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Index: branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/email.php
--- branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/email.php (revision 16319)
+++ branches/5.3.x/core/kernel/utility/email.php (revision 16320)
@@ -1,928 +1,925 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2012 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
class kEmail extends kBase {
* Reference to class, that could send out e-mail
* @var kEmailSendingHelper
* @access protected
protected $sender = null;
* Parameters of e-mail
* @var Array
* @access protected
* @see kEmail::_getCustomParams() List of possible system parameters supported
protected $params = Array ();
* Reference to e-mail template object, that would be used as data source
* @var kDBItem
protected $emailTemplate = null;
* Sender name
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $fromName = '';
* Sender e-mail
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $fromEmail = '';
* Recipient name
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $toName = '';
* Recipient e-mail
* @var string
* @access protected
protected $toEmail = '';
* ID of recipient user
* @var int
protected $recipientUserId = null;
* List of e-mail recipients
* @var Array
* @access protected
protected $recipients = Array (
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO => Array (),
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_CC => Array (),
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_BCC => Array (),
* Stores log data.
* @var array
protected $logData = array();
* Creates e-mail instance
public function __construct()
$this->sender = $this->Application->recallObject('EmailSender');
* Resets state of e-mail
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _resetState()
$this->logData = array();
$this->fromEmail = $this->fromName = '';
$this->recipients = Array (
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO => Array (),
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_CC => Array (),
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_BCC => Array (),
$this->toEmail = $this->toEmail = '';
* Finds e-mail template matching user data
* @param string $name
* @param int $type
* @return bool
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @access public
public function findTemplate($name, $type)
if ( !$name || !preg_match('/^[A-Z\.]+$/', $name) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid e-mail template name "<strong>' . $name . '</strong>". Only <strong>UPPERCASE characters</strong> and <strong>dots</strong> are allowed.');
if ( $type != EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ADMIN && $type != EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_FRONTEND ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid e-mail template type');
// use "-item" special prevent error, when e-mail sent out from e-mail templates list
$this->emailTemplate = $this->Application->recallObject('email-template.-item', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
if ( !$this->emailTemplate->isLoaded() || !$this->_sameTemplate($name, $type) ) {
// get template parameters by name & type
$this->emailTemplate->Load(Array ('TemplateName' => $name, 'Type' => $type));
return $this->_templateUsable();
* Detects, that given e-mail template data matches currently used e-mail template
* @param string $name
* @param int $type
* @return bool
* @access protected
protected function _sameTemplate($name, $type)
return $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('TemplateName') == $name && $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Type') == $type;
* Determines if we can use e-mail template we've found based on user data
* @return bool
* @access protected
protected function _templateUsable()
if ( !$this->emailTemplate->isLoaded() || $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Enabled') == STATUS_DISABLED ) {
return false;
if ( $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('FrontEndOnly') && $this->Application->isAdmin ) {
return false;
return true;
