 30.05, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_CompanyName', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_CompanyName', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.01, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_StoreName', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_StoreName', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.02, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Contacts_Name', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_ContactName', 'text', NULL , NULL , 10.03, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Contacts_Phone', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_Phone', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.04, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Contacts_Fax', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_Fax', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.05, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Contacts_Email', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_Email', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.06, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_Contacts_Additional', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_Additional', 'textarea', NULL, NULL, 10.07, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_RatingDelay_Interval', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_prompt_DupRating', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec,60=la_opt_Min,3600=la_opt_Hour,86400=la_opt_Day,604800=la_opt_Week,2419200=la_opt_Month,29030400=la_opt_Year', 10.1, 2, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_RatingDelay_Value', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_prompt_DupRating', 'text', '', 'style="width: 50px;"', 10.1, 1, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_ReviewDelay_Interval', 'la_Text_Reviews', 'la_prompt_DupReviews', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec,60=la_opt_Min,3600=la_opt_Hour,86400=la_opt_Day,604800=la_opt_Week,2419200=la_opt_Month,29030400=la_opt_Year', 20.02, 2, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_ReviewDelay_Value', 'la_Text_Reviews', 'la_prompt_DupReviews', 'text', '', 'style="width: 50px;"', 20.02, 1, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('ShowProductImagesInOrders', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_config_ShowProductImagesInOrders', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.11, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_OrderProductsByDir', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_OrderProductsBy', 'select', NULL, 'ASC=la_common_Ascending,DESC=la_common_Descending', 10.01, 2, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_OrderProductsBy', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_OrderProductsBy', 'select', NULL, '=la_none,Name=la_fld_Title,SKU=la_fld_SKU,Manufacturer=la_fld_Manufacturer,Price=la_fld_Price,CreatedOn=la_fld_CreatedOn,Modified=la_fld_Modified,Qty=la_fld_Qty,<SQL>SELECT Prompt AS OptionName, CONCAT("cust_", FieldName) AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>CustomField WHERE (Type = 11) AND (IsSystem = 0)</SQL>', 10.01, 1, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_OrderProductsThenBy', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_ThenBy', 'select', NULL, '=la_none,Name=la_fld_Title,SKU=la_fld_SKU,Manufacturer=la_fld_Manufacturer,Price=la_fld_Price,CreatedOn=la_fld_CreatedOn,Modified=la_fld_Modified,Qty=la_fld_Qty,<SQL>SELECT Prompt AS OptionName, CONCAT("cust_", FieldName) AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>CustomField WHERE (Type = 11) AND (IsSystem = 0)</SQL>', 10.02, 1, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('product_OrderProductsThenByDir', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_ThenBy', 'select', NULL, 'ASC=la_common_Ascending,DESC=la_common_Descending', 10.02, 2, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Product_NewDays', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_DaysToBeNew', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.05, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Product_MinPopRating', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_fld_Product_MinPopRating', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.06, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Product_MinPopVotes', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_fld_Product_MinPopVotes', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.07, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Product_MaxHotNumber', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_fld_Product_MaxHotNumber', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.08, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('products_EditorPicksAboveRegular', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_EditorPicksAboveRegular', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.09, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_CategoryTemplate', 'la_section_Templates', 'la_fld_CategoryTemplate', 'text', '', '', 40.01, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_ItemTemplate', 'la_section_Templates', 'la_fld_ItemTemplate', 'text', '', '', 40.02, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_MaxImageCount', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_MaxImageCount', 'text', '', '', 50.01, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_ThumbnailImageWidth', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_ThumbnailImageWidth', 'text', '', '', 50.02, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_ThumbnailImageHeight', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_ThumbnailImageHeight', 'text', '', '', 50.03, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_FullImageWidth', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_FullImageWidth', 'text', '', '', 50.04, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('p_FullImageHeight', 