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Index: branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/js/form_controls.js
--- branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/js/form_controls.js (revision 13659)
+++ branches/5.1.x/core/admin_templates/js/form_controls.js (revision 13660)
@@ -1,581 +1,581 @@
function MultiInputControl($field_name, $field_mask, $field_labels, $result_mask) {
this.FieldName = $field_name;
this.ValidateURL = '';
this.FieldMask = $field_mask;
this.FieldLabels = $field_labels;
this.ResultMask = $result_mask; // format of record in list
this.Permissions = new Array (); // action groups allowed
this.Messages = new Array (); // various phrase (errors, confirmations, button titles)
this.Controls = {}; // controls used for editing list content
this.Records = new Array (); // data to be submitted (needs to be parsed using formatters)
this.Errors = {}; // error messages in fields
this.InEditing = false;
MultiInputControl.prototype.registerControl = function($field_name, $type, $required, $options) {
if ($type) === "[object String]") {
this.Controls[$field_name] = {
'type' : $type,
'required' : $required,
- 'options' : $options,
+ 'options' : $options
else {
if ($required === undefined || $required === false) {
// type, required, options, default
this.Controls[$field_name] = $type;
else {
// upgrade control
$.extend(this.Controls[$field_name], $type);
MultiInputControl.prototype.getControl = function ($field, $appendix, $prepend) {
$appendix = isset($appendix) ? '_' + $appendix : '';
$prepend = isset($prepend) ? $prepend + '_' : '';
return document.getElementById( $prepend + this.FieldMask.replace('#FIELD_NAME#', $field) + $appendix );
MultiInputControl.prototype.getControlValue = function ($field) {
var $value = '';
switch (this.Controls[$field]['type']) {
case 'select':
var $control = this.getControl($field);
$value = $control.options[$control.selectedIndex].value;
case 'radio':
$value = $("input[name='" + jq(this.FieldMask.replace('#FIELD_NAME#', $field)) + "']:checked").val();
/*case 'datetime':
$value = this.getControl($field + '_date').value + ' ' + this.getControl($field + '_time').value;
$value = this.getControl($field).value;
return $value;
MultiInputControl.prototype.setControlValue = function ($field, $value) {
if ($value === null && this.Controls[$field]['default'] !== undefined) {
$value = this.Controls[$field]['default'];
switch (this.Controls[$field]['type']) {
case 'select':
var $i = 0;
var $control = this.getControl($field);
if ($value === null) {
$control.selectedIndex = 0;
else {
case 'checkbox':
this.getControl($field).value = ($value === null) ? 0 : $value;
this.getControl($field, null, '_cb').checked = parseInt($value) == 1;
case 'radio':
if ($value === null) {
$("input[name='" + jq(this.FieldMask.replace('#FIELD_NAME#', $field)) + "']:checked").attr('checked', '').change();
else {
$( this.getControl($field, $value) ).attr('checked', 'checked').change();
/*case 'datetime':
$value = $value.split(' ');
this.getControl($field + '_date').value = $value[0];
this.getControl($field + '_time').value = $value[1];
var $control = this.getControl($field);
$($control).val($value === null ? '' : $value).change();
MultiInputControl.prototype.formatValue = function ($field, $value) {
if (this.Controls[$field]['type'] == 'select') {
var $i = 0;
var $control = this.getControl($field);
while ($i < $control.options.length) {
if ($control.options[$i].value == $value) {
$value = $control.options[$i].innerHTML;
if (this.Controls[$field]['type'] == 'textbox') {
var $field_options = this.Controls[$field]['options'];
if ($field_options && parseInt($field_options.first_chars) > 0) {
$value = $value.substring(0, parseInt($field_options.first_chars));
if (this.Controls[$field]['type'] == 'checkbox' || this.Controls[$field]['type'] == 'radio') {
$value = this.Controls[$field]['options'][$value];
return $value;
MultiInputControl.prototype.formatLine = function($record_index, $escape) {
var $ret = this.ResultMask;
for (var $field_name in this.Controls) {
var $value = this.Records[$record_index][$field_name];
$ret = $ret.replace('#' + $field_name + '#', this.formatValue($field_name, $value));
return $escape === undefined || $escape ? this.htmlspecialchars($ret) : $ret;
MultiInputControl.prototype.isReadOnly = function($record_index) {
return false;
MultiInputControl.prototype._getRecordIndex = function ($selected_index) {
var $object = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput');
if (!isset($selected_index)) {
$selected_index = $object.selectedIndex;
return $selected_index == -1 ? -1 : $object.options[$selected_index].value;
MultiInputControl.prototype.makeRequest = function($request_type, $record, $skip_index) {
var $url = this.ValidateURL + '&request_type=' + encodeURIComponent($request_type);
for (var $field_name in $record) {
$url += '&' + this.FieldMask.replace('#FIELD_NAME#', $field_name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent($record[$field_name]);
Request.makeRequest($url, this.BusyRequest, '', this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, [$request_type, $record, $skip_index], this);
MultiInputControl.prototype.AddRecord = function() {
var $record = this.prepareRecord();
if (this.InEditing) {
// already in editing
var $record_index = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput').selectedIndex;