* Sets e-mail template params
* @param Array $params
* @access public
public function setParams($params)
$this->params = $params;
* Returns any custom parameters, that are passed when invoked e-mail template sending
* @return Array
* @access protected
protected function _getCustomParams()
$ret = $this->params;
$send_keys = Array (
'from_email', 'from_name', 'to_email', 'to_name',
'overwrite_to_email', 'language_id', 'use_custom_design', 'delivery',
'PrefixSpecial', 'item_id',
foreach ($send_keys as $send_key) {
return $ret;
* Sends e-mail now or puts it in queue
* @param int $recipient_user_id
* @return bool
* @access public
public function send($recipient_user_id = null)
$this->recipientUserId = $recipient_user_id;
+ // 1. set headers
+ try {
+ $message_headers = $this->_getHeaders();
+ }
+ catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ return $this->setError('Error parsing e-mail message headers');
+ }
+ $message_subject = isset($message_headers['Subject']) ? $message_headers['Subject'] : 'Mail message';
+ $this->sender->SetSubject($message_subject);
+ foreach ( $message_headers as $header_name => $header_value ) {
+ $this->sender->SetEncodedHeader($header_name, $header_value);
+ }
if ( $this->_storeEmailLog() ) {
// 1. prepare log
$this->logData = Array (
'From' => $this->fromName . ' (' . $this->fromEmail . ')',
'To' => $this->toName . ' (' . $this->toEmail . ')',
'OtherRecipients' => serialize($this->recipients),
+ 'Subject' => $message_subject,
'Status' => EmailLogStatus::SENT,
'ErrorMessage' => '',
'SentOn' => TIMENOW,
'TemplateName' => $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('TemplateName'),
'EventType' => $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Type'),
'EventParams' => serialize($this->_getCustomParams()),
'ToUserId' => $this->recipientUserId,
'ItemPrefix' => $this->getItemPrefix(),
'ItemId' => isset($this->params['item_id']) ? $this->params['item_id'] : null,
$this->params['email_access_key'] = $this->_generateAccessKey();
- // 1. set headers
- try {
- $message_headers = $this->_getHeaders();
- }
- catch ( Exception $e ) {
- return $this->setError('Error parsing e-mail message headers');
- }
- $message_subject = isset($message_headers['Subject']) ? $message_headers['Subject'] : 'Mail message';
- $this->sender->SetSubject($message_subject);
- foreach ($message_headers as $header_name => $header_value) {
- $this->sender->SetEncodedHeader($header_name, $header_value);
- }
- if ( $this->_storeEmailLog() ) {
- $this->logData['Subject'] = $message_subject;
- }
// 3. set body
try {
$html_message_body = $this->_getMessageBody(true);
$plain_message_body = $this->_getMessageBody(false);
catch ( Exception $e ) {
return $this->setError('Error parsing e-mail message body');
if ( $html_message_body === false && $plain_message_body === false ) {
return $this->setError('Message template is empty (maybe after parsing).');
if ( $html_message_body !== false ) {
$this->sender->CreateTextHtmlPart($html_message_body, true);
if ( $plain_message_body !== false ) {
$this->sender->CreateTextHtmlPart($plain_message_body, false);
if ( $this->_storeEmailLog() ) {
// 4. set log
$this->logData['HtmlBody'] = $html_message_body;
$this->logData['TextBody'] = $plain_message_body;
$this->logData['AccessKey'] = $this->params['email_access_key'];
$delivery = isset($this->params['delivery']) ? $this->params['delivery'] : $this->Application->ConfigValue('EmailDelivery');
return $this->sender->Deliver(null, $delivery == EmailDelivery::IMMEDIATE);
* Extracts prefix from a given PrefixSpecial parameter.
* @return string
protected function getItemPrefix()
$prefix_special = isset($this->params['PrefixSpecial']) ? $this->params['PrefixSpecial'] : '';
if ( !$prefix_special ) {
return '';
$prefix_info = $this->Application->processPrefix($prefix_special);
return $prefix_info['prefix'];
* Determines whatever we should keep e-mail log or not
* @return bool
* @access protected
protected function _storeEmailLog()
return $this->Application->ConfigValue('EnableEmailLog');
* Marks e-mail sending as failed.
* @param string $error_message Error message.