'la_section_ImageSettings', 'la_config_FullImageHeight', 'text', '', '', 50.05, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Search_ShowMultiple_products', 'la_config_ShowMultiple', 'la_Text_MultipleShow', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('SearchRel_Keyword_products', 'la_config_SearchRel_DefaultKeyword', 'la_text_keyword', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('SearchRel_Pop_products', 'la_config_DefaultPop', 'la_text_popularity', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('SearchRel_Rating_products', 'la_config_DefaultRating', 'la_prompt_Rating', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('SearchRel_Increase_products', 'la_config_DefaultIncreaseImportance', 'la_text_increase_importance', 'text', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_AffiliateStorageMethod', 'la_Text_Affiliates', 'la_prompt_affiliate_storage_method', 'radio', NULL, '1=la_opt_Session,2=la_opt_PermanentCookie', 40.02, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_AffiliateCookieDuration', 'la_Text_Affiliates', 'la_prompt_affiliate_cookie_duration', 'text', NULL, '', 40.03, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_RegisterAsAffiliate', 'la_Text_Affiliates', 'la_prompt_register_as_affiliate', 'checkbox', NULL, '', 40.01, 0, 1);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_RecurringChargeInverval', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_RecurringChargeInverval', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.08, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_AutoProcessRecurringOrders', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_AutoProcessRecurringOrders', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.09, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('MaxAddresses', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_MaxAddresses', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.10, 0, 0);
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_PriceBracketCalculation', 'la_Text_PricingCalculation', 'la_prompt_PriceBracketCalculation', 'radio', NULL , '1=la_opt_PriceCalculationByPrimary,2=la_opt_PriceCalculationByOptimal', '50', '0', '1');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationAdmin VALUES ('Comm_MaskProcessedCreditCards', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_MaskProcessedCreditCards', 'checkbox', NULL , NULL , '10.11', '0', '0');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Allow_Order_Different_Types', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
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-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Order_Number_Format_S', '3', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
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-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_ExchangeRateSource', '3', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_DefaultCouponDuration', '14', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_RequireLoginBeforeCheckout', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Enable_Backordering', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Next_Order_Number', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
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-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Perpage_Manufacturers_Short', '3', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_AddressLine1', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_AddressLine2', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_City', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_State', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_ZIP', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Country', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_CompanyName', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_StoreName', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_AddressLine1', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_AddressLine2', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_City', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_State', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_ZIP', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_Country', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Name', '' , 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Phone', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Fax', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Email', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Additional', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_Process_Backorders_Auto', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_OrderProductsBy', 'Name', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Product_NewDays', '7', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Product_MaxHotNumber', '5', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Product_MinPopVotes', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Product_MinPopRating', '4', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_ReviewDelay_Value', '30', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_ReviewDelay_Interval', '86400', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_RatingDelay_Value', '30', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_RatingDelay_Interval', '86400', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'ShowProductImagesInOrders', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_OrderProductsByDir', 'ASC', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_OrderProductsThenBy', 'Price', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'product_OrderProductsThenByDir', 'ASC', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'products_EditorPicksAboveRegular', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