this.makeRequest('SaveRecord', $record, $record_index);
return ;
if (this.hasPermission('add')) {
this.makeRequest('AddRecord', $record, false);
MultiInputControl.prototype.EditRecord = function() {
var $record_index = this._getRecordIndex(); // this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput').selectedIndex;
if ($record_index == -1 || this.InEditing) {
// no record selected
return ;
this.InEditing = true;
var $edit_record = this.Records[$record_index];
for (var $field_name in $edit_record) {
this.setControlValue($field_name, $edit_record[$field_name]);
this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'add_button').value = this.Messages['save_button'];
this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput').disabled = true;
this.SetButtonState('edit', false);
this.SetButtonState('delete', false);
MultiInputControl.prototype.ResetControls = function() {
for (var $field_name in this.Controls) {
this.setControlValue($field_name, null);
this.Errors = {};
MultiInputControl.prototype.CancelEditing = function() {
this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'add_button').value = this.Messages['add_button'];
this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput').disabled = false;
this.SetButtonState('edit', true);
this.SetButtonState('delete', true);
this.InEditing = false;
MultiInputControl.prototype.ShowRecord = function($option_index) {
var $options = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput').options;
if ($option_index < $options.length) {
// update existing record
$options[$option_index].innerHTML = this.formatLine( this._getRecordIndex($option_index) );
$options[$option_index].disabled = this.isReadOnly( this._getRecordIndex($option_index) );
else {
// create new record
var $new_option = document.createElement('OPTION');
$options.add($new_option, $options.length);
$new_option.value = $option_index; // will be used in move up/down & sorting (if any)
$new_option.innerHTML = this.formatLine(this.Records.length - 1);
$new_option.disabled = this.isReadOnly(this.Records.length - 1);
MultiInputControl.prototype.DeleteRecords = function() {
if (!confirm(this.Messages['delete_confirm'])) {
return ;
var $control = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput');
var $i = $control.length - 1;
while ($i >= 0) {
if ($control.options[$i].selected == true) {
this.Records[$control.options[$i].value] = null; // preserves index, when removing element from middle of array. this.Records.splice($control.options[$i].value, 1);
MultiInputControl.prototype.MoveRecordsUp = function() {
move_options_up(this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput'), 1);
MultiInputControl.prototype.MoveRecordsDown = function() {
move_options_down(this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput'), 1);
MultiInputControl.prototype.AddFromXML = function($xml) {
var $document = getDocumentFromXML($xml);
MultiInputControl.prototype.ProcessXMLNode = function($node, $root_name) {
for (var $i = 0; $i < $node.childNodes.length; $i++) {
var $child = $node.childNodes.item($i);
if ($child.tagName == 'record') {
this.Records[this.Records.length] = {};
this.ProcessXMLNode($child, $root_name);
this.ShowRecord(this.Records.length - 1);
else if ($child.tagName == 'field') {
if ($root_name == 'records') {
// no firstChild, when node value is empty!
this.Records[this.Records.length - 1][$child.getAttribute('name')] = $child.firstChild ? $child.firstChild.nodeValue : '';
else if ($root_name == 'errors') {
this.Errors[$child.getAttribute('name')] = $child.firstChild.nodeValue;
else if ($child.tagName == 'records') {
this.ProcessXMLNode($child, $child.tagName);
else if ($child.tagName == 'errors') {
this.Errors = {};
this.ProcessXMLNode($child, $child.tagName);
MultiInputControl.prototype.LoadValues = function() {
var $current_value = this.getControl(this.FieldName).value;
if ($current_value) {
MultiInputControl.prototype.SaveValues = function() {
var $object = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput');
var $record_index = 0;
var $xml = '';
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $object.options.length) {
$record_index = $object.options[$i].value;
$xml += '<record>';
for (var $field_name in this.Controls) {
$xml += '<field name="' + $field_name + '">' + this.htmlspecialchars(this.Records[$record_index][$field_name]) + '</field>';
$xml += '</record>';
this.getControl(this.FieldName).value = $xml ? '<records>' + $xml + '</records>' : '';
MultiInputControl.prototype.htmlspecialchars = function (string) {
string = string.toString();
string = string.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
string = string.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
string = string.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
string = string.replace(/\"/g, '&quot;');
return string;
MultiInputControl.prototype.prepareRecord = function() {
var $record = {};
for (var $field_name in this.Controls) {
$record[$field_name] = this.getControlValue($field_name);
return $record;
MultiInputControl.prototype.ValidateRecord = function($record, $skip_index) {
var $valid = true;
$valid = $valid && this.ValidateRequired($record);
$valid = $valid && this.ValidateUnique($record, $skip_index);
return $valid;
MultiInputControl.prototype.ValidateRequired = function($record) {