* @return boolean
protected function setError($error_message)
if ( $this->_storeEmailLog() ) {
$this->logData['Status'] = EmailLogStatus::ERROR;
$this->logData['ErrorMessage'] = $error_message;
$this->Conn->doInsert($this->logData, TABLE_PREFIX . 'EmailLog');
return false;
* Generates access key for accessing e-mail later
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function _generateAccessKey()
$ret = '';
$use_fields = Array ('From', 'To', 'Subject');
foreach ($use_fields as $use_field) {
$ret .= $this->logData[$use_field] . ':';
return md5($ret . microtime(true));
* Processes email sender
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _processSender()
if ( $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('CustomSender') ) {
// update with custom data given during event execution
if ( isset($this->params['from_email']) ) {
$this->fromEmail = $this->params['from_email'];
if ( isset($this->params['from_name']) ) {
$this->fromName = $this->params['from_name'];
// still nothing, set defaults
$this->sender->SetFrom($this->fromEmail, $this->fromName);
* Processes custom e-mail sender
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _processCustomSender()
$address = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('SenderAddress');
$address_type = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('SenderAddressType');
switch ($address_type) {
case EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_EMAIL:
$this->fromEmail = $address;
case EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_USER:
$sql = 'SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email, PortalUserId
WHERE Username = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($address);
$user_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ( $user_info ) {
// user still exists
$this->fromEmail = $user_info['Email'];
$this->fromName = trim($user_info['FirstName'] . ' ' . $user_info['LastName']);
$user = $this->Application->recallObject('', null, Array ('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $user UsersItem */
if ( $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('SenderName') ) {
$this->fromName = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('SenderName');
* Ensures, that sender name & e-mail are not empty
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _ensureDefaultSender()
if ( !$this->fromEmail ) {
$this->fromEmail = $this->Application->ConfigValue('DefaultEmailSender');
if ( !$this->fromName ) {
$this->fromName = strip_tags($this->Application->ConfigValue('Site_Name'));
* Processes email recipients
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _processRecipients()
$header_mapping = Array (
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO => 'To',
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_CC => 'Cc',
EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_BCC => 'Bcc',
$default_email = $this->Application->ConfigValue('DefaultEmailSender');
$this->recipients = array_map(Array ($this, '_transformRecipientsIntoPairs'), $this->recipients);
foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient_type => $recipients) {
// add recipients to email
if ( !$recipients ) {
if ( $recipient_type == EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO ) {
$this->toEmail = $recipients[0]['email'] ? $recipients[0]['email'] : $default_email;
$this->toName = $recipients[0]['name'] ? $recipients[0]['name'] : $this->toEmail;
$header_name = $header_mapping[$recipient_type];
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
$email = $recipient['email'] ? $recipient['email'] : $default_email;
$name = $recipient['name'] ? $recipient['name'] : $email;
$this->sender->AddRecipient($header_name, $email, $name);
* Collects e-mail recipients from various sources
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _collectRecipients()
if ( ($this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Type') == EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ADMIN) && !$this->recipients[EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO] ) {
// admin email template without direct recipient -> send to admin
* Adds multiple recipients from an XML
* @param string $xml
* @return bool
* @access protected
protected function _addRecipientsFromXml($xml)
if ( !$xml ) {
return false;
$minput_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('MInputHelper');
/* @var $minput_helper MInputHelper */
// group recipients by type
$records = $minput_helper->parseMInputXML($xml);
foreach ($records as $record) {
$this->recipients[$record['RecipientType']][] = $record;
return true;
* Remove all "To" recipients, when not allowed
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _overwriteToRecipient()
$overwrite_to_email = isset($this->params['overwrite_to_email']) ? $this->params['overwrite_to_email'] : false;
if ( !$this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('CustomRecipient') || $overwrite_to_email ) {