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-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'p_ItemTemplate', 'in-commerce/designs/detail', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
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-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'p_ThumbnailImageHeight', 120, 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'p_FullImageWidth', 450, 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'p_FullImageHeight', 450, 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output');
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-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Pop_products', '10', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:search');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Rating_products', '10', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:search');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'SearchRel_Increase_products', '30', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:search');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_AffiliateStorageMethod', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_AffiliateCookieDuration', '30', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_RegisterAsAffiliate', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_RecurringChargeInverval', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_AutoProcessRecurringOrders', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'MaxAddresses', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_PriceBracketCalculation', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
-INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Comm_MaskProcessedCreditCards', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general');
+# Section "in-commerce:contacts":
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_CompanyName', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_CompanyName', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.01, 0, 0);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_StoreName', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_StoreName', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.02, 0, 0);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Name', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_ContactName', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.03, 0, 0);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Fax', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_Fax', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.05, 0, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Contacts_Email', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ContactsGeneral', 'la_text_Email', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.06, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_AddressLine2', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_AddressLine2', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.02, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_ZIP', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_ZIP', 'text', NULL, NULL, 20.04, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_State', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_StoreAddress', 'la_State', 'text', NULL, '', 20.06, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_City', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_City', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.03, 0, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_ZIP', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_ZIP', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.04, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Shipping_State', '', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:contacts', 'la_Text_ShippingAddress', 'la_State', 'text', NULL, NULL, 30.06, 0, 1);
+# Section "in-commerce:general":
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_RequireLoginBeforeCheckout', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_orders_RequireLogin', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.01, 0, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Allow_Order_Different_Types', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_AllowOrderDifferentTypes', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.02, 0, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_Enable_Backordering', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_EnableBackordering', 'checkbox', NULL, NULL, 10.03, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_RecurringChargeInverval', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_RecurringChargeInverval', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.08, 0, 0);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'MaxAddresses', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Orders', 'la_MaxAddresses', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.1, 0, 0);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_RegisterAsAffiliate', '0', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Affiliates', 'la_prompt_register_as_affiliate', 'checkbox', NULL, '', 40.01, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_AffiliateCookieDuration', '30', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_Affiliates', 'la_prompt_affiliate_cookie_duration', 'text', NULL, '', 40.03, 0, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Comm_PriceBracketCalculation', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:general', 'la_Text_PricingCalculation', 'la_prompt_PriceBracketCalculation', 'radio', NULL, '1=la_opt_PriceCalculationByPrimary,2=la_opt_PriceCalculationByOptimal', 50, 0, 1);
+# Section "in-commerce:output":
