Index: trunk/kernel/include/parseditem.php =================================================================== --- trunk/kernel/include/parseditem.php (revision 294) +++ trunk/kernel/include/parseditem.php (revision 295) @@ -1,2784 +1,2886 @@ <?php global $ItemTypePrefixes; $ItemTypePrefixes = array(); $ItemTagFiles = array(); function RegisterPrefix($class,$prefix,$file) { global $ItemTypePrefixes, $ItemTagFiles; $ItemTypePrefixes[$class] = $prefix; $ItemTagFiles[$prefix] = $file; } class clsParsedItem extends clsItemDB { var $TagPrefix; var $Parser; var $AdminParser; function clsParsedItem($id=NULL) { global $TemplateRoot; $this->clsItemDB(); $this->Parser = new clsTemplateList($TemplateRoot); $this->AdminParser = new clsAdminTemplateList(); } /* function ParseObject($element) { $extra_attribs = ExtraAttributes($element->attributes); if(strtolower($element->name)==$this->TagPrefix) { $field = strtolower($element->attributes["_field"]); $tag = $this->TagPrefix."_".$field; $ret = $this->parsetag($tag); } return $ret; } */ function ParseTimeStamp($d,$attribs=array()) { if($attribs["_tz"]) { $d = GetLocalTime($d,$objSession->Get("tz")); } $part = strtolower($attribs["_part"]); if(strlen($part)) { $ret = ExtractDatePart($part,$d); } else { if($d<=0) { $ret = ""; } else $ret = LangDate($d); } return $ret; } function ParseObject($element) { global $objConfig, $objCatList, $var_list_update, $var_list, $n_var_list_update, $m_var_list_update; $extra_attribs = ExtraAttributes($element->attributes); $ret = ""; if ($this->TagPrefix == "email" && strtolower($element->name) == "touser") { $this->TagPrefix = "touser"; } if(strtolower($element->name)==$this->TagPrefix) { $field = strtolower($element->attributes["_field"]); switch($field) { case "id": $ret = $this->Get($this->id_field); break; case "resourceid": if(!$this->NoResourceId) $ret = $this->Get("ResourceId"); break; case "category": $c = $objCatList->GetItem($this->Get("CategoryId")); if(is_object($c)) { $ret = $c->parsetag($element->attributes["_cattag"]); } break; case "priority": if($this->Get("Priority")!=0) { $ret = (int)$this->Get("Priority"); } else $ret = ""; break; case "link": if(method_exists($this,"ItemURL")) { $ret = $this->ItemURL($element->attributes["_template"],FALSE,""); } break; case "cat_link": if(method_exists($this,"ItemURL")) { $ret = $this->ItemURL($element->attributes["_template"],TRUE,""); } break; case "fullpath": $ret = $this->Get("CachedNavbar"); if(!strlen($ret)) { if(is_numeric($this->Get("CategoryId"))) { $c = $objCatList->GetItem($this->Get("CategoryId")); if(is_object($c)) $ret = $c->Get("CachedNavbar"); } else { if(method_exists($this,"GetPrimaryCategory")) { $cat = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); $c = $objCatList->GetItem($cat); if(is_object($c)) $ret = $c->Get("CachedNavbar"); } } } // $ret = $this->HighlightText($ret); break; case "relevance": $style = $element->attributes["_displaymode"]; if(!strlen($style)) $style = "numerical"; switch ($style) { case "numerical": $ret = (100 * LangNumber($this->Get("Relevance"),1))."%"; break; case "bar": $OffColor = $element->attributes["_offbackgroundcolor"]; $OnColor = $element->attributes["_onbackgroundcolor"]; $percentsOff = (int)(100 - (100 * $this->Get("Relevance"))); if ($percentsOff) { $percentsOn = 100 - $percentsOff; $ret = "<td width=\"$percentsOn%\" bgcolor=\"$OnColor\"><img src=\"img/s.gif\"></td><td width=\"$percentsOff%\" bgcolor=\"$OffColor\"><img src=\"img/s.gif\"></td>"; } else $ret = "<td width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"$OnColor\"><img src=\"img/s.gif\"></td>"; break; case "graphical": $OnImage = $element->attributes["_onimage"]; if (!strlen($OnImage)) break; // Get image extension $image_data = explode(".", $OnImage); $image_ext = $image_data[count($image_data)-1]; unset($image_data[count($image_data)-1]); $rel = (10 * LangNumber($this->Get("Relevance"),1)); $OnImage1 = join(".", $image_data); if ($rel) $img_src = $OnImage1."_".$rel.".".$image_ext; else $img_src = $OnImage; $ret = "<img src=\"$img_src\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".(10*$rel)."\">"; break; } break; case "rating": $style = $element->attributes["_displaymode"]; if(!strlen($style)) $style = "numerical"; switch($style) { case "numerical": $ret = LangNumber($this->Get("CachedRating"),1); break; case "text": $ret = RatingText($this->Get("CachedRating")); break; case "graphical": $OnImage = $element->attributes["_onimage"]; $OffImage = $element->attributes["_offimage"]; $images = RatingTickImage($this->Get("CachedRating"),$OnImage,$OffImage); for($i=1;$i<=count($images);$i++) { $url = $images[$i]; if(strlen($url)) { $ret .= "<IMG src=\"$url\" $extra_attribs >"; $ret .= $element->attributes["_separator"]; } } break; } break; case "reviews": $today = FALSE; if(method_exists($this,"ReviewCount")) { if($element->attributes["_today"]) $today = TRUE; $ret = $this->ReviewCount($today); } else $ret = ""; break; case "votes": $ret = (int)$this->Get("CachedVotesQty"); break; case "favorite": if(method_exists($this,"IsFavorite")) { if($this->IsFavorite()) { $ret = $element->attributes["_label"]; if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = "lu_favorite"; $ret = language($ret); } else $ret = ""; } break; case "new": if(method_exists($this,"IsNewItem")) { if($this->IsNewItem()) { $ret = $element->attributes["_label"]; if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = "lu_new"; $ret = language($ret); } else $ret = ""; } break; case "pop": if(method_exists($this,"IsPopItem")) { if($this->IsPopItem()) { $ret = $element->attributes["_label"]; if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = "lu_pop"; $ret = language($ret); } else $ret = ""; } break; case "hot": if(method_exists($this,"IsHotItem")) { if($this->IsHotItem()) { $ret = $element->attributes["_label"]; if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = "lu_hot"; $ret = language($ret); } else $ret = ""; } break; case "pick": if($this->Get("EditorsPick")==1) { $ret = $element->attributes["_label"]; if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = "lu_pick"; $ret = language($ret); } else $ret = ""; break; case "admin_icon": if(method_exists($this,"StatusIcon")) { if($element->attributes["fulltag"]) { $ret = "<IMG $extra_attribs SRC=\"".$this->StatusIcon()."\">"; } else $ret = $this->StatusIcon(); } break; case "custom": if(method_exists($this,"GetCustomFieldValue")) { $field = $element->attributes["_customfield"]; $default = $element->attributes["_default"]; if (strlen($field)) $ret = $this->GetCustomFieldValue($field,$default); } break; case "image": $default = $element->attributes["_primary"]; $name = $element->attributes["_name"]; if(strlen($name)) { $img = $this->GetImageByName($name); } else { if($default) $img = $this->GetDefaultImage(); } if(is_object($img)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_imagetemplate"])) { $ret = $img->ParseTemplate($element->attributes["_imagetemplate"]); break; } else { if($element->attributes["_thumbnail"]) { $url = $img->parsetag("thumb_url"); } else { if(!$element->attributes["_nothumbnail"]) { $url = $img->parsetag("image_url"); } else { $url = $img->FullURL(TRUE,""); } } } } else { $url = $element->attributes["_defaulturl"]; } if($element->attributes["_imagetag"]) { if(strlen($url)) { $ret = "<IMG src=\"$url\" $extra_attribs >"; } else $ret = ""; } else $ret = $url; break; default: $ret = "Undefined:".$element->name; break; } } else if ($this->TagPrefix == 'email'){ $ret = "Undefined:".$element->name; } return $ret; } function ParseString($name) { $el = new clsHtmlTag(); $el->Clear(); $el->prefix = "inp"; $el->name = $name; $numargs = func_num_args(); $arg_list = func_get_args(); for ($i = 1; $i < $numargs; $i++) { $attr = $arg_list[$i]; $parts = explode("=",$attr,2); $name = $parts[0]; $val = $parts[1]; $el->attributes[$name] = $val; } return $this->ParseObject($el); } /* pass attributes as strings ie: ParseStringEcho('tagname','_field="something" _data="somethingelse"'); */ function ParseStringEcho($name) { $el = new clsHtmlTag(); $el->Clear(); $el->prefix = "inp"; $el->name = $name; $numargs = func_num_args(); $arg_list = func_get_args(); for ($i = 1; $i < $numargs; $i++) { $attr = $arg_list[$i]; $parts = explode("=",$attr,2); $name = $parts[0]; $val = $parts[1]; $el->attributes[$name] = $val; } echo $this->ParseObject($el); } function ParseElement($raw, $inner_html ="") { $tag = new clsHtmlTag($raw); $tag->inner_html = $inner_html; if($tag->parsed) { if($tag->name=="include" || $tag->name=="perm_include" || $tag->name=="lang_include") { $output = $this->Parser->IncludeTemplate($tag); } else { $output = $this->ParseObject($tag); //echo $output."<br>"; if(substr($output,0,9)=="Undefined") { $output = $tag->Execute(); // if(substr($output,0,8)="{Unknown") // $output = $raw; } return $output; } } else return ""; } function AdminParseTemplate($file) { $html = ""; $t = $this->AdminParser->GetTemplate($file); if(is_object($t)) { array_push($this->AdminParser->stack,$file); $html = $t->source; $next_tag = strpos($html,"<inp:"); while($next_tag) { $end_tag = strpos($html,"/>",$next_tag); $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+2); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+2); $inner = $this->ParseElement($tagtext); $html = $pre.$inner.$post; $next_tag = strpos($html,"<inp:"); } array_pop($this->AdminParser->stack); } return $html; } function ParseTemplateText($text) { $html = $text; $search = "<inp:".