$this->recipients[EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO] = Array ();
* Update with custom data given during event execution (user_id)
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _addRecipientByUserId()
if ( !is_numeric($this->recipientUserId) ) {
if ( $this->recipientUserId <= 0 ) {
// recipient is system user with negative ID (root, guest, etc.) -> send to admin
$language_field = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Type') == EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_FRONTEND ? 'FrontLanguage' : 'AdminLanguage';
$sql = 'SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email, ' . $language_field . ' AS Language
WHERE PortalUserId = ' . $this->recipientUserId;
$user_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ( !$user_info ) {
$add_recipient = Array (
'RecipientAddressType' => EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_EMAIL,
'RecipientAddress' => $user_info['Email'],
'RecipientName' => trim($user_info['FirstName'] . ' ' . $user_info['LastName']),
if ( $user_info['Language'] && !isset($this->params['language_id']) ) {
$this->params['language_id'] = $user_info['Language'];
array_unshift($this->recipients[EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO], $add_recipient);
$user = $this->Application->recallObject('', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true));
/* @var $user UsersItem */
* Update with custom data given during event execution (email + name)
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _addRecipientFromParams()
$add_recipient = Array ();
if ( isset($this->params['to_email']) && $this->params['to_email'] ) {
$add_recipient['RecipientName'] = '';
$add_recipient['RecipientAddressType'] = EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_EMAIL;
$add_recipient['RecipientAddress'] = $this->params['to_email'];
if ( isset($this->params['to_name']) && $this->params['to_name'] ) {
$add_recipient['RecipientName'] = $this->params['to_name'];
if ( $add_recipient ) {
array_unshift($this->recipients[EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO], $add_recipient);
* This is default recipient, when we can't determine actual one
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _addDefaultRecipient()
$xml = $this->Application->ConfigValue('DefaultEmailRecipients');
if ( !$this->_addRecipientsFromXml($xml) ) {
$recipient = Array (
'RecipientName' => $this->Application->ConfigValue('DefaultEmailSender'),
'RecipientAddressType' => EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_EMAIL,
'RecipientAddress' => $this->Application->ConfigValue('DefaultEmailSender'),
array_unshift($this->recipients[EmailTemplate::RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO], $recipient);
* Transforms recipients into name/e-mail pairs
* @param Array $recipients
* @return Array
* @access protected
protected function _transformRecipientsIntoPairs($recipients)
if ( !$recipients ) {
return Array ();
$pairs = Array ();
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
$address = $recipient['RecipientAddress'];
$address_type = $recipient['RecipientAddressType'];
$recipient_name = $recipient['RecipientName'];
switch ($address_type) {
case EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_EMAIL:
$pairs[] = Array ('email' => $address, 'name' => $recipient_name);
case EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_USER:
$sql = 'SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email
WHERE Username = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($address);
$user_info = $this->Conn->GetRow($sql);
if ( $user_info ) {
// user still exists
$name = trim($user_info['FirstName'] . ' ' . $user_info['LastName']);
$pairs[] = Array (
'email' => $user_info['Email'],
'name' => $name ? $name : $recipient_name,
case EmailTemplate::ADDRESS_TYPE_GROUP:
$sql = 'SELECT u.FirstName, u.LastName, u.Email
FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserGroups g
JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'UserGroupRelations ug ON ug.GroupId = g.GroupId
JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'Users u ON u.PortalUserId = ug.PortalUserId
WHERE g.Name = ' . $this->Conn->qstr($address);
$users = $this->Conn->Query($sql);
foreach ($users as $user_info) {
$name = trim($user_info['FirstName'] . ' ' . $user_info['LastName']);
$pairs[] = Array (
'email' => $user_info['Email'],
'name' => $name ? $name : $recipient_name,
return $pairs;
* Change system language temporarily to send e-mail on user language
* @param bool $restore
* @return void
* @access protected
protected function _changeLanguage($restore = false)
static $prev_language_id = null;
if ( !isset($prev_language_id) ) {
$prev_language_id = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
// ensure that language is set
if ( !isset($this->params['language_id']) ) {
$this->params['language_id'] = $this->Application->GetVar('m_lang');
$language_id = $restore ? $prev_language_id : $this->params['language_id'];