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'product_OrderProductsBy', 'Name', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_OrderProductsBy', 'select', NULL, '=la_none,Name=la_fld_Title,SKU=la_fld_SKU,Manufacturer=la_fld_Manufacturer,Price=la_fld_Price,CreatedOn=la_fld_CreatedOn,Modified=la_fld_Modified,Qty=la_fld_Qty,<SQL>SELECT Prompt AS OptionName, CONCAT("cust_", FieldName) AS OptionValue FROM <PREFIX>CustomField WHERE (Type = 11) AND (IsSystem = 0)</SQL>', 10.01, 1, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'product_OrderProductsThenByDir', 'ASC', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_ThenBy', 'select', NULL, 'ASC=la_common_Ascending,DESC=la_common_Descending', 10.02, 2, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Product_NewDays', '7', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_conf_DaysToBeNew', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.05, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Product_MinPopVotes', '1', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_fld_Product_MinPopVotes', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.07, 0, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'Product_MaxHotNumber', '5', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_fld_Product_MaxHotNumber', 'text', NULL, NULL, 10.08, 0, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'product_RatingDelay_Interval', '86400', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Products', 'la_prompt_DupRating', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec,60=la_opt_Min,3600=la_opt_Hour,86400=la_opt_Day,604800=la_opt_Week,2419200=la_opt_Month,29030400=la_opt_Year', 10.1, 2, 1);
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+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'product_ReviewDelay_Value', '30', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Reviews', 'la_prompt_DupReviews', 'text', '', 'style="width: 50px;"', 20.02, 1, 1);
+INSERT INTO ConfigurationValues VALUES(DEFAULT, 'product_ReviewDelay_Interval', '86400', 'In-Commerce', 'in-commerce:output', 'la_Text_Reviews', 'la_prompt_DupReviews', 'select', '', '1=la_opt_Sec,60=la_opt_Min,3600=la_opt_Hour,86400=la_opt_Day,604800=la_opt_Week,2419200=la_opt_Month,29030400=la_opt_Year', 20.02, 2, 1);
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+# Section "in-commerce:search":
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INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (21, 'BMD', '', 0, 'la_BMD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (22, 'BTN', '', 0, 'la_BTN', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (23, 'INR', '', 0, 'la_INR', 0.022962112514351, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (24, 'BOV', '', 0, 'la_BOV', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (25, 'BOB', '', 0, 'la_BOB', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (26, 'BAM', '', 0, 'la_BAM', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (27, 'BWP', '', 0, 'la_BWP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (28, 'BRL', '', 0, 'la_BRL', 0.42331625957753, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (29, 'BND', '', 0, 'la_BND', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (30, 'BGL', '', 0, 'la_BGL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (31, 'BGN', '', 0, 'la_BGN', 0.60754639807761, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (32, 'BIF', '', 0, 'la_BIF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (33, 'KHR', '', 0, 'la_KHR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (34, 'CAD', '', 0, 'la_CAD', 0.80579100834068, 1120657409, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (35, 'CVE', '', 0, 'la_CVE', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (36, 'KYD', '', 0, 'la_KYD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (37, 'XAF', '', 0, 'la_XAF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (38, 'CLF', '', 0, 'la_CLF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (39, 'CLP', '', 0, 'la_CLP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (40, 'CNY', '', 0, 'la_CNY', 0.12082358922217, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (41, 'COP', '', 0, 'la_COP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (42, 'KMF', '', 0, 'la_KMF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (43, 'CDF', '', 0, 'la_CDF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (44, 'CRC', '', 0, 'la_CRC', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (45, 'HRK', '', 0, 'la_HRK', 0.16222968545216, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (46, 'CUP', '', 0, 'la_CUP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (47, 'CYP', '', 0, 'la_CYP', 2.0723753051971, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (48, 'CZK', '', 0, 'la_CZK', 0.039512535745162, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (49, 'DKK', '', 0, 'la_DKK', 0.15944343065693, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (50, 'DJF', '', 0, 'la_DJF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (51, 'DOP', '', 0, 'la_DOP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (52, 'TPE', '', 0, 'la_TPE', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (53, 'ECV', '', 0, 'la_ECV', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (54, 'ECS', '', 0, 'la_ECS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (55, 'EGP', '', 0, 'la_EGP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (56, 'SVC', '', 0, 'la_SVC', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (57, 'ERN', '', 0, 'la_ERN', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (58, 'EEK', '', 0, 'la_EEK', 0.075946211956591, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (59, 'ETB', '', 0, 'la_ETB', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (60, 'FKP', '', 0, 'la_FKP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (61, 'FJD', '', 0, 'la_FJD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (62, 'GMD', '', 0, 'la_GMD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (63, 'GEL', '', 0, 'la_GEL', 1, 1124019233, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (64, 'GHC', '', 0, 'la_GHC', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (65, 'GIP', '', 0, 'la_GIP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (66, 'GTQ', '', 