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Tue, Feb 25, 4:58 AM
This file is larger than 256 KB, so syntax highlighting was skipped.
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_may07_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- `TestId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Description` text,
- `Email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- `Phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- `Qty` double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- `CreatedOn` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `Good` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`TestId`)
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'Title', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => ''),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td' ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName'),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email'),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone'),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
- )
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('st','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:st_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>
- </tr>
-<script src="incs/calendar.js"></script>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" size="40"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!" cols="50" rows="5"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status" size="63"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type" size="63"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" size="5"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" size="15"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" size="35"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
-// set_hidden_field('remove_specials[test]', 1);
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- set_hidden_field('remove_specials[test]', 1);
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_may07_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_may07_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_1
--- releases/RC_may07_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <PHRASE Label="la_tab_Tests" Module="Custom" Type="1">U2FtcGxl</PHRASE>
- <PHRASE Label="la_title_In-Custom" Module="Custom" Type="1">Q3VzdG9t</PHRASE>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '4.0.1', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'in-custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'in-custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'in-portal/categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- 'Hooks' => Array (
- /*Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),*/
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:items_list',),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 3.9,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- 'Description' => Array('title' => 'la_col_Description', 'width'=>150),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table class="edit-form">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<style type="text/css">
- .red-row td.Status {
- background-color: red;
- }
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1" limited_heights="true" max_row_height="100"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_mar08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar08_1
--- releases/RC_mar08_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar08_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar08_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- `TestId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Description` text,
- `Email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- `Phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- `Qty` double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- `CreatedOn` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `Good` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`TestId`)
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'Title', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int','not_null' => '1','default' => ''),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => ''),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array(
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td' ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName'),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email'),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone'),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
- )
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('st','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:st_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>
- </tr>
-<script src="incs/calendar.js"></script>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" size="40"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!" cols="50" rows="5"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status" size="63"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type" size="63"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" size="5"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" size="15"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" size="35"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
-// set_hidden_field('remove_specials[test]', 1);
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- set_hidden_field('remove_specials[test]', 1);
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_help.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_help.gif
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_mar07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_mar07_1
--- releases/RC_mar07_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_mar07_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_mar07_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
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Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
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Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '4.0.1', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'in-custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'in-custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'in-portal/categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- 'Hooks' => Array (
- /*Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),*/
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:items_list',),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 3.9,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'filter_width'=>60, 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_jan08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jan08_1
--- releases/RC_jan08_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jan08_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_jan08_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_may07_2/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` text;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` text;
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'filter_width'=>60, 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/index.php
--- releases/RC_may07_2/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_may07_2/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_2
--- releases/RC_may07_2 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_2 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_2
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- $module_folder = 'custom';
- if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) {
- // separate module install
- define('IS_INSTALL', 1);
- define('ADMIN', 1);
- define('REL_PATH', $module_folder);
- define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') );
- include_once(FULL_PATH . '/core/kernel/startup.php');
- require_once FULL_PATH . '/core/install/install_toolkit.php';
- $toolkit = new kInstallToolkit();
- }
- else {
- // install, using installation wizard
- $toolkit =& $this->toolkit;
- /* @var $toolkit kInstallToolkit */
- }
- $application =& kApplication::Instance();
- $application->Init();
- $toolkit->RunSQL('/' . $module_folder .'/install/install_schema.sql');
- $toolkit->RunSQL('/' . $module_folder .'/install/install_data.sql');
- $toolkit->ImportLanguage('/' . $module_folder .'/install/english');
- $toolkit->finalizeModuleInstall($module_folder, false);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on live AND dev sites !!!
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on LIVE ================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on dev site !!!
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on DEV ========================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on prod server !!!
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <PHRASE Label="la_tab_Tests" Module="Custom" Type="1">U2FtcGxl</PHRASE>
- <PHRASE Label="la_title_In-Custom" Module="Custom" Type="1">Q3VzdG9t</PHRASE>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_order.txt
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_order.txt (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_order.txt (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_order.txt
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on live AND dev sites !!!
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on LIVE ================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on dev site !!!
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on DEV ========================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on prod server !!!
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '4.0.1', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'in-custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'in-custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'in-portal/categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- 'Hooks' => Array (
- /*Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),*/
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:items_list',),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 3.9,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>5, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_custom.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Image' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Image', 'data_block' => 'grid_image_td'),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'header_block' => 'grid_column_title_no_sorting', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width'=>110),
- 'Description' => Array('title' => 'la_col_Description', 'width'=>150),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table class="edit-form">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_fck" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type" has_empty="1"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep2') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('export', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Export" escape="1"/>', function() {
- std_csv_export('test', 'Default', 'export/export_progress');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('import', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Import" escape="1"/>', function() {
- std_csv_import('test', 'Default', 'import/import_start');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<style type="text/css">
- .red-row td.Status {
- background-color: red;
- }
-<inp2:m_DefineElement name="grid_image_td">
- <img src="<inp2:Field name='$field' format='resize:120x120'/>"/>
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1" limited_heights="true" max_row_height="100"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png|js|css|ico) [NC]
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_oct08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_oct08_1
--- releases/RC_oct08_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_oct08_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_oct08_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_may07_3/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` text;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` text;
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'filter_width'=>60, 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/index.php
--- releases/RC_may07_3/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_may07_3/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_may07_3/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_may07_3
--- releases/RC_may07_3 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_may07_3 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_may07_3
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <PHRASE Label="la_tab_Tests" Module="Custom" Type="1">U2FtcGxl</PHRASE>
- <PHRASE Label="la_title_In-Custom" Module="Custom" Type="1">Q3VzdG9t</PHRASE>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '4.0.1', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'in-custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'in-custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'in-portal/categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- 'Hooks' => Array (
- /*Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),*/
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:items_list',),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 3.9,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- 'Description' => Array('title' => 'la_col_Description', 'width'=>150),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<style type="text/css">
- .red-row td.Status {
- background-color: red;
- }
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1" limited_heights="true" max_row_height="100"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_feb08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_feb08_1
--- releases/RC_feb08_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_feb08_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_feb08_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/admin/index.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- $module_folder = 'custom';
- if (!defined('IS_INSTALL')) {
- // separate module install
- define('IS_INSTALL', 1);
- define('ADMIN', 1);
- define('REL_PATH', $module_folder);
- define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') );
- include_once(FULL_PATH . '/core/kernel/startup.php');
- require_once FULL_PATH . '/core/install/install_toolkit.php';
- $toolkit = new kInstallToolkit();
- }
- else {
- // install, using installation wizard
- $toolkit =& $this->toolkit;
- /* @var $toolkit kInstallToolkit */
- }
- $application =& kApplication::Instance();
- $application->Init();
- $toolkit->RunSQL('/' . $module_folder .'/install/install_schema.sql');
- $toolkit->RunSQL('/' . $module_folder .'/install/install_data.sql');
- $toolkit->ImportLanguage('/' . $module_folder .'/install/english');
- $toolkit->finalizeModuleInstall($module_folder, false);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on live AND dev sites !!!