$this->TagPrefix; $next_tag = strpos($html,"<inp:"); //$next_tag = strpos($html,$search); while($next_tag) { $closer = strpos(strtolower($html),">",$next_tag); $end_tag = strpos($html,"/>",$next_tag); if($end_tag < $closer || $closer == 0) { $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+2); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+2); $inner = $this->ParseElement($tagtext); $html = $pre.$inner.$post; } else { $OldTagStyle = "</inp>"; ## Try to find end of TagName $TagNameEnd = strpos($html, " ", $next_tag); ## Support Old version // $closer = strpos(strtolower($html),"</inp>",$next_tag); if ($TagNameEnd) { $Tag = strtolower(substr($html, $next_tag, $TagNameEnd-$next_tag)); $TagName = explode(":", $Tag); if (strlen($TagName[1])) $CloserTag = "</inp:".$TagName[1].">"; } else { $CloserTag = $OldTagStyle; } $closer = strpos(strtolower($html), $CloserTag, $next_tag); ## Try to find old tag closer if (!$closer && ($CloserTag != $OldTagStyle)) { $CloserTag = $OldTagStyle; $closer = strpos(strtolower($html), $CloserTag, $next_tag); } $end_tag = strpos($html,">",$next_tag); $tagtext = substr($html,$next_tag,($end_tag - $next_tag)+1); $pre = substr($html,0,$next_tag); $inner = substr($html,$end_tag+1,$closer-($end_tag+1)); $post = substr($html,$end_tag+1+strlen($inner) + strlen($CloserTag)); //echo "PRE:". htmlentities($pre,ENT_NOQUOTES); //echo "INNER:". htmlentities($inner,ENT_NOQUOTES); //echo "POST:". htmlentities($post,ENT_NOQUOTES); $parsed = $this->ParseElement($tagtext); if(strlen($parsed)) { $html = $pre.$this->ParseTemplateText($inner).$post; } else $html = $pre.$post; } $next_tag = strpos($html,$search); } return $html; } function ParseTemplate($tname) { global $objTemplate, $LogLevel,$ptime,$timestart; LogEntry("Parsing $tname\n"); $LogLevel++; $html = ""; $t = $objTemplate->GetTemplate($tname); //$t = $this->Parser->GetTemplate($tname); if(is_object($t)) { array_push($this->Parser->stack,$tname); $html = $t->source; $html = $this->ParseTemplateText($html); array_pop($this->Parser->stack); } $LogLevel--; LogEntry("Finished Parsing $tname\n"); $ptime = round(getmicrotime() - $timestart,6); $xf = 867530; //Download ID if($xf != 0) { $x2 = substr($ptime,-6); $ptime .= $xf ^ $x2; //(1/1000); } return $html; } function SendUserEventMail($EventName,$ToUserId,$LangId=NULL,$RecptName=NULL) { global $objMessageList,$FrontEnd; $Event =& $objMessageList->GetEmailEventObject($EventName,0,$LangId); if(is_object($Event)) { if($Event->Get("Enabled")=="1" || ($Event->Get("Enabled")==2 && $FrontEnd)) { $Event->Item = $this; if(is_numeric($ToUserId)) { return $Event->SendToUser($ToUserId); } else return $Event->SendToAddress($ToUserId,$RecptName); } } } function SendAdminEventMail($EventName,$LangId=NULL) { global $objMessageList,$FrontEnd; //echo "Firing Admin Event $EventName <br>\n"; $Event =& $objMessageList->GetEmailEventObject($EventName,1,$LangId); if(is_object($Event)) { if($Event->Get("Enabled")=="1" || ($Event->Get("Enabled")==2 && $FrontEnd)) { $Event->Item = $this; //echo "Admin Event $EventName Enabled <br>\n"; return $Event->SendAdmin($ToUserId); } } } function parse_template($t) { } } class clsItemCollection { var $Items; var $CurrentItem; var $adodbConnection; var $classname; var $SourceTable; var $LiveTable; var $QueryItemCount; var $AdminSearchFields = array(); var $SortField; var $debuglevel; var $id_field = null; // id field for list item var $BasePermission; var $Dummy = null; function SetTable($action, $table_name = null) // new by Alex { // $action = {'live', 'restore','edit'} switch($action) { case 'live': $this->LiveTable = $table_name; $this->SourceTable = $this->LiveTable; break; case 'restore': $this->SourceTable = $this->LiveTable; break; case 'edit': global $objSession; $this->SourceTable = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->LiveTable); break; } } function &GetDummy() // new by Alex { if( !isset($this->Dummy) ) $this->Dummy =& new $this->classname(); $this->Dummy->tablename = $this->SourceTable; return $this->Dummy; } function clsItemCollection() { $this->adodbConnection = GetADODBConnection(); $this->Clear(); $this->BasePermission=""; } function GetIDField() // new by Alex { // returns id field for list item if( !isset($this->id_field) ) { $dummy =& $this->GetDummy(); $this->id_field = $dummy->IdField(); } return $this->id_field; } function &GetNewItemClass() { return new $this->classname(); } function Clear() { unset($this->Items); $this->Items = array(); $this->CurrentItem=0; } function &SetCurrentItem($id) { $this->CurrentItem=$id; return $this->GetItem($id); } function &GetCurrentItem() { if($this->CurrentItem>0) { return $this->GetItem($this->CurrentItem); } else return FALSE; } function NumItems() { if(is_array($this->Items)) { // echo "TEST COUNT: ".count($this->Items)."<BR>"; return count($this->Items); } else return 0; } function ItemLike($index, $string) { // check if any of the item field // even partially matches $string $found = false; $string = strtolower($string); $item_data = $this->Items[$index]->GetData(); foreach($item_data as $field => $value) if( in_array($field, $this->AdminSearchFields) ) if( strpos(strtolower($value), $string) !== false) { $found = true; break; } return $found; } function DeleteItem($index) // by Alex { // deletes item with specific index from list $i = $index; $item_count = $this->NumItems(); while($i < $item_count - 1) { $this->Items[$i] = $this->Items[$i + 1]; $i++; } unset($this->Items[$i]); } function ShowItems() { $i = 0; $item_count = $this->NumItems(); while($i < $item_count) { echo "Item No <b>$i</b>:<br>"; $this->Items[$i]->PrintVars(); $i++; } } function SwapItems($Index,$Index2) { $temp = $this->Items[$Index]->GetData(); $this->Items[$Index]->SetData($this->Items[$Index2]->GetData()); $this->Items[$Index2]->SetData($temp); } function CopyResource($OldId,$NewId) { $this->Clear(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE ResourceId=$OldId"; $this->Query_Item($sql); // echo $sql."<br>\n"; if($this->NumItems()>0) { foreach($this->Items as $item) { $item->UnsetIdField(); $item->Set("ResourceId",$NewId); $item->Create(); } } } function ItemsOnClipboard() { global $objSession; $clip = $objSession->GetPersistantVariable("ClipBoard"); $count = 0; $table = $this->SourceTable; $prefix = GetTablePrefix(); if(substr($table,0,strlen($prefix))==$prefix) $table = substr($table,strlen($prefix)); if(strlen($clip)) { $clipboard = ParseClipboard($clip); if($clipboard["table"] == $table) { $count = count(explode(",",$clipboard["ids"])); } else $count = 0; } else $count = 0; return $count; } function CopyToClipboard($command,$idfield, $idlist) { global $objSession,$objCatList; if(is_array($idlist)) { $list = implode(",",$idlist); } else $list = $idlist; $clip = $command."-".$objCatList->CurrentCategoryID().".".$this->SourceTable.".$idfield=".$list; $objSession->SetVariable("ClipBoard",$clip); } function SortItems($asc=TRUE) { $done = FALSE; $field = $this->SortField; $ItemCount = $this->NumItems(); while(!$done) { $done=TRUE; for($i=1;$i<$this->NumItems();$i++) { $doswap = FALSE; if($asc) { $val1 = $this->Items[$i-1]->Get($field); $val2 = $this->Items[$i]->Get($field); $doswap = ($val1 > $val2); } else { $val1 = $this->Items[$i-1]->Get($field); $val2 = $this->Items[$i]->Get($field); $doswap = ($val1 < $val2); } if($doswap) { $this->SwapItems($i-1,$i); $done = FALSE; } } } } function &GetItem($ID,$LoadFromDB=TRUE) { $found=FALSE; if(is_array($this->Items) && count($this->Items) ) { for($x=0;$x<count($this->Items);$x++) { $i =& $this->GetItemRefByIndex($x); if($i->UniqueID()==$ID) { $found=TRUE; break; } } } if(!$found) { if($LoadFromDB) { $n = NULL; $n = new $this->classname(); $n->tablename = $this->SourceTable; $n->LoadFromDatabase($ID); $index = array_push($this->Items, $n); $i =& $this->Items[count($this->Items)-1]; } else $i = FALSE; } return $i; } function GetItemByIndex($index) { return $this->Items[$index]; } function &GetItemRefByIndex($index) { return $this->Items[$index]; } function &GetItemByField($Field,$Value,$LoadFromDB=TRUE) { $found=FALSE; if(is_array($this->Items)) { foreach($this->Items as $i) { if($i->Get($Field)==$Value) { $found = TRUE; break; } } } if(!$found && $LoadFromDB==TRUE) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE $Field = '$Value'"; //echo $sql; $res = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($res && !$res->EOF) { $i = $this->AddItemFromArray($res->fields); $i->tablename = $this->SourceTable; $i->Clean(); } else $i = FALSE; } return $i; } function GetPage($Page, $ItemsPerPage) { $result = array_slice($this->Items, ($Page * $ItemsPerPage) - $ItemsPerPage, $ItemsPerPage); return $result; } function GetNumPages($ItemsPerPage) { if( isset($_GET['reset']) && $_GET['reset'] == 1) $this->Page = 1; return GetPageCount($ItemsPerPage,$this->QueryItemCount); } function &AddItemFromArray($data, $clean=FALSE) { $class = new $this->classname; $class->SetFromArray($data); $class->tablename = $this->SourceTable; if($clean==TRUE) $class->Clean(); //array_push($this->Items,$class); $this->Items[] =& $class; return $class; } function Query_Item($sql, $offset=-1,$rows=-1) { global $Errors; $dummy =& $this->GetDummy(); if( !$dummy->TableExists() ) { if($this->debuglevel) echo "ERROR: table <b>".$dummy->tablename."</b> missing.<br>"; $this->Clear(); return false; } if($rows>-1 && $offset>-1) { //echo "<b>Executing SelectLimit</b> $sql <b>Offset:</b> $offset,$rows<br>\n"; $result = $this->adodbConnection->SelectLimit($sql, $rows,$offset); } else { $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"Query_Item"); echo '<br><br>'.$sql.'<br><br>'; echo "Error: ".$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg()."<br>"; return false; } $this->Clear(); if($this->debuglevel > 0) { echo "This SQL: $sql<br>"; if( ($this->debuglevel > 1) && ($result->RecordCount() > 0) ) { echo '<pre>'.print_r($result->GetRows(), true).'</pre>'; $result->MoveFirst(); } } LogEntry("SQL Loop Start\n"); $count = 0; while ($result && !$result->EOF) { $count++; $data = $result->fields; $this->AddItemFromArray($data,TRUE); if( defined('ADODB_EXTENSION') && constant('ADODB_EXTENSION') > 0 ) adodb_movenext($result); else $result->MoveNext(); } LogEntry("SQL Loop End ($count iterations)\n"); return $this->Items; } function GetOrderClause($FieldVar,$OrderVar,$DefaultField,$DefaultVar,$Priority=TRUE,$UseTableName=FALSE) { global $objConfig, $objSession; if($UseTableName) { $TableName = $this->SourceTable."."; } else $TableName = ""; $PriorityClause = $TableName."EditorsPick DESC, ".$TableName."Priority DESC"; if(strlen(trim($FieldVar))>0) { if(is_object($objSession)) { if(strlen($objSession->GetPersistantVariable($FieldVar))>0) { $OrderBy = trim($TableName.$objSession->GetPersistantVariable($FieldVar) . " ". $objSession->GetPersistantVariable($OrderVar)); $FieldUsed = $objSession->GetPersistantVariable($FieldVar); } } $OrderBy = trim($OrderBy); if (strlen(trim($OrderBy))==0) { if(!$UseTableName) { $OrderBy = trim($DefaultField." ".$DefaultVar); } else { if(strlen(trim($DefaultField))>0) { $OrderBy = $this->SourceTable.".".$DefaultField.".".$DefaultVar; } $FieldUsed=$DefaultField; } } } if(($FieldUsed != "Priority" || strlen($OrderBy)==0) && $Priority==TRUE) { if(strlen($OrderBy)==0) { $OrderBy = $PriorityClause; } else $OrderBy = $PriorityClause.", ".$OrderBy; } return $OrderBy; } function GetResourceIDList() { $ret = array(); foreach($this->Items as $i) array_push($ret,$i->Get("ResourceId")); return $ret; } function GetFieldList($field) { $ret = array(); foreach($this->Items as $i) array_push($ret,$i->Get($field)); return $ret; } function SetCommonField($FieldName,$FieldValue) { for($i=0;$i<$this->NumItems();$i++) { $this->Items[$i]->Set($FieldName,$fieldValue); $this->Items[$i]->Update(); } } function ClearCategoryItems($CatId,$CatTable = "CategoryItems") { $CatTable = AddTablePrefix($CatTable); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." INNER JOIN $CatTable ". " ON (".$this->SourceTable.".ResourceId=$CatTable.ItemResourceId) WHERE CategoryId=$CatId"; $this->Clear(); $this->Query_Item($sql); if($this->NumItems()>0) { foreach($this->Items as $i) { $i->DeleteCategoryItems($CatId,$CatTable); } } } function CopyToEditTable($idfield = null, $idlist = 0) { global $objSession; if($idfield == null) $idfield = $this->GetIDField(); $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); if(is_array($idlist)) { $list = implode(",",$idlist); } else $list = $idlist; $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE $idfield IN ($list)"; $insert = "CREATE TABLE ".$edit_table." ".$query; if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($insert,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($insert); } function CreateEmptyEditTable($idfield = null) { global $objSession; if($idfield == null) $idfield = $this->GetIDField(); $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE $idfield = -1"; $insert = "CREATE TABLE ".$edit_table." ".$query; if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($insert,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($insert); } function CopyFromEditTable($idfield = null) { global $objSession; $dropRelTableFlag = false; if($idfield == null) $idfield = $this->GetIDField(); $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $edit_table"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); // echo $sql."<BR>"; while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $data = $rs->fields; $c = new $this->classname; $c->SetFromArray($data); $c->idfield = $idfield; $c->Dirty(); if($c->Get($idfield)<1) { $old_id = $c->Get($idfield); $c->UnsetIdField(); if(!is_numeric($c->Get("OrgId")) || $c->Get("OrgId")==0) { $c->Clean(array("OrgId")); } else { if($c->Get("Status") != -2) { $org = new $this->classname(); $org->LoadFromDatabase($c->Get("OrgId")); $org->DeleteCustomData(); $org->Delete(TRUE); $c->Set("OrgId",0); } } $c->Create(); } if(is_numeric($c->Get("ResourceId"))) { if( isset($c->Related) && is_object($c->Related) ) { $r = $c->Related; $r->CopyFromEditTable($c->Get("ResourceId")); $dropRelTableFlag = true; } unset($r); if( isset($c->Reviews) && is_object($c->Reviews) ) { $r = $c->Reviews; $r->CopyFromEditTable($c->Get("ResourceId")); } } if(!is_numeric($c->Get("OrgId")) || $c->Get("OrgId")==0) { $c->Clean(array("OrgId")); } else { if($c->Get("Status") != -2) { $org = new $this->classname(); $org->LoadFromDatabase($c->Get("OrgId")); $org->DeleteCustomData(); $org->Delete(TRUE); $c->Set("OrgId",0); } } if(method_exists($c,"CategoryMemberList")) { $cats = $c->CategoryMemberList($objSession->GetEditTable("CategoryItems")); //echo "CATS: [$cats]<br>"; $c->Update(); UpdateCategoryItems($c,$cats); } else $c->Update(); unset($c); unset($r); $rs->MoveNext(); } if ($dropRelTableFlag) { $objRelGlobal = new clsRelationshipList(); $objRelGlobal->PurgeEditTable(); } @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$objSession->GetEditTable("CategoryItems")); } function GetNextTempID() { // get next temporary id (lower then zero) from temp table $db =& $this->adodbConnection; $sql = 'SELECT MIN(%s) AS MinValue FROM %s'; return $db->GetOne( sprintf($sql, $this->GetIDField(), $this->SourceTable) ) - 1; } function PurgeEditTable($idfield = null) { global $objSession; if($idfield == null) $idfield = $this->GetIDField(); $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->SourceTable); /* $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute("SELECT * FROM $edit_table"); while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $data = $rs->fields; $c = new $this->classname; $c->SetFromArray($data); $c->id_field = $idfield; $c->tablename = $edit_table; $c->Delete(); $rs->MoveNext(); }*/ @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$objSession->Get("CategoryItems")); } function CopyCatListToEditTable($idfield, $idlist) { global $objSession; $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable("CategoryItems"); @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); if(is_array($idlist)) { $list = implode(",",$idlist); } else $list = $idlist; $query = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems WHERE $idfield IN ($list)"; $insert = "CREATE TABLE ".$edit_table." ".$query; if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($insert,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($insert); } function CreateEmptyCatListTable($idfield) { global $objSession; $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable("CategoryItems"); @$this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); $query = "SELECT * FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems WHERE $idfield = -1"; $insert = "CREATE TABLE ".$edit_table." ".$query; if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($insert,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($insert); } function PurgeCatListEditTable() { global $objSession; $edit_table = $objSession->GetEditTable("CategoryItems"); $this->adodbConnection->Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $edit_table"); } function AdminSearchWhereClause($SearchList) { $sql = ""; if( !is_array($SearchList) ) $SearchList = explode(",",$SearchList); if( !count($SearchList) || !count($this->AdminSearchFields) ) return ''; for($f = 0; $f < count($SearchList); $f++) { $value = $SearchList[$f]; if( strlen($value) ) { $inner_sql = ""; for($i = 0; $i < count($this->AdminSearchFields); $i++) { $field = $this->AdminSearchFields[$i]; if( strlen( trim($value) ) ) { if( strlen($inner_sql) ) $inner_sql .= " OR "; $inner_sql .= $field." LIKE '%".$value."%'"; } } if( strlen($inner_sql) ) { $sql .= '('.$inner_sql.') '; if($f < count($SearchList) - 1) $sql .= " AND "; } } } return $sql; } function BackupData($OutFileName,$Start,$Limit) { $fp=fopen($Outfile,"a"); if($fp) { if($Start==1) { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->SourceTable; fputs($fp,$sql); } $this->Query_Item("SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." LIMIT $Start, $Limit"); foreach($this->Items as $i) { $sql = $i->CreateSQL(); fputs($fp,$sql); } fclose($fp); $this->Clear(); } } function RestoreData($InFileName,$Start,$Limit) { $res = -1; $fp=fopen($InFileName,"r"); if($fp) { fseek($fp,$Start); $Line = 0; while($Line < $Limit) { $sql = fgets($fp,16384); $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $Line++; } $res = ftell($fp); fclose($fp); } return $res; } function Delete_Item($Id) { global $objCatList; $l =& $this->GetItem($Id); $l->BasePermission=$this->BasePermission; $l->DeleteCategoryItems($objCatList->CurrentCategoryID()); } function Move_Item($Id, $OldCat, $ParentTo) { global $objCatList; $l = $this->GetItem($Id); $l->BasePermission=$this->BasePermission; $l->AddtoCategory($ParentTo); $l->RemoveFromCategory($OldCat); } function Copy_Item($Id, $ParentTo) { $l = $this->GetItem($Id); $l->BasePermission=$this->BasePermission; $l->AddtoCategory($ParentTo); } }/* clsItemCollection */ class clsItemList extends clsItemCollection { var $Page; var $PerPageVar; var $DefaultPerPage; // use this perpage value in case if no found in config var $EnablePaging; var $MaxListCount = 0; var $PageEnvar; var $PageEnvarIndex; var $ListType; function clsItemList() { $this->clsItemCollection(); $this->EnablePaging = TRUE; $this->PageEnvarIndex = "p"; } function GetPageLimitSQL() { global $objConfig; $limit = NULL; if($this->EnablePaging) { if($this->Page<1) $this->Page=1; //echo "Limited to ".$objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar)." items per page<br>\n"; if(is_numeric($objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar))) { $Start = ($this->Page-1)*$objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar); $limit = "LIMIT ".$Start.",".$objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar); } else $limit = NULL; } else { if($this->MaxListCount) { $limit = "LIMIT 0, $MaxListCount"; } } return $limit; } function GetPageOffset() { $Start = 0; if($this->EnablePaging) { if($this->Page < 1) $this->Page = 1; $PerPage = $this->GetPerPage(); $Start = ($this->Page - 1) * $PerPage; } else { if((int)$this->MaxListCount == 0) $Start = -1; } return $Start; } function GetPageRowCount() { if($this->EnablePaging) { if($this->Page < 1) $this->Page = 1; return $this->GetPerPage(); } else return (int)$this->MaxListCount; } function Query_Item($sql,$limit = null, $fix_method = 'set_first') { // query itemlist (module items) using $sql specified // apply direct limit clause ($limit) or calculate it if not specified // fix invalid page in case if needed by method specified in $fix_method if(strlen($limit)) { $sql .= " ".$limit; return parent::Query_Item($sql); } else { //echo "page fix pre (class: ".get_class($this).")<br>"; $this->QueryItemCount = QueryCount($sql); // must get total item count before fixing $this->FixInvalidPage($fix_method); return parent::Query_Item($sql,$this->GetPageOffset(),$this->GetPageRowCount()); } } function Query_List($whereClause,$orderByClause=NULL,$JoinCats=TRUE,$fix_method='set_first') { global $objSession, $Errors; if($JoinCats) { $cattable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $t = $this->SourceTable; $sql = "SELECT *,CategoryId FROM $t INNER JOIN $cattable ON $cattable.ItemResourceId=$t.ResourceId"; } else $sql = "SELECT * FROM ". $this->SourceTable; if(trim($whereClause)!="") { if(isset($whereClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$whereClause); } if(strlen($orderByClause)>0) { if(substr($orderByClause,0,8)=="ORDER BY") { $sql .= " ".$orderByClause; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY $orderByClause"; } } if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo $sql."<br>\n"; return $this->Query_Item($sql, null, $fix_method); } function GetPerPage() { // return category perpage global $objConfig; $PerPage = $objConfig->Get( $this->PerPageVar ); if( !is_numeric($PerPage) ) $PerPage = $this->DefaultPerPage ? $this->DefaultPerPage : 10; return $PerPage; } function FixInvalidPage($fix_method = 'set_first') { // in case if current page > total page count, // then set current page to last possible "set_last" // or first possible "set_first" $PerPage = $this->GetPerPage(); $NumPages = ceil( $this->GetNumPages($PerPage) ); /* echo "=====<br>"; echo "Class <b>".get_class($this)."</b>: Page ".$this->Page." of $NumPages<br>"; echo "PerPage: $PerPage<br>"; echo "Items Queries: ".$this->QueryItemCount."<br>"; echo "=====<br>"; */ if($this->Page > $NumPages) { switch($fix_method) { case 'set_first': $this->Page = 1; //echo "Move 2 First (class <b>".get_class($this)."</b>)<br>"; break; case 'set_last': $this->Page = $NumPages; //echo "Move 2 Last (class <b>".get_class($this)."</b>)<br>"; break; } $this->SaveNewPage(); } } function SaveNewPage() { // redefine in each list, should save to env array new page value } function GetPageLinkList($dest_template=NULL,$page = "",$PagesToList=10, $HideEmpty=TRUE) { global $objConfig, $var_list_update, $var_list; $v= $this->PageEnvar; global ${$v}; if(!strlen($page)) $page = GetIndexURL(); $PerPage = $objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar); if($PerPage<1) $PerPage=20; $NumPages = ceil($this->GetNumPages($PerPage)); if($NumPages==1 && $HideEmpty) return ""; if(strlen($dest_template)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $dest_template; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $o = ""; if($this->Page==0 || !is_numeric($this->Page)) $this->Page=1; if($this->Page>$NumPages) $this->Page=$NumPages; $StartPage = (int)$this->Page - ($PagesToList/2); if($StartPage<1) $StartPage=1; $EndPage = $StartPage+($PagesToList-1); if($EndPage>$NumPages) { $EndPage = $NumPages; $StartPage = $EndPage-($PagesToList-1); if($StartPage<1) $StartPage=1; } $o = ""; if($StartPage>1) { ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex] = $this->Page-$PagesToList; $prev_url = $page."?env=".BuildEnv(); $o .= "<A HREF=\"$prev_url\"><<</A>"; } for($p=$StartPage;$p<=$EndPage;$p++) { if($p!=$this->Page) { ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex]=$p; $href = $page."?env=".BuildEnv(); $o .= " <A HREF=\"$href\">$p</A> "; } else { $o .= " <SPAN class=\"current-page\">$p</SPAN>"; } } if($EndPage<$NumPages && $EndPage>0) { ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex]=$this->Page+$PagesToList; $next_url = $page."?env=".BuildEnv(); $o .= "<A HREF=\"$next_url\"> >></A>"; } unset(${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex],$var_list_update["t"] ); return $o; } function GetAdminPageLinkList($url) { global $objConfig, $var_list_update, $var_list; $v = $this->PageEnvar; global ${$v}; if(strlen($this->PerPageVar)==0) $this->PerPageVar = "Perpage_Links"; $PerPage = $objConfig->Get($this->PerPageVar); if($PerPage<1) $PerPage=20; $NumPages = ceil($this->GetNumPages($PerPage)); //echo $this->CurrentPage." of ".$NumPages." Pages"; $o = ""; if($this->Page>$NumPages) $this->Page=$NumPages; $StartPage = $this->Page - 5; if($StartPage<1) $StartPage=1; $EndPage = $StartPage+9; if($EndPage>$NumPages) { $EndPage = $NumPages; $StartPage = $EndPage-9; if($StartPage<1) $StartPage=1; } $o = ""; if($StartPage>1) { ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex]= $this->Page-10; $prev_url = $url."?env=".BuildEnv(); $o .= "<A HREF=\"$prev_url\"><<</A>"; } for($p=$StartPage;$p<=$EndPage;$p++) { if($p!=$this->Page) { ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex]=$p; $href = $url."?env=".BuildEnv(); $o .= " <A HREF=\"$href\" class=\"NAV_URL\">$p</A> "; } else { $o .= "<SPAN class=\"CURRENT_PAGE\">$p</SPAN>"; } } if($EndPage<$NumPages) { ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex]=$this->Page+10; $next_url = $url."?env=".BuildEnv(); $o .= "<A HREF=\"$next_url\"> >></A>"; } unset( ${$v}[$this->PageEnvarIndex]); return $o; } } function ParseClipboard($clip) { $ret = array(); $parts = explode(".",$clip,3); $command = $parts[0]; $table = $parts[1]; $prefix = GetTablePrefix(); if(substr($table,0,strlen($prefix))==$prefix) $table = substr($table,strlen($prefix)); $subparts = explode("=",$parts[2],2); $idfield = $subparts[0]; $idlist = $subparts[1]; $cmd = explode("-",$command); $ret["command"] = $cmd[0]; $ret["source"] = $cmd[1]; $ret["table"] = $table; $ret["idfield"] = $idfield; $ret["ids"] = $idlist; //print_pre($ret); return $ret; } function UpdateCategoryItems($item,$NewCatList) { global $objCatList; $CurrentList = explode(",",$item->CategoryMemberList()); $del_list = array(); $ins_list = array(); if(!is_array($NewCatList)) { if(strlen(trim($NewCatList))==0) $NewCatList = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); $NewCatList = explode(",",$NewCatList); } //print_r($NewCatList); for($i=0;$i<count($NewCatList);$i++) { $cat = $NewCatList[$i]; if(!in_array($cat,$CurrentList)) $ins_list[] = $cat; } for($i=0;$i<count($CurrentList);$i++) { $cat = $CurrentList[$i]; if(!in_array($cat,$NewCatList)) $del_list = $cat; } for($i=0;$i<count($ins_list);$i++) { $cat = $ins_list[$i]; $item->AddToCategory($cat); } for($i=0;$i<count($del_list);$i++) { $cat = $del_list[$i]; $item->RemoveFromCategory($cat); } } class clsCatItemList extends clsItemList { var $PerPageVarLong; var $PerPageShortVar; var $Query_SortField; var $Query_SortOrder; var $ItemType; function clsCatItemList() { $this->ClsItemList(); $this->Query_SortField = array(); $this->Query_SortOrder = array(); } function QueryOrderByClause($EditorsPick=FALSE,$Priority=FALSE,$UseTableName=FALSE) { global $objSession; if($UseTableName) { $TableName = $this->SourceTable."."; } else { $TableName = ""; } $Orders = array(); if($EditorsPick) { $Orders[] = $TableName."EditorsPick DESC"; } if($Priority) { $Orders[] = $TableName."Priority DESC"; } if(count($this->Query_SortField)>0) { for($x=0; $x<count($this->Query_SortField); $x++) { $FieldVar = $this->Query_SortField[$x]; $OrderVar = $this->Query_SortOrder[$x]; if(is_object($objSession)) { $FieldVarData = $objSession->GetPersistantVariable($FieldVar); if(strlen($FieldVarData)>0) { $Orders[] = trim($TableName.$objSession->GetPersistantVariable($FieldVar) . " ". $objSession->GetPersistantVariable($OrderVar)); } } } } if(count($Orders)>0) { $OrderBy = "ORDER BY ".implode(", ",$Orders); } else $OrderBy=""; return $OrderBy; } function AddSortField($SortField, $SortOrder) { if(strlen($SortField)) { $this->Query_SortField[] = $SortField; $this->Query_SortOrder[] = $SortOrder; } } function ClearSortFields() { $this->Query_SortField = array(); $this->Query_SortOrder = array(); } /* skeletons in this closet */ function GetNewValue($CatId=NULL) { return 0; } function GetPopValue($CategoryId=NULL) { return 0; } /* end of skeletons */ function GetCountSQL($PermName,$CatId=NULL, $GroupId=NULL, $AdditonalWhere="") { global $objSession, $objPermissions, $objCatList; $ltable = $this->SourceTable; $acl = $objSession->GetACLClause(); $cattable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $ptable = GetTablePrefix()."PermCache"; $VIEW = $objPermissions->GetPermId($PermName); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as CacheVal FROM $ltable "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $cattable ON ($cattable.ItemResourceId=$ltable.ResourceId) "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $CategoryTable ON ($CategoryTable.CategoryId=$cattable.CategoryId) "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($cattable.CategoryId=$ptable.CategoryId) "; $sql .