# How to enable/disable cookies on a page in the Firefox
# open the page
# click on the {nav Tools > Page info} menu of the Firefox
# click on the `Permissions` tab
# scroll to the `Set cookies` entry
# to enable cookie support:
# uncheck the `Use Default` checkbox
# select the `Allow` radio button in the same row
# to disable cookie support:
# uncheck the `Use Default` checkbox
# select the `Block` radio button in the same row
# close the `Page info` window to save changes
P.S. Checking the `Use Default` checkbox is always blocking cookies for me.
# Test Plan
# make sure, that cookies are enabled in the Web Browser (see above)
# login to the Admin Console
# go to the {nav Configuration > Website > Advanced} section
# set the `Session Management Method` to the `Auto-Detect`
# set the `Session Cookie Domains (single domain per line)` to the used domain (e.g. if current page URL is https://my.custom.domain.com/path/to/in-portal/admin/..., then cookie domain would be `my.custom.domain.com`)
# save changes
# delete all cookies that are set on smaller depth levels of the used cookie domain (e.g. for the `my.custom.domain.com` domain cookies must be deleted on the `custom.domain.com` and `domain.com` domains)
# logout
# go to the Front-End (the `advanced` theme)
# login
# open any login-protected page
# confirm, that session id is present in the URL
# confirm, that you can browse the website while being logged-in with cookies disabled
# press the `Logout` link in the left sidebar
# confirm, that you're logged-out