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on LIVE ================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on dev site !!!
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on DEV ========================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on prod server !!!
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-# ===== v 5.0.0 =====
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-UPDATE Modules SET Var = 'custom-sections' WHERE Name = 'Custom';
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <PHRASE Label="la_tab_Tests" Module="Custom" Type="1">U2FtcGxl</PHRASE>
- <PHRASE Label="la_title_In-Custom" Module="Custom" Type="1">Q3VzdG9t</PHRASE>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_order.txt
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_order.txt (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_order.txt (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_order.txt
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on live AND dev sites !!!
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES(DEFAULT, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on LIVE ================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on dev site !!!
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on DEV ========================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on prod server !!!
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '5.0.0', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array ('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array ('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- /*'Hooks' => Array (
- Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array ('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),
- ),*/
- 'PermSection' => Array ('main' => 'custom', 'email' => 'custom:configuration_email'),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array ('t' => 'index', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array ('view'),
- 'priority' => 2.4,
- 'container' => true,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/helpers_config.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/helpers_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/helpers_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-helpers',
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'kEventHandler', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'),
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
- Array ('pseudo' => 'TestHelper', 'class' => 'TestHelper', 'file' => 'test_helper.php', 'build_event' => '', 'require_classes' => 'kHelper'),
- ),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/helpers_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/test_helper.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/test_helper.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/test_helper.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- class TestHelper extends kHelper
- {
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/helpers/test_helper.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/admin_admin.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/admin_admin.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/admin_admin.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- // section in debug mode
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:service',
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/admin_admin.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/mailing_lists_mailing-list.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/mailing_lists_mailing-list.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/mailing_lists_mailing-list.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:mailing_folder',
- 'in-portal:mailing_lists',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of mailing lists
-// 'mailing_list_list' => Array ('new_item', 'view_item', 'delete', 'cancel', 'view'),
-// "General" tab during adding/editing
-// 'mailing_list_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'MailingId', 'PortalUserId', 'To', 'ToParsed', 'Subject', 'MessageText', 'MessageHtml', 'Status',
- 'EmailsQueued', 'EmailsSent', 'EmailsTotal'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'MailingId', */ 'PortalUserId', 'To', /*'ToParsed', 'Subject', 'MessageText', 'MessageHtml', 'Status',
- 'EmailsQueued', 'EmailsSent', 'EmailsTotal'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('MailingId', 'Subject', 'MessageText', 'MessageHtml', 'Status', 'EmailsQueued', 'EmailsSent', 'EmailsTotal'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/mailing_lists_mailing-list.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/related_searches_c-search.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/related_searches_c-search.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/related_searches_c-search.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of related searches
- 'categories_related_searches' => Array ('new_related_search', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'approve', 'decline', 'view'),
-// "General" tab during related search adding/editing
- 'related_searches_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'RelatedSearchId', 'ResourceId', 'Keyword', 'ItemType', 'Enabled', 'Priority'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'RelatedSearchId',*/ 'ResourceId','Keyword', 'ItemType', /*'Enabled', 'Priority'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// 'Default' => Array ('RelatedSearchId', 'Keyword', 'Enabled'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/related_searches_c-search.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/visits_visits.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/visits_visits.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/visits_visits.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:visits',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of visits; section: Visits
-// 'visits_list' => Array ('search', 'search_reset', 'refresh', 'reset', 'export', 'view'),
-// list of visits when In-Commerce installed; section: Visits
- 'visits.incommerce_list' => Array ('search', 'search_reset', 'refresh', 'reset', 'export', 'view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'VisitId', 'VisitDate', 'Referer', 'IPAddress', 'LastName', 'PortalUserId'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'UserName', 'AffiliateUser', 'AffiliatePortalUserId', 'OrderTotalAmount', 'OrderTotalAmountSum', 'OrderAffiliateCommission',
- 'OrderAffiliateCommissionSum', 'OrderId'*/
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// NO In-Commerce installed
-// 'Default' => Array ('VisitDate', 'IPAddress', 'Referer', 'UserName'),
-// In-Commerce IS installed
-// 'visitsincommerce' => Array ('VisitDate', 'IPAddress', 'Referer', 'UserName', 'OrderTotalAmountSum', 'OrderAffiliateCommissionSum'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/visits_visits.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/modules_mod.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/modules_mod.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/modules_mod.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:mod_status',
- );
- // section in debug mode
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:mod_status',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of modules
-// 'module_list' => Array ('approve', 'deny', 'view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'Name', 'Path', 'Var', 'Version', 'Loaded', 'LoadOrder', 'TemplatePath', 'RootCat', 'BuildDate'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'Name', 'Path', 'Var', 'Version', 'Loaded', 'LoadOrder', 'TemplatePath', 'RootCat', 'BuildDate'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('Name', 'Version', 'Loaded'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/modules_mod.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/skins_skin.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/skins_skin.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/skins_skin.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:skins',
- );
- // section in debug mode
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:skins',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of skins;
-// 'skin_list' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'primary_theme', 'clone', 'view'),
-// General" tab during adding/editing
-// 'skin_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'SkinId', 'Name', 'CSS', 'Logo', 'LogoBottom', 'Options', 'LastCompiled', 'IsPrimary' */
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// 'Default' => Array ('SkinId', 'Name', 'IsPrimary'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/skins_skin.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/sections_core-sections.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/sections_core-sections.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/sections_core-sections.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- // section in debug mode
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:configure_advanced',
- 'in-portal:tools',
- );
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:help',
- 'in-portal:backup',
- 'in-portal:restore',
- 'in-portal:main_import',
- 'in-portal:sql_query',
- 'in-portal:server_info',
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/sections_core-sections.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/session_logs_session-log.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/session_logs_session-log.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/session_logs_session-log.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:session_logs',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of sessions
-// 'session_log_list' => Array ('view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'SessionLogId', 'PortalUserId', 'SessionId', 'Status', 'SessionStart', 'SessionEnd', 'IP', 'AffectedItems',*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'Duration', */
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'SessionLogId', 'PortalUserId', 'SessionId', 'Status', 'SessionStart', 'SessionEnd', 'IP', 'AffectedItems',*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- /*'Duration', */
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('SessionLogId', 'PortalUserId', 'SessionId', 'Status', 'SessionStart', 'SessionEnd', 'IP', 'Duration', 'AffectedItems'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/session_logs_session-log.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/translator_trans.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/translator_trans.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/translator_trans.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// no sections used
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
- // Adding/editing phrases
-// 'trans_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
-// no fields
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'Original', 'Language', 'SwitchLanguage', 'Translation'*/
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
-// no fields
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
-// no fields
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
-// no tabs
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// no grids/columns
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/translator_trans.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/languages_lang.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/languages_lang.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/languages_lang.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- // section in debug mode
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:configure_lang',
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/languages_lang.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/stop_words_stop-word.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/stop_words_stop-word.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/stop_words_stop-word.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:stop_words',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of stop words; section: Stop Words
-// 'stop_word_list' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'view'),
-// General" tab during adding/editing
-// 'stop_word_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'StopWordId', 'StopWord'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// 'Default' => Array ('StopWordId', 'StopWord'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/stop_words_stop-word.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/phrases_phrases.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/phrases_phrases.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/phrases_phrases.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- // section in debug mode
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:phrases',
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/phrases_phrases.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/categories_c.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/categories_c.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/categories_c.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:configure_categories',
- 'in-portal:configuration_search',
- 'in-portal:configuration_email',
- 'in-portal:configuration_custom',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
- 'catalog' => Array (/*'select', 'cancel', 'upcat', 'homecat', 'new_cat', 'new_link', 'new_article', 'new_topic', 'new_item', 'edit', 'delete',*/ 'approve', 'decline', /*'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'move_up', 'move_down',*/ 'rebuild_cache', /*'view'*/),
- 'advanced_view' => Array (/*'select', 'cancel', 'new_cat', 'edit', 'delete',*/ 'approve', 'decline', /*'view'*/),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- 'CategoryId', /*'Type',*/ 'SymLinkCategoryId', /*'ParentId', 'Name', 'Filename', 'AutomaticFilename',*/
- 'Description', 'CreatedOn', 'EditorsPick', 'Status', /*'Priority', 'MetaKeywords', 'CachedDescendantCatsQty',
- 'CachedNavbar', 'CreatedById', 'ResourceId', 'ParentPath', 'TreeLeft', 'TreeRight', 'NamedParentPath',
- 'MetaDescription', 'HotItem',*/ 'NewItem', /*'PopItem', 'Modified', 'ModifiedById', 'CachedTemplate',
- 'Template',*/ 'UseExternalUrl', 'ExternalUrl', 'UseMenuIconUrl', 'MenuIconUrl', 'Title', 'MenuTitle',
- /*'MetaTitle', 'IndexTools', 'IsIndex', 'IsMenu', 'IsSystem',*/ 'FormId', 'FormSubmittedTemplate',
- /*'Translated', 'FriendlyURL', 'ThemeId'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'CurrentSort', 'IsNew', 'OldPriority', 'SameImages', 'LocalThumb', 'ThumbPath', 'ThumbUrl',
- 'LocalImage', 'LocalPath', 'FullUrl'*/
- );
- $debug_only_fields = Array (
- 'Filename', 'AutomaticFilename', 'IsIndex',
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- 'ParentId', 'Name', 'Filename', 'CreatedOn', 'Priority',
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- 'Default' => Array (/*'general',*/ 'properties', 'relations', 'related_searches', 'images', 'permissions', 'custom'),
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
- 'Default' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified', 'Template', 'IsMenu', 'IsSystem',*/ 'Priority'),
- 'DefaultShowAll' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified', 'Template', 'IsMenu', 'IsSystem', 'Priority', 'CachedNavbar'*/),
- 'Radio' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified', 'Template', 'IsMenu', 'IsSystem',*/ 'Priority'),
- 'RadioShowALl' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified', 'Template', 'IsMenu', 'IsSystem', 'Priority', 'CachedNavbar'*/),
- 'Structure' => Array (/*'CategoryId', 'Name', 'Modified', 'Template', 'IsMenu', 'Path', 'IsSystem',*/ 'Priority'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/categories_c.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/email_logs_email-log.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/email_logs_email-log.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/email_logs_email-log.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:emaillog',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of sent emails
-// 'email_log_list' => Array ('refresh', 'reset', 'view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'EmailLogId', 'fromuser', 'addressto', 'subject', 'timestamp', 'event', 'EventParams'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'EmailLogId', 'fromuser', 'addressto', 'subject', 'timestamp', 'event', 'EventParams'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('EmailLogId', 'fromuser', 'addressto', 'subject', 'timestamp', 'event'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/email_logs_email-log.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/thesaurus_thesaurus.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/thesaurus_thesaurus.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/thesaurus_thesaurus.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:thesaurus',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of thesaurus terms;
-// 'thesaurus_list' => Array ('new_item', 'edit', 'delete', 'export', 'view'),
-// "General" tab during thesaurus term adding/editing
-// 'thesaurus_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'ThesaurusId', 'SearchTerm', 'ThesaurusTerm', 'ThesaurusType'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'ThesaurusId', */ 'SearchTerm', 'ThesaurusTerm', /*'ThesaurusType'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// 'Default' => Array ('ThesaurusId', 'SearchTerm', 'ThesaurusTerm', 'ThesaurusType',),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/thesaurus_thesaurus.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/agents_agent.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/agents_agent.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/agents_agent.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:agents',
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/agents_agent.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/search_logs_search-log.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/search_logs_search-log.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/search_logs_search-log.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:searchlog',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of sessions
-// 'search_log_list' => Array ('refresh', 'clear_selected', 'reset', 'export', 'view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'SearchLogId', 'Keyword', 'Indices', 'SearchType'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'SearchLogId', 'Keyword', 'Indices', 'SearchType'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('SearchLogId', 'Keyword', 'Indices', 'SearchType'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/search_logs_search-log.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/themes_theme.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/themes_theme.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/themes_theme.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:configure_themes',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of themes;
-// 'themes_list' => Array ('new_theme', 'edit', 'delete', 'primary_theme', 'rescan_themes', 'view'),
-// "General" tab during adding/editing
-// 'themes_edit_general' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
-// "Files" tab during adding/editing
-// 'themes_edit_files' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'delete', 'view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'ThemeId', 'Name', 'Enabled', 'Description', 'PrimaryTheme', 'CacheTimeout', 'StylesheetId'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'StyleName', 'LastCompiled'*/
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'ThemeId',*/ 'Name', /*'Enabled', 'Description', 'PrimaryTheme', 'CacheTimeout', 'StylesheetId'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- /*'StyleName', 'LastCompiled'*/
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
-// tabs during editing
-// 'Default' => Array ('general', 'files'),
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('ThemeId', 'Name', 'Description', 'Enabled', 'PrimaryTheme'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/themes_theme.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/spelling_dictionary_spelling-dictionary.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/spelling_dictionary_spelling-dictionary.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/spelling_dictionary_spelling-dictionary.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
- 'in-portal:spelling_dictionary',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of stop words; section: Stop Words
- 'spelling_dictionary_list' => Array ('new_spelling_dictionary', 'edit', 'delete', 'export', 'view'),
-// General tab during adding/editing
- 'spelling_dictionary_edit' => Array (/*'select', 'cancel',*/ 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'SpellingDictionaryId', 'SpellingDictionaryId', 'SuggestedCorrection'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// 'Default' => Array ('SpellingDictionaryId', 'SpellingDictionaryId', 'SuggestedCorrection'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/spelling_dictionary_spelling-dictionary.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/theme_files_theme-file.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/theme_files_theme-file.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/theme_files_theme-file.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- // section removal - NO separate section defined
- $remove_sections = Array (
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// "General" tab during adding/editing
-// 'themes_edit_files' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'FileId', 'ThemeId', 'FileName', 'FilePath', 'Description', 'FileType', 'FileFound', 'FileMetaInfo'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'FileContents'*/
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'FileId', 'ThemeId', 'FileName', 'FilePath', 'Description', 'FileType', 'FileFound', 'FileMetaInfo'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- 'FileContents'
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
-// tabs during editing
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('FileId', 'FilePath', 'FileName', 'Description'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/theme_files_theme-file.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/users_u.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/users_u.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/users_u.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:user_list',
-// 'in-portal:admins',
-// 'in-portal:user_setting_folder',
-// 'in-portal:configure_users',
- 'in-portal:user_email',
- 'in-portal:user_custom'
- );
- $debug_only_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:user_list',
-// 'in-portal:admins',
- 'in-portal:user_setting_folder',
- 'in-portal:configure_users',
-// 'in-portal:user_email',
-// 'in-portal:user_custom'
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of users; section: Users Management -> Users
-// 'users_list' => Array ('new_user', 'edit', 'delete', 'approve', 'decline', 'e-mail', 'export', 'view'),
-// "General" tab during user adding/editing
-// 'users_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
-// "Images" tab during user adding/editing
-// 'user_edit_images' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'new_image', 'edit', 'delete', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'primary_image', 'view'),
-// "Groups" tab during user/admin adding/editing
-// 'user_edit_groups' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'usertogroup', 'edit', 'delete', 'primary_group', 'view'),
-// "Items" tab during user/admin adding/editing
-// 'user_edit_items' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next', 'edit', 'delete', 'view'),
-// "Custom" tab during user/admin adding/editing
-// 'user_edit_custom' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'prev', 'next'),
-// list of administrators; section: Users Managements -> Administrators
-// 'admins_list' => Array ('new_user', 'edit', 'delete', 'clone', 'refresh', 'view'),
-// "General" tab during admin adding/editing AND separate password change form for non-"root" users (in top frame)
-// 'admins_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
-// 'regular_users_list' => Array (), // not used
-// separate password change form for "root" user (in top frame)
-// 'root_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
-// user/admin group membership editing (used on "Groups" tab during user/admin adding/editing)
-// 'user_edit_group' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
-// user image adding/editing (used on "Images" tab during user adding/editing)
-// 'user_image_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel'),
-// user selector
-// 'users_select' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'view'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'PortalUserId', 'Login', 'Password', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Company', 'Email', 'CreatedOn',
- 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Street', 'Street2', 'City', 'State' , 'Zip', 'Country', 'ResourceId', 'Status',
- 'Modified', 'dob', 'tz', 'ip', 'IsBanned', 'PassResetTime', 'PwResetConfirm', 'PwRequestTime',
- 'MinPwResetDelay'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to hide
- $virtual_hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'ValidateLogin', 'SubscribeEmail', 'PrimaryGroup', 'RootPassword', 'FullName', 'UserGroup'*/
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'PortalUserId',*/ 'Login', /*'Password', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Company', 'Email', 'CreatedOn',
- 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Street', 'Street2', 'City', 'State' , 'Zip', 'Country', 'ResourceId', 'Status',
- 'Modified', 'dob', 'tz', 'ip', 'IsBanned', 'PassResetTime', 'PwResetConfirm', 'PwRequestTime',
- 'MinPwResetDelay'*/
- );
- // virtual fields to make required
- $virtual_required_fields = Array (
- /*'ValidateLogin', 'SubscribeEmail', 'PrimaryGroup', 'RootPassword', 'FullName', 'UserGroup'*/
- );
- // tabs during editing
- $hide_edit_tabs = Array (
-// tabs during user editing, when In-Portal module is enabled
-// 'Default' => Array ('general', 'groups', 'images', 'items', 'custom'),