="WHERE ($acl AND PermId=$VIEW AND $cattable.PrimaryCat=1 AND $CategoryTable.Status=1) "; if(strlen($AdditonalWhere)>0) { $sql .= "AND (".$AdditonalWhere.")"; } return $sql; } function SqlCategoryList($attribs = array()) { $CatTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $t = $this->SourceTable; $sql = "SELECT *,$CatTable.CategoryId FROM $t INNER JOIN $CatTable ON $CatTable.ItemResourceId=$t.ResourceId "; $sql .="WHERE ($CatTable.CategoryId=".$catid." AND $t.Status=1)"; return $sql; } function CategoryCount($attribs=array()) { global $objCatList, $objCountCache; $cat = $attribs["_catid"]; if(!is_numeric($cat)) { $cat = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } if((int)$cat>0) $c = $objCatList->GetCategory($cat); $CatTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $t = $this->SourceTable; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as MyCount FROM $t INNER JOIN $CatTable ON ($CatTable.ItemResourceId=$t.ResourceId) "; if($attribs["_subcats"]) { $ctable = $objCatList->SourceTable; $sql .= "INNER JOIN $ctable ON ($CatTable.CategoryId=$ctable.CategoryId) "; $sql .= "WHERE (ParentPath LIKE '".$c->Get("ParentPath")."%' "; if(!$attribs["_countcurrent"]) { $sql .=" AND $ctable.CategoryId != $cat) "; } else $sql .=") "; } else $sql .="WHERE ($CatTable.CategoryId=".$cat." AND $t.Status=1) "; if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $sql .= "AND ($t.CreatedOn>=$today) "; } //echo $sql."<br><br>\n"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $ret = ""; if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $ret = (int)$rs->fields["MyCount"]; return $ret; } function SqlGlobalCount($attribs=array()) { global $objSession; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $t = $this->SourceTable; if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where = "($t.CreatedOn>=$today)"; } if($attribs["_grouponly"]) { $GroupList = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); } else $GroupList = NULL; $sql = $this->GetCountSQL($p,NULL,$GroupList,$where); return $sql; } function DoGlobalCount($attribs) { global $objCountCache; $cc = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("_"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("_"),(int)$attribs["_today"], 3600); if(!is_numeric($cc)) { $sql = $this->SqlGlobalCount($attribs); $ret = QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("_"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("_"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$ret); } else $ret = $cc; return $ret; } function CacheListExtraId($ListType) { global $objSession; if(!strlen($ListType)) $ListType="_"; switch($ListType) { case "_": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); break; case "category": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); break; case "myitems": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); break; case "hot": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); break; case "pop": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); break; case "pick": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); break; case "favorites": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); break; case "new": $ExtraId = $objSession->Get("GroupList"); break; } return $ExtraId; } function CacheListType($ListType) { if(!strlen($ListType)) $ListType="_"; switch($ListType) { case "_": $ListTypeId = 0; break; case "category": $ListTypeId = 1; break; case "myitems": $ListTypeId = 2; break; case "hot": $ListTypeId = 3; break; case "pop": $ListTypeId = 4; break; case "pick": $ListTypeId = 5; break; case "favorites": $ListTypeId = 6; break; case "new": $ListTypeId = 8; break; } return $ListTypeId; } function PerformItemCount($attribs=array()) { global $objCountCache, $objSession; $ret = ""; $ListType = $attribs["_listtype"]; if(!strlen($ListType)) $ListType="_"; $ListTypeId = $this->CacheListType($ListType); //echo "ListType: $ListType ($ListTypeId)<br>\n"; $ExtraId = $this->CacheListExtraId($ListType); switch($ListType) { case "_": $ret = $this->DoGlobalCount($attribs); break; case "category": $ret = $this->CategoryCount($attribs); break; case "myitems": $sql = $this->SqlMyItems($attribs); break; case "hot": $sql = $this->SqlHotItems($attribs); break; case "pop": $sql = $this->SqlPopItems($attribs); break; case "pick": $sql = $this->SqlPickItems($attribs); break; case "favorites": $sql = $this->SqlFavorites($attribs); break; case "search": $sql = $this->SqlSearchItems($attribs); break; case "new": $sql = $this->SqlNewItems($attribs); break; } //echo "SQL: $sql<br>"; if(strlen($sql)) { if(is_numeric($ListTypeId)) { $cc = $objCountCache->GetValue($ListTypeId,$this->ItemType,$ExtraId,(int)$attribs["_today"], 3600); if(!is_numeric($cc) || $attribs['_nocache'] == 1) { $ret = QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($ListTypeId,$this->ItemType,$ExtraId,(int)$attribs["_today"],$ret); } else $ret = $cc; } else $ret = QueryCount($sql); } return $ret; } function GetJoinedSQL($PermName, $CatId=NULL, $AdditionalWhere="") { global $objSession, $objPermissions; $ltable = $this->SourceTable; $acl = $objSession->GetACLClause(); $cattable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $ptable = GetTablePrefix()."PermCache"; $VIEW = $objPermissions->GetPermId($PermName); $sql ="INNER JOIN $cattable ON ($cattable.ItemResourceId=$ltable.ResourceId) "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $CategoryTable ON ($CategoryTable.CategoryId=$cattable.CategoryId) "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($cattable.CategoryId=$ptable.CategoryId) "; $sql .="WHERE ($acl AND PermId=$VIEW AND PrimaryCat=1 AND $CategoryTable.Status=1) "; if(is_numeric($CatId)) { $sql .= " AND ($CategoryTable.CategoryId=$CatId) "; } if(strlen($AdditionalWhere)>0) { $sql .= "AND (".$AdditionalWhere.")"; } return $sql; } function CountFavorites($attribs) { if($attribs["_today"]) { global $objSession, $objConfig, $objPermissions; $acl = $objSession->GetACLClause(); $favtable = GetTablePrefix()."Favorites"; $ltable = $this->SourceTable; $cattable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $ptable = GetTablePrefix()."PermCache"; $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where = "PortalUserId=".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId")." AND $ltable.Status=1"; $where .= " AND $favtable.Modified >= $today AND ItemTypeId=".$this->ItemType; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql = "SELECT $ltable.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $favtable INNER JOIN $ltable ON ($favtable.ResourceId=$ltable.ResourceId) "; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,NULL,$where); $ret = QueryCount($sql); } else { if (!$this->ListType == "favorites") { $this->ListType = "favorites"; $this->LoadFavorites($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } return $ret; } function CountPickItems($attribs) { if (!$this->ListType == "pick") { $this->ListType = "pick"; $this->LoadPickItems($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; return $ret; } function CountMyItems($attribs) { if (!$this->ListType == "myitems") { $this->ListType = "myitems"; $this->LoadMyItems($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; return $ret; } function CountHotItems($attribs) { if (!$this->ListType == "hotitems") { $this->ListType = "hotitems"; $this->LoadHotItems($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; return $ret; } function CountNewItems($attribs) { if (!$this->ListType == "newitems") { $this->ListType = "newitems"; $this->LoadNewItems($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; return $ret; } function CountPopItems($attribs) { if (!$this->ListType == "popitems") { $this->ListType = "popitems"; $this->LoadPopItems($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; return $ret; } function CountSearchItems($attribs) { if (!$this->ListType == "search") { $this->ListType = "search"; $this->LoadSearchItems($attribs); $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; } else $ret = $this->QueryItemCount; return $ret; } function SqlFavorites($attribs) { global $objSession, $objConfig, $objPermissions; $acl = $objSession->GetACLClause(); $favtable = GetTablePrefix()."Favorites"; $ltable = $this->SourceTable; $cattable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $ptable = GetTablePrefix()."PermCache"; $where = "PortalUserId=".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId")." AND $ltable.Status=1"; if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where .= " AND $favtable.Modified >= $today AND ItemTypeId=".$this->ItemType; } $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql = "SELECT $ltable.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $favtable INNER JOIN $ltable ON ($favtable.ResourceId=$ltable.ResourceId) "; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,NULL,$where); $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; return $sql; } function LoadFavorites($attribs) { global $objSession, $objCountCache; $sql = $this->SqlFavorites($attribs); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; if($attribs["_shortlist"]) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $CachedCount = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("favorites"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("favorites"),(int)$attribs["_today"],3600); if(!is_numeric($CachedCount)) { $this->QueryItemCount = QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("favorites"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("favorites"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$this->QueryItemCount); } else $this->QueryItemCount = (int)$CachedCount; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function SqlPickItems($attribs) { global $objSession, $objCatList; $catid = (int)$attribs["_catid"]; $scope = (int)$attribs["_scope"]; //$JoinCats = (int)$attribs["_catinfo"] || $scope; $TableName = $this->SourceTable; if($scope) { if (!