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Index: branches/5.2.x/core/units/helpers/multilanguage_helper.php
--- branches/5.2.x/core/units/helpers/multilanguage_helper.php (revision 16296)
+++ branches/5.2.x/core/units/helpers/multilanguage_helper.php (revision 16297)
@@ -1,461 +1,466 @@
* @version $Id$
* @package In-Portal
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL
* In-Portal is Open Source software.
* This means that this software may have been modified pursuant
* the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes
* or is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License
* or other free or open source software licenses.
* See for copyright notices and details.
defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!');
* Performs action on multilingual fields
class kMultiLanguageHelper extends kHelper {
* Determines, that language info should be requeried
* @var bool
* @access protected
protected $initMade = false;
* Maximal language id
* @var int
protected $languageCount = 0;
* Languages created in system
* @var Array
protected $languagesIDs = Array ();
* Structure of table, that is currently processed
* @var Array
var $curStructure = Array();
* Field, to get structure information from
* @var string
var $curSourceField = false;
* Indexes used in table of 32
* @var int
var $curIndexCount = 0;
* Fields from config, that are currently used
* @var Array
var $curFields = Array();
public function resetState()
$this->initMade = false;
* Updates language count in system (always is divisible by 5)
protected function _queryLanguages()
if ( !$this->initMade ) {
$this->languagesIDs = $this->getActualLanguages();
$this->languageCount = max(max($this->languagesIDs), 5);
$this->initMade = true;
* Returns language ids, that can be used
* @return Array
protected function getActualLanguages()
$cache_key = 'actual_language_ids[%LangSerial%]';
$ret = $this->Application->getCache($cache_key);
if ( $ret === false ) {
$this->Conn->nextQueryCachable = true;
$sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('lang', 'IDField') . '
FROM ' . $this->Application->getUnitOption('lang', 'TableName');
$ret = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$this->Application->setCache($cache_key, $ret);
return $ret;
* Checks if language with specified id is created
* @param int $language_id
* @return bool
protected function LanguageFound($language_id)
return in_array($language_id, $this->languagesIDs) || $language_id <= 5;
* Returns list of processable languages
* @return Array
public function getLanguages()
$cache_key = 'processable_language_ids[%LangSerial%]';
$ret = $this->Application->getCache($cache_key);
if ( $ret === false ) {
$ret = Array ();
for ($language_id = 1; $language_id <= $this->languageCount; $language_id++) {
if ( $this->LanguageFound($language_id) ) {
$ret[] = $language_id;
$this->Application->setCache($cache_key, $ret);
return $ret;
function scanTable($mask)
$i = 0;
$fields_found = 0;
$fields = array_keys($this->curStructure);
foreach ($fields as $field_name) {
if (preg_match($mask, $field_name)) {
return $fields_found;
function readTableStructure($table_name, $refresh = false)
// if ($refresh || !getArrayValue($structure_status, $prefix.'.'.$table_name)) {
$this->curStructure = $this->Conn->Query('DESCRIBE '.$table_name, 'Field');
$this->curIndexCount = count($this->Conn->Query('SHOW INDEXES FROM '.$table_name));
// }
* Creates missing multilingual fields for all unit configs, registered in system
* @param bool $reread_configs
* @return void
* @access public
public function massCreateFields($reread_configs = true)
if ( $reread_configs ) {
foreach ($this->Application->UnitConfigReader->configData as $prefix => $config_data) {
* Creates missing multilanguage fields in table by specified prefix
* @param string $prefix
* @param bool $refresh Forces config field structure to be re-read from database
* @return void
function createFields($prefix, $refresh = false)
if ( $refresh && preg_match('/(.*)-cdata$/', $prefix, $regs) ) {
// call main item config to clone cdata table
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$this->curFields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'Fields');
if ( !($table_name && $this->curFields) || ($table_name && !$this->Conn->TableFound($table_name, kUtil::constOn('IS_INSTALL'))) ) {
// invalid config found or prefix not found
return ;
$sqls = Array ();