-// tabs during user editing, when In-Portal module isn't enabled
-// 'RegularUsers' => Array ('general', 'groups'),
-// tabs during admin editing
-// 'Admins' => Array ('general', 'groups'),
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('Login', 'LastName', 'FirstName', 'Email', 'PrimaryGroup', 'CreatedOn'),
-// user selector
-// 'UserSelector' => Array ('Login', 'LastName', 'FirstName', 'Email', 'PrimaryGroup', 'CreatedOn'),
-// admins list; section: Users Management -> Administrators
-// 'Admins' => Array ('PortalUserId', 'Login', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Email'),
-// users list; section: Users Management -> Users
-// 'RegularUsers' => Array ('PortalUserId', 'Login', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Email', 'Status'),
- );
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/users_u.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/change_logs_change-log.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/change_logs_change-log.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/change_logs_change-log.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- // section removal
- $remove_sections = Array (
-// 'in-portal:change_logs',
- );
- // toolbar buttons
- $remove_buttons = Array (
-// list of changed records
-// 'change_log_list' => Array ('view_item', 'view'),
-// view changed records
-// 'change_log_edit' => Array ('select', 'cancel', 'reset_edit', 'prev', 'next'),
- );
- // fields to hide
- $hidden_fields = Array (
- /*'ChangeLogId', 'PortalUserId', 'SessionLogId', 'Action', 'OccuredOn', 'Prefix', 'ItemId', 'Changes', 'MasterPrefix', 'MasterId',*/
- );
- // fields to make required
- $required_fields = Array (
- /*'ChangeLogId', 'PortalUserId', 'SessionLogId', 'Action', 'OccuredOn', 'Prefix', 'ItemId', 'Changes', 'MasterPrefix', 'MasterId',*/
- );
- // hide columns in grids
- $hide_columns = Array (
-// currently not in user
-// 'Default' => Array ('ChangeLogId', 'PortalUserId', 'UserLogin', 'UserFirstName', 'UserLastName', 'SessionLogId', 'Action', 'OccuredOn', 'MasterPrefix', 'MasterId', 'Prefix', 'ItemId', 'Changes'),
- );
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/site_configs/change_logs_change-log.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true, 'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- 'required' => 1, 'default' => null
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>5, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- 'default' => null
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
-// 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_custom.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Image' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Image', 'data_block' => 'grid_image_td'),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'header_block' => 'grid_column_title_no_sorting', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width'=>110),
- 'Description' => Array('title' => 'la_col_Description', 'width'=>150),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header"/>
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit"/>
-<!-- ToolBar -->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
- <table class="edit-form">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_fck" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type" has_empty="1"/>
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
- </table>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
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-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep2') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('export', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Export" escape="1"/>', function() {
- std_csv_export('test', 'Default', 'export/export_progress');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('import', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Import" escape="1"/>', function() {
- std_csv_import('test', 'Default', 'import/import_start');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<style type="text/css">
- .red-row td.Status {
- background-color: red;
- }
-<inp2:m_DefineElement name="grid_image_td">
- <img src="<inp2:Field name='$field' format='resize:120x120'/>" <inp2:Field name='$field' format='resize:120x120;img_size' no_special='1'/> alt=""/><br />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1" limited_heights="true" max_row_height="100"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/toolbar/dummy
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/toolbar/dummy
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/toolbar/dummy (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/toolbar/dummy (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/toolbar/dummy
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon24_custom.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon24_custom.gif
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_list_custom.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_list_custom.gif
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_custom.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_custom.gif
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/logo_bg.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/logo_bg.gif
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/itemicons/dummy
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/itemicons/dummy
--- releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/itemicons/dummy (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/itemicons/dummy (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/custom/admin_templates/img/itemicons/dummy
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/index.php
--- releases/release_5_0_0/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/sample.htaccess
--- releases/release_5_0_0/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png|js|css|ico|swf)$ [NC]
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/release_5_0_0/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/release_5_0_0
--- releases/release_5_0_0 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/release_5_0_0 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/release_5_0_0
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- `TestId` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Description` text,
- `Email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- `Phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- `Qty` double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- `CreatedOn` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `Good` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (`TestId`)
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'Title', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => ''),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td' ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName'),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email'),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone'),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
- )
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('st','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:st_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>
- </tr>
-<script src="incs/calendar.js"></script>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" size="40"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!" cols="50" rows="5"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status" size="63"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type" size="63"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" size="5"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" size="15"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" size="35"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
-// set_hidden_field('remove_specials[test]', 1);
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- set_hidden_field('remove_specials[test]', 1);
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_help.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/custom/admin_templates/img/icons/icon46_help.gif
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_apr07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_apr07_1
--- releases/RC_apr07_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_apr07_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_apr07_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` text;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` text;
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'filter_width'=>60, 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_jul07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_1
--- releases/RC_jul07_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on live AND dev sites !!!
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on LIVE ================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on dev site !!!
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on DEV ========================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on prod server !!!
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <PHRASE Label="la_tab_Tests" Module="Custom" Type="1">U2FtcGxl</PHRASE>
- <PHRASE Label="la_title_In-Custom" Module="Custom" Type="1">Q3VzdG9t</PHRASE>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on live AND dev sites !!!
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on LIVE ================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on dev site !!!
-# ===== SQLs above this line already on DEV ========================================================================================================
-# place here only sql queries, that were executed on prod server !!!
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '4.0.1', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'in-custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'in-custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'in-portal/categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- 'Hooks' => Array (
- /*Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),*/
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:items_list',),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 3.9,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>5, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Image' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_Image', 'data_block' => 'grid_image_td'),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'header_block' => 'grid_column_title_no_sorting', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'width'=>110),
- 'Description' => Array('title' => 'la_col_Description', 'width'=>150),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table class="edit-form">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type" has_empty="1"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep2') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('export', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Export" escape="1"/>', function() {
- std_csv_export('test', 'Default', 'export/export_progress');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('import', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Import" escape="1"/>', function() {
- std_csv_import('test', 'Default', 'import/import_start');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<style type="text/css">
- .red-row td.Status {
- background-color: red;
- }
-<inp2:m_DefineElement name="grid_image_td">
- <img src="<inp2:Field name='$field' format='resize:120x120'/>"/>
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1" limited_heights="true" max_row_height="100"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png|js|css|ico) [NC]
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_aug08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug08_1
--- releases/RC_aug08_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug08_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug08_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ;
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
- class CustomEventHandler extends kEventHandler {
- /**
- * Connection to database
- *
- * @var kDBConnection
- * @access public
- */
- var $Conn;
- function CustomEventHandler()
- {
- parent::kEventHandler();
- $this->Conn =& $this->Application->GetADODBConnection();
- }
- /**
- * [HOOK] Modify config stored in "categories_config.php"
- *
- * @param kEvent $event
- */
- function OnModifyCategoriesConfig(&$event)
- {
- $i = 1;
- $fields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields');
- while ($i <= ZONE_COUNT) {
- $fields['Zone'.$i] = Array ('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'options' => Array (0 => ''), 'options_sql' => 'SELECT %s FROM phpads_zones ORDER BY zoneid', 'option_key_field' => 'zoneid', 'option_title_field' => 'zonename', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0);
- $i++;
- }
- $this->Application->setUnitOption($event->MasterEvent->Prefix, 'Fields', $fields);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/custom_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- // INSERT INTO `inp_Modules` VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom-sections', '4.0.1', 1, 3, 'custom/', 0, 0);
- $config = Array (
- 'Prefix' => 'custom-sections',
- 'ConfigPriority' => 2,
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class' => 'CustomEventHandler', 'file' => 'custom_eh.php', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for OnAfterConfigRead event
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class' => 'kDBTagProcessor', 'file' => '', 'build_event' => 'OnBuild'), // for tree drawing
- 'RegisterClasses' => Array (
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'c_TagProcessor', 'class' => 'ECategoriesTagProcessor', 'file' => 'categories_tp.php'),
-// Array ('pseudo' => 'u_EventHandler', 'class' => 'EUsersEventHandler', 'file' => 'users_event_handler.php'),
- ),
-// 'ReplacementTemplates' => Array (
-// 'incs/image_blocks' => 'in-custom/incs/image_blocks',
-// 'in-news/articles/articles_edit' => 'in-custom/articles/articles_edit',
-// 'in-portal/categories/categories_edit' => 'custom/categories/categories_edit',
-// ),
- 'Hooks' => Array (
- /*Array (
- 'Mode' => hAFTER,
- 'Conditional' => false,
- 'HookToPrefix' => 'c',
- 'HookToSpecial' => '*',
- 'HookToEvent' => Array('OnAfterConfigRead'),
- 'DoPrefix' => '',
- 'DoSpecial' => '*',
- 'DoEvent' => 'OnModifyCategoriesConfig',
- ),*/
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:items_list',),
- 'Sections' => Array (
- 'custom' => Array (
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_In-Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 3.9,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- );
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/sections/sections_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'filter_width'=>60, 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsSingle" >
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsLast" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- </inp2:m_if>
- <inp2:m_if check="test_IsFirst" >
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- </inp2:m_if>
- </inp2:m_if>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/index.php
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_aug07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_aug07_1
--- releases/RC_aug07_1 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_aug07_1 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_aug07_1
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/admin/index.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/admin/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/admin/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('ADMIN', 1);
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..') );
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/admin/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_schema.sql');