for (var $field_name in $record) {
if (this.Controls[$field_name]['required'] && !$record[$field_name]) {
this.Errors[$field_name] = this.Messages['required_error'];
return !this.displayErrors();
MultiInputControl.prototype.compareRecords = function($record_a, $record_b) {
var $equals = true;
for (var $field_name in $record_a) {
if ($record_a[$field_name] !== $record_b[$field_name]) {
return false;
return $equals;
MultiInputControl.prototype.ValidateUnique = function($record, $skip_index) {
var $i = 0;
if (!isset($skip_index)) {
$skip_index = -1;
while ($i < this.Records.length) {
if (this.Records[$i] == null) {
// skip deleted records
if ($i != $skip_index && this.compareRecords($record, this.Records[$i])) {
return false;
return true;
MultiInputControl.prototype.displayErrors = function() {
var $ret = [];
for (var $field_name in this.Errors) {
$ret.push(this.FieldLabels[$field_name] + ': ' + this.Errors[$field_name]);
if ($ret.length) {
alert( $ret.join("\n") );
return true;
return false;
MultiInputControl.prototype.successCallback = function($request, $params, $object) {
if (Request.processRedirect($request) === true) {
return ;
var $document = getDocumentFromXML($request.responseText);
if ($object.displayErrors()) {
return ;
// params: 0 - action type, 1 - record data, 2 - option index
switch ($params[0]) {
case 'AddRecord':
if (!$object.ValidateRecord($params[1])) {
return ;
$object.ShowRecord($object.Records.length - 1);
case 'SaveRecord':
$record_index = $object._getRecordIndex($params[2]);
if (!$object.ValidateRecord($params[1], $record_index)) {
return ;
$object.Records[$record_index] = $params[1];
MultiInputControl.prototype.errorCallback = function($request, $params, $object) {
alert('AJAX Error; class: MultiInputControl; ' + Request.getErrorHtml($request));
MultiInputControl.prototype.SetMessage = function($pseudo, $message) {
this.Messages[$pseudo] = $message;
MultiInputControl.prototype.InitEvents = function() {
var $button = null;
var $var_name = this.FieldName;
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'add_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).AddRecord() };
if (this.hasPermission('add') || this.hasPermission('edit')) {
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'cancel_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).CancelEditing() };
if (this.hasPermission('edit')) {
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'edit_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).EditRecord() };
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'minput');
$button.ondblclick = function() { eval($var_name).EditRecord() };
if (this.hasPermission('delete')) {
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'delete_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).DeleteRecords() };
if (this.hasPermission('move')) {
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'moveup_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).MoveRecordsUp() };
$button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, 'movedown_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).MoveRecordsDown() };
MultiInputControl.prototype.hasPermission = function ($perm_name) {
return in_array($perm_name, this.Permissions);
MultiInputControl.prototype.SetPermission = function ($perm_name, $perm_value) {
var $perm_index = array_search($perm_name, this.Permissions);
if ($perm_index != -1) {
// permission found
if (!$perm_value) {
this.Permissions = this.Permissions.splice($perm_index, 1);
else if ($perm_value) {
// permission not found
MultiInputControl.prototype.SetButtonState = function ($button, $mode) {
if (!this.hasPermission($button)) {
return ;
var $button = this.getControl(this.FieldName, $button + '_button');
$button.disabled = !$mode;
$button.className = $mode ? 'button' : 'button-disabled';
// =======================================================================================
function EditPickerControl($field_name, $field_mask) {
this.FieldName = $field_name;
this.FieldMask = $field_mask;
this.Messages = new Array ();
select_sort( this.getControl('available') );
EditPickerControl.prototype.getControl = function ($type) {
var $control_id = this.FieldMask + (isset($type) ? '_' + $type : '');
return document.getElementById($control_id);
EditPickerControl.prototype.SetMessage = function ($pseudo, $message) {
this.Messages[$pseudo] = $message;
EditPickerControl.prototype.SaveValues = function () {
this.getControl().value = select_to_string(this.getControl('selected'));
this.getControl('available_field').value = select_to_string(this.getControl('available'));
EditPickerControl.prototype.MoveLeft = function () {
move_selected(this.getControl('available'), this.getControl('selected'), this.Messages['nothing_selected']);
EditPickerControl.prototype.MoveRight = function () {
move_selected(this.getControl('selected'), this.getControl('available'), this.Messages['nothing_selected']);
select_sort( this.getControl('available') );
EditPickerControl.prototype.InitEvents = function() {
var $button = null;
var $var_name = this.FieldName;
$button = this.getControl('move_left_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).MoveLeft() };
$button = this.getControl('move_right_button');
$button.onclick = function() { eval($var_name).MoveRight() };
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline