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Mon, Feb 3, 1:01 AM


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Index: trunk/admin/install/upgrades/changelog_1_1_1.txt
--- trunk/admin/install/upgrades/changelog_1_1_1.txt (revision 2235)
+++ trunk/admin/install/upgrades/changelog_1_1_1.txt (revision 2236)
@@ -1,4070 +1,5731 @@
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Changed label "lu_unsubscribe_confirm_prompt" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_unsubscribe_confirm_text" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_unsubscribe_title" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_update" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_username" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_users_online" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_user_already_exist" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_user_and_email_already_exist" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_user_exists" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_user_pending_aproval" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_user_pending_aproval_text" of type "0"
Changed label "la_fld_ExportModules" of type "1"
Changed label "la_fld_InstallModules" of type "1"
Changed label "la_title_ExportLanguagePackStep1" of type "1"
Changed label "la_fld_Enabled" of type "1"
Changed label "la_fld_Top" of type "1"
Changed label "la_fld_MarginRight" of type "1"
Changed label "la_fld_InstallPhraseTypes" of type "1"
Changed label "lu_views" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_view_flat" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_view_pm" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_view_profile" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_view_threaded" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_view_your_profile" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_votes" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_Warning" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_WeAcceptCards" of type "0"
+Changed label "lu_WhatIsThis" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_wrote" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_yes" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_YourAccount" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_YourCart" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_YourCurrency" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_YourLanguage" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_YourWishList" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_zip" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_ZipCode" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_zip_code" of type "0"
Changed label "lu_zoom" of type "0"
Changed label "my_account_title" of type "0"
Changed label "Next Theme" of type "0"
Changed label "Previous Theme" of type "0"
Changed label "test 1" of type "0"
-Changed event "LINK.MODIFY.DENY" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.ADD.PENDING" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.UNSUBSCRIBE" of type "1"
-Changed event "LINK.ADD" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.PSWD" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.UNSUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.PSWD" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.APPROVE" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "1"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "1"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.DENY" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.SUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
+Added event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "0"
+Added event "USER.MEMBERSHIP" of type "EXPIRED"
+Added event "USER.PSWD" of type "1"
+Added event "SITE.SUGGEST" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.ADD.PENDING" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.PSWD" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Added event "USER.MEMBERSHIP" of type "EXPIRED"
+Added event "USER.UNSUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
+Added event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.ENHANCE.DENY" of type "0"
+Added event "BACKORDER.ADD" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.MEMBERSHIP" of type "EXPIRATION"
+Added event "USER.APPROVE" of type "1"
+Added event "LINK.MODIFY.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Added event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "0"
+Added event "CATEGORY.MODIFY" of type "1"
+Added event "LINK.DENY" of type "0"
+Added event "USER.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Added event "ORDER.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Added event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "0"
+Added event "INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWD" of type "1"
+Added event "PRODUCT.SUGGEST" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.MODIFY" of type "1"
+Added event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "1"
+Changed event "USER.DENY" of type "1"
+Changed event "ORDER.SHIP" of type "0"
Changed event "USER.ADD" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.MODIFY" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.SUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
+Added event "ORDER.SUBMIT" of type "1"
+Added event "LINK.MODIFY" of type "0"
+Added event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "1"
+Added event "USER.DENY" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.REVIEW.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Added event "SITE.SUGGEST" of type "0"
+Added event "BACKORDER.PROCESS" of type "0"
+Added event "CATEGORY.APPROVE" of type "1"
+Added event "CATEGORY.DENY" of type "0"
+Added event "PRODUCT.SUGGEST" of type "1"
+Added event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
+Added event "BACKORDER.ADD" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.ENHANCE.DENY" of type "1"
+Added event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.ENHANCE.EXPIRE" of type "0"
+Added event "LINK.ENHANCE.RENEW" of type "FAILED"
+Changed event "USER.APPROVE" of type "1"
+Changed event "INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWD" of type "0"
+Changed event "CATEGORY.MODIFY" of type "0"
+Changed event "INCOMMERCEUSER.PSWDC" of type "0"
+Changed event "CATEGORY.DENY" of type "0"
Changed event "LINK.MODIFY" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.UNSUBSCRIBE" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.DENY" of type "0"
+Changed event "BACKORDER.FULLFILL" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.EXPIRE" of type "1"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE" of type "1"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.RENEWAL" of type "NOTICE"
Changed event "LINK.DENY" of type "0"
Changed event "CATEGORY.MODIFY" of type "1"
Changed event "CATEGORY.MODIFY" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.DENY" of type "1"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.RENEWAL" of type "NOTICE"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.RENEW" of type "FAILED"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.CANCEL" of type "1"
+Changed event "LINK.REVIEW.DENY" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.EXTEND" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.RENEW" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.RENEW" of type "1"
+Changed event "USER.MEMBERSHIP" of type "EXPIRATION"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.APPROVE" of type "1"
+Changed event "ORDER.DENY" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.CANCEL" of type "0"
+Removed event "CATEGORY.ADD.PENDING" of type "1"
Removed event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD" of type "0"
Removed event "USER.DENY" of type "0"
Removed event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.ADD" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "1"
-Changed event "LINK.MODIFY.APPROVE" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "1"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.APPROVE" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.PSWD" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.SUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "1"
-Changed event "LINK.APPROVE" of type "0"
-Changed event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.PSWD" of type "1"
-Changed event "USER.UNSUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
-Changed event "CATEGORY.MODIFY" of type "0"
-Changed event "USER.ADD" of type "1"
+Removed event "CATEGORY.APPROVE" of type "1"
+Removed event "USER.ADD" of type "0"
+Removed event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "1"
+Removed event "LINK.MODIFY.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Removed event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "1"
+Removed event "CATEGORY.ADD" of type "0"
+Removed event "USER.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Removed event "USER.PSWD" of type "0"
+Removed event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "0"
+Removed event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "0"
+Removed event "USER.SUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
+Removed event "CATEGORY.DELETE" of type "1"
+Removed event "USER.SUGGEST" of type "1"
+Removed event "LINK.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Removed event "LINK.REVIEW.ADD.PENDING" of type "0"
+Removed event "USER.PSWD" of type "1"
+Removed event "USER.UNSUBSCRIBE" of type "0"
Removed event "USER.ADD.PENDING" of type "1"
-Removed event "LINK.ADD" of type "1"
-Removed event "LINK.MODIFY" of type "1"
-Removed event "USER.ADD" of type "1"
-Removed event "LINK.REVIEW.DENY" of type "0"
-Removed event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "0"
-Removed event "LINK.REVIEW.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.MODIFY" of type "1"
+Changed event "USER.ADD" of type "1"
+Changed event "LINK.REVIEW.DENY" of type "0"
+Changed event "USER.VALIDATE" of type "0"
+Changed event "LINK.REVIEW.APPROVE" of type "0"
+Changed event "USER.DENY" of type "1"
+Changed event "ORDER.SUBMIT" of type "0"
+Changed event "CATEGORY.ADD.PENDING" of type "1"
+Changed event "LINK.ENHANCE.EXTEND" of type "1"
+Changed event "USER.ADD" of type "1"
Property changes on: trunk/admin/install/upgrades/changelog_1_1_1.txt
Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
## -1 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
\ No newline at end of property

Event Timeline