$this->readTableStructure($table_name, $refresh);
foreach ($this->curFields as $field_name => $field_options) {
if ( getArrayValue($field_options, 'formatter') == 'kMultiLanguage' ) {
if ( isset($field_options['master_field']) ) {
if ( $this->languageCount > 0 ) {
// `l77_Name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL DEFAULT '0';
$field_mask = Array ();
$field_mask['name'] = 'l%s_' . $field_name;
$field_mask['null'] = getArrayValue($field_options, 'not_null') ? 'NOT NULL' : 'NULL';
if ( $this->curSourceField ) {
$default_value = $this->getFieldParam('Default') != 'NULL'
? $this->Conn->qstr($this->getFieldParam('Default'))
: $this->getFieldParam('Default');
$field_mask['type'] = $this->getFieldParam('Type');
else {
$default_value = is_null($field_options['default']) ? 'NULL'
: $this->Conn->qstr($field_options['default']);
$field_mask['type'] = $field_options['db_type'];
$field_mask['default'] = ($field_mask['null'] == 'NOT NULL' && $default_value == 'NULL') ? '' : 'DEFAULT ' . $default_value;
if ( strtoupper($field_mask['type']) == 'TEXT' ) {
// text fields in mysql doesn't have default value
$field_mask = $field_mask['name'] . ' ' . $field_mask['type'] . ' ' . $field_mask['null'];
else {
$field_mask = $field_mask['name'] . ' ' . $field_mask['type'] . ' ' . $field_mask['null'] . ' ' . $field_mask['default'];
$alter_sqls = $this->generateAlterSQL($field_mask, 1, $this->languageCount);
if ( $alter_sqls ) {
$sqls[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ' . $alter_sqls;
foreach ($sqls as $sql_query) {
* Creates missing multilanguage fields in table by specified prefix
* @param string $prefix
* @param int $src_language
* @param int $dst_language
* @return void
* @access public
public function copyMissingData($prefix, $src_language, $dst_language)
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$this->curFields = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'Fields');
if ( !($table_name && $this->curFields) || ($table_name && !$this->Conn->TableFound($table_name, kUtil::constOn('IS_INSTALL'))) ) {
// invalid config found or prefix not found
return ;
foreach ($this->curFields as $field_name => $field_options) {
$formatter = isset($field_options['formatter']) ? $field_options['formatter'] : '';
if ( ($formatter == 'kMultiLanguage') && !isset($field_options['master_field']) ) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table_name . '
SET l' . $dst_language . '_' . $field_name . ' = l' . $src_language . '_' . $field_name . '
WHERE l' . $dst_language . '_' . $field_name . ' = "" OR l' . $dst_language . '_' . $field_name . ' IS NULL';
function deleteField($prefix, $custom_id)
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption($prefix, 'TableName');
$sql = 'DESCRIBE '.$table_name.' "l%_cust_'.$custom_id.'"';
$fields = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql);
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table_name.' ';
$sql_template = 'DROP COLUMN %s, ';
foreach ($fields as $field_name) {
$sql .= sprintf($sql_template, $field_name);
$this->Conn->Query( substr($sql, 0, -2) );
* Returns parameter requested of current source field
* @param string $param_name
* @return string
function getFieldParam($param_name)
return $this->curStructure[$this->curSourceField][$param_name];
* Detects field name to create other fields from
* @param string $field_name
function setSourceField($field_name)
$ret = $this->scanTable('/^l[\d]+_'.preg_quote($field_name, '/').'$/');
if (!$ret) {
// no multilingual fields at all (but we have such field without language prefix)
$original_found = $this->scanTable('/^'.preg_quote($field_name, '$/').'/');
$this->curSourceField = $original_found ? $field_name : false;
else {
$this->curSourceField = 'l1_'.$field_name;
* Returns ALTER statement part for adding required fields to table
* @param string $field_mask sql mask for creating field with correct definition (type & size)
* @param int $start_index add new fields starting from this index
* @param int $create_count create this much new multilingual field translations
* @return string
function generateAlterSQL($field_mask, $start_index, $create_count)
static $single_lang = null;
if (!isset($single_lang)) {
// if single language mode, then create indexes only on primary columns
$table_name = $this->Application->getUnitOption('lang', 'TableName');
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM '.$table_name.'