$this->Application->SetVar('m_lang', $language_id);
$language = $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
/* @var $language LanguagesItem */
$this->Application->Phrases->LanguageId = $language_id;
$this->Application->Phrases->Phrases = Array ();
* Parses message headers into array
* @return Array
* @access protected
protected function _getHeaders()
$headers = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Headers');
$headers = 'Subject: ' . $this->emailTemplate->GetField('Subject') . ($headers ? "\n" . $headers : '');
$headers = explode("\n", $this->_parseText($headers));
$ret = Array ();
foreach ($headers as $header) {
$header = explode(':', $header, 2);
$ret[ trim($header[0]) ] = trim($header[1]);
if ( $this->Application->isDebugMode() ) {
// set special header with template name, so it will be easier to determine what's actually was received
$template_type = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('Type') == EmailTemplate::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ADMIN ? 'ADMIN' : 'USER';
$ret['X-Template-Name'] = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('TemplateName') . ' - ' . $template_type;
return $ret;
* Applies design to given e-mail text
* @param string $text
* @param bool $is_html
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function _applyMessageDesign($text, $is_html = true)
static $design_templates = Array();
$design_key = 'L' . $this->params['language_id'] . ':' . ($is_html ? 'html' : 'text');
if ( !isset($design_templates[$design_key]) ) {
$language = $this->Application->recallObject('lang.current');
/* @var $language LanguagesItem */
$design_template = $language->GetDBField($is_html ? 'HtmlEmailTemplate' : 'TextEmailTemplate');
if ( !$is_html && !$design_template ) {
$design_template = $this->sender->ConvertToText($language->GetDBField('HtmlEmailTemplate'), true);
$design_templates[$design_key] = $design_template;
return $this->_parseText(str_replace('$body', $text, $design_templates[$design_key]), $is_html);
* Returns message body
* @param bool $is_html
* @return bool|string
* @access protected
protected function _getMessageBody($is_html = false)
$message_body = $this->emailTemplate->GetField($is_html ? 'HtmlBody' : 'PlainTextBody');
if ( !trim($message_body) && !$is_html ) {
// no plain text part available -> make it from html part then
$message_body = $this->sender->ConvertToText($this->emailTemplate->GetField('HtmlBody'), true);
if ( !trim($message_body) ) {
return false;
if ( isset($this->params['use_custom_design']) && $this->params['use_custom_design'] ) {
$message_body = $this->_parseText($message_body, $is_html);
else {
$message_body = $this->_applyMessageDesign($message_body, $is_html);
return trim($message_body) ? $message_body : false;
* Parse message template and return headers (as array) and message body part
* @param string $text
* @param bool $is_html
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function _parseText($text, $is_html = true)
$text = $this->_substituteReplacementTags($text);
if ( !$text ) {
return '';
// init for cases, when e-mail is sent from event before page template rendering
$parser_params = $this->Application->Parser->Params; // backup parser params
$template_name = 'et_' . $this->emailTemplate->GetID() . '_' . crc32($text);
$text = $this->Application->Parser->Parse($this->_normalizeLineEndings($text), $template_name);
$this->Application->Parser->SetParams($parser_params); // restore parser params
$category_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('CategoryHelper');
/* @var $category_helper CategoryHelper */
return $category_helper->replacePageIds($is_html ? $this->_removeTrailingLineEndings($text) : $text);
* Substitutes replacement tags in given text
* @param string $text
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function _substituteReplacementTags($text)
$default_replacement_tags = Array (
'<inp:touser _Field="password"' => '<inp2:u_Field name="Password_plain"',
'<inp:touser _Field="UserName"' => '<inp2:u_Field name="Username"',
'<inp:touser _Field' => '<inp2:u_Field name',
$replacement_tags = $this->emailTemplate->GetDBField('ReplacementTags');
$replacement_tags = $replacement_tags ? unserialize($replacement_tags) : Array ();
$replacement_tags = array_merge($default_replacement_tags, $replacement_tags);
foreach ($replacement_tags as $replace_from => $replace_to) {
$text = str_replace($replace_from, $replace_to, $text);
return $text;
* Convert Unix/Windows/Mac line ending into Unix line endings
* @param string $text
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function _normalizeLineEndings($text)
return str_replace(Array ("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $text);
* Remove trailing line endings
* @param $text
* @return string
* @access protected
protected function _removeTrailingLineEndings($text)
return preg_replace('/(\n|\r)+/', "\\1", $text);
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