- $this->RunSQL('/custom/install/install_data.sql');
- $this->ImportLanguage('/custom/install/english');
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- TestId int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- Title varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- Description text,
- Email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
- `Type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
- Phone varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
- Qty double NOT NULL default '0',
- `Status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '2',
- CreatedOn int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- Good tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
- BirthTime int(10) unsigned default NULL,
- `Image` text,
- `DataFile` text,
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_schema.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# ===== v 4.1.0 =====
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `Image` text;
-ALTER TABLE Tests ADD `DataFile` text;
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/upgrades.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/english.lang
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/english.lang (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/english.lang (nonexistent)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/english.lang
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-INSERT INTO Modules (Name, Path, Var, Version, Loaded, LoadOrder, TemplatePath, RootCat, BuildDate) VALUES ('Custom', 'custom/', 'custom', '0.0.0', 1, 2, '', 0, '0');
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/install/install_data.sql
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-$config = Array(
- 'Prefix' => 'test',
- 'ItemClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBItem','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnItemBuild'),
- 'ListClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBList','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnListBuild'),
- 'EventHandlerClass' => Array('class'=>'TestEventHandler','file'=>'test_eh.php','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'TagProcessorClass' => Array('class'=>'kDBTagProcessor','file'=>'','build_event'=>'OnBuild'),
- 'AutoLoad' => true,
- 'Hooks' => Array(
- ),
- 'QueryString' => Array(
- 1 => 'id',
- 2 => 'Page',
- 3 => 'event',
- 4 => 'mode',
- ),
- 'IDField' => 'TestId',
- 'StatusField' => Array('Status'),
- 'TableName' => TABLE_PREFIX.'Tests',
- 'ForeignKey' => 'ParentId', // field title in TableName, linking record to a parent
- 'ParentTableKey' => 'ParentId', // id (or other key) field title in parent's table
- 'ParentPrefix' => 'parent',
- 'AutoDelete' => true, // delete these items when parent is being deleted
- 'AutoClone' => true, // clone these items when parent is being cloned
- 'TitlePresets' => Array(
- 'default' => Array(
- 'new_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_AddingTest!'),
- 'edit_status_labels' => Array('test'=>'!la_title_EditingTest!'),
- 'new_titlefield' => Array('test'=>''),
- ),
- 'test_list'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test_List'),
- 'format' => '!la_title_Tests! (#test_recordcount#)',
- ),
- 'test_edit'=>Array(
- 'prefixes' => Array('test'),
- 'format' => '#test_status# #test_titlefield#',
- ),
- ),
- 'PermSection' => Array('main' => 'custom:tests'),
- // don't forget to add corresponding permissions to install script
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:custom.view', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- // INSERT INTO Permissions VALUES (0, 'custom:tests.view', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.add', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.edit', 11, 1, 1, 0), (0, 'custom:tests.delete', 11, 1, 1, 0);
- 'Sections' => Array(
- 'custom' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'in-portal:root',
- 'icon' => 'custom:custom',
- 'label' => 'la_title_Custom',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'sections_list', 'pass_section' => true, 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view'),
- 'priority' => 1.95,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- 'custom:tests' => Array(
- 'parent' => 'custom',
- 'icon' => 'custom:tests',
- 'label' => 'la_tab_Tests',
- 'url' => Array('t' => 'custom/tests/test_list', 'pass' => 'm'),
- 'permissions' => Array('view', 'add', 'edit', 'delete'),
- 'priority' => 1,
- 'type' => stTREE,
- ),
- ),
- 'TitleField' => 'LastName', // field, used in bluebar when editing existing item
- // Use %1$s for local table name with prefix, %2$s for calculated fields
- 'ListSQLs' => Array( // key - special, value - list select sql
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ItemSQLs' => Array(
- '' => 'SELECT %1$s.* %2$s
- FROM %1$s',
- ),
- 'ListSortings' => Array(
- '' => Array(
-// 'ForcedSorting' => Array('Priority' => 'desc'),
- 'Sorting' => Array('Title' => 'asc'),
- )
- ),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array('type' => 'int', 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Title' => Array('type' => 'string','not_null' => '1','default' => '', 'required'=>true,'max_len'=>255),
- 'Description' => Array('type' => 'string', 'default' => null),
- 'Email' => Array(
- 'type' => 'string', 'formatter'=>'kFormatter',
- 'regexp'=>'/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$/',
- 'sample_value' => '',
- 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => '',
- 'error_msgs' => Array('invalid_format'=>'!la_invalid_email!')
- ),
- 'Type' => array('type' => 'int',
- 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter', 'use_phrases' => 1,
- 'options'=> array(
- 1=>'la_default_type',
- 2=>'la_some_type',
- 3=>'la_another_type',
- ),
- 'not_null' => 1,
- 'default' => 1,
- 'required' => 1,
- ),
- 'Phone' => Array('type' => 'string','default' => '','not_null' => 1),
- 'Qty' => array('type'=>'double','required'=>0,'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0),
- 'Status' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => array (1 => 'la_Active', 2 => 'la_Pending', 0 => 'la_Disabled'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 2
- ),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array('type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter', 'time_format' => '', 'input_time_format' => '', 'default'=>'#NOW#', 'not_null' => true),
- 'Good' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kOptionsFormatter',
- 'options' => Array(1 => 'la_Yes', 0 => 'la_No'),
- 'use_phrases' => 1, 'not_null' => 1, 'default' => 0
- ),
- 'BirthTime' => Array(
- 'type' => 'int', 'formatter' => 'kDateFormatter',
- 'date_format' => '', 'input_date_format' => '',
- 'default' => null
- ),
- 'Image' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.jpg;*.gif;*.png', 'files_description'=>'!la_ImageFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>true, 'thumb_width'=>100, 'thumb_height'=>100,
- 'multiple'=>false, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>false, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- 'DataFile' => Array(
- 'type'=>'string', 'formatter'=>'kUploadFormatter',
- 'max_size'=>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE, // in Bytes !