$catid) { $catid = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } $where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ".$TableName.".EditorsPick=1 AND ".$TableName.".Status=1"; } else { $where = $TableName.".EditorsPick=1 AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 "; $catid=NULL; } if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where .= " AND ($TableName.CreatedOn>=$today)"; } $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName "; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,$CatUd,$where); $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; return $sql; } function LoadPickItems($attribs) { global $objSession, $objCountCache; $sql = $this->SqlPickItems($attribs); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; if($attribs["_shortlist"]) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $CachedCount = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("pick"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("pick"),(int)$attribs["_today"],3600); if(!is_numeric($CachedCount)) { $this->QueryItemCount= QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("pick"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("pick"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$this->QueryItemCount); } else $this->QueryItemCount=$CachedCount; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function SqlMyItems($attribs= array()) { global $objSession; $TableName = $this->SourceTable; $where = " ".$TableName.".Status>-1 AND ".$TableName.".CreatedById=".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where .= " AND ($TableName.CreatedOn>=$today)"; } $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName "; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,$CatUd,$where); $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; return $sql; } function LoadMyItems($attribs=array()) { global $objSession,$objCountCache; $sql = $this->SqlMyItems($attribs); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; if($attribs["_shortlist"]) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $CachedCount = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("myitems"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("myitems"),(int)$attribs["_today"],3600); if(!is_numeric($CachedCount)) { $this->QueryItemCount= QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("myitems"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("myitems"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$this->QueryItemCount); } else $this->QueryItemCount=$CachedCount; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function SqlNewItems($attribs = array()) { global $objSession, $objCatList; $catid = (int)$attribs["_catid"]; $scope = (int)$attribs["_scope"]; //$JoinCats = (int)$attribs["_catinfo"] || $scope; $TableName = $this->SourceTable; if($attribs["_today"]) { $cutoff = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); } else { if($scope) { if (!$catid) { $catid = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } $cutoff = $this->GetNewValue($catid); } else $cutoff = $this->GetNewValue(); } if($scope) { if (!$catid) { $catid = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } $where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ((".$TableName.".CreatedOn >=".$cutoff." AND ".$TableName.".NewItem != 0) OR ".$TableName.".NewItem=1 ) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 "; } else { $where = "((".$TableName.".CreatedOn >=".$this->GetNewValue()." AND ".$TableName.".NewItem != 0) OR ".$TableName.".NewItem=1 ) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 "; } $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName "; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,$CatUd,$where); $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; return $sql; } function LoadNewItems($attribs) { global $objSession,$objCountCache; $sql = $this->SqlNewItems($attribs); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; if($attribs["_shortlist"]) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $CachedCount = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("new"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("new"),(int)$attribs["_today"],3600); if(!is_numeric($CachedCount)) { $this->QueryItemCount= QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("new"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("new"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$this->QueryItemCount); } else $this->QueryItemCount=$CachedCount; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function SqlPopItems($attribs) { global $objSession, $objCatList; $catid = (int)$attribs["_catid"]; $scope = (int)$attribs["_scope"]; //$JoinCats = (int)$attribs["_catinfo"] || $scope; $TableName = $this->SourceTable; if($scope) { if (!$catid) { $catid = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } $where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ((".$TableName.".Hits >=".$this->GetLinkPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1"; } else { $where = "((".$TableName.".CachedRating >=".$this->GetPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0 ) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 "; $where = "((".$TableName.".Hits >=".$this->GetPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 "; } if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where .= " AND ($TableName.CreatedOn>=$today)"; } $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName "; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,$catid,$where); $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; return $sql; } function LoadPopItems($attribs) { global $objSession,$objCountCache; $sql = $this->SqlPopItems($attribs); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; if($attribs["_shortlist"]) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $CachedCount = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("pop"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("pop"),(int)$attribs["_today"],3600); if(!is_numeric($CachedCount)) { $this->QueryItemCount= QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("pop"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("pop"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$this->QueryItemCount); } else $this->QueryItemCount=$CachedCount; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function SqlHotItems($attribs) { global $objSession, $objCatList; $catid = (int)$attribs["_catid"]; $scope = (int)$attribs["_scope"]; // $JoinCats = (int)$attribs["_catinfo"] || $scope; $TableName = $this->SourceTable; $OrderBy = $TableName.".CachedRating DESC"; if($scope) { if (!$catid) { $catid = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } $where = "CategoryId =".$catid." AND ((".$TableName.".CachedRating >=".$this->GetHotValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1"; } else { $where = "((".$TableName.".CachedRating >=".$this->GetPopValue()." AND ".$TableName.".PopItem !=0 ) OR ".$TableName.".PopItem=1) AND ".$TableName.".Status=1 "; } if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y")); $where .= " AND ($TableName.CreatedOn>=$today)"; } $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName "; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $CatId = !$scope? NULL : $catid; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,$CatId,$where); if(strlen($OrderBy)) $sql .= " ORDER BY $OrderBy "; return $sql; } function LoadHotItems($attribs) { global $objSession,$objCountCache; $sql = $this->SqlHotItems($attribs); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."<br>\n"; if($attribs["_shortlist"]) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $CachedCount = $objCountCache->GetValue($this->CacheListType("hot"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("hot"),(int)$attribs["_today"], 0); if(!is_numeric($CachedCount)) { $this->QueryItemCount= QueryCount($sql); $objCountCache->SetValue($this->CacheListType("hot"),$this->ItemType,$this->CacheListExtraId("hot"),(int)$attribs["_today"],$this->QueryItemCount); } else $this->QueryItemCount=$CachedCount; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } function SqlSearchItems($attribs = array()) { global $objConfig, $objItemTypes, $objSession, $objPermissions, $CountVal; $acl = $objSession->GetACLClause(); $this->Clear(); //$stable = "ses_".$objSession->GetSessionKey()."_Search"; $stable = $objSession->GetSearchTable(); $ltable = $this->SourceTable; $catitems = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; $cattable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $ptable = GetTablePrefix()."PermCache"; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $i = new $this->classname(); $sql = "SELECT $cattable.CategoryId,$cattable.CachedNavbar,$ltable.*, Relevance FROM $stable "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN $ltable ON ($stable.ItemId=$ltable.".$i->id_field.") "; $where = "ItemType=".$this->ItemType." AND $ltable.Status=1"; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,NULL,$where); $sql .= " ORDER BY EdPick DESC,Relevance DESC "; $tmp = $this->QueryOrderByClause(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE); $tmp = substr($tmp,9); if(strlen($tmp)) { $sql .