* Parses category part of url, build main part of url
* @param int $rewrite_mode Mode in what rewrite listener was called. Possbile two modes: REWRITE_MODE_BUILD, REWRITE_MODE_PARSE.
* @param string $prefix Prefix, that listener uses for system integration
* @param Array $params Params, that are used for url building or created during url parsing.
* @param Array $url_parts Url parts to parse (only for parsing).
* @param bool $keep_events Keep event names in resulting url (only for building).
* @return bool|string|Array Return true to continue to next listener; return false (when building) not to rewrite given prefix; return false (when parsing) to stop processing at this listener.
public function CategoryRewriteListener($rewrite_mode = REWRITE_MODE_BUILD, $prefix, &$params, &$url_parts, $keep_events = false)
Grids['<inp2:m_param name="prefix"/>'].SetDependantToolbarButtons( new Array('edit','delete','approve','decline','sep3','cut','copy','move_up','move_down','sep6'));