## Part 1
# go to Admin Console
# go to {nav Website & Content > Structure & Data} section
# go to `News` category (on the left)
# switch to `Articles` tab (on the right)
## Part 2
# open new article creation page by clicking on `New Article` toolbar button
# confirm, that `Generate from the article body` checkbox is unchecked
# enter something into `Title` & `Article Body` fields, but not in the `Article Excerpt` field
# press `Save` toolbar button
# open created article for editing
# confirm, that `Generate from the article body` checkbox is unchecked
# confirm, that `Article Excerpt` field isn't empty
## Part 3
# open article created previous for editing by selecting it in grid and pressing `Edit` toolbar button
# change contents of `Article Exerpt` field
# press `Save` toolbar button
# open created article for editing
# confirm, that `Article Excerpt` field value isn't changed (user entered value stayed)
## Part 4
# open article created previous for editing by selecting it in grid and pressing `Edit` toolbar button
# check `Generate from the article body` checkbox
# press `Save` toolbar button
# open created article for editing
# confirm, that `Article Excerpt` field value was regenerated (user entered value was replaced by auto-generated one)