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Index: branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/application.js
--- branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/application.js (revision 11927)
+++ branches/RC/core/admin_templates/js/application.js (revision 11928)
@@ -1,132 +1,143 @@
function kApplication() {
this.Hooks = new Array ();
kApplication.prototype.footerInit = function () {
if (use_popups() &&[\d]+$/)) {
window, 'unload',
function() {
// alert('unload event; unload legal: ' + unload_legal);
if (!unload_legal && != 'main') {
// it's set in submit_kernel_form - if we are submitting form, the unload is already handled
// if we got here, it means that we are closing window ilegally (through OS interace X button)
// alert('closing window');
// we need to clear temp tables then
getFrame('head').WatchClosing(window, _DropTempUrl);
// we need to set unload_legal to true if we are refreshing current window, because onunload will still fire
addEvent(document, 'keydown',
function(e) {
var code;
if (!e) var e = window.event;
if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode;
else if (e.which) code = e.which;
if (code == 116 || (e.ctrlKey && code == 82)) {
unload_legal = true; //F5 or Ctrl+R
// alert('[document.keydown] setting unload_legal = true');
kApplication.prototype.removeDebuggerStatistics = function () {
var $debug_statistics = $('table.dbg_stats_table:first');
if ($debug_statistics.length > 0) {
// remove debugger short report and preceeding line break, because
// this adds additional vertical scrollbar (no matter what is)
// when used in Opera & Google Chrome
kApplication.prototype.SetVar = function ($name, $value) {
set_hidden_field($name, $value);
// hidden fields are printed in footer, that's why use this in m:OnAfterWindowLoad hook
kApplication.prototype.GetVar = function ($name) {
return get_hidden_field($name);
kApplication.prototype.setHook = function ($hook_to, $do_code, $hook_mode) {
if (!isset($hook_mode)) {
$hook_mode = hBEFORE;
if (typeof $hook_to == 'string') {
if ($hook_to == 'm:OnAfterWindowLoad') {
// call add load method here, when jquery not available
// this.addLoadEvent($do_code);
return ;
setArrayValue(this.Hooks, $hook_to, $hook_mode, $do_code);
else {
var $i = 0;
while ($i < $hook_to.length) {
this.setHook($hook_to[$i], $do_code, $hook_mode);
kApplication.prototype.addLoadEvent = function (func, wnd) {
if (!wnd) wnd = window
var oldonload = wnd.onload;
if (typeof wnd.onload != 'function') {
wnd.onload = func;
} else {
wnd.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) {
-kApplication.prototype.processHooks = function ($hook_to, $hook_mode) {
+kApplication.prototype.processHooks = function ($hook_to, $hook_mode, $event_params) {
+ // allows to hook to any event from given prefix using "prefix:*" like $function_name
+ if (!isset($event_params)) {
+ $event_params = {};
+ }
+ if (($hook_to.indexOf('*') == -1) && ($hook_to.indexOf(':') != -1)) {
+ var $do_event = new kEvent($hook_to, $event_params);
+ $event_params.OriginalName = $do_event.Name;
+ if (!this.processHooks($do_event.Prefix + ':*', $hook_mode, $event_params)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // allows to hook to specific given event from given prefix
if (!isset($hook_mode)) {
$hook_mode = hBEFORE;
var $i = 0;
var $defined_hooks = getArrayValue(this.Hooks, $hook_to, $hook_mode);
while($i < $defined_hooks.length) {
- var $do_event = new kEvent($hook_to);
+ var $do_event = new kEvent($hook_to, $event_params);
if (!$do_event.status) {
return false;
return true;
// =======================================
-function kEvent($params) {
- if ($params.match(/([^.:]*)[.]{0,1}([^:]*):(.*)/, $params)) {
+function kEvent($name, $params) {
+ if ($name.match(/([^.:]*)[.]{0,1}([^:]*):(.*)/)) {
this.Prefix = RegExp.$1;
this.Special = RegExp.$2;
this.Name = RegExp.$3;
- }
- else {
- this.Prefix = '';
- this.Special = '';
- this.Name = '';
+ this.Params = $params;
this.status = true;
\ No newline at end of file

Event Timeline