- 'file_types'=>'*.*',
- 'files_description'=>'!la_AllFiles!',
- 'upload_dir'=>'/system/user_files/', // relative to project's home
- 'as_image'=>false,
- 'multiple'=>2, // false or max number of files - will be stored as serialized array of paths
- 'direct_links'=>true, // use direct file urls or send files through wrapper (requires mod_mime_magic)
- ),
- ),
- 'Grids' => Array(
- 'Default' => Array(
- 'Icons' => Array('default'=>'icon16_test.gif'),
- 'Fields' => Array(
- 'TestId' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Id', 'data_block' => 'grid_checkbox_td', 'width'=>50 ),
- 'Title' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_TestName', 'width'=>100),
- 'Type' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Type', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Status' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Status', 'filter_block' => 'grid_options_filter'),
- 'Good' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Good'),
- 'Qty' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Qty', 'filter_block' => 'grid_float_range_filter'),
- 'Email' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Email', 'width'=>70),
- 'Phone' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_Phone', 'width'=>80),
- 'CreatedOn' => Array( 'title'=>'la_col_CreatedOn', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter', 'filter_width'=>60, 'width'=>110),
- 'FirstName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_FirstName', 'width'=>100),
- 'LastName' => Array('title' => 'la_col_LastName', 'width'=>100),
- 'IdentityNr' => Array('title' => 'la_col_IdentityNr', 'width'=>80),
- //'BirthTime' => Array ('title' => 'la_col_BirthTime', 'filter_block' => 'grid_date_range_filter'),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'ConfigMapping' => Array(
- 'PerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests',
- 'ShortListPerPage' => 'Comm_Perpage_Tests_Short',
- ),
-Don't forget to:
-- Add table create statement to install_schema.sql
- `Title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Description` TEXT NULL ,
- `Email` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
- `Phone` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
- `CreatedOn` INT NOT NULL ,
-- Add permissions for admin gorup to install script (see 'Sections' key above)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_config.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class TestEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler {
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/units/test/test_eh.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:adm_SetPopupSize width="750" height="570"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" body_properties="" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="test_edit" pagination="0"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('select', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Save" escape="1"/>', function() {
- submit_event('test','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('cancel', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Cancel" escape="1"/>', function() {
- cancel_edit('test','OnCancelEdit','<inp2:test_SaveEvent/>','<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormCancelConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('reset_edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Reset" escape="1"/>', function() {
- reset_form('test', 'OnReset', '<inp2:m_Phrase label="la_FormResetConfirmation" escape="1"/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('prev', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Prev" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_PrevId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('next', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Next" escape="1"/>', function() {
- go_to_id('test', '<inp2:test_NextId/>');
- }
- ));
- a_toolbar.Render();
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsSingle"/>
- a_toolbar.HideButton('prev');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('next');
- a_toolbar.HideButton('sep1');
- <inp2:m_else/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsLast"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('next');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_if prefix="test" function="IsFirst"/>
- a_toolbar.DisableButton('prev');
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- <inp2:m_endif/>
- </script>
- <script src="js/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/uploader.js"></script>
- </td>
- <!--<inp2:m_RenderElement name="ml_selector" prefix="test"/>-->
- </tr>
-<inp2:test_SaveWarning name="grid_save_warning"/>
-<inp2:test_ErrorWarning name="form_error_warning"/>
-<div id="scroll_container">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tableborder" style="border-collapse: separate;">
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="subsection" title="!la_section_Page!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_id_label" prefix="test" field="TestId" title="!la_fld_Id!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box_ml" prefix="test" field="Title" title="!la_fld_Title!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="Good" title="!la_fld_Good!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_textarea" prefix="test" field="Description" title="!la_fld_Description!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_radio" prefix="test" field="Status" title="la_fld_Status"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_options" prefix="test" field="Type" title="la_fld_Type"/>
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_date" prefix="test" field="CreatedOn" title="la_fld_CreatedOn"/>-->
- <!--<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_time" prefix="test" field="BirthTime" title="la_fld_BirthTime"/>-->
-<!-- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_checkbox" prefix="test" field="IsSystem" title="!la_fld_IsSystemTemplate!" onchange="OnSystemClick()"/>-->
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Qty" title="!la_fld_Qty!" style="width: 50px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Phone" title="!la_fld_Phone!" style="width: 100px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_box" prefix="test" field="Email" title="!la_fld_Email!" style="width: 200px"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="Image" title="!la_fld_Image!"/>
- <inp2:m_ParseBlock name="inp_edit_swf_upload" prefix="test" field="DataFile" title="!la_fld_DataFile!"/>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="inp_edit_filler"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_edit.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_RequireLogin permissions="proj-cms:all_pages.view" system="1"/>
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/header" />
-<inp2:m_RenderElement name="combined_header" section="custom:tests" prefix="test" title_preset="" pagination="1"/>
-<!-- ToolBar --->
-<table class="toolbar" height="30" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td >
- <script type="text/javascript">
- a_toolbar = new ToolBar();
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('new_item', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_NewTest" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_Add" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_precreate_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit')
- }
- )
- );
- function edit()
- {
- std_edit_item('test', 'custom/tests/test_edit');
- }
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('edit', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>::<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ShortToolTip_Edit" escape="1"/>', edit) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('delete', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_Delete" escape="1"/>',
- function() {
- std_delete_items('test');
- } ) );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarSeparator('sep1') );
- a_toolbar.AddButton( new ToolBarButton('view', '<inp2:m_phrase label="la_ToolTip_View" escape="1"/>', function(id) {
- show_viewmenu(a_toolbar,'view');
- }
- ) );
- a_toolbar.Render();
- </script>
- </td>
- <inp2:m_RenderElement name="search_main_toolbar" prefix="test" grid="Default"/>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
-<inp2:m_ParseBlock name="grid" PrefixSpecial="test" IdField="TestId" grid="Default" grid_filters="1"/>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- Grids['test'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit', 'delete') );
-<inp2:m_include t="incs/footer"/>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/custom/admin_templates/tests/test_list.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/index.php
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/index.php (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$start = getmicrotime();
-define('FULL_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
-$application =& kApplication::Instance();
-$end = getmicrotime();
-function getmicrotime()
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/index.php
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
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Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
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Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/sample.htaccess
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/sample.htaccess (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/sample.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#Options +FollowSymLinks
-RewriteEngine On
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/ !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
-RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(gif|jpg|png)
-RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?rewrite=on&_mod_rw_url_=$1 [QSA]
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/sample.htaccess
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
--- releases/RC_jul07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-<inp2:m_include template="designs/default_design"/>
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2/themes/test_theme/index.tpl
Deleted: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: svn:executable
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: releases/RC_jul07_2
--- releases/RC_jul07_2 (revision 12821)
+++ releases/RC_jul07_2 (nonexistent)
Property changes on: releases/RC_jul07_2
Deleted: svn:ignore
## -1,2 +0,0 ##

Event Timeline