'/(?<!%)a/' => '%p', // Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem => MySQL provides only uppercase
'/(?<!%)A/' => '%p', // Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem
'/(?<!%)d/' => '%d', // Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
'/(?<!%)D/' => '%a', // A textual representation of a day, three letters
'/(?<!%)F/' => '%M', // A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March
'/(?<!%)g/' => '%l', // 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
'/(?<!%)G/' => '%k', // 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros
'/(?<!%)h/' => '%h', // 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
'/(?<!%)H/' => '%H', // 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros
'/(?<!%)i/' => '%i', // Minutes with leading zeros
'/(?<!%)I/' => 'N/A', // Whether or not the date is in daylights savings time
'/(?<!%)S/' => 'N/A', // English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters, see below
'/jS/' => '%D', // MySQL can't return separate suffix, but could return date with suffix
'/(?<!%)j/' => '%e', // Day of the month without leading zeros
'/(?<!%)l/' => '%W', // A full textual representation of the day of the week
'/(?<!%)L/' => 'N/A', // Whether it's a leap year
'/(?<!%)m/' => '%m', // Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
'/(?<!%)M/' => '%b', // A short textual representation of a month, three letters
'/(?<!%)n/' => '%c', // Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
'/(?<!%)O/' => 'N/A', // Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours
'/(?<!%)r/' => 'N/A', // RFC 2822 formatted date
'/(?<!%)s/' => '%s', // Seconds, with leading zeros
// S and jS moved before j - see above
'/(?<!%)t/' => 'N/A', // Number of days in the given month
'/(?<!%)T/' => 'N/A', // Timezone setting of this machine
'/(?<!%)U/' => 'N/A', // Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)
'/(?<!%)w/' => '%w', // Numeric representation of the day of the week
'/(?<!%)W/' => '%v', // ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday (added in PHP 4.1.0)
'/(?<!%)Y/' => '%Y', // A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
'/(?<!%)y/' => '%y', // A two digit representation of a year
'/(?<!%)z/' => 'N/A', // The day of the year (starting from 0) => MySQL starts from 1
'/(?<!%)Z/' => 'N/A', // Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.
'In-Portal;la_prompt_TotalCategories' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) as CategoryCount FROM <%prefix%>Category', NULL, 'la_prompt_TotalCategories', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_ActiveCategories' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ActiveCategories FROM <%prefix%>Category WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_ActiveCategories', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_PendingCategories' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS PendingCategories FROM <%prefix%>Category WHERE Status = 2', NULL, 'la_prompt_PendingCategories', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_DisabledCategories' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS DisabledCategories FROM <%prefix%>Category WHERE Status = 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_DisabledCategories', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_NewCategories' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS NewCategories FROM <%prefix%>Category WHERE (NewItem = 1) OR ( (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - CreatedOn) <= <%m:config name=\"Category_DaysNew\"%>*86400 AND (NewItem = 2) )', NULL, 'la_prompt_NewCategories', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_CategoryEditorsPick' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <%prefix%>Category WHERE EditorsPick = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_CategoryEditorsPick', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_TopicsUsers' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalUsers FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser', NULL, 'la_prompt_TopicsUsers', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_UsersActive' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ActiveUsers FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersActive', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_UsersPending' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS PendingUsers FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser WHERE Status = 2', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersPending', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_UsersDisabled' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS DisabledUsers FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser WHERE Status = 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersDisabled', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_UsersUniqueCountries' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT LOWER( Country ) ) FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser WHERE LENGTH(Country) > 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersUniqueCountries', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_UsersUniqueStates' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT LOWER( State ) ) FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser WHERE LENGTH(State) > 0', NULL, 'la_prompt_UsersUniqueStates', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_TotalUserGroups' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS TotalUserGroups FROM <%prefix%>PortalGroup', NULL, 'la_prompt_TotalUserGroups', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_BannedUsers' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS BannedUsers FROM <%prefix%>PortalUser WHERE IsBanned = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_BannedUsers', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_NonExpiredSessions' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS NonExipedSessions FROM <%prefix%>UserSession WHERE Status = 1', NULL, 'la_prompt_NonExpiredSessions', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_ThemeCount' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ThemeCount FROM <%prefix%>Theme', NULL, 'la_prompt_ThemeCount', 0, 2)",
'In-Portal;la_prompt_RegionsCount' => "(DEFAULT, 'In-Portal', 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS RegionsCount FROM <%prefix%>Language', NULL, 'la_prompt_RegionsCount', 0, 2)",
'83' => "(83, 8, 'Product title link in list (shopping cart)', 'a.link-product-cart', 'a:0:{}', 'Product title link', 1, 'color: #18559C;\\r\\nfont-size: 12px;\\r\\nfont-weight: bold;\\r\\ntext-decoration: none;\\r\\n\\r\\n', 0)",
'70' => "(70, 8, 'Product title link in list (category)', 'a.link-product-category', 'a:0:{}', 'Product title link', 1, 'color: #18559C;\\r\\nfont-size: 12px;\\r\\nfont-weight: bold;\\r\\ntext-decoration: none;\\r\\n\\r\\n', 0)",