= ", ".$tmp." "; } return $sql; } function LoadSearchItems($attribs = array()) { global $CountVal, $objSession; //echo "Loading <b>".get_class($this)."</b> Search Items<br>"; $sql = $this->SqlSearchItems($attribs); //echo "$sql<br>"; $this->Query_Item($sql); $Keywords = GetKeywords($objSession->GetVariable("Search_Keywords")); //echo "SQL Loaded ItemCount (<b>".get_class($this).'</b>): '.$this->NumItems().'<br>'; for($i = 0; $i < $this->NumItems(); $i++) { $this->Items[$i]->Keywords = $Keywords; } if(is_numeric($CountVal[$this->ItemType])) { $this->QueryItemCount = $CountVal[$this->ItemType]; //echo "CACHE: <pre>"; print_r($CountVal); echo "</pre><BR>"; } else { $this->QueryItemCount = QueryCount($sql); //echo "<b>SQL</b>: ".$sql."<br><br>"; $CountVal[$this->ItemType] = $this->QueryItemCount; } } function PasteFromClipboard($TargetCat,$NameField="") { global $objSession,$objCatList; $clip = $objSession->GetVariable("ClipBoard"); if(strlen($clip)) { $ClipBoard = ParseClipboard($clip); $IsCopy = (substr($ClipBoard["command"],0,4)=="COPY") || ($ClipBoard["source"] == $TargetCat); $item_ids = explode(",",$ClipBoard["ids"]); for($i=0;$i<count($item_ids);$i++) { $item = $this->GetItem($item_ids[$i]); if(!$IsCopy) // paste to other category then current { $item->MoveToCategory($ClipBoard["source"],$TargetCat); $clip = str_replace("CUT","COPY",$clip); $objSession->SetVariable("ClipBoard",$clip); } else { $item->CopyToNewResource($TargetCat,$NameField); // create item copy, but with new ResourceId $item->AddToCategory($TargetCat); UpdateCategoryCount($item->type,$TargetCat); } } } } } + +// -------------- NEW CLASSES ----------------------- + +class DBList { + + // table related attributes + var $db = null; + var $table_name = ''; + var $LiveTable = ''; + var $EditTable = ''; + + + // record related attributes + var $records = Array(); + var $record_count = 0; + var $cur_rec = -1; // "-1" means no records, or record index otherwise + + // query related attributes + var $SelectSQL = "SELECT * FROM %s"; + + function DBList() + { + // use $this->SetTable('live', 'table name'); + // in inherited constructors to set table for list + $this->db =& GetADODBConnection(); + } + + function SetTable($action, $table_name = null) + { + // $action = {'live', 'restore','edit'} + switch($action) + { + case 'live': + $this->LiveTable = $table_name; + $this->table_name = $this->LiveTable; + break; + case 'restore': + $this->table_name = $this->LiveTable; + break; + case 'edit': + global $objSession; + $this->table_name = $objSession->GetEditTable($this->LiveTable); + break; + } + } + + function Clear() + { + // no use of this method at a time :) + $this->records = Array(); + $this->record_count = 0; + $this->cur_rec = -1; + } + + function Query() + { + // query list + $sql = sprintf($this->SelectSQL, $this->table_name); + echo "SQL: $sql<br>"; + $rs =& $this->db->Execute($sql); + + if( $this->db->ErrorNo() == 0 ) + { + $this->records = $rs->GetRows(); + $this->record_count = count($this->records); + //$this->cur_rec = $this->record_count ? 0 : -1; + } + else + return false; + } + + function ProcessList($callback_method) + { + // process list using user-defined method called + // with one parameter - current record fields + // (associative array) + if($this->record_count > 0) + { + $this->cur_rec = 0; + while($this->cur_rec < $this->record_count) + { + if( method_exists($this, $callback_method) ) + $this->$callback_method( $this->GetCurrent() ); + $this->cur_rec++; + } + } + } + + function &GetCurrent() + { + // return currently processed record (with change ability) + return ($this->cur_rec != -1) ? $this->records[$this->cur_rec] : false; + } + + function GetDBField($field_name) + { + $rec =& $this->GetCurrent(); + return is_array($rec) && isset($rec[$field_name]) ? $rec[$field_name] : false; + } +} + + ?> Property changes on: trunk/kernel/include/parseditem.php ___________________________________________________________________ Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev ## -1 +1 ## -1.12 \ No newline at end of property +1.13 \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/admin/include/elements.php =================================================================== --- trunk/admin/include/elements.php (revision 294) +++ trunk/admin/include/elements.php (revision 295) @@ -1,612 +1,612 @@ <?php ############################################################## ##In-portal :: Administration Interfaces :: Common Elements ## ############################################################## ## In-portal ## ## Intechnic Corporation ## ## All Rights Reserved, 1998-2002 ## ## ## ## No portion of this code may be copied, reproduced or ## ## otherwise redistributed without proper written ## ## consent of Intechnic Corporation. Violation will ## ## result in revocation of the license and support ## ## privileges along maximum prosecution allowed by law. ## ############################################################## if( !isset($is_install) ) $is_install = false; if(!$is_install) { if (!admin_login()) { if(!headers_sent()) { setcookie("sid"," ",time()-3600); echo "Test"; } $objSession->Logout(); header("Location: ".$adminURL."/login.php"); die(); //require_once($pathtoroot."admin/login.php"); } } global $admin,$pathtoroot, $objConfig; if(!strlen($admin)) { $admin = $objConfig->Get("AdminDirectory"); if(!strlen($admin)) { $admin = "admin"; } } require_once($pathtoroot.$admin."/include/sections.php"); $envar = "env=" . BuildEnv(); /* this function loads the javascript for each module's toolbar */ function load_module_javascript($sectionname, $skip_modules = Array() ) { global $adminURL, $pathtoroot; echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript1.2 src=\"".$adminURL."/browse/fw_menu.js\"></SCRIPT>\n"; echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript1.2 src=\"".$adminURL."/include/tabs.js\"></SCRIPT>\n"; echo "<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\" src=\"$adminURL/include/checkarray.js\"></script>\n"; global $objConfig, $ItemTabs; $m = GetModuleArray("admin"); echo "<!-- ".count($m)."-->"; foreach($m as $key=>$value) { $path = $pathtoroot. $value."admin/include/toolbar/".$sectionname.".php"; if( !in_array($value, $skip_modules) && file_exists($path) ) { echo "\n<!-- $path -->\n"; include_once($path); } else echo "\n<!-- $path not found -->\n"; } } function load_module_styles() { global $objConfig, $ItemTabs,$rootURL,$pathtoroot; $m = GetModuleArray("admin"); echo "<!-- module styles (".count($m).")-->"; foreach($m as $key=>$value) { $path = $pathtoroot.$value."admin/include/style.css"; if(file_exists($path)) { $inc = $rootURL.$value."admin/include/style.css"; print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$inc\">\n"; } } } //*********************************** //Page Header function int_header($toolbar=NULL,$NavBarText=NULL,$ExtraTitle=NULL,$onLoad=NULL, $ExtraHead=NULL,$skip_modules=Array()) { global $pathtoroot; global $pathtolocal; global $section; global $objSections; global $rootURL; global $localURL; global $adminURL; global $envar; global $admin; global $metatag; $style_sheet_global = $adminURL."/include/style.css"; $style_sheet_local = $localURL."admin/include/style.css"; $ExtraTitle = htmlentities($ExtraTitle); if (is_object($toolbar)) { if(file_exists($pathtolocal."admin/include/toolbar.php")) require_once ($pathtolocal."admin/include/toolbar.php"); //Aray of the preloaded elems //$int_toolbar_preload = array(); print "<html><head><title>In-portal</title>\n"; if(strlen($metatag)) { print $metatag."\n"; } else { print "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=iso-8859-1\">\n"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">\n"; } print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$style_sheet_global\">\n"; load_module_styles(); require_once($pathtoroot.$admin."/include/mainscript.php"); //require_once($pathtolocal."admin/include/script.js"); print $ExtraHead; $sectionname = explode(":", $section); $sectionname = $sectionname[sizeof($sectionname)-1]; load_module_javascript($sectionname, $skip_modules); if(is_object($toolbar)) print $toolbar->GetInitScript(); print "</head><body topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"8\" marginheight=\"8\" marginwidth=\"8\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\""; //*** Preload toolbar images if(strlen($onLoad)) { print $onLoad; } else print " ONLOAD=\"clear_list_checkboxes();\""; //*** Preload toolbar images if(is_object($toolbar)) { if (strlen($toolbar->Get("CheckClass"))) { print $toolbar->onLoadString().">"; } else print " >"; $menufunc = $toolbar->Get("load_menu_func"); if (strlen($menufunc)) { print "<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">$menufunc</script>"; } } else print " >"; } else { print "<html><head><title>In-Portal </title>"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=iso-8859-1\">"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">"; print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$style_sheet_global\">"; load_module_styles(); require_once ($pathtoroot.$admin."