0, 'la_GTQ', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (67, 'GNF', '', 0, 'la_GNF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (68, 'GWP', '', 0, 'la_GWP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (69, 'GYD', '', 0, 'la_GYD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (70, 'HTG', '', 0, 'la_HTG', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (71, 'HNL', '', 0, 'la_HNL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (72, 'HKD', '', 0, 'la_HKD', 0.1286359158665, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (73, 'HUF', '', 0, 'la_HUF', 0.0048070388349515, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (74, 'ISK', '', 0, 'la_ISK', 0.015143366891806, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (75, 'IDR', '', 0, 'la_IDR', 0.00010126584435926, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (76, 'IRR', '', 0, 'la_IRR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (77, 'IQD', '', 0, 'la_IQD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (78, 'ILS', '', 0, 'la_ILS', 0.21864406779661, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (79, 'JMD', '', 0, 'la_JMD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (80, 'JPY', '', 0, 'la_JPY', 0.0089325716003909, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (81, 'JOD', '', 0, 'la_JOD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (82, 'KZT', '', 0, 'la_KZT', 7.3559322033898, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (83, 'KES', '', 0, 'la_KES', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (84, 'AUD', '', 0, 'la_AUD', 0.74088160109733, 1120650640, 1, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (85, 'KPW', '', 0, 'la_KPW', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (86, 'KRW', '', 0, 'la_KRW', 0.00095066281590758, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (87, 'KWD', '', 0, 'la_KWD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (88, 'KGS', '', 0, 'la_KGS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (89, 'LAK', '', 0, 'la_LAK', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (90, 'LVL', '', 0, 'la_LVL', 1.7697169946847, 1124019016, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (91, 'LBP', '', 0, 'la_LBP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (92, 'LSL', '', 0, 'la_LSL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (93, 'LRD', '', 0, 'la_LRD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (94, 'LYD', '', 0, 'la_LYD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (95, 'CHF', '', 0, 'la_CHF', 0.76560788608981, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (96, 'LTL', '', 0, 'la_LTL', 0.34415546802595, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (97, 'MOP', '', 0, 'la_MOP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (98, 'MKD', '', 0, 'la_MKD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (99, 'MGF', '', 0, 'la_MGF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (100, 'MWK', '', 0, 'la_MWK', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (101, 'MYR', '', 0, 'la_MYR', 0.2631019594819, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (102, 'MVR', '', 0, 'la_MVR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (103, 'MTL', '', 0, 'la_MTL', 2.7679944095038, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (104, 'EUR', '&euro;&nbsp;', 0, 'la_EUR', 1.2319, 1124019016, 1, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (105, 'MRO', '', 0, 'la_MRO', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (106, 'MUR', '', 0, 'la_MUR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (107, 'MXN', '', 0, 'la_MXN', 0.092980009298001, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (108, 'MXV', '', 0, 'la_MXV', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (109, 'MDL', '', 0, 'la_MDL', 0.079830508474576, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (110, 'MNT', '', 0, 'la_MNT', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (111, 'XCD', '', 0, 'la_XCD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (112, 'MZM', '', 0, 'la_MZM', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (113, 'MMK', '', 0, 'la_MMK', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (114, 'ZAR', '', 0, 'la_ZAR', 0.14487399875645, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (115, 'NAD', '', 0, 'la_NAD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (116, 'NPR', '', 0, 'la_NPR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (117, 'ANG', '', 0, 'la_ANG', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (118, 'XPF', '', 0, 'la_XPF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (119, 'NZD', '', 0, 'la_NZD', 0.67409802586794, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (120, 'NIO', '', 0, 'la_NIO', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (121, 'NGN', '', 0, 'la_NGN', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (122, 'NOK', '', 0, 'la_NOK', 0.15015163002274, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (123, 'OMR', '', 0, 'la_OMR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (124, 'PKR', '', 0, 'la_PKR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (125, 'PAB', '', 0, 'la_PAB', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (126, 'PGK', '', 0, 'la_PGK', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (127, 'PYG', '', 0, 'la_PYG', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (128, 'PEN', '', 0, 'la_PEN', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (129, 'PHP', '', 0, 'la_PHP', 0.017769769111138, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (130, 'PLN', '', 0, 'la_PLN', 0.29408270844161, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (131, 'USD', '$&nbsp;', 0, 'la_USD', 1, 1124019100, 1, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (132, 'QAR', '', 0, 'la_QAR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (133, 'ROL', '', 0, 'la_ROL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (134, 'RUB', NULL, 0, 'la_RUB', 