WHERE Enabled = 1';
// if language count = 0, then assume it's multi language mode
$single_lang = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql) == 1;
$ret = '';
$ml_field = preg_replace('/l(.*?)_(.*?) (.*)/', '\\2', $field_mask);
$i_count = $start_index + $create_count;
while ($start_index < $i_count) {
if (isset($this->curStructure['l'.$start_index.'_'.$ml_field]) || (!$this->LanguageFound($start_index)) ) {
$prev_index = $start_index - 1;
do {
list($prev_field,$type) = explode(' ', sprintf($field_mask, $prev_index) );
} while ($prev_index > 0 && !$this->LanguageFound($prev_index--));
if (substr($prev_field, 0, 3) == 'l0_') {
$prev_field = substr($prev_field, 3, strlen($prev_field));
if (!$this->curSourceField) {
// get field name before this one
$fields = array_keys($this->curFields);
// $prev_field = key(end($this->curStructure));
$prev_field = $fields[array_search($prev_field, $fields) - 1];
if (getArrayValue($this->curFields[$prev_field], 'formatter') == 'kMultiLanguage') {
$prev_field = 'l'.$this->languageCount.'_'.$prev_field;
$field_expression = sprintf($field_mask, $start_index);
$ret .= 'ADD COLUMN '.$field_expression.' AFTER `'.$prev_field.'`, ';
if ($this->curIndexCount < 32 && ($start_index == $this->Application->GetDefaultLanguageId() || !$single_lang)) {
// create index for primary language column + for all others (if multiple languages installed)
list($field_name, $field_params) = explode(' ', $field_expression, 2);
- $index_type = isset($this->curFields[$ml_field]['index_type']) ? $this->curFields[$prev_field]['index_type'] : 'string';
+ if ( isset($this->curFields[$ml_field]['index_type']) ) {
+ $index_type = $this->curFields[$ml_field]['index_type'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $index_type = 'string';
+ }
$ret .= $index_type == 'string' ? 'ADD INDEX (`'.$field_name.'` (5) ), ' : 'ADD INDEX (`'.$field_name.'`), ';
return preg_replace('/, $/', ';', $ret);
* Returns phrase based on given number
* @param int $number
* @param Array $forms
* @param bool $allow_editing
* @param bool $use_admin
* @return string
* @access public
public function getPluralPhrase($number, $forms, $allow_editing = true, $use_admin = false)
// normalize given forms
if ( !array_key_exists('phrase3', $forms) ) {
$forms['phrase3'] = $forms['phrase2'];
if ( !array_key_exists('phrase4', $forms) ) {
$forms['phrase4'] = $forms['phrase2'];
if ( !array_key_exists('phrase5', $forms) ) {
$forms['phrase5'] = $forms['phrase2'];
$phrase_type = $this->getPluralPhraseType($number);
return $this->Application->Phrase($forms['phrase' . $phrase_type], $allow_editing, $use_admin);
* Returns phrase type based on given number
* @param int $number
* @return int
* @access protected
protected function getPluralPhraseType($number)
$last_digit = substr($number, -1);
$last_but_one_digit = strlen($number) > 1 ? substr($number, -2, 1) : false;
$phrase_type = 5;
if ( $last_but_one_digit != 1 ) {
if ( $last_digit >= 1 && $last_digit <= 4 ) {
$phrase_type = $last_digit;
return (string)$phrase_type;
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