IMPORTANT: Replace `` with the domain you're using during test execution.
# Preconditions
# the HTTP code of the page can be seen in the `Network` of the Web Browser inspector
# check for not allowed/domain protocol combo looks like this:
* with Debug Mode disabled:
* the page is blank
* the HTTP 404 error code sent
* with Debug Mode enabled:
* the page displays a debugger toolbar and the `The "..." protocol/domain combo is not allowed.` text (the `...` is replaced with used domain/protocol)
* the HTTP 404 error code sent
# used domains:
* `` - base domain for testing
* `` - domain, where 1st site domain could be accessed via `http://` protocol
* `` - domain, where 1st site domain could be accessed via `https://` protocol
* `` - domain, where 2nd site domain could be accessed via `http://` protocol
* `` - domain, where Admin Console can be accessed over https
* `` - domain, where Admin Console can be accessed over https
* `` - domain, where Front-End can be accessed over https
# Preparations
IMPORTANT: Don't apply the patch yet.
* in any editor:
# open the OS-specific `hosts` file (the `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts` on Windows; the `/etc/hosts` on macOS/Linux) for editing as Administrator
# add entries for each of the above-shown domains in there (e.g. if you have `aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd` entry, then add `aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd` entry and so on)
# save changes
* in the IDE:
# open the `/system/config.php` file for editing
# set the `$_CONFIG['Misc']['Domain']` setting to the ``
# save changes
# open the `themes/advanced/index.tpl` file for editing
# add the `[Site Domain ID: <inp2:site-domain.current_Field name="DomainId"/>]<br/>` line above the `<inp2:st_ContentBlock num="1"/>` line
# save changes
* in the Admin Console:
1. login to the Admin Console by accessing it on the `` domain over `http://` protocol
2. go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
3. clear these system settings:
* `SSL Domain (`
* `SSL Domain for Administrative Console (`
4. uncheck these system settings:
* `Require SSL for login & checkout`
* `Require SSL for Administrative Console`
5. `Session Cookie Domains (single domain per line)` system setting to this value (multi-line):
6. save changes
7. go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Site Domains} section
8. add 1st site domain with `Domain` and `SSL Domain`
9. add 2nd site domain with `Domain`
10. logout from the Admin Console
11. delete all cookies
* apply the patch
# Part 1 - access Admin Console over SSL, when it's not configured
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `http://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're on the Admin Console login screen
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `https://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# Part 2 - access Admin Console over SSL, when it's configured
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `http://` protocol
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# set `SSL Domain for Administrative Console (` system setting to the ``
# save changes
# confirm that you're stayed on the same page (setting page)
# logout
# confirm, that:
* you're stayed on the same domain/protocol
* you're seeing an Admin Console login screen
* you stayed on the `` domain and `http://` protocol
# try changing domain the URL to the ``, but keeping protocol as-is (the `http://`)
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# try changing protocol in the URL to the `https://`, but keep domain as-is (the ``)
# confirm that you see the login screen
# Part 3 - changing Admin Console SSL domain
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `https://` protocol
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# set `SSL Domain for Administrative Console (` system setting to the ``
# save changes
# confirm, that:
* you're stayed on the same protocol
* you're seeing an Admin Console login screen
* you redirected to the `` domain and stayed on the `https://` protocol
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `https://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# Part 4 - dual (http & https) site domain access checking
# open the `` using `https://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're seeing `[Site Domain ID: 1]` text (replace `1` with ID of 1st created site domain)
# open the `` using `http://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# open the `` using `http://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're seeing `[Site Domain ID: 1]` text (replace `1` with ID of 1st created site domain)
# open the `` using `https://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# Part 5 - single (http) site domain access checking
# open the `` using `http://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're seeing `[Site Domain ID: 2]` text (replace `2` with ID of 2nd created site domain)
# open the `` using `https://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# Part 6 - single (http) main website access checking
# open the `` using `http://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're seeing `[Site Domain ID: 0]` text
# open the `` using `https://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# Part 7 - dual (http & https) main website access checking
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `http://` protocol
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# set `SSL Domain (` system setting to the ``
# save changes
# logout
# open the `` using `http://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're seeing `[Site Domain ID: 0]` text
# open the `` using `https://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you're seeing `[Site Domain ID: 0]` text
# open the `` using `http://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**
# Part 8 - front-end SSL domain used in admin
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `http://` protocol
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# set `SSL Domain (` system setting to the ``
# clear `SSL Domain for Administrative Console (` system setting
# save changes
# logout
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `https://` protocol
# confirm, that:
* domain/protocol combo is **allowed**
* you see the login screen
# open the Admin Console login screen using `` and `http://` protocol
# confirm that domain/protocol combo is **forbidden**