0.0347, 1123850285, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (136, 'RWF', '', 0, 'la_RWF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (137, 'SHP', '', 0, 'la_SHP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (138, 'WST', '', 0, 'la_WST', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (139, 'STD', '', 0, 'la_STD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (140, 'SAR', '', 0, 'la_SAR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (141, 'SCR', '', 0, 'la_SCR', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (142, 'SLL', '', 0, 'la_SLL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (143, 'SGD', '', 0, 'la_SGD', 0.58838383838384, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (144, 'SKK', '', 0, 'la_SKK', 0.031050431147113, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (145, 'SIT', '', 0, 'la_SIT', 0.0049628299365185, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (146, 'SBD', '', 0, 'la_SBD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (147, 'SOS', '', 0, 'la_SOS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (148, 'LKR', '', 0, 'la_LKR', 0.0099920063948841, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (149, 'SDD', '', 0, 'la_SDD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (150, 'SRG', '', 0, 'la_SRG', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (151, 'SZL', '', 0, 'la_SZL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (152, 'SEK', '', 0, 'la_SEK', 0.12594327624216, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (153, 'SYP', '', 0, 'la_SYP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (154, 'TWD', '', 0, 'la_TWD', 0.031298904538341, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (155, 'TJS', '', 0, 'la_TJS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (156, 'TZS', '', 0, 'la_TZS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (157, 'THB', '', 0, 'la_THB', 0.024061474911918, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (158, 'XOF', '', 0, 'la_XOF', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (159, 'NZD', '', 0, 'la_NZD', 0.67409802586794, 1120650640, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (160, 'TOP', '', 0, 'la_TOP', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (161, 'TTD', '', 0, 'la_TTD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (162, 'TND', '', 0, 'la_TND', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (163, 'TRL', '', 0, 'la_TRL', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (164, 'TMM', '', 0, 'la_TMM', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (165, 'UGX', '', 0, 'la_UGX', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (166, 'UAH', '', 0, 'la_UAH', 0.19830508474576, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (167, 'AED', '', 0, 'la_AED', 0.2728813559322, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (168, 'GBP', NULL, 0, 'la_GBP', 1.7543367535248, 1120657409, 1, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (169, 'USS', '', 0, 'la_USS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (170, 'USN', '', 0, 'la_USN', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (171, 'UYU', '', 0, 'la_UYU', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (172, 'UZS', '', 0, 'la_UZS', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (173, 'VUV', '', 0, 'la_VUV', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (174, 'VEB', '', 0, 'la_VEB', 0.00046628741956542, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (175, 'VND', '', 0, 'la_VND', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (176, 'MAD', '', 0, 'la_MAD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (177, 'YER', '', 0, 'la_YER', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (178, 'YUM', '', 0, 'la_YUM', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (179, 'ZMK', '', 0, 'la_ZMK', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (180, 'ZWD', '', 0, 'la_ZWD', 1, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO Currencies VALUES (181, 'AFN', '', 0, 'la_AFN', 0.02, 1120641028, 0, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'ORDER.SUBMIT', NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Order Submitted', 0);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'ORDER.APPROVE', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Order Approved', 0);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'ORDER.DENY', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Order Denied', 0);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'ORDER.SHIP', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Order Shipped', 0);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'BACKORDER.ADD', NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Backorder Added', 1);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'BACKORDER.ADD', NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Backorder Added', 0);
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INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'AFFILIATE.REGISTER', NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Affiliate registered', 0);
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INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.APPROVED', NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Affiliate registration approved', 1);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.DENIED', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Affiliate registration denied', 0);
INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'AFFILIATE.REGISTRATION.DENIED', NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Affiliate registration denied', 1);
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INSERT INTO Events (EventId, Event, ReplacementTags, Enabled, FrontEndOnly, FromUserId, Module, Description, Type) VALUES(DEFAULT, 'ORDER.RECURRING.PROCESSED', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, 'In-Commerce', 'Recurring Order Processed', 0);