/include/mainscript.php"); //require_once ($pathtolocal."admin/include/script.js"); $sectionname = explode(":", $section); $sectionname = $sectionname[sizeof($sectionname)-1]; load_module_javascript($sectionname); print "</head><body topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"8\" marginheight=\"8\" marginwidth=\"8\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"; } if(strlen($section)>0) { $objSections->SetCurrentSection($section); $sec = $objSections->GetCurrentSection(); if ($sec->Get("notitle") != 1) print $objSections->page_title(); print $objSections->page_tabs($envar); if ($sec->Get("nonavbar") != 1) //Section Navigatior print $objSections->section_header($envar,$NavBarText,$ExtraTitle); //Toolbar if appropriate if ( isset($sections[$section]) && ($sections[$section]['toolbar']==1) || ( is_object($toolbar) ) ) print $toolbar->Build(); } }//Page Header // HELP Page Header function int_help_header() { global $pathtoroot; global $pathtolocal; global $section; global $objSections; global $rootURL; global $localURL; global $adminURL; global $envar; global $admin; global $metatag; $style_sheet_global = $adminURL."/include/style.css"; $style_sheet_local = $localURL."admin/include/style.css"; $ExtraTitle = htmlentities($ExtraTitle); // TOOLBAR: print "<html><head><title>In-Portal - Help</title>"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=iso-8859-1\">"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">"; print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"$style_sheet_global\">"; load_module_styles(); require_once ($pathtoroot.$admin."/include/mainscript.php"); print "</head><body topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"8\" marginheight=\"8\" marginwidth=\"8\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">"; if(strlen($section)>0) { $objSections->SetCurrentSection($section); $sec = $objSections->GetCurrentSection(); if ($sec->Get("notitle") != 1) print $objSections->page_title(); if ($sec->Get("nonavbar") != 1) //Section Navigatior print $objSections->section_header($envar,$NavBarText,$ExtraTitle, true); } }// HELP Page Header function int_SectionHeader($toolbar=NULL,$onLoad=NULL,$NavBarText=NULL,$ExtraTitle=NULL) { global $pathtoroot; global $pathtolocal; global $section, $sections; global $objSections; global $rootURL; global $adminURL,$admin; global $localURL; global $envar; global $b_topmargin; if (!isset($b_topmargin)) $b_topmargin = 8; $sectionname = explode(":", $section); $sectionname = $sectionname[sizeof($sectionname)-1]; load_module_javascript($sectionname); if(is_object($toolbar)) print $toolbar->GetInitScript(); print "</head><body topmargin=\"$b_topmargin\" leftmargin=\"8\" marginheight=\"$b_topmargin\" marginwidth=\"8\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\""; //*** Preload toolbar images if(strlen($onLoad)) { print $onLoad; } else print " onload=\"if (clear_checkboxes) clear_checkboxes();\""; print ">"; global $b_header_addon; if (isset($b_header_addon)) echo $b_header_addon; if(strlen($section)>0) { $objSections->SetCurrentSection($section); $sec = $objSections->GetCurrentSection(); if ($sec->Get("notitle")!=1) print $objSections->page_title(); print $objSections->page_tabs($envar); //Section Navigatior if ($sec->Get("nonavbar")!=1) { if (is_null($ExtraTitle)) $ExtraTitle = ""; print $objSections->section_header($envar,$NavBarText,$ExtraTitle); } //Toolbar if appropriate if( isset($sections[$section]) ) if($sections[$section]['toolbar'] == 1 || (is_object($toolbar)) ) print $toolbar->Build(); } }//Section Page Header //*********************************** //SubSection Title function int_subsection_title($caption) { int_table_color(1); print <<<END <!-- Subsection Title --> <tr class="subsectiontitle"> <td colspan="5">$caption</td> </tr> END; } function int_subsection_title_install($caption) { int_table_color(1); print <<<END <!-- Subsection Title --> <tr class="subsectiontitle"> <td colspan="3">$caption</td> </tr> END; } function int_subsection_title_ret($caption) { int_table_color_ret(1); $o = "<!-- Subsection Title --><tr class=\"subsectiontitle\"><td colspan=\"5\">$caption</td></tr>"; return $o; } //SubSection Title //*********************************** //Table Alternating colors function int_table_color($reset_color=0, $return_result = false) { static $colorset; if($reset_color) { $colorset="table_color2"; return; } if ($colorset == "table_color1") $colorset = "table_color2"; else $colorset = "table_color1"; $ret = "class=\"".$colorset."\""; if($return_result) return $ret; else print $ret; }//Table Alternating colors //Table Alternating colors with return function int_table_color_ret($reset_color=0) { static $colorset; if($reset_color) { $colorset="table_color2"; return; } if ($colorset == "table_color1") $colorset = "table_color2"; else $colorset = "table_color1"; return "class=\"".$colorset."\""; }//Table Alternating colors //*********************************** //Hint function int_hint($caption) { global $imagesURL; print <<<END <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td> <span class="hint"><img src="$imagesURL/smicon7.gif" width="14" height="14" align="absmiddle">$caption</span> <td> </tr> </table> END; }//Hint function int_hint_red($caption) { global $imagesURL; print <<<END <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td> <span class="hint_red">$caption</span> <td> </tr> </table> END; }//Hint //*********************************** //Navigation String function int_nav($caption) { global $pathtoroot; global $imagespath; print <<<END <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tr> <td><b class="text"><span class="navbar"><a class="navbar" href="">$caption</a></span></b></td> </tr> </table> END; }//Navigation String //*********************************** //Print Out Images function int_img($img) { global $images; global $pathtoroot; global $imagesURL; $src = $imagesURL."/".$images[$img]['file']; $alt = $images[$img]['alt']; $width = $images[$img]['width']; $height = $images[$img]['height']; $name = $img; //Set ID if needed if ($img == 'img:tool:view') $id = "ID=\"viewbutton\""; print "<img alt=\"$alt\" name=\"$name\" src=\"$src\" width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\" $id border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\">"; }//Print Out Images //*********************************** //Page Footer function int_footer() { global $objSession; if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.INFO")) { //phpinfo(); } print <<<END </body> </html> END; }//Page Footer function HomeEnv() { global $m_var_list_update; $m_var_list_update["cat"]=0; return BuildEnv(); } function UpEnv() { global $m_var_list_update,$objCatList; $current = $objCatList->CurrentCat(); $parent = $current->Get("ParentId"); $m_var_list_update["cat"]=$parent; return BuildEnv(); } function ModuleInclude($file) { global $pathtoroot; $m = GetModuleArray(); foreach($m as $key=>$value) { $path = $pathtoroot.$value.$file; if(file_exists($path)) { echo "<!-- $path -->"; @include_once($path); } } } function MultiEditButtons(&$ToolBar,$next,$prev,$Form,$StatusField, $url,$onClick, $ExtraVar="", $prev_phrase = 'Phrase Not Passed', $next_phrase = 'Phrase Not Passed') { global $adminURL; $ToolBar->Add("divider"); if($prev>-1) { $MouseOver="swap('moveleft','toolbar/tool_prev_f2.gif');"; $MouseOut="swap('moveleft', 'toolbar/tool_prev.gif');"; $var="env=".BuildEnv()."&en=$prev&lpn=".GetVar('lpn'); if (strlen($ExtraVar)) $var.= $ExtraVar; if ($onClick != 'LangSubmitMove') { $link = "javascript:edit_submit('$Form','$StatusField','$url',0,'$var');"; } else { $link = "javascript:$onClick('$url', '$prev')"; } $ToolBar->Add("moveleft",$prev_phrase,$link,$MouseOver,$MouseOut,"","toolbar/tool_prev.gif"); } else { $MouseOver=""; $MouseOut=""; //$onClick=""; $link="#"; $ToolBar->Add("moveleft",$prev_phrase,"#","","","","toolbar/tool_prev_f3.gif"); } if($next>-1) { $MouseOver="swap('moveright','toolbar/tool_next_f2.gif');"; $MouseOut="swap('moveright', 'toolbar/tool_next.gif');"; $var="env=".BuildEnv()."&en=$next".( isset($_REQUEST['lpn']) ? '&lpn='.$_REQUEST['lpn'] : ''); if (strlen($ExtraVar)) $var.= $ExtraVar; if ($onClick != 'LangSubmitMove') { $link = "javascript:edit_submit('$Form','$StatusField','$url',0,'$var');"; } else { $link = "javascript:$onClick('$url', '$next')"; } $ToolBar->Add("moveright",$next_phrase,$link,$MouseOver,$MouseOut,"","toolbar/tool_next.gif"); } else { $ToolBar->Add("moveright",$next_phrase,"#","","","","toolbar/tool_next_f3.gif"); } } function InsertButtons(&$ToolBar, $Buttons = Array(), $params = Array() ) { foreach($Buttons as $button) switch($button) { case 'save': $ToolBar->Add( "img_save", "la_Save", "#", "swap('img_save','toolbar/tool_select_f2.gif');", "swap('img_save', 'toolbar/tool_select.gif');", "edit_submit('".$params['form']."','".$params['status_field']."','".$params['url']."',1,'&lpn=".$_REQUEST['lpn']."');","tool_select.gif"); break; case 'cancel': $ToolBar->Add( "img_cancel", "la_Cancel", "#", "swap('img_cancel','toolbar/tool_cancel_f2.gif');", "swap('img_cancel', 'toolbar/tool_cancel.gif');", "edit_submit('".$params['form']."','".$params['status_field']."','".$params['url']."',2,'&lpn=".$_REQUEST['lpn']."');","tool_cancel.gif"); break; case 'edit': break; case 'delete': break; } } function GetTitle($item_phrase, $tab_phrase, $id) { // gets correct caption for editing windows with tabs //echo "In: $item_phrase, $tab_phrase, $id"; - $is_new = ($_REQUEST['new'] == 1) ? 1 : 0; + $is_new = isset($_REQUEST['new']) && ($_REQUEST['new'] == 1) ? 1 : 0; $text = $is_new ? 'la_Text_Adding' : 'la_Text_Editing'; $text = admin_language($text).' '.admin_language($item_phrase); if($is_new == 0) $text .= ' #'.$id; $text .= ' - '.admin_language($tab_phrase); return $text; } function MarkFields($form_name) { // mark specified form fields as required ?> <script language="JavaScript">MarkAsRequired(document.getElementById("<?php echo $form_name; ?>"));</script> <?php } ?> Property changes on: trunk/admin/include/elements.php ___________________________________________________________________ Modified: cvs2svn:cvs-rev ## -1 +1 ## -1.5 \ No newline at end of property +1.6 \ No newline at end of property