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INSERT INTO GatewayConfigValues VALUES (34, 2, 3, '');
INSERT INTO GatewayConfigValues VALUES (33, 4, 3, '');
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INSERT INTO PaymentTypes VALUES (2, 'Check/MO', 'Check or Money Order', NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, DEFAULT, ',15,');
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INSERT INTO PaymentTypeCurrencies VALUES (DEFAULT, 2, 131);
INSERT INTO PaymentTypeCurrencies VALUES (DEFAULT, 3, 131);
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INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (168, 1, 'Calendar''s highlighted day', '.calendar tbody .hilite', 'a:0:{}', '', 1, 'background-color: #f6f6f6;\r\nborder: 1px solid #83B2C5 !important;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (162, 1, 'Calendar''s top and bottom titles', '.calendar .title', 'a:0:{}', '', 1, 'color: #00309C;\r\nbackground-color: #98CEE4;\r\nborder: 1px solid #83B2C5;\r\nborder-top: 0px;\r\npadding: 1px;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (163, 1, 'Calendar''s control buttons', '.calendar .calendar_button', 'a:0:{}', '', 1, 'color: black;\r\nfont-size: 12px;\r\nbackground-color: #eeeeee;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (30, 1, 'Block without a border', '.block-no-border', 'a:2:{s:6:"border";s:4:"none";s:13:"margin-bottom";s:4:"10px";}', 'Block without a border', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (164, 1, 'Calendar''s day names', '.calendar thead .name', 'a:0:{}', '', 1, 'background-color: #DEEEF6;\r\nborder-bottom: 1px solid #000000;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (165, 1, 'Calendar''s days', '.calendar tbody .day', 'a:0:{}', '', 1, 'text-align: right;\r\npadding: 2px 4px 2px 2px;\r\nwidth: 2em;\r\nborder: 1px solid #fefefe;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (154, 1, 'Category Link', 'a.subcat', 'a:3:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#003399";s:11:"font-weight";s:4:"bold";s:15:"text-decoration";s:9:"underline";}', 'Category Link', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (40, 1, 'Main Center Column', '.main-column-center', 'a:1:{s:11:"padding-top";s:4:"10px";}', 'Main Center Column', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (37, 1, 'Actions Block', '.actions-block', 'a:0:{}', '', 2, '', 34);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (151, 1, 'Editor Picks Block Header', '.pick-products-block-header', 'a:3:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#34871F";s:16:"background-color";s:7:"#89E867";s:6:"border";s:14:"1px solid #aaa";}', 'Editor Picks Block Header', 2, '', 27);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (38, 1, 'Categories Block', '.categories-block', 'a:0:{}', '', 2, '', 34);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (32, 1, 'Button', '.button', 'a:7:{s:4:"font";s:37:"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";s:5:"color";s:7:"#003399";s:11:"font-weight";s:4:"bold";s:16:"background-color";s:7:"#99CCFF";s:6:"border";s:17:"1px solid #FFFFFF";s:7:"padding";s:15:"1px 4px 1px 4px";s:5:"width";s:4:"auto";}', 'Button class used in all templates', 1, 'border-bottom-color: #003399;\r\nborder-right-color: #003399;\r\noverflow: visible;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (34, 1, 'Block with border (side block)', '.block', 'a:3:{s:16:"background-color";s:7:"#FFFFFF";s:6:"border";s:17:"1px solid #999999";s:13:"margin-bottom";s:4:"10px";}', 'Block with border (side block)', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (153, 1, 'Toolbar Link Mouseover (hover)', 'a.toolbar:hover', 'a:1:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#FFFFFF";}', 'Toolbar Link Mouseover (hover)', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (41, 1, 'Main Right Column', '.main-column-right', 'a:1:{s:11:"padding-top";s:4:"10px";}', 'Main Right Column', 1, 'width:210px;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (156, 1, 'Category Link Mouseover (hover)', 'a.subcat:hover', 'a:1:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#2FEF0E";}', 'Category Link Mouseover (hover)', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (148, 1, 'New Products Block', '.new-products-block', 'a:0:{}', 'New Products Block', 2, '', 30);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (157, 1, 'Link', 'a', 'a:2:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#003399";s:15:"text-decoration";s:9:"underline";}', 'Link', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (33, 1, 'Page Body', 'body', 'a:3:{s:9:"font-size";s:5:"small";s:16:"background-color";s:7:"#FFFFFF";s:6:"margin";s:4:"15px";}', 'Page Body', 1, 'width: auto;', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (158, 1, 'Link Mouseover (hover)', 'a:hover', 'a:1:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#2FEF0E";}', 'Link Mouseover (hover)', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (35, 1, 'Toolbar Top', 'td.toolbar', 'a:8:{s:5:"color";s:7:"#3C7D9B";s:9:"font-size";s:5:"small";s:10:"background";s:41:"url(incommerce/bg1.gif) repeat-x left top";s:16:"background-color";s:7:"#99CCFF";s:10:"margin-top";s:3:"7px";s:12:"margin-right";s:4:"20px";s:13:"margin-bottom";s:3:"7px";s:11:"margin-left";s:4:"20px";}', 'Top toolbar', 1, '', 0);
INSERT INTO StylesheetSelectors VALUES (31, 1, 'Featured Item Block', '.featured-block', 'a:0:{}', 'Featured Item Block', 2, '', 30);
INSERT INTO Stylesheets VALUES (1, 'OnlineStore', 'This is default stylesheet supplied with OnlineStore theme', '.my_selector {\r\n background-color: #000000;\r\n}', 1124387197, 1);
DELETE FROM Cache WHERE VarName = 'config_files';
INSERT INTO ImportScripts VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Products from CSV file [In-Commerce]', '', 'p', 'In-Commerce', '', 'CSV', '1');
INSERT INTO Modules VALUES ('In-Commerce', 'modules/in-commerce/', 'p', DEFAULT, 1, 4, 'in-commerce/', 2, NULL);

Event Timeline